PACKET ONE: TEAM REGISTRATION (All Section One Documents MUST be submitted to reserve a team to camp). How to fill out PACKET ONE:: 1). Section One: Complete the Team Information. 2). Section Two: Complete the Code of Conduct Statement and Carthage College Organization Camp Agreement. 3). Section Three: Complete the Registration Information. SECTION ORGANIZATION NAME: TEAM COLORS: ONE: TEAM INFORMATION MAIN ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON’S INFORMATION NAME: E-MAIL ADDRESS: DAY PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: 8 NIGHT PHONE: STATE: ZIP: PACKET ONE (Continued): (All Section One Documents MUST be submitted to reserve a team to camp). SECTION TWO: IRCA CODE OF CONDUCT STATEMENT AND CARTHAGE COLLEGE ORGANIZATION CAMP AGREEMENT (Page 1 of 2) IRCA CODE OF CONDUCT STATEMENT TheIllinoisRecreationalCheerleadingAssociation(IRCA)believesinpresentinganhonest,fairandcompetitiveformatforits membersandourathletes.Thisfoundationisthebasisofallcompetitiveevents,andasaparticipant,weagreetoadhereto the rules, regulations and definitions in the placement of all teams within the Divisions and Categories as outlined in the IRCARules&Regulationsandtherulesofthiscompetition. Eachprogramhasaresponsibilitytopromotethepremiseofintegritytoitsmembers.Inthespiritoffairnesstoallofthe participants, our organizations acknowledgment below signifies that our program has represented our athletes in accordancewiththisstatement. Additionally,thespiritofcompetitionisbasedoffoftheleadershipofourorganizationtoadheretotheestablishedrules, regulationsanddefinitionsandtaughttothechildrenofallofourorganization.Conductviolationssetanegativeimageof oursportandaredetrimentaltoteachingvaluestoourathletes. Asasubmittingorganization,werecognizethatviolationsoftheserulesareconsidereddamagingtotheIllinoisRecreational CheerleadingAssociationanditsmembers.Wewilladheretotheseestablishedrulesandregulationsandfurtherrepresent thatallofourteams,managersandcoacheswillcomplyaccordingly. Furthermore, we understand that it is our responsibility to have completed and submitted to the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association participant waivers forms (in there entirety) prior to camp participation. Our organization shall assume all liabilities associated with not submitting parental waivers and defend the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association for actions against the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA) and American Recreational Cheer leading,Inc.forlossesordamageswhichmaybesufferedagainsttheIllinoisRecreationalCheerleadingAssociation(IRCA) andAmericanRecreationalCheerleading,Inc.fromnotsubmittingsaidwaiverdocuments. COLLEGE INDEMNITY AND DAMAGES, RULES AND REGULATIONS AND RIGHTS OrganizationagreesthatallparticipantsareunderthedirectandcompletesupervisionandcontroloftheOrganization.As such,Organizationisliableforalldamagesresultingfromparticipantutilizationofthefacilitiesandservicesprovidedbythe College.OrganizationshallalsoreimbursetheCollegeforalldamagestofacilitiesandservicesoftheCollegeresultingfrom theuseofthosefacilitiesandservicesbyOrganizationand/oritsparticipants.Inaddition,thetermsandconditionsofthe agreementdonotrequiretheCollegetorelinquishitscontrolofitsfacilitiesandservicestotheOrganization.TheCollege assumesnoresponsibilityforlossortheftofpersonalproperty,ordamagestopersonalpropertyofOrganizationoranyofits participants.OrganizationshallindemnifyandholdharmlessCarthageCollege,itsofficesandemployeesagainstanyandall claimsforloss,injuryordamagetopersonsorproperty,includingclaimsofemployeesofOrganizationoritsagentsarising out of activities conducted by Organization or its guests on or in College buildings, properties, or facilities. The College assumesnoliabilitywhatsoeverforanypropertyplacedbyOrganizationinCollegebuildings,properties,orfacilities. 9 PACKET ONE (Continued): (All Section One Documents MUST be submitted to reserve a team to camp). SECTION TWO: IRCA CODE OF CONDUCT STATEMENT AND CARTHAGE COLLEGE ORGANIZATION CAMP AGREEMENT (Page 2 of 2) COLLEGE INDEMNITY AND DAMAGES, RULES AND REGULATIONS AND RIGHTS (Continued) OrganizationisrequiredtoadheretoCollegepolicies,regulations,guidelinesandalllocal,stateandfederallawsregarding healthandsafety.FailuretocomplywiththeseregulationsmayresultinforfeitureoftheprivilegeofusingCollegefacilities andservices.Organizationherebywaivesanyclaimfordamagesorcompensationresultingfromsuchforfeitureofprivilege. CollegeregulationsincludebutarenotlimitedtothefollowinginCollegeHousingandonCollegeProperty: A. Residence Hall Property: Housing property, in particular furniture, may not be removed from the rooms, lounges or laundryroomwithoutconsentoftheToddWehrCenterManager. B. QuietHours/CourtesyHours:Courtesyhoursareineffect24hoursaday.Considerationofotherguestsandorsummer schoolresidentsisrequired.