RCI Ontario Chapter 70 Leek Crescent, Richmond Hill ON L4B 1H1 Telephone: 416-847-9154 Email: rci@rci-onchapterinc.ca Website: www.rci-onchapterinc.ca BREAKFAST SEMINAR FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2015 2 RCI CEHs Location: Brampton Golf and Country Club 7700 Kennedy Rd., Brampton, ON L6W OA1 Program Agenda: Registration: 8:00 am | Breakfast: 8:15 am Presentation 1 - 9:00 am – 10:00 am Break: 10:00 am – 10:15 am Presentation 2 - 10:15 am – 11:15 am Breakfast Meeting: Table Displays: RCI Member: $60 + HST | Non-Member: $80 + HST RCI Member: $250 + HST | Non-Member: $300 + HST Presenters: Michael Pace, CET, BSSO Russell Ibbotson, P.Eng. Michael Hensen Presentation High Performance Wall Systems Without All the Fuss Peter1:Saunders Presented by: Michael Pace, CET, BSSO Building professionals are challenged to construct more sustainable structures while meeting stringent building codes and budgets. This presentation will describe some basic, proven technologies that exist and will help achieve this in a practical and cost effective way. The session will examine; Insulations and how they compare Air barriers, vapour barriers and how insulations can take on these functions Air barrier materials vs. air barrier systems Limitations Important takeaways for specifiers and A/E/C professionals RCI Ontario Chapter 70 Leek Crescent, Richmond Hill ON L4B 1H1 Telephone: 416-847-9154 Email: rci@rci-onchapterinc.ca Website: www.rci-onchapterinc.ca Presentation 2: The Best Skylight For The Job: Designing with Skylights and Installing Them Right! Presented by: Russell Ibbotson, P.Eng. Skylights can bring daylight into spaces where vertical windows cannot. Our roofs experience the extremes of our Canadian climate throughout the year and this means that the wrong skylight or installation procedure could put you at risk. This seminar will discuss the benefits of and opportunities for skylights, options within the unit skylight category (including tubular skylights), other considerations based on the interior environment and provide guidance for choosing and then properly installing the best skylight for the job. This seminar will touch on flat and sloped roof applications. Presenter Biographies Michael Pace, CET, BSSO - Michael Pace is the president of Building Resource Incorporated, manufacturer’s agent for specialty construction products and SRP Canada, an importer and distributor of breathable membranes. He is a Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T. Civil) and a Building Science Specialist Ontario (BSSO). For over 25 years Michael has promoted specialty construction products in both Canada and the USA. This includes a broad range of markets including roofing, building envelope, waterproofing, building restoration, concrete flooring and corrosion resistant flooring. Michael is a member of RCI, OBEC, CSC (25 years) and OACETT. He is also a member of the Toronto Construction Association and served on their Board of Directors as the Chairman of the Construct Canada Trade Show, 1998 to 2000. Russell Ibbotson, P.Eng. - Russell Ibbotson is a professional engineer with a degree in mechanical engineering from Queen’s University. After working in the renewable energy sector for 8 years, Russell transitioned into fenestration in 2009. Russell joined VELUX Canada four years ago and in his current role is responsible for business development in the ICI sector. Russell is also the manager of VELUX Canada’s technical department responsible for service, contractor training, building code compliance, product performance and commercial sales. Russell is a new member of RCI and has joined the Membership Committee. Russell appreciates the value of getting involved with an association and is the Chair of the Hamilton Halton Home Builders’ Association’s Associate Member committee, a member of the Ontario Home Builders’ Association and EnerQuality Technical Committee, member of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association’s Net Zero Council and vice-chair the CHBA’s Manufacturers Council. He is a member of the TCA membership committee as well. Russell is a member of the Fenestration Canada Steering Committee and has contributed to the CSA a440.4 standard development as well as three CSA standards on solar water heating. RCI Ontario Chapter 70 Leek Crescent, Richmond Hill ON L4B 1H1 Telephone: 416-847-9154 Email: rci@rci-onchapterinc.ca Website: www.rci-onchapterinc.ca REGISTRATION Breakfast Meeting RCI Member $60.00 per person $ Non-Member $80.00 per person $ Table – Top Display (Deadline March 20, 2015) Table – Top display package includes one registration to the breakfast meeting Six 6-ft. tables are available on a first come, first serve basis Door Prize Donation: _______________________________________________ RCI Member $250.00 per person $ Non-Member $300.00 per person $ Subtotal $ HST (#836961615) $ Total $ Please RSVP by March 23, 2015 Name __________________________________ Company __________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ Province ______________ Postal Code _____________________ Telephone Number ___________________________ Fax Number ____________________________________ E-Mail Address _____________________________________________________________________________ VISA/MasterCard # __________________________________________ Expiry Date _____________________ VISA/MasterCard Customer Name _____________________________________________________________ Cancellation Policy: Credits are not issued. Only those cancellations received 2 weeks before the event will result in a refund. An administrative charge of $25.00 will be withheld. BETTY QUAN, RCI ONTARIO CHAPTER 70 Leek Crescent, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1H1 Phone: 416-499-4000 ext. 119 | Fax: 416-499-8752 | rci@rci-onchapterinc.ca | www.rci-onchapterinc.ca
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