President’s Report – April 2015 Mitch Hettinger… With professionalism and integrity, we fight for our teachers and those students we teach... IMPROVISE, ADAPT, OVERCOME POLITICS is PERCEPTION…PERCEPTION is REALITY WHEN the LEGEND BECOMES FACT, PRINT the LEGEND REPs…now more than ever we need updated building census w/updated phone numbers and home email addresses PURPOSE: Negotiations Organizing for a Potential Job Action Conference Update: 1. 3/13-14 PSEA Minority/Women’s Leadership Conference @Holiday Inn, Grantville, PA…Sandy, Rebecca A good time by all at the annual REA Spring Fling @ Stokesay Castle on 3/27. Thanks you Jen Bard for the organizing and prepping. Eastern Region/PSEA politics is soon upon us with the ER House of Delegates on Saturday 18 April 2015 @ Bear Creek Mountain Resort. REA is allocated 32 ER delegates and we have fulfilled the number. We, REA, have a candidate for an ER office Lori Sherman has put her name into the arena of PSEA/Eastern Region politics to run for the position of Eastern Region Vice-President. We need to be there to support and elect Lori and those that we have thrown REA’s support behind. Yes, it’s a Saturday. Yes, it’s April. This is important! Members should not be making verbal or written statements without inquiring with REA first. The Facebook monster has reared its ugly head one more and caused an employee to resign their position. How many have to be eaten by this monster before we get it? Your 1st Amendment rights only go so far…only so far. Common sense goes a lot farther! COMMENTARY: IT’S A WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! Yes, April showers really do bring May flowers. Truly! But April sunshine, showers, thunder and lightning bring the dreaded PSSA tests…the scourge of all that is holy in education. It’s like a permanent full moon settles over the state of Pennsylvania and everybody goes Wolfman Jack for three weeks and multitudes of tests and the kids lose their minds and the teachers have to collect cell phones, and power monitor and…and... aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, now that I have that out of my system. There is always May. Keep an eye on the PSEA Voice and NEA magazines for updates on the revisions for the ESEA Act (NCLB) and the changes that are coming. Keep an eye out for the progress of Gov. Wolf’s budget proposal and the educational impacts that will go with it. Keep your chin up and your head held high. You do a great job for the students of the city of Reading. 66 days to the Summer Solstice and counting! Hang in there! APRIL/MAY HAPPENINGS 4/27 4/28 4/29 4/30 5/5 5/6 5/7 Building visits begin…13 & G @ lunch…..13 & U @ dismissal Safety Committee meeting @ 8 am Building visits…12 & M @ lunch…..Glenside @ dismissal Building visits…NWEL @ lunch…..Riverside @ dismissal Building visits…RIHS @ lunch…..NWMS @ dismissal SAC @ 4:30 BCEA @ 5:30 Building visits…RHS @ lunch…..SOMS @ dismissal Building visits…NEMS @ lunch…..Millmont @ dismissal REA election campaigns begin 5/11 5/12 5/13 5/14 5/15-16 Building visits…SWMS @ lunch…..10 & G @ dismissal Building visits…10 & P @ lunch…..16 & H @ dismissal REA elections workshop @ REA HQ @ 4 pm Building visit…Lauer’s Park @ lunch Executive Board meeting @ 4 pm Building visits…Tyson Schoener @ lunch…..AES @ dismissal REA Elections Rep Council meeting @ 4 pm/Election count PSEA House of Delegates @ Philadelphia, PA Thank you for doing the important work of our noble Association! Metro Bank Account Balances Checking Savings Dues FairShare Scholarship PACE Petty Cash Reading Berks CU Treasurer’s Report April 2015 Submitted by Lisa Herbinko 17,754.67 32,483.19 336,747.97 9,424.42 4,613.91 7,710.22 100.00 64,467.85 Date Apr 06 Description USPS Office Expenses: Postage Amount $8.82 Apr 03 Apr 02 Apr 01 Mar 31 Mar 27 Mar 27 Nino’s Wally Wilkinson Stokesay PSEA WB Mason Nino’s Grievance & Negotiations: General Mtg Exp Governance & Conference:ER: Mileage Reimbursement Social Activities: Spring Fling Dues Payment second installment Office Expenses: Office Supplies Grievance & Negotiations: General Mtg Exp $33.09 $85.10 $1,440.16 $241,784.83 $79.23 $28.58 Grievance & Negotiations: General Mtg Exp Grievance & Negotiations: General Mtg Exp: Jan. 28th Office Expenses: Cable Social Activities: Teacher appreciation day Social Activities: Teacher appreciation day Office Expenses: Copier Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Priscilla $31.91 $24.96 $270.16 $1,741.00 $1,741.00 ($169.46) ($1,174.46) Governance & Conference: ER:Collective Bargaining Mileage Reimbursement Contributions and Tributes: Member Welfare Internal Communications: Website ($43.70) 1403 1329 Mar 26 Mar 26 Mar 26 Mar 26 Mar 25 Mar 24 1396 1394 1400 Mama’s Pizza Mama’s Pizza Comcast Promo Direct Promo Direct Delage landen Mar 24 1384 Priscilla Knight Mar 23 1401 Wally Wilkinson Mar 23 Mar 23 1399 Mar 19 1326 Mar 19 Mar 18 Royer’s Homestead Eastern Region PSEA Microsoft Giant Mar 17 Mar 16 Mar 16 Mar 16 Mar 13 Mar 13 1397 Office Expenses: Office Supplies: update software Grievance & Negotiations: General Mtg Exp ($105.99) ($18.36) Sam’s Club RMCTC IRS Staples Geek Squad Ninos Grievance & Negotiations: General Mtg Exp Invoice #4769 Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Federal Office Expenses: Office Supplies Internal Communications: Website Grievance & Negotiations: General Mtg Exp ($160.43) ($180.00) Office Expenses: Rent Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Priscilla ($1,200.00) Grievance & Negotiations: General Mtg Exp ($61.92) Mar 12 1385 R&B Richmond Mar 11 1383 Priscilla Knight Mar 11 ER Leadership ($353.65) ($15.99) ($300.00) Starlite Diner ($822.77) ($31.77) ($101.79) ($14.72) ($1,174.46) Grievance Chair April 2015 Monthly Report Spring is sprung, the grass is ris, I wonder where the grievance is . . . Well, they’re starting to comeout of the woodwork, some against principals and more against Central Administration. That said, we are winning the ones we have had to this point. We have too many teachers who are still policing their brethren and it has to stop, it isn’t your job! (And, yes, this will be in every report until I no longer need to put it in the report!) Email me at or, or call me at 484706-2902; if you have any questions as to what procedure is. Active Grievance List 11/14 – 1/15 Level II G1415-10: RIHS REA vs. RIHS Administration Punishment w/o Just Cause Level III G1415-02: RIHS REA vs. RIHS and Central Administration Settled at level III G1415-03: RIHS REA vs. Central Administration Settled at level III G1415-08 12th & Marion: REA vs. Building Administration Won/withdrawn at level III (Principal involved resigned) G1415-09: MIllmont REA v Central Administration Suspended w/o pay w/o Just Cause G1415-03: RIHS REA vs. Central Administration Settled at level III Level IV Level V Active Complaint List None Please keep in mind, due to privacy rights you only are allowed in-depth knowledge if you are the grievant, the representative, or the REA officer involved. The only exception to this rule is a class action grievance/complaint. Thank you. There is a new grievance form available that will be posted online at for any representative that needs it; it will be available in both Word 97-03 and PDF format. Respectively Submitted on this Sixteenth day of April, Two-thousand Fifteen, David E. Immendorf David E. Immendorf Grievance Officer of the REA RSHS Vice President’s Report April 2015 Please check calendar for Keystone exam dates and adjust your pacing accordingly. Classes will only be 23 minutes on the days of the exams. I have asked for, but not received, the schedule for finals. I will ask again. An e-mail will be sent with the dates and periods. Please circle the correct word (emergency/compelling) when filling out a Request for Absence form. If you are not sure, check the e-mail sent by Pricilla or ask your Reps. The school year is almost over. Remain strong and calm. We can get through it together! Respectfully Submitted, Trudi Westley 610-334-3947 RIHS VP Report April 2015 We had our building meeting on April 20th. It will occur after any regular Monday faculty meeting that may occur. If no faculty meeting is planned, we will meet at 3:30. Please listen for an update as to location. A few updates… Meeting with Dr. Mumin—thank you for everyone’s participation in the meeting. The next step is for Mr. Brown to present a plan to the staff to implement for the rest of the school year. We will be following up with Dr. Mumin once the plan is implemented. Coverages—I know there are an excessive number of coverages recently. We have shared ideas with administrators as to ways to help Please continue to keep track. If anyone is missing hours from December or earlier, please let me know ASAP. Security—Building REA will be meeting with security to discuss some of the concerns brought up at the meeting with Dr. Mumin. Security protocol—the reps and I are discussing with Mr. Brown another way to remove students who are interrupting the education of the other students. The last few meetings have been canceled by Mr. Brown due to his schedule. Hallways and class cuts—the doors near the café and the ones near the guidance suite have alarms. Eventually, the alarms will be wired to the camera room. Clearances—please hand-deliver