(i.e.Noloudplayingofmusic,etc.) C. Dismissal Offenses: Offenses which may lead to dismissal with no refund include but are not limited to: Conduct or behaviorthreateningthesafetyorwellbeingofothers;misusingortamperingwithfireequipment;intentionaldamage, theft or destruction of college and/or campus property; the unauthorized discharge of fireworks anywhere on the Carthage College campus; possessing, using or selling illegal drugs; possessing or using firearms or other weapons anywhereontheCarthageCollegecampus;andthrowingordroppingofpotentiallydangerousobjectsoutofwindows. The College shall have the following rights: to enter any room for the purposes of inspection, repair or emergency; to reassignresidentswithinaresidencehallinordertoaccomplishnecessaryrepairs;andtorevokecampusprivilegestoany guestwhoseconduct,solelyintheCollege’sopinion,becomesinjuriousorpotentiallyinjurioustothecollegecommunity. Thereisa$125.00FeefromtheCollegeforlostordamagedkeys.IunderstandthattheOrganizationshall be responsible for any such charges from the College for lost/damaged keys for any keys issued to the Organization. MysignaturebelowatteststhatIamauthorizedtosignthisdocumentasarepresentativeoftheOrganization. OrganizationDirectororOfficialPrintName:________________________________ DirectororOfficialSignature:_____________________________ Datedthis______dayof____________,2015 10 PACKET ONE (Continued): (All Section One Documents MUST be submitted to reserve a team to camp). SECTION THREE: TEAM REGISTRATION INFO Section Totals: X $235.00 Total Number of Athletes Cost per Athlete Total Number Of Coaches and Chaperones = $ x $110.00 Cost per Coaches/ Chaperones = $ Grand Total: TeamGrandTotalforCampRegistration: TotalAthleteCost/TotalManager/Coach/Chaperone= $ CheckNumber:_______________________ ONCE THE REGISTRATION IS SUBMITTED TO THE IRCA, ALL TEAMS WILL BE REQUIRED TO MAKE FULL PAYMENT TO THE IRCA FOR THE RESERVED SPOT REGARDLESS OF ATTENDANCE OR NOT. A Deposit of 50% is due by April 1 2015. Final Payment is due May 8, 2015. IN ORDER TO RESERVE YOUR TEAMS REGISTRATION, ALL PACKET ONE PAGES (pages 7 - 10) MUST BE SCANNED/SENT OR FAXED TO THE IRCA—ONCE RECEIVED, YOU WILL RECEIVE A CONFIRMATORY MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGING ACCEPTANCE BY THE IRCA. Scanned documents: / Fax: (847) 352-1961 11 PACKET TWO All Items must be received into the IRCA by May 8, 2015 How to fill out PACKET TWO:: 4). Section Four: Complete the Team Roster including each athlete’s name, Birth Date and Shirt Size (For the Free “White Out/Nite Out” T-shirt. (Athletes Only) 5). Section Five: Complete the Coach and Chaperone Information 6). Complete the “IRCA Camp Combo Order Form” (Optional). 7). Each Camper (Athletes, Coaches and Chaperones) must complete the 2015 IRCA “Summer Spirit Camp” Waiver Form 8). Each Camper (including Athletes, Coaches and Chaperones) must complete the Summer Camp and Conference Overnight Registration Form and Health Form from Carthage College. 9). Make payment (check or money order) payable to IRCA. A Deposit of 50% is due April 1, 2015. Final Payment is due May 8, 2015 No refunds will be given. 10). Mail completed packet to: Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association Attn: IRCA Summer Spirit Camp 610 Estes Ave. Schaumburg, IL 60193 12 PACKET TWO All Items must be received into the IRCA by May 8, 2015 Please list room pairings below — Two Campers per room. ATHLETE NAME Age Birth date Shirt Size (Circle One) 1 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 2 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 3 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 4 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 5 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 6 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 7 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 8 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 9 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 10 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 11 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 12 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 13 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 14 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 15 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 16 