Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 Redeemer Lutheran The Fourth Sunday Church “Making Him Known” of Easter But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 Saturday, April 25, 2015 – 5:30 pm Sunday, April 26, 2015 – 8:00 & 10:40 am Our Mission Statement: “As Christians based on the solid foundation of God’s Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit we strive to live out, lift up, and share our faith in Jesus Christ – welcoming all into our family of believers.” Our Theme: Each month this year we are considering how different Biblical characters made our Lord known in unique ways. In April, we are learning about the apostle Peter – who made our Lord known to those who were different. WELCOME VISITORS We have printed out our worship service to make it easier for all of us to follow. Hymns are found in the hymn section of the Lutheran Service Book or in Worship & Praise, the purple supplement. Please visit our “Welcome Center” in the narthex for additional information about Redeemer. OUR THEME FOR TODAY is “Tolerance: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly.” Everyone is not just like us. We will want to be tolerant, but what might that look like? We Come Into God’s Presence (*) Those who are able are asked to stand during these parts of the service. (Sunday) OPENING “I Will Rise And Go To Jesus” - Chancel Chimes GREETINGS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (A time to welcome our fellow worshipers.) OPENING HYMN “The King Of Love My Shepherd Is” .......................................... LSB 709 -1- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 (*) OPENING RESPONSES (Please stand.) P: O Lord, open my lips, P: Make haste, O God, to deliver me; P: Blessed be God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (*) INVITATION TO WORSHIP -2- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 P: Blessed be God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Please be seated.) (Sunday) ANTHEM “Praise March” – Chancel Chimes God Speaks to Us SCRIPTURE READINGS L: The First reading for the Fourth Sunday of Easter is from the fourth chapter of Acts. 1 The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. 2 They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people, proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. 3 They seized Peter and John and, because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day. 4 But many who heard the message believed; so the number of men who believed grew to about five thousand. -3- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 5 The next day the rulers, the elders and the teachers of the law met in Jerusalem. 6 Annas the high priest was there, and so were Caiaphas, John, Alexander and others of the high priest's family. 7 They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: "By what power or what name did you do this?" 8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: "Rulers and elders of the people! 9 If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed, 10 then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. 11 Jesus is "'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone. ' 12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." Act 4:1-12 NIV L: C: This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. L: The Second reading is from the second chapter of 1 Peter. 9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 11 Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:9-12 NIV L: C: This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. (Please stand.) -4- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 (*) RESPONSE L: Forever, O Lord, Your Word is firmly set in the heavens. Refrain L: Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it. Refrain L: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Refrain (*) HOLY GOSPEL L: The Holy Gospel according to St. John, the tenth chapter. C: Glory to You, O Lord. 11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. 14 "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father —and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life —only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father." John 10:11-18 NIV L: C: This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to You, O Christ. (Please be seated.) CHILDREN'S MESSAGE (Parents, please feel free to come forward with smaller children.) HYMN OF THE DAY SERMON “You Are The Way; Through You Alone” ..................... LSB 526 “Tolerance: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly” – 1 Peter 2:9-12 -5- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 (*) CANTICLE HYMN We Respond To God’s Word “Te Deum – We Praise You, O God” ............................. LSB 223 (Please be