downtown once you receive your copies. Also, a flowchart will be posted for anyone who has questions about the timeline for obtaining these clearances. Please contact reps with any questions or concerns. Please try to use our home email addresses for REA concerns. District email is property of the district. Respectfully submitted by Jennifer Gagliardi Skoraszewski Middle School Vice President’s Report April 2015 Thanks again for those that were able to attend the School Board Meeting in March. At the last minute the board meeting was moved to RIHS. They said it was to allow more parents to attend, but attendance was less than ever. They said they were going to keep moving it around the city. I will do my best to keep you informed, however, they do post it on the Reading School District Homepage right before the meeting. I am asking for the Reading Intermediate High School, 16th and Hawk, and 10th and Green to attend the April 22nd School Board meeting. I will get the location out as soon as it is announced. We are starting to see some problems with the teacher evaluations and so I still say get the union involved from the beginning. There still seems to be confusion as to how the teacher evaluations and the alternate ways of evaluating teachers is being done in different buildings. If you have a question, please get it to me as soon as possible. If I don’t know the answer, I will find out. I would rather fight the battle from the beginning instead of waiting for an unsatisfactory rating, and then fighting. Dust is still a problem in construction areas and as the temperatures start to rise, we might find that the small window openings won’t allow for much air flow. Hang in there window and door replacement should be over soon. Make sure if there are disruptions due to dust or noise during PSSA testing that arrangements are made to make the students testing environment the best possible. Remember to report all problems to your building reps, so that they can forward them to me in a timely fashion, if they can’t be handled in your building. Respectfully submitted, Wally Wilkinson April Report Elementary VP West 1. Email Address- My email address is or you can call me at 610-9144666. If you need me during the school day for an emergency, call Riverside Elementary at 610-371-5896. 2. REA Website- Please visit our website at 3. I Want To Attend Your Meetings- I would like to come to each building for either your monthly building meeting or your monthly meeting with your principal. This may be a way to open up communications to all. Please let me know if and when you plan on having a meeting that you want me to attend. I will try to make arrangements to be at different buildings each month. 4. Northwest Elementary- Thank you for having me at your recent building meeting. 5. Chain Of Command- Please let your members know the correct chain of command. Remind your members that they should go to you with an issue first. Post your name and room number on the REA bulletin board so members know who to contact. If you don’t know the answer, contact me. 6. PSSA Testing- This is a very tense time of year. Do your best to keep students and teachers motivated. 7. Unsatisfactory Ratings- Please let me know if any of your teachers get an unsatisfactory rating. 8. Union Representation for Members- A member has the right to union representation if he/she feels that the meeting could result in some form of disciplinary action. If an administrator has a meeting for a teacher, with students and/or parents of students, the teacher has the right for union representation. 9. Go Math- If you finish the curriculum for your grade level prior to the end of the year, there is a section at the end called “getting ready for grade __”. This section has lesson plans that you may use to finish out the year. 10. Solidarity Color- Wear BLACK to the next Board Meeting on Wednesday, April 20th. Thank you Amanda Weiss, Jen Bard, Eric Garcia, Kristen Moyer-Ringler, Rebecca Kauffman and Patty Lougherty for going to the March meeting! Respectfully submitted, Lori Sherman April Report Elementary VP East Contact Info- Please feel free to call or text me. My number is 717-519-7759. I only ask that you refrain from calling after 10 pm. You may also e-mail at my home address Building Reps- Thank you for all you do. Please continue to let me know of any concerns from your building. As always, let me know when you are having a staff meeting so I may stop by and say hello. Substitute Coverage – It seems like there are fewer and fewer subs across the district. This leads to split classes and lack of coverage. Please keep a log of the