RCJ Consul;ng Sdn. Bhd. 18 Years in Developing People Finance for Non-‐Finance Professionals 24th and 25th, March 2015 l Eas;n Hotel, Petaling Jaya PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS v Discussions will address “Managing Finance in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex& Ambiguous) Environment” v Understand how numbers are generated and how they are manipulated v Learn tips on areas to focus on in managing business from the ‘C level’ perspective and enhance the value of your organization PROGRAM OBJECTIVES After completing this program, participants will able to : Understand key finance and accounting terms and the logic behind them Understand financial statements easily Analyze and interpret financial statements Demonstrate the impact of operation decision on their company’s financial statements v Use cost and financial performance data to make better operational decisions v Assess the financial strength of the company’s customers. Suppliers and competitors v Manage the financial aspects of their department or unit effectively v v v v Visit www.rcj.com.my Finance For Non Finance Professionals PROGRAM COVERVIEW Managers all over the world are increasingly facing top-line and bottom-line demands amidst an environment that is uncertain and challenging. Hence for a manager to be effective, he or she should have good business acumen for which fundamental financial knowledge is critical. In an article entitled, "Business Acumen Involves More Than Numbers”] Chris Berger, a principal and member of the human resources practice explains that business acumen starts with the ability to understand how a company makes and loses money and that leaders must be financially literate and be able to understand numbers on company financial statements. The program is designed for Managers and Leaders who want to enhance their ‘business acumen’ and take positions of responsibility and accountability. Additionally it enables participants to improve their knowledge of finance and financial analysis to be able to see the financial outcome and impact of strategies and operations and be able to better monitor and control performance of companies. The approach taken during the program is one from a business perspective so as to be able to see flow of money and critical links for control and results and for the effective management of resources. The program uses a wide variety of participative methods including mini case studies to understand company balance sheet, income statements, cash flow statements and statements to add value to the effective management of organization. ABOUT WORKSHOP LEADER Richard Jacob is the founder and Principal Consultant of RCJ Consulting Sdn Bhd. He is an American Management Association (AMA) Global Faculty Member and has delivered training programs in Cairo, Dubai, Tokyo, Manila, Singapore, Jakarta, Lahore, Karachi, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong , Saigon and Hanoi. He has an MBA from Cranfield School of Management in the United Kingdom, which is a leading European Business School. He is an Accountant by training and was an Auditor in an international firm of Accountants for nine years. His strategic experience comes from being a Financial Manager, Company Secretary and Business Development Manager in a leading Swedish pharmaceutical company by the name of Astra Pharmaceutical. Since 1995, Richard has consulted and trained some 13,500 General Managers and executives in several companies in Asia in his core business competencies which are in Marketing, Leadership, Strategy and Change and Fundamentals of Finance. More recently Richard has designed and delivered a Business Essentials program for participants of the Philips China, Advanced Leadership Development Program (ALDP). Richard Jacob MBA [Cranfield, U.K], AMA Global Faculty Richard’s impressive client list includes Philip’s units in Asia delivering Marketing modules as part of their Global Faculty for Revolutionary Change in Marketing. He has also designed and developed Marketing Development Programs for 3M Malaysia, Maxis, Astro and Tractors Malaysia. In the area of Finance his clients include Hilton International, Mearsk in Tokyo, Unilever Philippines and UNAXIS of Switzerland in Finance. In the areas of Leadership and Change and Strategic Management his clients include Matsushita Asia, Comptel, Total Sports Asia, Braun Malaysia, Schering AG Malaysia, Tenaga Nasional, NIAM, Great Eastern, Hong Leong Group, Securities Commission, the Air Force of Malaysia, Pfizer Malaysia, BDO