Executive Summary 2013 Executive Summary INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN NORTH LOMBOK REGENCY: THE DEVELOPMENT OF CROSSING TRANSPORT SERVICES The Introduction to North Lombok Regency The territory of North Lombok Regency geographically situated between 115⁰46’-115⁰28’ East Longitude and between (8⁰120’ - 8⁰550’) South Latitude.The total land area of North Lombok Regency reached 809,53 Km2 and marine waters reached 503,24 km2. North Lombok Regency consists of 5 (five) sub-districts namely Sub-districts of Bayan, Kayanga, Gangga, Tanjung and Pemenang with regency capital in Tanjung. Boundaries area; South border with Java Sea/Laut Jawa, South border with West Lombok Regency, West border with Lombok Strait/Selat Lombok, and East border with Central Lombok and East Lombok. Investment Opportunities of Crossing Transport Services That Support Tourism The service sector is the lifeblood of the economy of North Lombok regency which has the largest growth rate (7.81%). Service sector is not only a source of local government revenue, but provide a source of livelihood for the people of North Lombok in particular. North Lombok is an area that became a tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists. At this time in North Lombok harbor being built Carik scheduled for completion in 2014. The existence of these ports will increase the range of economic activities in North Lombok including the tourism sector which has been the mainstay of local government revenue sources. In addition to the Port Carik in Bayan subdistrict, North Lombok has 3 other seaports, namely Kayangan Port which is the entrance of the direction of Sumbawa, Port Ward (entrance gate three Gili Island), Port Medana Medana bay Crossing transport service will improve tourists’ mobility who will visit to an area of tourist destination. Investment that is necessary to serve the route crossing of Benoa-Carik in form of ferry aim to attract tourists in Bali in order to visit North Lombok with using crossing transport service in form of ferry KMP. The investment that is necessary in form of procurement ferry around Rp, operational cost around Rp 1.944.307.911,00 per year. Analysis result from value of net present value (NPV) operation of The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 1 Executive Summary 2013 KMP in serving crossing route Benoa (Denpasar) Carik (North Lombok) shows a positive number of 31.563.398.709,00 (NPV > 0). Result calculation of the gross benefit cost ratio (gross B/C) shows the number of 1,096. This number is greater than 1, it can be interpreted that the total benefit or admission obtained by investors from the operation of the KMP in order to serve the routes of crossing transport from (Denpasar) – Carik (Lombok Utara) only 30,96% from total costs. Thus can be conclude that if seen from the economic and financial aspects according to the viewpoint of the business (profit), then crossing transport business is feasible. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 2 The Description of Territory A. 2013 THE DESCRIPTION OF TERRITORY A.1 Geographical and Administrative Aspects Based on Act no 26 in 2008, North Lombok Regency consists of five Sub-districts, namely Bayan with land area of 329,10 km2, Kayangan 126,35 km2, Gangga 157,35 km2, Tanjung 115,64 km2andPemenang 81,09 km2, with Regency Capital in Tanjung Sub-district. In 2011, in administration the local government of North Lombok Regency consists of 33 Villages, 376 Hamletsand 33 BPD. Balanced with total area of each sub-district and the role of one of sub-districts as regency capital, the number of villages in each sub-district spread in Pemenang Sub-district is4villages, Tanjung Sub-district is 7 Villages, Gangga Sub-district 5 Villages, Kayangan Sub-district 8 Villages andBayan Sub-district 9 Villages. TableA-1 the Number of Village, Hamletsand BPD According to Sub-district of North Lombok Regency in 2008- 2011 No Sub-district TotalVillage Total Hamlet Total BPD 1 2 3 4 5 Pemenang 4 38 4 Tanjung 7 68 7 Gangga 5 61 5 Kayangan 8 95 8 Bayan 9 114 9 TOTAL 2011 33 376 33 Source: Statistical Center Unit and Local Area Government of North Lombok Regency, 2012 The territory of North Lombok Regency geographically situated between (115⁰46’-115⁰28’) East Longitude and between (8⁰120’ - 8⁰550’) South Latitude.The total land area of North Lombok Regency reached 809,53 Km2and marine waters reached 503,24 km2. The territory boundary of North Lombok Regency as follows: To the North is bounded by Java Sea/LautJawa To the South is bounded by West Lombok Regency To the West is bounded by Lombok Bay To the East is bounded by Central Lombok Regency and East Lombok TableA-2Total Area, Heightfrom sea level of North Lombok Regency No Sub-district 1 2 3 4 Pemenang Tanjung Gangga Kayangan Total Area ( KM2) 81,09 115,64 157,35 126,35 Percentage 10,02 14,28 19,44 15,61 Height From Sea Level (m) 5 10 5 5 The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 3 The Description of Territory 5 Bayan TOTAL 329,10 809,53 40,65 100.00 2013 7 6,40 A.2 Physical Condition A.2.1 Morphology, Climate, and Rainfall Most of the land surface in North Lombok Regency has land slope above 40 % reached 48.571,80 Ha or 60 % from the whole area, followed by land slope 15 – 40 % covering 20.238,25 Ha or 25 % of total land, land slope 2-15 % reached 10.523,89 Ha or 13 % and land slope 0-2% reached 1.619,06 Ha or only 2 % of the total land area. The height of North Lombok Regency area settle between 0 – > 1000 above sea level with average height of 539,69 mof sea level. Total area with the height of 0-100 meter from the sea level reached 8.095,30 Ha, Area with the height of 100 – 500 meter above sea level reached 1.619,06 Ha and 1000 meter above sea level reached 539,69 Ha. TableA-3 Land Area According to Land Slope of Each Sub-district in North Lombok Regency in 2011 