Christ Lutheran Church May 2015 Celebration of Mothers & Daughters Susan Trinklein, Associate Pastor Rich Marotzke, Youth Ministry Linda Lubaczewski, Office Manager “Making Memories with Mom” Sunday, May 3rd at Noon Inside this issue: Confirmation Mother & Daughter Celebration Pastor Sue’s Message/Graduates Bue Jean Sunday/Call Committee Memorials/Hospitalized/Volunteers Thank You/VBS/Euchre Women Council Minutes Council/Attendance/Finance/Stars Birthdays/Anniversaries Worship Volunteers Staff/Council Contact Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Former Creative Memories Consultant and longtime advocate of sharing life’s stories, Wanda Raymond, will talk abut the importance of sharing our memories and stories with the people in our lives. Start thinking about the memories and stories of your life in a different way, and hear ideas and suggestions on how to share them with the people who matter most to you. Get your photos and memorabilia out of the shoe box and into your life. Menu: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Dessert & Beverage. Tickets are: Girls 13 & Up $8, Girls 5-12 $5, Girls 4 & Under FREE. Tickets available from Denise Felske at 989.659.3190 or between services. CONFIRMATION CLASS 2015 On Sunday, May 17th the following youth will affirm their Baptism through the public profession of their faith at the 10:30 a.m. service. Madison Rachel Gwizdala daughter of Rachel Sylvester and Rich Gwizdala Blake Matthew Johnson son of Matthew Johnson and Tasha Lorenz Austin Matthew Kuehnemund son of Anson & Jennifer Kuehnemund Zecheriah Daniel Marotzke son of Rich and Joann Marotzke Lacy Ann Torrez daughter of Dan and Julie Torrez 1 CONGRATULATIONS College Graduates!! We want to congratulate and recognize all of our recent college graduates, so please contact the church office with your name and the details. Thanks 2015 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES As we have been working through the “Experiencing God” series, Rich, Amanda and I have each been touched by God in some amazing ways. It has been an honor for me to be able to see God’s hand at work and to be able to be a part of that mission. For me, this series has reinforced the need to listen to the Holy Spirit and to trust in God’s plan. Sometimes it’s hard to give up, to let go and to let God be in control, but I’m finding that when I do, the good things that come out of it are more than worth the momentary uncertainty. I know that God is in control of what’s happening when the “God moments” happen – those times that we usually refer to as “coincidence” – when things come together in a way that seems spontaneous and planned, but really aren’t. The things that happen when God is in control may not make sense to us now, but if we could see the bigger picture – the bigger plan – we would be able to see how God is using these moments to paint a bigger picture than we can even imagine. It’s exciting to see God in action here at Christ Lutheran Church and I am committing myself to listening to the Spirit even more closely and to see all the wonders that God will accomplish next. Our High School Graduates will be recognized at worship on Sunday, June 7th. We would like to do a Senior Picture Bulletin Board to honor these 2015 graduates. All graduates are being asked to turn in a wallet sized photo to Rich Marotzke or Linda Lubaczewski in the church office. Volunteers are needed once again to mow the church and parsonage lawn. Call Dale Bremer at 989-928-6624 if you would like to be on the schedule. THANKS! Blue Jean Sunday MAY 31 Peace be with you all! It’s spring and time to clean up the grounds to make it look nice. Come to that day dressed in your blue jeans clothes”. So please make plans to help this day starting around 11:45 a.m. church church “work out on NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER Update from The Call Committee The National Day of Prayer will be held on Thursday May 7th in the Reese Village Hall at 6:30 PM. Please consider attending this event as the community joins together to give thanks and to seek God’s guidance. Anyone who would like to read prayers, please contact Pastor Sue. The Call Committee continues to meet regularly. Pastor Mike Greenler who visited with us has excepted a call to another congregation. The Call committee is continuing to interview other candidates. 