Pro…t sharing contracts and quality improvements in competing supply chains Igor Sloev, Maria Nastych April 2015 Abstract This paper contributes to the hold-up problem resolving, quality improvement in supply chains, and the contract theory. We aim to investigate the e¤ects of competitive environment on manufacturer’s incentive to change the quality of product and the e¢ ciency of the pro…t sharing contracts. Our results show that the stronger competition motivates the quality improvement and under particular parameters pro…t sharing contract is an e¢ cient mechanism of coordination within the supply chain. JEL classi…cation: D24, D43, L14 Keywords: supply chain, hold-up, pro…t sharing, quality improvement 1 Introduction The problem of coordination within a supply chain has got a lot of attention in both economics and management literature. In this article we consider the supply chain consisting of two …rms: the supplier, who produces an intermediate good, and the manufacturer, who uses the intermediate good to produce a …nal product. The quality of the intermediate good (which may be either high or low) determines the quality of the …nal product. To produce the intermediate good of high quality the supplier must undertake the costly investments. We assume that the quality of the intermediate good is observable, but not contractible. Thus, the payment from manufacturer to supplier cannot be conditional on the quality level. In such situation neither a simple linear pricing contract nor a two-part tari¤ may serve as e¢ cient mechanism of coordination. We assume the manufacturer holds all the bargaining power and uses a pro…t sharing contract to motivate the supplier to undertake the desired level of the investments. We assume that the supply chain competes with the other …rms that produce non-perfect substitutes. Our main purposes are (i) to investigate the e¢ ciency of the pro…t sharing contracts for achieving coordination within the supply chain, and (ii) to study how does the market environment (in particular, the strength of competition measured by the number of competing …rms) a¤ects the equilibrium chain’s 1 pro…t, the manufacturer’s incentive to produce the high/low quality product and change the parameters of the optimal contract. With the presence of a competitive fringe under several assumptions we argue that the strength of competition a¤ects the supply chain internal coordination. An investigation of the e¤ect of market competition on the optimal within chain decision is the main novelty of a proposed model. Up to now, most of authors consider the interaction in a single chain or at most the interaction between two supply chains. Wu et al. (2009) consider two competing chains in the presence of the demand uncertainty and compare three organizational forms (full integration, bargaining over wholesale price and Stackelberg type of interaction) to determine equilibrium market structure. Ai et al. (2012) use similar setup to analyze the role of the full return policy on market outcome. Anderson and Bao (2010) analyze a price competition between two chains and obtain results for an arbitrary number of …rms. However, their analysis is limited to the cases of a full integration and complete. Also our article links three di¤erent …elds of literature: the hold-up problem resolving, the quality improvement in supply chains, and the contract theory. The classical papers of Grossman and Hart (1986), Hart and Moore (1990), and Williamson (1975, 1985) demonstrate that non-contractibility of investments leads to underinvestment and investigate the e¢ cient property rights allocation. Several other solutions of the hold-up problem have been also proposed: vertical integration (Williamson, 1979), shifting control rights (Aghion and Bolton, 1992), and authority relationship (Aghion and Tirol, 1997). Chung (1991), Aghion et al. (1994), Noldeke and Schmidt (1995) show e¢ ciency of the ex-post renegotiation when one party has the whole bargaining power. Acemoglu et al. (2007) analyze the relationship between contractual incompleteness and technology adoption. Xie et al. (2011) consider two supply chains competing in quality of products produced and compare two possible structures of each chain: full integration and decentralization. Chao et al., (2009) focus on not contractible investments in quality by supplier in the single supply chain and show that