Scientia Academy Mona Road Burton Upon Trent DE13 0UF Telephone: 01283 881110 SCHOOL ACADEMY CONVERSIONS - TUPE FAQ This document contains questions from staff and unions during Schools Academy Conversion (Tupe) and REAch2 Academy Trust responses. How will the Living Wage be implemented for Support Staff? Affected staff will be placed on the nearest spinal point that meets the Living /London Living Wage level. The annual Living Wage increase is then applied to the salary point going forward. What is the Pay Policy for Support Staff at time of transfer? Current Pay policies for support staff will transfer over. Does REAch2 Academy Trust plan to pay support staff on NJC Conditions of Service in future years? Will this apply to all support staff or merely those who transferred? Reach2 Academy Trust is a Living wage Employer for support staff. Our Pay Policies are also mirrored on Nationally Agreed Pay and Conditions for staff (Green Book) which we intend to continue mirroring. All support staff will TUPE over on current pay and conditions of service. As REAch2 does not intend to operate a two tier workforce, all new staff will be placed on the same terms and conditions as current school staff Can you confirm that you have applied for admitted body status into the LGPS Suffolk Scheme? Reach2 is an admitted Scheme Employer for LGPS. Who will be providing the finance, IT and HR services in the future? The services will be provided directly by Reach2 Will there be a replacement for SIMS? No, Schools will retain their use of Sims as present; the only difference is they will buy into Sims directly with Reach2 and not through the LA as previously done. Reach2’s financial system which will be used in schools is Civica. Page 1 of 6 REAch2 Academy Trust is a trading name of REAch2 Ltd, Company Number: 8040828, Registered in England and Wales; Charity Number: 1149000; Registered Address: Scientia Academy,Mona Road, Burton Upon Trent, DE13 0UF; VAT Number: 167332014 Scientia Academy Mona Road Burton Upon Trent DE13 0UF Telephone: 01283 881110 Who will be providing Occupational Health Services and where is the company based? Occupational health services will be available to staff through the Trust’s current Provider for this service – Medigold. Medigold's service provision comprehensively covers the whole of the United Kingdom and NI. Will the academy pay for travel expenses for staff to travel to OH appointments? Staff will not be paid travel expenses for attending OH appointments. This is the normal operating standards for most businesses Will face to face appointments be available locally? Face to face appointments are arranged as and when required and take place at the closest location to the school Will the academy be using EFMSL services in the future? Where REAch2 offer services centrally, some of the current services provided by third parties and the Local Authority will no longer be used by the schools. Reach2 and Schools converting to the Trust will carry out a review of Service Level Agreements and Third Party Contracts currently in place to ensure Value for Money and quality of service is maintained and where possible improved. This review will inform the Trust and school which services will be retained. Who will be providing the services currently bought in from SCC such as EOTAS, Wellbeing Service, Education Psychology Service etc.? Reach2 may provide some of these services. It is delegated to the individual school to assess which services they wish to continue to purchase from County Councils. Who will provide training for support staff? Schools are responsible for providing training for support staff? REAch2 are currently working with the NJCC to look at access to IT and possibilities for IT training for support staff in the future. Page 2 of 6 REAch2 Academy Trust is a trading name of REAch2 Ltd, Company Number: 8040828, Registered in England and Wales; Charity Number: 1149000; Registered Address: Scientia Academy,Mona Road, Burton Upon Trent, DE13 0UF; VAT Number: 167332014 Scientia Academy Mona Road Burton Upon Trent DE13 0UF Telephone: 01283 881110 Who will be providing payroll services in the future? Payroll services will continue to be provided by the County Council at present. Reach2’s intentions are for this to transfer over to the Trust at some point in the future once our services are moved in-house. Will the academy continue collecting Trades Union Subscriptions under DOCAS? Payroll services for schools remain with the LA at present time so there is no envisaged change to the current system in place for collection of TU subscriptions. Will the academy be continuing with the Long Service Award scheme? Non pension benefits will not transfer over to Reach2 at conversion. What arrangements are in place for Child Care Vouchers in the future? Reach2 has a service provider called Computer Share in place for this benefit. Staffs that currently use this scheme through the LA will transfer over to our provider (Computershare) at conversion. Will staff be used as shortage covers for other schools in the Trust? Reach2 Academy Trust does not use staff as shortage covers Will new staff be appointed to specific schools or the academy chain? Schools carry out staff recruitments according to their needs with the support of the Trust Will teachers transfer on the STPCD [Blue Book] and Burgundy Book terms* and conditions? Yes, as stated in the measures letter, provisions in force at the time of transfer will transfer with affected employees How will future terms and conditions for teachers be determined? Reach2 intends to continue to mirror nationally agreed terms and conditions for teachers. (Burgundy Book and STPCD) Page 3 of 6 REAch2 Academy Trust