seated.) GATHERING OF THE OFFERING (The pastors will collect any special prayer request cards during this time.) FRIENDSHIP REGISTRATION (Please pass the red booklets in your row, if you have not already done so.) (Please stand to sing when the offerings are brought forward.) (*) OFFERTORY Lord, I lift your name on high, Lord, I love to sing your praises. I’m so glad you’re in my life, I’m so glad you came to save us. You came from heaven to earth to show the way, From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay; From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky; Lord, I lift your name on high. God Sends Us Forth to Serve and Proclaim (W&P 90) (*) PRAYER OF THE CHURCH Congregation's response: C: Hear our prayer. (*) LORD'S PRAYER C: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. -6- Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 (*) BENEDICAMUS P: Let us bless the Lord. (*) BENEDICTION P: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. (*) HYMN “Forth In The Peace Of Christ We Go”..................................................... LSB 920 -7- Redeemer Lutheran Church Weekly Announcements and Highlights Week of 4‐26‐2015 Special Prayer Opportunities: Health Concerns: Diana Reese, Isaac Koglin, Merilyn Schacht, Sharron Smith, Sue Burdick, Dennis Burdick, Dave Huntington Guidance: For our DCE Call Committee Rejoice: With Paul and Nina Hesby upon the birth of their grandson, Heath John Hesby, born on April 18. With our confirmands who give public witness to their faith this Sunday afternoon. With Kirsten Meyers and Christ Herschberger who will be united in marriage at Redeemer on May 2. PRAYER CHAIN – If you have a prayer request, call Gail Sim (289-2087) or the church office (289-5147). E-MAIL PRAYER CHAIN - To request a prayer or join the chain, send an email to Lori Hameister at PRAYER CARDS - Take a look in your pew rack and you’ll see our prayer request cards! These cards will be collected by one of the pastors during the offering time. FLOWERS ON THE ATLAR are in honor of: Millie Brandt who celebrates her 84th birthday on April 25. Evie Burfeind who will celebrate her 90th birthday on May 1. FLOWERS ON THE CHANCEL are in honor of Doris Moore’s 87th birthday on April 24. Making Him Known—By Giving of Ourselves Most of the sign-up lists have been taken down and been distributed to the appropriate leaders. Thanks to all who have indicated they will give of their time and talents. Seven lists have been left out. These are areas that need additional volunteers including: - Neighborhood Ministry - Telephoning those who have visited - Assimilation Team - Provide transportation - Sunday School Ministry Team - A/V Helper - Public Relations If you might be willing to serve in any of these areas, please sign up now. You can also still volunteer in other areas by using the forms on the table. THURSDAY WORSHIP SERVICES Will begin in the Chapel at 6:00 pm on Thursday, April 30. SUMMER REFRESHMENTS We again look forward to groups/families/individuals hosting our refreshments between Sunday servicing beginning Memorial Day weekend. (May 23/24). Please call the church office to select a date! Week of 4-26-2015 Adult Bible Classes SUNDAYS at 9:20 am NEW TESTAMENT APOSTLES Pastor Heining leads this class in the South Fellowship Hall. CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED! SO WHAT? Pastor Koglin facilitates the discussion following each video in the North Fellowship Hall. ADULT CATECHISM: DCE Intern, Brian Weyers, leads this Bible study in the Choir Room/Room 203. OFFICE CHANGES As we move forward with the call process to call another full time DCE where will we put this person? Over the last few years we have had part time people share offices with each other or Michael Harvey but a full time worker will need more than a part time place. Preliminary background work is being done to find a way to: create an office for the new staff member, conserve classroom space, increase access to the Parish Nurse office, be good stewards of financial resources, and hit the small window in summer when we are not using every room each weekend. This is a tall order but a good plan is starting to develop. More will be shared in the future! Music Sunday Will be Sunday, May 10, at both Sunday services.. Most of our musical groups will be taking part. Come and hear their “joyful noise”! 