N o 1 2 3 4 5 The Classification of Land Slope (Ha) 15-40% % Above 40% Sub-district 0-2 % % 2-15 % % Pemenang Tanjung Gangga Kayangan Bayan TOTAL 162,18 231,28 314,70 252,70 658,20 1.619,06 10,02 14,28 19,44 15,61 40,65 2,00 1.054,17 1.503,32 2.045.55 1.642,55 4.278,30 10.523,89 10,02 14,28 19,44 15,61 40,65 13,00 2.027,25 2.891,00 3.933,75 3.158,75 8.227,50 20.238,25 10,02 14,28 19,44 15,61 40,65 25,00 4.865,40 6.938,40 9.441,00 7.581.00 19.746,00 48.571,80 % 10,02 14,28 19,44 15,61 40,65 60,00 Total % 8.109 11.564 15.735 12.635 32.910 80.953 10,02 14,28 19,44 15,61 40,65 100,00 TableA-4Broad Land Area Based on the Height of Business Land in North Lombok Regency 2011 No Sub-district 0 – 100 m WTUTI a,b,c Broad % Ha 100-500 m WTU i.d Broad % Ha Height 500-1000 m WTU II Broad % Ha Above 1000 m WTU II Broad % Ha Total Broad Ha % 1 Pemenang 810.90 10.02 162.18 10.02 81.09 10.02 54.06 10.02 81,090 10.02 2 3 4 5 Tanjung Gangga Kayangan Bayan TOTAL 1,156.40 1,573.50 1,263.50 3,290.10 8.095,30 14.28 19.44 15.61 40.64 100,00 231.28 314.70 252.70 658.02 1,619.06 14.28 19.44 15.61 40.64 100,00 115.64 157.35 126.35 329.01 809.53 14.28 19.44 15.61 40.64 100,00 77.09 104.90 84.23 219.34 539.69 14.28 19.44 15.61 40.64 100,00 115,640 157,350 126,350 329,010 809,530 14.28 19.44 15.61 40.64 100,00 The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 4 The Description of Territory 2013 Topography of North Lombok Regency on the northern part to the middle part there is mountains cluster with conservation forest that serves as hydrology, while along the coast there is only a narrow lowland and limited. In the middle, stretching from East to West, there is a wide plain which is a fertile agricultural region. In the southern part of the region there is a plain hill that the forest serves as a buffer of hydrology. The climate condition and rainfall based on the data from the meteorology institute, temperature in North Lombok Regencyin 2011 between 22,10 C up to 32,80 C. Minimum temperature recorded in May, while the maximum temperature recorded in July with wind speed reaching 6 to 10 knots. Rainfall generally occurs in October up to December with rainy day reaching 1 to 23 days in Pemenang Sub-district reached 23 rainy day in November, while in January up to May with rainy day reaching 2 up to 25 days and the highest inTanjung Sub-districtreaching 25 rainy days in January. A.2.1 Land Use Based on land use, land in di North Lombok Regency which reached 80.953 Ha, consists of paddy field/lahan sawah of 8.304 Ha or only 10,26 % from the whole land, land not paddy field (moor, garden) covering 43.371 Ha or 53,57 % and land not agricultural area of 29.293 Ha or 36,18 %. if it’s specified according to sub-district, the broadest paddy field located in Bayan Sub-district reached 3.316 Ha but proportionally only 10,08 % from total land area in Bayan Sub-district, followed by Kayangan Sub-districthas 2.619 Ha paddy field or 20,73 % from the total area, Gangga Sub-district 1.241 Ha paddy field or 7,89 % from total area, Tanjung Sub-district 711 Ha paddy field or 6,15 % Pemenang Sub-district with total paddy field only 417 Ha or 5,13 % from total area. For land not paddy field but still used for the needs of agriculture widely covered moor and garden, total area around 43.371 Ha, the largest is located in Bayan Sub-district around 20.225 Ha, followed by Gangga Sub-districtof 8.224 Ha, Tanjung Sub-district 5.726 Ha, Pemenang Sub-district reached 5.151 Ha and Kayangan Sub-district reached 4.045 Ha. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 5 The Description of Territory 2013 land not agricultural area in North Lombok Regency reached 29.278 Ha or 36,17 % from total area, spread inBayan Sub-district around 9.369 Ha, Gangga Sub-district 6.258 Ha, Kayangan Sub-district 5.971 Ha, Tanjung Sub-district 5.127 Ha and Pemenang Sub-district 2.553 Ha. For complete data will be shown in Table A-5 i.e. for paddy field remained the same in the past three years reached 10.26 %, Land not paddy field increased about 1.85% while land not agricultural area decreased around 1.85 % of total land reached 80.953 Ha. Table A-5Total Landin North Lombok Regency According to Land Use andSub-district in 2009-2011 Land Use (Ha) Land not Land not No Sub-district Total Paddy Field Agricultural Paddy Field Area 1 Pemenang 417 5.151 2.553 8.121 2 Tanjung 711 5.726 5.127 11.564 3 Gangga 1.241 8.224 6.258 15.723 4 Kayangan 2.619 4.045 5.971 12.635 5 Bayan 3.316 20.225 9.369 32.910 Total 2011 8.304 43.371 29.278 80.953 2010 8.304 41.875 30.774 80.953 2009 8.304 41.875 30.774 80.953 Source: Statistical Center Unit of North Lombok Regency The total area of paddy fields according to the type of irrigation in North Lombok Regency for 4 years the total reached 8.304 Ha which is dominated by paddy fields that utilizing technical irrigation reached 5.396 Ha or 64.98%, then followed by irrigation paddy field reached 1.396 Ha or 16.81%, paddy field ½ technics reached 1.375 Ha or 16.56% and the smallest of paddy field of simple P.U reached 9 Ha or 0.11%. A.3 Population and Labor A.3.1 Rate and the Number of Population Growth Population of North Lombok Regency in 2010-2011 recorded from 200.072 inhabitants to 202.092 inhabitants increased around 2.020 inhabitants or 0.99 %. Spread in Bayan Sub-district 22.55 %, Tanjung Sub-district 22.52 % and the last one in Pemenang Sub-district 16.47 %. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 6 The Description of Territory 2013 Table A-6the Number of Population According to Sex in 2008-2011 No Sub-district Sex Total Male Female 1 Pemenang 16.711 16.238 32.949 2 Tanjung 22.253 22.816 45.069 3 Gangga 20.056 21.135 41.191 4 Kayangan 18.482 19.281 37.763 5 Bayan 22.152 22.968 45.120 TOTAL 2011 99.653 102.439 202.092 2010 106.684 111.389 200.072 2009 106,684 111,389 218,073 2008 101,045 112,255 213,300 Source: Statistical Center Unitof North Lombok Regency, 2012 Compared with the results of the population census in 2000 when the number of population in North Lombok Regency was the part of West Lombok Sub-district recorded 173.450 inhabitants, then the average of population growth rate in the period of 2000 to 2010 reached 1,44 %. Growth around 1,44 % this was higher than the population growth rate in the period of 1990-2000 which reached 1,37 %. In the period of 2008-2011 the number of population decreased until 5.871 inhabitantsor 2.83 %. While in 2010 - 2011 population growth rate decreased from 1.44 % became 1.01 % or around 0.43 % Table A-7 Population growth rate North Lombok Regency in 2008-2011/2012 The Number of Population (Inhabitants) 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 Pemenang 32.157 32.889 32.546 32.949 2 Tanjung 47.135 48.180 44.606 45.069 3 Gangga 46.317 47.340 40.836 41.191 4 Kayangan 41.225 42.150 37.413 37.763 5 Bayan 46.466 47.514 44.671 45.120 TOTAL 213.300 218.073 200.072 202.092 Source:Statistical Center Unit of North Lombok Regency, 2012 No. Sub-district Growth Rate 2008-2011 1.91 1.49 0.99 1.31 1.58 1.44 A.3.2 Labor Force Participation Rate Population activities in economic activities measured by the portion of the population who entered the job market i.e. population that is working or looking for work, called as The Rate of Labor Force Participation involvement of the population in 2010 was 69.82 %. While in 2011 labor force population aged above 15-year who worked or was looking for job was 95.451 people. This brings the consequence on the provision of employment opportunities and income quite a lot.The participation of rural population was higher 73.03 % in labor force compared with urban population 54.37 %, if seen from the gender, the participation of The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 7 The Description of Territory 2013 labor force for male population was higher (85.56) % than female ( 53.91 ) %, this due to the responsibility of male as breadwinner in household. The number of unemployment in 2010 reached 3.29 %i.e. 2.36 for male population whereas female was 1.71 %. Table A-8 Labor statistics of North Lombok Regency in 2010 Description 2010 The Number of Labor force 95.451 Labor Force Participation Rate 69,82 Job Opportunity Rate 96,71 The Number of Unemployment 3,29 Source: Statistical Center Unitof North Lombok Regency, 2012 The composition of the population that was working according to business field in 2010, most of them worked in agriculture sector (65,54 %), a small part in industry business field (3,27 %), trade (9,33 %), services (8,36 %) and other sectors (13,50 %). While in 2011 in all of sectors were mostly made by women compared to men around 70 % above. In 2010 viewed from the status of the job, most of the population in North Lombok Regency worked with own business (42,56 %), as workers/employees (12,01 %), free workers (23,68 %) and family workers (21,75 %). According to gender, there was a different of significant phenomen on between male and female where male population was working with own business (51,18 %) whereas female workers were family workers (41,66 %). A.4 Condition of Facilities and Infrastructure A.4.1 Land Transportation Road is the principal component in land transportation besides other supporting facilities. Until 2011, the road length of North Lombok Regency reached 443.10 km. According to its status, those roads consist of 83.70 km province road, 209.65 km regency road and 125.40 km village road whereas non-status road reach 20.75 km. The condition of road in regency is getting better as the result of construction road that is one of infra structure priority in North Lombok Regency. in 2010-2011 around 107.37 km +112.9 km, the total reached 220.27 km it means improved to 5.53 km road in good condition, 66.08 km - 23.52 km mean reduced around 42.56 km medium condition 269.65 km - 72.65 km mean road in poor condition is declining about 197 km. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 8 The Description of Territory 2013 TableA-9theData of Road in North Lombok Regency in 2011 Pemenang The Length of Road (KM) 8.10 Paved (KM) 7.50 Gravel (KM) 0 Stone (KM) 0 Ground (KM) 0.60 2 Tanjung 41.38 38.38 0 0 3.00 3 Gangga 59.80 51.8 0 0 8.00 4 Kayangan 49.00 45.90 0 0 3.10 5 Bayan 50.79 41.99 0 0 8.80 0.00 23.50 N0 Sub-district 1 Total 209.07 185.57 0.00 Source:Statistical Center Unit, Department of P.U. KLU 2012 TableA-10 Data of Road According to the Condition in 2011 TYPE Paved Good Medium Poor Very Poor TOTAL 112.9 23.52 5.50 10.60 152.52 Km Gravel 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Km Stone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Km Ground 0.00 0.00 19.09 36.46 55.55 Km 209.07 Km Total 112.9 23.52 25.59 47.06 Source:Statistical Center Unit, Department of P.U. KLU 2012 A.4.2Sea Transportation All forms of goods and humans traffic are determined by the availability of facilities and infra structures of transportation. The existence facility and infrastructure for transportation are the inseparable in process of development. North Lombok Regency with area condition that available has two types of transportation facilities, namely transportation of land and sea that connect various regions in North Lombok Regency. TableA-11Number of Transportation Facilities and Infrastructures in North Lombok Regency in 2011 No Sub-district Terminal Sea Port 1 2 3 4 5 Pemenang Tanjung Gangga Kayangan Bayan Total in 2011 Source:Statistical Center Unit, Dept. of Transportation, 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 4 Tourism and Communication information of KLU, 2012 The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 9 The Description of Territory 2013 A.4.3 Source of Electricity Availability and affordable of electricity for the household, society or economic activities on