Binder, and Maybank. Richard is a competent global trainer and facilitator with powerful abilities to get participants to relate concepts to practice. Richard also does competency assessments for marketing personnel and high potentials and has recently gone into coaching having completed all modules of Erickson College’s Solution Focused Coaching Certification Program that is accredited by ICF. PROGRAM METHODOLOGY The program is highly interactive with a balance of lectures, exercises, case study and video. All participants are requested to bring along their calculator WHO SHOULD ATTEND Directors, Managers and Executives at all levels who use financial information in the course of their work but do not have any specialized training in understanding financial information. Prior knowledge of accounting or finance is not required . PREVIOUS PARTICIPANTS COMMENTS ü Program Director has a very good command of the topic Hanna- Sapura ü It was my utmost pleasure attending your training the other day and I must say I learnt a great deal in finance Naza World For Enquiry , Please call 603-‐78755701 or E-‐mail to rjacob@rcj.com.my, or bavani@ rcj.com.my Finance For Non-‐Finance Professionals DAY one Business Overviews and the Value of Financial Knowledge & Introductions to concepts, Conventions & Regulations Introduction to business start-ups and assets and liabilities Case study and group discussion on the principle of Assets Owned and liabilities owed and active and non active accounts § Understanding profit & loss statement / balance sheets / cash flow statements (including the relationship between each statement, management report, notes to financial statement, auditors reports etc Understanding Concepts in Group Accounts § Definition of subsidiary co.& associates co., understanding of basic principles of consolidation, differentiating group financial and company financial statements Simple computation of Income Statement Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement Exploring Key Items in Financial Statements Relevant for Analysis § Teaching participants appreciation of concepts in financial statements and to understand the inter-relationship of these items i.e. fixed assets, current assets, liabilities, long terms liabilities, working capital cycle, share capital and reserves, dividend policy & treatment in financial statements, recurring & non-recurring items Analyzing and Interpreting Company Account using Basic Analysis including Trend and Ratios. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of Accounting measures of Performance § To teach participants how to analyze key items in financial statements using ratios and how to interpret the ratio e.g. profitability margins – EBITDA margins, EBIT margins, return on equity, return in assets, dividend yield, liquidity ratio (current ratio, stock turnover, trade debtor days, trade creditors days, debt ratios, debt to equity, interest cover) Case discussion and comparison of 2 companies using ratios DAY two Video Case learning Working Capital Management § Critical Issues in Working Capital Management § The Importance of Cash cycle and forecasting Budgeting and Forecasting § Why budget and forecast? § Budget stages explained and forecast § How to budget the key elements? § Budget objectives and company culture § Budget systems and techniques Case completion of a company’s cash flow forecast and how to overcome cash flow challenges Capital Expenditure and Investment Appraisal § The time value of money and forward investments Management Accounting and the importance of Cost, § Payback periods profit and Breakeven § Discounted Cash flows, Net Present Value § The importance of Management (NPV) Accounting § Internal Rate of Return(IRR) § The difference between absorption Costing § Hurdle rate determination and Marginal Costing § Cost, volume and profit analysis Fundamental computation and § Breakeven point analysis discussion § Transfer pricing Fundamental computations and discussions For any enquiries please E-‐mail to bavani@rcj.com.my Please call 603 – 27240713/12 ABOUT RCJ CONSULTING SDN BHD In Training -‐ We Build People RCJ Consul*ng is a firm specializing in training of managers and execu*ves of an organiza*on and providing consul*ng and advisory services in the areas of strategic marke*ng and business development, business finance, business redesign and change management. In the area of training, we believe that training programs affect behavior in two ways. Firstly, it directly improves the skills necessary for the employee to successfully