Elementary Registration Packet 2015-‐2016 Mission Statement St. Thomas Academy provides a safe community for students, focused on academic excellence infused with Catholic beliefs. Vision: To graduate inspired learners motivated to lead the world with faith and moral character. Registration Checklist To ensure your child’s place in a class at St. Thomas Academy, the following must be submitted at the time of registration. Placement will be given to those with Completed and PAID registration. Registration Forms Birth Certificate (new students only) Immunization Records (current students, please check their immunization status) Registration Fee Paid in Full by May 15, 2015, to guarantee enrollment Confidential Family Income Survey (used for Title I funding/qualifying) Registration and Tuition REGISTRATION FEE First Child (New student)-‐ $275 Returning Student -‐ $250 Each additional child -‐ $50 Registration Fee Total $____________ *Non-‐refundable Registration Fees are Due NO LATER than May 15th to guarantee your child’s place in a class INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS FEE (Due August 1st) Includes workbooks, textbooks, library resources, and classroom materials Preschool & PreK-‐ $150 per child K-‐5th -‐ $200 per child (All students will need a backpack, lunchbox, and a pocket folder for homework) TOTAL FEES $________________ *Summer tuition payments and the above fees are non-‐refundable. The registration fee may be refunded if student moves out of the area prior to August 1st. Multiple Child discount does not apply to Materials fees Tuition Rates-‐ Third child is half tuition fee and fourth child is free Annual 10 Month(Sept.-‐June) 12 Month(July-‐June) Kindergarten -‐5th Grade $3,600.00 $360.00 $300.00 Pre-‐Kindergarten (must be 4 yrs. by Sept. 1st) All Day, M-‐F $3,840.00 $384.00 $320.00 All Day, M, W, F $2,400.00 $240.00 $200.00 AM Only, M-‐F $2,580.00 $258.00 $215.00 AM Only, M, W, F $1,560.00 $156.00 $130.00 Pre-‐School (must be 3yrs. By Sept. 1st) All Day, M-‐F $3,840.00 $384.00 $320.00 All Day, T & R $1,560.00 $156.00 $130.00 AM Only, M-‐F $2,580.00 $258.00 $215.00 AM Only, T & R $1,200.00 $120.00 $100.00 Volunteer Hour Buy Out Option $750.00 (May be added to monthly tuition payment) TOTAL TUITION $ ____________ MONTHLY PAYMENT $_____________ 10 MOS or 12 MOS. TUITION: A 3% tuition discount will be given to families who pay the annual tuition and all fees by September 11th. th Tuition payments are to be kept current. A late fee of 1.5 percent per month is charged when payment is received after the 15 of each month. If a family finds themselves in a financial bind, they may contact the Principal or Pastor and make appropriate arrangements. If any sum due under this contract is placed in the hands of an attorney or collection agency for collection, we promise and agree to pay St. Thomas Academy reasonable attorney’s fees and collection costs, whether or not the suit or action is filed. Any non-‐ sufficient fund checks will be assessed a fee equal to any bank fees St. Thomas receives. All registration fees are non-‐refundable unless space is unavailable for your student(s) or the student(s) move out of the area prior to August 1st. Signature: Date: . 2015-‐2016 Registration Form Student Information First: _____________________ Middle:____________________ Last: ____________________ Gender:__________ Grade:__________ DOB: _______________ First: _____________________ Middle:____________________ Last: ____________________ Gender:__________ Grade:__________ DOB: _______________ First: _____________________ Middle:____________________ Last: ____________________ Gender:__________ Grade:__________ DOB: _______________ First: _____________________ Middle:____________________ Last: ____________________ Gender:__________ Grade:__________ DOB: _______________ Family Information Father’s Name: _________________________________ Complete Address: ________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: Home: _______________________Wk:____________________ Cell: ________________ Text OK Employer:________________________ Occupation: ____________Email:_____________________ Mother’s Name: ________________________________ Complete Address: ________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: Home: _______________________Wk:____________________ Cell: __________________ Text OK Employer:________________________ Occupation: ____________Email:_____________________ Please Check One: St. Thomas Parishioner (Contributing and Participating) Catholic Non-‐Parishioner (Parish: _____________________) Non-‐Catholic (or non-‐participating Catholic) Student Race: Caucasian Multi-‐Racial African American Directory: DO NOT list our address in the parent directory DO NOT list our email in the parent directory DO NOT list our phone number in the parent Asian Hispanic American Indian Pacific Islander EMERGENCY TREATMENT RELEASE: Please initial each paragraph and sign & date where indicated. INITIAL _____I/We voluntarily consent to the rendering of such care, including diagnostic procedures, surgical and medical treatment, and blood transfusions, by authorized members of the hospital staff or their designees, as may in their professional judgment be necessary. _____ I/We hereby acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me as to the effect of such examinations or treatment of my child’s condition. I/We have read this form and certify that I/we understand its contents. I/We hereby give our consent to the staff at St. Thomas Academy who will be caring for my/our child during the period of September 2015 -‐ June 2016 (school year or portion thereof) to arrange for emergency medical/dental care and treatment necessary to preserve the health of my/our child. I/We acknowledge that I/we are responsible for all reasonable charges in connection with care and treatment rendered during the period stated above. _____ In an emergency, St. Thomas Academy has my/our permission to call an ambulance, or take my/our child to any available physician or hospital at my/our expense. _____In case of an emergency, a parent or guardian is expected to meet the St. Thomas Academy staff person at the hospital or physician’s office as soon as possible. Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date: _______________________ Child’ First Name: ___________________Allergies: ______________________________________ Medications: _____________________________________________________________________ Other Information (injuries, etc.): _____________________________________________________ Child’ First Name: ___________________Allergies: ______________________________________ Medications: _____________________________________________________________________ Other Information (injuries, etc.): _____________________________________________________ Child’ First Name: ___________________Allergies: ______________________________________ Medications: _____________________________________________________________________ Other Information (injuries, etc.): _____________________________________________________ Child’ First Name: ___________________Allergies: ______________________________________ Medications: _____________________________________________________________________ Other Information (injuries, etc.): _____________________________________________________ Family Physician:________________________________________Phone:_____________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Medical Insurance Co.: _______________________Identification #:__________________________ Family Dentist:_________________________________________ Phone:_____________________ Dental Insurance Co.: _______________________Identification #:__________________________ Emergency Contact-‐ In the event that a parent/guardian cannot be reached, we are required to have two people other than parents on the Emergency Contact list. Emergency Contact :______________________________ Phone Number:____________________ Emergency Contact :______________________________ Phone Number:____________________ Emergency Contact :______________________________ Phone Number:____________________ LOCAL FIELD TRIP PERMISSION I/We give permission for our children),____________________________________________________to participate in field trips in the local area during the 2015-‐2016 school year. Each student enrolled at St. Thomas needs permission to leave the school during school hours. This includes all field trips. This Permission Slip is for those trips in our local area, which are most often when the class walks to a site in our neighborhood. For each field trip to a site other than local, you will receive a trip specific Permission Slip, giving the destination, time of departure and return and any other special particulars for that trip. General Photo Release I give permission for St. Thomas Academy to use my child’s photograph for school-‐related advertising and publicity. This can include (but not limited to) our website and facebook pages. This would not be used for profit, but for promoting the school only. I do not give permission for St. Thomas Academy to use my child’s photograph. Children’s Names: _______________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:_______________________________________ Date: _________________________ Student/Parent Internet Contract 1) Purpose a. Students use the schools network for educational purposes and to conduct research for class assignments and/or projects b. Students will limit their searches to sound educational sources, and will not attempt to connect to sites that are otherwise restricted. On a global network it is impossible to completely control the content, some of which may be considered inappropriate or offensive. Students may access only those materials that are acceptable for use in the school environment and shall not initiate access to inappropriate materials c. St Thomas Academy has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material accessed or posted through the schools network system. 2) Unacceptable Use a. Students will not attempt to gain access to any computer system or go beyond allowable access without permission from the supervising staff person. b. Students will not make deliberate attempts to disrupt the network or destroy or change data by spreading computer viruses or by any other means. Such actions are illegal. c. Students will not use the network for or in the support of an illegal or obscene activity or inappropriate use. d. Students will not use the network to access sites providing dangerous information. e. Students will not use the network to offer, provide, or purchase products or services. f. Students will not use the network for political lobbying. The system can, however, be used to communicate with elected officials. g. Students will not use the network to provide addresses or other personal information that others may use inappropriately. 3) Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement a. Students will respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright violations occur when students inappropriately reproduce a work that is protected by a copyright. b. Students will not plagiarize work they find on the internet. Plagiarism is taking the writings and/or ideas of others and presenting them as if they were your own. 4) School Web Page a. Permission from parent or guardian is necessary prior to posting student work on the school web page. b. No names of any students may be used on school web pages. Required Signatures STUDENT As a user of the St. Thomas Academy network system, I understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions stated above. I will accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuse of the network to the supervising staff person. I understand that should I commit any violation of the contract my privileges may be revoked, and other disciplinary actions may be taken. Student Name (please print)__________________________________________________________________ Student Signature:__________________________________________________ Date:__________________ PARENT As a parent or guardian of this student, I have read this contract and agree that my child will abide by it. I understand that the contract is written in student language and the complete School Internet Policy is available in the Parent/Student Handbook. Should my child commit any violation of this contract his/her access privileges may be revoked, and other disciplinary actions may be taken. I hereby give permission for my child to use the internet. Parent/Guardian Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Family Participation Commitment 2015-‐2016 Please initial each section below. These are requirements