2 Movie Night MAY 8, 2015 6:00 PM The Horse Soldiers-1959 The Horse Soldiers tells of the tale of a troop of Union soldiers who force their way deep into Southern territory to destroy a rebel stronghold at Newton Station. Colonel Marlowe (John Wayne), who is strikingly contrasted by the gentle surgeon (William Holden) and the beautiful but crafty Southern belle (Constance Towers), who is forced to accompany the Union raiders on perhaps the most harrowing mission in the War. Captain Horatio Hornblower – 1950 Gregory Peck plays the valiant Napoleonic-era naval hero in this swashbuckling saga true to the famed source novels. Hornblower outthinks his rivals to outfight them. He is unflinching under fire, modest in victory and more than a little at sea romantically with Lady Barbara Wellesley (Virginia Mayo). Week of 4-26-2015 NEW MEMBER SUNDAY— May 17! The next New Member event will be the weekend of May 16/17. Anyone interested in joining Redeemer, should speak with one of the pastors by Sunday, May 3. Those intending to join, should plan to attend the Welcome to the Family class on Saturday, May 16, from 10 am to 12:30 pm, and be available at attend the reception of New Members during the 8 am service on Sunday, May 17. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the church office at 289-5147 Please note that the first quarter 2015 contribution statements have been emailed to you using the email addresses that you have on file with the office. If we do not have an email on file for you or if you do not use email, please contact the church office (2895147) to request that your statement be mailed to you. SUPPORT ROCHESTER SERVANT EVENT MEALS: If you are looking for a way to support this exciting event but are not going to be around during that week or do not feel physically up to it, you can help feed the troops! RSE would gratefully accept any monetary assistance to assist with food cost for this event. If you are interested let Paul Lewis know (208-2541). Thank you for your support! VBS 2015 We will be scaling the mighty cold mountain of Everest for VBS this year. Be on the lookout around your house for winter theme decorations as well as white sheets galore! As we draw closer to the event we will be looking for volunteers. July 12 is the kickoff night. VBS goes from July 13 – July 17. Then we will have a VBS celebr ation ser vice in the after noon on July 19. See you ther e and we can lear n together how God’s mighty power can help us overcome anything! LIFE THOUGHTS. . . ATTENTION SARAH CIRCLE The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep (John 10:11-18, 1 John 3:16). Herein lies our assurance that our Shepherds does not abandon His sheep. He loves them too much. He paid too much for them to forsake them. WE live our lives, not in the absence of suffering, but in the presence of the Good Shepherd. Plan to attend our monthly meeting on Thursday, May 14, at 9 am, in the Fellowship Hall. Our devotion will be “Imitating God,” from the Spring 2015 LWML Quarterly. Any questions, please contact Jan Walter. Prayer: Good Shepher ds, thank You for laying down Your life for me. Amen. 3 Week of 4-26-2015 Youth Highlights! Rochester Servant Event! – Please turn in your REGISTRATIONS!!! – I know a lot of people are holding onto RSE registrations. PLEASE TURN THEM IN! It will be a HUGE help to our planning! Paper registrations are by the worship reports an d in the Youth Room. Or you can register or print out a registration on line ( or go to the church web site a follow the link (left towards the top of the home page). Road Clean Up! May 2— Meet at the church at 9:30 am on Saturday, May 2. We will head over and walk a nice two mile stretch of road, picking up trash and then having a bonfire! Join us, bring closed-toe shoes that can get dirty and a pair of gloves! Sign-up on the Youth Board. IGNITE—May 3—This is the second to last Ignite of the school year. Join us for music, faith growth, food and games (outdoor if possible!) P.Y.R.O.S.—PYROS is planning on heading to the park! Join us on May 9 as we go to a park and invite others to have some fun with us. Pray for beautiful weather and lots of people to join us. PANDORA’S MOON – Come join us for a time of adventure and challenge. We will be journeying to the third moon of Pandora to gather together to face the imminent threat that has developed there. Gather your strength and courage to face the dangers that all heroes must face. This event is an evening event starting with food and snacks. Then the group will face a series of challenges and obstacles as their own designed characters to eventually reach the end. May 16 starting at 4:00 this adventure will begin. Any questions feel free to contact Brian. Pizza Ranch: The next Pizza Ranch is May 19! This Pizza Ranch is going to benefit the Rochester Servant Event. It is also the last Pizza Ranch before summer. We are taking June, July, and August off! Psalm 37:4 Scholarship: This scholar ship, for med in memor y of J osh Ever s, is available to all youth! Its purpose is to allow youth to attend youth events that they are unable to afford otherwise. If you would like more information