CV (abbreviated)

Kenneth J. Ottenbacher, PhD, OTR
School of Health Professions
University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Boulevard
Galveston, TX 77555-1137
(409) 747-1637 Fax 747-1638
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Missoula, Montana
Margaret (wife)
Galveston, TX
B.S. Degree, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana
B.S. Degree, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas
M.S. Degree, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
Ph.D. Degree, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
University of Texas Medical Branch
2001-present Professor & Director, Division of Rehabilitation Sciences
2001-Present Director, Center for Recovery, Physical Activity & Nutrition (formerly Center for Rehabilitation sciences)
2001-present Director, Rehabilitation Sciences PhD Program, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
1998-present Associate Director, Sealy Center on Aging
1998-present Professor, Division of Geriatrics, Department of Internal Medicine (WOS)
1996-present Senior Fellow, Sealy Center on Aging
1996-present Full Member, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research, School of Health Professions
Founding Director, WHO/PAHO Collaborating Center for Aging and Health
Vice Dean, School of Health Professions (formerly School of Allied Health Sciences)
State University of New York at Buffalo
Research Professor (adjunct), Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (WOS)
Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Associate Director, Center for Functional Assessment Research
Director, Graduate Program, Department of Occupational Therapy
Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy
Associate Dean for Research and Academic Affairs, School of Health Related Professions
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Coordinator, Graduate Program in Therapeutic Science
Professor, Program in Occupational Therapy
Associate Professor (with tenure), Program in Occupational Therapy
Assistant Professor, Program in Occupational Therapy, School of Allied Health Professions
International Appointments
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
(Visiting Professor, Research exchange and collaboration)
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(Academic Advisor, Annual visits)
School of Health and Rehabilitation, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
(Visiting Professor, Annual visits)
School of Occupational Therapy, Cumberland College of Health Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia
(Cumberland College Fellowship/Sabbatical, 8 months full-time)
Staff Occupational Therapist, East Tennessee Children's Rehabilitation Center, Knoxville, TN
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Texas State License, Occupational Therapy, License #106377 (1995-present)
National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Certification #AA308247 (1973-present)
New York State License, Occupational Therapy, License #24177 (1990-1997)
The focus of my research is rehabilitation outcomes with an emphasis on the assessment of change in functional status,
disability, frailty and minority health in older adults. My recent research has focused on system outcomes such as hospital
readmission and discharge destination following post-acute care. I maintain an interest in methodological and data
analysis issues related to clinical and population research.
Active Only includes grants as PI or Core / Project Leader.
Readmission and Disability Outcomes Related to Post Acute Care
Principal Investigator
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), U.S. Department of Education
$598,819 (Grant# H133G140127)
Hospital Readmission and Inpatient Medical Rehabilitation
Principal Investigator
National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research at NICHD, National Institutes of Health, Department of
Health & Human Services (DHHS)
$944,141 (Grant# R01-HD069443)
Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Research Training Program (Postdoctoral)
Principal Investigator
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, U.S. Department of Education
$749,995 (Grant# H133P110012)
Center for Rehabilitation Research using Large Datasets
Principal Investigator
National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research at NICHD, National Institutes of Health, DHHS
$4,023,790 (Grant# R24-HD065702)
Rehabilitation Research Career Development Program
Principal Investigator
National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research at NICHD, National Institutes of Health, DHHS
$9,166,889 (Grant# K12-HD055929)
Patient Centered Outcomes Research in the Elderly
Co-PI and Core Leader, Research Education and Training. (PI: J. Goodwin)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, DHHS
$4,936,875 (Grant# R24-HS022134)
UTMB Claude Pepper Older Americans Independence Center
Leader, Research & Career Development Core and KL2 Program. (PI: E. Volpi)
National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, DHHS
$1,243,757 (KL2 total current cycle). Total grant award $12.3 million all years (Grant# P30-AG024832)
2005-2020 (J. Goodwin PI 2005-10)
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Ottenbacher, K., & Janell, S. (1993). The results of clinical trials in stroke rehabilitation research. Archives of Neurology,
50, 37-44.
Stineman, M.G., Shea, J. A., Jette, A., Tassoni, C.J., Ottenbacher, K.J., Fiedler, R.C., Granger, C.V. (1996). The
Functional Independence Measure: Tests of scaling assumptions, structure, and reliability across 20 diverse
impairment categories. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 77, 1101-1108.
