RCSD Handout Employee Manual new

The following document includes directions for submitting time. Time is due by Monday afternoon for
the previous week’s work. Please note at RCSD: Clerical, IT, Professional, Lunchroom, Foodservice,
and Para-Professional Temporary/Substitute Staffers will all use the following method to submit time.
Any questions: 585-698-1055 or timecard@employmentstore.com
Step 1: Launching Online Time
To launch into the system visit our main web site:
www.employmentstore.com. Select the “ETime Login” link in the upper right hand corner of the page.
** Please note that this link is available on every page
at employmentstore.com.
Alternatively you can go directly to the time module
by visiting http://time.employmentstore.com.
Step 2: Log In
To Log In to the time card system you will type your
user name and password into the appropriate box.
User Name and Passwords are case sensitive and
should be entered in all lower case letters unless you
are specifically instructed otherwise.
If you have forgotten your Log In information please
call our offices immediately at 585-232-4880.
Step 3: Select Proper Week
We show the “week ending” date in a list. Depending on when you complete your time card you
should see 1 or 2 dates. These dates are links to the
actual time card. When you “mouse over the date”
you will see the link appear.
If you have worked on more than one assignment in
a given week it is important to only account for
your time against the proper job order. Each timecard is routed to the appropriate manager for sign
Enter Time
Into the
AM/PM is
Use pull
down to subtract out
Step 3: Enter Your Time
Enter the hour into the corresponding fields for Time In, Time Out. Use the “pull down” lists immediately to the right of the hour space to indicate portions of an hour (round to the nearest 15 minute increment).
It is very important to make sure that AM/PM is
selected correctly. The AM/PM indicators are used to determine shift differentials etc.
Use the “pull down” list to indicate amount of time that was taken for lunch. Please note the lunch break
will automatically be deducted from billable hours.
Step 4: Total, Review and Save
Once you have entered all of the time you would like
to enter at this session, “click” the Total Button which
is located at the top of the time card section.
The Total button with complete all the math including
subtracting lunch breaks and determining Over Time.
After “Totaling”, be sure to review your time entry to
confirm accuracy. Specifically you should confirm:
• Lunch breaks are accurate
• AM/PM is correct
• No extra hours have been included
Accuracy of your time card is your responsibility.
Total Button
Save Time
Step 5: Save and/or Submit
When you have thoroughly reviewed your time entry
click the “Save Time” button on the bottom the page.
After you have clicked “Save Time” your will see a
POP Up window appear. ** Please note that you
must allow POP Ups from our site in order to have
full functionality.
The Pop Up window will display two options:
1. No, Just Save Time
2. Yes, Submit for Approval**
Choosing Option 1: will allow you to save your time
entry and it will be saved in the system for additional
modifications. This saved time will not be transmitted
to your manager for approval until you select the option Yes, Submit for Approval.
Choosing Option 2: will submit the time card to your
manager for approval. Please note that once you submit your time for approval no additions or changes
can be made to that time card.
If you submit with an error please call us at 232-4880.
If you select Save and Submit button
(the second option) you will no longer
be able to submit time for this week.
If you select this option erroneously
please call our office so we can adjust
your time.
Advanced: Tools
To utilize some of the advanced feature use the mouse-over
“pull down” menu under the Tools
There are three choices:
1. Edit Profile: Password and/or email address
2. Online Request: Send important info into our payroll
3. View Time Card History: Allows users to view prior
time cards and/or time cards that are pending approval.
Advanced: Online Request Form
The Online Request Form will allow you to simply
• Address or Phone Changes
• W4 Updates
• PTO Requests
• Holiday Requests
• Provide Feedback on your assignment or
Advanced: ePay Stubs
To review your pay stubs you will need to select the blue
button in the left hand side of your portal:
1. Step One: Enter the Company ID
2. Step Two: Enter the UN/PW
If you have questions about this system please call our
office at 585-232-4880 (option 4).