FCPCC Trickling Filter Roof Replacement Contract Document

French Creek Pollution Control Centre
Trickling Filter Roof Replacement
Contract Document
Issued for Tender
Volume 1 of 1
Prepared by:
AECOM Canada Ltd.
3292 Production Way, 4th Floor, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 4R4
T 604.444.6400 F 604.294.8597 www.aecom.com
Prepared for:
Regional District of Nanaimo
6300 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 6N2
Project Number:
March 2015
Regional District of Nanaimo
FCPCC Trickling Filter Roof Replacement
Project No. 60333466
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March 2015
Title Page
Table of Contents
VOLUME 1 of 1
Tenderer’s Checklist
Information to Tenderers
Tender Form
Tender Price Breakdown
CCDC Bond Forms
Bid Bond
Performance Bond
Labour and Material Payment Bond
Agreement to Bond
Form for Certificate of Insurance
Statement “A” – Tenderer’s Experience in Similar Work
Statement “B” – Tenderer’s Senior Supervisory Staff
Statement “D” – Sub-Contractors and Suppliers
Statement “G” – Schedule of Alternatives
Stipulated Price Contract
Supplementary General Conditions
CCDC 220
CCDC 221
CCDC 222
Summary of Work
Work Sequences and Tie-Ins
Site Conditions
Special Project Requirements
Project Meetings
Site Progress Records
Measurement and Payment
Schedules and Progress Reports
Regulatory Requirements
Quality Control
Temporary Facilities
Access Roads and Parking Areas
Temporary Barricades and Enclosures
Environmental Protection
Operation and Maintenance Data
Final Cleaning
Closeout Procedures
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Concrete Formwork
Concrete Reinforcement
Concrete Accessories
Cast-in-place Concrete
FRP General Requirements
Fiberglass Covers
Appendix A – EMS Contractor/Supplier Package
DRAWINGS (Bound Separately)
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Section 00010
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Before submitting your tender, check the following points:
Has your tender been signed, sealed and witnessed?
Have you enclosed the Bid Bond?
Have you enclosed the Agreement to Bond, signed and sealed by your proposed
Have you completed all schedules and prices in the Tender Form?
Have you indicated and included the Contingency Allowance in the Tender Form?
Have you listed your Sub-Contractors and major suppliers? (if applicable)
Have you completed Statement “A” – Experience in Similar Work?
Have you completed Statement “B” – Senior Supervisory Staff?
Have you completed Statement “D” – Subcontractors and Suppliers?
Have you completed Statement “G” – Schedule of Alternatives? (if applicable)
Have you signed the acknowledgement of receipt of the Environmental
Performance Requirements in Appendix A?
Are the documents complete?
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Section 00100
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Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents, will be received for:
Tenders must be addressed and received at the Regional District of Nanaimo, Regional and
Community Utilities Department, 2nd Floor, 6300 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo, BC,
V9T 6N2, not later than 2:00pm, local time on:
March 24, 2015
The time of Tender closing will be based on the clock on the computer at the Reception
Desk. Tenders will be opened publicly immediately after the time for receipt of Tenders.
Tender Form
Tenders must be completed in ink or typed and submitted on the official Tender Form,
which is part of the Contract. Tenders are to be offered on the basis that the Tenderer whose
tender is accepted shall enter into a written agreement with the Owner pursuant to the
provisions of the current edition of the Canadian Construction Documents Committee
(CCDC) 2 – Stipulated Price Contract. Article A-4, Contract Price, and Article A-5,
amended by the document CONTRACT FORM, which is included as a part of this tender
package. The General Conditions are amended by the Supplementary General Conditions,
Section 00800, which are included as a part of this tender package.
Each tender shall include the completed two copies of each of the following:
Within 24 hours of closing of this Tender, the Tenderer will submit supplemental
information to his Tender that will be used in the evaluation of his Tender, as follows:
Tender Form,
Agreement to Bond (one original, one copy),
Bid Bond (one original, one copy)
Tender Price Breakdown (Section 00305),
Statements “A”, “B”, “D” and “G”.
Preliminary Construction Schedule showing all major work items
The complete written Tender documents must be submitted as the Tender. The Tender Form
and attachments only, will be submitted; however, the Tenderer accepts and acknowledges
by his provision of a Tender that he has read and understood all of the requirements of the
Contract Documents.
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FCPCC Trickling Filter Roof Replacement
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The Tenderer shall give the Total Tender Price both in words and in figures and shall fill in
all blank spaces for figures and shall fill in all blank spaces, item prices, lump sums and
other information in the Tender Form and in the Tender Price Breakdown.
Original tenders submitted by E-mail, facsimile, telex, or telegraph will not be considered.
(Note: The duplicate tender forms are only required for Owner Agreements.) The other
information in this clause is repeated in Clause 1.2.1. The Tenderer should provide his own
envelope for the Tender. The envelope should be marked clearly with the Contract Title,
Contract Number, and the Name of the Tenderer.
Tender Deposit
Each Tenderer shall include a tender deposit in the form of a Bid Bond payable to the
Regional District of Nanaimo in the amount of 10% of the tender price.
Bid Bonds shall be submitted on CCDC Form 220 and shall remain valid for a period of
seventy-five (75) days following the Tender closing date.
Tender deposits shall be returned to unsuccessful Tenderers after a reasonable time for the
consideration and award of the Contract has elapsed.
The tender deposit of the successful Tenderer shall be exchanged for the Performance Bond
and the Labour and Material Payment Bond, upon the award of the Contract.
Should the successful Tenderer fail to enter into a Contract with the Owner or fail to produce
the required Performance Bond within 2 weeks of the date of acceptance of the Tender, or to
start work as directed, the tender deposit will be forfeited to the Owner.
Signature Required on Tender
Section 00100
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The Tender must bear:
One signature, plus a corporate seal, or
A signature, and a signature from a witness, or
A signature and wording underneath “I have the authority to bind the Corporation” – if
indeed they have this authority.
No photocopies of signatures are acceptable; they must be original.
Disqualification of Tenders
Under no circumstances will tenders be considered which:
Are received after the above advertised closing time for tenders.
Are not accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount specified.
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Are not signed.
Tenderers shall not contact or attempt to contact any representative of the Regional District
of Nanaimo and any attempt by the Tenderer or by an officer, employee or agent of the
Tenderer to contact an elected member of the Regional District of Nanaimo in connection
with the submission or award of this Tender may be grounds for disqualification of the
The Owner may, in its absolute discretion, reject a tender submitted by a Tenderer, if the
Tenderer, or any officer or director of the Tenderer is or has been engaged either directly or
indirectly through another corporation in a legal action against the Owner, its elected or
appointed officers and employees in relation to any other contract for works or services
within five years of the date of this Call for Tenders.
In determining whether to reject a tender under this clause, the Owner will consider whether
the litigation is likely to affect the Tenderer’s ability to work with the Owner, its consultants
and representatives and whether the Owner’s experience or the experience of municipalities
within the boundaries of the Owner indicates that the Owner is likely to incur increased staff
and legal costs in the administration of this Contract if it is awarded to the Tenderer.
Informal or Unbalanced Tenders
Tenders which are incomplete, conditional, illegible or obscure or that contain additions not
called for, reservations, erasures, alterations, or irregularities of any kind, may be rejected as
Tenders that contain prices which appear to be so unbalanced as likely to affect adversely the
interests of the Owner may be rejected.
The Owner reserves the right to waive informalities at its discretion.
Tenderers who have submitted tenders that have been rejected by the Owner because of
informalities will normally be notified of the reasons for the rejection within 10 days after
the closing date of tenders.
Subsequent Withdrawal or Modifications of a Tender
A Tenderer who has already submitted a Tender may submit a further sealed Tender at any
time before the official closing time. The last Tender received shall supersede and invalidate
all Tenders previously submitted by the Tenderer.
A Tender may be withdrawn by the Tenderer by written notice delivered to the Owner prior
to the time fixed for opening tenders.
The onus is on the Tenderer to ensure timely receipt of Tender modifications. The Owner
makes no assurances regarding the availability of fax communication lines or equipment. To
be considered, fax transmissions of Tender modifications must be received in full prior to the
time stipulated for receipt of Tender.
A Tender may be modified by a letter of facsimile in accordance with the following:
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Modifications to a submitted Tender will be permitted only if received on the
Tenderer’s letterhead and if signed by the same party or parties who signed and
sealed the Tender.
A Tender modification shall state the amount to be added to or deducted from the
Tender modifications sent by fax transmission should be sent to the Regional
District of Nanaimo’s Regional and Community Utilities Department at (250)
Tender Validity
This Tender shall constitute an irrevocable offer by the Tenderer, open for acceptance by the
Owner for a period of 75 days, after which time, if not accepted, the Tender shall be null and
It is understood that errors in the Tender, whether accidental, caused by negligence of the
Tenderer or otherwise shall not confer any additional rights of withdrawal upon the
Omissions / Discrepancies
Should a Tenderer find discrepancies in, or omissions from the drawings, specifications or
other Tender documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify the
Engineer who may send a written instruction to all Tenderers. Verbal answers are only
binding when confirmed by written addenda.
Should the Tenderer not agree that the materials and methods specified, or designated on the
drawings, will provide an installation to meet the requirements of the project, he shall notify
the Engineer in writing, stating his reason for objection, and may submit a suggested
alternative. In such an event, the Engineer may choose to issue an addendum.
Errors and Omissions on Tender Form
Wherever in a Tender the amount tendered for an item does not agree with the extension of
the estimated quantity and the tendered unit price, the unit price shall govern and the amount
of the Total Tender Price shall be corrected accordingly.
If a Tenderer has omitted to enter a price for an item of work set out in the Tender Form, he
shall, unless he has specifically stated otherwise in his Tender, be deemed to have allowed
elsewhere in the Tender Form for the cost of performing the said item of work. Unless
otherwise agreed to by the Owner, no increase shall be made in the total Tender price on
account of such omission and the Tenderer shall be deemed to have tendered for the entirety
of the scope of work set out in the Tender Form.
Availability of Drawings, Specifications and Addenda
The Tender Document complete with drawings, specifications and any addenda will only be
available at www.bcbid.gov.bc.ca It will be the proponent’s responsibility to obtain any and
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all addenda on BC Bid. The Regional District of Nanaimo will not provide notice of any
addenda outside of BC Bid. Documents will be available for download after 3:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, March 3, 2015.
Qualification of Tenderers
The Owner may make such investigations as it deems necessary to determine the ability of
the Tenderer to perform the work, and the Tenderer shall furnish to the Owner all such
information and data for the purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the
right to reject any Tender if the evidence submitted by or investigation of such Tenderer fails
to satisfy the Owner that such Tenderer is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of
the Contract and to complete the work as contemplated therein.
Proof of Ability
Drawings and specifications will be available for viewing at the offices of the Regional
District of Nanaimo and at AECOM’s Burnaby office.
In order to aid the Owner in determining the ability of each Tenderer to complete the work,
the Tenderer shall complete the following Statement sheets which are bound in the
Statement “A” – Tenderer’s Experience in Similar Work: Stating the Tenderer’s
experience in similar work which it has successfully completed. Include experience for
major subcontractors.
Statement “B” – Tenderer’s Senior Supervisory Staff: Giving a list of the Tenderer’s
senior supervisory staff with a summary of the experience of each. Include staff and
experience for major subcontractors.
Statement “D” – Subcontractors and Suppliers: Giving the name and address of each
proposed sub-contractor used in making up his Tender, where that Subcontractor is
responsible for more than 2.5 percent of the work or as noted, and shall state the portion
of the work allotted to each. Only one sub-contractor shall be named for each part of
the work to be sub-contracted. Where these items are to be undertaken by the
Contractor’s own forces, note in the statement.
The Tenderer may be required to furnish additional statements covering other matters
including financial resources and convictions or orders imposed under Health & Safety or
Environmental legislation.
Information submitted in the Statements shall be used as the basis for the successful
Tenderer completing his work. Personnel, equipment, or products listed in the Statements
cannot be changed subsequently without the written permission from the Engineer and only
at the discretion of the Owner.
Evaluation of Tenders
Tenders will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
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Qualifications and related experience of the Tenderer and senior personnel and
subcontractors to be assigned to this project;
Performance of the Tenderer and subcontractors on similar projects, including, without
limitation, the Tenderer’s history with respect to quality of work, scheduling, changes
in the work and force account work;
The Tenderer’s compliance and ability to comply with all statutes, regulations, bylaws
and other enactments affecting the Tenderer’s work;
Lowest price to the Owner of having the Work completed in accordance with the
Tender Documents;
The conformity of the Tender to the requirements set forth in the Instructions to
Tenderers; and,
Compliance with any time requirements or stipulations provided for in this Contract.
The Owner reserves the right to make enquires regarding the qualifications and experience
of any one or more of the Tenderers, and shall not be obliged to make the same enquiries
regarding all Tenderers.
The evaluation process will be conducted at the discretion of the Owner, and the Owner may
decide to utilize other criteria and review of Tenderers other than those set out above and,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the price to complete the Work is not the
only or primary criterion to be used by the Owner in awarding the Contract.
The Owner reserves the right, at its discretion, to negotiate with any Tenderer that the Owner
believes has the most advantageous Tender, or with any other Tenderer or Tenderers
concurrently. In no event will the Owner be required to offer any modified terms to another
Tenderer prior to entering into a contract with the successful Tenderer and the Owner shall
incur no liability to any other Tenderer as a result of such negotiations or modifications.
No alternatives or equals to the specified products will be considered during the tender
period. Tenderers shall base their prices upon the specified products only.
The Tenderer must submit with its Tender the suggested alternatives to those articles
specified. Such submissions shall be made on Statement “G”, bound herein, and shall show
the name of the article specified, the name and description of the suggested Alternative, and
the total revision to the Tender Price that would result if the equivalent were accepted.
These Alternatives will be evaluated after consideration of the Tenders and will be
incorporated in the Contract at the Owner’s discretion.
Agreement to Bond
Every Tender shall be accompanied by an “Agreement to Bond” in the form attached to the
Tender Submission, and shall be executed under its corporate seal by a Surety Company
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lawfully doing business in the Province of British Columbia from which the Tenderer
proposes to obtain the required Bonds prescribed in the Contract. In the event that the
Tenderer proposes to submit an alternate Performance Guarantee, a letter from the Bank
confirming that the institution is providing the Surety is required to be submitted with the
Goods and Services Tax
The tendered unit prices shall not include the Goods and Services Tax. This amount shall be
shown separately on the Tender Form and on invoices submitted by the Contractor.
Taxes and Duties
The Tenderer shall include sales tax in accordance with current sales tax legislation taking
into account any changes that have been made known by the Government and that will occur
during the life of the Contract.
If sales taxes are increased or decreased, or other amendments are made in the legislation
during the course of the Contract that alter tax amounts carried in the Contract price, an
adjustment will be made accordingly to the Total Contract Price.
The Contractor shall keep records and invoices of accounts subject to Goods and Services
Tax and Provincial Sales Tax for the purpose of establishing taxes paid and for
substantiation in the event of changes to the tax legislation during the course of the Contract.
The Tenderer shall contact the Sales Tax authorities and determine what the applicable taxes
are and the procedures for tax exemption and/or refunding and include related administrative
costs in the Tender.
Non-resident Contractor
If the Contractor is a non-resident of British Columbia, he shall, immediately after he has
received the Engineers’s written Notice of Award, obtain from the Retail Sales Tax Branch a
certificate showing that the Contractor has registered with the Retail Sales Tax Branch and
shall submit such certificate to the Owner at the same time that he furnishes the Performance
Bond and the Labour and Material Payment Bond.
The Contractor shall not commence work or order any materials or equipment for the
Contract until he has registered with the Retail Sales Tax Branch.
The Contractor shall ensure that all sub-contractors whom he proposes to use for carrying
out any of the work required by the Contract and who are non-residents of British Columbia
have registered with and have complied with the requirements of the Retail Sales Tax
Branch before they commence any such work.
Prime Contractor
The Owner shall assign Prime Contractor responsibility to the Contractor as defined by
WorkSafe BC OH&S Regulations and in the British Columbia Workers’ Compensation Act.
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Examination of Site
Section 00100
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Tenderers can visit the site of the work to satisfy itself by personal examination as to the site
conditions to be encountered during the construction and conduct of the work. It shall make
its own estimate of the difficulties to be encountered. A Tenderer is not to claim at any time
after submission of its Tender that there was any misunderstanding of the terms and
conditions of the Contract relating to site conditions.
Questions During Tender Period
No oral interpretations shall be made to any Tenderers as to the meaning of any of the
contract documents or to modify any of the provisions of the contract documents. All
inquiries shall be in writing and directed to:
Fourth Floor, 3292 Production Way
Burnaby, B.C. V5A 4R4
Phone: 604-444-6400
Fax: 604-294-8597
Attention: Ken Moysiuk (ken.moysiuk@aecom.com)
The Owner reserves the right in its absolute discretion to accept the Tender which it deems
most advantageous to itself and the right to reject any or all Tenders, in each case without
giving any notice. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. In no event
will the Owner be responsible for the costs of preparation or submission of a Tender.
Tenders, which contain qualifying conditions or otherwise fail to conform to the Information
to Tenderers or for failure to comply with the process for submission set out in these
Information to Tenderers may be disqualified or rejected. The Owner may, however, in its
sole discretion, reject or retain the Tender for its consideration.
No formal addenda shall be issued within 48 hours of Tender closing.
For scheduling purposes, the intent of the Regional District of Nanaimo to issue notice of
award of the Contract on April 29, 2015. The Tenderer shall use these dates when preparing
the schedule. If the dates of notice of award change from those listed above, the Tenderer’s
schedule shall be extended by the equivalent length of time after that date.
Optional Pre-tender Meeting
The time and date of the Pre-Tender Meeting is 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 12, 2015. It
is strongly recommended that all interested tenderers attend.
The meeting will be conducted at the French Creek Pollution Control Centre, 957 Lee Road,
Parksville, B.C, V9P 1Z4.
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FCPCC Trickling Filter Roof Replacement
Project No. 60333466
Award of Contract
The award of the Contract is subject to approval by the Regional District of Nanaimo.
The Owner reserves the right not to proceed with and award the Contract.
Award of the Contract is subject to the availability of sufficient funds to complete the Work.
Duration of Contract
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The Contract is anticipated to take 8 months from Contract Award to completion of the
Construction Documents
Four complete paper copy sets of the issued for construction Contract Documents (inclusive
of specifications and half-size drawings) and four additional sets of full-size drawings will
be issued to the successful Tenderer.
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Section 00300
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Tender for the Construction of:
The following Tender is hereby submitted to:
Regional District of Nanaimo
6300 Hammond Road
Nanaimo, BC
V9T 6N2
hereinafter called the “Owner”
On behalf of:
hereinafter called the “Tenderer”
(We), the undersigned, having fully examined the locality and Place of the Work, having
fully investigated the conditions of the Work, having read and understood the Contract
Documents (comprised of the tendering information, supplementary general conditions,
general conditions, specifications and drawings, including all supplements, addenda and
revisions to same to the date of this tender) and having secured all of the information
necessary to enable the submission of this tender, hereby agree and offer to perform the
totality of the Work described in the Contract Documents, in accordance with the Contract
Documents, for the total sum of:
Tender Price:
Contingency Allowance:
Total Tender Price (excluding GST)
Goods and Services Tax:
[Note: * To be completed by the Tenderer]
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The Tenderer agrees that, if this tender is accepted by the Owner:
It will carry out any additional or extra work (including the supplying of any additional
Products pertaining thereto) or will delete any work as may be required by the Engineer
in accordance with the Contract; and,
The carrying out of any work referred to in paragraph (.1) above or the issuance by the
Engineer of a Contract Change Order relating to such work or the acceptance by the
Tenderer of such Contract Change Order shall not, except as expressly stated in such
Contract Change Order, waive, affect or vary any of the terms of the Contract or of an
Contract Change Order previously issued by the Engineer or any of the rights of the
Owner or of the Engineer under the Contract.
The Tenderer agrees that, if this tender is accepted by the Owner the prices applicable to
work referred to in paragraph 1.3.1 above shall be determined as outlined in the General
Conditions of the Contract as amended by the Supplemental General Conditions.
Payment of the Contingency Allowance or portions thereof will only be made in the event
the Engineer authorizes additional work, in which case the amount of the payment will be
determined as specified. Any unused portion will be deducted from the Contract Price.
Additions and Deductions
Further, we, the undersigned, hereby agree and offer to perform the totality of the Work in
accordance with the Contract Documents by the December 31st, 2015.
We agree that we have received Addenda ………….. to …………… inclusive, and the
tender price includes for the provisions set out in such Addenda.
Declarations of Tenderer
The Tenderer declares that no person, firm or corporation other than the Tenderer has any
interest in this tender or in the proposed Contract for which this tender is made.
The Tenderer declares that this tender is made without any connection, comparison of
figures or arrangement with, or knowledge of, any other corporation, firm or person making
a tender for the same Work and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud.
The Tenderer declares that the Tender Price Breakdown and the various Statements (A to G)
will be submitted within 24 hours of the closing of this tender.
Conditions of Tender
This Tender is irrevocable from the official closing time and is unconditionally open for
acceptance for seventy-five (75) days after the official closing time, whether any other
tender has been previously accepted or not.
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The Tenderer agrees and acknowledges there is no representation, warranty, collateral
agreement or condition, whether direct or collateral, or expressed or implied, which induced
the Tenderer to submit this tender, or on which reliance is placed by the Tenderer, or which
affects this tender.
Offered by the Tenderer ________________________________________ this __________ day
of _____________________ 2015.
Signature of Tenderer, Title
Signature of Witness
Signature of Tenderer, Title
Signature of Witness
Corporate Seal
In the case of a tender submitted by a Corporation, the signatory or
signatories warrant as follows:
“I/We have authority to bind the Corporation.”
If the tender is submitted by an individual or partnership, it is deemed to be given
under seal.”
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Section 00305
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We certify that the following is an accurate and balanced breakdown of our tender price(s). Work
required, but not specifically mentioned, is included in the item with which it is most closely associated.
Lump Sum Price
Bonds and Insurance
Maintenance Manuals and Record Drawings
Demolition and Removal
Temporary Works
Miscellaneous Metals
FRP Cover Supply
FRP Cover Installation
TENDER PRICE (excluding GST)
Enter this amount in the Tender Form, Section 00300, Clause 1.1.3.
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Section 00610
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Date: _______________________, 20____
“Name & Address of Surety Company”
Regional District of Nanaimo
6300 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, BC
V9T 6N2
CONTRACT NO.:__________________________________________________________________
Should the Regional District of Nanaimo [hereinafter referred to as the “Owner”] accept the
Tender of and execute an Agreement with ___________________________ [hereinafter referred to as the
“Tenderer”], we, the undersigned Surety Company, do hereby consent and agree to become bound to the
Owner as Surety for the Tenderer in any of the following Bonds, on the standard format of the Canadian
Construction Association.
Performance Bond for an amount equal to 50% of the Total Tender Price.
Labour and Material Payment Bond for an amount equal to 50% of the Total Tender Price.
We, the undersigned Surety Company, agree to furnish the Owner with the said Bonds within 7
days after written notification that the Owner has requested the said Bond or Bonds. We hereby further
declare that our Company is legally entitled to do business in the Province of British Columbia.
Yours truly,
[Name of Surety Company]
This Agreement must be executed on behalf of the Surety Company by its authorized
Officers under the Company’s corporate seal.
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Section 00630
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The Regional District of Nanaimo
Contract Number
(if applicable)
Description of Contract
AND the Regional District of Nanaimo AND All Sub-Contractors of either employed directly or in the work to be performed.
Minimum Requirement
Inclusive Per Occurrence
Minimum Requirement
Inclusive Per Occurrence
Must cover all vehicles on or behalf of
OTHER (Describe)
This Certificate confirms that the Policies listed above are in full force and effect and that these Policies will not be amended
to restrict coverage or cancelled without 30 days prior written notice being given The Regional District of Nanaimo and
further that the General Liability Policy listed above includes all coverages outlined under (1) and (2) below and includes
coverages under (3) as follows:
Cross Liability clause
completed operations, which cover shall be maintained continuously in force for a period of not less than
twenty-four months from the date of the Certificate of Total Performance of the Work.
Blanket Contractual Liability
Contingent Employers Liability
Non-owned automobile Liability
Broad Form Property Damage
where applicable, includes coverage for
(i) Underpinning, Shoring
(ii) Demolition
(iii) Building Raising or Moving
(iv) Blasting or the use of explosives
(v) Tunneling
(vi) Pile driving, caisson work
(vii) Use of aircraft or watercraft, owned or non-owned
, 20
Enter name of Consulting Engineer, Architect, Construction or Project Management Firm, if applicable
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Section 00640
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Description of Contract
Owner’s Name &
Telephone Number
Details can be provided on separate sheets attached to this page.
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($ Canadian)
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March 2015
Name of Subcontractor: ______________________________
Description of Contract
Owner’s Name &
Telephone Number
($ Canadian)
Name of Subcontractor: ______________________________
Description of Contract
Owner’s Name &
Telephone Number
Details can be provided on separate sheets attached to this page.
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($ Canadian)
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March 2015
and Experience
Project Manager
Project Superintendent
Safety Supervisor
Qualifications and experience (resumes) should be provided in detail on separate sheets
attached to this page. Back-up capability and personnel should be indicated of each category
of staffing.
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Name of Subcontractor: ______________________________
and Experience
Name of Subcontractor: ______________________________
and Experience
Name of Subcontractor: ______________________________
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and Experience
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Section 00643
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The Tenderer shall quote the name and address of each proposed sub-contractor or supplier, who
will be responsible for more than 2.5 percent of the total Contract Work. As a minimum, the
below noted Subcontractors will be noted regardless of whether they are responsible for
2.5 percent of the total Contract Work. After the Tender has been accepted by the Owner, the
Contractor shall not be allowed to substitute other sub-contractors or suppliers in place of those
named below without written approval of the Engineer.
Where Contractor intends to undertake the work with his own forces, in the space allocated for
the Subcontractor Name, indicate “Own Forces”.
Sub-Trade Section
Name and Address of Sub-Contractor
Concrete Work
FRP Cover Installation
Manufacturer and Model
FRP Covers
Additional information can be provided on separate sheets attached to this page.
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Base the Tender on products identified in the Contract Documents. Where the Tenderer wishes to
advance an alternative that could either save costs or increase the value of the project, these
proposed alternatives should be listed in this form. Further consideration of alternatives during
the Work will not be undertaken other than as allowed in the Contract.
