Jonathan D. Herman School of Civil & Environmental Engineering Cornell University 207 Hollister Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (570) 269-2940 Fax: (607) 255-9004 Office: 207 Hollister Hall Email: Education Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, 2015 (expected). M.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2012. B.E. Environmental Engineering, Dartmouth College, 2010. A.B. Engineering Sciences, Summa Cum Laude, Dartmouth College, 2010. Research Interests Model diagnostics, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for environmental models Robust decision-making in multi-stakeholder water resources systems Multi-objective evolutionary optimization of complex engineered systems Publications Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Reed, P.M., N.W. Chaney, J.D. Herman, M.P. Ferringer, and E.F. Wood. Internationally coordinated multi-mission planning is now critical to sustain the space-based rainfall observations needed for managing floods globally. Environmental Research Letters, 10, (024010). Herman, J.D., P.M. Reed, H.B. Zeff, and G.W. Characklis. 2014. How should robustness be defined for water systems planning under change? Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 04015012. Herman, J.D., H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. 2014. Beyond optimality: Multi-stakeholder robustness tradeoffs for regional water portfolio planning under deep uncertainty. Water Resources Research, 50, 7692-7713. Zeff, H.B., J.R. Kasprzyk, J.D. Herman, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. 2014. Navigating financial and supply reliability tradeoffs in regional drought management portfolios. Water Resources Research, 50, 4906-4923. Giuliani, M., J.D. Herman, A. Castelletti, and P.M. Reed. 2014. Many–objective policy identification and refinement to avoid policy myopia in water reservoir management. Water Resources Research, 50, 3355-3377. Herman, J.D., J.B. Kollat, P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. 2013. From maps to movies: high resolution time-varying sensitivity analysis for spatially distributed watershed models. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 5109–5125. Herman, J.D., J.B. Kollat, P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. 2013. Technical note: Method of Morris effectively reduces the computational demands of global sensitivity analysis for distributed watershed models. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 2893–2903. Herman, J.D., P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. 2013. Time-varying sensitivity analysis clarifies the effects of watershed model formulation on model behavior. Water Resources Research, 49, 1400–1414. Jonathan D. Herman 2 Reed, P.M., D. Hadka, J.D. Herman, J.R. Kasprzyk, and J.B. Kollat. 2013. Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization in Water Resources: The Past, Present, and Future. Advances in Water Resources, 51, 438–456. [Invited Submission for 35th Anniversary Issue]. Lee, D.S., J.D. Herman, D. Elsworth, H.T. Kim, and H.S. Lee. 2011. A critical evaluation of unconventional gas recovery from the Marcellus Shale, Northeastern United States. Korean Society of Civil Engineering Journal, 15 (4), 679–687. Papers in Review Hadka, D.M., J.D. Herman, P.M. Reed, and K. Keller. OpenMORDM: An open source framework for Many-Objective Robust Decision Making. Environmental Modelling & Software, in review. Chaney, N.W., J.D. Herman, P.M. Reed, and E.F. Wood. Flood and drought hydrologic monitoring: The role of model parameter uncertainty. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, in review. Conference and Seminar Presentations *Herman, J.D., P.M. Reed, H.B. Zeff, and G.W. Characklis. How should robustness be defined for water systems planning under change? American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2014. *Herman, J.D., H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. Balancing robustness to future uncertainty between cooperating regional water utilities. International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 2014. *Herman, J.D., H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. Preparing for scarcity in the eastern U.S.: Designing coordinated regional water portfolios to improve robustness to future uncertainty. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June 2014. *Herman, J.D., J.B. Kollat, P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. From maps to movies: High resolution timevarying sensitivity analysis for spatially distributed watershed models. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June 2014. Giuliani, M., *J.D. Herman, A. Castelletti, and P.M. Reed. Many-objective control policy identification and refinement to overcome framing challenges in reservoir management. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2013. *Herman, J.D., J.B. Kollat, P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. High resolution time-varying sensitivity analysis for spatially distributed watershed models. Poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2013. *Herman, J.D., H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. Beyond optimality: Multi-stakeholder robustness tradeoffs for regional water portfolio planning under deep uncertainty. Poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2013. (OSPA Winner) *P.M. Reed, J.D. Herman, and T. Wagener. Time-varying sensitivity analysis clarifies the impact of model formulation on model behavior. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 2013. *Herman, J.D., P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. Time-varying sensitivity analysis clarifies the effects of watershed model formulation on model behavior. Poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2012. *Herman, J.D., P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. Diagnosing dominant processes in conceptual rainfall-runoff models using dynamic sensitivity analysis. Poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2011. Jonathan D. Herman 3 Teaching Cornell University Water Resources Systems Engineering (CEE 6200): Teaching Assistant for P. Reed, Spring 2014. Pennsylvania State University Fluid Mechanics (CE 360): Instructor, Summer 2012 (Student rating 6.6/7; PSU average 5.2/7) Water Resources Engineering (CE 461): Teaching Assistant for C. Shen, Spring 2013. Water Resources Engineering (CE 461): Teaching Assistant for P. Reed, Fall 2010, Fall 2012. Water Resources Engineering (CE 461): Teaching Assistant for J. Kasprzyk, Spring 2011. Dartmouth College Distributed Systems & Fields (ENGS 23): Teaching Assistant for E. Hansen, Spring 2009. Professional Activities Reviewer for (in decreasing order of frequency): Water Resources Research, Environmental Modelling & Software, Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management, Hydrology & Earth System Sciences, Hydrological Processes, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Journal of Hydroinformatics. Member, American Geophysical Union, 2010–Present Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2013–Present Member, International Environmental Modelling & Software Society, 2014–Present Volunteer organizer, Environmental and Water Resources Systems Seminar Series, Cornell University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Spring 2014 Session moderator, ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (2014), American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (2014) Software Sensitivity Analysis Library (SALib;, an open-source Python library for commonly-used sensitivity analysis methods. (, a non-dominated sorting script for multiobjective optimization problems (Contributor). Colormap (, a web interface to generate custom colormaps for figures. African Flood and Drought Monitor (Contributor to Princeton University project;, a web interface to display/download observed and modeled hydrologic data for the African continent. Honors, Awards, & Fellowships Outstanding Reviewer, Environmental Modelling & Software, 2014 Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management, 2014 Best Student Presentation Award, International Congress on Environmental Modelling & Software, 2014 Bernard Meyers Graduate Fellowship, Cornell University, Summer 2014 Jonathan D. Herman 4 Outstanding Student Paper Award, AGU Fall 2013 (Hydrology Section) Olin Fellowship, Cornell University, 2013–2014 Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society E. Shaw Cole Class of 1930 Memorial Scholarship, Dartmouth College. Francis L. Town Scientific Prize for Engineering Sciences, Dartmouth College. Last updated: May 12, 2015
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