2 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Someone is needed to help organize VBS for this year. We have held a joint Bible school with St. Elizabeth for over 25 years, and this ministry is very important to our congregation. Our coordinator would work with the coordinator from St. Elizabeth to plan the lesson and recruit adults and older students to help. This year is the year for Christ Lutheran to host VBS. It is held the 3rd week in July. Please prayerfully consider this ministry. If you are interested, call Deva Weber 8684338, Dale Bremer 659-2497 or the church office at 868-3281. Memorials For General fund in memory of John Heinrich by Janet and Bill Janson. For Memorial fund in memory of John Heinrich by Dorothy Watkins. Hospitalized Please keep in your prayers those members who have been hospitalized this past month: Marge Spiekerman, Ruth Zurvalec, Jim Prueter, Richard Mossner, Jim Luth, Bill Radka, Duane Ward MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED Thank You’s A few new members are needed for the Education Ministry. This committee usually meets on a quarterly basis and oversees the education programs of the congregation. To my family, church family, relatives and friends, I want to give you all a big hug for all the prayers, well wishes and cards that were sent to me during my recent surgeries and recovery. It means so much when you have friends as I have. Thank You, Thank You. The Education Scholarship Committee also needs one or two more members to help with the annual scholarship reviews. This committee meets once a year. The next meeting is on Monday, May 4th at 7 p.m. If you are interested in either committee please call the office at 868-3281. May God bless you as he has me. Bill Radka A BIG Thank you goes out to Bill Stuart for the nice wooden candle holders he made for the Sunday School children’s altar. SAVE THE DATE! THE COMMUNITY CHURCH PICNIC with St. Elizabeth will be held on Sunday, September 20, 2015. If you would like to be on the planning committee, OR can just help out on this date, please contact Linda Babechenko 7543615. Watch the bulletin board for food and help sign up. GOOD SAMARITAN RESCUE MISSION OF BAY CITY Is celebrating 10 years of providing hope! 10th Anniversary Open House and Dinner on Tuesday, May 5th, 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. The open house is an excellent opportunity for Mission partners to see first-hand how God is changing the lives of homeless men, women and children in the Bay area. Tickets: $5.00 adults & $3.00 children. Contact Marlene Mika at 989-893-5973 ext. 221, or purchase at GSRM. EUCHRE FUN NIGHTS The last spring Euchre games will be on Saturday, May 9th at 6:30 p.m. Bring your family and friends and join us for some fun, fellowship, and laughter. Then mark your calendar for these Fall Euchre dates: September 12th, October 10th, and November 14th. 3 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN Meeting April 21, 2015 UCCS Food and household collection is ongoing through the year, collection items for May and June; Paper towels, toilet paper, tissue, cleaning products, laundry detergent. Thank you, Deva Weber Present: Irene Weiss, Denise Felske, Deva Weber, Judy Stuart, Joyce Dirker, Dorothy VanOchten, Joanne Connelly. The meeting was called to order by the new president, Irene Weiss. Denise read a devotion about memories of MOM. COLLECTION FOR MEN & WOMEN IN THE MILITARY During