(Savings) or
Additional Costs
Additional information can be provided on separate sheets attached to this page.
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Section 00800
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The Canadian Construction Documents Committee, Standard Construction Document CCDC 2 – Stipulated
Price Contract, 2008, is hereby modified as follows:
Subsection 1.3 is deleted and replaced with the following:
Subject to adjustment in Contract Time as provided for in the Contract Documents, attain
Substantial Performance by the date noted in Section 00300 Clause 1.1.4 and Total
Performance of the Work by the date noted in Section 00300 Clause 1.1.4.”
Subsection 5.1 is revised to read:
Subject to provisions of the Contract Documents, and in accordance with the Builders
Lien Act (British Columbia), the Owner shall in Canadian funds:”
Add Subsection 5.1.4 as follows:
withhold ten percent (10%) of each progress payment to be held in a holdback
Add the following paragraph:
The Contractor acknowledges that the Owner, in the preparation of the Contract
Documents, supply of oral or written information to Tenderers, review of Tenders or the
carrying out of the Owner’s responsibilities under the Contract does not owe a duty of
care to the Contractor and the Contractor waives for itself and its successors the right to
sue the Owner in tort of any loss, including economic loss, damage, cost or expense
arising from or connected with any error, omission or misrepresentation occurring in the
preparation of the Contract Documents, supply of oral or written information to
Tenderers, review of tenders or the carrying out of the Owner’s responsibilities under the
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Add the following definitions:
“Addendum” means an addition to or a change in the Contract Documents that is issued
by the Engineer prior to the tender closing.
Final Acceptance
In addition to all other prior requirements, “Final Acceptance” will not occur until the
successful completion of the warrantee period and the Work has passed all inspections
and testing requirements.
Total Performance of the Work
“Total Performance of the Work” means when the entire Work, except those items
arising from the provisions of GC 12.3 – WARRANTY, has been performed to the
requirements of the Contract Documents and is so certified by the Engineer.
In addition to all prior requirements, Total Performance will not occur until the Work has
passed all inspections and testing requirements.
Engineer’s Representative
The “Engineer’s Representative” means any person authorized from time to time by the
Engineer to perform the duties of the Engineer whose authority shall be notified in
writing to the Contractor by the Engineer.
Modify the following definitions:
The definition of "Consultant" in definition 4 is deleted and replaced by the following:
"Consultant or Engineer" - The Contract Administrator solely in charge of this
The definition of "Subcontractor" in definition 19 is deleted and replaced by the following:
"Subcontractor" - A person, firm or corporation undertaking the execution of a part of
the Work by virtue of an agreement with the Contractor, which has been approved by the
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The definition of "Substantial Performance of the Work" in definition 20 is deleted and
replaced by the following:
The Work is substantially performed:
when the Work, or a substantial part thereof has passed inspection and
testing and is ready for use or is being used for the intended purposes,
when the work to be performed under the Contract is capable of
completion or, where there is a known defect, correction is a cost of not
more than
3% of the first $500,000 of the Contract price,
2% of the next $500,000 of the Contract price, and
iii) 1% of the balance of the Contract price
For the purposes of this Contract where the Work or a substantial part thereof is
ready for use or is being used for the purposes intended and the remainder of the
Work cannot be completed expeditiously for reasons beyond the control of the
Contractor or, where the Owner and the Contractor agree not to complete the Work
expeditiously, the price of the services or materials remaining to be supplied and
required to complete the work shall be deducted from the Contract price in
determining substantial performance.
Subsection GC 1.1.7 is deleted, and replaced by the following:
In the event of conflicts between the Contract Documents, the following shall apply:
(a) constructed works take precedence over drawing dimensions and details. Prior to
fabrication of any item dependent upon accurate dimensions or details of the
constructed works, the Contractor shall take field measurements of such
constructed works,
(b) figured dimensions shown on a drawing shall govern even though they may
differ from dimensions scaled on the same drawing,
(c) detailed drawings shall govern over general drawings,
(d) specifications shall govern over drawings,
(e) the Supplementary General Conditions shall govern over the General Conditions,
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(f) the executed agreement between the Owner and Contractor shall govern over all
Notwithstanding the foregoing, documents of later date shall always govern those of an
earlier date.
Amend by the addition of the following paragraph:
No assignment of this Contract in whole or in part shall be valid unless it shall contain a
provision that the funds to be paid to the assignee under the assignment are subject to the
prior lien for services rendered or material supplied for the performance of the work called
for in the Contract in favour of persons, firms, or corporations rendering such services or
supplying such materials.
GC 2.3
Add the following clause:
GC 3.1
If the Engineer is required to make visits for the purpose of witnessing the testing of
equipment or materials, or the factory inspection of equipment or materials on more than
one occasion for the same piece of equipment or materials, by reason of delays of the
Contractor, or malfunctioning of the equipment under test, or from whatever reason
caused by the Contractor or his subcontractors, the Contractor shall pay to the Owner the
additional fees and expenses incurred for the second and any such subsequent extra visits
by the Engineer and charged by him to the Owner.
Section GC 3.1 shall be renamed “Contractor’s Responsibility and Control of the Work” and is
hereby amended by the addition of the following sections:
The Contractor shall commence the Work within 10 days after receiving Notice to
Proceed from the Engineer. The Contractor will not commence the work until the
Contract has been officially accepted by the Owner, the Insurance Certificates and the
Performance Bonds are satisfactory to the Corporation, and the Contractor has received
Notice from the Engineer to commence the work.
The Contractor shall provide for efficient drainage of all sections of the work during all
stages of construction at his own expense. The Contractor will be held responsible for all
damage which may be caused through his failure to provide proper drainage facilities.
The Contractor shall restore any existing drainage works which are disturbed as a result
of his construction activities.
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In order to assist the Owner in inspecting the progress of the work, the Contractor shall
prepare a Schedule of Work prior to starting the Contract and shall revise the schedule
weekly for any changes throughout the Contract.
Prior to commencement of construction, the Engineer and the Contractor will locate on
site those property bars, baselines and benchmarks which are necessary to delineate the
Working Area and to lay out the Work, all as shown on the Contract Drawings.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of all property bars while the
Work is in progress, except those property bars which must be removed to facilitate the
Work. Any property bars disturbed, damaged or removed by the Contractor’s operations
shall be replaced under the supervision of a British Columbia Land Surveyor, at no extra
cost to the Owner.
The Contractor will give the Engineer at least 48 hours notice in writing before requiring
any baselines or benchmarks in connection with the work. The Contractor shall clearly
state in such notice the exact location where levels, lines, or stakes are required. The
Contractor must satisfy himself before commencing any work as to the meaning and
correctness of all stakes and marks, and no claim will be entertained by the Owner for or
on account of any alleged inaccuracies, unless the Contractor notified the Engineer of
such inaccuracies in writing before commencing the work.
The Contractor will be held responsible for the preservation of all stakes and marks in
their proper positions, and where any of them are disturbed, lost or destroyed, it shall at
once notify the Engineer in writing, and all expenses incurred in replacing such stakes or
marks will be billed against the Contractor and if not paid by the Contractor will be
deducted from any monies due the Contractor under the Contract.
All stakes and marks set will not in every case represent all the grades, levels, lines,
angles or surfaces in the finished work and in this regard the Contractor shall ensure that
such stakes and marks are read correctly and used in a manner consistent with the plans,
details, specifications and directions of the Engineer. Should the Contractor discover or
suspect any errors in stakes, lines, and grades which have been established for its use, the
Contractor shall at once discontinue the work until such suspicions are investigated and any
errors or misunderstanding rectified, but no claims shall be made or allowed on this account,
or because of any resulting delay.
The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for alignment, elevations, and dimensions of
each and all parts of the Work, regardless of whether the Contractor’s layout work has been
checked by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer or any of his assistants with all reasonable help
which may be required at any time in driving stakes or laying out the work. The Contractor
will receive no additional compensation for this.
Maintaining Roadways and Detours
Where an existing Roadway is affected by construction, it shall be kept open to traffic, and
the Contractor shall, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, be responsible for
providing and maintaining for the duration of the Work, a road through the Work, including
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the road under construction, in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (MUTCD).
The Contractor shall not be required to maintain a road through the Working Area until such
time as the Contractor has commenced operations or on any part of the Contract that has
been accepted in accordance with these General Conditions.
The Contractor will bear the cost of maintaining, in a satisfactory condition for traffic, a road
through the working area. The road through the Work will include any detour constructed
in accordance with the Contract Documents or required by the Engineer. Compensation for
all labour, equipment and materials to do this work and to maintain the road, shall be
considered to be included in the prices bid for the various tender items and no additional
payment will be made.
Where work under the Contract is discontinued for any extended period including seasonal
shutdown, the Contractor shall, when directed by the Engineer, open and place the roadway
and detours in a passable, safe and satisfactory condition for public travel.
Where the Contractor constructs a detour which is not specifically provided for in the
Contract Document or required by the Engineer, the construction of the detour and, if
required, the subsequent removal shall be performed at the Contractor's expense. The detour
shall be constructed and maintained to structural and geometric standards approved by the
Engineer. Removal shall be performed as directed by the Engineer.
Compliance with the foregoing provisions shall in no way relieve the Contractor of
obligations under General Conditions, Part 9, Protection of Persons and Property, dealing
with the Contractor's responsibility for damage claims.
In order to satisfy the Owner that the Contractor has addressed concerns regarding traffic
control and safety it will be required to submit a sketch indicating its proposed method of
barricades and/or signage for each of the work sites included in the Contract. This
information shall be available for review and approval by the Engineer at the Contract preconstruction meeting.
GC 3.6
Subsection GC 3.6.1 is deleted, and replaced with the following paragraph:
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for construction health and safety within the
working areas and for compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and
Regulations. So as to avoid any misunderstanding as to the extent of the Contractor’s
responsibility, the Contractor, by executing the Contract unequivocally acknowledges that
the Contractor is the Constructor within the meaning of the Act.
Section GC 3.6 is amended by adding the following paragraph:
To co-ordinate the work, the Contractor or person(s) authorised to act for the Contractor will
attend regular meetings with the Engineer or his representative during the period over which
the work under the Contract is carried out, at a time and place to be decided by the Engineer.
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GC 3.8
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Section GC3.8 is amended by the addition of the following paragraphs:
Contractor to keep Records which are to be Open for Inspection
The Contractor shall keep proper books and records showing the names, trades, addresses
and hourly wage rates of all employees in his employ and the wages paid to and time
worked by such employees both at regular wage rates and at overtime wage rates, and the
books or documents containing such records shall be open for inspection by Officers of the
Ministry of Labour, British Columbia, at any time it may be expedient to the Minister of
Labour to have the same inspected.
GC 3.11
Section GC 3.11 is amended by the addition of the following subsections:
The Contractor shall maintain the Working Area in a tidy condition and free from the
accumulation of debris.
The Contractor shall ensure that during night work the site of the Work is adequately
floodlit to the Engineer's satisfaction.
Streets beyond the limits of the work and other construction areas shall be kept clean.
Dusty materials shall be transported in covered haulage vehicles. Wet materials shall be
transported in suitable watertight haulage vehicles.
The Contractor shall take such steps as may be required to prevent dust nuisance resulting
from its operations either within the limits of the work or elsewhere or by public traffic
where it is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain a roadway through the Work.
Where the Work requires the sawing of asphalt or the sawing or grinding of concrete,
blades and grinders of the wet type shall be used together with sufficient water to prevent
the incidence of dust, wherever dust would affect traffic or wherever dust would be a
nuisance to residents of the area where the Work is being carried out.
Permitted dust control measures may include the application of calcium chloride, or water.
More frequent applications of water should be employed in close proximity to
The General Conditions are amended by the addition of the following section GC 3.14:
GC 3.14
All communications to and from the Contractor shall go through the Engineer. The
Contractor shall not take any direction from Owner’s operation staff except under
emergency situations.
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GC 5.2
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Section GC 5.2.1 is deleted, and replaced with the following:
Application for payment on account as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement –
PAYMENT may be made monthly as the work progresses, and in accordance with
subsection GC which follows:
Notwithstanding Paragraph GC 5.2.7 the Owner may withhold any or all payments to the
Contractor or portions thereof in circumstances where the Contractor is considered by the
Owner or Engineer to be unreasonable or in default of specified times for completion of
the work.
Amend GC 5.2 with the addition of the following:
GC 5.3
Applications for payment on account may be made monthly as the Work progresses. The
Contractor shall present to the Engineer two [2] copies of the estimate that he has
certified to be correct. Two [2] copies of each progress payment certificate shall be
delivered by the Engineer to the Contractor. Upon receipt of the progress payment
certificate verified as aforesaid and upon its approval by the Engineer, the Owner will
process the payment to the Contractor.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article A5-Payment, GC is deleted and replaced with the
The Owner shall make payment to the Contractor on account as provided in Article A-5 of
the Agreement – payment no later than 30 days after the date of Certificate for Payment
issued by the Consultant.
(a) The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with satisfactory evidence in the form
of a WorkSafe BC Certificate of Clearance that he has made suitable provision
for meeting any liability under The Workman's Compensation Act of British
Columbia, prior to the release of any monthly progress payment.
(b) The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with a Statutory Declaration that all
liabilities incurred by the Contractor and its sub-Contractors in carrying out the
Contract have been discharged and that all liens in respect of the Contract have
expired or have been satisfied, discharged or provided for by payment. The
Statutory Declaration shall be provided prior to all monthly progress payments
except the first one.
GC 5.5
Replace Section 5.5.2 with the following paragraph:
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“The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner a statutory declaration, dated not earlier than
7 days after expiry of the statutory lien period stating that no lien claim has been filed
against title to the lands of the Owner or the lands of any other person and stating that all
materials, labour, work and services incurred directly or indirectly on account of the work
have been paid for by the Contractor.”
Delete Section 5.5.3 in its entirety.
GC 5.7
Replace Section 5.7.4 with the following paragraph:
“Subject to the provision of paragraph 10.4.1 of GC 10.4 – WORKERS’
COMPENSATION, and any lien legislation applicable to the Place of Work, the Owner
shall, no later than thirty (30) days after the issuance of a final certificate for payment,
pay the Contractor as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement – PAYMENT.”
Throughout Part 6, Changes In The Work, “Change Directive” shall have the same meaning as
“Field Order.”
GC 6.1
Section GC6.1 is amended by the addition of the following:
When the valuation of a change in the work is to be determined either by estimate and
acceptance in a lump sum, or by cost and fixed, or, percentage fee, the valuation shall be in
accordance with the following:
Mark Up
Cost of net increases or decreases to contract value due to changes in the work shall be
marked up as follows:
Contractor’s Own Work: 10 percent of actual base costs;
Sub-contractor’s Own Work: 10 percent of actual base costs;
Sub-contractor’s Work: Contractor’s mark-up is 5 percent of actual base costs.
When requested, the Contractor shall submit details, quantities, prices, and fees together
with substantiating documentation.
Time for Submission and Acceptance of Quotation
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The Contractor shall co-operate in the pricing of changes by submitting quotations within
10 days of the Engineer’s request. Quotations shall remain open for acceptance for
21 days from the date of submission.
Other Methods for the Valuation of Changes
The Engineer shall determine the amount, if any, to be added to, or deducted from, the
sum named in the Tender, in respect of any changes ordered. All such work shall be
valued at the prices set out in the Form of Tender and the Schedule of Additional Unit
Prices if such are applicable in the opinion of the Engineer.
If this Contract does not contain any prices applicable to changes requested, then the
Contractor and Engineer may agree on a price which shall be comparable to prices
quoted on work of a similar nature.
Valuation methods presented in the construction documents are mutually exclusive in
terms of their application.
GC 6.3
Change Directive
Subsection GC is deleted and replaced with the following: If the change results in a net increase in the Contractor’s cost, the Contract Price shall be
increased by the amount calculated in accordance with Supplemental General Condition
Subsection GC is deleted and replaced with the following: If the change results in a net decrease in the Contractor’s cost, the Contract Price shall be
decreased by the amount calculated in accordance with Supplemental General Condition
Section GC6.3 is further amended by the addition of the following:
Upon receipt of a Change Directive, the Contractor may be directed, by either the Owner,
or the Engineer, to proceed with extra work on the basis of daily force account sheets
Pre-approved, all inclusive, labour, material, and equipment rental charge out
unit rates are on file with the Engineer.
Daily force account sheets outlining, as a minimum, the unit quantities used for
the day, field instruction number, project name, and date, are provided to the
Engineer for signature, and records, on a daily basis for work completed on the
previous working day.
(iii) Work to proceed on the basis of daily force account sheets only after the
Engineer has issued the Contractor a written, and numbered, change directive, or
field instruction, to proceed with the extra work.
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“Daily force account sheet” shall have the same meaning as “daily extra work order sheet”,
“daily work records”, or, “daily time sheet.”
Whenever extra work is being performed in accordance with GC 6.3.14 the Contractor
shall submit daily force account sheets for approval to/by the Engineer showing the
quantities of labour, materials and equipment used directly in carrying out each order for
work on the preceding day, together with substantiating documentation. No claim for
compensation for extra work will be considered in absence of such force account sheets.
The Engineer will not allow any compensation for the cost of repairs to equipment or for
damage to anything used in performing such extra work.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to interest on any bill for extra work on account of
delay in its approval by the Engineer, or the Owner.
GC 6.5
Section GC6.5 is amended by the addition of the following:
If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by:
a) abnormal inclement weather; or
b) archaeological finds
then the Contractor shall not be reimbursed by the Owner for any costs incurred by the
Contractor as the result of such delay. Any delay in the performance of the work shall be
considered for the extension of Contract Time only.
In the case of an application for an extension due to abnormal inclement weather, the
Contractor shall, with the Contractor's application, submit evidence from Environment
Canada in support of such application. Extension of Contract Time will be granted in
accordance with subsection GC 6.5.3.
If the Contractor's operations expose any items which may indicate an archaeological find,
such as building remains, hardware, accumulations of bones, pottery, or arrowheads:
a) The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer and suspend operations
within the area identified by the Engineer. Work shall remain suspended within
that area until otherwise directed by the Engineer in writing.
b) Any delay in the completion date of the Contract that is caused by such a
cessation of construction operations will be considered to be beyond the
Contractor's control in accordance with Subsection GC6.5.3
c) Any work directed or authorised by the Engineer with an archaeological find will
be considered as Extra Work in accordance with Section GC6.5.3.
The Owner is not liable to pay Standby Time for any labour or equipment rental under this
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The Contractor shall complete this Contract in its entirety by the completion date specified
in the Tender Form.
If the time limit specified is not sufficient to permit completion of the Work by the
Contractor working a normal number of hours each day or week on a single daylight shift
basis, it is expected that additional and/or augmented daylight shifts will be required
throughout the life of the Contract to the extent deemed necessary by the Contractor to
ensure that the Work will be completed within the time limit specified. Any additional
costs occasioned by compliance with these provisions will be considered to be included in
the prices bid for the various items of Work and no additional compensation will be
allowed therefore.
An extension of time may be granted in writing by the Engineer in his sole discretion in
the event of the Work being delayed beyond the prescribed time for completion. Such
extension shall be for such time as the Engineer may prescribe and the Engineer shall
fix the terms on which such an extension may be granted. An application for an
extension of time shall be made in writing by the Contractor to the Owner at least
15 days prior to the date of completion fixed by the Contract. The date of expiry of all
Bonds and other Surety furnished to the Owner by the Contractor shall be extended at
the expense of the Contractor.
Any extension of time that may be granted to the Contractor shall be so granted and
accepted without prejudice to any rights of the Owner whatsoever under this Contract and
all of such rights shall continue in full force and effect after the time limited in this
Contract for completion of the work and whenever in this Contract, power or authority is
given to the Owner or the Engineer or any person to take any action consequent upon the
act, default, neglect, delay, breach, non-observance or non-performance by the Contractor
in respect of the Work or Contract of any portion thereof, such powers or authorities may
be exercised from time to time, and not only in the event of the happening of such
contingencies before the time limited in this Contract for the completion of the Work but
also in the event of the same happening after the time so limited in the case of the
Contractor being permitted to proceed with the execution of the Work under an extension
of time granted by the Owner. In the event of the Owner granting an extension of time,
time shall continue to be deemed strictly of the essence of this Contract.
Immediately upon signing the Contract, the Contractor must review product
requirements and anticipate foreseeable delivery delays in any items. If delays in
deliveries of material, equipment, or articles are foreseeable, propose substitutions or
other remedial action in ample time to prevent delay in performance of the Work.
If such proposal is not given to the Engineer by the Contractor, the Engineer reserves
the right to substitute more readily available products later in order to prevent delays at
no additional cost to the Owner.
No substitution of any item will be permitted unless the specified item cannot be
delivered to the job site in time to comply with the Schedule and the Engineer has
approved the substitutes.
To receive approval, proposed substitutes must equal or exceed the quality, finish, and
performance of those products specified and/or shown, and must not exceed the space
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Section 00800
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requirements allotted on the drawings. The Contractor must provide documentary proof
of equality.
GC 7.1
Subsections GC 7.1.2 and GC 7.1.3 are amended as follows:
Change reference from five (5) to three (3) working days.
Change reference from five (5) to three (3) working days.
Section GC 7.1 is amended by the addition of the following paragraphs:
The Engineer may stop any portion of the Work, if in his judgement the weather is such as
to prevent the Work being properly done. No compensation of any kind will be made for
such stoppage except an extension of time for the completion of the Work as provided in
The Contractor shall, upon written notice from the Engineer, discontinue or delay any or
all Work of base, foundation, or paving construction on any section of any road, if in the
opinion of the Engineer, the foundation is not sufficiently compacted or settled for
surfacing of the Work in question, and the Work shall not be resumed until the Engineer
shall in writing so direct, and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation for
such stoppage or delay to the Work, other than an extension of time.
GC 9.1
Section GC 9.1 is amended by the addition of the following subsections:
When carrying out excavation work, the Contractor may encounter such underground
utilities as sewers, gas mains, telephone cables, power cables, and watermains. The
Contractor shall be fully responsible for any breakage or damage to such utilities, and the
Contractor shall pay the full cost of repairing such damages and making good any losses or
damages which are caused as a result of his operation in carrying out this Contract.
It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain written permission and to make any
required arrangements with the Owners of any adjacent properties which the Contractor
may encroach.
The Contractor shall furnish and bear the cost of any watchman he may require for
protection to perform this Contract except as provided in paragraph GC 10.2.6
GC 10.2
Subsection GC 10.2 is amended by the addition of the following paragraph:
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GC 11.1
Section 00800
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The Contractor will notify, obtain inspections and approvals from, and co-operate with
other organizations involved or affected by the Work, such as telephone, light and power,
gas, railway companies, government agencies.
Sub-subsection GC is replaced by the following: General Liability Insurance:
The Contractor shall obtain and maintain Comprehensive General Liability Insurance
against Bodily Injury and Property Damage claims with respect to all work to be
performed under this Contract. Such Insurance shall:
a) be in the joint names of the Contractor, the Owner, the Engineer, and all subContractors of the above employed directly or indirectly in the work to be
b) contain a Cross Liability Clause;
c) include coverage for:
Completed Operations, which coverage shall be maintained continuously in
force for a period of not less than 24 months from the date of the Certificate
of Total Performance of the Work, and thereafter to be maintained for a
further period of four (4) years
ii) Blanket Contractual Liability
iii) Contingent Employers Liability
iv) Non-owned Automobile Liability
v) Broad Form Property Liability
vi) Excavation
d) where applicable, include coverage for:
Underpinning, shoring
ii) Demolition
iii) Building raising or moving
iv) Blasting or the Use of Explosives
v) Tunnelling
vi) Pile driving, caisson work
e) Five-million dollars ($5,000,000.00) inclusive per occurrence.
Amend Subsection GC by the addition of the following paragraph:
Property and Boiler insurance is required.
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Section 00800
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Subsection GC 11.1.9 is added as follows: It shall be the duty of the Contractor to fully comply with the terms and conditions of the
Liability Insurance coverage, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
the requirement to promptly report claims to the Insurer. The Contractor shall also promptly notify the Engineer of all such claims in writing. If a claim is settled, the Contractor shall thereupon provide the Engineer with a copy of the
Claimant's Release. If a claim is rejected, the Engineer shall be notified at the time of rejection. The Engineer shall be provided full information as to such claims at all times as the
Engineer may require and in any event should 30 days elapse after the claim has been
received by the Contractor and the Contractor is not able to report settlement or rejection of
the claim, the Contractor will provide a full report to the Engineer as to the status of and
steps being taken with respect to the claim.
Subsection GC 11.1.10 is added as follows:
GC 11.2
All forms of insurance to be endorsed to provide the Owner with not less than
thirty (30) days written notice in advance of any cancellation, change or amendment
restriction coverage. Prior to the commencement of any work under this Contract the
Contractor shall file with the Owner, to the attention of the Owner’s Clerk, Certificates
evidencing full compliance with the above clauses, in accordance with the prescribed
Certificate which is located after the "Tender Form" in the documents.
Section GC 11.2 is deleted and replaced by the following:
The Contractor, together with a surety company approved by the Owner and authorised by
law to carry on business in the Province, shall furnish a 50% Labour and Materials
Payment Bond to the Owner using CCDC Document(s) 222. The bond shall remain in
effect until 12 months after the date the Engineer accepts the entire work.
The Contractor, together with a surety company, approved by the Owner and authorised
by law to carry on business in the Province in which the work is to be performed, shall
furnish a Performance Bond to the Owner using CCDC Document(s) 221 in the amount of
50% of the Contract price.
GC 12.1
Subsection 12.1.1 is revised to read:
“The Contractor shall release, indemnify and save harmless the Owner and its elected
and appointed officers, employees, agents and the Engineer from and against all claims,
actions, costs, expenses, judgements, damages, fines and fees of whatever kind,
including solicitors fees on solicitor and own client basis, which the Owner or any
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other person may have or incur and which arises out of or in connection with any act or
omission or alleged act or omission of the Contractor, its agents, employees or
subcontractors in the execution of the Work and other wise in the performance of or
failure to perform the Contract.”
Subsection GC 12.1.2 is deleted.
GC 12.3
Subsection 12.3.1 is revised to read:
The warranty period with regard to the Contract is one (1) year from the date of Total
Performance. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Add the following subclauses to Clause 12.3:
Any defective item of equipment necessitating substantial repairs or replacement within
the Warranty Period shall be subject to a further Warranty Period of 12 months from the
time of repairing or replacement of same. The cost associated with the extended
warranty shall be borne by the Contractor.
