RDFGA MEETINGS 7:00 PM ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 2810 BREMNER AVE (Use the Molly-B door) MEETINGS ARE THE THIRD MONDAY OF THE MONTH MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND PREIDENTS REPORT Hello Fish and Game members, Seems everyone is gearing up for a summer of camping and fishing, if the wind would ever quit and the wildfires get under control. You are all waiting to hear the good news, our club is in the process of upgrading its website so it will be user friendly and accessible to members and non‐members alike. Help and input from all the committee chairmen will make finding events; getting memberships and signing up for courses so much easier. When completed, it will ease the work done by our overextended volunteers. I would like to thank Harold and Dave for the installation of the new dock at the land, it is a professional job. As for the Alberta Youth Pheasant Program, the repair of the netting is partly done. The 300 x20 foot net top is in place but need to be tied down more permanently. Ladders and material are on site but I am having a bit of trouble getting more than one helper at a time due to holidays, broken fingers, camping trips, kids days off etc. I am confident it will be ready for our first shipment of birds. We are looking forward to a great season. Doug Wood Venny Chocholacek was awarded the Alva Bair Conservation Award in Feb., 2015 at the annual AHEIA – WISE Banquet in Calgary. This provincial award is presented to a person who has volunteered through education and action to make fish and wildlife a valued system. Venny was recognized for his long commitment of teaching hunter education, federal firearm courses, his involvement with Fish and Game Association, Zone 3 Director, Provincial Fish Chair, local Past President and Life Member, Cenalta Youth Academy camp instructor and Ponoka Youth Camp Instructor. During his 45 years with Red Deer Fish and Game he has worn many hats , especially managing the Sportsmans Show and was instrumental in instigating and managing the Red Deer Gun Show for the past 8 years He is always ready to contribute his time to the betterment of the Fish and Game Association and education to the youth of Alberta. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING FOR RED DEER FISH AND GAME TO BE HELD JUNE 15 2015 AT 7:00 PM AT THE RED DEER LEGION THE EXECUTIVE PUT FORTH A motion TO HIRE A SERVICE PROVIDER THAT WOULD HELP WITH FINANCE, ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES, AND COMMUNICATION PROCESSES OF THE CLUB. FOR THE LAST 75 YEARS ONE PERSON HAS HANDLED ALL OUR CHEQUES AND ACCOUNTS WITH OUT ANY PROBLEM ! THE CLUB CURRENTLY HAS A SINGLE VOLUNTEER CHAIRPERSON TREASURER/BOOKKEEPER MANAGED OPERATION THIS motion WOULD TAKE THE CLUB TO A TWO PERSON ADMINISTRATION OF ONE TREASURER AND ONE BOOKEEPER. IT WILL TAKE THE CLUB INTO THE 21ST CENTURY. THE SERVICE PROVIDER/BOOKEEPER WILL BE A PAID POSITION. THIS WILL REQUIRE THE INPUT OF ALL CLUB MEMBERS SO PLEASE DO NOT MISS THIS MEETING NOTE FROM DOUG WOOD Family ATV Poker Rally July 18/15 Hummingbird Recreation Area Registration 9am‐11am Steak Dinner 6pm $25 for members $35 for non‐members Family memberships available onsite for $30 2000 watts Polaris generator for top prize Lots of camping available – room for large rigs If you have more questions feel free to give me a call at 403‐848‐2243 LIFE MEMBER HARRY WRIGHT WAS AWARDED THE RED DEER FISH AND GAME LIFE MEMBERSHIP AWARD AT THE SMOKER NIGHT IN APRIL. HARRY HAS BEEN INSTRUMENTAL IN OUR INVOLVEMENT IN THE BINGOS AND WAS THE BINGO CHAIRMAN FOR MANY YEARS.THIS BROUGHT EXTRA FUNDS INTO THE CLUB AND CONTINUES TO DO SO. HARRY WAS PRESIDENT FOR TWO TERMS, VICE PRESIDENT OF ZONE 3 AND REPRESENTED RDF&G ON TWO SEPARATE COMMITTEES WITH THE CITY OF RED DEER. HARRY AND JOYCE DID THE KIDS FISHPOND AT THE SPORTSMANS SHOW FOR YEARS AND HE HAS BEEN THE CHAIRMAN FOR THE ANNUAL FAMILY CAMPOUT FOR QUITE A FEW YEARS. HARRY AND JOYCE ALSO ATTENDED MANY AFGA CONVENTIONS ON BEHALF OF OUT CLUB. WELL DONE HARRY!!!! Membership Report As of April 30, 2015 we have 961 people who joined Red Deer Fish and Game, which compares to 1013 for all of last year. We have 478 households of which 81% are gun range members. As well, we