RED KITE Expeditions GOLD APPLICATION FORM Please complete all sections Participant: Surname: 25 Hampden Square Fairford Leys Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP19 7HT Forename: Likes to be known as: Sex: Mobile phone number: male/female Date of birth: Primary address: Post code: Preferred e-mail address: School: Licenced Organisation: (BucksCC/Scouts/Guides/etc) eDofE number: You must buy a Welcome Pack from an Operating Authority before you can expedition with us. This could be Bucks County Council if you like. Contact The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Youth Services, 1st Floor County Hall, Aylesbury, HP20 1UZ. Tel: 01296 382889. Email: Completed Bronze Award? YES/NO Date: Completed Silver Award? YES/NO Date: Parents or Guardians: Contact 1: Surname: Forename: Phone: Mobile: Work: Contact 2: Surname: Forename: Phone: Mobile: Work: Relationship to participant: Contact 1 ________________________ Address (if Contact 2 _________________________ different): Post code: Preferred e-mail address: Home phone number: Alternative contact person: Name: Mobile: Home phone: Medical/Disability/Special Educational/Behavioural Needs Information YES/NO If YES, it is important that you fully explain the condition, its management and - as appropriate medical treatment including medication. (Please attach additional information if necessary) Details: Pain/Flu Relief Medications Please outline any pain relief remedies your son/daughter may be given if necessary Details: Allergies to Medication Please write NONE, or specify Details: Special Dietary Requirements Please outline any special dietary requirements for your son/daughter. Please be precise. Details: Date of Last Tetanus Injection Details: Year: Month (if known): Doctor: Name: Surgery: Phone: Statement of Risk Red Kite Expeditions (RKE) places safety as a top priority. Adventurous Activities involve some risk for the people taking part: we aim to keep these risks as low as possible. The chances of a serious injury are extremely low, but minor injuries (bruises, bumps and - less likely – minor fractures) are a possible result of taking part in Adventurous Activities. RKE’s staff will minimise actual dangers by: • Carrying out a careful assessment of all risks before commencing the activity • Only using experienced instructors with the appropriate qualifications for the activity • Giving clear safety instructions to everyone participating • Ensuring equipment and clothing is well-maintained and suitable for the activity and the environment • Ensuring activities are within the capabilities of the participants • Asking participants to supply information on any medical conditions • Ensuring good hygiene standards are kept We expect participants to co-operate with RKE staff, to ensure safety of all participants by following instructions and answering questions honestly about any medical conditions or other information relating to health and safety. Photo Consent Declaration I agree to images being taken of my son/daughter whilst on this trip which may be used in local publications, on Red Kite Expeditions noticeboards or website to promote the work of Red Kite Expeditions. (These images will not be used in any way that may be viewed as negative in tone, or that may cause offence, embarrassment or distress to the child or their parent/guardian.) Signed: Date: Declaration I agree to my son/daughter taking part in the activities outlined above. I understand that my son/daughter will take part at his/her own risk, and accept that no responsibility for accidents or injuries, or loss or damage to personal property rests with the supervisory staff, unless proven to be caused by their negligence. I declare that to the best of my knowledge my son/daughter is competent and medically fit to participate as part of the group. I agree that medical treatment will be given if necessary and in case of emergency. I understand the information from this activity may be stored digitally. I agree that a similar activity may be substituted due to safety factors or weather conditions. I agree that in the event of my son/daughter being removed from the event due to his/her unacceptable behaviour that I will bear the costs of collecting him/her and returning him/her to home. I have read and understand the statement of risk assessment associated with walking and camping unaccompanied in wild country areas but with remote supervision by trained staff. Signed: Print Name Date: RKE Basic Training Weekend (This is optional if you attended RKE’s Basic Training for your Bronze or Silver Expedition.) Please select your choice of date from the following (delete as appropriate) 28th/29th March 2015 23rd/24th May 2015 £50 Wild Country Training/Practice Expedition Please confirm your attendance for the dates below Event Expedition Route Planning Kit Check Howgills 4th – 10th April 2015 8th Feb 2015 (daytime) 26th March 2015 (evening) £275 Snowdonia 25th – 31st July 2015 21st June 2015 (daytime) 21st July 2015 (evening) £175 Assessed Expedition Please select your choice of date from the following (delete as appropriate) Event Expedition Route Planning Kit Check Snowdonia 25th – 31st July 2015 21st June 2015 (daytime) 21st July 2015 (evening) £175 Yorkshire Dales 22nd – 28th August 2015 4th July 2015 (daytime) 18th August 2015 (evening) £175 First Aid Course – The Award requires you to have a minimum of 2 hrs tuition in First Aid. Red Kite are happy to offer eight hour courses on the following dates which are valid for three years 8th November 2014 (daytime) 7th December 2014 (daytime) 17th January 2015 (daytime) 8th February 2015 (daytime) 7th March 2015 (daytime) 19th April 2015 (daytime) Alternatively, if you have an existing First Aid Qualification it may be sufficient. Please check with us. Payment Details Payment is required with this form and can be made in one of three ways: Cheques payable to: Red Kite Expeditions and posted (with this form) to the address above By bank transfer to: Red Kite Expeditions Account No. 02057999 Sort code: 40 08 39 £20 By Paypal to: * Full payment is required with your application to secure your place (UK) In the event of you having to cancel your involvement, we only guarantee to refund 50% of the cost always provided: * 6 weeks notice is given - Snowdonia Prices are based on a minimum of ten. We reserve the right to cancel if there are insufficient numbers. Spaces on training and expeditions will be limited so you should be aware that Red Kite Expeditions operates on a first to pay, first to be accepted basis and we don’t guarantee to be able to allocate an expedition to a participant where payment has not been received. Training is dependent on willingness and participation. Red Kite Expeditions do not guarantee to be able to train every participant in the time stated. There may be a charge for any extra training needed. Should you need to cancel your involvement, we will refund 50% of the cost of the event provided 6 weeks notice is given. Route Planning and Kit Checks will be held in Aylesbury (venue to be confirmed) and start at 18.00 (evenings) or 09.00 (daytime) If you wish to contact us: e-mail: or call: 07528 578949
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