The following clauses are additional conditions of the Contract:
GC 13
The Contractor shall keep one set of Contract drawings on the site at all times. As the
work progresses, he shall record, in a neat legible manner, all changes in the work. The
following information shall be recorded for each change:
Full Description of change
ii) Date
iii) Authority
At the completion of work, this set of drawings shall be forwarded to the Engineer for
incorporation in a set of “RECORD” drawings for this project.
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Description of Work
Section 01010
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The work to be performed under this Contract shall include the labour, equipment, and
materials required to complete the FCPCC Trickling Filter Roof Replacement Project as
specified in the Contract Documents.
The Work includes but is not limited to the following elements:
Demolition and removal of the existing trickling filter metal roof structure.
Construction of temporary platforms over existing trickling filters prior to demolition.
Installation of temporary HVAC ducting and fittings, and connect to existing ducts.
Structural modifications including new concrete peripheral wall on upper roof level.
Supply of FRP barrel-arched sectional covers and installation as part of new roof
Cooperate and liaise with other contractors, utility agencies, the Owner’s employees or their
appointed representatives in order to make appropriate working arrangements to ensure
satisfactory execution and timely completion of the work. The Contractor will not have
exclusive rights to the construction area.
Attend coordination meetings, as directed by the Engineer, when the Engineer considers that
they are necessary for ensuring the sufficiency of the liaison and co-operation with other
contractors. The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed in his Tender Price for any
interference to his operations which may result from any of the above. He must also take all
precautions necessary to ensure that he does not hinder or delay in any way the progress of
these other parties or cause damage to their completed work.
Sequence of Work
Every effort shall be made in the scheduling of the work to ensure that plant operations are
disrupted as little as possible. With this in mind, a specified sequence of work is proposed.
Refer to Section 01015 – Work Sequences and Tie-ins.
Contractor Use of Premises
Generally restrict operations to the construction and laydown areas as indicated on the
drawings or directed by the Engineer.
The Owner will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the work of the Contractor.
However, the FCPCC must remain in operation throughout the construction period. Refer to
Section 01070 for special requirements when work has to be completed in occupied areas of
the plant.
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Ascertain and abide by conditions pertaining to use of temporary working easements or
Obtain and pay for use of additional storage, access or work areas needed for work under
this Contract.
Completion Dates
The completion dates for the project are noted in Section 00300. These dates will establish
the Time Limits for the Contract.
Time and all time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract.
The Contractor shall perform his work expeditiously and with adequate forces to achieve the
completion dates.
Not Applicable.
Section 01010
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Not Applicable.
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Continuity of Plant Operations
Section 01015
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The existing French Creek Pollution Control Centre continuously receives and treats
wastewater. Do not interrupt functions except as specified herein. Coordinate the Work to
avoid any interference with normal operation of plant staff, equipment and processes.
Entire plant shutdowns will not be permitted unless approved by the Owner.
In the event of accidental bypassing of untreated or partially treated sewage to surface waters
or drainage courses is caused by the Contractor's operations, the Owner may employ others
or use its own forces to stop the bypassing and recover the costs from the Contractor.
Pay all penalties and costs including legal fees and other expenses imposed on the Owner as
a result of any bypass caused by or resulting from the actions of the Contractor, its
employees, or subcontractors.
The work sequences and tie-in procedures specified in this Section enable the Contractor to
perform construction activities concurrently with Owner activities required to maintain plant
operations to meet applicable effluent requirements. The Contractor may propose alternative
work sequences or procedures that maintain plant operations for review by the Engineer.
Ensure that access is maintained for all operation and maintenance requirements of the
existing plant at all times, housekeeping is maintained at the highest possible level to
minimize interference, security requirements are fulfilled, and the existing facilities are
maintained in weather-tight conditions.
Complete all tie-ins to existing facilities in the shortest practical time frame and within the
time limits specified in this Section to minimize interferences and prevent effluent
bypassing. Scheduling must reflect that priority.
Plan, schedule and coordinate all work in operating plant areas to minimize interferences.
Conduct work by area while maintaining access for Owner operations.
Shutdown and Tie-In Plan
Prepare a detailed plan for any shutdown, tie-in, or construction activity which will
potentially affect existing plant operations, describing temporary provisions, the length of
time required to complete, and the necessary personnel and equipment which the Contractor
will provide in order to prevent bypassing of associated treatment units.
Prepare and submit the shutdown or tie-in plan to the Engineer a minimum of two weeks
prior to conducting a scheduled shutdown or tie-in. Allow for review by the Engineer,
followed by a meeting to be held between the Engineer, Owner operations personnel, and the
Contractor to discuss activities and responsibilities relating to the shutdown or tie-in and
potential limitations and requirements not addressed in the plan. Refer to Section 01070 for
the requirements associated with receiving a Work Permit that allows the work to proceed.
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Provide backup to critical mechanical and electrical operations in case of failure. Indicate
backup to be provided including alternate power supplies and controls in shutdown plan.
General Requirements
Existing systems or individual equipment items will be isolated, de-commissioned,
de-energized and de-pressurized by the Owner where such isolation, dewatering, decommissioning, de-energizing and de-pressurizing can be done with existing valves and
circuit breakers.
Where such isolation, de-commissioning, de-energizing and depressurizing requires disassembly, such work to be done by the Contractor including any
associated clean-up. Perform all such work in accordance with the shutdown plan submitted
by the Contractor and reviewed by the Engineer.
Provide all necessary temporary mechanical equipment, supports, blinds, piping, electrical
wiring, controls, and labour during and subsequent to all activities as required. Pumps and
upstream water levels to be continuously monitored by the Contractor to make all provisions
necessary to prevent process upsets, flooding, and bypassing during all diversion pumping
Some shutdowns may have to take place during other than normal working hours (i.e. nighttime and/or weekends) in order to comply with plant shutdown limitations as described in
this Section.
Work Plans and Schedule
Section 01015
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Provide detailed plans and schedules for all work activities which will create a disruption to
or require the participation of Owner Operations. Such activities will include shutdowns,
tie-ins, or any work disrupting existing access, services, utilities or normal operations
procedures. Submit two copies of detailed plans and schedules in accordance with
Section 01070, no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled activity. No shutdown, tie-ins,
outages or disruptive work activities will be allowed without approval by the Engineer of the
appropriate plan and schedule. Coordinate the shutdown, tie-in or disruptive work with the
construction schedule as provided by the Contractor. Identify each shutdown, tie-in, or
disruptive work activity in the construction schedule.
Work Sequence and Tie-In – General
Written request to the Engineer is required for any process and equipment shutdown under
any circumstances, including but not limited to the interruption of power supplies and
control systems. Approved shutdowns may be limited in duration so as to not impact the
treatment operations.
Plant Shutdown Limitations: All shutdowns (including partial shutdowns) of the processes
at the plant will require approval and coordination by the Owner and Engineer.
The Owner’s ability to accommodate shutdowns as described above is dependant upon
several factors, including but not limited to plant operating status, equipment availability,
influent flow rates and loading manpower availability, timing (i.e. weekdays versus
weekends and holidays, and day versus night), and other circumstances beyond the direct
control of the Owner. While the Owner will make every effort to cooperate and
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accommodate shutdowns within the limitations expressed herein, the Contractor shall not
rely on plant shutdowns being immediately available or occurring precisely as planned in
every instance.
Provide adequate protective coverings and take other measures as appropriate to prevent
dropping concrete or other debris into the process flow or equipment during demolition and
construction. In the event that foreign materials are inadvertently introduced into the process
streams, advise the Engineer and operations staff immediately so that appropriate action can
be taken to prevent damage to operating equipment. Where possible, the relevant equipment
will be shut down and drained by the Owner, and the Contractor will take the necessary
action to retrieve the foreign materials. The Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for all
damage to processes and operating equipment, and for all related costs incurred by the
Owner (shutdown, drainage, inspection, establishment and implementation of remedial
measures, etc) as a result of the introduction of debris into the process stream(s) during the
course of the work.
Owner Occupancy of Existing Facilities: Provide all protective measures and temporary
utilities as required to support operations personnel access to and occupancy of the existing
buildings and other areas as required to operate and maintain existing processes and
In all instances, temporary power and control equipment required to commission any
equipment or systems in accordance with contract completion dates, but in advance of
permanent power and control equipment or services being available, will be provided by the
Contractor. Purchase and install all such temporary power and control equipment and
related devices in accordance with the requirements of the relevant contract specification.
Allow a maximum of 8 hours for temporary HVAC ducting tie-ins unless specifically noted
otherwise. Coordinate all work with the Engineer and Owner. Minimize the duration that
any equipment is out of service by pre-installation of as much materials and equipment as
Construction Work Areas, as identified on the Plans define the general area of the Work only
and are not to be interpreted as limits of the Contract. Work outside the Construction Zones
is subject to interference from and Owner Operations.
Work Sequence and Tie-Ins
The following presents information to be used in a proposed work sequence plan to be
provided by the Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for the work sequence and tie-ins
and all costs associated with undertaking the Work.
Contractor to provide portable gas detection systems while working within trickling filter
enclosed space at all times.
Temporary Works
Construct temporary work platforms over all trickling filter open cells as shown on
Drawings prior to any demolition work. Platforms to fully enclose top and sides of
each trickling filter cell.
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Wastewater discharged to each trickling filter cell can be temporarily shut off (i.e. one
cell at a time) for a maximum of 8 hours.
Plant ventilation system to be shut down to the trickling filters during regular work
hours (8:00 am to 4:00 pm). Provide temporary ventilation to trickling filter enclosed
space during regular work hours while Plant ventilation system is shut down.
Connect temporary HVAC ducting and fittings to existing supply grilles and discharge
Plant supply air below temporary work platforms. Provide temporary support of
existing ducts from platform and disconnect hangers from underside of roof structure.
Plant ventilation system to run continuously once temporary work platforms and
temporary bypass ducting is installed. Set up and operate temporary ventilation system
at all times while working within enclosed space.
Roof Demolition
Remove existing trickling filter steel roof panels, girders, purlins, supports and fasteners
once temporary work platform and ventilation system is installed and operational.
Cut all anchor bolts, burn back and grout patch.
Roof Construction
Form and pour concrete curbing and complete structural modifications as shown on the
Install new anchor bolts and FRP covers. Erect entire roof assembly.
Install new duct hangers, rods and fasteners to support existing HVAC ducts from
underside of roof cover.
Remove temporary work platform and ventilation system.
Not Applicable
Section 01015
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Not Applicable
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Site Conditions/Limits
Examination of Site
Prior to commencing actual construction work, inspect field conditions, obtain and
confirm actual site dimensions, examine surface conditions as required to ensure correct
execution of the Work.
Maintain or arrange for the removal, relocation and replacement as appropriate of any
existing utilities which may be affected by the works, whether buried or surface
utilities, signs, structures or any other object which may be in conflict with the works.
Not Applicable
Section 01055
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Not Applicable
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General Requirements
Section 01070
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These special project requirements and site sensitivities are over and above the requirements
and care normally taken on a project.
The Contractor, Subcontractor and all workers on site shall be made aware of the fact that
the wastewater treatment plant operation will take priority over construction activity in this
contract. Also they shall be made aware that there are special site sensitivities that site
personnel must be aware of and conform to, together with supplemental rules and
regulations that will be established, as set out below.
Prior to any construction taking place, submit details of means and methods to be used for
the installation of the major components.
Cooperation will be required by all parties.
Orientation Program
The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all his sub-contractors and suppliers are
familiar with statutory and special requirements for this project and all other regulations
governing their work including the plant’s health and safety requirements.
An Orientation Program outlining the nature of the work and the special project
requirements will be instituted by the Contractor for all workers on the site. The Owner will
cooperate and provide their special requirements for this purpose. The Orientation Program
will consist of the following:
Description of the existing plant and the plant upgrades.
General description of planned construction activities.
Summary of special project sensitivities (need to maintain operations and operations
access, work permit system, security requirements, etc.)
Safety requirements associated with work activities on the project site.
Reporting requirements.
An agenda and summary of the Orientation Program will be submitted for review to the
Engineer prior to the Contractor moving any operations on site. The Engineer will provide a
reasonable level of information to the Contractor to facilitate preparation of this agenda and
The Orientation Program will be scheduled at regular intervals at the discretion of the
Contractor, as necessary to ensure that all employees attend prior to working on the site.
All Contractor personnel will be required to complete the Orientation Program prior to
working on the site. The Contractor will prepare indicators (hardhat stickers) to be applied
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upon the workers hardhats in visible locations. No Contractor personnel will be allowed on
site for more than three days without attending the Orientation Program. Contractor
personnel who have not attended the Orientation Program be required to be accompanied by
personnel who have completed the Orientation Program.
Future Work
The Contract has been designed for future additions where shown. Ensure the Work of this
Contract avoids encroachment into areas shown for future additions.
Where capped services, empty conduit, empty outlet boxes and similar items are shown for
future extension, clearly identify and record the terminations for ready access for future use.
Where such terminations are concealed, accurately dimension their location on record
Work Adjacent to Public or Private Property
The Contractor will allow for the attendance of up to five Owner and Engineer personnel at
any Orientation Program proceeding.
Obtain written consent from the Owner of adjacent property before proceeding with a part of
the Work that necessitates entry onto such property for the underpinning of adjacent
structures and where overswing of cranes may occur. Such written consent will not limit the
Contractor’s responsibility for property damage or personal injury.
Access to Site
It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to check that the access to the site is in suitable
condition before any plant, equipment, or materials are dispatched to site.
Access to the site will be via the Main Plant entrance.
Hours of Work
Work inside the Owner’s property shall be carried out between the hours of 0700 hours
(7:00 am) and 16:30 hours (4:30 pm) on weekdays unless other arrangements are made
between the Owner and the Contractor.
Normal working hours at the existing Pollution Control Centre are 8:00 am. to 4:00 pm.
from Monday to Friday (to be confirmed with the Owner). When work is planned for
periods outside of this time frame, arrange with the Engineer and Owner a minimum of
7 days prior to when the work is to be completed.
Work Permits
Work Permits will be used to coordinate and approve all work that will directly or indirectly
affect the plant operations, such as the relocation of all process piping equipment, and
electrical services, and all work requiring parts of the operation to be taken out of service.
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Section 01070
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The purpose of Work Permits is to prevent injury to the Plant Operators and Contractor
personnel, prevent damage to the process piping, electrical system and wastewater treatment
facilities. The work permit serves as a communication paper between the Plant Operators,
the Contractor and the Engineer so that all procedures will be clear and understood by all
parties. The Operators reserve the right to require alterations to proposed work methods or
timing where such alterations will result in minimization of disruption to plant operations.
The Work Permit will be prepared by the Contractor; reviewed by the Owner and Engineer;
and, when finalized, posted.
The Work Permit will contain the following information:
Work to be done
Time period - potential hazards - safety precautions
Safety equipment and personnel
Equipment status prior, during and after work
Effect on other work permits
Amount of supervision
Number of workers
Any other special items required by the Engineer
The Work Permit is required for all work including but not limited to the following:
Any work involving a confined space
In potentially flammable situations
Near high voltage, toxic materials or high pressure areas
Radiographic testing
Re-routing of individual process and electrical lines
Work below grade where underground piping or electrical cables are thought or known
to exist
Any work which will require any existing process, mechanical, electrical, or controls
equipment to be taken out of service
The Permit will be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Owner and Engineer at
least two (2) weeks prior to the anticipated start of work. The Engineer and the Owner will
review the permit. A meeting will be held to review the permit, or it may be returned, with
comments to the contractor for re-submission. The Contractor must have a Work Permit
totally approved by the Engineer and the Owner’s Representative before work commences
on any given system.
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Section 01070
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When the Work Permit (with amendments) review is complete the Engineer and the Owner’s
representative will sign the permit.
A copy of the signed Work Permit will be given to the Contractor. All equipment, pipelines,
electrical feeds, valves, etc. that are shut off while the work is being done will be locked out
by the Operators and the Contractor in the presence of the Contractor and have a copy of the
Work Permit attached to or mounted in a clearly visible location adjacent to the lockout.
There will be a five minute meeting for all personnel at the beginning of each shift to
communicate the conditions of the Permit.
.10 If any conditions change during the course of work, so that, in the opinion of the Engineer,
the Owner or Contractor, such that safe continuation is questionable, the work must be
stopped until a new Work Permit is issued.
.11 A copy of the signed Work Permit shall be posted in a conspicuous location close to the
work site.
.12 The Work Permit Form to be used is located at the end of this section.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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French Creek Pollution Control Centre
Section 01070
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Preconstruction Meeting
Section 01200
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Within fifteen (15) days after award of Contract, the Engineer will request a project meeting
of parties in contract to discuss and resolve administrative procedures and responsibilities.
Representatives of the Owner, Engineer, Contractor, and Major Subcontractors must be in
Representatives of the Contractor and Subcontractors attending the preconstruction meeting
must be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the party each represents.
After the time and location of this meeting has been established, the Contractor shall notify
all parties concerned a minimum of ten (10) days before the meeting.
The Engineer will arrange space and facilities for this meeting.
The Engineer will chair and record discussions and decisions, and circulate the meeting
notes to all parties concerned.
Agenda to include the following:
Appointment and notification of official representatives of participants in the Work.
Schedule of the Work, progress scheduling.
Schedule of shop drawing submissions.
Schedule for the procurement and delivery of specified equipment.
Plant orientation program.
Requirements for temporary facilities, site signs, offices, storage sheds, utilities,
hoarding, site access and use.
Site security.
Health and Safety issues:
As part of this agenda item, the contractor will be asked to complete a Safety
Modification procedures, Contemplated Change Notices and Change Order procedures,
approvals required, mark-up percentages permitted, time extensions, overtime,
administrative requirements (GC) as originated by the owner or in the case of a savings,
by the Contractor.
.10 Product and tool storage.
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Section 01200
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.11 Weather protection.
.12 Record drawings.
.13 Operation and maintenance manuals.
.14 Commissioning, acceptance, and handover.
.15 Warrantees.
.16 Monthly progress claims, administrative procedures, photographs, holdbacks.
.17 Appointment of inspection and testing agencies or firms.
.18 Insurances and transcript of policies.
.19 Communications routing and logistics.
.20 Access to site and work areas.
.21 Survey.
.22 A schedule for progress meetings.
.23 Emergency telephone numbers.
.24 Other items as arise at the meeting.
Progress Meetings
Schedule and administer progress meetings every two weeks throughout the construction
period, and every week during the first and last two months of construction and through the
commissioning period.
Provide input to the Engineer for the meeting agenda at least two days prior to the meeting.
Representatives of the Owner, Engineer, Contractor, and Major Subcontractors must be in
attendance. Arrange for the attendance of other subcontractors and suppliers as necessary to
address issues on the agenda.
Representatives of the Contractor, Subcontractors, and Suppliers attending meetings must be
qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the party each represents.
Agenda for Construction Progress Meetings to include the following:
Review and approval of minutes of previous meeting.
Field observations, problems, conflicts.
Review of environmental incidents.
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Review submittal schedules: Expedite as required.
Review of off-site fabrication and delivery schedule.
Progress, schedule, during succeeding work period.
Problems which impede construction schedule.
Corrective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule.
Revisions to construction schedule.
Section 01200
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.10 Site coordination review.
.11 Maintenance of quality standards.
.12 Review of site cleanliness.
.13 Review of site safety and security.
.14 Review of temporary facilities.
.15 Review requests for information.
.16 Review of contemplated change notices, field orders, change orders, and field
.17 Review proposed changes for effect on construction schedule and on completion date.
.18 Review of progress payments.
.19 Outstanding action items.
.20 Date and location of next meeting.
.21 Other business.
The Engineer will preside at the meetings.
The Engineer will record notes of the project meetings, including significant proceedings,
decisions, “Action By" parties, dates for completion of duties, etc.
Special Meetings
Special meetings may be requested by the Owner, Engineer or Contractor to discuss specific
issues. Generally, three days notice is required for special meetings. The agenda will be
fashioned to suit the meeting. Minutes will be kept by the Engineer.
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Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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Section 01210
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Contingency Allowance
Include in the Contract Amount a contingency allowance as shown in the Tender Form
(Section 00300).
Expenditures under the contingency allowance will be authorized and evaluated in
accordance with the procedures provided in GC 4.2 – Contingency Allowance.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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Daily Record of Work Progress
Section 01240
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Maintain at the site a permanent written record of progress of the Work. Make the record
available to the Engineer upon request and provide him with a copy if requested. Include in
the record each day:
The weather conditions with maximum and minimum temperatures.
The conditions encountered during excavation.
The commencement and the completion dates of the Work of each trade in each area of
the Contract.
The progress of each trade in each area of the work.
The erection and removal dates of formwork in each area of the Contract.
The dates, the quantities, and the particulars of each concrete pour.
The dates, the quantities, and the particulars of building construction.
The dates, the quantities, and the particulars of roofing installation.
The numbers and classifications of the Contractor’s and the Subcontractor’s tradesmen
working at the site and the numbers and classifications of construction machinery and
equipment and the number of hours each is operated.
.10 The visits to the site by the Owner, the Engineer, the regulatory authorities, the testing
companies, the subcontractors and the suppliers.
Progress Photographs
When the Work commences at the site, and at weekly intervals thereafter, take digital
photographs of the progress of the Work.
Photographs taken are to show the general extent of the Work by both exterior and interior
Title each photograph at the bottom so no pertinent detail is obscured. Include in the title, the
direction of view and the date when taken.
Not Applicable
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This section of the Specification forms part of the Contract Documents, and is to be read,
interpreted and coordinated with all other parts.
Measurement and Payment
Section 01280
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The Work, including any Materials, equipment and services, will be paid for in accordance
with the prices set out in Section 00305 – Tender Price Breakdown. The Section 00305
prices and any further breakdown does not limit the Work to the items listed therein. The
Contractor has allowed for sufficient amounts to cover the cost of any Work or Materials not
specifically listed in Section 00305, but included in the Drawings and Specifications by
either direct mention or implication, by including all such amounts in the items to which
they pertain most closely in Section 00305. Costs of a general nature that do not pertain to
any one item have been distributed among all the items.
Applications for Payment
Refer to Part 5 Payment – General Conditions (CCDC 2), and Section 00800 –
Supplementary General Conditions.
The Contractor shall use standard forms for submission of progress claims in the format
agreed prior to the end of each month of Work.
Show previous amount claimed and the amount claimed for the period ending. Show
percentage of Work completed to date and holdback retained.
Changes in the Work
Refer to Part 6 Changes in the Work – General Conditions (CCDC 2), and Section 00800 –
Supplementary General Conditions.
Changes to the work will be defined as below and be documented using the following forms:
Field Order – Will be used when an instruction is given to the Contractor in the field,
which may result in an adjustment to the Contract Price. A Field Order signed by the
Engineer and the Owner is authorization to proceed with the Work on a Lump Sum,
Unit Price or Force Account/Time and Material basis as stipulated on the Field Order
form. Extra work shall not commence until the Contractor receives a copy of the Field
Order signed by the Owner and the Engineer.
Field Memo – Will be issued by the Engineer and be used as an instruction in situations
where the change is not anticipated to result in an adjustment to the Contract Price.
Change Order – Will be used for additions or deletions to the Work which originate in
the form of revisions to Drawings and Specifications, and which may result in a change
to the Contract Price. A Change Order signed by the Engineer and the Owner is
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authorization to proceed with the Work as stipulated in the Change Order. Extra work
shall not commence until the Contractor receives a copy of the Change Order signed by
the Owner and Engineer.
Contemplated Changes in the Work
Where a change in the Work is contemplated, the Engineer will give the Contractor
written notice advising the Contractor of a contemplated change in the Work. Such
notice requires that the Contractor submit either a lump sum quotation or an estimate
based on unit prices and quantities, or labour and equipment rates, to the Engineer
within the time specified on the form. Such notice is for information only and is not
an instruction to execute changes, or to stop Work in progress. The Contractor’s
quotation shall:
Make reference to the contemplated change order letter;
Be set out in sufficient detail acceptable to the Engineer;
Indicate the methodology and resources that the Contractor shall use to perform the
extra work;
Indicate the cost or credit to complete the extra work;
Indicate the schedule to perform the extra work; and indicate the impact on the
overall project schedule.
Indicate any incremental cost impact included in quotation to maintain the
Completion Date;
Indicate that quotation will remain open for acceptance by the Owner for
thirty (30) days; and
Submit all required back-up documents.
The Engineer will review the Contractor’s quotations for contemplated changes in the
Work to determine whether the quotation is acceptable, requires resubmittal or should
be rejected. Support quotation with additional substantiating data if requested by the
When the quotation has been evaluated and is deemed acceptable to the Engineer, the
Engineer will prepare and complete a Change Order entering the acceptable quotation
adjustments to the Contract Price and Completion Date for the Owner’s signature.
Once the Change Order is signed and fully executed by the Owner, it will then be
forwarded to the Contractor for signature. The Change Order, signed by the Owner,
records and authorizes the Contractor to proceed with the Work.
Methods for Valuing and Evaluating Changes on the Work
Lump Sum Change Orders and Field Orders
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Section 01280
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The content of Change Orders or Field Orders will be based on a prior quotation
from the Contractor and agreed to by the Engineer and the Owner.
The Contractor shall submit all necessary backup and the quotation shall be broken
down as much as required by the Engineer.
Unit Price Change Orders and Field Orders
The content of Change Orders or Field Orders will be based on either prior agreed
quantities or a survey of completed Work.
The amounts of unit prices shall be those quoted in the Schedules to the Contract.
When quantities can be determined prior to start of Work, the Engineer will
prepare and complete a Change Order or Field Order describing the Work and
entering the agreed confirmed unit prices, total quantities and total cost
adjustments to the Contract Price and the construction schedule, for the Owner’s
signature. Once the Change Order or Field Order is signed and fully executed by
the Owner, it will then be forwarded to the Contractor for signature. The Change
Order, signed by the Owner, records and authorizes the Contractor to proceed with
the Work.
When quantities cannot be determined prior to start of Work, the Engineer will
assign to the Contractor a Field Order signed by the Owner agreeing and
authorizing the described Work to proceed immediately on the basis of the unit
prices and an estimate mutually agreed upon. Upon completion of the changes
involved, the Engineer will complete the Field Order entering the final total cost
for the Work based on agreed confirmed unit prices and actual measured quantities
support data submitted for the Owner’s signature to adjust the Contract Price and
Completion Date as applicable.
Force Account/Time and Material Change Orders and Field Orders
When a change in the Work cannot be agreed upon by the Lump Sum and Unit
Price methods, the Engineer may authorize the Work to be carried out on a Force
Account/Time and Material basis.