have 331 keys out for the outdoor range as of April 30, 2015. As our numbers have grown so quickly, we will be reviewing and deciding on whether we need to put a cap on the range memberships. If you are at the outdoor range and there are lots of people, please add a comment to the sign in sheet so we can have a better understanding of the shooting bays that are being used. Those outdoor range members who have not completed the range safety class and wish an outdoor key, can register for the range safety class being held Wednesday May 29th at 7 PM, Wednesday June 3 at 7 PM and Saturday June 13 at 10 AM, email quilter.rdfg@shaw.ca . As our instructors want to enjoy the good weather, fewer classes will be offered throughout the summer. When you join Red Deer Fish and Game you also become a member of Alberta Fish and Game. Alberta Fish and Game is our parent organization and provides our insurance. Hopefully you have enjoyed your Outdoor Canada West Magazine which is part of your membership. Mary Lynn & Ken Brown 2015 Summer InDoor Range Schedule Sunday Monday 10:00 am – 12:00 am Darren Whittier, Arno Baron 6:00 pm – 8:00p pm Chuck Ford Wednesday 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Gary Rosenow, Wayne Brown, Lyle Gutherie Thursday Darren Whittier, 10:00 am – 12:00 am Arno Baron Friday 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Dave Golem Contacts: Wayne Brown; Indoor Range Chair sgbrown@telus.net 403‐347‐3401; Steve Medicraft Junior Shooter Coach 403‐342‐6555 Darren Whittier 403‐755‐0231 Chuck Ford 403‐598‐1255 Lyle Gutherie 403‐800‐4217 Gary Rosenow 403‐783‐4219 Red Deer Gun Show The show held on May 2 & 3 seems to have been a good success. Numerous compliments from exhibitors and also the public. Many of the exhibitors are coming back next year, and I already have some that have paid for their 2016 show tables. Thanks to all of you that volunteered for security, a special thanks to Darren and Theresa, Jeff Chocholacek, Doug Free, and Arim Boroumand. Our attendance was down about 200 over the two days, probably due to the economy. The 2016 dates are April 30 and May 1. Venny Chocholacek Indoor Range Wayne Brown The Indoor Range located at the rear of the Red Deer Public Schools maintenance building will continue to operate for recreational handgun and small bore rifle shooting through out the summer. The schedule of recreational shooting times will remain the same as the winter schedule this year and is shown as part of this report. We hope that interested shooters will take advantage of these expanded times as the range the range has been operating during the summers only the past few years. Previously the Indoor Range was closed and members would have to travel to the Outdoor Range to shoot. The schedule for future summers will depend upon the amount of activity we have this summer. The Junior Shooting Programs do not run during the summer and will return in September. I wish all the Junior Shooters the best in their upcoming competitions. I want to thank Rob McCoy for his assistance in replacing one of the exhaust fan motors. We will replace the other two exhaust fans and clean out the baffle screens to improve the air exchange capabilities in the near future. Have an enjoyable summer and straight shooting. R S O class manager Wanted: A member to be a Range Safety Officer Class Manager. New gun range members are required to take our RSO class (which explains to each individual how to conduct themselves on our gun range) before being given a key to the outdoor range. There is a demand for these classes at a frequency of about every 11 days from January 20 to May 1, thereafter about every 20 or 25 days to the end of the year, with occasionally another class added. These classes are approximately 1 hour. Duties would be to pick a series of days that suits you and classroom availability to hold these classes, usually setting dates up to three or four months forward. From a list of volunteer instructors supplied by the Membership Person, contact them to have them choose which days they would instruct a class (they usually pick 2,3 or 4 times to instruct classes).The evening before a class, phone the instructor to be sure they will attend. The membership person informs the new members