Ottenbacher, K. (1996). The power of replications and replications of power. The American Statistician, 50, 271-275.
Ottenbacher, K., Hsu, Y., Granger, C.V., Fiedler, R.C. (1996). The reliability of the Functional Independence Measure
(FIM): A quantitative review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 77, 1226-1232.
Ottenbacher, K.J. (1998). A quantitative evaluation of multiplicity in epidemiology and public health research. American
Journal of Epidemiology, 147, 615-619.
Mann, W.C., Ottenbacher, K.J., Fraas, L., Tomita, M., Granger, C.V. (1999). Effectiveness of assistive technology and
environmental interventions in mainstreaming independence and reducing home care costs for frail elderly: A
randomized trial. Archives of Family Medicine, 8, 210-217.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Smith, P., Illig, I., Fiedler, R., Granger, C.V. (2000). Length of stay and hospital readmission for
persons with disabilities. American Journal of Public Health, 90, 1920-23.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Smith, P., Illig, S., Linn, R., Granger, C.V. (2001). Comparison of logistic regression and neural
networks to predict rehospitalization in patients with stroke. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 54, 1159-1165.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Smith, P., Illig, S., Gonzales, V., Fiedler, R. Granger, C.V. (2001). Characteristics of persons
rehospitalized following stroke rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 82, 1367-1374.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Smith, P., Illig, S., Fiedler, R., Gonzales, V.A., Granger, C.V. (2002). Prediction of follow-up living
setting in patients with lower limb joint replacement. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 81,
Ostir, G.V., Goodwin, J.S., Markides. K.S., Ottenbacher, K.J., Balfour, J., Guralnik, J.M. (2002). Differential effects of premorbid physical and emotional health on recovery from acute illness. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 50,
Ottenbacher, K.J., Branch L.G., Ray, L.R., Gonzales, V.A., Peek, M.K., Hinman, M.R. (2002). The reliability of upper and
lower extremity strength testing in a community survey of older adults. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 83, 1423-1427.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Ostir, G.V., Peek, M.K., Goodwin, J.S., Markides, K.S. (2002). Diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for hip
fracture in Mexican American Older Adults. Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,
57A(10), M648-653.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Smith, P., Illig, S., Peek, M.K., Fielder, R.C., Granger, C.V. (2003). Hospital readmission of persons
with hip fracture following medical rehabilitation. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 36, 15-22.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Smith, P., Illig, S., Linn, R.T., Ostir, G.V., Gonzales, V.A., Granger, C.V. (2003). Disparity in health
services and outcomes for persons with hip fracture and lower extremity joint replacement. Medical Care, 41, 232241.
Peek, M. K., Ottenbacher, K.J, Markides, K.S., & Ostir, G.V. (2003). Examining the disablement process among Mexican
American older adults. Social Science and Medicine, 57(3), 413-425.
Otiniano, M.E., Ottenbacher, K.J., Markides, K.S., Ray, L.A., Du, X.L. (2003). Self-reported heart attack in Mexican
American elders: Examination of incidence, prevalence, and 7-year mortality. Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society, 51, 923-929.
Ostir, G.V., Raji, M.J., Ottenbacher, K.J., Markides, K.S., Goodwin, J.S. (2003). Cognitive function and incidence of
stroke in older Mexican Americans. Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 58A(6), 531535.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Ostir, G.V., Peek, M.K., Markides, K.S. (2004). Diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for stroke incidence
and mortality in Mexican American Older Adults. Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,
59A(6), M640-645.
K. Ottenbacher - CV
Peek, M.K., Ray, L., Patel, K., Stoebner-May, D., Ottenbacher, K. (2004). Health-related quality of life among older
Mexican Americans. The Gerontologist, 44, 418-425.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Linn, R., Smith, P., Illig, S., Mancuso, M., Granger, C.V. (2004). Comparison of logistic regression and
neural network analysis applied to predicting living setting after hip fracture. Annals of Epidemiology, 14(8), 551-559.
Heyn, P., Abreu, B.C., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2004). The effects of exercise on the elderly with cognitive impairment and
dementia: A meta-analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85, 1694-1704.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Smith, P.M., Illig, S.B., Linn, R.T., Ostir, G.V., Granger, C.V. (2004). Trends in length of stay, living
setting, functional outcome and mortality following medical rehabilitation. JAMA, 292,1687-1695.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Ottenbacher, H., Tooth, L., Ostir, G.V. (2004). Assumptions for multivariable logistic regression are
infrequently reported in epidemiological research. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 57, 1147-1152.