the months of May, June, July, and August we will be collecting the following. The collection Box is located by the coat rack. Help Support our Troops! Coffee (singles - 2lb bags or cans) Hot Chocolate & Hot Cider Packets Cookies (small individual packs) Chocolate bars & kisses Canned Chili, Stews, Soups, Ravioli, Vienna sausage, Tuna, Chicken or Salmon Canned Fruit, Dried Fruit or Fruit Snacks Batteries AA & AAA Hand held games, DVDs and CDs Summer sausage, beef sticks or pepperoni sticks (6 oz to 12 oz size) Carmel corn, Granola Bars, Trail Mix, Nuts (individual sizes) Zip lock bags (snack, sandwich, quart and gallon size) Treasurers report-$2,806.67. Secretary's report from January read by Deva. Next meeting will be Tuesday, September 14th at 6:30 p.m. Old Business: Celebration of Mothers and Daughters, set up is Saturday, May 2nd at 9:00 a.m. Meal and program on Sunday, May 3rd at noon. Tickets will be available at the door, and are now being sold by Denise Felske on Sundays. New faucets will be installed in the kitchen by Reese Plumbing. New Business: All the old wood folding chairs and tables will be sold, anyone wanting to buy chairs or tables can contact Dorothy VanOchten. New chairs were purchased with money from the Memorial fund and should be delivered soon. The kitchen has ANTS, this has been a problem before, when the kitchen is used by anyone in the congregation, or for rental they should make sure that all the counters and sinks are cleaned so there is nothing that will attract the ants. We do not have a cleaning group for the kitchen so when someone uses it please make sure to wipe up spills. This includes the refrigerator, microwave and cupboards, towels and washcloths should be taken home and washed by the users. Bible Study The next women's bible study will be on Thursday, May 14th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to join us as we discuss "You Cannot Earn the Gift" God loves me just the way I am! You and I, also, have only one hope. It is not our own goodness or our own strength. It is not length of time in His kingdom. It is simply His love toward us. Our only hope is God's grace. Irene is now in charge of calling members for desserts for funeral dinners. She is using the church phone directory and calling all members, hopefully this will give people that are not involved in other church groups the opportunity to contribute at a time of need. The Faith Circle meeting for May is on Monday the 4th at 10:00 a.m. The lesson is Psalm 103 and everyone is welcome. Respectfully Submitted, Deva Weber 4 Ministry of Education: Vacation Bible School still needs a coordinator, and Jim Houghtaling will be resigning from the Sunday School Superintendent position so we will need to fill the position. We will get a job description and post in the newsletter and bulletin. Church Council Minutes - April 21, 2015 Present: Rick Zimmer, Harold Avery, Jan Histed, Rich Marotzke, Kelly Walz, Robbie Oldenburg, Tom Janson, Maria Wagner, Kevin White, Darla Kolomak and Dale Bremer. Excused: Ellen Schultz, Todd Felske and Sue Trinklein. Ministry of Communications: Darla is to get with Maria Wagner to learn how to post on the new website. Rick called meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Prayer by Rich Marotzke. Ministry of Youth & Family: Next meeting May 3rd. Monthly Reports: Secretary’s report: Submitted by Kelly Walz. Motion to accept by Harold, 2nd by Dale. No pastoral report – Sue is on vacation. Current Expense Fund: Approved Office Reports: Request was made to release Brian Jammer to Highland Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville, NC. Motion was accepted and we send him our best wishes. Check Register Reports: Checks #27963 thru #27992 approved. Building and Memorial Funds: Approved as reported until Audit is complete. Youth Report: Confirmation Retreat is this weekend, April 25th. Rich is recommending