times you lose services, house extra students, or have your class split due to no coverage. SAC – Please let the building reps know of any issues you would like to be addressed at the monthly SAC meetings. The SAC meeting is always held the Thursday directly after the school board meeting. Please have concerns to me by the prior Monday. Meetings- If at any time you are called into a meeting please bring a Rep with you, it is your responsibility to ask! If no one is available you may respectfully ask to reschedule the meeting. If you are asked to write anything down, you may enact your Weingarten rights. This means you may ask to have REA review what you have written before submitting it. Many times we write with our feelings instead of facts. Solidarity and School Board Meetings- To keep things simple the solidarity color will be black from now on. It is important that we continue to show our solidarity and attend school board meetings. To help in this process Wally has created a schedule of buildings that have been given to your Rep’s. Facebook- As always please refrain from getting on during the school day, this does include your prep period. Please also refrain from any negative comments about the district, your principal, or fellow staff members. When administration gets a report of abuse, it is usually from one of your fellow staff members. Chain of Command- Teachers please make sure you are following the proper chain of command when expressing concerns and/or frustrations. It makes it very difficult for us to help you with an issue if proper protocol is not followed. PLEASE read your contract as well. Step 1- Concerns are brought to the building level Rep. It is then the responsibility of the Rep to address the issue with the building level administration. Step 2- If the issue is not resolved with the building level Rep and Administrator the Rep will bring the concern to the correct level VP. The VP will then address the issue with the building level administrator. If no resolution is found, then the VP will bring the concern to the Grievance Chair to pursue. Respectfully Submitted, Rebecca Titus Communications Officer April 2015 Hello All! Make sure to visit the website! Contact information, updates, news and resources can be found on Questions and/or suggestions are always welcome Respectfully Submitted, Stephanie Ruiz-Smith Member Benefits Congratulations to: Stefanie (RIHS) and Nick Bieber on the birth of their son Jordan. Louise (Mill.) and Ryan Disch on the birth of their son. Matthew Stumhofer (RIHS) and his wife on the birth of their son. Melissa Lake (RIHS) was recently a contestant on Jeopardy. The episode will air in late May. (I believe the date will be May 22, 2015.) Please watch to see how much money Melissa won. Don’t forget to turn in the RSD continuation/Election of Medical Benefits before May 15, 2015. All staff members must complete and turn in this form before May 15, 2015 to continue medical benefits. The form must be completed if you do & do not have a change of benefits to continue receiving medical benefits. **If you are married, copy & include your marriage certificate if you are covering your spouse. **If you are covering dependent children, include a copy of their birth certificate. According to the benefits office, if these forms are not completed correctly, returned with appropriate documentation, benefits will stop. It is important you complete the forms and return everything to the Benefits Office in the Administration. As always, make and keep a copy for your file. Respectfully submitted April 7, 2015 by: Donna Franke Health & Safety Committee Report April 14, 2015 Submitted by Sandy Madeira A meeting was finally held on March 31, 2015. The next meeting is scheduled for April 28, 2015. The most recent building inspection was conducted at 13th & Union. No problems were reported. The staff does an excellent job of taking care of the building. The fence at 12t & Exeter does need to be fixed. The All Hazards Plan will be rolled out in August. Teams are being designed and a plan for CPI training is being worked on by Lisa Hoffman and Anne Fisher. The bids are going out for repair, remodel of the Red gym at RHS. It is anticipated that the work will begin in early June. Mr. Celmer approved a P>O> for bleacher inspection the Riverside. This should be completed shortly. The new entrance doors at 10th & Penn are ready for installation. We have requested a copy of the air quality report for 13th & Green. Mr. Franco indicated the testing was completed and that all levels were in the acceptable range but he had not yet received the written report. Mr. Franco indicated