The Engineer will provide the Contractor with a Field Order, signed by the Owner
agreeing and authorizing the described extra work to proceed immediately on a
Force Account/Time and Material basis as reviewed on the Work Site.
The Contractor shall support claims for changes determined by this method via
numbered Daily Time Sheets (DTS) submitted the day following the Work with
dates and times the Work was performed and by whom; time record, summary of
hours worked and hourly rates paid; receipts and invoices for equipment used,
listing dates and times of use; materials and products used, listings quantities;
Submit claims on standard form.
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Upon completion of the changes, the Engineer will complete the Field Order
entering the final approved total cost for the extra work involved, based on agreed
confirmed time and material support data, invoices, time sheets and records
submitted for the Owner’s signature to adjust the Contract Price and Completion
Date as applicable.
The percentage mark-up permitted for changes in the Work done on a Force
Account basis is specified in the General Conditions.
Quotations for changes in the Work shall show credits for work deleted from the
Contract as a result of the change in the Work, if applicable.
The mark-up on each change shall be applied to the net difference between credits and
extras except in the case where the change results in a net credit to the Contract Price, in
which case the Contractor is not entitled to charge mark-up on the net credit.
Any dispute arising under this Section shall be governed by Part 8 Dispute Resolution –
General Conditions (CCDC 2).
Not applicable
Section 01280
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Not applicable
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Section 01310
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Prepare a time scaled, precedence diagramming network schedule using the critical path
method. This detailed schedule will provide a basis for determining the progress status of
the project relative to the completion time and specific dates and for determining the
acceptability of the Contractor's requests for payment.
Show all significant construction activities, shop drawing submittals, procurement activities
and receipts of materials and equipment which the Contractor intends to store on site for at
least one month prior to installation. Indicate assigned dollar values for each scheduled
activity. Show the dependencies between activities so that it may be established what effect
the progress of any one activity has on the schedule. Assign each activity an identification
number (first two characters must be the specification division number).
Assign an activity code to all activities to allow sorting reports and schedules by both
specification division number and process area.
Assign activity codes to all appropriate construction activities to allow sorting on each of the
following items in reports and schedules:
Coordination/tie-in activities associated with existing operating facilities and other
Submittal, fabrication, delivery, installation, and testing of items. Include unloading in
delivery activities.
Installation of major equipment items and their associated piping systems.
When requested, submit to the Engineer for information, a separate schedule filtered to show
coordination/tie-in or other disruptive work activities with existing facilities only.
Establish activity codes by mutual agreement with the Engineer.
Show completion time and all specific dates and sequencing requirements described in
Section 01015. Identify activities making up the critical path.
Unless specifically approved by the Engineer, show activities on the schedule with a
duration not longer than 5 working days (except activities showing only submittal, fabrication
or delivery of material or equipment). Divide activities which exceed these limits into more
detailed components. Base the scheduled duration of each activity on the work being performed
during the normal 40 hour work week with allowances made for legal holidays and normal
weather conditions.
Based on the construction schedule and the agreed Tender Price Breakdown, develop cash flow
projections for the entire project period.
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Section 01310
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Schedule Submittal
Within 10 days after award of Contract, prepare and submit a preliminary schedule showing
the activities through the first 90 days of the Project, for review, to the Engineer.
Within 30 days of the Notice of Award, submit complete schedule and cash flow projection.
The schedule for the Contract shall be based on the Contract completion dates, and the
milestone dates for critical activities.
Submit the entire schedule in digital form, based on the use of MS Project or similar
software, and the following information on hard copy:
Tabular listing of activities sorted by early start and showing activity description,
scheduled duration in working days, early and late start and finish dates, total float,
predecessors and/or successors to each activity and the cost assigned to each activity.
Time scaled logic diagram for all scheduled activities.
Projected monthly draw request (histogram and tabular).
Critical path report.
Narrative describing the basis of the schedule.
Schedule Review
Schedule shall show dates of commencement and completion of various parts of the Work,
ordering and delivery dates of Products, phasing and timing for various subtrades and all
other detailed information to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The Engineer will review the submitted schedules and cash flow projections within 14
working days of receipt. If the Engineer finds that the submitted schedule does not comply
with the specified requirements, or does not provide acceptable schedule detail, the
deficiencies will be identified in writing to the Contractor for correction and resubmittal.
Correct and resubmit the schedule within 10 working days after the deficiencies have been
identified by the Engineer.
The accepted schedule will serve as background for the requests for payment.
Submit for review in accordance with Section 01330.
Schedule Revisions
Submit proposed revisions to the accepted construction schedule to the Engineer for review.
Changes in timing for activities may be modified with agreement of the Contractor and
Engineer. A change affecting the Contract Price, the completion time and work sequencing
(Section 01015) may be made only by approved change order.
Add separate activities to the construction schedule for each approved change order.
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Add separate activity codes for change orders to allow separate sorting.
Should the actual sequence of work performed by the Contractor deviate from the planned
sequence indicated in the accepted schedule, the Engineer may require the Contractor to
revise the schedule to reflect changes in the actual sequence and/or the future sequence of
Within 20 days following approval of the Contractor's testing and commissioning plan
(Section 01670), submit a schedule revision incorporating the approved plan into the
construction schedule.
Submit with each schedule revision all information as called for in submitting the original
construction schedule in both digital form and in hard copy.
Progress Reports
Submit an updated schedule on a monthly basis concurrent with the submittal of the progress
payment request. Indicate on the updated schedule progress achieved to date on all
activities. Submit the updated schedule and other information in digital form and in hard
copy as specified for the original construction schedule.
Provide updated cash flow projections with each progress report of significant schedule
Each report shall include sufficient details on the work completed and the anticipated work
to be undertaken for the next report period. If the progress falls behind schedule, the
Contractor shall include explanations for the delay and propose remedial actions.
Should the Work fail to progress according to the approved progress schedule, work such
additional time (including weekends and holidays), employ additional workers, or both, as
may be required to bring the Work back on schedule, at no additional cost to the Owner.
Not Applicable
Section 01310
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Not Applicable
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Section 01330
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General Requirements
Unless otherwise noted, make submittals to the Engineer for review.
Provide and submit mark-ups of the technical specifications to identify where the equipment
differs from that specified.
Make submittals with reasonable promptness and in an orderly sequence to avoid any delay
in the Work. Failure to submit in ample time is not considered cause for an extension of
Contract Time, and no claim for extension by reason of such default will be allowed.
Do not proceed with Work affected by submittals until review is complete.
The submittal reviews do not authorize changes in cost or time. Changes involving cost or
time are authorized only by a signed change order.
Shop Drawings
“Shop Drawings” mean custom drawings, specific product data, diagrams, illustrations,
schedules, performance charts, brochures and other data, which are to be provided to
illustrate details of a portion of the Work.
Arrange for the preparation of clearly identified shop drawings as specified or as the
Engineer may reasonably request. Shop drawings are to clearly indicate materials, methods
of construction and attachment or anchorage, erection diagrams, connections, explanatory
notes and other information necessary for completion of the Work. Where articles or
equipment attach or connect to other articles or equipment, clearly indicate that all such
attachments and connections have been properly coordinated, regardless of the trade under
which the adjacent articles or equipment will be supplied and installed. Notify the Engineer
in writing of any deviations in shop drawings from the requirements of the Contract
Shop drawings must be submitted with the appropriate Specification Sections attached
noting both compliance with and deviations from the Specifications.
Examine all shop drawings prior to submission to the Engineer to ensure that all necessary
requirements have been determined and verified and that each shop drawing has been
checked and coordinated with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents.
Examination of each shop drawing shall be indicated by stamp, date and signature of a
responsible person of the Subcontractor for supplied items and of the General Contractor for
fabricated items. Shop drawings not stamped, signed and dated will be returned without
being reviewed and stamped "Resubmit".
Submit shop drawings with reasonable promptness and in an orderly sequence so as to cause
no delay in the Work. Failure to submit shop drawings in ample time is not to be considered
sufficient reason for an extension of Contract Time and no claim for extension by reason of
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such default will be allowed. Jointly prepare a schedule fixing the dates for submission and
return of shop drawings.
The Engineer will review and return shop drawings in accordance with the schedule agreed
upon or otherwise with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay in the Work. Allow
sufficient time for review and consideration by the Engineer. Claims for costs or contract
extensions due to such review time will not be allowed.
Submit a reproducible original or digital copy, minimum of six (6) hard copies of white
prints and six (6) copies of all fixture cuts and brochures. The Engineer will keep one (1)
copy (the original), one (1) copy will be forwarded to the Owner, and four (4) copies will be
returned to the Contractor. If the Contractor needs more copies for his own distribution
purposes, additional copies should be made by the Contractor.
The Contractor may also want to give consideration to establishing an FTP site to enable the
electronic transfer of shop drawings as an alternative to the process described in
paragraph 1.2.7.
Shop drawing review by the Engineer is solely to ascertain conformance with the general
design concept. Responsibility for approval of detail design inherent in shop drawings rests
with the Contractor and review by the Engineer shall not imply such approval.
.10 Review of Shop Drawings by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibility for errors or omissions in shop drawings or for proper completion of the Work
in accordance with the Contract Documents.
.11 Responsibility for verification and correlation of field dimensions, fabrication processes,
techniques of construction, installation and coordination of all parts of the Work rests with
the Contractor.
.12 Shop drawings will be returned to the Contractor with one of the following notations:
When stamped “REVIEWED”, distribute additional copies as required for execution of
the Work.
When stamped “REVIEWED AS MODIFIED”, ensure that all copies for use are
modified and distributed, same as specified for “REVIEWED ONLY”. Resubmit for
final records.
When stamped “REVISE & RESUBMIT”, make the necessary revisions, as indicated,
consistent with the Contract Documents and submit again for review.
When stamped “REJECTED”, submit other drawings, brochures, etc. for review
consistent with the Contract Documents.
Only shop drawings bearing “REVIEWED” or “REVIEWED AS MODIFIED” shall be
used on the Work unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer.
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It is understood that the following is to be read in conjunction with the wording on the
Engineer’s shop drawing review stamp applied to each and every data sheet or drawing
“This review by the Engineer is for the sole purpose of ascertaining general
conformance with the Contract design concept. This review does not mean
that the Engineer approves the detail design inherent in the shop drawings,
responsibility for which remains with the Contractor, and such review does
not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for errors or omissions in the
shop drawing or of his responsibility for meeting all requirements of the
Contract Documents. Be responsible for confirming and correlating
dimensions at the Place of the Work, for information that pertains solely to
fabrication processes or to techniques of construction and installation, and
for coordination of the work of all subtrades.”
.13 After submittals are stamped “REVIEWED”, no further revisions are permitted unless resubmitted to the Engineer for further review.
.14 Any adjustments made on shop drawings by the Engineer are not intended to change the
Contract Price. If it is deemed that such adjustments affect the Contract Price, clearly state
as such in writing prior to proceeding with fabrication and installation of work.
.15 Make changes in shop drawings which the Engineer may require consistent with Contract
Documents. When re-submitting, notify the Engineer in writing of any revisions other than
those requested by the Engineer.
.16 Shop drawings indicating design requirements not included in the Contract Documents
require the seal of a qualified Professional Engineer, registered in British Columbia.
.17 Only two reviews of a shop drawing will be made by the Engineer at no cost. Each
additional review will be charged to the Contractor at the Engineer’s scheduled rates. The
Engineer’s charges for additional work will be deducted from the Contractor’s Progress
Product Data
“Product Data” mean general diagrams, illustrations, brochures and other data, which are to
be provided to illustrate items of construction materials, equipment, furnishings, and other
elements of the work.
Submit Product Data for the Engineer's review as specified or as the Engineer may
reasonably request. Reference Product Data to drawings and specifications.
Where the submittal of Product Data is required, submit Product Data prior to arranging for
delivery of Products to site.
Submit Product Data with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence. Failure to submit
Product Data in ample time is not to be considered sufficient reason for an extension of
Contract Time and no claim for extension by reason of such default will be allowed.
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Notify the Engineer in writing, at the time of submission, of any deviations in Product Data
from requirements of Contract Documents.
The Engineer will not review Product Data.
Receipt of Product Data by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility
providing the specified Products for incorporation in the Work in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
Submit a reproducible original or digital copy, minimum of six (6) hard copies of white
prints and six (6) copies of all fixture cuts and brochures. The Engineer will keep one (1)
copy (the original), one (1) copy will be forwarded to the Owner, and four (4) copies will be
returned to the Contractor. If the Contractor needs more copies for his own distribution
purposes, additional copies should be made by the Contractor.
Submit, in duplicate, Samples for the Engineer's review as specified or as the Engineer may
reasonably request. Clearly label samples as to origin and intended use in the Work.
Reference samples to drawings and specifications.
Submit Samples with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence so as to cause no delay
in the Work. Failure to submit samples in ample time is not to be considered sufficient
reason for an extension of Contract Time and no claim for extension by reason of such
default will be allowed.
Notify the Engineer in writing, at the time of submission, of any deviations in Samples from
requirements of Contract Documents.
The Engineer's review of Samples will be for conformity of design concept and general
arrangement only. Such review is not to be considered relief of responsibility for errors or
omissions in Samples or of responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract
Any adjustments made on Samples by the Engineer are not intended to change the Contract
Price. If it is deemed that such adjustments affect the Contract Price, clearly state as much in
writing prior to proceeding with fabrication and installation of the Work.
Make changes in samples which the Engineer may require consistent with Contract
Where changes or modifications of the Products for which samples are submitted are
required, re-submit samples embodying the required changes or modifications.
Where colour, pattern or texture is a criterion, submit a full range of samples.
Reviewed samples will become the standard of workmanship and material against which the
performed Work will be verified and accepted.
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Record Drawings
After award of Contract the Engineer will provide a complete set of drawings for the purpose
of maintaining Project record drawings. These drawings shall consist of a full size white
paper copy.
Record on the white prints on a daily basis, work constructed differently than shown on the
Contract Documents. Record all changes in the Work caused by site conditions, or originated
by the Owner, the Engineer, the Contractor, or a Subcontractor and by addenda,
supplemental drawings, site instructions, supplementary instructions, change orders,
correspondence, and directions of regulatory authorities. Do not use these drawings for daily
working purposes and make the set available for periodic inspection by the Engineer.
Accurately record the location of concealed mechanical services and electrical main feeders,
junction boxes and pull boxes. Do not conceal critical Work until its location has been
Dimension the installed locations of concealed service lines on the site or within the
structure by reference from the centre line of the service to structure column lines or other
main finished faces or other structural points easily identified and located in the finished
Make records in a neat and legibly printed manner with a non-smudging medium.
Identify drawings as “Project Record Copy”. Maintain in good condition and make
available for inspection on site by Engineer at all times.
At completion of operational testing, neatly transfer notations to second set of prints and
submit both sets of record drawings to Engineer.
The record drawings will be reviewed monthly prior to acceptance by the Engineer of the
monthly payment certificate. Failure to maintain the record drawings will result in a
10 percent reduction in payment to the Contractor for that month. The amount will be
returned to the Contractor on the next payment as long as the record drawings are brought up
to date.
Failure to provide acceptable “Record Drawings” may delay acceptance of the project by the
Owner. The Owner may assess against the Contract a sum based on their calculations of
costs to prepare such plans.
Photographs and Publicity
No press or publicity releases will be permitted without prior approval of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer, submit for the review of the Engineer
method statements which describe in detail, supplemented with drawings where necessary,
the methods to be adopted for executing any portion of Work.
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These statements shall also include details of constructional plant and labour to be
employed. Acceptance by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his
responsibilities, nor shall reasonable refusal to approve entitle the Contractor to extra
payment or an extension of time.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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The Owner will be responsible for obtaining and paying for the Building Permit.
Refer to the General Conditions and Supplemental General Conditions for other
requirements related to permits and other regulatory requirements.
Arrange and pay for the regulatory submittals and inspections necessary for the completion
of the Work in accordance with Federal, Provincial, and District laws, regulations, and
Within one week of receipt, provide one copy of all regulatory reports, permits, and other
documents to the Engineer. Include any reports from WorkSafe BC related to Contractor
operations on the site.
Applicable Codes/Standards
Where specified codes/standards are not dated, conform to latest issue of specified codes/
standards as amended and revised to the Tender closing date.
Maintain one copy of all specified and applicable codes and standards at the job site for
ready reference.
Confine apparatus, the storage of Products and the operations of workers to limits indicated
by laws, ordinances, permits and by directions of the Engineer. Do not unreasonably
encumber the premises with Products.
In the event of discrepancies between codes, standards or other provisions, the most stringent
shall apply.
Conform to all Federal, Provincial, and District Codes, regulations and by laws.
Make available four (4) “Visitor” safety helmets for authorized visitors.
Ensure that visitors are provided safety orientation.
Working Limits
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Confine all deliveries and operations within the project property limits.
Not Applicable
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Section 01420
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Latest Editions
All references to specifications, standards, or methods of technical associations refer to the
latest adopted revision, including all amendments, in effect on the date of submission of
bids, except where a date or issue is specifically noted.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
American Concrete Institute
Antifriction Bearing Manufacturers Association
American Gas Association
American Gear Manufacturers Association
American Institute of Steel Construction
Air Moving and Conditioning Association
American National Standards Institute
American Petroleum Institute
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Society for Testing and Materials
Architectural Woodworkers Manufacturers Association of Canada
American Wood Preservers Association
American Welding Society
American Water Works Association
British Columbia Building Code
Canadian National Standard
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Certified Ballast Manufacturers
Clay Brick and Tile Institute of Canada
Canadian Electrical Code
Canadian Electrical Manufacturers Association
Canadian Gas Association
Canadian Good Roads Association
Canadian General Standards Board
Canadian Institute of Steel Construction
Canadian Institute of Timber Construction
Canadian Lumbermen Association
Crane Manufacturers Association of America
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Canadian Painting Contractors Association
Canadian Prestressed Concrete Institute
Canadian Roofing Contractors Association
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
Canadian Standards Association
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute
Canadian Underwriters Association
Canadian Welding Bureau
Canadian Wood Council
Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute
Edison Electric Institute
Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers of Canada
Federal Fire Prevention Committee
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Factory Mutual Engineering Corporation
Insurers' Advisory Organization
Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers
International Electrotechnical Commission
Institution of Electrical Engineers (U.K.)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Illuminating Engineering Society
Insulated Glass Manufacturers Association of Canada
Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association
Instrument Society of America
International Standardization Organization
Lighting Equipment Manufacturers Association
Laminated Timber Institute of Canada
Millwork Manufacturers Association
National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers
National Building Code of Canada
National Electrical Code
National Electric Safety Code
National Fire Protection Association
National Lumber Grade Authority
Overhead Electrical Crane Institute
Portland Cement Association
Prestressed Concrete Institute
Plywood Manufacturers Association of British Columbia
Roofing Contractors Association of British Columbia
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RLM Standards Institute
Road and Transportation Association of Canada
Society of Automotive Engineers
Steel Boilers Institute
Steel Joist Institute
Steel Structures Painting Council
Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association of Canada
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada
United States Federal Government
Workers' Compensation Board
West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau
Conform to these standards, in whole or in part as specifically requested in Specifications.
If there is question as to whether any product or system is in conformance with applicable
standards, Owner reserves the right to have such products or systems tested to prove or
disprove conformance.
The cost for such testing will be born by Owner in the event of conformance with Contract
Documents or by Contractor in the event of non-conformance.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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Codes and Standards
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In the case of a conflict or discrepancy between the Contract Documents and the governing
standards, the more stringent requirements apply.
Unless the edition number and date are specified, the reference to the manufacturer’s and
published codes, standards, and specifications are to the latest edition published by the
issuing authority, current at the date of tender closing.
Reference standards and specifications are quoted in the Specifications to establish minimum
standards. Work in quality exceeding these minimum standards conforms with the Contract.
Where reference is made to a manufacturer’s direction, instruction, or specification it is
deemed to include full information on storing, handling, preparing, mixing, installing,
erecting, applying, or other matters concerning the Products pertinent to their use and their
relationship to the Products with which they are incorporated.
Where reference is made to regulatory authorities, it includes all authorities who have,
within their constituted powers, the right to enforce the laws of the Place of Work.
Testing and Quality Control
Furnish to the Engineer, when requested and consistent with progress of the Work, test
results and mix designs specified in the Contract Documents or required by by-laws, statutes
and regulations relating to the Work and the preservation of public health, including the
Inspection and testing performed exclusively for the Contractor’s convenience
Mill tests and certificates of compliance
The Contractor will pay for the services of a testing agency or laboratory for material quality
control tests that are specified. Tests required by by-laws, statutes and regulations applicable
to the Work are also the responsibility of the Contractor.
Remove and replace Products indicated in inspection and test reports as failing to comply
with the Contract Documents.
Correct improper installation procedures reported in the inspection and test reports.
Pay the costs for the re-inspection and re-testing of replaced work.
It is not the responsibility of the inspection and testing agents to supervise, instruct in current
methods or accept or reject a part of the Work, but only to inspect, test and to report
Notify the Engineer and the appropriate inspection and testing agent not less than forty-eight
hours prior to the commencement of the part of the Work to be inspected and tested.
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Ensure the presence of the authorized inspection and testing agent at the commencement of
the part of the Work specified to be inspected or tested.
Ensure the inspection and testing reports are issued promptly (normally within forty-eight
hours), and that the Engineer is notified forthwith if the report indicates improper conditions
or procedures.
.10 Co-operate with and provide facilities for the inspection and testing agents to perform their
.11 Provide proper facilities for the storage of concrete specimens at correct temperature, free
from vibration or damage in accordance with the instruction of the inspection and testing
agent and the governing standard.
.12 Submit two copies of each laboratory test report, unless specified otherwise, each copy
signed by a responsible officer of the inspection and testing laboratory. Each report is to
Date of issue
Contract name and number
Name and address of inspection and testing company
Name and signature of inspector or tester
Date of inspection or test
Identification of the Product and Specification section covering inspected or tested
Location of the inspection or the location from which the tested Product was derived
Type of the inspection or test
The remarks and observations on compliance with the Contract Documents
.13 Correct defective work within the Contract Time; the performing of such work is not a cause
for an extension of the Contract Time.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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Contractor’s Offices
Provide and maintain in clean condition during entire progress of the Work, a suitable office
adequately lighted, heated, and ventilated.
Ensure office is sufficiently large to allow for proper filing and examination of Contract
Documents and regulatory documents.
Locate in the area shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Provide within office space adequate safety provisions as recommended by the Ministry of
Labour and Worker's Compensation regulations.
Subcontractors’ Offices
Provide and maintain in a clean and orderly condition adequate lockable storage sheds for
tools and equipment. Locate where shown in the drawings.
Materials Storage
Provide and maintain in a clean and orderly condition suitable weatherproof and lockable
sheds for storage and protection of materials which require such protection. Locate sheds in
the area shown on the drawings, or as directed by the Engineer.
Allocate storage areas on site for materials which do not require weatherproof sheds.
Maintain areas in clean and orderly condition. Limit storage of materials and items to
storage areas only.
Sanitary Facilities
Subcontractors are to provide own offices as necessary. Locate in the area shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Equipment and Tool Storage
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Provide a portable washroom. Maintain facilities in clean and tidy condition.
Temporary Heating
Provide all temporary heating required during construction period, including attendants,
maintenance and fuel. Maintain temperatures of minimum 10°C in all areas in which
construction is in progress, unless indicated otherwise in specifications. Properly ventilate
all heated areas. The permanent heating system shall not be used for temporary heating.
Provide exhaust vents to the exterior for all temporary heaters.
Pay for all costs in maintaining and providing temporary heat.
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Be responsible for any damages to the Work due to failure in providing adequate heat and
protection during construction.
The Owner will supply normal heating and ventilation in the existing buildings using the
existing plant equipment.
In any area where renovation Work includes removing piping, ductwork, and accessories,
etc., associated with the existing heating and ventilating systems, and as a result temporary
heat or ventilation is required, provide such temporary heat or ventilation. Where renovation
Work is such that existing building systems cannot maintain adequate heating or ventilating,
provide temporary heat and ventilation as required.
Use the heating and ventilating system provided under the Contract for temporary heating
and ventilation only with the consent of the Engineer. To obtain this consent, the heating
and ventilating Work must be complete, cleaned, flushed and adjusted in accordance with
the Contract and the manufacturer’s instructions. Bear the cost of operating the system and
repair or replace any damage to the Work caused during use.
If the heating and ventilating system provided under the Contract is used for temporary
heating and ventilating, have system inspected by Product manufacturer’s personnel,
cleaned, flushed, adjusted and restored to “as-new” condition prior to applying for a
Certificate of Substantial Performance. Have the Product manufacturers of all equipment
used certify in writing to the Owner they have inspected the Work and found it to be in a
satisfactory operating condition and will fully warrant it.
Temporary Power and Light
Provide temporary electric power for all construction needs. Locate receptacles so power is
available to any part of the work within reach of a 30 m extension cord. Provide power at
temporary storage sheds and field offices. Provide extension cords as required.
Provide and pay for all temporary power required during construction period for temporary
lighting and the operations. Contractor responsible for all equipment and requirements for
Wiring for temporary lighting is to be entirely separate from temporary power installation
except for a common supply connection at either an electrical service or distribution centre.
When the permanent electrical distribution system has been commissioned and energized,
power receptacles may be used if warranty obligations are not affected. Do not overload any
circuit beyond its rated capacity. Repair any damage caused during use.
Temporary Telephone and Fax
If required for Contractor’s use, arrange and pay for establishment of telephone service for
telephone and fax. Use of the Owner’s telephone service will not be allowed.
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Temporary Enclosures
Provide and maintain temporary enclosures for all work requiring heating in cold weather.
Enclosures shall be capable of maintaining the specified temperatures for the work.
Provide and maintain temporary shelter for all work requiring cooling in hot weather.
Enclosures shall be capable of maintaining the specified temperature for the work.
Existing Services
Maintain existing services in operation at all times during construction.
Protect all existing services from damage. Repair services damaged by construction at no
additional cost to the Owner.
If service interruptions are necessary, such interruptions shall be made only at times
approved by the Engineer.
When breaking into or connecting to existing services or utilities, carry out work at times
directed by local governing authorities, with a minimum of disturbance to the Work and/or
building occupants and pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Protect, relocate or maintain existing active services as required. When inactive services are
encountered, cap off in a manner approved by local governing authorities having
Hoisting/Temporary Cranes
Provide for and operate hoists or lifts for the purpose of moving workers, material and
Hoists or lifts are to be operated only by fully qualified hoist operators.