an industrial scale is one of the indicators of the progress of a region. In North Lombok Regency from 2009-2011 can be seen that electricity customers improved along with the development of 14.262 customers to 19.950 customers or increased about 5.688 household or increased 28.51 % household, followed by Power connected from 14.473.810 watt increased to 23.699.450 watt or 38.93 %. Whereas Subscriber of Prepaid Electric was started in 2011 with total subscriber reached 4.557 households while power installed reached 4.281.850 Watt from total household with residential buildings in 2011 reached 57.056 means electric customer around 34.97 %. TableA-12 Data of Prepaid Electric Customer of Rayon Tanjung in 2009-2011 No 1 Month January KWH Sold Customer Power Connected 2,505,495 16,365 17,523,750 2 February 2,289,876 16,449 18,325,040 3 March 4,470,285 16,563 18,458,840 4 April 2,773,666 16,902 18,974,640 5 May 2,912,727 17,669 20,218,100 6 June 4,886,895 19,928 22,427,350 7 July 3,190,456 19,931 22,816,850 8 August 1,240,434 19,937 22,989,550 9 September 2,753,542 19,942 23,089,400 10 October 3,614,465 19,950 23,379,950 11 November 3,338,533 19,948 23,536,550 12 December 3,366,155 19,950 23,699,450 Total 3,366,155 19,950 23,699,450 2010 2,880,416 16,357 17,473,800 2009 2,130,284 14,262 14,473,810 Source:Statistical Center Unite, of State Electricity Company of Ranting Tanjungin 2012 If the number of electric customers are assumed to be equal to the number of the household using electricity then percentage of household using electricity in North Lombok Regency is also still low. With the number of households in 2010 recorded 55.547% household use electricity only 29,44 % or only 29 from 100 households use electricity. This condition needs a breakthrough alternative resolution, i.e. by increasing the availability of energy sources of electricity through the construction of Micro hydro Power Plant until 2010 is still in the process of development by investing private parties and the provision of solar power devices. In 2011 the number of electric subscriber increased, reached 34.97 %or The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 10 The Description of Territory 2013 5.53 %expected in the next year is getting increase in the utilization of electric power as lighting facility along with era development. A.5 Regional Development Policies A.5.1 Medium-Term Regional Development Plan of North Lombok Regency The vision of North Lombok Regency Government in 2010-2015 that is ideals to be achieved are: ”NORTH LOMBOK ADVANCED AND CIVILIZED” With the spirit ofTIOQ TATA TUNAQ In realizing the Government’s vision of development in North Lombok Regency is reached through 5 (five) missions as follows: 1. Realize a society that has excellence moral, cultured and maintain the plurality. 2. Embodying development of education, health system, i.e. improving service and development in the whole area ofNorth Lombok Regency, improving the quality of education and public health. 3. Accelerating the development of the infrastructure in strategic areas i.e. provides infrastructure of social and economy in the whole area of North Lombok in order to open and facilitate economic flow of society and basic social services. 4. Encourage the acceleration of economic growth which was based on local resources and develop investment by putting forward the principle of sustainable development i.e. an increase of regional economy that has competitiveness, increasing mastery, utilization and creation of science and technology. 5. Establish law supremacy, administering clean government and increasing public participation,i.e. the creation of society understand and aware of the rule of law, the establishment of clean officers, responsibility, encouraging public participation in regional development. A.5.2 Spatial Plan of North Lombok Regency Area(2011-2031) The objective of Spatial plan of North Lombok Regency Areais to realize secure spatial, comfortable, productive and environmentally sound as well as sustainable in order to developing tourism, agriculture and agro industry. The spatial planning regency policy consists of: The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 11 The Description of Territory 2013 a. An increase in the growth and development of regions which is tourism-based, and plantation; b. Increasing in the growth and development on the region with the concept of agroindustry; c. Utilization control of agricultural land d. Structuring regional growth centers and urban economyand bolster tourism marketing system, and the production of plantation; e. Development of infrastructure systems that supports tourism marketing areas, production of the estate and the production of agro-business; f. Management area utilization with regard to land use, the capacity of the land and conservation aspects; and g. Developing cultivation area by considering the aspect of sustainability and the environment. Activity centers as referred to in article 5 letter A consists of: a. Regional Activities Center Promotion urban areas, which services as a center processing center and knot of transportation which serving some regencies namely Perkotaan Tanjung; b. Local Activities Center (street vendors) functioning urban areas to serves the regency/city scale activities or some of the sub-district include Bayan (Anyar) and Pemenang (West Pemenang and East Pemenang); c. Local Activities Center promotion namely Kayangan Area; d. The Services Center other urban areas that serves the scale the sub-district scale activities or some villages include Senaru and Sukadana; and e. Environmental Services Center, settlement centers serving activities scale of inter-village includes Sigar Penjalin, Selengen and Rempek. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 12 The Profile of B. Economic Region 2013 THE PROFILE OF ECONOMIC REGION B.1. Economic Structure The economic growth of a region is described by the rate of GDP on the basis of constant price. Economy that continues to grow is an indicator of the success a regional development compared to the previous year. The condition of the economy of North Lombok Regency in the period of 2008 to 2011 showed the condition that continues to grow positively shown by the increasing of GDP either prevailing price or constant price. Economic growth rate also indicate increase are fairly stable 1.68 in 2011 compared with economic growth in 2010. TableB-1the Development of Several Economic Indicators in 2008– 2011 2008 Indicator 1. Economic Growth (%) 2. Infancy (%) 3. GDPof Prevailing Price (Million Rp) 4. GDP of Constant Price (MillionRp) 2009 2010 2011* 4.39 9.27 5.07 6.62 4.03 6.93 5.71 - 1,128,892.84 1,264,639.82 1,410,749.22 1.567.835,40 592,437.93 622,452.27 649,355.80 684.534,10 Source: Statistical Center Unitof North Lombok Regency, 2012 *) Temporary Number Gross Domestic Product is the total number of added value created due to various economic activities in an area. GDP reflects the ability of regions to manage natural resources and human resources assets in order to generate a product through the production process, thereforethe value of GDP is determined by the factors supply of production in the area. GDP on the basis of prevailing prices in 2011 was recorded by 1.567.835,40 million rupiah increased around 10,30 % compared with GDP value in 2010 which reached1.406.379,92 million rupiah. The same conditionsindicated by the value of GDP on the basis of constant prices in 2011 which reached 684.534,10 million rupiah, also increased of 5,40 % if compared with the condition in 2010 which reached 647.540,28 million rupiah. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 13 The Profile Of Economic Region 2013 TableB-2the Value and Contribution of GDP in North Lombok Regency on the Basis of Prevailing Prices during 2008-2011 BUSINESS FIELD 1.AGRICULTURE 2. MINING & QUARRYING 3. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY 4. ELECTRICITY, GAS & WATER SUPPLY 5. CONTRUCTION 6. TRADE, HOTEL & RESTAURANT 7. TRANSPORTATION & COMMUNICATION 8. FINANCIAL, DWELLING & BUSINESS SERVICE 9. SERVICES GDP 2008 523,697.03 27,640.53 12,412.08 GDPRp (.ooo) 2009 2010 *) 572,599.85 632,312.89 32,990.06 37,085.13 13,446.56 15,038.06 2011**) 692,636.63 40,691.82 16,770.23 2008 46.39 2.45 1.10 Contributionof GDP (%) 2009 2010 *) 45.28 44.96 2.61 2.64 1.06 1.07 2011**) 44.18 2.60 1.07 4,402.68 4,917.24 5,557.35 6,083.62 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.39 102,177.26 199,790.8 4 122,172.07 135,470.36 153,831.08 9.05 9.66 9.63 9.81 223,517.68 251,467.05 288,426.53 17.70 17.67 17.88 18.40 86,075.07 89,742.78 97,775.08 105,245.80 7.62 7.10 6.95 6.71 59,362.35 65,455.46 71,203.68 79,082.52 5.26 5.18 5.06 5.04 10.04 11.05 11.41 11.80 113,335.00 139,798.12 1,128,892.8 1,264,639. 4 81 160,470.33 185,067.18 1,406.379. 1,567,835.4 92 0 Source: Statistical Center Unit of North Lombok Regency, 2012 *) Temporary Number B.2. Economic Potential B.2.1.Agriculture The agricultural sector has pretty major support power dominating in the growth of the economy of North Lombok Regency. Agriculture sector includes 5 sub-sectors namely; agriculture, plantation, livestock, forestry and fishery. In the agricultural sector, rice as the main staple commodities cultivated by the people divided intopaddy of wetland/padi sawah and paddy of dryland / padi ladang. Paddy of wetland cultivation spread throughout all sub-districts in North Lombok Regency with an area of extensive planting, broad harvest and production of the largest in Bayan Sub-district, followed by Sub-district of Kayangan, Gangga, Tanjung and Pemenang. Overall broad harvest of paddy of wetland in North Lombok Regency in 2011 reached i 11.316 Ha with the average of production in a year reached 58.30 Kw/Ha and the result of production reached 61.567,72 tons. With paddy of wetland productivity in Tanjung Sub-district shows the best performance among the other Sub-districts, while the lowest productivity of paddy showed In Pemenang Sub-district around 53.93 kw/Ha with the result of production reached 4.122.04 tons. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 14 The Profile Of Economic Region 2013 TableB-3Broad Harvest, the Average of Production and Paddy of Wetland Production According to Sub-districts of North Lombok Regency in 2008-2011 No 1 2 3 4 5 Sub-district Broad Harvest The Average of Production (Ha) production (Kw/Ha) (Ton) Pemenang 737 53.93 4.122.04 Tanjung 1.491 62.96 9.387.34 Gangga 1.481 61.75 9.145.18 Kayangan 2.566 55.99 14.367.03 Bayan 5.041 56.87 28.668.17 TOTAL 11.316 58.30 61.567.72 In 2010 9.747 51.44 50.137 In 2009 9.971 52,00 51.666 In 2008 8.667 51,62 44.739 Source:Dept. of Agriculture, Plantation, Forestry, Marine and Fishery KLU, 2012 Unlike paddy of wetland cultivation that may be found throughout Sub-districtsin North Lombok Regency, paddy of dry land can only found in Bayan Sub-district and Kayangan. Paddy of dry Land broad harvest in 2011 with total production reached 12.266.29 tons and the average of production 51.77 quintals/Ha. More information is presented on Table 6.2. TableB-4Broad Harvest, the Average of Production and Paddy of Dry Land Production According to Sub-districts of North Lombok Regency in 2008-2011 No 1 2 3 4 5 Broad Harvest The Average of Production(Tons) (Ha) Production (Kw/Ha) Pemenang Tanjung Gangga Kayangan 495 51.98 2.573.01 Bayan 1.880 51.56 9693.28 TOTAL 2.375 51.77 12.266.29 In 2010 2.281 34.20 7.800 In 2009 2.250 35,00 7.876 In 2008 2.121 34,27 7.269 Source: Dept. of Agriculture, Plantation, Forestry, Marine and Fishery KLU, 2012 Sub-district If compared with the condition during the last 4 (four) years, the average of production neither paddy of wetland nor paddy of dry field in North Lombok Regency showed increased, this condition caused by occurrence of natural phenomena of climate change and also happened throughout parts of the world that effect planting patterns of farming, production and productivity of agriculture results include paddy. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 15 The Profile Of Economic Region 2013 TableB-5Broad Harvest, the Average of Production and Paddy Production in 2008-2011 No 1. 2. 3. 4. Broad Harvest The Average of Production (Ha) Production (Kw/Ha) (Ton) In 2008 10.788 48,21 52.009 In 2009 12.221 50,67 59.542 In 2010 12.028 48.17 57.937 In 2011 13.691 58.90 77.956.05 Source: Dept. of Agriculture, Plantation, Forestry, Marine and Fishery KLU, 2012 Year B.2.2. Tourism Development potential of the tourism sector on the Island of Lombok in particular and the West Nusa Tenggara Province at large wide open, especially with Lombok International Airport has been operating as a facilitating access for foreign and domestic tourists to pay a visit to NTB. These opportunities must be seized by North Lombok Regency due to have tourism potential is immense especially natural beauty lies along the coastal areas, small islands up to the mountains. The potential of these natural beauties integrated by the diversity and beauty of the culture is maintained and sustained through local wisdom. Tourism sector has an effect on the growth of various complex other sectors as indicator of progress in tourism sector itself, as well as one of superiors for increased and growth of economic in society because tourism activities include many economic sectors such as trade, hotels, and restaurants, transport, communications and transportation. The natural beauty of North Lombok Regency mainly located in the area of small islands (3 Gili) namely ; Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan. These islands are famous not only for the beauty of the beach but also have a beautiful underwater view that become the main destination of domestic and foreign tourists. In addition to the beached and the maritime tourism, the area of mountain that retreating along the central part of The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 16 The Profile Of Economic Region 2013 territory of North Lombok Regency also become the attraction with natural cool mountain tourism area of Gunung Rinjani National Park that becomes the track of hiking for mountain nature lovers both domestic and foreign. These mountains areas are also added by waterfalls namely; Tiu Pupus Waterfall in Gangga Sub-district, Teja Waterfall in Kayangan Sub-district, Sendang Gila Waterfall and Kelep in Bayan Sub-district. On the other hand cultural tourism with cultural values is maintained up to this point can be found in Senaru Traditional Village and Segenter Ancient Mosque of Bayan Beleq in Bayan Sub-district. More data on the existing tourism destination in North Lombok Regency is presented on following table. TableB-6Tourism Object According to Sub-districtin 2011 No 1 Sub-district Pemenang 2 Tanjung 3 Gangga 4 Kayangan 5 Bayan Total The Name of Tourism Object a. GiliTramena (Trawangan,Menodan Air). b. Goa JepangGiliTrawangan Total 2 locations a. Sire Beach b. TengakPekatan rafting Total 2 locations a. Kerakas Beach b. Selelos c. KertaRaharja Waterfall d. Tiu Pupus Waterfall e. Lempenge Beach Total 5 Lokasi a. Teja Waterfall b. Ancient Mosque of Sesait Total 2 Locations a. Sindang Gila Waterfall b. Kelep Waterfall c. ToreanWatefall d. Ancient Mosque of Bayan Beleq e. Traditional VillageofSenaru f. Traditional VillageofSegenter g. GunungRinjani National Park h. TanjungMenangis Beach i. Golf Course j. Dam Keru Total 10 locations 21 LOCATIONS OF TOURISM OBJECT Type of Tourism Object Nature of beach Nature/historical Nature of beach Special interest Nature of beach Culture Nature of mountains Nature of mountains Nature of beach Nature of mountains Culture Nature of mountains Nature of mountains Nature of mountains Culture Culture Culture Nature of mountains Nature of beach Special interest Artificial culture Meanwhile the availability of accommodation/lodging facilities for tourists during the last two years showed an increased in the type of Budget Hotel/Hotel Melati and the number of star-hotel didn’t change. In 2011 there were 3 Star-Hotel in North Lombok Regency located The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 17 The Profile Of Economic Region 2013 in Tanjung Sub-district ; the number didn’t change from the condition of pervious year. The type of budget hotels rose from 2010, when in 2010 recorded around 166 largest Budget Hotels in 3 Gili (Pemenang Sub-district) of 145 units, Tanjung 5 units, Gangga 2 units, Kayangan 1 units and Bayan 13 units. These budget hotels provide 1.171 rooms and 1.468 beds. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 18 Investment Opportunities C. 2013 THE OPPORTUNITIES OF INVESTMENT C.1. Superior Sectors The potential of Economy physically can be seen from the activityof 9 (nine) sectors that build the economy i.e. agricultural, mining and quarrying, manufacturing industry; electricity, gas water supply; construction; Trade, hotel and restaurant; transportation and communication; Financial, dwelling and business service; services. in 2011, economic activities in North Lombok Regency was dominated by agricultural sector which donated 42,06% contribution toward GDP followed by Trade, hotel and restaurant 18,78%; construction 11,77%; services 10,06%; transportation and communication 6,75%; Financial, Dwelling and Business Service 6,11%; mining and quarrying 2,78%; manufacturing industry 1,40% as well electricity, gas and water supply 0,28%. According to LQ calculation of North Lombok Regency toward West Nusa Tenggara Province, superior sectors are Agricultural, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery (1,89) followed by