mold testing has begun and levels were acceptable to date. There have been bed bug sightings in several rooms at the Citadel. Ehrlich’s has been in; however, if there is no infestation, spraying is not effective. It must be gotten at the source. If the same student comes to the room every day, then there may be bed bugs every day. Students are not sent home due to bed bugs. Parents are contacted; however, we have no control over how it is addressed in the home. The use of wipes and soap and water to clean desks in the classrooms after breakfast is still being discussed. The wipes cannot contain alcohol. Reminder to all BUM’s: They must report the birth of a child to Linda Pelker the day after the child is born. This affects the leave dates and when the teacher must return. All incidents involving a fall or injury on school district property should be reported and an incident report completed and sent to the appropriate parties. Even if the BUM is not seeking medical attention a report should be completed. Please be proactive in your safety efforts. Instructional and Professional Development Report April 2015 Submitted by Lindsay Evans Please check out the updated flier regarding Level 1 to Level 2 certificate conversion. There is one, slight update. ALL school employees are now required to renew their State Police record check, their FBI record check, and their Child Abuse clearance statement. Visit for more information. Visit the REA website,, for links to information about Level 2 certification. Please contact me if you have any questions about your Level 2, or if you’d just like another set of eyes! Please let me know if you have any suggestions for professional development topics for future inservice days or if you have any instructional concerns. Email me at or with any questions or for more information! Converting your Level 1 to Level 2 Level I Pennsylvania Instructional and Educational Specialist certifications are valid for six (6) years of service, not calendar years. If you have been teaching in Pennsylvania on a Level I certificate for 3-6 years of satisfactory service and have earned 24 post-baccalaureate credits, you can apply for a Level II certificate. The following conditions must be met: • Six credits must be associated with your area(s) of certification and/or must be designed to improve professional practice • You must have three years of satisfactory service on a Level I certificate, verified by the chief school administrator of the employing school entity • You must have completed a PDE induction program verified by the chief school administrator of your employing entity • The State Board now also requires candidates to “present evidence of satisfactory achievement in assessments (PDE 427 evaluation) prescribed by PDE under §49.18 (a) of Chapter 49, 22 Pennsylvania Code.” The previous information is found on the following links: 8790 • Once on this page, click on the link called: Certification Staffing Policy Guideline 7 - Level II (Permanent) Certification for more detailed information for converting your Level 1 to Level 2. It is your responsibility to convert your certificate to a Level 2. Do not rely on the district to tell you what to do. REA will gladly help you with the process! Contact Lindsay Evans ( or for guidance, direction, or a second set of eyes and ears. Labor Relations Officer April 2015 Monthly Report Happy Spring! The countdown to summer is on, but we still have much to accomplish, including the beloved PSSA testing. United Labor Council remains committed to supporting the Reading Education Association, and the goals we hope to achieve! Philadelphia schools have begun to outsource their substitute-teaching services. Philadelphia’s move effectively privatizes more than 1,000 education jobs now held by unionized workers. The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers is planning to use “all legal resources available” to fight this decision. If RSD were to follow Philadelphia’s lead, we would no longer be able to choose Preferred Substitutes, and the quality of the substitutes available would quickly deteriorate. Much of the conversation at the last meeting regarded with the decision by Berks County officials to stop honoring a 2008 agreement that allowed prison guards the choice of four 10 hour days as opposed to a five-day work week. While this decision will be fought, it is just one more example of attacks against unionized workers in our area. Saucon Valley School District, in Lehigh County, is going through a similar negotiations to RSD. They have been without a contract since July 2012, and have been met with much opposition