of the days and times you are having a class and makes the appointment or you could have them email or phone you directly. Ensure that you have a supply of the “RSO” handbooks and agreement forms and membership card holders for the new members. The manager would arrive at the classroom approximately 30 minutes before class time to set up chairs and distribute materials. As students arrive, collect their range membership card and check them off the list of attendees. While the class is taught stamp “RSO” on each card and issue a range key, noting on the attendance sheet each key number too which card number. If the member’s card is laminated issue a replacement card so that you are able to stamp it and note the new card number on the attendance sheet. If the member forgot to bring their card to class and you have proof of membership, issue a new card. After the class report to the membership person the list of attendees, any card changes and who got what key so they can update the membership records. Be sure to give the volunteer instructor 2 rectangular punch holes in his membership card to cover travel and instructor time, to credit his next year’s membership fee Contact Ken Brown if you are interested in being an active club member. quilter.rdfg@shaw.ca or 403 – 887 – 2726 Membership Chair Wanted: A member to be Red Deer Fish and Game Membership Chairperson Ideally this person should be retired and have better than average computer skills with Excel at a minimum and better if they had Database Programming skills. Duties would be to answer membership queries regarding what the various parts of the club has to offer. Collect membership application forms and payments, note on each form the amount and method of payment. Issue appropriate membership cards. Update the clubs membership database and deposit collected fees and inform the Treasurer of these deposits, attach guest passes to the applicable members form and monitor the number of these passes that they do not exceed four per member. The membership chairperson would email new range members of the choices of the dates range safety classes are available and communicate with the range safety class manager the class dates these new members chose. Membership chair would also prepare draw slips to be entered in the clubs monthly meeting lottery. These names would be of new adult members who joined since the last club meeting. From the data collected on the membership applications the membership chair would provide a list of volunteers to each project manager as they require information on who would help with their project. E.g. Sportsman Show, Gun Show, Bingo etc. As this information changes daily, the project manager should consult with the membership chair at the time they are interested in having volunteer assistance. The membership chairman prepares a list to report the numbers and types of members for each meeting and at month end prepares a report and invoice to pay Alberta Fish and game for that months membership and also supplys the Treasurer with a copy of this list and obtains a cheque for payment to include with the documents mailed to Alberta Fish and Game In November the membership chairperson reviews the club membership fees and makes recommendations to the membership at the November or December meeting for any changes required to the fee structure. The membership chairperson reviews the application forms to be used the following year to check if they are still applicable. The membership chairman should change the colour on the membership cards that are to be used in the following year to readily identify them from previous years. The color of these cards should not interfere with the color of the RSO stamp color which is presently green. The color of the RSO stamp should remain the same until as such time it is necessary to have all members,( new and old), retake a new RSO Class with new information pertaining to the operation of the gun range. The membership chair ensures an adequate supply of membership applications and membership cards and range keys where applicable at the retail outlets that are assisting with our membership sales. If you are interested in becoming an active member of the Red Deer Fish and Game and would like to become