a cost sharing contracts may lead to the e¢ cient outcome. Cachon and Lariviere (2005) assert that revenue-sharing contracts coordinate a supply chain with retailers competing in quantities. Inderst and Wey (2007) use the rent-sharing contracts considering bargaining power with the cooperative game framework in their model of strategic oligopoly. Van der Veen and Venugopal (2005) speci…ed the hold-up problem according to movie studio and video rental store and claim that revenue-sharing contract can optimize the chain as a partnership but is easier to implement. Thus, we investigate the impact of competitive fringe on …rms’ relations within chain, namely, on …rms’incentives for pro…t sharing and investing to resolve the hold-up problem. Moreover, up to now, competition between chains has been considered (with few exceptions) in a simple setup of duopoly. Due to di¢ culties arising when a fully strategic behavior is analyzed, authors employ only simple structures of interactions within and among chains. The monopolistic competition framework allows us go further and provides more insights on both types of interactions. In particular, we obtain that (i) market competition 2 a¤ects an e¢ ciency of a within-chain interaction, (ii) for some range of parameters, e¢ ciency may be restored, and (iii) stronger competition may lead to higher chain’s pro…t. In other words, we have an example of "pro…t increasing competition". The paper is structured as follows. The next section is devoted to the formal description of our model of supply chain operated in the competitive market. Futher, in Section 3 we …nd an equilibrium of the model and the parameter of the pro…t sharing contract. In Section 4 we disscus the equilibrium under sertain assumptions. We summarize our …ndings in Section 5. 2 The Basic Model and Preliminary Results Consider a supply chain consisting of two …rms: the supplier (S ), who produces the intermediate good, and the manufacturer (M ), who uses the intermediate good to produce the …nal product. The intermediate good may be of a high or a low quality and the quality level of the intermediate good determines the quality of the …nal product, which may be also either high or low, = fH; Lg. We assume that the quality of the intermediate good is observable, but not contractible. Thus, the payment from the manufacturer to the supplier cannot be conditional on the quality level. We assume that the intermediate product of low quality may be produced at marginal cost cL , which we normalize to zero. To produce the intermediate good of high quality the supplier must bear the cost cH > cL . The manufacturer transforms one unit of intermediate product to one unit of …nal good at the marginal cost cM 0. We consider the following interaction within the chain. At stage one, the manufacturer requires the suppler to produce Q units of the intermediate good and commits to the share of splitting the operational pro…t. At stage two, the supplier chooses the level of quality of the intermediate product = fH; Lg. At the third stage, the manufacturer sells Q units of the …nal product of quality . Simultaneously, each competing …rm i 2 (0; N ] sells its output qi to maximize its pro…t. The chain competes at the market with a competitive fringe. Namely, there is a mass N of …rms producing heterogenous products, which are not-perfect substitutes for the manufacturer’s product. The representative consumer’utility function is as follows: U= Z 0 N " i A qi B i qi2 =2 i G qi Z 0 N # qj dj di + E; (1) where A0 = A( ); B 0 = B( ); G0 = G( ) are parameters that characterize the utility from a consumption of the chin’s product (and determine the demand on the manufacturers’product depending on its quality), q0 = Q is a consumption of the manufacturer’s product; Ai = Af ; B i = B f ; C i = C f for all i 2 (0; N ] are parameters that determine the demand for the di¤erentiated products produced by the …rm i from the competitive fring, and qi is its output, and E is the consumer’s expenditures for outside products. The representative consumer maximizes her utility choosing Q; fqi ; i 2 (0; N ]g; and E subject to a budget 3 constraint RN 0 pi q i + E I; where I is the consumer’s income. We assume that I is su¢ ciently high, such that in equilibrium E > 0. The utility function corresponds to the following system of demands: p0 pi = P ( ) = A( ) = Ai B i qi B( )Q Z Gi G( ) Z