over the past 2 ½ years. For more information on their situation, I included a link below: .html Respectively submitted, Robert Gillespie – Labor Relations Chair April 9, 2015 REA Membership Report April 2015 Denise Solecki, NEM Assistant Treasurer (Membership Chair) As we enter into the 4th quarter of this school year keep in mind the following: Last membership dues were taken. (3/20/15) PACE was taken out on 4/03/15 for those of you contribute electronically. Fair share still has 3 payments left if you started 1/9/15. As always if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at or call the REA office. Negotiations Committee Chairman’s Report April 2015 Things are moving, like molasses in February, but moving nonetheless. If you want information on what’s going on, don’t listen to the rumor mills, ask either the REA President or Vice-President. We are the only ones who are allowed to discuss where we are and where we trying to go. So when the next person tells you that his/her connections told them this or that, verify with Mitch or myself. More often than not, the person is . . . well, full of what comes out the tail-end of a male bovine. Yes, we remain without a successor agreement, we have had several negotiation meetings. We have some minor tentative agreements on language that needs to be cleaned up in our contract. We are waiting on information on Health Insurance. There are a lot of issues to consider on that front. We haven’t even broached the topic of salary yet. We will get there. We are pushing to keep moving things along and are having some success. We keep working on the more-or-less non-economic issues, like language to keep things moving. But moving they are, we might have some more tentative agreements by the end-of-year Rep Council meeting. Respectfully submitted on the 16th of April, 2015, David E. Immendorf Negotiations Committee Chair and Chief Negotiator Sick Bank April 2015 THE FOLLOWING POLICY ITEM WAS APPROVED BY REP COUNCIL AT THE MARCH 2015 MEETING: 25. Appealing a Denial: A Sick Bank member may appeal the decision of the Committee to deny Sick Bank benefits. The appeal will be made to the Executive Board. The Sick Bank member’s medical information will remain confidential, with only those having a “need to know” and who are to vote on the appeal having access to the information. To make an appeal, the Sick Bank member must: a. Make a written request, addressed to the Sick Bank Officer, to appeal the decision. This written request must be submitted to the REA Office. b. Submit any additional medical information that may be relevant to the situation with the written request to appeal the decision. c. The written request to appeal the decision must be received in the REA Office within ten (10) days from the receipt of the denial. If the Sick Bank member is hospitalized and/or incapacitated during these ten (10) days, the time frame may be modified d. The Sick Bank member will appeal the denial at the Executive Board meeting following the receipt of the written request to appeal the denial of a request. e. Appeals shall be handled by reviewing the information presented by a member in light of the Sick Bank Policy and any amendments to the policy. f. Sick Bank Committee members sitting on the Executive Board will abstain from the vote. g. The Sick Bank member will be notified of the result of the appeal in writing, with an explanation as to the reason for the response provided. Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer C. Mazur Sick Bank Officer April - 2015 Social Chair Planning has begun for the Social Events for the 2015 – 2016 School Year October ~ REA Retirement Dinner September ~ Welcome Back Social Gathering December ~ Family Fun Nite w/Santa April ~ Spring Fling I should have dates for all these events by May’s Social Report so that you can mark your calendars. Social Events for the 2014-2015 school year: Retirement Dinner Date: TBA: Tentatively: October 2015 Stokesay Castle This message will be included on every Social Report this year. Please note the deadline to be recognized as a retiree at the end of this year. 2014 - 2015 Retirees or Potential Retirees: NEW To be honored at the retirement dinner, your retirement must be approved by the June 2015 School Board Meeting. Contact Priscilla at the REA office at any time during the school year and your retirement information will be kept confidential. Jen Bard Special Services VP Report-April 2015 IEP/RR: You should be writing IEPs and RRs for students on YOUR caseload only. Collaboration between teachers who share students is ok and should be happening on a regular basis. If a teacher