is a trading name of REAch2 Ltd, Company Number: 8040828, Registered in England and Wales; Charity Number: 1149000; Registered Address: Scientia Academy,Mona Road, Burton Upon Trent, DE13 0UF; VAT Number: 167332014 Scientia Academy Mona Road Burton Upon Trent DE13 0UF Telephone: 01283 881110 Will support staff transfer on NJC [Green Book] terms and conditions? If so, what about future changes to NJC conditions? Yes, provisions in force at the times of transfer will transfer with affected employees. Reach2 intends to continue to mirror national terms and conditions (Green Book) for support staff. Will any different terms and conditions apply to new staff? If so, to whom? Reach2 does not operate a two tier workforce. All new staff will be employed on the same terms and conditions of current staffs in schools. What mechanism for dispute recognition/failure to agree is proposed? Any such matters will be addressed at the National Joint Consultative Committee which is Reach2’s established committee of recognised National Unions. Are there any proposals in place for a Trade union recognition agreement? Reach2 already has a union recognition agreement in place with national unions. Please see trade union agreement doc which was issued with the measures. Will the academy subscribe to County Council pooled Trade union facility time arrangement? No, Reach2 has a union facilities time agreement in place. Please see unions facilities time agreement doc issued with measures letter. What arrangement for trade union consultation is proposed for academy issues [e.g. policy development, restructuring]? Reach2 regularly meets with national unions for consultation purposes at the NJCC meetings. Please see trade unions recognition agreement doc issued with measures letter. Who is the Pensions scheme employer [academy or trust]? Reach2 academy trust is a scheme employer for pension scheme benefits Will new employees be offered any alternative pension scheme? No, TPS and LGPS remain the applicable pension schemes used by Reach2 Page 4 of 6 REAch2 Academy Trust is a trading name of REAch2 Ltd, Company Number: 8040828, Registered in England and Wales; Charity Number: 1149000; Registered Address: Scientia Academy,Mona Road, Burton Upon Trent, DE13 0UF; VAT Number: 167332014 Scientia Academy Mona Road Burton Upon Trent DE13 0UF Telephone: 01283 881110 Will the local agreement on adoption leave transfer? Current provisions for adoption leave will transfer over under Tupe Are any changes to sick pay intended? No Are any changes to maternity pay intended? No Are there plans to change the school day? No Any plans to alter any current policies or procedures [e.g. HR policies]? Yes, the Trust intends to have a uniform set of HR policies for all schools in the Trust family. All policies will be fully consulted on and agreed with National Unions before they are approved for use in schools. Any change to payday? No Who will provide HR services? Reach2 What arrangements are in place to ensure compliance with H and S legislation? Reach2 will work robustly with schools to ensure H&S legislation is fully complied with. Which Suffolk policies will not be TUPED across on conversion but substituted by a policy from the Trust? This is as stated in the REAch2 Section 13 Measures letter of which copies have been provided to staff, unions and all other respective parties The trust states that there is a requirement for staff to work across schools to enable improvement to all. On average, how much time might this involve for a member of staff? This is assessed on a needs led basis - I.e. individual’s developmental needs, school needs, sharing of best practice etc. Page 5 of 6 REAch2 Academy Trust is a trading name of REAch2 Ltd, Company Number: 8040828, Registered in England and Wales; Charity Number: 1149000; Registered Address: Scientia Academy,Mona Road, Burton Upon Trent, DE13 0UF; VAT Number: 167332014 Scientia Academy Mona Road Burton Upon Trent DE13 0UF Telephone: 01283 881110 While the Trust supports facility time, it does not pay into the county scheme. How will the trusts facility time scheme work at a regional level? This is still being worked through with our national union colleagues. We will update as we reach a final system Within any ' group' of schools, how is the planning and training organised and by whom? Trainings are centrally organised – Investment and Development Courses by our training partners ECM – to be held both centrally and regionally. All phases of career are catered for and bespoke trainings are locally organised for teachers by EP’s. Will any different terms and conditions apply to new staff? Reach2 does not intend to operate a two tier workforce. New staff will be employed on staffs and conditions for existing staff apart from those declared on the measures letter. Will continuity of service be recognised for new staff recruited from (a) LA maintained schools (b) other academies? The Trust proposes to honour service of new employees joining the Trust for the purposes of benefits under the Burgundy Book namely - Maternity, Paternity and sick pay as part of its commitments not to operate a two tier workforce. The Trust cannot however commit other school outside the Trust to follow this approach. How will parental complaints be dealt with? They will be addressed under the School’s Complaint Policy as present. Bukky Oshikoya Senior HR Advisor REAch2 Academy Trust Page 6 of 6 REAch2 Academy Trust is a trading name of REAch2 Ltd, Company Number: 8040828, Registered in England and Wales; Charity Number: 1149000; Registered Address: Scientia Academy,Mona Road, Burton Upon Trent, DE13 0UF; VAT Number: 167332014
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