N qj dj; 0 N qj dj: 0 The pro…t of each competitive …rm is as follows: i cf )qi : = (pi Selling Q units of quality , the manufacturer gets the following operational pro…t (P ( ) cM )Q. Suppose the manufacturer uses a pro…t sharing contract in its relation with the supplier. That is, the manufacturer commits that the supplier will get the share of the operational pro…t. Then, the …nal manufacturer’s and supplier’s pro…ts are as follows, respectively: M( ; Q; ) = S( ; Q; ) = (1 )(P ( ) (P ( ) cM )Q; cM )Q cS ( )Q: Thus, the supplier bears the full cost of producing the product of quality , while it receives the share of the operational pro…t. 3 Characterization of equilibrium Competitive fringe. We start with analysis of the optimal behavior of competing …rms. While all competitors and the supply chain are monopolists for their product, due to the small size relative to market (more precisely each …rm is of measure zero), actions of any single …rm have no impact on the market aggregates. Thus, the optimality condition for an output of a competing …rm, d i =dqi = 0 is given as follows: Af 2B f qi Gf Z N qj dj cf = 0: 0 In a symmetric equilibrium with qi = q for all i 2 (0; N ] we have the following: q= Af cf : 2B f + Gf N 4 Then the total output of the competitive fringe is as follows: Nq = (Af cf )N ; 2B f + Gf N (Af and it monotonically increases in N and bounded by the level z competitive …rm = (Af cf )=Gf . The pro…t of each cf )2 =(2 + Gf N )2 > 0 for any N . The chain: the supplier’s decision. Let us denote P H P (H); P L P (L) and H S and L S be the supplier’s pro…t when the quality is high and low, respectively. Given the output level Q and the pro…t share ; the supplier prefers the high quality if and only if H S = (P H cM )Q > (P L cM )Q = cH Q L S: This is equivalent to ([AH AL ] [B H B L ]Q + [GL GH ]N q) > cH : The impact of the quality level on the demand is determined by AH AL ; B H B L ; GL GH . Given this impact and the cost of producing the high quality good cH , the supplier chooses to produce the high quality if its share of the operational pro…t is su¢ ciently large: [AH Note, AL ] cH B L ]Q + [GL [B H > , with GH ]N q given as follows : describes the minimum level of the pro…t share which motivates the supplier to produce high quality good. As the output of the competitive fringe N q increases in N , and GH < GL , we have that decreases in N . The chain: the manufacturer’s decision. If the manufacturer decides to produce the low quality product, then setting = 0; it may obtain the pro…t max QL Setting = L M = (P L cM )QL : (2) , the manufacturer may obtain the …nal pro…t max QH H M )(P H = (1 5 cM )QH : (3) 4 Model solution 4.1 Capacity constraint To simplify an exposition of the model, let’s assume that the manufacturer meets the capacity contrarian Q 1, whereas the optimal Q L H and Q solving Eqs. (2) and (3) are not less than unity. E¤ectively, this assumption prescribes the …xed level of outputs for each quality level QL = QH = 1: The su¢ cient condition for this is Q Then, the level of the pro…t share L = AL GL N q 2B L cM 1: , which is su¢ cient to motivate the supplier to produce the high quality good, may be written as follows: (N ) where D = [AH AL ] [B H cH ; D + [GL GH ]N q B L ] > 0: Note, that lim N !1 = (4) decreases in N , = cH =D for N = 0, and cH ; D + [GL GH ]z so 0 < cH < D in order to satisfy the condition 0 < < 1. Thus, for N = 0 the manufacturer has no incentives to produce the high quality product if H M < L M or cH > D2 BH AH cM : (5) Now, let’s consider the case when N is large enough for the manufacturer’s pro…t to be higher if it sells the high quality product. The condition limN !1 H M > limN !1 L M ;is equivalent to the following: 2 cH N (H (6) e such that for all In other words, whenever the conditions (5) and (6) hold there exists unique N e it holds that (i ) the supplier chooses to produce the intermediate good of the high quality N s L) and (ii ) the manufacturer pro…t is large comparing to the low quality of for all N H M D + [GL GH ]z < H : A B H GH z cM < L M e the manufacturer’s pro…t is maximized when N with the share = H M L M. Clearly, e , we have (N ). For all N < N (N ), which is su¢ cient to motivate the supplier to produce the high quality good. We can summarize this in the following proposition. Proposition 1 Suppose conditions (5) and (6) hold. Then, (i) if the competitive