is writing an IEP and comes across a problem—in order to discuss it with anyone the names of all people and addresses should be blacked out. DO NOT SHARE PASSWORDS!! According to Pennsylvania Code, the following is a chart for Full Time Equivalent (FTE), which represents the maximum number of students allowed on a teacher’s caseload: Support Itinerant Supplemental Full-time Learning 50 20 12 Life Skills 20 20 12-grade K-6 15 gr 7-12 Emotional 50 20 12 Deaf and Hearing 50 15 8 Impaired Blind and Visually Impaired Speech & Lang. Autistic Multiple Disabilities 50 65 12 12 15 12 8 8 8 8 8 Testing: PASA Science starts May 4th PSSA- Start pulling all the information that you need from each student’s IEP for accommodations for the PSSA. Here are the windows: English Language Arts- April 13-17 (gr 3-8) Math- April 20-24 (gr 3-8) Science- April 27- May 1 ( gr 4 & 8) Make ups- May 4-8 Respectfully submitted, Chrissie Stauffer Reading Education Association Rep Council Meeting Thursday, April 16, 2015 1800 N. 12th Street Richmond Corporate Centre Reading, PA 19604 Email: Website: Phone: 610-374-7101 Fax: 610-374-3173 Executive Committee Members Present: Mitch Hettinger, Lori Sherman, Rebecca Titus, Trudi Westley, Wally Wilkinson, Jennifer Gagliardi, Lisa Herbinko, Deb Redcay, Rik Immendorf, Denise Solecki, Chrissie Stauffer, Jennifer Mazur, Sandy Madeira, Donna Franke, Amanda Yeakel, Jen Bard, Bob Gillespie, Lindsey Evans Executive Committee Members Absent: Stephanie Ruiz-Smith Rep Council Members Present: Steve Hudak, Dave Dedman, Jimmy Wright, Jennifer Brumbach, David Craft, Kelly Fuller, Hilary Haubrich, Brian Miller, Michele Ehrhart, Gerard Tyson, Joe Okonski, Donna Fanelli, Kristen Morrissey, Donna Broad, Stacy Fritz, Patricia Hartman, Lori Snyder, Krista Cyran, Teresa Heckman, Patti Loughery, Loryn Hoffa, Linda Jones, Andrea Curtis, Laura Stauffer, Jennifer Richards, Lori Moyer, Christine Reichardt, Pat Layos, Dana Puzio, Ashley Solazzo, Jennifer Sell Rep Council Members Absent: Joseph Andrieux, Josh Stoica, Elizabeth Shumanis, Chris Meyer, Steve Rossignoli, Craig Richards, Bernadette Norton, Amy Crabbs, Sandra Sharadin, Eileen Rearden, Bonnie Fox, Lauren Walton, Jen Wocklish PSEA UniServe Representative Absent: Paul Gottleib Meeting Called to Order at 4:05 by President Mitch Hettinger. Adoption of Agenda with Flexibility: Motion to adopt agenda with flexibility was made by Brian Miller (NEMS) and 2nd by Joe Okonski. Vote called and motion approved. Approval of March 12, 2015 REA Representative Council Minutes: Motion to approve March 12, 2015 Representative Council minutes was made by Kristen Morrissey and 2nd by Joe Okonski. Vote called and motion approved. Corrections: none UNI-SERVE Report: N/A Officer and Committee Reports Treasurer--Lisa Herbinko Report speaks for itself PSEA dues payment 2nd installment—when we raise our voice they take notice because of the amount we pay to PSEA. Motion to approve Treasurer Report was made Dana Puzio and 2nd by Michele Ehrhart. Vote called and motion approved. Grievance--Rik Immendorf Report speaks for itself Grievance 14-15-08 is settled-principal is gone. Grievance 14-15-09 has been semi-withdrawn for the moment. Tell teachers to stop telling administrators what other teachers are doing. It is up to the administrator to find out on their own. Member Welfare--Donna Franke Report speaks for itself The RSD Continuation/Election of Medical Benefits form must be done by May 15th. Please tell members to fill out form regardless of change or no change. You must attach copies of marriage license and birth certificates of children, if they are all covered. This is not an RSD issue; this is related to Obama care. On April 29th Mitch and Donna will be delivering the teacher appreciation gifts. Health & Safety--Sandy Madeira Report speaks for itself. 13th and Green air quality report is in and Todd Kahn is trying to get it in layman’s terms so he can get it out to staff. Labor Relations--Bob Gillespie Report speaks for itself Membership--Denise Solecki (absent—excused) Report speaks for itself PACE—Amanda Yeakel Report speaks for itself Sick Bank--Jen Mazur Report speaks for itself We are in good shape with Sick Bank days. A lot of that has to do with the Sick Bank revising the policies. Social--Jen Bard Report speaks for itself Jen added more social events to the calendar. Fall Fling (Canal Street); October is the Retirement Dinner but we may try to put it back to June; December will be a family event. Communications—Stephanie Ruiz-Smith (absent-sick) Report speaks for itself East Elementary VP.—Rebecca Titus Report speaks for itself West Elementary VP.