RAJAGIRI COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (AUTONOMOUS) RAJAGIRI P.O, KALAMASSERY, KOCHI-683104 Phone 0484-2911321, 0484-2555564, Fax 0484-2532862, Email: admin@rajagiri.edu Instructions for candidates applying for admission to MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (Tear off this sheet and preserve it for your reference) Last date of Receipt of completed application form: 25th May, 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Candidates should have completed an undergraduate degree course with minimum three years duration (after 10+2) with Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Engineering and Technology as a Main/Subsidiary/Core/ Complementary Subject at degree level. Candidates should have secured a minimum aggregate of 55% marks in their qualifying examination. For SC and ST candidates a minimum pass in the qualifying examination is sufficient. Candidates who have degrees awarded from universities other than Mahatma Gandhi University shall submit Migration Certificate at the time of admission. Candidates who have degrees awarded from Universities outside Kerala shall also submit Eligibility Certificate from Mahatma Gandhi University. A candidate who has appeared for Final semester of the degree examination may also apply. Two recent passport size photographs should be affixed in the space provided. Self-attested copies of the following documents should be attached to the application form (the originals should be produced at the time of interview) a) Mark/Grade sheets of all examinations the applicant has completed beginning with 10th. b) Degree/Provisional Certificate. (Final year students need to bring mark list of completed semesters only) c) Community Certificate if applicable d) All reserved category candidates should attach the Caste Certificate recognised in the state of Kerala. ADMISSION PROCEDURE The application forms can be obtained from the college office paying Rs. 500/-. It can also be downloaded from the website www.rajagiri.edu .The filled in application should be sent along with the demand draft of Rs 500/- drawn in favour of The Principal Rajagiri college of Social Sciences payable at Kalamassery. A self-addressed, stamped envelope should be enclosed with the application form in order to send back hall ticket for the entrance examination. Last date of receipt of application form: 25th May 2015 Centre The venue of the examination centre will be notified in the college website one week before the conduct of the Entrance examination. The test will be held on May 30th , 2015 from 10 AM to 11.30 AM. Students are requested to kindly get back the hall tickets sealed by the office on submission of application form. The hall/admit card duly sealed by the college office should be produced at the respective test centre for verification. No candidate will be allowed for the test without the hall ticket. Publication of entrance Examination result: June 2, 2015 Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery. TEST ADMINISTRATION Candidates are to report to the test centre at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time of commencement of the test No candidate will be admitted 15 minutes after the commencement of the test. No extra time will be granted for completing the test. Candidates should possess the Admit card/ Hall ticket when they report at the test centre. Candidates are required to sign the attendance sheet to mark their presence in the examination. The admit card will be signed by the invigilator and returned to the candidates as proof of their appearance for the test. Please Note that: a) The examination will be conducted online. b) The examination hall will be opened about 30 minutes before the commencement of the test. The candidates are to be seated at their allotted seats. c) Calculator, Mobile etc. are not permitted inside the examination hall. d) Read all test instructions carefully. Before answering a question, determine exactly what is being asked. e) Non-adherence to the instructions or failure to comply with the rules governing the conduct of test will lead to cancellation of your candidature. TEST STRUCTURE The Entrance examination will be an objective type test designed and developed to ascertain the aptitude/potential of the candidates to undergo the Post Graduate Programme in Computer Applications. The Entrance examination has 4 sections with 2 sections of 40 Marks and 2 sections of 20 Marks each. A total of 120 questions are to be attempted over 90 Minutes. The test structure is given below: Section No Section Name No of Questions 1 Mathematics 40 2 Computer Awareness 40 3 General English 20 4 Analytical Ability 20 Total 120 There will be no Negative Marking. ADMIT CARD RAJAGIRI COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (AUTONOMOUS) RAJAGIRI P.O., KALAMASSERY, COCHIN – 683 104 Phone : 0484-2911321, 0484-555564, Fax: 0484-2532862 e-mail: admin@rajagiri.edu MCA HALL TICKET 20…….. – 20……... Name of the Candidate : Address : Register Number : Passport size photograph Date & Time of the Test : Place : Date : Signature of the Candidate
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