Friday 22 May 2015 RCPsych in Wales - News Update The following Update highlights points of interest that have emerged over the past week that are relevant to psychiatry and mental health. If you have any information you would like to share with colleagues through the News Update, please email me. ( We aim to publish every Friday. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. WELSH GOVERNMENT £7.6m funding boost for children and young people’s mental health services in Wales The Welsh Government will invest an extra £7.6m every year in mental health services for children and young people in Wales, Health and Social Services Minister Mark Drakeford today (Friday May 22) announced. Press brief states: • The additional funding will help improve specialist child and adolescent mental health services' (CAMHS) ability to respond out of hours and at times of crisis; expand access to psychological therapies for young people; improve provision for children and young people in local primary mental health support services and ensure services intervene early to meet the needs of young people who develop psychosis. • Funding will also be available to develop services for the most vulnerable young people who are already in - or are at danger of entering - the youth justice system. • It will also support the implementation of work, which is currently being carried out to make CAMHS more responsive to the needs of young people. This work is being led by the NHS and was formally launched by the Minister for Health and Social Services on February 26. • The funding package includes £2m announced earlier this week to develop services for young people with neuro-developmental needs, including ADHD and autistic spectrum disorders. These new services will help to reduce waiting times in specialist CAMHS so those children and young people with the most complex conditions and the highest levels of clinical need are seen quickly. 1 of 3 Welsh Government is inviting stakeholders to the International Prudent Healthcare Summit on 9 July. The event is free to attend. Click on the ad below. PUBLICATIONS Public Health Wales: Child Measurement Programme for Wales, 2015. The report finds a strong relationship between levels of unhealthy weight and deprivation in Wales. 28.5% of children living in the most deprived areas of Wales were overweight or obese, compared to 22.2% in the least deprived areas. For the first time this year, the report also looked at the prevalence of obesity in rural and urban areas. It found no significant difference between the two. Wales Mental Health in Primary Care (WaMH in PC) report into the Experiences the mental health workload is perceived to be increasing and that GPs often do not feel it is an easy subject area to manage. Over 50% of respondents identify that they are spending over 20% of their working days dealing with Mental Health issues. of delivery primary mental health care. IN THE NEWS BBC: £7.6m a year extra for child mental health budget in Wales Mr Drakeford said that while money alone was not the answer for all challenges facing the NHS, the changes the Welsh government was seeking to make were the "most significant for many years".But Welsh Liberal Democrat leader Kirsty Williams has expressed reservations. "It's all very well putting the resources in, but unless they're put in in a way that is really going to make a difference, is going to be effective, then we won't get value for money and the people who really need the money won't get the help they need in a timely fashion," she said. 2 of 3 EVENTS 1. Living Well with Autism: Beyond the Limitations, 28th May 2015, Manchester Conference Centre. Register your place Here 2. International Congress of the Royal College of Psychiatrists: Psychiatry at the Forefront of Science ICC Birmingham, 29 June – 2 July 2015 3. RCPsych are holding a stakeholder meeting on 2 July 2015, at 21 Prescot Street, regarding the new Accreditation Programme for Psychological Therapies Services (APPTS). Please email if you would like to attend. 4. NEW International Prudent Healthcare Summit (see Welsh Government Section above) 5. Understanding dementia 2015 A Welsh Perspective 3 September, 2015 University of South Wales. CF37 4BD PWa?dl=0 6. RCPsych in Wales’ Old Age Faculty annual meeting. 18 September, 2015 Details to follow. CONSULTATIONS Welsh Government: Health Professional Education Investment Review 25 May 2015 The Welsh Government is asking stakeholders to comment on the findings of a review of the current arrangements to support the annual investment made across Wales in health professional education and training. The review was conducted by and independent panel, who were tasked to explore the arrangements currently in place and identify strengths and weaknesses in the system. Department of Health: No voice unheard, no right ignored 29 May 2015 The Green Paper is asking for views on changes to policy and legislation (including the Mental Health Act) regarding the treatment of those with Learning Disability and Autism. It is to ensure that no-one falls through the gaps. If you would like me to include any information in future updates, or if you would like to respond to the Consultations, please email me. 3 of 3
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