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 17 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 18 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 19 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 20 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 21 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 22 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 23 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 24 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 25 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 26 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL Athlete registration continues on next page. 13 PACKET TWO All Items must be received into the IRCA by May 8, 2015 Athlete registration continues ATHLETE NAME Age Birth date Shirt Size (Circle One) 27 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 28 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 29 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 30 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 31 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 32 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 33 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 34 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 35 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL 36 YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL SECTION FIVE: COACH/CHAPERONE INFORMATION NAME Over 21 y/o? CIRCLE ONE 1 YES/NO COACH CHAPERONE 2 YES/NO COACH CHAPERONE 3 YES/NO COACH CHAPERONE 4 YES/NO COACH CHAPERONE 5 YES/NO COACH CHAPERONE 6 YES/NO COACH CHAPERONE 7 YES/NO COACH CHAPERONE 8 YES/NO COACH CHAPERONE 9 YES/NO COACH CHAPERONE 10 YES/NO COACH CHAPERONE 14 A C IR Only $30 lete per ath Available Only To Teams Attending The k c i You P hirt! rS Colo You Pi ck The Color Soffe Shor t! Add Your Name or Nickname To The Back of the Shirt - FOR FREE!! No Team Will Look The Same! If your team is interested in ordering, please complete the following PDF “Fillable” order form. Team Orders Only! No Individual Orders Will Be Accepted! Order must be for 70% of your Team Athlete Count. !" #$% &' #% !" # $ % !"&" # % ' (&) * +, * +, ,-. /+,/- ! + & !"##$% " 0+ 2 1 & '#()* %&%+ ,- +. / 0/ 12/ 33)4565 7- ! + " : 7 0+1 0/ 1" & 0+ 9 " % 3 4$ 3 & 3 34 #% % 5/ 3 6# #'% ' 1 99" : 1 9" 8," 2 = +1 ! :> ; 2 !7 <1 , 0+ *82 ) ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ . 7""?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0*?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 7-0*?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ //7""A0!8B?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@C/"?@@@@@@@@@@ *892:*/5.5*92; . < :& %; 3 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ ! /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 1 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 4 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ ' /..?./.@/ @?/@/ A /..?./.@/ @?/@/ , /..?./.@/ @?/@/ B /..?./.@/ @?/@/ C /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 3# /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 33 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 3! /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 31 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 34 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 3' /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 3A /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 3, /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 3B /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 3C /..?./.@/ @?/@/ !# /..?./.@/ @?/@/ !3 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ !! /..?./.@/ @?/@/ !1 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ !4 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ !' /..?./.@/ @?/@/ !A /..?./.@/ @?/@/ !, /..?./.@/ @?/@/ !B /..?./.@/ @?/@/ !C /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 1# /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 13 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 1! /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 11 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 14 /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 1' /..?./.@/ @?/@/ 1A /..?./.@/ @?