that all five Confirmands be accepted pending meeting with Rich and having adequate faith statements. Motion accepted. Ministry of Finance: Thrivent account still has $16,000 in account. The money will stay in the account until after the audit. Unfinished Business: Rick reported that the audits are still a work in progress and will be complete by the next Church Council meeting. Ministry Of Property: Rod Wagner will come out Thursday, April 23rd to look at the motherboard for the lights. Also, need to get a committee together to get parsonage issues fixed. A list of issues is to be posted in the newsletter, facebook and the website so people can call Linda and sign up to help. Todd Felske was elected to be Ministry of Congregational Life. A pastoral support group will be formed once the Call Committee is finished and the Call has been answered. Ministry Of Worship: Tom requested that the order of service be put back in the bulletin. The Call Committee has made a motion to call Pastor Michael Greenler. Council has accepted and is working on putting together a package to present to Pastor Greenler. If accepted, the vote will go to the congregation to accept this call. Social Ministry and Outreach: Harold reported that 160 new chairs are here and the wooden tables and chairs will be sold. Wooden tables $10 each and chairs $2.00. Money made from the sale will go in the General Fund. The Call Committee has also requested that Pastor Greenler be compensated for some of his travel expenses ($1,000) and also for the travel expenses for Pastor Terry Rebert ($100) for continued on page 6 Ministry of Congregational Life: Ellen reported that there were 9 tables at Euchre night. Sunday school to start up again Sept. 13th and the Community Picnic will be Sept. 20th. 5 continued from page 5 driving up for an interview on Sunday, April 19th . Attendance Worship S.S. April 2 (Maundy Thur.) 94 X New Business: Rick requested that we purchase a safe deposit box. Tom said he may have one that the church could have. April 3 (Good Friday) 81 X April 5 215 X Blue Jean Sunday will be May 31st for lawn cleanup and other various cleanup around the church. April 12 Next Church Council Meeting May 19th. Motion to Adjourn accepted. The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer. April 19 April 8 (Wed) 8 114 April 15 (Wed) 5 106 April 22 (Wed) April 26 19 21 5 120 17 Respectfully Submitted by Kelly Walz, Secretary CURRENT EXPENSE FUND — MARCH 2015 CHECKING ACCT. Bal. 3/31 $ 24,051.72 REGULAR SAVINGS Bal. 3/31 $ DONATION SAVINGS Bal. 3/31 $ 50,005.28 12.39 THRIVENT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION: 3/31/15 Our Stars For Our Troops Program was recently featured as the “Persons of the Week” on ABC12. You can go to the following link and scroll down to the Stars For Our Troops Program if you are interested in watching the interview. Here is the link to copy and paste: Business Money Market $ 425.56 Checking Acct. $ 251.31 Savings Acct. $ 1.00 GENERAL FUND BUDGET THRU MARCH: Thank you to all those who have been dropping off flags. If you fly a flag, please consider donating your tattered flag to our program. We can use 3’ x 5’ or 4’ x 6’ flags with embroidered stars. Diane Osantowski 6 Revenue - Year to Date $ 34,558.68 Revenue - Budget to Date $ 40,000.00 Expenses - Year to Date $ 38,013.02 Expenses - Budget to Date $ 40,025.00 May Birthday’s Best wishes for a Happy Birthday! We are recognizing those persons who have reached the milestone of 80 years old and above. May God bless you. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 Lyle Sylvester - 94th Donna Prueter - over 80 12 Jeff Barrett Darren Wilkinson Madison Gwizdala Janet Wascher Kristin Bilbey 13 Joanne Connelly 14 Adam Duperon Diane Giza Linda Lapak 15 Macey Hawken Abigail Powell Matthew Oldenburg 16 Cheryl Williamson Terry Rupprecht Kerri Ratkos Amanda Duperon Sydney Histed Logan Hillborg 17 Susan Kolak Colleen LaBeau Eion Lange Jace VanOchten Steven Pogoreski Jacob Walz Zachary Mossner John Hill Chad Kowalski Dorothy Watkins - over 80 Kevin White Joe Baranic Jack Smith Kimberly Palm Matt Dirker Travis Stockmeyer Lauren Apo Doug Prell Alexis Brown Laine Yax Nancy Hill JoAnn Johnson Rachel Spiekerman Rich Marotzke Tyler Brink LeiAnn Milne Carol Bremer Marisa Willman Brett Brown Dale Bremer 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Virginia Stockmeyer - over 80 Suzanne Wilkinson Barbara Zielke Matthew Bartolowits Brianne Torrez Amanda Behmlander Kathy Rau Esther Mallory – over 80 Al Redwanz Nikki Wachowicz Sandra Schafsnitz James Krauseneck Jacob Bauer Deva Weber Amanda Huey Levi Bauer Mark Haske Joann Campbell Arlene Frost – over 80 Brody Kussro Kenton Morley Eric Pogoreski Joyce Spiekerman Mike Costello Jennifer Van Nest May Anniversaries 1 2 4 7 11 12 16 18 19 Gary & Gail Asperger Randy & Deb Heinzman Bernie & Debbie Bittner Charles & Tricia Drake Mike & Sherry Mossner Tom & Jill Lynch Alex & Laura Squanda Lewis & Lauren Kolak Marcus & Morgan Kuehnemund AJ & Becky Endres 1965 1981 1979 1994 1974 1984 1997 2009 2013 2012 22 23 25 26 27 31 7 Ramon & Betty Spiekerman Darrell & Erin Andrus Brian & Judy Wascher James & Keri Kenney David & Beverly Kowalski Rick & Sandra Mossner Keith & Carol Schluckbier Ed & Holly Damm Matt & Jessica Hillborg 1982 2010 1981 2014 1974 1985 1973 1988 2008 Time Steve & Michelle Schmitzer Family Greeters Jennifer Shores Dave Edwards Lectors Tom & Jill Lynch XXX Communion Set-up Deva Weber XXX Communion Assistant Faith Marotzke & Emily Rupprecht Blake Johnson Acolytes Worship Assistants for May 2015 8:00 Rich & Nancy Sylvester Date 5/3/15 10:30 Shelby Keyes & Nathanial Torrez 5/3/15 XXX Grace & Luke Connelly Breanna Roche & Sydney Histed XXX XXX Wyatt Schember & Libby Redwanz Robbie Oldenburg Carole Avery XXX Wendy Oczepek Katie Bauer Jennifer Rupprecht Kelly VanDenBoom Matt & Marla Lefler Kelly Walz 10:30 David, Kelly & Owen VanDenBoom Phyllis Felske Nancy Walz 5/10/15 8:00 Joyce Spiekerman 8:00 5/17/15 10:30 5/10/15 5/17/15 Zach Walz Allison Hawken & Faith Marotzke Michelle Schmitzer XXX Rich & Joann Marotzke XXX Dave Edwards Gracie Lefler Paul & Kelly Walz Family Dan & Julie Torrez Family 8:00 10:30 5/24/15 5/24/15 Sydney Histed Macey Hawken & Emily Redwanz Jim Jasman XXX Darla Kolomak XXX Kelly Walz Dorothy Arlt XXX XXX 8:00 10:30 5/31/15 5/31/15 Usher Teams Team 1 Money Counters Team 3 Teams 2 Teams 1 Team 4 Team 2 Teams 2 Team 1 Teams 3 Teams 3 8 Christ Lutheran Church 1946 S. Reese Road Reese, MI 48757-9718 Nonprofit Org US POSTAGE PAID Reese, Michigan Permit No. 1 Address Service Requested 2015 Church Staff and Church Council STAFF Associate Pastor: Youth Ministry: Worship Coordinator Office Manager: Office Asst: Custodian: HOME PHONE# Susan Trinklein 928.6845 Rich Marotzke 233.3308 Amanda Beson 615.6839 Linda Lubaczewski 823.2495 Diane Osantowski 868.4057 Mark Hebert 684.5247 SUNDAY SCHOOL Superintendent: James Houghtaling Treasurer: Ann Bublitz 863.0798 693.6418 CHURCH COUNCIL President: V. President: Secretary: Gen. Treasurer: Spec. Funds Treas: Ministry of Youth/Family Ministry of Cong. Life Property: Communication: Social Min./Outreach: Education: Rick Zimmer Tom Janson Kelly Walz Jan Histed Maria Wagner Ellen Schultz Todd Felske Kevin White Darla Kolomak Harold Avery Dale Bremer HOME PHONE# 868.4915 868.9754 771.3027 659.2833 868.4672 868.3112 372.7306 252.5036 868.4311 673.3129 659.2497 In an effort to conserve on the use of paper and postage, we are offering to send the newsletter out via e-mail. Please e-mail the office with your current email information. If you no longer desire to receive this newsletter please email or call the church office. Thank you. Church Phone #989.868.3281 Church Fax #989.868.1505 Website: Email Address: 9
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