--Lori Sherman Report speaks for itself Go Math—make teachers aware that if they finish Go Math early, there are extra lessons on the back of the planning guide. Solidarity is the 22nd and wear black. Middle School VP--Wally Wilkinson Report speaks for itself High School VP--Trudi Westley Report speaks for itself Finals should be starting June 1st. Citadel—Jen Gagliardi Skoraszewski Report speaks for itself The coverage situation is being handled An email was sent out from a current REA member about decertifying the union. To decertify the union 30% of the membership needs to sign off saying they want to decertify. To decertify means no more REA, no more contract, no benefits, state minimum salary requirements. The 30% membership would cause a vote and if 50% +1 of the members in attendance would vote to decertify then the REA would be decertified. If 10% of the membership votes to form a new union, then that would call for a vote as well. Either way, there is one year with no union and no contract. American Federation of Teachers will not touch the REA, as they don’t compete with PSEA. If it comes to a vote, then PSEA would step in and discuss what happens with the union. Financial Committee--Lisa Herbinko Grievance Committee--Rik Immendorf Negotiations Committee--Rik Immendorf Report speaks for itself Things are moving. We have about 15 Temporary Agreements; if people start asking questions, direct them to Mitch or Rik. Most of the stuff we are negotiating just fine; the question will be when we get to salary. The district still doesn’t know how much money we are getting from the Governor. How many meetings have we had so far and Rik commented 5. If it came to an agreement over the summer what happens? Mitch commented we send email for the day and time and members must be present to vote. Special Education Committee--Chrissie Stauffer Report speaks for itself Kathy Evison has been away for about 2 weeks so Chrissie will be working on planning a meeting with her. SAC—Amanda Yeakel Report speaks for itself IPD—Lindsey Evans Report speaks for itself New flyer was made up due to confusion of some members. President--Mitch Hettinger We need updated building census with updated phone numbers and home email addresses. Sandy and Rebecca went to the Woman’s and Minority Leadership Conference and came back with some good information. Spring Fling was held and everyone seemed to have a good time. Don’t give a verbal or written statement without talking to your building rep. or REA officer first. Teachers must watch they are posting on Facebook. If you put a picture of a student on Facebook, then you run the risk of losing your job and certification if it is noticed. Old Business Negotiations—met on April 8th. Next session is May 19th. Eastern Region meeting is Saturday. We have 28 delegates going. Lori Sherman is running for VP of Eastern Region. Mitch is still considering running for an office. Staff background checks must be done. Remind staff to hand in paperwork. Payroll dues deduction—the MOU has been given to Karen Gokay Section 30 MOU—still working on it KEI Grievance settled—some Kindergarten teachers will receive comp time through an inservice day. Constitution and By-Laws effective date was 3/19/15 REA Scholarship—Erin Hannon was the recipient; mom is a teacher at Lauer’s Park. Teacher Attendance—keep emphasizing keep coming to work School Board Meeting—Wednesday, April 22nd at 7:00. New Business Motion to pay the bills made by Rik Immendorf and 2nd by Gerard Tyson. Motion made and approved. Nominations and Elections Committee—election is 5/14. Every officer is running unopposed. Why are we having an election? We need to have an election because we want to be as transparent as possible. REA Elections will be held on 5/14/15. We need to run a full election due to not having the correct language in the By-Laws. We will be adding the language at the end of the year. Elections Workshop will take place on 5/11/15 at the REA office at 4:00. PSEA House of Delegates—May 15th and 16th at Philadelphia. We are only going on the 16th so we can be there for elections. NEA Representative Assembly will be held from July 1-6, 2015 at Orlando, Florida. Mitch and Lori will be attending. Gettysburg Leadership School…July 19-24, 2015 at Gettysburg College. There are 50 scholarships available for the BAC (Building Area Coordinator) training—this is for Organizing. If you are interested in attending, please let Sandy know and she will get you the paperwork. Announcements Rep. Council meeting will be held on Thursday, May 14th at 4:00 at Vo-tech. ADJOURMENT 5:21
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