for the 2015-‐2016 school year. Each requirement is per family, not per student. Part I: Uniforms Uniforms are a requirement for students attending St. Thomas Academy. Uniform information is on the Academy website and catalogs are available on request. We also have a uniform exchange program available. Initial: _______ Part II: T.E.A.M. Program Each family must contribute 30 hours of volunteer time to the school. These volunteer hours will be tracked by each family and turned in to the school secretary. Volunteer time can include (but is not limited to) participating in school fundraisers, classroom volunteer time, driving students to field trips, or school maintenance. If a family does not contribute the entire 30 hour minimum, they will be charged a fee of $750.00. Initial: _______ Part III: Scrip Each family will purchase a minimum of $1500 in Scrip from the school. Scrip is a program where you purchase gift cards for businesses and use them at face value. There is no additional fee involved. If you purchase a Safeway card for $50, it is worth $50 at the store. The participating businesses donate a percentage of the value to our school. If a family chooses not to participate in the Scrip program, they will be charged a fee of $300. Initial: _______ Part IV: Handbook Prior to the start of the current school year, each family must agree that they have read and will follow the guidelines set forth in the Parent Student Handbook. Notice will be given when and if an updated version is posted. Initial: _______ Student/Parent iPad Loan Agreement 1. One (1) iPad and Charger are being loaned to the Student/Borrower and are in good working order. It is Student/Borrower’s responsibility to care for the equipment and ensure that it is retained in a safe environment. 2. This equipment is, and at all time remains, the property of St. Thomas Academy and is herewith lent to the Student/Borrower for educational purposes only for the academic school year. 3. Student/Borrower may not deface or destroy this property in any way. Inappropriate use of the machine may result in the Student/Borrower losing his/her right to use this equipment. The equipment will be returned to St. Thomas Academy when requested, or sooner, if the student withdrawals from the school prior to the end of the school year. 4. Student/Borrower may not install or use any software or apps other than those approved by St. Thomas Academy. 5. One user account with specific privileges and capabilities has been set up on the iPad for the exclusive use of the Student/Borrower to which it has been assigned. The Student/Borrower agrees to make no attempts to change or allow others to change the privileges and capabilities of this user account. 6. The Student/Borrower agrees to make no attempt to add, delete, access, or modify other user accounts on the iPad and or on any school computer. 7. The school network is provided for the academic use of all students and staff. The Student/Borrower agrees to take no action that would interfere with the efficient, academic use of the network. 8. Identification and/or inventory labels/tags have been placed on the iPads. These labels/tags are not to be removed or modified. If they become damaged or missing, contact tech support for replacements. Additional stickers, labels, tags, or markings are not to be added to the iPad. 9. An Apple ID account is available for each Student/Borrower to use for appropriate academic communication with other students and staff members. 10. St. Thomas Academy retains the right to obtain reimbursement from, or on behalf of students for any physical damage to, loss of, or failure to return school property. The full cost of the iPad is $523.00. Student/Borrower acknowledges and agrees that his/her use of the school property is a privilege and that by Student/Borrower’s agreement to the terms hereof, Student/Borrower acknowledges his/her responsibility to protect and safeguard the School Property and to return the same in good condition and repair upon request by the School. Parent Responsibilities Your student will be issued an iPad to improve and personalize his/her education. It is required that these responsibilities are followed to ensure the safe, efficient, and ethical operation of this computer: • • • • • • • I will supervise my student’s use of the iPad at home I will supervise my student’s use of the Internet I will report to the school any problems with the iPad and will not attempt to repair the iPad I will make sure my student brings the iPad back to school each time they bring it home I understand that if my student comes to school without his/her iPad on the occasion they may bring it home, I will be called to bring it to the school I agree to make sure that the iPad is returned to the school when taken home and upon my student’s withdrawal from the School I am financially responsible for any physical damage to the iPad Student Responsibilities Your iPad is an important learning tool and is for educational purposes only. In order to retain the privilege of using your iPad and on the occasion you may bring it home, you are required to accept the following responsibilities: • • • • • • • • • • • • When using the iPad at school, home, or anywhere else, I will follow the policies of the School – and abide by all local, state, and federal laws I will treat the iPad with care The iPad is my responsibility and will stay in my possession at all times whether at school or home I will not modify any software on the iPad I will not release personal information to strangers when using the iPad I will bring the iPad back to school the following day if taken home I will keep all accounts and passwords assigned to me secure and will not share these with any other students I will clean the iPad using only the cleaner provided by the School I will recharge the iPad battery each day I will return the iPad when requested and upon my withdrawal from the School I will leave the iPad in its protective case at all times I am financially responsible for any physical damage to the iPad I have read and agree to the responsibilities of the iPad agreement. Student Signature:______________________________________________ Date:_______________________ Parent Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:_______________________
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