/@/ =>:34?6"; * 5? D" $%6 B4,1'!3CA3 DO NOT TAPE OR STAPLE TOGETHER Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association 2015 “Summer Spirit Camp” Waiver Form MEDICAL RELEASE FORM (Completed for each participant PRIOR TO PARTICIPATING) ORGANIZATION NAME: GRADE LEVEL OF ATHLETE (circle please): 6 7 8 H.S. PARTICIPANT INFORMATION: PARTICIPANT NAME: HOME PHONE: BIRTH DATE: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: E-MAIL ADDRESS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: Release of Medical and Personal Information and Statement of Waiver I, a parent or legal guardian of minor, authorize the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading and Redlok Productions, Inc. to copy and distribute this document in any format they so choose, including but not limited to, paper, electronic and/or facsimile transmission to all events for the 2015 season as listed on page one of this document. My signature on this document represents that I agree to the release of my minor’s personal and health information along with my personal information and I waive my rights to any and all actions against the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading, Redlok Productions, Inc., ACE Cheer Camps, d/b/a North Shore Athletics, Inc., Jeffrey Siegal, Justin Boumstein and all employees and instructors of the above, for losses or damages which may be suffered by the minor or the undersigned in connection with such release including any injury, loss or damage arising by reason of the negligence, or alleged negligence, including willful and wanton negligence, of the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading, Redlok Productions, Inc., ACE Cheer Camps, d/b/a North Shore Athletics, Inc., Jeffrey Siegal, Justin Boumstein and all employees and instructors of the above. I, the parent or legal guardian of the below named minor, do hereby give my consent to his/her participation in all activities of the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading and Redlok Productions, Inc., and ACE Cheer Camps, d/b/a North Shore Athletics, Inc., as outlined in this document. In case of any illness or injury to my minor resulting from participation, I hereby waive any and all claims against the organization, sponsors, supervisors, managers, employees, instructors, owners or Board Members and hereby release, discharge, hold harmless and indemnify the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading, Redlok Productions, Inc., and ACE Cheer Camps, d/b/a North Shore Athletics, Inc., Jeffrey Siegal and Justin Boumstein, for any and all claims, demands, damages or rights of action against them and agree not to sue the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading, Redlok Productions, Inc., ACE Cheer Camps, d/b/a North Shore Athletics, Inc., Jeffrey Siegal and Justin Boumstein, or any of its officers or employees for any injury, loss or damage which may be suffered by the undersigned or minor of the undersigned in connection with such activities, including any injury, loss or damage arising by reason of the DO NOT TAPE OR STAPLE TOGETHER DO NOT TAPE OR STAPLE TOGETHER Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association 2015 Medical Release Waiver Page 2 negligence, or alleged negligence, including willful and wanton negligence, of the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading, Redlok Productions, Inc. or any such official or employee(s) of the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading and Redlok Productions, Inc., and ACE Cheer Camps, d/b/a North Shore Athletics, Inc., Jeffrey Siegal and Justin Boumstein. In the event of an emergency situation relating to my minor listed below, and in the event that I am unavailable, I hereby give consent to allow Emergency Medical Technician(s), Athletic Trainers or any medical institution to administer whatever such emergency medical care is deemed appropriate by the emergency medical staff until I can be contacted. I, the undersigned, give my consent for photographs or videos to be taken of myself or my minor at any activities of the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading and Redlok Productions, Inc., for publication in promotional or marketing material, web site, or any other uses the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading and Redlok Productions, Inc. deem necessary. I further agree that I consent to the use of said photographs or video without right to compensation of any type or form, that I do not expect any monetary payment or any other consideration, and that I do not have any right to any monetary payment or any other consideration. I, the undersigned, also agree that my personal information may be used for communications, including but not limited to, information regarding competitions and events, marketing and/or promotional materials, from the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA), American Recreational Cheerleading and