complete his or her job. Secondly, training increases an employee’s self-‐efficacy i.e. it enables employees to be more willing to undertake job tasks and exert a high level of effort. OUR MISSION: Our mission is to improve the effec*veness of organiza*ons by making execu*ves and managers think, feel and act as if they owned the business. OUR BELIEF: Our progression comes from the belief that we have to: “Look Beyond Tomorrow but Take OUR APPROACH: RCJ Consul;ng has a uniquely formulated approach towards execu*ve and managerial development. It is made up of 5 key components of training, which is Finance, Marke*ng & Sales, Quality Products & Services, Strategy and Change; yet we give cognizance to the fact that Teambuilding, Human Resource Management, Informa*on Technology and specific skills development are core areas for IN CONSULTING : We Ra;onalize, We Change, We Jus;fy In the area of consul*ng, we strive for solu*ons whose appearance is simple but whose influence is far reaching and has both immediate and strategic benefit. We, therefore aim at developing progressive, objec*ve-‐oriented strategies to achieve tangible and measurable results. As we believe, that solu*ons must be owned by client officers and personnel, we work with clients in joint project teams and transfer skills and capabili*es. This prac*ce leads to las*ng business results. We only recommend what is implementable. Our trainers and consultants are industry prac**oners and professional consultants. RESERVE YOUR PLACE Yes! I/We will TODAY! abend Finance For Non 24 and 25 th Finance Professionals th , March 2015 Eas;n Hotel, PJ PARTICIPANT (S) DETAILS COMPANY DETAILS Name: Mr./Ms_______________________________________ Designa*on:_________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________ Name: Mr./Ms ______________________________________ Designa*on: ________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Name: Mr./Ms_______________________________________ Designa*on: _________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Company Name:_____________________ Address: ___________________________ Tel: _______________________________ Fax: _______________________________ Contact Person: _____________________ Designa*on: ________________________ Email: _____________________________ Enclosed is cheque number ____________ for RM ___________ payable to RCJ Consul*ng Sdn Bhd Authorized Signatory & Company Stamp: ........................................................................ YOUR INVESTMENT EARLY BIRD RATES UNTIL 2nd March, 2014 SAVINGS RM INDIVIDUAL GROUP RM INDIVIDUAL GROUP 2,790 2,550/person 200 140/ person NORMAL RATES RM INDIVIDUAL GROUP 2,990 2,690/person *3 OR MORE PARTICIPANTS FEE INCLUDES LUNCHEONS, REFRESHMENTS AND COMPLETE SET MATERIAL IT DOES NOT INCLUDE COST OF ACCOMMODATION AND TRAVEL 5 EASY WAY TO REGISTER Mail the abached registra;on form with your cheque to:-‐ RCJ CONSULTING SDN. BHD. Block A3, Leisure Commerce Square 9, Jalan PJS 8/9 46150, Petaling Jaya. Tel : 603-‐78755701 : 017-‐2468988 Fax Tel : 603-‐78765701 E-‐mail bavani@rcj.com.my or rjacob@rcj.com.my Web www.rcj.com.my TERMS & CONDITION Payment Details:-‐ Payment is required to be made within 7 days upon receipt of the invoice. Invoice will be issued immediately upon receipt of registra*on form. 1. Bank Cheque or Bank Drag Payable to “RCJ CONSULTING SDN BHD” Fees are inclusive of materials and refreshments Cancella;on:-‐ You may subs*tute the par*cipants any *me. For cancella*on in wri*ng (Lejer/Email) in more than 14 days prior to the training date, we will prepare for a full refund. For cancella*on in wri*ng in 7 or 14 days prior to the training date, a 20% cancella*on fees will be charged. Cancella*on with less that 7 working days prior to the training date carry a 100% liability. However, the course material will be courier to you Important Note:-‐ While every reasonable effort will be made to adhere to the adver*sed package, RCJ Consul*ng Sdn Bhd reserves the right to change event dates, sites or loca*on or omit event features, or merge the event with another event, as it deems necessary without penalty and in such situa*ons no refunds, part refunds or alterna*ve offers shall made. In the event that RCJ Consul*ng Sdn Bhd permanently cancels the event for any reasons what over and provided that the event is not postponed to a later date nor is merged with another event, the client shall receive a full refund the amount that the client has paid to such permanently cancelled event.
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