please talk to Michael Harvey. If you have questions about any of these events contact: Michael Harvey 319-4929, or Brian Weyers 808-2001, 4 Week of 4-26-2015 PRACTICAL–SIMPLE– OUTREACH Evangelism - as simple as... Redeemer Lutheran and our sister churches have been engaging in an outreach event at the University of Minnesota Rochester. This outreach event is, in many ways, connecting with people who have little church connection in their past. Here is what I have learned about outreach from this event. Evangelism is as simple as being me. Evangelism is as simple as being me and eating with people. Evangelism is as simple as being me, eating with people, and talking about Jesus when He opens the door. How will you be you, eat with others, and talk about Jesus when He opens the door this week? Live your normal everyday lives with Gospel intentionality – Outreach made simply practical! The G.T.O Team Mark the calendar: May 4 and 5 for the S.A.G.E.S. GATHERING XXVII. The Older Adult Ministry of MN South District encourages participation in the fellowship, learning opportunities and Bible Study provided at the GATHERING. The program starts at 1 pm on Monday and ends at 2:30 pm on Tuesday, requiring only one night at the motel and driving in daylight hours. Cost has stayed at $50 per person for the event which includes the Monday evening banquet, and lunch on Tuesday. The motel provides a free breakfast Tuesday morning. Information and forms are available on the MN South District website at, emailing or contacting Curt and Delores McGillivray, Redeemer, Rochester, 507-288-6948 – SE MN contacts for S.A.G.E.S. WHO COULD THIS BE? RADA IS BACK! Join us for Vacation Bible School July 13-17, 2015, to find out! The youth, are once again selling Rada items. Catalogs and orders forms are on the Welcome Center, table by nursery, or see Lynora, if interested. We will be taking orders until the middle of May. 5 Week of 4-26-2015 THE ABCDES OF SKIN CANCER Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells, most often developing after exposure to UV rays from sunlight or tanning beds, but it can also occur on areas of your skin not ordinarily exposed to sunlight. (Over 170,000 cases of skin cancer in the US are associated with indoor tanning each year.) Skin cancers occur primarily in areas of sun exposure – the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms, hands and legs; however it can form on areas that rarely see sunlight, such as the palms of hands, soles of feet, between fingers and toes. The disease can affect all skin tones, including those with dark complexions. One “ounce of prevention” is to check your skin regularly and recognize the “ABCDEs” of skin lesions listed below (a skin lesion is an abnormal structural change in the body due to injury or disease). Report changes to your doctor, allowing for earlier diagnosis and treatment before it becomes skin cancer or spreads. Asymmetr y: one half does not match the other half. Bor der : the bor der is ir r egular , “r agged,” notched or blur r ed. Color : the color has var ious shades of tan, br own, black, r ed, blue, etc. Diameter : the mole or “spot” is mor e than ¼ inch (6 mm). Evolution: the spot changes in size, shape, color , symptoms, etc. May is Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month. Look for next week’s Health Notes when we look at prevention tips for skin cancer. Today’s information taken from Search for the December 2013 article, “The ABCDEs of Skin Cancer” You can also find more information at: STEPHEN MINISTRY IT’S YOUR MINISTRY! Stephen Ministry is YOUR ministry. It is an important way we at Redeemer care for one another. If you are going through a difficult time, consider having a Stephen Minister. If you know someone else who is facing difficulties, suggest that they request Stephen Ministry. Make use of it. Stephen Ministry belongs to you. For information on how to connect with a Stephen Minister please call Pastor Koglin at (507) 289-5147. 6 Week of 4-26-2015 The Week at a Glance SATURDAY, APRIL 25 THURSDAY, APRIL 30 Faithfully Fit Forever - Rm L-3 - 8:15 am Spring Clean-up Day—8 am WORSHIP - 5:30 pm RSE Planning Meeting—6:30 pm Adjustment to Blindness—Kitchen—10 am HOLY COMMUNION—6:00 pm SUNDAY, APRIL 26 FRIDAY, MAY 1 WORSHIP - 8 and 10:40 am Blood Pressures - 9 am Sunday School - 9:20 am Adult Bible Classes - 9:20 am Confirmation Service—1 pm RLCW Spring Fling—FH—6pm Wedding Rehearsal— SATURDAY, MAY 2 Japanese Fellowship—4 pm Oikos CC—UR—6 pm Kirsten Meyers and Christ Hershberger Wedding—2:30 pm HOLY COMMUNION - 5:30 pm MONDAY, APRIL 27 SUNDAY, MAY 3 Quilters - NFH - 8 am Story Time w/Kristin—Narthex—10:15 am Health Cabinet—Rm 102—7 pm Call Committee—7 pm HOLY COMMUNION - 8 and 10:40 am Blood Pressures - 9 