Dust Tight Screens
Provide dust tight screens or partitions as required to localize dust generating activities and
for the protection of workers, finished areas of the Work and the treatment process.
Maintain protection until all such work is complete.
Construct screens using 50 mm x 100 mm construction grade lumber framing and heavygauge, polyethylene film.
Provide doors in dust-tight screens or partitions, as required.
Ladders, Stairs
Provide and maintain adequate temporary ladders and stairs required for construction.
Secure to structure.
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Ladders and stairs are to comply with all safety requirements of governing authorities.
Provide temporary wood treads on steel pan stairs for use prior to placement of permanent
Explosive Actuated Fastening Tools
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Provide for the use of explosive actuated fastening tools when required. When using,
conform to the requirements of CSA Z166 – “Explosive Actuated Fastening Tools” and local
governing authorities.
Protection for Off-Site and Public Property
Protect adjacent private and public property from damage during the performance of the
During excavation, provide sheeting, piling or shoring as required to protect adjacent
facilities from movement.
Be responsible for all damages incurred due to improper protection.
Fire Protection
Act as Fire Warden for the Contract.
Comply with provincial and local fire prevention codes, laws, regulations, and by-laws.
Be responsible for and enforce fire protection methods and procedures and adherence to
local fire regulations, including requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Provide and maintain adequate temporary fire protection equipment during performance of
the Work as required by insurance companies having jurisdiction.
Whenever soldering, welding or any open-flame work is performed, ensure the area is
suitable for such work, ensure the proper incombustible shields are provided to protect
combustible Products and materials and have an observer present at all times to ensure
adjacent Products and materials are not ignited and welding, soldering or open-flame work
do not produce a hazardous condition.
Ensure the existing fire protection and alarm systems are not obstructed, shut-off or made
inactive at any time. Do not use any fire hydrant, standpipe or hose system for other than
fire protection purposes.
Open fires and burning of rubbish are not permitted on the site.
Smoking is not permitted in hazardous areas or other areas as designated by the Owner. Post
“No Smoking” signs as required.
Provide minimum one fire extinguisher in each equipment and tool shed, temporary office,
material storage shed workshop.
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Section 01500
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.10 Where subjected to low temperatures, extinguishers are to be anti-freeze type. In proximity
to gas, oil, grease or paint storage locations they are to be #10 - carbon dioxide type.
Extinguishers for all other locations are to be soda-acid type. All extinguishers are to be
minimum 10 litre capacity and be ULC labeled.
.11 Remove combustible debris from site daily.
Protection of Building Finishes and Equipment
Provide adequate protection for finished and partially finished building finishes and
equipment during the performance of the Work. Provide necessary screens, covers,
hoardings, etc., as required. Be responsible for all damages incurred due to improper or lack
of protection.
Snow Removal
Within construction area, remove snow and ice from access roads, parking areas, office and
storage areas.
Remove snow and ice from building surfaces as necessary for construction.
Site Lighting
Provide and pay for temporary site lighting for night time hours. Install lamps in suitable
locations to obtain unobstructed light at an average intensity of 50 lumens over the working
areas during hours of operation. Provide temporary lighting that provides a minimum of
10 lumens over the entire site during the remainder of the day.
Perform daily inspection of site lighting and replace burned out and missing lamps.
Promptly relocate any lights that become obstructed by new work.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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Section 01505
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Demobilization shall consist of cleanup work and operations including, but not limited to,
those necessary for the removal of personnel, equipment, and incidentals from the Site.
Mobilization shall consist of preparatory work and operations including, but not limited to,
those necessary to the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies and incidentals to the
Site; and for all work and operations which must be performed or costs incurred prior to
beginning work on the various items on the Site.
Payment for mobilization and demobilization will be made at the lump sum price shown in
the Bid Form. Fifty percent (50%) of the lump sum price will be paid on the first progress
payment certificate due after the Contractor has established the operations and facilities
specified. The remaining fifty percent (50%) will be paid upon completion of the contract
and removal of equipment and cleanup of the work areas to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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Provide temporary access and parking areas as required.
Remove from Site all such work after use.
Access Road
If authorized to use existing roads for access to Site, maintain such roads for duration of
Contract and make good damage resulting from contractors' use of roads.
Prior to final inspection, obtain and submit to Owner written signed releases from owners of
all roads used for Site access, verifying that roads have been adequately restored and left in a
satisfactory condition.
Trim loads of trucks hauling excavated material, cement, sand, stone, gravel, debris,
demolition material or other loose material before leaving the site, and ensure that the bodies
of such vehicles are tight so that no spillage of loads occurs.
Access to Utility Installations
Do not obstruct hydrants, valve or control pit covers, valve boxes, curb stop boxes, fire or
police call boxes, and all other utility controls, warning systems, and appurtenances.
Provide and pay for bridges, walks, or other temporary facilities necessary to ensure that
these controls or warning systems are free for use in their normal manner at all times during
Construction Parking
Parking will be permitted on Site in designated areas and provided it does not disrupt the
performance of Work.
Not Applicable
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Not Applicable
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Provide temporary barriers and enclosures as required to protect against injury and damage.
Remove from Site all such work after use.
Provide hoarding with chain link fence 2.3 m high, protecting public and private property
from injury or damage. Provide lockable gates within hoarding for access to site by workers
and vehicles.
Provide barricades and covered walkways required by governing authorities for public
rights-of-way and for public access to building.
Guard Rails and Barricades
Provide secure, rigid guard railings and barricades around deep excavations, open shafts,
open stair wells, open edges of floors and roofs and trenches.
Provide as required by governing authorities.
Not Applicable
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Not Applicable
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This Section covers the work for the protection of the environment during construction. The
provisions of this Section are in addition to the provisions of other Sections of this Contract.
Site Working Areas
Confine operations to limits of the site working area shown on Drawings.
Provide access roads to the site working area and on the site in locations shown or otherwise
acceptable to the Engineer.
Install fencing to clearly define the working limits to the site working area, haul routes,
parking areas, access routes and maintenance areas to ensure all activity is confined to these
Environmental Management System (EMS)
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Comply with the requirements of the Regional District of Nanaimo’s Wastewater Services
(WWS) Environmental Management System as documented in Appendix A of the Contract
Codes and Standards
The Contractor shall follow the “Environmental Construction Guidelines for Municipal,
Road, Sewage and Water Projects; 1987” by the Municipal Engineers Association. These
Guidelines recommend construction procedures that are considered to be sound
environmental practice for the following areas of concern:
Construction Works Yard and Access Routes
Equipment Fuelling, Maintenance and Storage
Mud, Dust and Particulate Control
Noise and Vibration Control
Drilling and Blasting
Protection of Land Features and Vegetation
Clearing Right-of-Way/Disposal of Excess Material
Site Drainage and Erosion Control
.10 Water Crossings and Construction through Sensitive Areas
.11 Groundwater and Well Water
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.12 Hydrostatic Testing and Disinfection
.13 Site Restoration
Construction Practices
Notwithstanding the above general concerns, the following environmental construction
practices are specific to this Contract:
No channel construction or work shall be carried out that will interfere with the
migration of fish.
Control measures shall be provided to prevent silt-laden water from entering natural
watercourses in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Environment.
The velocity of discharge water shall be controlled to prevent unnecessary disturbance
of natural watercourses.
All equipment maintenance and refuelling shall be carried out so as to prevent the entry
of petroleum products into the ground or watercourses at all times.
The Contractor shall ensure the immediate availability of the products with which to
affect temporary repair to broken pipelines and other services so the spill or other
emission of a pollutant is immediately controlled and stopped and to mitigate the
Maintain temporary erosion and pollution control features installed under this contract.
Control noise emission from equipment and plant to local authorities’ noise emission
Cover or wet down dry materials and rubbish to prevent blowing dust and debris.
Provide dust control for temporary roads.
Site Restoration
In general, the Contractor shall restore the site to conditions equal to or, if specified
elsewhere, to a condition better than existing conditions.
The Contractor shall restore lands outside of the limits of the Work which are disturbed by
the Work to their original condition.
Spills Reporting
In the event of a spill or other emission of a pollutant into the natural environment, every
person responsible for the emission of who causes or permits it must forthwith notify:
The Ministry of Environment
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The municipality or the regional municipality within the boundaries of which the spill
The owner of the pollutant, if known.
The person having control of the pollutant, if known.
The Engineer: Of the spill, of the circumstances thereof, and of the action taken or
intended to be taken with respect thereto.
Contingency Plan
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Prior to commencing construction, the Contractor shall prepare a contingency plan for the
control and clean up of a spill. The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s review and
the review of other responsible Parties a copy of the Contingency Plan and make appropriate
changes to it based on review comments received. The plans shall be reviewed at the preconstruction meeting. The contingency plan shall include:
The names and the telephone numbers of the persons in the local municipalities to be
notified forthwith of a spill.
The names and the telephone numbers of the representatives of the fire, the police and
the health departments of the local municipalities who are responsible to respond to
emergency situations.
The Contractor’s proposal for the immediate containment and control of the spill, the
cleanup procedures to be initiated immediately and any other action to be taken to
mitigate the potential environmental damage while awaiting additional assistance.
The name and the office and home telephone number of the Contractor’s representative
responsible for preparing, implementing, directing and supervising the contingency
Disposal of Wastes
Fires and burning of rubbish on site are not permitted.
Do not bury rubbish and waste materials on site.
Do not dispose of waste or volatile materials, such as mineral spirits, oil or paint thinner into
waterways, storm or sanitary sewers.
Site Clearing and Plant Protection
Protect trees and plants on site and adjacent properties where indicated.
Protect roots of designated trees to dripline during excavation and site grading to prevent
disturbance or damage. Avoid unnecessary traffic, dumping and storage of materials over
root zones.
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Minimize stripping of topsoil and vegetation.
Restrict tree removal to areas indicated or designated by Engineer.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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Quality of Products
Section 01600
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Provide new materials, equipment and articles incorporated in the Work, not damaged or
defective and of the best quality (compatible with specifications) for the purpose intended.
If requested furnish evidence as to type, source and quality of products provided.
Defective materials, equipment and articles whenever found may be rejected regardless of
previous inspection. Inspection by the Engineer or his Representative does not relieve the
Contractor of his responsibility but is merely a precaution against oversight or error.
Remove and replace defective materials at own expense and be responsible for all delays and
expenses caused by rejection.
Should any dispute arise as to the quality or fitness of materials, equipment or articles, the
decision rests strictly with the Engineer based upon the requirements of the Contract
Unless otherwise indicated in the specifications, maintain uniformity of manufacturer for
any particular or like item throughout the building and other areas of the Work.
Permanent labels, trademarks and nameplates on materials, equipment and articles are not
acceptable in prominent locations except where required for operating instructions and when
located in mechanical or electrical rooms.
Availability of Products
Immediately upon signing the Contract, review Product requirements and anticipate
foreseeable delivery delays in any items. If delays in deliveries of materials, equipment or
articles are foreseeable, propose substitutions or other remedial action in ample time to
prevent delay in performance of the Work.
To receive approval, proposed substitutes must equal or exceed the quality, finish and
performance of those specified and/or shown, and must not exceed the space requirements
allotted on the drawings.
If such proposal is not given to the Engineer, the Engineer reserves the right to substitute
more readily available Products later in order to prevent delays at no additional cost to the
No substitution of any item will be permitted unless the item cannot be delivered to the job
site in time to comply with the Schedule.
Provide documentary proof of equality, difference in price (if any) and delivery dates in the
form of certified quotations from suppliers of both specified items and proposed
Include all costs in the difference in price (if any) for any required revisions to other
structures and products to accommodate such substitutions.
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Project No. 60333466
Storage, Handling, and Protection of Products
Handle and store products in a manner to prevent damage, contamination, deterioration and
soiling and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations when applicable.
Store packaged or bundled products in original and undamaged condition with
manufacturers' seals and labels intact. Do not remove from packaging or bundling until
required in the Work.
Products subject to damage from weather are to be stored in weatherproof enclosures. These
enclosures are to be supplied and installed by the Contractor.
Store cementitious materials clear of earth or concrete floors and away from walls.
When used for grout or mortar materials, keep sand clean and dry. Store sand on
polyethylene and cover with waterproof tarpaulins during inclement weather.
Store sheet material, lumber and steel trusses, joists and members on flat, solid supports and
keep clear of ground.
Store and mix paints in a room assigned for this purpose. Keep room under lock and key at
all times. Remove oily rags and any other combustible debris from site daily. Take every
precaution necessary to prevent spontaneous combustion.
Remove and replace damaged products at own expense.
Manufacturers’ Directions
Unless otherwise specified, install or erect all products in accordance with manufacturers’
recommendations. Do not rely on labels or enclosures provided with products. Obtain
instructions directly from manufacturers.
Notify the Engineer, in writing, of any conflicts between the specifications and
manufacturers' instructions so that the Engineer may establish the course of action to follow.
Improper installation or erection of products due to failure in complying with these
requirements authorizes the Engineer to require any removal and re-installation that may be
considered necessary, at no increase in Contract Price.
Protective Coating
Section 01600
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Unless otherwise specified, ship each item of equipment to the Work Site with the
manufacturer’s shop applied prime coating as specified.
General Workmanship Requirements
Workmanship is to be of the best quality executed by workers fully experienced and skilled
in their respective trades.
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Project No. 60333466
Section 01600
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At all times enforce discipline and good order among workers. Do not employ any unfit
person or anyone unskilled in the duties assigned to him. The Engineer reserves the right to
require the removal from site of workers deemed incompetent, careless, insubordinate or
otherwise objectionable.
Decisions as to the quality of or fitness of workmanship in cases of any dispute rests solely
with the Engineer whose decision is final.
Coordinate the work of all Subcontractors.
Ensure that all Subcontractors examine the drawings and specifications for other parts of the
Work which may affect the performance of their work.
Ensure that sleeves, openings and miscellaneous foundations are provided as required for the
Ensure that items to be built in are supplied when required with all necessary templates,
measurements and shop drawings.
In finished areas conceal all pipes, ducts and wiring except where indicated otherwise on
drawings or in specifications.
Before installation inform the Engineer if there is a contradictory situation.
Install as
Location of Items
Consider the location of items indicated on drawings as approximate. The actual location of
these items is to be as required or directed to site conditions at the time of installation and as
is reasonable.
Before installation inform the Engineer if there is a contradictory situation.
Install as
Cutting and Remedial Work
Perform all cutting and remedial work that may be required to make the several parts of the
Work come together properly. Coordinate and schedule the Work to ensure that cutting and
remedial work are kept to a minimum.
Remove and replace defective and non-conforming work.
Where new work connects with existing work and where existing work is altered, cut, patch
and make good to match existing work.
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Section 01600
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Do all cutting with power saws or core drilling equipment. Do not use pneumatic or impact
tools. Make all cuts with clean, true, smooth edges.
Do not cut, bore or sleeve any load bearing structure without the written consent of the
Engineer, unless specifically detailed on the Drawings. Submit details with each request for
Provide openings in non-structural elements of the Work for penetrations of mechanical and
electrical work. Coordinate size and location of such openings with the trade involved.
Fit construction tightly to ducts, pipes, conduits and similar products, to stop air movement
completely. Where such work penetrates a fire separation element or wall of the building,
pack the penetration around the duct, pipe, conduit or similar for the length of the openings
with ULC listed fire stopping packing Product as part of the Work specified.
Prepare the surfaces to receive patching and finishing.
Refinish the surfaces to match the adjacent finishes. For continuous surfaces refinish to the
nearest intersection, and for an assembly, refinish the entire unit.
.10 Employ specialists familiar with the materials affected in performing cutting and remedial
work. Perform in a manner to neither damage nor endanger any portion of the Work.
Provide the fasteners, anchors, braces and supports required to maintain installations
attached to the structure or to finished floors, walls and ceilings in a secure and rigid manner
capable of withstanding the dead loads, live loads, superimposed dead loads, and any
vibration of the installed Products.
Use fasteners compatible with the structural requirements, finishes and types of Products to
be connected. Do not mix products subject to electrolytic action or corrosion where
conditions are liable to cause such action.
Where hangers are suspended from concrete slabs, install inserts before concrete is placed
using inserts designed for the specific purpose.
Where built-in inserts are inaccessible due to subsequent installation of ducts, pipes or other
installations, use anchors appropriate to the load requirements. Locate anchors to avoid
damage to reinforcing bars.
Verify that the fasteners, anchors, braces and supports for suspended installations, and the
structure to which they are to be secured are designed to support the load requirements,
including safety factor.
Where a fastener installation is suspect, have on-site tests of installed fasteners, performed
by an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the Engineer, using properly engineered
and calibrated force measuring meters.
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Project No. 60333466
Section 01600
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Where the floor, wall or ceiling construction is not suitable to support the loads, provide
additional framing or special fasteners to ensure proper securement to the structure that is to
support the Products.
Provide reinforcing or connecting supports, where required, to distribute the loads on the
structural components.
Do not use wood plugs or hammer-impact fasteners. Anchoring to floor topping fills is not
acceptable. Secure the anchors in floors to the floor structure.
.10 Where a performance requirement is specified, submit engineering calculations and written
verification signed by a Registered Professional Engineer that the installation has been
inspected and is structurally sound and in accordance with design requirements.
.11 Fastenings which cause spalling or cracking of the structure or Products to which anchorage
is made are not acceptable.
.12 Obtain the Engineer’s consent for use of explosive-actuated fastening devices. If consent is
given, comply with CSA A166-1975.
.13 Space the anchors within limits of load bearing or shear capacity and ensure they provide
positive permanent anchorage.
.14 Provide metal fastenings and accessories in same texture, colour and finish as adjacent
material unless otherwise specified.
.15 Prevent electrolytic action between dissimilar metals and materials.
.16 Use non-corrosive, non-staining fasteners and anchors for securing exterior work unless
otherwise specified.
.17 Space anchors within their load limit or shear capacity and ensure that they provide positive
permanent anchorage.
.18 Keep exposed fastenings to a minimum, space evenly and lay out neatly.
Protection of Work in Progress
Adequately protect all work completed and in progress. Repair or replace all damaged work.
Prevent overloading of any part of the Work.
Remove waste materials and debris from the site at regular intervals. Do not burn waste
materials and debris on site.
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Project No. 60333466
Local Workforce
Give preference to the hiring of local workers, provided they are available and physically fit
and qualified by training and experience to perform the Work. The foregoing does not apply
to superintendent, timekeeper, foreman and construction equipment and machine operators,
nor until ten days after the commencement of the Work. Make available at all reasonable
times for examination by the Owner, the labour rolls for the determination of the domicile of
the workers.
Metric Measurement
Unless otherwise noted, this Project has been designed and is to be constructed in the S.I.
metric system of measurements.
During construction, when specified metric elements are unattainable at the time they are
required to meet the Construction Schedule, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in
writing and suggest alternative substitutions. Costs due to these substitutions shall be borne
by the Contractor.
Not Applicable
Section 01600
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Not Applicable
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Section 01735
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This section supplements the requirements for the provision of operation and maintenance
manuals as described in Section 01330.
Furnish complete operations manuals and maintenance information as specified in this
section for installation check-out, operation, maintenance, and lubrication requirements for
each unit of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment or system and each
In some instances, this requirement is reinforced by additional references within individual
technical specification sections, however, the inclusion or exclusion of additional references
within the Contract shall not supersede or otherwise limit the generality of the foregoing and
these requirements shall govern.
Customize the operations manuals and maintenance information to describe the equipment
actually furnished. Do not include extraneous data for models, options, or sizes not
furnished. When more than one model or size of equipment type is furnished, show the
information pertaining to each model, option or size.
The submission and acceptance of the “Operating and Maintenance Instruction” manual is a
condition precedent to the certification of substantial performance.
Submit operation manuals and maintenance information in accordance with Section 01330.
Submittals may be checked for general compliance with the requirements of this section.
Submit complete operations manuals and maintenance information as soon as possible after
review of project submittals but no later than 30 days before the Date of Substantial
Submit a copy the operation and maintenance data in digital format. PDF file structure is
suitable for this submittal.
Provide four (4) complete sets of operating and maintenance manuals.
Submit the complete operations manuals in an identified three-post, hard-covered, plasticjacketed binder equal to Grand and Toy No. 99586.
For operations manuals and maintenance information smaller than the dimensions in
Item 1.3.1, remove, punch, and insert the contents in a binder with the required dimensions.
The contents do not have to be changed to accommodate the size of the binder.
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Project No. 60333466
Section 01735
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Label each binder to designate the system or equipment enclosed with reference to the
equipment number, and Specification Section. Provide each binder with a table of contents.
Where more than one binder is required, label each binder “Vol. 1 of
,” “Vol. 2 of
,” etc.
General Requirements
Punch all data for binding and composition. Arrange printing so that punching holes do not
obliterate data.
Provide materials suitable for photographic reproduction. If copies are used, they are to be
of equal clarity and quality as the original.
Provide drawings, diagrams, and manufacturer's literature which are legible. Provide
drawings which are no larger than 280 mm x 432 mm bound into the documents as a fold
out. Drawings which are larger than 280 mm x 432 mm shall be folded and inserted into
pouches inside the manual and file folders.
All instructions in these operations manuals and maintenance information to be in simple
Mark manufacturer’s standard documents to delete extraneous information not applicable to
the equipment, assembly, subassembly or material supplied. Cross out or remove and
eliminate any extraneous material for models, options, or sizes not furnished.
Operation Manual Contents and Organization
Provide the manufacturer’s standard operations and maintenance manuals for the equipment
or instrument supplied. If the manufacturer's standard manuals do not contain all the
required information, provide the missing information in supplementary documents and
drawings inserted behind appropriate tabs in the manual binder. Separate maintenance
information must also be provided as specified in Item 1.5.6.
When more than one piece of identical equipment or instruments are supplied, provide only
one set of operations manuals.
One set of operations manuals may be provided when more than one piece of similar
equipment or instruments are supplied, such as different sizes of the same model, and all
similar pieces are covered in the same standard manufacturer's operations and maintenance
When similar equipment or instruments are provided by the same manufacturer, but are not
covered in the same standard manufacturer's operations and maintenance manual, their
specific manuals may be bound in the same 3-ring binder. Separate specific manuals with
tab dividers labeled with the appropriate equipment numbers.
Provide a cover sheet, bound as the first page of each manual, with the following
Contract name and number.
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Project No. 60333466
Section 01735
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Functional title of the system, equipment, material, or instrument.
Equipment number or, if more than one piece of equipment is provided, equipment
numbers for equipment or instruments covered by the manual. Include functional
description of equipment after each number.
Relevant specification section number and drawing reference.
Address and telephone number of the manufacturer and the nearest manufacturer's
Provide a table of contents listing the contents of the manual and identifying where specific
information can be located.
As a minimum, the operations manual must contain the following:
Include the manufacturer's recommended step-by-step procedures for starting and
stopping under normal and emergency operation. Include all specified modes of
operation including recommended operation after the assembly or equipment has been
in long-term storage.
Provide control diagrams with data and information to explain operation and control of
systems and specific equipment.
Provide technical information on all alarms and monitoring devices provided with the
Maintenance Information Contents and Organization
Provide specific maintenance information for each unit of mechanical, electrical, and
instrumentation equipment or system and each instrument. Maintenance information
provided under Item 1.6.6. is in addition to any similar data which is included in standard
manufacturer's manuals under Item
Provide a tab for each section.
Insert the specific information described below in file folders:
Tab 1 - Technical Data
Insert manufacturer's technical specification and data sheets.
Insert manufacturer’s certified performance and calibration curves for the
equipment and instruments.
Tab 2 - Maintenance Instructions
Include the description and schedule for all manufacturer's recommended routine
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Project No. 60333466
Section 01735
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recommendations. Indicate whether procedure is to be done daily, weekly,
monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, or fill in hours of operation.
Provide requirements to set up and check out each system for use. Include all
required and recommended step-by-step inspections, lubrications, adjustments,
alignments, balancing and calibrations. Include protective device settings and
warnings and cautions to prevent equipment damage and to insure personnel
Provide manufacturer’s description of routine preventive maintenance, inspections,
tests, and adjustments required to ensure proper and economical operation and to
minimize corrective maintenance and repair.
Provide manufacturer’s recommendations on procedures and instructions for
correcting problems and making repairs.
Provide step-by-step procedures to isolate the cause of typical malfunctions.
Describe clearly why the checkout is performed and what conditions are to be
sought. Identify tests or inspections and test equipment required to determine
whether parts and equipment may be reused or require replacement.
Provide step-by-step procedures and list special required tools and supplies for
removal, replacement, disassembly, and assembly of components, assemblies,
subassemblies, accessories, and attachments. Provide tolerances, dimensions,
settings, and adjustments required.
Tab 3 - Assembly Drawings
Provide drawings which completely document the equipment, assembly,
subassembly, or material for which the instruction is written. Provide the
following drawings as applicable: fabrication details, wiring and connection
diagrams, electrical and piping schematics, block or logic diagrams, shop
drawings, installation drawings, layout and dimension drawings, and electrical
component fabrication drawings.
Provide clear and legible illustrations, drawings, and exploded views to enable
easy identification of the items. When illustrations omit the part numbers and
description, both the illustrations and separate listing shall show the index,
reference, or key number which will cross-reference the illustrated part to the listed
part. Parts shown in the listings shall be grouped by components, assemblies, and
Tab 4 - Bills of Materials
Provide a clear, legible copy of the Bill of Materials that was shipped with the
equipment. The Bill of Materials should list all equipment, instruments,
components, accessories, tools, and other items that were shipped with the
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Project No. 60333466
Tab 5 - Warranties
Provide a copy of all written warrants and guarantees required by the contract
documents for the specific pieces of equipment or instruments and provide all
additional manufacturer's standard warrants and guarantees received by the
Contractor. Indicate the time frame of each warrant or guarantee.
Field Changes
Following the acceptable installation and operation of an equipment item, modify and
supplement the item's instructions and procedures to reflect any field changes or information
requiring field data.
Not Applicable
Section 01735
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Not Applicable
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Section 01741
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Use only cleaning materials recommended by manufacturer of surface to be cleaned, and as
recommended by cleaning material manufacturer.
Final Cleaning
In preparation for Certificate of Completion or Total Performance of the project, perform
final cleaning.
Prior to final review, remove surplus products, tools, construction machinery and equipment.
Remove waste products and debris other than that caused by Owner or other Contractors.
Inspect finishes, fitments and equipment and ensure specified workmanship and operation.