strength is low N the supply chain produces low quality product and the optimal pro…t share 6 e, N = 0, (ii) if the competitive strenght is high (N e ), the supply chain produces high quality product, and the optiml pro…t share N > 0 is determined by Eq. (4). e , we have Firms’ pro…ts. For any N < N L M = AL L S For any N = BL GL N q cM ; 0: e the pro…ts given as follows: N H M = H S = )(AH (1 (AH BH BH GH N q GH N q cM ); cM ) cH : Using Eq. (4) we have S Thus, S > 0 for any N AL B L GL N q cM D + [GL GH ]N q = e . Morever, N S cH : decreases in N . It is worth noting, that this is the analog of information rent in a principal-agent problem. b such that Consider N L b M (N ) = H b M (N ). As the supplier’s pro…t jumps from zero to some positive level, we have that the pro…t of the chain (that is the sum of the manufacturer’s and the supplier’s pro…t, M + S) b : This leads to the following statement. aslo has a positive jump at N b Proposition 2 An increse in the number of competitive …rms from N positive increase in the chains pro…t . b + results in a strictly to N The Figure 1-3 depict the plots of manufacturer’s pro…t, the supplier’s pro…t and the chain pro…t for the parameters AH = 14; AL = 12; Af = 10; cM = cf = 0; GL = Gf = 0:7; GH = 0:3; B H = 0:8; B L = B f = 1; cH = 1. 7 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 N Figure 1. The manufacturer’s pro…t. 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 3 Figure 2. The supplier’s pro…t. 8 N 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 N Figure 3. The chain’s pro…t. 4.1.1 E¢ ciency Consider the problem of maximization of the chain’s pro…t: max The optimal = [A( ) B( )] G( )N q c : = H if and only if [AH BH ] GH N q cH [AL BL] GL N q; or D + [GL GH ]N q cH ; or Nq This determines N : = L for all N < N and cH GL D : GH = H for all N N: For a set of parameters we used in Examples (AH = 14; AL = 12; Af = 10; cM = cf = 0; GL = Gf = 0:7; GH = 0:3; B H = 0:8; B L = B f = 1; cH = 1), we have that cH < D, thus it is always optimal for a chain to set = H. Threfore, the pro…t sharing contract leads to e¢ cient outcome (maximizes the chain’s pro…t) for N N , whereas for N < N the outcome is not optimal from the chain’s point of view (however, it is optimal for the manaufacturer). 9 4.2 No capacity constraint Here we relax the assumption about the capacity constraint but we assume B H = B L = B to simplify futher calculations. Solving Eqs. (2) and (3) the optimal Q Q H = Q L = AH L and Q H are GH N q cM ; 2B GL N q cM : 2B AL If the manufacturer decides to produce the low quality product, then it may obtain the pro…t L L M (Q ) = ( AL + GL N q + cM )2 : 4B (7) Otherwise, the manufacturer may obtain the …nal pro…t H H ) M (Q = ( AH + GH N q + cM )2 (AH AL 4B(AH AL (GH (GH GL )N q GL )N q) cH ) : (8) And the joint pro…t of the manufacturer and the supplier in this case is H H ) M (Q + H H ) S (Q = (AH GH N q cM )(AH 4B GH N q 2cH cM ) : (9) In the case of no capacity constraint the pro…t sharing contract does not lead to the e¢ cient outcome. The further example (the Figure 4) depicts the e¤ect of the external competitive environment on the internal manufacturer and supplier interaction in supply chain. We use here the same parameters as above: AH = 14; AL = 12; B = 1; cM = 0; q = 1 10 ; GL = 0:7; GH = 0:3; cH = 1 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 N Figure 4. The manufacturer’s pro…t with high quality (solid), with low quality (dots) and joint pro…t 10 with high quality producing (dash). 5 Conclusion We analyze the role of pro…t sharing contracts for the coordination within the supply chain when quality improvement is associated with the hold-up problem. We show that the strength of market competition a¤ects the …rms’relations within the chain in a several ways. Firstly, we …nd that market competition a¤ects an e¢ ciency of the within-chain interaction. Under a weak competition the manufacturer may prefer to keep all pro…t; thus other partners have no incentives for costly quality improvement. However, the stronger competition increases the role of quality improvement and results in the pro…t sharing that motivates costly investments in quality improvement. Secondly, we …nd that for some range of parameters, the pro…t sharing contract serves as e¢ cient mechanism of the coordination within the supply chain. 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