am Sunday School - 9:20 am Adult Bible Classes - 9:20 am Peer Ministry—12 pm IGNITE—6 pm TUESDAY, APRIL 28 Men’s Bible Study - Rm 102 - 9 am Ladies’ Bible Study - NFH - 9 am FFF - Rm L-3 - 10:30 am Couples in Christ CC—Youth Rm—6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study—NFH—7 pm Membership Ministry—Rm 102—7 pm WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 OUR RESPONSE TO GOD LAST WEEK: POBLO Sewing—NFH—10 am WEEKEND WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: 517 (132+161+224) Guests: 60 Youth Chimes (7-12)-Sanctuary—5:45 pm Men’s Bible Study—Upper Rm—6 pm Alleluia Singers - Rm L-3 - 6 pm Cherub Choir - Rm 101 - 6:05 pm 1st/2nd Year Confirmation Make-up Day - 6:10 pm Angelic Chimes (2-6) - Sanctuary - 6:30 pm Sounds of Praise - Choir Rm - 7 pm SUNDAY SCHOOL/BIBLE CLASSES 202 (79+123) NEXT WEEKEND’S READINGS 1 John 4:7-12 and John 4:1-26,36-42 Theme: “Listening To The Stories of Others” 7 Week of 4-26-2015 RLCW/LWML Spring Event Friday, May 1, 2015 ‐ 6:00 pm South Fellowship Hall Come and enjoy a salad supper hosted by Rebecca Circle. The program will be musical entertainment by Homespun Harmony. ALL ARE WELCOME! Bring your friends and fellow members for a fun social event. Don’t forget your Mite boxes! Please RSVP in advance on the sheet at the Welcome Center. If you have any ques ons, please contact Ardis Jenkins at 282‐8906 or via email at Blessed to Serve Today Message ............................................. Pastor Jim Heining Liturgist ............................................Pastor Adam Koglin Children’s Message ................................... Michael Harvey Organist ................................................... Kevin Peterson Acolytes 8:00 am ...................... Tayler Fick / Jayden Schoppers 10:40 am ....................... Audrey Timm / Alexis Nelson 1:00 pm ......................... Olivia Rossman / Sarah Ernst Lectors 5:30 pm ............................................. Donna Mundell 8:00 am ................................................. Will Mundell 10:40 am .............................................. Jennifer Pralle 1:00 pm ........Elizabeth Janssen and Brandon Rossman Elders 5:30 pm .......................................... Randy Hellickson 8:00 am ................................................Larry Reinartz 10:40 am ............................................. Caleb Ketchum 1:00 pm ................................................Robert Dubke Greeters 5:30 pm .....Janet & Gordon Hoffmann / Ryan & Julia Meverden 8:00 am ............................................................................. 10:40 am ................... Lois Norby / Aaron and Sarah Lassila Worship Recording.......................................... Greg Utesch Blood Pressures .............................................. Julie Probach Nursery 9:20 am ......................... Anna Koglin / Stephanie Fisk 10:40 am ............................ Julie Wrubel / Lily Harvey Altar Guild Chair: Marilyn Olson Saturday ..................................................... Sue Blood Sunday ................................................ Wendy Hickey Welcome Center 5:30 pm ............................................ Need Volunteer 8:00 am .................................. Bernie and Ellie Nesler 10:40 am ............................................ Caroline Ferdig Usher Coordinator …………………………...Roger Toomey Ushers 5:30 pm .......... Ken Blazing / Scott Okuno / Terry Severson 8:00 am .......Jerry Haack, Bruce Ludwig, Mike Sonnabend, Sam Sonnabend 10:40 am ...... Bob Sonnabend, Nate Heining, Glenn Prehn, Christopher Wileman, Sam Janssen, Elizabeth Janssen 1:00 pm ............................................................................ 8 Week of 4-26-2015 Rochesterfest has created the opportunity for Non-Profit groups to set up a booth! Redeemer will have one of those booths!!! Here are our Goals: Main Goal: Have fun and interact with the community! To make this happen we need to have teams of two staff the booth. While staffing the booth you will be: Helping with an interactive VBS display (aka having fun with kids and families) Answering any questions about Redeemer that you can Showing our community how friendly and welcoming we are at Redeemer What days would you be able to help out at the booth? Circle all that apply. Monday, June 22 Tuesday, June 23 Wednesday, June 24 Thursday, June 25 Friday, June 26 How many hours could you be there?____________________ What time of day? Lunch Time Afternoon Evening Name:_______________________________ Contact #:_____________________ Please drop this in the offering plate or turn in at welcome center. You will be contacted to confirm the times allocated to you. Or, you can go directly to the board in the Narthex and pick specific times. 