Remove grease, dust dirt, stains, labels, fingerprints, and other foreign materials, from
interior and exterior finished surfaces including glass and other polished surfaces.
Clean lighting reflectors, lenses, and other lighting surfaces.
Broom clean paved surfaces; rake clean other surfaces of grounds.
Remove debris and surplus materials from crawl areas and other accessible concealed
Inspect valve boxes, manholes and hydrants to check for debris and proper operation.
.10 Operate valves to ensure that no damage has occurred or debris accumulated, due to cleanup
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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Section 01770
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This section describes administrative procedures preceding preliminary and final inspections
of Work.
Inspection and Declaration
Contractor's Inspection: Contractor and all Subcontractors shall conduct an inspection of
Work, identify deficiencies and defects, and repair as required to conform to Contract
Notify Engineer in writing of satisfactory completion of Contractor's Inspection and
that corrections have been made.
Request Engineer Inspection.
Engineer Inspection: Engineer and Contractor will perform inspection of Work to identify
obvious defects or deficiencies. Contractor shall correct Work accordingly.
Completion: submit written certificate that following have been performed:
Work has been completed and inspected for compliance with Contract Documents.
Defects have been corrected and deficiencies have been completed.
Equipment and systems have been tested, commissioned, and are fully operational.
Certificates required by regulatory authorities have been submitted.
Operation of systems have been demonstrated to Owner's personnel.
Work is complete and ready for Final Inspection.
Final Inspection: when items noted above are completed, request final inspection of Work by
Owner, Engineer, and Contractor. If Work is deemed incomplete by Engineer, complete
outstanding items and request reinspection.
Declaration of Substantial Performance: when Owner and Engineer consider deficiencies
and defects have been corrected and it appears requirements of Contract have been
substantially performed, make application for certificate of Substantial Performance. Refer
to General Conditions Clause 5.4 - Substantial Performance of the Work and Section 00800
Supplementary Conditions.
Commencement of Lien Period: date of Owner's acceptance of submitted declaration of
Substantial Performance shall be date for commencement of lien period.
Commencement of Warranty Period: date of completion of all acceptance tests (Total
Completion) shall be date for commencement of warranty period.
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Final Payment: When Owner and Engineer consider final deficiencies and defects have been
corrected and it appears requirements of Contract have been totally performed, make
application for final payment. Refer to General Conditions Clause 5.7 for specifics to
application. If Work is deemed incomplete by Owner and Engineer, complete outstanding
items and request re-inspection.
Payment of Holdback: After issuance of certificate of Substantial Performance of Work,
submit an application for payment of holdback amount in accordance with General
Conditions Clause 5.5.
Warranty Inspection
The Engineer will arrange and conduct with the Owner and the Contractor a warranty
inspection at the site prior to expiration of the warranty period.
Not Applicable
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Not Applicable
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Work Included
Section 03100
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Forms and supporting falsework design.
Wood or steel forms for all cast-in-place concrete.
Shoring, bracing and anchorage.
Taping of form joints for special finishes.
Form openings for other trades.
Coordinate installation of concrete accessories.
Set anchor bolts, anchors, sleeves, frames and other items supplied by other trades.
Clean erected formwork prior to concrete placement.
Remove forms and supporting falsework.
.10 Reshoring.
Related Work
Concrete Reinforcement: Section 03200
Concrete Accessories: Section 03250
Cast-in-Place Concrete: Section 03300
Reference Standards
Design, construct and erect supporting falsework in accordance with the current National
Building Code of Canada, CSA CAN3-A23.1M, ACI 347 and applicable construction safety
Design to be done by a Professional Structural Engineer registered in the Province of British
Columbia. Same Professional Structural Engineer to inspect the erected formwork and
certify, in writing, that it is in accordance with the design.
Shop Drawings
Submit falsework and formwork shop drawings for review in accordance with Section 01330
– Submittals.
Clearly indicate sizes, methods of construction, materials, arrangement of joints, ties and
shores, location and size of falsework, schedule of erection and stripping.
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Section 03100
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Shop drawings and design briefs are to bear the seal of a Professional Structural Engineer
registered in the Province of British Columbia.
For Exposed Surfaces: square-edged, smooth surfaced panels true in plane, free of holes,
surface markings or defects.
For Unexposed Surfaces: square-edged T&G lumber, plywood or other material suitable to
retain concrete without leakage or distortion.
Wood Materials:
Plywood: Douglas Fir, conforming to CSA 0121-M, solid one side select sheathing tight face grade. Sound, undamaged sheets with clean true edges.
Lumber: conforming to CSA 0141-M.
Nails, Spikes and Staples: galvanized or phosphatized; conforming to CSA B111.
Prefabricated Forms:
Steel Type: minimum 1.6 mm steel thickness; well matched, tight fitting and adequately
stiffened to support the weight of concrete without deflection detrimental to structural
tolerance and appearance of finished concrete surface.
Tubular Column Type: round, spirally wound laminated fibre material, internally
treated with release agent; sizes indicated on the Drawings.
Void Forms: moisture resistant treated paper faces; bio-degradable; structurally
sufficient to support weight of wet concrete mix until initial set; 150 mm thick.
Form Ties: suitable for water retaining structure construction. Removable or snap-off
metal type with metal form spacers, adjustable length; minimum working strength of
13 kN. When assembled, free of defects that will leave metal closer than 40 mm from
concrete surface. Cones shall be approximately 20 mm diameter and not larger than
40 mm. Use plastic cone snap type or screw type on exposed surface. Wire ties are not
Form Release Agent: colourless mineral oil which will not stain concrete or impair
natural bonding or colour characteristics of coating intended for use on concrete. Form
release agent shall be non-toxic.
Corner or Chamfer Fillets: extruded plastic or mill finish pine, 25 mm width, maximum
possible lengths, mitre ends.
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Sealing Tape: reinforced, self-adhesive polyvinyl-chloride.
Section 03100
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Before starting the Work examine work done by others which affects the Work.
Rectify all conditions which would prejudice proper completion of the Work.
Commencement of the Work implies acceptance of existing conditions.
Verify lines, levels and centers before proceeding with formwork. Ensure dimensions agree
with the Drawings.
Construct formwork and falsework to meet design and regulatory requirements and to
produce finished concrete conforming to surfaces, shapes, lines and dimensions indicated on
the Drawings. Ensure visible lines of the curbs, walls and walks follow a smooth profile
both vertically and horizontally.
Arrange and assemble formwork to permit removal without damage to concrete. Set shores
supporting forms for beams, slabs and other horizontal members on wedges or other
approved adjustable supports.
Do not weld formwork to steel superstructure.
Align joints and make watertight to prevent leakage of cement paste and disfiguration of
concrete. Keep form joints to a minimum. Where joints are shown on drawings, Contractor
shall ensure that joint layout matches drawings. Tape form joints as necessary.
Arrange forms to allow removal without removal of principal shores where these are
required to remain in place.
Provide falsework to ensure stability of formwork. Prop or strengthen all previously
constructed parts liable to be overstressed by construction loads.
Position form joints to suit any expressed lines required in exposed concrete. Arrange form
board panels in a regular symmetrical pattern to the approval of the Engineer.
Provide 20 mm chamfer on all internal and external corners and edges of exposed concrete.
.10 Form chases, slots, openings, drips and recesses as detailed on the Drawings.
.11 Set screeds with top edge level to required elevations.
.12 Check and re-adjust formwork to required lines and levels during placing of concrete.
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Section 03100
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.13 If form sheathing is to be re-used, remove nails and clean surfaces in contact with concrete
before re-using.
Construct formwork, falsework and all supporting or bracing members to provide concrete
with dimensions, lines and levels within tolerances specified in CAN/CSA A23.1, latest
If tolerances are exceeded, remove, replace or modify placed concrete as directed by the
Engineer at no cost to the Owner.
Provide for settlement, closure of joints and elastic shortening of forms and shoring.
Camber slabs and beams as shown on the Drawings. Maintain beam depth and slab
thickness from cambered surface.
Construction Joints
Construct joints in accordance with CSA CAN3-A23.1-M.
Roughen surface of hardened concrete and thoroughly clean roughened surface to remove
any foreign matter and laitance. Wet surface with water and ensure forms are tight against
face of hardened concrete.
Inserts / Embedded Items / Openings
Provide formed openings where required for pipes, conduits, sleeves and other work to be
embedded in and passing through concrete members.
Accurately locate and set in place items which are to be cast directly into concrete.
Coordinate work of other sections and cooperate with trades involved in forming openings,
slots, recesses, chases, and setting sleeves, bolts, anchors and other inserts.
Coordinate installation of concrete accessories specified in Section 03250 – Concrete
Form Ties
For exposed concrete fit ties with cones approximately 20 mm diameter and not longer than
40 mm. Coat ties with cup grease or other approved material if ties are to be removed.
Loosen ties twenty four hours after concrete has been placed. Ensure sufficient numbers of
ties remain to hold form in place. Cutting ties back from the face of the wall is not
For all non-exposed concrete, fill all holes left by withdrawal of rods or holes left by
removal of tie ends with solid mortar as outlined in the concrete section.
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Section 03100
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Remove all cones from both interior and exterior concrete surfaces. If surface is to be
sandblasted, leave cones in place until after sandblasting is complete. Fill cone holes with
small amount of grey sealant to cover metal rod.
The holes left by withdrawal of rods or the holes left by removal of ends of ties shall be
filled solid with mortar after first being thoroughly wetted. For holes passing entirely
through the wall a plunger-type pressure gun or other device shall be used to force the
mortar through the wall starting at the back face. A piece of burlap or canvas shall be held
over the hole on the outside and when the hole is completely filled, the excess mortar shall
be struck off with the cloth flush with the surface. Holes not passing entirely through the
wall shall be filled with a small tool that will permit packing the hole solid with mortar. Any
excess mortar at the wall shall be struck off flush with the surface.
Embedded Items
Provide formed openings where required for pipes, conduits, sleeves and other work to be
embedded in and passing through the concrete members.
Accurately locate and set in place, items which are to be cast directly into concrete.
Coordinate the work of other Sections and cooperate with trades involved in forming
openings, slots, recesses, chases and setting sleeves, bolts, anchors and other inserts.
Coordinate installation of concrete accessories specified in Section 03250 – Concrete
Set anchor bolts, sleeves and inserts accurately at the positions designated. Secure in
position by means of wooden templates and ties to prevent shifting and floating during
concrete placement.
Do not set anchor bolts, sleeves and inserts into placed concrete.
Quality Control
Inspect and check complete formwork, falsework, shoring and bracing to ensure that the
work is in accordance with formwork design and that supports, fastenings, wedges, ties and
parts are secure.
Inform Engineer when formwork is complete and has been cleaned to allow for inspection.
Engineer's inspection will be for verification that forms are clean and free from debris.
For all exposed concrete surfaces. Do not patch formwork.
Allow the Consultant to inspect each section of formwork prior to reuse. Formwork may be
re-used if approved by the Engineer.
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Section 03100
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Clean forms as erection proceeds to remove foreign matter. Remove cuttings, shavings and
debris from within the forms. Flush completely with water to remove remaining foreign
matter. Ensure that water and debris drain to exterior through clean-out ports.
During cold weather, remove ice and snow from within the forms. Do not use de-icing salts.
Do not use water to clean out completed forms unless formwork and concrete construction
proceed within a heated enclosure. Use compressed air or other means to remove foreign
Apply form release agent in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations prior to
placing reinforcing steel, anchoring devices and embedded parts. Any embedded item to be
cast in concrete, on which form release agent has been applied, shall be thoroughly cleaned
prior to placing concrete.
Do not apply form release agent where concrete surfaces are to receive special finishes or
applied coverings which are affected by the agent. Soak inside surfaces of untreated forms
with clean water. Keep surfaces moist prior to placing the concrete.
Do not apply form release agent where wood graining characteristics are required on
finished concrete surfaces.
Form Removal
Notify Engineer prior to removing formwork.
The following table is to be used as a guide for the removal of forms and supports:
Walls, slabs and critical vertical faces
of Time
2 days
Minimum Concrete
Strength (based on 28
Day Strength)
Remove falsework progressively in accordance with regulatory requirements and ensure that
no shock loads or imbalanced loads are imposed on the structure.
Loosen forms carefully. Do not apply tools to exposed concrete surfaces.
Leave forms loosely in place for protection until complete removal is approved by the
Store removed forms for exposed architectural concrete in a manner that surfaces to be in
contact with fresh concrete will not be damaged. Marked or scored forms will be rejected.
Removal of forms subject to approved on-going curing procedures.
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Section 03100
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Prepare a schedule of reshoring and submit to the Engineer for review.
Reshore structural members where required due to design requirements or construction
conditions, or where subject to additional loads during construction.
Install reshoring as required to permit progressive construction.
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Work Included
Section 03300
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All plain and reinforced cast-in-place concrete shown on drawings.
Setting anchors, inserts, frames, sleeves and other items supplied by other Sections.
Repairing concrete imperfections.
Finishing formed concrete surfaces.
Related Work
Section 03100 – Concrete Formwork and Falsework
Section 03200 – Concrete Reinforcement
Section 03250 – Concrete Accessories
Quality Assurance
Cast-in-place concrete to conform to CAN / CSA-A23.1 latest Edition and ACI 350 M-01.
Testing shall conform to CAN/CSA-A23.2.
Inspection and Testing
Inspect complete formwork and concrete reinforcement prior to closing of forms or pouring
concrete. Record inspections on Concrete Pour Release Form.
Allow ample time for inspection and corrective work before scheduling concrete placement.
Provide free access to all portions of the Work.
Submit proposed mix design of each class of concrete for review at least 2 weeks prior to
commencement of concrete work.
Cement and aggregate tests may be performed to ensure conformance with requirements.
Concrete sampling, inspection and testing is to be performed by an independent inspection
and testing firm appointed and paid by the Contractor upon approval of the Engineer.
Three concrete test cylinders will be taken for every 50m3 of concrete placed.
At least three test cylinders will be taken daily for each class of concrete placed.
Atmospheric and concrete temperatures shall be recorded.
One additional test cylinder will be taken during cold weather placement of concrete, and be
cured on job site under same conditions as concrete it represents.
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Section 03300
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.10 One slump test and one air content test will be taken for each set of test cylinders taken.
These tests shall be performed before the concrete from which the sample was taken is
allowed to be incorporated into the concrete work.
.11 Verify quality of concrete with additional slump tests as required.
.12 Test concrete in accordance with CAN / CSA-A23.2 latest edition. Test results will be
issued to the Contractor, the Supplier, the Engineer and the Owner.
.13 Pay costs for required retesting due to results indicating defective materials or workmanship
regardless of the results of the restarting.
Concrete Materials
Cement: Type GU, General Use Hydraulic Cement to CAN/CSA A3001, latest Edition.
Supplementary cementing materials: Pozzolan to CAN/CSA – A3001, Type F flyash.
Fine Aggregate: conforming to Normal Density Fine Aggregate, CAN / CSA-A23.1.
Coarse Aggregate: conforming to Normal Density Coarse Aggregate, CAN/CSA-A23.1,
Group I, maximum size 20 mm, minimum size 5 mm. (Group II coarse aggregate may be
used for concrete to be placed by pumping).
Ensure that no aggregates are used which may undergo volume change due to alkali
reactivity, moisture retention or other causes. Suitability of aggregate may be confirmed with
a petrographic analysis if deemed necessary.
Water: All water to be used in the production of concrete shall be potable, clean and free
from injurious amounts of oil, alkali, organic matter or other deleterious matter.
Calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride shall not be used in concrete.
Materials are to be obtained from the same source of supply or manufacturer for the duration
of the project. All exposed concrete is to be consistent in colour.
Air Entrainment: conforming to CSA A23.1
Mid-range and super-plasticized concrete – use Micro-Air by Master Builders, where
Master Builders water reducers are used or Darex AEA EH by Grace Canada Inc.
where Grace water reducers are used.
Concrete not super-placticized:
MB-VR by Master Builders,
Sternson NVR Sternson Ltd.,
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Darex AEA by Grace Construction Products,
Or approved equal.
Section 03300
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Pozzolanic Material: conforming to CAN/CSA-A23.1, Type F.
The use of Flyash to reduce cement contents is not permitted. Flyash can be used as a
retarder or filler. Supplemental flyash to a maximum of 21% of total cementitious material
may be permitted at the discretion of the Engineer.
Chemical: conforming to ASTM C494 or C1017; water-reducing, strength increasing type,
Super-plasticizing. Admixtures containing calcium chloride shall not be used.
Ensure admixtures are compatible with each other and with construction materials.
Epoxy Bonding Agent: two component epoxy resin. Approved product: Sika Sikadur HiMod or approved equal.
Curing Compound: for exterior slabs, and walls only, conforming to ASTM C309 Type 1 clear or translucent. All concrete in contact with soil or water shall be moist-cured in
conformance with CAN / CSA-A23.1.
Moisture Retention Film: Master Builders Confilm or approved equal, for curing of slabson-grade only.
Epoxy adhesive: Hilti HIT RE 500, UCAN Poly-All epoxy, or Sika Sikadur Injection Gel.
Concrete Mixes
Pay all costs for mix design. The Contractor is responsible for the mix design. Submit
design to the Engineer to review a minimum of two weeks prior to concrete pour.
Provide concrete mixed in accordance with requirements of CAN/CSA A23.1.
All Concrete: minimum 28 day comprehensive strength, cement type, Class of exposure,
water cement ratio, nominal coarse aggregate size, maximum slump and minimum slump
and air content to be shown as detailed in Table A.
Fibre Reinforcement
Manufacturer: Fibermesh Company, W.R. Grace and Company, SIKA Corp., Forta Corp.,
Provide 12mm to 20mm collated fibrillated polypropylene fibres.
Provide fibre reinforcement to ASTM C1116 Type III.
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Section 03300
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Structural Members in wet
areas separated by dry
areas, including roof
At 28 days
Max W/C
70 ± 20
Air Entrainment
Admixture by
(% by wt. of
5 to 8%
Group 1
1. Supplemental flyash to a maximum of 10% of the total cementitious material may be permitted at the discretion of the Engineer.
2. Concrete waterproofing admixture by crystallization shall be suitable for potable water application and approved by NSF 61.
Approved products: Xypex Admix C-500 or Krystol Internal Membrane K300 by Kryton.
3. All concrete to be fibre reinforced.
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Exposure Class
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Section 03300
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Before starting the Work, examine work done by others which affects the Work.
Review any conditions which would prejudice proper completion of the Work.
Commencement of the Work implies acceptance of existing conditions.
Placing Concrete
Place concrete in accordance with requirements of CAN / CSA-A23.1 and as indicated on
Immediately before concrete is placed, all forms shall be carefully inspected to ensure that
they are properly placed, sufficiently rigid and right, and that all reinforcing steel is in the
correct position and secured against movement during the placing operation. All forms shall
be thoroughly cleaned and all debris, snow, ice or other foreign material removed.
Chemicals shall not be used to remove ice or hardened concrete from the forms. All forms
shall be thoroughly soaked with water except in freezing weather.
Handling equipment shall be kept free from hardened concrete or foreign material, and
cleaned at frequent intervals.
Ensure all anchors, seats, plates and other items to be cast into concrete are securely placed,
and will not interfere with concrete placement.
Concrete shall be handled from the mixer to the place of final deposit as rapidly as
practicable by methods which will prevent the separation or loss of the ingredients.
Concrete shall be deposited in the forms as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid
rehandling or flowing. Vibrators shall not be used to move concrete. Under no
circumstances shall the concrete which has partially hardened by deposited in the forms.
When concrete placement is started, it shall be carried on as a continuous operation until the
placing of the section is completed. When shown on the Drawings, concrete shall be placed
in the sections indicated and according to the sequence given.
Maintain accurate records of cast-in-place concrete items. Record date, location of pour,
quantity, air temperature and test samples taken.
Ensure reinforcement, inserts, embedded parts, formed expansion and control joints are not
disturbed during concrete placement.
Prepare set concrete by removing all laitance and loose materials and applying bonding
agent. Apply bonding agent in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
.10 Vibrate concrete using the appropriate size equipment as placing proceeds in strict
accordance with CAN / CSA-A23.1. Check frequency and amplitude of vibrations prior to
use. Provide additional standby vibrators in the event of equipment failure.
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Section 03300
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.11 Where placing operations would involve dropping the concrete more than 1.5 metres, it shall
be placed through “canvas elephant trunks” or galvanized iron chutes. Concrete levels shall
not be raised at a rate greater than that for which proper vibration may be affected.
.12 The concrete surfaces shall be protected from rain until the final set occurs.
.13 A minimum of 72 hours shall elapse between adjacent pours separated by construction joints
or expansion joints.
.14 Do not place concrete in the interior of a building if carbon dioxide producing equipment has
been in operation inside the building during the 12 hours preceding the pour. Such
equipment shall not be used during placing or for 24 hours after placing. During placing and
curing concrete, surfaces shall be protected by formwork or an impermeable membrane from
direct exposure to carbon dioxide, combustion gases or drying from heaters.
.15 Honeycomb or embedded debris in concrete is not acceptable; correct defects.
.16 Remove and replace defective concrete in accordance with Clause 3.16 – Defective Concrete
of this Section.
Construction Joints
Joints not indicated on the Drawings shall be located so as to least impair the strength of the
structure. The location of these joints shall be subject to the prior approval of the Engineer.
Joints shall be in accordance with CAN/CSA-A23.1, or as indicated on Drawings or directed
by the Engineer.
Where the Contractor elects to employ construction joints other than shown and the Engineer
so approves, waterstops shall be provided for the full length of the joint if required by the
Engineer and without additional compensation to the Contractor.
The surface of hardened concrete shall be roughened and thoroughly cleaned of foreign
matter and laitance, and shall be thoroughly wetted with water but not saturated and the
forms re-tightened against the face of the hardened concrete before depositing additional
concrete. Epoxy bonding agents may be required as directed by the Engineer.
Cold and Hot Weather Concreting
Conform to requirements of CAN / CSA-A23.1.
Protect slabs being finished during drying conditions above 25 °C and / or during high winds
with moisture retention film.
Concrete Protection for Reinforcement
Ensure reinforcement is placed to provide minimum concrete cover in accordance with
CAN / CSA-A23.1 and with Section 03200 of this Specification.
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Screed concrete for slabs in accordance with CAN / CSA-A23.1 and ACI 117. Screed to
maintain a Class A surface flatness, measured by the straightedge method. Slope to drain as
shown on drawings.
Conduits and Pipes
Conduit and pipe shall not be embedded in water retaining concrete structures unless it is
indicated on the Drawings or approved by the Engineer.
Conduit and pipe embedded in concrete shall not be of a material harmful to the concrete
and shall:
Section 03300
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Not displace more than 4% of the area of the cross section of a column on which stress
is calculated, including the area of concrete displaced by the bending of the conduit or
exit path of the conduit out of the column.
Not exceed one-third the solid portion of the slab thickness.
Not be spaced closer than three diameters on centre.
Have a concrete covering of not less than 40 mm.
Be so installed that it will not require cutting, bending or displacement of the reinforcement
or impair the structural strength of the system.
Install Items Specified Under Other Sections
Install hangers, sleeves, anchors, etc. specified under other Sections.
Pour concrete after other trades have satisfactorily installed their materials.
Do not eliminate or displace reinforcement to accommodate hardware. Consult Engineer
prior to relocation of hardware.
Curing and Protection
Cure and protect freshly placed concrete in accordance with CAN / CSA-A23.1 and as
Surfaces of concrete which are protected by formwork which is left in place for 7 days shall
not require any additional curing except as specified for hot weather. If the formwork is
removed or loosened (so as to allow moisture to escape from the concrete surface) in less
than 7 days, the concrete shall receive moist curing as above i.e. in conformance with
CAN / CSA-A23.1 until 7 days have elapsed since the concrete was placed.
No concreting will be allowed until all materials required for curing are on-site and ready for
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Formed Concrete
Inspect concrete surfaces immediately upon removal of forms.
Treat imperfections in formed surfaces in accordance with CAN / CSA-A23.1.
Modify or replace concrete not conforming to qualities, lines, details and elevations
specified herein or indicated on drawings.
Finishing Formed Surfaces
Section 03300
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Finish all exposed formed concrete surfaces with a smooth-form finish conforming to
CAN / CSA-A23.1.
Defective Concrete
Concrete not meeting the requirements of the Specifications and Drawings shall be
considered defective concrete.
Concrete not conforming to the lines, details or grades specified herein or as shown on the
drawings shall be modified or replaced. Finished lines, dimensions and surfaces shall be
correct and true within tolerances specified herein and in Section 03100 – Concrete
Formwork and Falsework.
Concrete placed which results in excessive honeycombing or other defect in critical areas of
stress shall be repaired or replaced.
To conform to the strength requirements, the average of all tests shall exceed the specified
strength. When five or more tests of the same class of concrete are available, the average of
any five consecutive tests shall be equal to, or greater than the specified strength, and no
strength test shall fall more than 3.5 MPa below the specified strength. Implement corrective
measures if tests are below specified strength:
Changes in mix proportions for the remainder of the Work, for which mix designs shall
be submitted in accordance with the Specifications.
Cores drilled and tested from the areas in question in accordance with
CAN / CSA-A23.2. The test results shall be indicative of the strength of the in-place
Load testing of the structural elements. The changes in the mix proportions and the
testing shall be at the Contractor's expense.
Concrete failing to meet the specified strength requirements shall be repaired or
Inspect concrete surfaces immediately upon removal of all formwork.
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Section 03300
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Patch imperfections when concrete is green.
Remove all exposed metal form ties, nails and wires, break off fins and remove all loose
Thoroughly wet all form tie pockets and patch with patching mortar followed by proper
Chip away honeycombed and other defective surfaces to depth of not less than 25 mm with
the edges perpendicular to the surface. Thoroughly wet and patch with patching mortar
followed by proper curing.
Water-tightness Test
Test in compliance with ACI 350.1 and as specified below.
On completion of construction of water retaining structures, conduct leakage tests. Test
structures prior to backfilling. Test each cell and chamber independently.
Fill the structure to the maximum liquid level shown on the Drawings and keep it filled for
an absorption period of 3 days, by the addition of water as required. Use only potable water
for testing.
Repair visible leaks.
If repairs require the water level to be lowered, carry out a further 3-day absorption period
after the water level has been raised again to the maximum level.
At the expiration of the absorption period, record the level of the water surface and record
further measurements 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and 96 hours thereafter. For open
structures, place an evaporation tray in the open in a protected location during this period.