Redlok Productions, Inc. and/or their affiliates. I also understand that I may opt out of such communications at any time by contacting the Illinois Recreational Cheerleading Association (IRCA). By signing below, I, a parent or legal guardian of the below named minor, hereby indicate that I have read this document and agree to any and all such terms contained herein. CHEERLEADER NAME: _____________________________________________ ORGANIZATION NAME: _____________________________________________ _________________________________ (Please Print) Parent or Legal Guardian Name ________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian _________________________________ Date DO NOT TAPE OR STAPLE TOGETHER DO NOT TAPE OR STAPLE TOGETHER Athletico Waiver of Liability I, parent or legal guardian of below named child, consent to have an Athletico, Ltd. athletic trainer or associate personnel provide my child with first-aid assistance and/or treatment and agree to save and hold harmless, indemnify and release Athletico, its officers, agents and employees, including Athletico’s athletic trainer, from and against any and all liability, suits, loss, cost and expenses including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs, claims of damage whatsoever, including death or damage to property caused by or as a result of any act or omission of Athletico, its staff, and any other of its agents or employees. CHEERLEADER NAME: _____________________________________________ _________________________________ (Please Print) Parent or Legal Guardian Name ________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian _________________________________ Date DO NOT TAPE OR STAPLE TOGETHER Summer Camp and Conference Overnight Registration Form and Health Form *This form must be completed before campers can participate in any events at Carthage College* Camp/Conference Name: Date of Camp: Last Name: to First Name: Home Address: (Street) Home Telephone Number: ( (City) ) (State) (Zip) Date of Birth: (Month, Day, Year) E-mail: Sex: Male Female Check One: Camper Relationship: Emergency Contact: Home Telephone: ( Cell Phone: ( Adult Leader/Chaperone ) Work Telephone: ( ) ) Address: (Street) City State Zip CONSENT FOR MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION AND MEDICAL TREATMENT Parents or Legal Guardian: If your son, daughter, or ward will be under the age of 18 while at Carthage College, it is camp policy to secure your consent for medication distribution and for the use of medical devices. The medication or medical device can be self-administered or be administer by designate camp health staff with the exception that controlled drugs (i.e. Codeine, Ritalin, Adderall, Dexedrine, etc.) must, by law, be administered by camp health staff. All prescription medication must be in the original medicine bottle and labeled with the camper’s name, doctor’s name, medication name, dosage, prescription number, date prescribed, and instructions. You must also complete the form below: No medication(s) have been brought to camp. I want the medication or medical devices self-administered (age 14 or above only). I want the medication or medical device administered by the designated camp staff. However, a limited amount of medication for life-threatening conditions may be carried by my son/daughter/ward (i.e. bee sting kit, inhaler, insulin syringe). If your son, daughter, or ward will be under the age of 18 years while at camp, it is the policy to secure your consent for all of the following. By signing below, - I am giving my consent in advance for medical treatment at an appropriate medical facility in case of illness or injury. - I am stating that I am aware of and accept the risk inherent in the program activity - I attest that all information on this form is correct. - I agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Board of Trustees of Carthage College, their officers, agents, and employees for any and all liability, loss, damages, costs, or expenses which are sustained, incurred, or required arising out of the actions of my son, daughter, or ward in the course of the camp/event. Date of last Tetanus Booster: Medications Camper will be taking at camp: Name of Medication Reason Dosage (mg) Time of day given Prescribing Physician & Phone Number Health Conditions (Check) specifics) Allergies (check & list O O O O O O O O Asthma__________ Diabetes__________ Epilepsy__________ Other Conditions Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Insect stings Foods Medications Other Allergies Date
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