9 Week of 4-26-2015 Take it Home “Making Him Known” But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 Jesus Makes Himself Known — To Those Who Are Different BIBLE VERSE OF THE WEEK: Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:12 NIV POINTS TO PONDER THIS WEEK: As I react with non‐Chris ans, in what ways might my ac ons be seen as: Good? Bad? Ugly? Are there some be er ways that I would like to consider? This weekend we are celebra ng Good Shepherd Sunday and also li ing up the young men and women who are to be confirmed in faith. What a beau ful combina on that is! Jesus, our Good Shepherd preserves us and guides us just has He has seen these young people through the confirma on process. As the confirmands share their faith statements and affirm the promises that were made on their behalf at bap sm they are in a real sense pledging allegiance to their Good Shepherd; an allegiance that they pledge to hold as long as they live. So how can we take this home? In a law oriented way we can ask ourselves how we have held onto our confirma on promises. (If you would like to review them look at pgs. 272‐273 in the hymnal) If we have fallen short there are always ways to inten onally try harder. Remember that trying harder will not get the job done. That is where our Good Shepherd comes in. We all fail our confirma on promises. Fathers fail to guide their families in Godly ways and Mothers fail to guide children and support their spouse. Single adults fail as well. We all can and should try our hardest to keep our promises, but we will never do it perfectly. What are we to do? Rely on our Good Shepherd. In your failure He finds you, loves you and li s you up! Take that home! Try to live out your promises but when you fail, and you will fail, your Good Shepherd is mighty to save! Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE -- Rochester MN 55904 Phone - (507) 289-5147 Fax - (507) 289-7887 E-mail: Web site: WELCOME VISITORS WORSHIP SCHEDULE HOLY COMMUNION CHILDREN WORSHIP TAPES TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL NEEDS OFFICE HOURS Whether looking for a church home or just here for the day, we are glad to have you as our guests. Please sign the red Friendship Registration pad in your pew and pick up a visitor packet in the Narthex. Remember that you are our guests; the offering is for our members who support the work of the church through their voluntary gifts. Thursday 6:00 PM Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8 and 10:40 am is celebrated in each service the weekends of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month. We invite those who acknowledge their sinfulness, recognize that Christ’s body and blood are truly present for our forgiveness, and are willing to give witness to the unity of their faith with this community, to join with us in receiving the sacrament. For those who for health or conscience reasons are not able to receive wine, please note that there is a cup of white grape juice in the middle of each tray. Gluten-free wafers are available in the middle of the bread tray for those with that allergy. are always welcome at Redeemer. Parents should note that according to your needs and preferences, 1) children’s bulletins and “color bags” are available in the narthex; 2) our nursery is staffed each Sunday morning during the 9:20 am Education Hour and the 10:40 am service. The Nursery is located just off the Narthex -- look for our sign! are available in the rack by the elevator. Listen and bring it back or contribute one dollar if you wish to keep the tape. is available each Sunday morning. Please call the church office (289-5147) by Noon on Thursday. Large print bulletins and personal hearing devices are available in the Narthex from an Usher or at the Welcome Center. Monday through Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm STAFF Pastor, James W. Heining (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-282-6955 (cell) 507-202-2546 Pastor, Adam B. Koglin (office) 507-289-5147 (cell) 507-316-8181 Director of Christian Education, Michael J. Harvey (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-529-5463 DCE Intern, Brian Weyers (cell) 715-808-2001 Director of Parish Music, April Beckman (office) 507-289-5147 (cell) 651-338-0354 Administrative Secretary, Christina Tjosaas (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-634-7094 Custodian, Randy Kautz (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-843-3144 Parish Nurse, Jan Dicke (residence) 507-288-6405 Parish Nurse, Iva Kietzmann (residence) 507-273-3809 Youth Coordinator, Lynora Miller (residence) 507-288-7219 Nursery Coordinator, Anna Koglin (cell) 507-316-8177
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