The structures will be deemed watertight and acceptable if, after due allowance for
evaporation and rainfall, the total leakage does not exceed 0.1% of the water volume per 24hour period.
As work on placing concrete progresses, remove from site all debris and excess materials.
Work area shall be kept continuously clean, so as not to interfere with proper inspection or
the work of other Trades.
At completion of the Work, remove from site all debris, excess materials and equipment.
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Work Included
Reinforcing steel bars, welded steel wire fabric or fabricated steel bar for cast-in-place
concrete, complete with tie wire and epoxy coating where shown on the drawings.
Support chairs, bolsters, bar supports and spacers for reinforcing.
Related Work
Section 03300 – Cast-in-place Concrete
Quality Assurance
Perform concrete reinforcing work in accordance CAN / CSA-A23.1 latest edition.
Submit two certified copies of mill test report of reinforcement supplied, indicating physical
and chemical analysis.
Submit samples and specifications of accessory materials prior to use.
Shop Drawings
Concrete reinforcement will be inspected “in place”: Shop drawings for concrete
reinforcement are not to be submitted to the Engineer for review.
Delivery and Storage
Deliver, handle and store reinforcement in a manner to prevent damage and contamination.
Deliver bars in bundles, clearly identified in relation to bar lists.
Reinforcing Materials
Section 03200
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Reinforcing Steel: 400 MPa yield grade; deformed new billet steel bars conforming to CSA
G30. 18-M.
Accessory Materials
Tie Wire: minimum 1.6 mm diameter annealed type, plastic coated for epoxy-coated
Chairs, Bolsters, Bar Supports, Spacers: adequately sized for strength and support of
reinforcing steel during construction and meeting cover requirements.
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Concrete Bricks: acceptable for support of bottom layer of bars in foundations on grade.
Broken concrete blocks and wood supports are NOT acceptable.
Section 03200
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Before starting the Work, examine work done by others which affects the Work.
Review any conditions which would prejudice proper completion of the Work.
Commencement of the Work implies acceptance of existing conditions.
Fabricate reinforcing steel in accordance with CAN / CSA-A23.1 latest edition and
Fabricate within the following tolerances:
Sheared length: ±25 mm.
Depth of truss bars: plus 0, minus 10 mm.
Stirrups, ties and spirals: ±10 mm.
Other bends: ±25 mm.
Welding of reinforcing bar is not permitted.
All bending shall be done cold with a suitable machine accurately producing all lengths,
depths and radii shown on the bending details.
After initial fabrication, reinforcing steel shall not be rebent or straightened unless so
indicated on the drawings.
Heating of reinforcing steel will not be permitted.
Place reinforcing steel in accordance with reviewed placing drawings and CAN / CSAA23.1. Chair slab reinforcing not further apart than 1.2 m in either direction.
Adequately support reinforcing, and secure against displacement within tolerances
Unless noted otherwise on the drawings, place reinforcing steel to provide 50 mm concrete
Maintain alignment within the tolerances noted in CAN / CSA-A23.1.
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Section 03200
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Do not disturb or damage vapour barrier while placing reinforcing steel.
Ensure concrete reinforcing is clean and free from oil and deleterious matter.
Remove all loose scale, loose rust and other deleterious matter from surfaces of reinforcing.
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Work Included
Premoulded joint fillers.
Joint sealants.
Related Work
Section 03100 – Concrete Formwork
Section 03300 – Cast-in-place Concrete
Premoulded Joint Fillers
Asphalt-impregnated vegetable or cane fibreboard, conforming to ASTM D1751, sizes
indicated on drawings, W. R. Meadows Sealtight Fibre Expansion Joint, Sternson Flexcell.
Backer Rod for Joint Sealant
Section 03250
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Backer Rod: closed cell vinyl foam.
Polyurethane Sealant (Vertical Joint):
Sikaflex lA, PRC 270, Vulkem 116.
withstand a maximum of 25% joint movement,
Interior Saw Cut Joint or Control Joint Sealant: Sternson Loadflex, Sealtight Bondflex,
Concrete Chemicals 903B Flexible Sealant, Allied Coatings AC-1210 Flexible Epoxy
Sealant, Sikaflex 1A.
Exterior Saw Cut Joint or Control Joint Sealant: self leveling polyurethane, Sternson
Uraflex 2, PRC 270, Sikaflex 1A.
Water retaining structure exterior and interior faces: Sikaflex 2C/NS for vertical joints and
Sikaflex 2C/SL for horizontal joints.
Primers: as supplied by sealant manufacturers.
Epoxy Bonding Agent
Sikadur 32 Hi-Mod.
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Section 03250
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Before starting the Work, examine work done by others which affects the Work.
Review any conditions which would prejudice proper completion of the Work.
Commencement of the Work implies acceptance of existing conditions.
Coordinate the Work of this Section with other construction.
Install all concrete accessories in accordance with drawings and manufacturer's
recommendations; straight, level, and plumb.
Ensure embedded items are not disturbed during concrete placement.
When installing sealants, clean contact surfaces free from dirt, water, oil, rust, frost, and any
other loose foreign matter. When recommended by manufacturer, prime contact surfaces of
Sealing Saw Cut Joints and Expansion Joints
Saw cutting of control and construction joints in slabs on grade as per Section 03300 – Castin-Place Concrete.
Not less than 7 days after concrete placement, blow out joints with compressed air.
Remove all loose particles, dust, laitance and curing compounds from joints.
Install PVC, polyurethane or polyethylene foam rope joint filler, same distance below
concrete surface as joint width.
If joint surfaces are damp, dry and apply primer as recommended by manufacturer.
Install sealant in joints in accordance with manufacturer's directions.
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This Section specifies the requirements for fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) fabrication
and fabrication equipment including items fabricated with resins but employing glass and
other fibre filaments for structural reinforcement.
Related Sections
Section 13200
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Section 13952 – Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Covers.
Reference Standards
ANSI B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS 1/2 through NPS 24.
ANSI/AWWA C950, AWWA Standard for Fiberglass Pressure Pipe.
ASME/AINSI RTP-1, Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion Resistant Equipment.
ASTM C581, Standard Method of Determining for Chemical Resistance of Thermosetting
Resins Used in Glass Fiber Reinforced Structures Intended for Liquid Service.
ASTM D638, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics.
ASTM D883, Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics.
ASTM D2563, Standard Practice for Classifying Visual Defects in Glass-Reinforced Plastic
Laminate Parts.
ASTM D2583, Standard Test for Indentation of Plastic by Means of a Barcol Impressor.
ASTM D3299, Standard Specification for Filament-Wound Glass-Fiber Reinforced
Thermoset Resin Corrosion-Resistant Tanks.
.10 Latest edition of the British Columbia Building Code 2006.
.11 Abide by the current bylaws and regulations of the Province of British Columbia, the
regulations of WorkSafe BC, and other applicable acts administered by the authority having
jurisdiction in the Province of British Columbia that apply to the Work described herein.
The definitions set forth in CAN/CGSB-41-22 apply to this Section.
Provide Shop Drawings in accordance with the requirements of Section 01330. In addition,
provide the following information:
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Manufacturer and method of fabrication.
Materials selected for laminates to be furnished for this project.
Installation procedures, including field jointing techniques.
Quality Control Submittals
Fabricator qualifications: minimum five years of experience.
Installer qualifications: minimum five years of experience.
Allowable visual defects
Visual defects as defined in ASTM D2563 and in ASME/ANSI RTP-1 Table 6-1.
Minimize the amount of defects in all laminates. Visual defects in any area of the
equipment is not to exceed the maximum allowable levels of visual defects
indicated in RTP-1, Section 940 and Table 6-2, Level 2.
Presence of visual defects in excess of the allowable levels of RTP-1 Table 6-1
shall be grounds for rejection of the equipment. Listed quantities apply to small
localized areas and are not to be averaged over larger areas.
Other Submittals
In addition to the submittals specified, provide the following for information only in
accordance with Section 01330:
Special shipping, storage and protection, and handling instructions.
Manufacturer's written installation instructions, including
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Installation instructions indicating assembly, mounting and anchorage
requirements, alignment and assembly tolerances, and points of connection for
ancillary services.
Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance.
Manufacturer’s Certificate of Proper Installation.
Test reports
Quality Assurance
Fabricator is to be responsible for implementation of a quality assurance procedure, with the
following minimum requirements:
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Designate personnel to inspect fabricated items while in-process and after completion to
assure compliance to all aspects of the Specification and design Drawings. Inspection
to include, as a minimum; checks for visual defects, laminate thickness and sequence,
glass content, Barcol hardness, dimensional tolerances, adherence to construction
details, surface preparation, and environmental conditions. Complete a report of the
findings including method of measurement for each separate assembly.
Inspect all glass reinforcement prior to use in fabrication. Do not use any glass that
does not meet the Manufacturer’s acceptance standards. Do not use glass material that
is wet or has been wet. For each type of glass and lot number used, record the
manufacturer, product code, production date, and lot number.
Retain all nozzle cutouts and other excess laminate, clearly marking each piece to
identify its original location. These laminate samples become the property of the
Owner. For areas where valid laminate samples are not available, take sample plugs as
requested by the Engineer. Perform repairs of subsequent holes in a manner approved
by the Engineer.
Verify glass content on available samples in accordance with ASTM D2584 at the rate
of one test per 100 square metres of surface area. Complete tests and submit results for
each major component where samples are available.
Prior to final shipment of the equipment, submit fabricator control report, consisting of
copies of all records maintained for compliance with this Section.
Test tolerances
Barcol hardness to be 90 percent of Manufacturer’s recommended hardness.
Glass contents to be within the range shown on the Manufacturer’s Shop Drawings for
each type of laminate.
Product tolerances
Reject any FRP specialty item which does not satisfy the tolerances specified in this
Section uniformity: uniform wall, flange and edge thicknesses to within ±1 mm in
300 mm.
Colour: items of a similar nature or subassemblies of a single unit to be similar in
The out-or-round tolerance for cylindrical sections smaller than 300 mm in
diameter is as listed in American ASTM D4097.
Thicknesses shown on the Manufacturer’s Shop Drawings are construction
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Factory Inspection
Provide factory access to the Engineer or designated representative during fabrication and
upon completion for the purpose of verifying compliance to the Contract Documents. The
inspection is not intended to replace the fabricator’s own quality control procedures.
In no respect does inspection of any equipment by the Engineer relieve the fabricator of
compliance with the Contract Documents. A final inspection may be performed by the
Engineer when the fabricator certifies that all the terms and requirements of the Contract
Documents have been satisfied. Give at least five days notice prior to this inspection.
Notify the Engineer at the completion of particular milestones during fabrication. Give at
least 48 hours notice prior to occurrence of these milestones. The milestones are as follows:
View tooling prior to fabrication.
Beginning application of corrosion liner for each part.
Extraction of each part prior to beginning assembly.
Completion of each separate assembly.
The Engineer reserves the right to include additional milestones.
In the event the fabricated items are not to the stage of completion designated for a milestone
inspection or are not complete as required for a final inspection at the time specified by the
fabricator, the fabricator will assume the cost of the inspector’s time and expenses and
deduct such charges from the cost of the equipment.
Allow the Engineer or its designated representative to photograph the fabricated items while
in-process and upon completion.
The Engineer retains the right to employ the use of magnification or other special viewing or
measurement devices during inspection.
Assure that at the time of final inspection, the fabricated items are cleaned of all foreign
material and workings which might block the view. Position the equipment to allow for easy
access and viewing and, at the request of the Engineer, move the fabricated items to allow
viewing of all parts.
Evidence of poor workmanship or lack of compliance with any aspect of the Contract
Documents will be grounds for rejection of the fabricated items.
.10 Subsequent repair of rejected fabricated items may, at the Engineer’s option, be undertaken
in an attempt to bring the equipment to an acceptable state. Repair procedures must be
approved by the Engineer prior to implementation.
.11 The Engineer may employ destructive testing, such as ultimate tensile of flexural strength
tests or glass content ignition tests, on available samples or use other non-destructive test
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methods, such as acoustic emission or ultrasonic polygauge thickness measurement, on the
completed fabricated items for verification of compliance to the Contract Documents.
.12 Testing performed by the Engineer will be accomplished through use of applicable ASTM
test methods when appropriate.
.13 Make hardness tests for acceptance by the Engineer on the liner surface using the Barcol
impressor, Model GYZJ 934-1, calibrated at two points in accordance with ASTM D2583.
Take ten readings in a localised area, deleting the two highest and two lowest, and averaging
the remaining six. Minimum acceptable Barcol hardness will be a reading of 30 unless
otherwise specified in the pertinent equipment section.
.14 An acetone sensitivity test may also be performed by the Engineer as acceptance criteria.
Evidence of a sticky or tacky surface following rubbing with an acetone-saturated cloth will
be grounds for rejection of the fabricated items.
Coordinate requirements of the fabricated items supplied with structures, structural supports,
and other ancillaries specified.
Resins used for FRP specialties exposed to view will contain a minimum of 3 percent
antimony trioxide or other fire retardant agent and will have flame spread of 25 or less
based on ASTM E84. Add agents to structural wall only, not to the corrosion layer.
Resin to be selected by fabricator, subject to approval of the Engineer and suitable for
intended service.
Liner resin: premium grade and corrosion resistant.
Structural wall resin may be of different chemical resistance, subject to conditions of
service and approval of Engineer.
The Engineer will review the fabricator’s choice of resin/catalyst before fabrication
begins to verify compliance to the resin manufacturer’s recommended procedures.
Add UV absorbers to surfacing resin to improve weather resistance for externally
installed ducting and covers.
Add no thixotropic agent to resins used for a corrosion barrier. Thixotropic agent in the
proportion and of the type recommended by the resin manufacturer may be added for
viscosity control of resins not used for a corrosion barrier.
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The quantity of thixotropic agent added must not interfere with visual inspection of
the laminate.
Fabricate components using the resins specified in the pertinent section. Unless
specified otherwise, use the same resin throughout all laminates of that component.
Resins must meet flame spread requirements.
.10 No other fillers, including pigments, dyes and colorants, are permitted, unless reviewed
and approved in writing by the Engineer.
.11 Repair any damage to the paint coat occurring during installation promptly, restoring
the paint coat to the original condition.
Use commercial grade corrosion-resistant borosilicate glass for reinforcement.
Unless otherwise specified, provide Type C glass 0.25 mm thick protective veil
surfacing mat with silane finish and styrene-soluble barrier for interior and exterior
Surfacing veils for applications where the glass may be attacked by compounds in the
process is a suitable spun-laced synthetic organic entangled fibre fabric, such as Nexus,
not less than 500 microns in thickness, backed by chopped strand in a Type A resin.
Unless otherwise specified, provide Type E glass, 0.45 kg/m2 with silane finish and a
styrene-soluble binder for chopped strand mat.
Use Type E glass with chrome finish or silane coupling agent for continuous roving
used in chopper guns for spray-up.
Use Type E glass with silane-type finish for continuous roving used for filament
Woven roving is Type E glass, 0.80 kg/m2, 5 by 4 weave, with silane-type finish.
Woven cloth is Type E glass with silane-type finish.
Physical properties: meet or exceed requirements of ASTM D3982 and ASTM C582.
Meet or exceed requirements of ASTM D3982 for squareness of ends, fittings, elbows,
and butt joints.
Fabricate FRP items by contact moulding, or filament winding.
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Ensure that moulds conform to the following:
Moulds constructed of Masonite, wood, or other porous material must be
completely covered with mylar or other suitable material to produce a smooth and
glossy inner surface on the FRP fabricated items.
Moulds and mandrels must be hard-surfaced such that working the wet laminate
will not cause local displacement of the material or air entrapment. Covering of
mandrels with cardboard is not advised and must be reviewed by the Engineer
prior to start of fabrication.
Certain construction details shown on the Manufacturer’s Shop Drawings assume
the availability of specific tooling and/or moulds. Alternate mould configurations
may be considered by the Engineer in the interest of cost savings or betterment.
Any deviations from the dimensions shown on the Manufacturer’s Shop Drawings
must be reviewed by the Engineer prior to the start of fabrication.
Fabricate laminates in accordance with the following:
Reinforce inner surface with resin-rich surfacing veil 0.25 mm to 0.50 mm thick.
Construct interior layer of resin reinforced with at least two plies of chopped strand
mat: minimum thickness 2.5 mm.
Glass content of combined inner surface and interior layer to 27 percent
±5 percent.
Use positive methods to assure uniform total thickness of the laminate and uniform
glass-to-resin ratio without surplus resin or unsaturated glass. Ensure specified
glass content is in accordance with ASTM D2584.
Interruptions in laminating sequence must only occur after exotherm plies (E or e).
If an exotherm interruption becomes otherwise necessary, ensure it follows the
application of a ply of mat and is succeeded by a ply of mat.
Do not exceed 24 hours during laminating sequence interruptions. Retain acetone
of the in-process surface until laminating is resumed. Lack of compliance with
these procedures, or any indication that contamination of the surface has occurred,
will require that surface preparation be accomplished before resuming. Before
resuming lamination, touch-grind any rough areas or projections to allow full
contact of the succeeding wet laminate.
An exotherm interruption is specifically prohibited within the corrosion liner.
Limit an exotherm interruption between the corrosion liner and the structural
layers to a maximum of four hours.
Chopped strand glass applied by chopper gun is allowed in lieu of mat layers in the
structural laminates only. Mechanically control the application in order to assure
uniform thickness and glass-to-resin ratio. The specific methodology must be
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reviewed by the Engineer prior to fabrication. Chopper gun application of the
corrosion liner is not allowed.
Coat all non-mould surfaces with resin containing wax additive in the amount
necessary to allow full cure of the surface. In the case of interior primary corrosion
surfaces such as interior overlays, apply this wax coat within 24 hours of original
lamination. In the case of exterior surfaces, ensure this wax coat also contains a
UV stabilizer in the type and amount recommended by the resin manufacturer.
.10 Ensure that the exterior surface of all fabricated items are resin rich and reinforced
with one layer c-glass surfacing veil, except as otherwise specified. Paint
laminates exposed to UV radiation with high-grade urethane paint.
.11 Apply the exterior coat as an opaque pigmented surface coat, apply only after
Engineer’s inspection. Colour will be selected by the Engineer.
.12 Do not perform saturation of reinforcement prior to application to equipment on
waxed paper or other contaminated material. Saturation of reinforcement of clean
paper or cardboard is allowed.
.13 Thoroughly coat all cut edges with resin so that no glass fibres are exposed. Seal
cut edges exposed to the corrosive service with a liner laminate. Fill all voids with
resin putty.
Fabricate the corrosion liner laminates in accordance with the following:
Fabricate the inner (corrosion service) surface of all laminates resin-rich and
reinforced with surfacing veil of the type and number of layers specified.
The interior layer of the corrosion liner of 0.459 kg/m2 mat.
separately to remove entrapped air.
Chopped glass applied by chopper gun is not allowed in the corrosion liner.
All plies of the inner surface and interior layer are to gel completely before
proceeding with the structural laminates, but in no case exceed four hours
interruption. The surface must retain acetone sensitivity until the structural
laminate is applied. Lack of compliance to either of these will cause rejection of
the corrosion liner.
Do not use a separately cured unreinforced gel coat.
Roll each ply
Contact moulding
Unless otherwise specified or approved, contact moulding fabrication is in conformance
with ASTM D4097.
Sequence of lay-up
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Provide an interior surface corrosion barrier consisting of the specified laminate.
Laminate thickness is 2.5 mm minimum. Do not use a separately cured
unreinforced gel coat.
Unless otherwise specified, provide an interior surface resin rich, smooth and
reinforced with a 0.25 mm to 0.50 mm Type C glass surfacing veil saturated with
Cover the interior surface layer with a minimum of 0.90 kg/m2 of chopped strand
mat and resin in two plies of 0.05 kg/m2 mat saturated with resin.
Allow corrosion liner laminate consisting of the layers specified to gel.
For laminates 5 mm nominal thickness, mat plies or spray-up continue as required
with adequate rollout between the application of each chopped pass or mat.
For laminates 5 mm nominal and thicker, mat (0.05 kg/m2) or spray-up and woven
roving (0.80 kg/m2 5 by 4 weave) is applied to the total required to achieve the
desired nominal thickness. Two adjacent plies of woven roving is not permitted.
Each ply or pass is separately rolled out. Reinforcement for laminates having a
nominal thickness of 5 mm will include at least one ply of woven roving.
If interruption of laminate buildup is required for exotherm, such interruption is
permitted only after every third ply of woven roving has been laid.
Corrosion barrier consists of a two-pass chop, Type C glass veil and resin as
specified. Exterior surfaces of FRP specialties not exposed to corrosive
environments is Type C glass veil and resin, 0.40 mm minimum thickness.
Ensure that the outer surface of the fabricated product is relatively smooth and has
no exposed glass fibres exposed.
.10 Incorporate paraffin for full cure in the final coat of resin.
.11 Lap all edges of reinforcement material 25 mm minimum for mat and 50 mm
minimum for woven roving. Stagger lapped edges of adjacent layers.
.12 Seal all cut edges on parts which will make up a secondary joint or be incorporated
into a finished product first with at least two coats of lay-up resin.
Filament Winding
Unless otherwise specified, perform filament winding fabrication to conform with
ASTM D3299. Sequence of laminate construction as follows:
Provide and interior surface corrosion barrier consisting of the specified laminate.
Laminate thickness is 2.5 mm. Do not use a separately cured unreinforced gel
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Surfaces exposed to the fluids to be encountered is resin rich, smooth, and
reinforced with a 0.25 mm to 0.5 mm thick Type C glass veil mat saturated with
The inner surfacing layer is followed with a minimum of 0.90 kg/m2, or more of
chopped strand mat and resin in a minimum of two plies saturated with resin.
Glass content of this portion of the laminate is 25 to 30 percent by weight. For
laminates 12 mm and thicker, the nominal 2.5 mm layer is a thickness of at least
2.2 mm after curing.
Subsequent reinforcing is resin-saturated, continuous roving, as may be required to
satisfy all other requirements of this Specification.
Additional chopped roving and/or unidirectional roving resin may be sprayed up
between winding cycles to provide improved resistance to interlaminar shear. This
will result in a wall thickness greater than specified.
For each complete cycle of filament winding, form a closed pattern of winding
bands which completely covers the surface with two bi-directional layers. For
each layer use a maximum of one roving in thickness. For singular cycles do not
exceed a thickness of 1.3 mm, unless otherwise specified in the pertinent
equipment sections.
Unless otherwise specified or approved, provide a 55° helix angle of winding as
measured from the centerline of revolution of the component shell. Tolerance on
helix angle is +2°, unless otherwise noted.
If for any reason, winding is interrupted to the point where the outer surface is
gelled or exotherm temperatures are excessive, stop production and allow the
laminate to cure. Grind smooth any prominent ridges left on the cured surface.
Following the grinding, apply a bedding layer of 0.23 kg/m2 mat or chopped glass
and thoroughly roll to remove air. Winding with continuous strand may be
resumed before this layer gels. The additional mat layer is extra material and will
result in a wall thickness greater than that specified.
Ensure no glass fibres are exposed on the outer surface.
.10 Incorporate a paraffin for full cure in the final coat of resin.
.11 Ensure that cut edges exposed to the chemical environment have a chemical
resistant liner consisting of two mats and a veil. No cloth or woven roving is
permitted for this purpose.
.12 Seal all cut edges on parts which will make up a secondary joint to be incorporated
into a finished product first with at least two coats of lay-up resin.
Surface preparation
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Prior to starting secondary overlays, ensure adequate surface abrasion with no surface
contamination. Take every precaution to assure adequate surface preparation and a
good bond of the secondary overlays.
Prior to making all overlays, thoroughly roughen the cured or wax coated surfaces of
the area to be overlaid by grinding. Ensure the roughened area extends 25 mm
minimum beyond the proposed overlay edge. Completely coat the roughened area with
wax coat at the completion of the joint.
Ensure that grinding is sufficiently deep so that all traces of glossy resin coat are
removed and that glass fibre is exposed over the entire abraded surface.
Ensure the edges of the abraded surface are "feathered" out such that no sharp
discontinuities exist.
For surface abrasion by grinding, ensure that grinding disks are new and not
contaminated, with a grit size of 16 to 24.
FRP joint application must begin within four hours of surface abrasion, or else abrasion
must be repeated.
Within 15 minutes prior to beginning FRP joint application, remove dust from the
abraded area by vacuuming or brushing with clean non-metallic brushes, or wiping with
clean dry rags.
Solvent wiping the abraded area is not allowed.
Air blowing the abraded area is not allowed.
.10 If any indication of contamination is present after this final surface preparation, scrub
the abraded area with solvent and allowed to evaporate to verify removal of the
contaminant. Repeat this solvent wash if necessary. Surface abrasion must be repeated
after solvent washing.
Joining laminates
FRP joining laminates are subject to all applicable requirements specified for laminates.
Reinforce FRP joints with an overlay of glass reinforcement and resin which extends
equally within +12 mm on each side of the joint. A smooth contour is required. All
FRP joints to have a total width at least 1.25 times that required by standards.
Tolerance on width of joint reinforcement plies is +25 mm, -0 mm. For woven roving
plies do not exceed the width of the mat ply below them.
Restrain parts to be joined until completion and cure of the joint to prevent movement
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Fit up parts, and verify that all tolerances and assembly requirements of sections are
satisfied. Completely fill the void between component parts with resin putty, taking care
not to extrude an excessive amount of putty into the interior.
Grind the puttied area to a smooth contour and repeat this final surface preparation.
Resin coat the abraded area to be overlaid immediately prior to applying glass
reinforcement, using a stiff brush to work resin into the rough surface. Supply the resin
coat only to an area as wide (+25 mm, -0 mm) as the next exotherm stage of the joint
sequence and repeat prior to each exotherm stage. Do not use thixotropic material in
this resin.
Environment: maintain conditions in the FRP laminate work area during all times when
the final surface preparation and FRP laminate application are in process in order to not
jeopardize the reliability of the laminate or secondary bond. As a minimum, include the
following controls:
Maintain all surfaces to be overlaid and all materials within a range of 16 ºC to 35
ºC. No further lamination may proceed until the exotherm has completed and the
laminate has cooled to 35 ºC or less. Do not attempt to cool the curing laminate
Protect prepared surfaces and materials from blowing dust and other contaminants.
If any of the above conditions are not adhered to while the final surface preparation
or FRP laminate application is in-process, stop work immediately and begin the
process again with surface abrasion as the first step.
Store materials in a dry area and within the temperature and humidity limits
recommended by the manufacturers.