the Membership Chairperson please email Mary Lynn Brown at quilter.rdfg@Shaw.ca or phone 403 – 887 – 2726 Red Deer Fish & Game Habitat Land Report The renovations on the camp kitchen have been completed and the new dock installed giving shore anglers an excellent spot to fish from, the outhouse located in the lower camping area should be completed before June 1. There are some new fish retention rules for the lower pond (West Lake) and anglers need to read the signs placed near the two docks regarding daily and annual retention prior to harvesting any fish. The club has a very active and successful stocking program that is intended to give anglers an excellent opportunity to catch fish not how many fish you can harvest each time you go fishing. The Habitat Land has been busier than ever before and it is critical everyone respect the rules of the Habitat Land. I have received too many reports about dogs not being on a leash including a couple fishing from the new dock and their German Shepard running loose while they fished. A camper complained to them their dog had done his business on the trail from the upper pond to the lower pond, they did clean it up but continued to let the dog run loose including letting the dog chase geese and/or ducks. If you can’t keep your dog on a lease at ALL times when at the fish ponds and/or campground, please don’t bring your dogs to the Habitat Land, (This includes small dogs as they also do their business in the grass). Members walking the trails away from the fish ponds and camping area are not expected to have their dogs on a lease. If you would like to book the F&G Habitat Land, please call Harold Drok at 403.877.2403. Booking youth groups is the Habitat Land priority and we do not book the Habitant Land on Long Weekends, the campground is reserved for the Red Deer Fish & Game Members. The campground cannot be booked for exclusive use, groups using the campground and bathrooms may be sharing the facilities with members camping or fishing at the Habitat Land. Outdoor range report Everything is going smoothly for a change at the range , we have introduced some reactive targets that are buried in the 12 meter bullet trap on the pistol side these are little spinners that should keep shooters active and happy for some time as they present a bit of a challenge to hit. We will be looking for a new range manager soon, so anyone that would like to take a crack at it can apprentice under me some time to get the hang of it. It’s a very important job as the range provides a considerable sum to the coffers which are necessary to carry on our mandate. Please try and obey all our rules out there they are put in to protect you, the neighbors, and our property Thanks Rob RED DEER FISH AND GAME ASSOCIATION EXCECUTIVE President 1 VP 2 VP 3 VP & Land Management secretary Treasurer & Del Newsletter Past President Archery Archery Contact Outdoor Range & Gale Bingo Blackpowder Father's Day Camp/Picnic fishing chair Fish Pond Manager Gun show & Gerrie Good & Welfare Indoor Range Junior Shooters Membership & Mary Lynn Membership Sportsman's Show Showsman's SHow & Upland Bird/waterfowl Trophy/ Awards Trophy/Awards & Archery Contact FIRST NAME LAST NAME CLUB EMAIL PHONE DOUG STEPHEN RICARDO HAROLD WOOD MEDICRAFT MARCIL DROK DWWOOD@XPLORNET.COM SMEDI@TELUSPLANET.NET RMARCIL@LUBESTOP.CA HDROK@SHAW.CA 403‐347‐7968 403‐342‐6555 403‐506‐6070 403‐340‐1371 NEIL RICHERD MARTENS ANDRUSIAK MARTENSNG@SHAW.CA RGA.RDFG@TELUS.NET 403‐342‐5015 403‐347‐9457 KEVIN DARREN DALE ROB WINGERT THOMPSON PETERS MCCOY KPWINGERT@SHAW.CA DSCHT@TELUS.NET DALE.PETERS@NOV.COM RGMCCOY@SHAW.CA 403‐346‐4641 403‐340‐0542 403‐342‐4107 403‐347‐1363 GEORGE HARRY LANG WRIGHT GLANG2@SHAW.CA WRIGHTA1ELECTRONICS@YAHOO.CA 403‐346‐8636 403‐598‐5331 DAVE JIM VENNY DROK ALLAN CHOCHOLACEK DAVEDROK@GMAIL.COM JNJALLAN@XPLORNET.COM 403‐848‐1803 403‐342‐5474 403‐347‐3767 WAYNE ARNO KEN BROWN BARON BROWN SGBROWN@TELUS.NET BIKINGBARONS@SHAW.CA KENNETHBROWN@SHAW.CA 403‐347‐3401 403‐887‐6575 403‐887‐2726 JEFFREY MAYNARD CHOCHOLACEK BUKVA HOBIECAT@TELUS.NET MFBUKVA@SHAW.CA 403‐346‐1873 403‐347‐0941 BARRY LARRY LAWRENCE BAIRD BARMAR1@TELUS.NET wildlarryb2002@yahoo.ca 403‐347‐5431 403‐346‐3401
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