Journal 2015#1 - r

No 1. 2015
Ural Federal University
named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Institute of Economics
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Electronic Scientific Economic Journal
No 1
Electronic Scientific Economic Journal
№1. 2015
The Journal is registered at the Federal Service for Compliance with the Law in Mass Communications and
Cultural Heritage Protection. Certificate EL № FS 77-61272 of April 3rd, 2015.
The journal is issued under the auspices of OOO "UMMC-Holding".
A. I. Tatarkin, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Deputy Editors-in-Chief
A. A. Kuklin, Doctor of Economics; G. A. Agarkov, Doctor of Economics
Executive Editors
E. V. Vasilyeva, Ph. D. in Economics; L. A. Karimova
International Board
V. A. Chereshnev, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia),
V. A. Koksharov, Ph.D. in History (Russia),
V. L. Kvint, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia),
V. N. Lazhentsev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia),
V. L. Makarov, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia),
D. E. Sorokin, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia),
Shlomo Weber, Professor of Economics (USA)
Editorial Board
E. L. Andreeva, Doctor of Economics;
V. L. Bersenev, Doctor of History;
V. S. Bochko, Doctor of Economics;
O. A. Chikova, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, PhD in Economics;
E. D. Frolova, Doctor of Economics;
M. B. Khomiakov, Doctor of Philosophy;
S. V. Kortov, Doctor of Economics;
A. I. Kuzmin, Doctor of Sociology;
M. B. Petrov, Doctor of Engineering;
O. A. Romanova, Doctor of Economics;
D.G. Sandler, PhD in Economics;
A. I. Semyachkov, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy;
A. G. Shelomentsev, Doctor of Economics.
A. F. Sukhovey, Doctor of Philosophy
The Journal is issued on a quarterly basis.
In case of reprinting, a pass-through copyright of «R-Economy» is required
Authors' opinions may not correspond with the editorial standpoint.
All incoming manuscripts are subject to review.
The Editors will not enter into correspondence with authors whose articles are considered to be unsuitable for
pub-lication. Requirements for articles are available on the website:
Copyright (c) Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, 2015
Copyright (c) Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015

Editor-in-chief’s Note..........................................................................................................................5
New Research into Regional Economy Problems
Mayevsky V. I. Switchover Mode of Reproduction and the Problem of Coordination..............................7
Sorokin D. E. Economic Theory, Economic Reality and Economic Policy..............................................15
Yefimov V. M. Two Disputes of Methods, Three Constructivisms, and Three Liberalisms. Part I..........28
Bochko V. S. Accelerators and Deterrents to the Coordinated and Balanced Development of the
Regional Social and Economic Problems
Baklanov P. Ya. , Moshkov A. V. Spatial Differentiation of the Economic Structure of the Russian
Regions of the Arctic Zone.................................................................................................51
Kuklin A. A., Vasilyeva E. V. The Welfare and Public Health of the Population of Russia:
Adaptation To Economic Volatility....................................................................................61
Sandler D. G., Kuznetsov P. D. Industrial Parks in Russia: Conceptual Development of Projects...........72
Tolmachev D. E., Ulyanova E. A., Pliner L. M. Development of Small and Medium-Sized Regional
Enterprises: Creation of Priority Areas (the Case of Sverdlovsk Region)...........................83
Golova I. M., Suhovey A. F. Innovation and Technological Development of Industrial Regions
Under Social and Economic Insecurity...............................................................................98
Khusainov B. D., Shelomentsev A. G., Doroshenko S. V. Modern Integrated Associations: Comparative
Analysis of Economic Growth Factors..............................................................................109
Andreeva E. A., Dathe M., Ratner A. V. Comparative Assessment of the Factors and Conditions
of the Formation of the Neoindustrial Social State in Russia and Germany....................121
Regional Finance
Tatarkin A. I., Maksimov A. D., Maksimov T. A. Optimization of Methodological Support of the Tax
Benefits Implementation in the Regions: the Practice of the Perm Territory..................134
Avramenko E. S., Vlasov S. V., Lukyanov S. A., Tyomkina I. M. Regional Investment Policy Under
the Impact of Budget Limitations and Economic Sanctions............................................148
Industry and Inter-industry Associations
Koksharov V. A., Agarkov G. A. Analysis of Economic Motives in the Individual Choice of Educational
Romanova O. A., Makarov E. V. Development Trends and Economic Assessment of the Integration
Processes on the Metals Market.......................................................................................164
R-Economy 1/2015
The Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ural
Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin start publishing R-Economy, an
open access electronic scientific review in English language. It is intended to support the popularization
of the results of research into regional economy. The new journal was established on the basis of the
Economy of Region Journal, which is indexing in such foreign databases and bibliographic systems as
Scopus, Ulrich’s Periodical Directory, RePEC, NEICON, and EBSCO databases and has a high Russian
Science Citation Index (RSCI).
The R-Economy journal aims at presenting the results of both fundamental and applied research.
Published papers cover the problems of regions socio-economic development and inter-regional
complexes, their state regulation; development concepts and models; laws of socio-economic systems
evolution; economic security; industrial, social and fiscal policy of the government; Russia’s integration
into the global socio-economic processes and more.
These topics are also regarded from the perspective of applied research, examining the
instruments that boost competitiveness and support re-industrialization, the formation of human
capital and technological capacity, sustainable renewal of traditional industries and the development
of neo-industrial sector in the regions, the development of innovation infrastructure, innovation and
implementation centers, high-tech industries and economic domain staffing.
Research results published in the Journal are based on the numerous academic contacts of the
Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the RAS and the Ural Federal University, including
relationship with foreign research centers and universities. The founders of the journal have a rich
experience of joint research projects and conferences with foreign colleagues and of economic
partnership within integration associations (member countries of the Eurasian Economic Community,
the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS) as well as individual partnership (inter-regional
and cross-border cooperation between Russia and Mongolia, evaluation of foreign economic relation
between the Urals region and China, the analysis of transformation processes in Russia and Germany,
the comparative analysis of demographic processes in Russia and Slovakia). Academic relations have
been established with the United States, Great Britain, Spain, Japan, Israel, Finland and other countries.
The interdisciplinary structure of the Ural Federal University gives many opportunities: it includes
engineering, natural science, social and human sciences departments, as well as applied projects, among
which the Ural Engineering School. A close relationship with businesses is represented by an extensive
statistical base suitable both for microeconomic analysis and pertinent policy recommendations.
R-Economy is covered by Science Direct indexing service.
The Journal is the first association of universities and academic institutions of its kind among
economic reviews in Urals, Siberia and the Far East regions.
R-Economy 1/2015
Editor-in-chief’s Note

Hopefully, R-Economy will become a platform for constructive scientific discussion on the issues
of regional economy by researchers in both fundamental and applied fields, representatives of higher
education institutions, government agencies, as well as businesses and foreign colleagues.
Editor-in-chief of
The Economy of Region and R-Economy journals,
Academician of the RAS
R-Economy 1/2015
A. I. Tatarkin
№ 1 2015
Associate Editor: Balyakina E. A.
Proof reading: Obraztsova I. I.
Computer make up: Kuzovkova S. V.
Translated by “ABBYY Language Services”, Ltd; Obraztsova I. I.
Cover design by “Centre for Positioning and Brand Technology”, UrFU
Addresses of publisher and editorial board:
29, Moskovskaya st., Yekaterinburg, 620014
19, Mira st., Yekaterinburg, 620002
Tel.: +7 (343) 371-57-01, 371-57-06.
Fax: +7 (343) 371-02-23