Factory Tests
Inspect fabrications for required construction, intended function and conformance with
referenced standards.
Inspection of fabricated items is required prior to shipment, unless specifically waived in
writing by the Engineer.
Notify the Engineer one week prior to estimate date of inspection.
Repairs authorised by the Engineer to be re-inspected before final acceptance, unless
specifically waived.
Submit a report detailing date and time of tests, step-by-step test procedures, test results, and
any corrective action taken by the Manufacturer, if required.
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Manufacturer's Representative
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Provide a technically qualified Manufacturer's Representative to install the fabricated items
and undertake testing for sufficient periods to ensure the fabricated items are installed in
accordance with the Manufacturer's recommended procedures and in accordance with
Section 01600.
Verify dimensions and conditions in field.
Coordinate support locations with layout and joints.
Ship, install, join and erect under the direction of the Manufacturer’s Representative.
Where jointing is required, ensure that workmen employed for these efforts have been
trained in proper jointing techniques by the FRP manufacturer's representative.
Assembly and Erection Plans
Prior to assembly and erection of FRP covers, provide the Engineer with assembly and
erection plans prepared by the FRP Manufacturer.
Provide the Engineer prior to assembly, details on handling, field connections and final
Field joints
Field joining laminates and procedures are subject to all applicable requirements
Butt-strap joints have a thickness not less than 1.5 times the longest cross-sectional
dimension of the FRP specialty and develop at least 200 percent of the strength of the
parent laminate.
Notwithstanding this requirement, comprise butt-strap joints of at least two layers of
surfacing veil plus sufficient reinforcing glass impregnated in the specified barrier resin.
Surface preparation, methods of curing, and ultraviolet light protection as specified for
the parent laminate.
Conduct testing in accordance with applicable specifications to prove operation,
performance, and function.
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Functional Testing
Alignment: test complete assemblies for proper alignment and connection leakage.
Operational Testing
Perform under actual or approved simulated operating conditions.
During the warranty period, the Owner may, at its cost, inspect, or retest the system for
conformance to these Specifications. The Contractor will be notified of these tests, and
may witness the test and inspections. If the system fails to meet the performance
requirements, the guarantee provisions of these Specifications apply.
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Section 13952
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This Section specifies the supply, installation and testing of fibreglass barrel arch covers for
construction of the new trickling filters roof assembly.
Refer to Drawings for additional design information.
Related Work
Section 13200 – FRP General Requirements
Section 03300 – Cast-in-Place Concrete
Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330 – Submittals.
Identify reaction forces on the existing structure.
Provide actual laboratory test results by a qualified independent testing laboratory to confirm
the values used in the design. These results shall not be older than three years.
Provide certification of materials by showing the characteristics of the materials to be used,
including the resin, gel coat and glass. The completed assembly shall conform to NFPA
guidelines for flame spread and smoke generation.
Provide complete set of design calculations (for information only) sealed and signed by a
professional structural engineer responsible for the design registered in the Province of
British Columbia.
Submit all B.C. Building Codes schedules of assurance for design and field review of the
fabricated covers sealed and signed by a professional engineer registered in the Province of
British Columbia.
Shipment, Protection and Storage
Provide storage instructions for the covers on site.
Covers to be stored off the ground on a level surface to prevent warping or fracturing.
Acceptable manufacturer based on fabrication methods, design and experience are:
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Chemposite Incorporated
Barski Industries
Approved alternate
Design Requirements
The manufacturer shall be responsible for the design of the covers, gaskets and anchorage to
the structure. The design shall provide for expansion and contraction due to climatic change
without damage to the covers.
The covers shall be barrel arch configuration and designed to be self supported on the
periphery structure.
Panels shall be designed to be interlocking to provide a completely weather-tight seal. A
suitable gasket material shall be installed in the interlocking joint and where the panels rest
on the periphery structure. These gaskets shall be joined to provide a weather tight seal.
Panel Jointing
Coordinate the location of all openings, support and fasteners with manufacturer.
Service Conditions
Molds shall be so designed that each panel can be cast in one piece without joining of
members by either bonding or bolting unless shown otherwise on contract drawing.
Coordinate with Manufacturer
Section 13952
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The design service conditions for the covers are as follows:
Area Classification
Class I, Division 2, Group D (NFPA 820)
Maximum Ambient Temperature
35 ºC (excluding solar heating)
Minimum Ambient Temperature
-15 ºC
Humidity (Below Cover)
Peak H2S Concentration
(Below Cover)
10 ppm
Internal Pressure
0.250 kPa less than atmospheric (vacuum)
Design Criteria
Design Loads
Ground Snow
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Ss = 2.4 kPa
Regional District of Nanaimo
FCPCC Trickling Filter Roof Replacement
Project No. 60333466
Sr = 0.4 kPa
Roof Superimposed Dead Load
Dead load of structure
Live Load
1.0 kPa
Sa(0.2) = 0.86, Sa(0.61) = 0.61, Sa(1.0) = 0.32,
Sa(2.0) = 0.17; IE = 1.5
Wind Load
q1/50 = 0.50 kPa; lW = 1.25
Service Life
The FRP covers are to be designed for a minimum service life of fifteen (15) years.
Rain Load
Section 13952
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March 2015
The manufacturer is to provide a minimum written warranty for workmanship and materials
for a period of two (2) years.
Resin: Characteristics
Gel Coat: Characteristics
The gel coat shall consist of thermosetting polyester designed for constant
exposure to the outside environment and capable of resisting ultra-violet
degradation. The use of tints and pigments in the resin will not delete the
need for a gel coat.
Glass Reinforcing Characteristics
All resins shall be chemical resistant resins containing light stabilizers such as
Halogenated Polyester resin. The resins shall be suitable for service in
temperature ranging from -40 °C to +40 °C and also capable of withstanding
continuous exposure to the internal environment.
Fibreglass reinforcement shall consist of alternate layers of chopped strand
mat and woven roving, shall be equal to Owens Corning, and shall be treated
with a finish compatible to the resin being used.
Material Characteristics
Ultimate Tensile Strength
ASTM D-638-84
170 MPa min.
Ultimate Flexural Strength
ASTM D-790-84
170 MPa min.
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Regional District of Nanaimo
FCPCC Trickling Filter Roof Replacement
Project No. 60333466
Ultimate Compressive Strength
ASTM D-695-85
136 MPa min.
Modules of Elasticity, ASTM D-790-84
6800 MPa min.
Glass Content
25% min.
Linear Coefficient of Expansion
15x106 per °F
Flame Spread
25 maximum
Smoke Development
500 maximum
Section 13952
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March 2015
All cover sections shall be formed on suitable moulds to ensure constant and accurate
dimensions. The mould surface shall be coated with resin rich pigmented coat
containing proper amounts of wax to ensure complete cure of laminate. Alternate
layers of chopped strand mat / woven roving will then be placed to the design
thickness. The outer surface shall be coated with a gel-coat (12-15 mils) and
A sample panel is to be made and submitted for acceptance before fabrication begins.
The removal of the finished laminates from the moulds shall be achieved by utilizing air
jets and lifting devices which will prevent fracturing or distortion of the panels. Prior to
erection all panels shall be stored and supported with adequate protection to prevent
warping and fracturing.
Ancillary Items
Provide two (2) 4.5 mm thick UV resistant acrylic translucent light panels (400mm x
600mm) in every alternating cover section as shown on the Drawings.
Provide 4.5 mm thick UV resistant acrylic translucent light panels in the FRP end panels as
shown on the Drawings.
Light panels to be gasketed and removable for future replacement.
Provide integral FRP support tabs on the underside of covers for attaching threaded rods to
support existing HVAC ducts as shown on the Drawings. Provide two (2) support tabs per
cover section.
Provide 6 mm thick neoprene gasket material on perimeter walls and between overlapping
cover sections to provide watertight seal.
Submit colour samples to the Owner for approval.
Exterior colour to be dark green to match existing roof colour.
Interior colour to be off-white for maximum reflectance.
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Regional District of Nanaimo
FCPCC Trickling Filter Roof Replacement
Project No. 60333466
Load Test
The manufacturer shall load test typical cover panels to 1.5 times the design loads and
submit a test report submitted prior to delivery of segments.
Manufacturer's Representative
Arrange for a technically qualified Manufacturer's Representative to attend the installation
work, certify correct installation, train operating and maintenance staff and undertake all
testing of the system for sufficient periods, to ensure the roof structure is installed in
accordance with the Manufacturer's recommended procedures.
The minimum periods of site attendance are identified in the following table along with the
form to be completed on each of these trips. A "day" is defined as eight (8) working hours
on site.
The total number of trips will depend on the Contractor's schedule. The cost of additional
trips, if required and as determined by the Engineer, will be borne by the Contractor.
Item Description
Section 13952
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March 2015
Fabricated Covers - Delivery
Installation Assistance (2 Trips)
Final Inspection
Verify satisfactory delivery of the fabricated cover sections.
Manufacturer’s Representative to instruct Contractor in the methods and precautions to be
followed in the installation of the FRP covers.
The manufacturer shall provide construction drawings and installation instructions to the
Contractor and Contract Administrator prior to erection.
The covers shall be erected following procedures established by the manufacturer.
All bolted connections shall be of 316 stainless steel type and designed by
All anchorage to the periphery wall shall be done on-site after the panels are in their
final position by setting suitable stainless steel anchor bolts, acceptable to the Engineer,
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Regional District of Nanaimo
FCPCC Trickling Filter Roof Replacement
Project No. 60333466
Section 13952
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March 2015
in the periphery wall. Location of reinforcement is to be determined prior to boring.
Care is to be taken not to bore through any reinforcement. Washers of a suitable size
shall be utilized to avoid localized stresses in bolting.
Installation Witnessing
Ensure the fabricated covers are installed as required to provide an integral watertight roof
Manufacturer’s Representative to cooperate with the Contractor to fulfill the requirements
for a successful installation.
Performance Testing
Ensure the fabricated covers and all component parts function as intended providing a
watertight roof assembly over the trickling filters.
Manufacturer to provide a final inspection/performance field report.
Provide the services of factory trained Manufacturer’s Representative for the purpose of
training the Owner in the proper maintenance of the roof assembly.
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Contractor-Supplier Package
ISO 14001 Contractor and Supplier Environmental
Performance Requirements
The purpose of this package is to convey the requirements of Wastewater Services’ (WWS)
Environmental Management System (EMS) to contractors and suppliers. This package is applicable
to all wastewater treatment facilities and pump stations.
As a contractor or supplier to WWS, you have a responsibility to comply with all provisions identified
in the Contract Documents regarding Environmental Protection. Where Contract Documents do not
exist, the service provider will comply with Sections Two, Three and Four.
Please retain a copy for your records.
General Overview: ISO 14001
1.1 Environmental Management System (EMS)
1.2 Environmental Policy and ISO Clause
1.3 Environmental Aspects and Impacts
1.4 Environmental Objectives and Targets
1.5 Environmental Management Programs (EMPs)
Operating Procedures
Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedures
Environmental Specifications
4.1 Air Emissions
4.2 Cleaning Equipment
4.3 Dust Control
4.4 Energy Consumption
4.5 Hazardous Materials
4.6 Noise
4.7 Sensitive Areas
4.8 Spills
4.9 Surface Water Control
4.10 Use of Pesticides
4.11 Waste Management - Solid Non-Hazardous Waste
Environmental Policy
ISO Clause
Canadian Environmental Protection Act – Section 95
(please print name)
(please print company name)
acknowledge that I have received a Contractor-Supplier Package (ISO 14001 Contractor Supplier
Environmental Performance Requirements) containing the materials listed above.
(Supplier/Contractor Employee’s Signature)
(WWS Project Supervisor’s Signature)
Regional District of Nanaimo
Wastewater Services
Page 1 of 9
LWD-COM-10 Attachment I : Contractor-Supplier Package
Prepared by: EMS Coordinator
Last Revised:
19 April 2010
Approved by: Manager, Wastewater Services
Printed copies are considered an 'UNCONTROLLED' document
Contractor-Supplier Package
ISO 14001 Contractor and Supplier Environmental
Performance Requirements
Environmental Management System (EMS)
• An EMS is the part of an organization’s management system used to develop and
implement it environmental policy and manage it’s environmental aspects.
• It includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices,
procedures, processes and resources.
Environmental Policy and ISO Clause
• An Environmental Policy is a statement by the organization of its overall intentions and
direction related to its environmental performance. It provides a framework for action
and for the setting of environmental objectives and environmental targets.
• It is a driver for implementing and maintaining our EMS and reflects commitment to
continual improvement, legal compliance and prevention of pollution
• The Environmental Policy is posted at each of the WWS wastewater treatment facilities
and pump stations, and is available on the RDN website: www.rdn.bc.ca
• Uncontrolled copy of the Environmental Policy attached (Section 5.0 of this package)
• Uncontrolled copy of WWS’ ISO Clause (Section 5.0 of this package)
Environmental Aspects and Impacts
• Environmental Aspect: element of an organization’s activities, products or services that
can interact with the environment.
• Environmental Impacts: any changes to the environment whether adverse or beneficial,
wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s environmental aspects.
• Environmental impacts include:
o Air Pollution and Odour
o Depletion of Natural Resources (Energy Use)
o Landfill (Garbage)
o Noise
o General Repairs-Construction (Sensitive Areas)
o Sewage Bypass (Leak/Spill)
o Treatment Disposal (Hazardous Waste)
Environmental Objectives, Targets and Programmes
• Environmental Objective: overall environmental goal consistent with the environmental
policy, that an organization sets itself to achieve.
• Environmental Target: a detailed performance requirement that arises from the
environmental objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those
• Objective and Targets are set to minimize environmental impacts.
• Any legal requirements that must be met by the organization (i.e. permit requirements)
help create the objectives and targets.
Regional District of Nanaimo
Wastewater Services
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LWD-COM-10 Attachment I : Contractor-Supplier Package
Prepared by: EMS Coordinator
Last Revised:
19 April 2010
Approved by: Manager, Wastewater Services
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Contractor-Supplier Package
ISO 14001 Contractor and Supplier Environmental
Performance Requirements
Environmental Management Programs (EMPs)
• EMPs combine all of the above details and create tangible programmes that will be
used to achieve the objectives and targets and demonstrate continual improvement in
the EMS.
• EMPs address schedules, resources and responsibilities for achieving environmental
objectives and targets.
• All WWS wastewater treatment facilities have Operating Procedure Manuals.
• Procedures applicable to contractors and suppliers will be supplied by the WWS
Project Supervisor at pre-construction meetings or prior to the work commencing.
• Contractors and Suppliers will be required to sign a Procedure Checklist
acknowledging that they have received copies of applicable procedures at a preconstruction meeting or prior to commencing work on site.
• The WWS Project Supervisor will ensure that a site induction is completed prior to work
commencing as per the ISO Clause attached. (Section 5.0 of this package)
• All WWS wastewater treatment facilities have Emergency Preparedness and Response
Procedure Manuals.
• Procedures applicable to contractors and suppliers will be supplied by the WWS
Project Supervisor at pre-construction meetings or prior to the work commencing.
• Contractors and Suppliers will be required to sign a Procedure Checklist
acknowledging that they have received copies of applicable procedures at a preconstruction meeting or prior to commencing work on site.
• The WWS Project Supervisor will ensure that a site induction is completed prior to work
commencing as per the ISO Clause (Section 5.0 of this package)
Contractors and suppliers must abide by the following environmental specifications while
working on site, as applicable.
Air Emissions
• Contractors and Suppliers will ensure that excess vehicle idling is minimized.
• Contractors will ensure that their staff are trained in the proper use and handling of all
materials and chemicals to ensure air emissions/odours are minimized.
• No open burning of waste materials is permitted.
Cleaning Equipment
• Do not clean equipment in streams/rivers or lakes.
• Clean construction equipment prior to entering roadways.
Regional District of Nanaimo
Wastewater Services
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LWD-COM-10 Attachment I : Contractor-Supplier Package
Prepared by: EMS Coordinator
Last Revised:
19 April 2010
Approved by: Manager, Wastewater Services
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Contractor-Supplier Package
ISO 14001 Contractor and Supplier Environmental
Performance Requirements
Do not clean equipment in locations where debris can gain access to sewers,
watercourses or aquifers.
Dust Control
• Transport dusty materials in covered haulage vehicles.
• Public roadways shall be kept clean and free of mud unless closed to through traffic
with the permission of the Project Engineer.
Energy Consumption
• Contractors and Suppliers will use energy efficient equipment when undertaking any
work on a job site, where practical.
• Contractors and Suppliers staff will turn off lights and equipment when not in use and
where practical when on a job site.
Hazardous Materials
• Hazardous materials brought on site and removed shall be managed in accordance
with current MOE Regulations current at the time of work.
• Governing Ministry of Labour Regulations respecting protection of works, remedial
handling and disposition of Designated Substances encountered shall be followed.
• Do not empty fuel, lubricants, herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, paint materials,
solvents or other chemicals into sewers or watercourses (only legally acceptable
disposal methods are acceptable).
• Use vehicles and equipment with efficient muffling devices.
• Provide and use devices that will minimize noise levels in construction areas.
• Minimize noise resulting from activities while on-site whenever practical.
Sensitive Areas
• Inform WWS staff in writing of the particular schedule for each river crossing,
channelizing or other work in the designated sensitive areas.
• Avoid encroachment on unique natural areas and establish boundary protection and
signage to avoid encroachment.
• Do not disturb habitats of rare or endangered species. Agree and implement mitigative
measures with WWS staff.
• Protect wetland sites used as feeding or breeding areas by migratory fowls or as
habitats for other animals and establish boundary protection and signage to avoid such
• Schedule construction in sensitive areas so that there will be minimal interference with
water uses including fish migration or spawning, or disruption of incubation periods for
• Keep removal of vegetation to a minimum.
• Contain and deposit on land all aquatic plants uprooted or cut prior to or during
Regional District of Nanaimo
Wastewater Services
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LWD-COM-10 Attachment I : Contractor-Supplier Package
Prepared by: EMS Coordinator
Last Revised:
19 April 2010
Approved by: Manager, Wastewater Services
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Contractor-Supplier Package
ISO 14001 Contractor and Supplier Environmental
Performance Requirements
• Be prepared at all times to intercept, clean up and dispose of any spillage that may
occur whether on land or water.
• Keep all materials required for clean-up of spills readily accessible on-site (e.g. spill kit)
• Notify WWS staff immediately if there are any spills.
• Compliance with Section 95 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (Section
5.0 of this package)
Surface Water Control
• Control all surface water and groundwater including rainfall and run-off. Ensure that
erosion is controlled and that flooding of excavations or damage to structures does not
• Intercept surface drainage as far back from excavations as practical by means of
ditches, berms or other interception methods as may be required for effective control.
• Direct pumped water or run-off to settling ponds or sediment basins prior to discharge
to adjacent storm sewers or watercourses.
• Provide settling ponds and sediment basins where needed.
• Control overflow rates from settling ponds or sediment basins to ensure minimum
solids transportation.
• Provide straw bales, filter berms or sand bags as required to retard and filter run-off
prior to discharge to storm sewers or watercourses.
• Clean out settling ponds from time to time so that sediment discharge is prevented.
• Intercept and divert concentrated run-off from unstable areas under sheet flow
conditions, as directed by WWS Engineer.
• Do not direct any flow of water across or over pavements, except through approved
pipes or properly constructed troughs.
• Keep gutters and drainage ditches open at all times to provide adequate surface
• Maintain all existing storm sewers clean and free of deleterious materials and
• Provide splash pads where water is discharged to the watercourse.
• Dispose of water so as not to be injurious to public health or safety, to property or to
any part of work completed of under construction
4.10 Use of Pesticides
• Contractors and Suppliers will NOT apply pesticides to any WWS treatment facility or
pump station property.
4.11 Waste Management – Solid Non-Hazardous Waste
• No open burning is permitted.
• All wastes generated by contractors will be cleaned-up and disposed of as per MOE
• Whenever possible Contractors and Suppliers should utilize recycling opportunities for
the disposal of waste.
Regional District of Nanaimo
Wastewater Services
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LWD-COM-10 Attachment I : Contractor-Supplier Package
Prepared by: EMS Coordinator
Last Revised:
19 April 2010
Approved by: Manager, Wastewater Services
Printed copies are considered an 'UNCONTROLLED' document
Contractor-Supplier Package
ISO 14001 Contractor and Supplier Environmental
Performance Requirements
Environmental Policy The Regional District of Nanaimo’s (RDN) Wastewater Services (WWS) Environmental Policy reflects the values and priorities of the RDN’s Board Strategic Plan 2010‐2012, Regional Growth Strategy and Liquid Waste Management Plan. The RDN’s WWS is committed to providing reliable, high quality, and cost‐effective wastewater services to the people and communities we serve. We strive to optimize our treatment and re‐use processes and employ state‐of the art pollution prevention strategies at our facilities. In fulfillment of this commitment, it is the WWS policy: To do our utmost to comply with the letter and spirit of relevant environmental laws and regulations. There shall be thorough and accurate measurement and reporting of our environmental compliance. To prevent pollution. This includes avoiding or reducing environmental pollution produced directly from WWS operations, or indirectly by the consumption of power, fuel, chemicals, and other resources. To identify and monitor environmental impacts and set measurable objectives and targets to reduce those impacts on the environment. To foster openness and dialogue with employees and the public, and respond to their concerns about potential hazards and impacts of our operations. To practice sustainable asset management planning at all our facilities. To continually improve our performance relevant to this environmental policy. This policy will be communicated regularly to all WWS staff and will be made available to regulatory agencies, the public, or other interested parties upon request. John Finnie General Manager, Regional and Community Utilities Date: 19 April 2010 Regional District of Nanaimo
Wastewater Services
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LWD-COM-10 Attachment I : Contractor-Supplier Package
Prepared by: EMS Coordinator
Last Revised:
19 April 2010
Approved by: Manager, Wastewater Services
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Contractor-Supplier Package
ISO 14001 Contractor and Supplier Environmental
Performance Requirements
The following clause is to be included in any contract related to WWS that has the potential to
have a significant environmental impact.
“Whereas the Regional District of Nanaimo’s Wastewater Services (WWS) is operating to the
ISO 14001: 2004 standard, it is a condition of this contract that the Contractor comply with
the WWS’ Environmental Management System (EMS). Pursuant to Element 4.4.2 –
Competence, Training and Awareness, paragraph 5.11 of the WWS’ EMS Policy and
Procedure Manual: any contracted personnel whose activities can create a significant impact
(as defined by the WWS’ EMS) on the environment are required to undergo training. Such
training will require one session of approximately one half hour. While the Regional District
of Nanaimo (the RDN) will provide the initial training to a representative Contractor, it is the
responsibility of the Contractor to train the Contractor’s own personnel, as well as any
personnel of the Contractor’s Subcontractor who will be working on a site of WWS. The
Contractor hereby warrants that it will provide any ISO 14001 related training which the RDN
deems necessary to the Contractor’s own personnel and any personnel of the Contractor’s
Subcontractor and will forward records thereof to the RDN at no additional charge to the
Regional District of Nanaimo
Wastewater Services
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LWD-COM-10 Attachment I : Contractor-Supplier Package
Prepared by: EMS Coordinator
Last Revised:
19 April 2010
Approved by: Manager, Wastewater Services
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Contractor-Supplier Package
ISO 14001 Contractor and Supplier Environmental
Performance Requirements
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (1999, c. 33)
Part 5: Controlling Toxic Substances – Regulation of Toxic Substances
Section 95: Report and Remedial Measures
95. (1) Where there occurs or is a likelihood of a release into the environment of a substance specified on the List of Toxic
Substances in Schedule 1 in contravention of a regulation made under section 92.1 or 93 or an order made under section
94, any person described in subsection (2) shall, as soon as possible in the circumstances,
(a) subject to subsection (4) and any regulations made under paragraph 97(b), notify an enforcement officer or any other
person designated pursuant to the regulations and provide a written report on the matter to the enforcement officer or other
(b) take all reasonable measures consistent with the protection of the environment and public safety to prevent the release
or, if it cannot be prevented, to remedy any dangerous condition or reduce or mitigate any danger to the environment or to
human life or health that results from the release of the substance or may reasonably be expected to result if the substance
is released; and
(c) make a reasonable effort to notify any member of the public who may be adversely affected by the release or likely
(2) Subsection (1) applies to any person who
(a) owns or has the charge, management or control of a substance immediately before its release or its likely release into
the environment; or
(b) causes or contributes to the release or increases the likelihood of the release.
Report by property owner
(3) Where there occurs a release of a substance as described in subsection (1), any person, other than a person described
in subsection (2), whose property is affected by the release and who knows that it is a substance specified on the List of
Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 shall, as soon as possible in the circumstances and subject to subsection (4), report the
matter to an enforcement officer or to any person that is designated by regulation.
Report to provincial official
(4) Where there are in force, by or under the laws of a province or an aboriginal government, provisions that the Governor in
Council, by regulation, declares to be adequate for dealing with a release described in subsection (1), a report required by
paragraph (1)(a) or subsection (3) shall be made to a person designated by those provisions.
Intervention by enforcement officer
(5) Where any person fails to take any measures required under subsection (1), an enforcement officer may take those
measures, cause them to be taken or direct any person referred to in subsection (2) to take them.
Limitation on power of direction
(6) A direction of an enforcement officer under subsection (5) that is inconsistent with a requirement imposed by or under
any other Act of Parliament is void to the extent of the inconsistency.
Access to property
Regional District of Nanaimo
Wastewater Services
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LWD-COM-10 Attachment I : Contractor-Supplier Package
Prepared by: EMS Coordinator
Last Revised:
19 April 2010
Approved by: Manager, Wastewater Services
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Contractor-Supplier Package
ISO 14001 Contractor and Supplier Environmental
Performance Requirements
(7) Any enforcement officer or other person authorized or required to take any measures under subsection (1) or (5) may
enter and have access to any place or property and may do any reasonable things that may be necessary in the
Personal liability
(8) Any person, other than a person described in subsection (2), who provides assistance or advice in taking the measures
required by subsection (1) or who takes any measures authorized under subsection (5) is not personally liable either civilly
or criminally in respect of any act or omission in the course of providing assistance or advice or taking any measures under
those subsections unless it is established that the person acted in bad faith.
* All other sections can be found at http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/C-15.31/index.html,
or accessed through ISOsoft.
Regional District of Nanaimo
Wastewater Services
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LWD-COM-10 Attachment I : Contractor-Supplier Package
Prepared by: EMS Coordinator
Last Revised:
19 April 2010
Approved by: Manager, Wastewater Services
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