construction (1,18), Trade, Hotel and Restaurant(1,14) and Services (1,1,10). Those sectors have LQ>1 which is the main requirement to be superior sectors. TableC-1Calculation of GDP According to Business Field on the Basis of Constant Price in North Lombok Regency 2011 Value of GDP (Million Rupiah) NorthLombo West Nusa k Regeny Tenggara Province Economic Sectors 1. Agricultural, Livestock, Forestry&Fishery LQ 44,18 23,34 1,89 2. Mining & Quarrying 2,6 20,84 0,12 3. Manufacturing industry 1,07 5,01 0,21 4. Electricity, Gas &Water supply 0,39 0,4 0,98 5. Construction 9,81 8,34 1,18 6. Trade, Restaurant & Hotel 18,4 16,21 1,14 7. Transportation & communication 6,71 8,37 0,80 8. Financial, Dwelling & Business Service 5,04 5,76 0,88 9. Services 11,8 10,73 1,10 Source:Result of Analysis in 2013 C.2. Economic Growth Rate The rate of average economic growth of North Lombok Regency over the period 2008-2011 reached 4,80 %. Growth rate generally really influenced by key sectors in North Lombok Regency i.e. services sector and construction sector. The growth rate of services sector reached 7,81 % while construction reached 7,56 %. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 19 The Opportunities of Investment 2013 TableC-2GDP Growth Rate on the Basis of Constant Price 2000during 2008-2011 Business Field 1. Agricultural 2. Mining & Quarrying 3. Manufacturing industry 4. Electricity, Gas &Water Supply 5. Construction 6. Trade, Hotel &Restaurant 7. Transportation & communication 8. Financial, Dwelling &Business Service 9. Services GDP 2008 2,08 6,17 5,52 7,24 7,69 5,20 4,57 4,26 9,33 2009 2,93 9,66 3,11 6,01 10,09 5,77 2,86 5,27 8,03 4,39 5,07 Source: Statistical Center Unitof North Lombok Regency, 2012 *) Temporary Number 2010 *) 2,22 4,58 3,37 5,98 6,12 4,55 5,71 3,98 7,23 2011**) 5,03 2,77 5,69 7,96 6,33 6,82 6,10 5,10 6,63 Rata2 3,07 5,80 4,42 6,80 7,56 5,59 4,81 4,65 7,81 4,03 5,71 4,80 C.3. Investment Opportunities C.3.1. Market Opportunities The service sector is the lifeblood of the economy of North Lombok regency which has the largest growth rate (7.81%). The service sector is not only a source of local government revenue, but provide a source of livelihood for the people of North Lombok in particular. North Lombok is an area that became a tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists. At this time in North Lombok harbor being built Carik scheduled for completion in 2014. The existence of these ports will increase the range of economic activities in North Lombok including the tourism sector which has been the mainstay of local government revenue sources. In addition to the Port Carik in Bayan subdistrict, North Lombok has 3 other seaports, namely Kayangan Port which is the entrance of the direction of Sumbawa, Port Ward (entrance gate three Gili Island), Port Medana Medana bay. In North Lombok Ferry transportation are not cheap, safe, and well-well, whereas 3 of this aspect is needed to support economic activity and tourism in the district, especially North Lombok tourism has become a popular and widely in demand both within and outside the country . Therefore, in order to support the activities of tourism and other economic activities, the activities of the increase in ferry transport services to the port of North Lombok needs to be done, namely the procurement Ferry. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 20 The Opportunities of Investment 2013 North Lombok no vessel carrying goods and passengers at the same time adequate, which serves to supply goods (primary and secondary) and transport passengers from the surrounding cities. Procurement of these ships will help the flow of the movement of goods and people to go to North Lombok. See two aspects of the above interests, namely the need for services and goods transport travelers crossing, then the right investment opportunities is an investment procurement Ferry to transport goods as well the tourists who will travel to North Lombok. C.3.2. Location / Crossing Line Crossing line that is served by ferry type Ro-Ro KMP is cruise from Bali (Denpasar) to Lombok Island (North Lombok). C.3.3. Availability of Support Facilities Availability of Support Facilities here is a port and support facilities as well as infra structure of tourism activities. The availability of transportation infra structures, the port that become origin-destination of crossing KMP is Benoa Port in Denpasar and Carik Port in North Lombok. Viewed from eh availability of facilities of accommodation for tourist, the number of budget hotels in North Lombok Regency from year by year showed significant increase whereas star-hotel in 2008-2011 increased from 2 unitsbecame 4 unitswhich was followed by the increase of bedrooms became 116 increased around 60 rooms equipped 148 beds. In 2008-2010 recorded around 354 budget hotels increased around 209 units from 2008 the number was 135 units followed by the number of beds reached 2.740 bedroom equipped by 3.038 beds with hopes of meeting the needs of current visit of tourists. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 21 The Opportunities of Investment 2013 Table C-3 Number of Star-Hotel, Room, Bed According to Sub-district in 2011 No Sub-district Star-Hotel Hotel Room Bed 1 Tanjung 3 81 108 2 Pemenang 1 35 40 3 Gangga 4 Kayangan 5 Bayan TOTAL 4 116 148 Source: Dept. of Transportation and Communication of KLU, 2012 Table C-4 Number of Budget Hotel, Room and Bed According toSub-districtin 2008-2011 No Sub-district Budget Hotel/Tour Cottage Hotel Room Bed 1 Tanjung 8 62 64 2 Pemenang 327 2.581 2.795 3 Gangga 1 3 6 4 Kayangan 5 Bayan 18 94 173 TOTAL 354 2.740 3.038 Source: Dept. of Transportation and Communication of KLU, 2012 C.3.4. Market / Tourists Visit The number of tourists visit in di North Lombok Regency also increased significantly, from 2008-2011 recorded 60.329 foreign and domestic tourists that had visited to North Lombok Regency, this number was increasing every year, only in 2010 the number of visits declined to 7.436 tourists. More information can be seen from the table below. TableC-5the Number of Tourists According to Sub-districtin 2011 No Sub-district Domestic Tourists Foreign Tourists Total 1 Tanjung 3.004 35.615 38.619 2 Pemenang 3.008 18.702 21.710 3 Gangga 4 Kayangan 5 Bayan TOTAL 6.012 54.317 60.329 Source: Dept. of Transportation and Communication of KLU, 2012 C.4. Investment Feasibility In this analysis the results are considered to be accepted by investors or anyone with and interest in the project. This research was conducted at port crossing PT. ASDP (Persero) branch Aceh in Ulee Lheu (Banda Aceh) and port crossing of Lamteng (Sub-district Pulo Aceh). Ship crossing operating in the Ulee Lheu – Lamteng is ferry type Ro-Ro KMP Simeuleu with capacity that can carry 15 vehicles and 240 passengers. Operation of KMP Simeulue to serve crossing route of Ulee Lheu (Banda Aceh) - Lamteng (Pulo Aceh) requires investment The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 22 The Opportunities of Investment 2013 and operational costs. Calculation needs investment and operational costs that must be incurred in PT ASDP as follow: C.4.1.Investment Cost In the perspective of business feasibility financially, investment can be analyzed as the fund that is issued by the entrepreneurs to start a business. Therefore, in the study on the feasibility of transport crossing, then the question is the magnitude of the investment funds issued to start a business, especially in the form of crossing transportation costs incurred for the purchase of the ship. The results showed that fund investors to spend on procurement of KMP is Rp,00 with the productive for 27 years, remains value (residue) of the ship is estimated 10% from initial value. Thus the remains value (residue) form KMP is Rp 1.500.000.000,00. Depreciation per year is done in a straight line, so that the amount of depreciation per year is Rp 500.000.000,00 sought by dividing basic of depreciation with a period of analysis. Basic depreciation obtained from the reduction result between revenue prices (the ship price in the early of period) in one side with remaining value (residue) in the late period in the other side. C.4.2. Operational Cost Operational expenses in the form of a fixed charge incurred relate to operation of KMP to crossing route of Benoa–Carik is Rp 664.106.000,00 per year, not include depreciation of ship. Operational cost in the form of variable cost is Rp 910.201.911,00 per year, and annual docking cost is Rp 370.000.000,00 per year. Total operational cost is Rp 1.944.307.911,00 per year. In accordance with the assumption used in the analysis of feasibility, which operational cost is assumed to rise by 5% in every 5 years starting from 2016. Total cost in certain year period is sum total expenditure in the year include depreciation of transport fleet. As mentioned earlier, depreciation of transport fleet per year isRp 500.000.000,00. C.4.3. Total Estimation of Transport and Acceptance The number of passengers and goods in crossing port of Benoa–Carik should be undergone because the main input data model is the number of passengers and goods. Generally, crossing transport services of Benoa–Cariknot only serves passengers but also vehicle and The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 23 The Opportunities of Investment 2013 goods. Based on the data obtained the number of passengers who used service of KMP crossing line of Benoa–Carikhas increased from time to time. The acceptance of crossing service business of KMP line comes from transport tariffs. Transport tariffs that are mentioned in this research is not calculated from nominal value transportation costs paid by the passenger or pedestrian service users on crossing service they received. It is because the ticket price or fare paid by crossing service users including insurance rates. C.4.4. Investment Feasibility 1. The operational costs incurred by investors in supporting the operation of the KMP in serving crossing routes of Benoa (Denpasar) – Carik (North Lombok) is relatively big, amounting to Rp 1.944.307.911,00 per year. This cost is dominated by fixed cost consists of ABK salary, ABK healthy, ABK food, ABK freshwater, and insurance; and variable cost, consists of fuel to meet main machine and supporter machine, lubricants for main machineandsupporter machine, freshwater for passenger, port cost (when ship is pull over in the port) signs cost and overhead cost/ ship maintain allocation every year. 2. Net present value(NPV)KMP operation in serving crossing route of Benoa (Denpasar) – Carik (North Lombok) shows negative number, amounting to Rp 31.563.398.709,00 (NPV < 0). Thus can be concluded that if seen from economic and financial aspect based on business objective point of view, so that crossing transport business is feasible. 3. Calculation result of gross benefit cost ratio (gross B/C) shows number of 1,096.This number is bigger than 1, can be interpreted that total benefit or revenue that can be earned by investors from KMP operation to serve crossing transport route of Benoa (Denpasar) – Carik (North Lombok) only around 30,96 %from total cost. Thus can be concluded that if seen from economic and financial aspect based on business objective point of view (seeking profit), so that crossing transport business is feasible. 4. Seen from economic importance of public and government of North Lombok Regency in general, the operation of theKMP is very feasible. With the operation of KMP can bring a positive impact on tourism such as increasing number of tourists visit to North Lombok. The Mapping Potential and local Investment Opportunities Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 24
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