Peek, M.K., Patel, K., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2005). Expanding the disablement process model among older Mexican
Americans. Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 60A(3), M334-339.
Al Snih, S., Raji, M.A., Peek, M.K., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2005). Pain, lower extremity muscle strength and physical function
among older Mexican Americans. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 86, 1394-1400.
Raji, M.A., Kuo, Y.F., Al Snih, S., Markides, K.S., Peek, M.K., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2005). Cognitive status, muscle strength
and subsequent disability in older Mexican Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 53(9), 1462-1468.
Deutsch, A., Granger, C.V., Fiedler, R.C., DeJong, G., Kane, R.L., Ottenbacher, K.J., Heinemann, A.W., Naughton, J.P.,
Trevisan, M. (2005). Outcomes and reimbursement of inpatient rehabilitation facilities and subacute rehabilitation
programs for Medicare beneficiaries with hip fracture. Medical Care, 43(9), 892-901.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Ostir, G.V., Peek, M.K., Al Snih, S., Raji, M.A., Markides, K.S. (2005) Frailty in older Mexican
Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 53(9), 1524-1531.
Ostir, G.V., Smith, P.M., Smith, D., Berges, I.M., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2005). The influence of perceived pain on satisfaction
with community participation after hospital discharge. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 86(11),
Deutsch, A., Granger, C.V., Heinemann, A.W., Fiedler, R.C., DeJong, G., Kane, R.L., Ottenbacher, K.J., Naughton, J.P.,
Trevisan, M. (2006). Poststroke rehabilitation: Outcomes and reimbursement of inpatient rehabilitation facilities and
subacute rehabilitation programs. Stroke. 37(6), 1477-1482.
Ostir, G.V., Granger, C.V., Black, T., Roberts, P., Burgos, L., Martinkewiz, P., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2006). Preliminary
results for the PAR-PRO: A measure of home and community participation. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation. 87(8), 1043-1051.
Alfaro-Acha, A., Ostir, G.V., Markides, K.S., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2006). Cognitive status, body mass index and hip fracture
in Hispanic older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 54, 1251-1255.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Ottenbacher, M.E., Ottenbacher, A.J., Alfaro-Acha, A., Ostir, G.V. (2006). Androgen treatment and
muscle strength in elderly males: A meta-analysis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 54, 1666-1673.
Goodwin, J.S., Nguyen-Oghalai, T., Kuo, Y.F., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2007). Epidemiology of Medicare Abuse: The
Example of Power Wheelchairs. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 55, 221-226.
Alfaro-Acha, A., Al Snih, S., Raji, M.A., Markides, K.S., Ottenbacher K.J. (2007). Does 8-foot walk time predict cognitive
decline in older Mexican Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 55, 245-251.
Al Snih, S., Markides, K.S., Kuo, Y.F., Ottenbacher, K.J., Goodwin, J.S. (2007). The effect of obesity on disability
vs. mortality in older Americans. Archives of Internal Medicine, 167(8), 774-780.
Ostir, G.V., Kuo, Y.F., Berges, I.M., Markides, K.S., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2007). Measures of lower body functions and risk
of mortality over 7-years of follow-up. American Journal of Epidemiology, 166(5), 599-605.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Graham, J.E. (2007). The state of the science: Access to post-acute care rehabilitation services.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88, 1513-1521.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Campbell, J., Kuo, Y.F., Ostir, G.V., Deutsch, A., Granger, C.V. (2008). Racial and ethnic differences in
post-acute rehabilitation outcomes following stroke in the U.S. Stroke, 39, 1514-1519.
Chang, P-F., Ostir, G.V., Kuo, Y-F., Granger, C.V., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2008). Ethnic differences in discharge destination
among older patients with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 231-236.
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Nguyen-Oghalai, T.U., Kuo, Y.F., Zhang, D.D., Graham, J.E., Goodwin, J.S., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2008). Discharge setting
for patients with hip fracture: Trends from 2001 to 2005. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 56, 1063-1068.
Graham, J.E., Ostir, G.V., Kuo, Y.F., Fisher, S.R., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2008). Review of the relationship between test
methodology and mean velocity in timed walk tests. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 865-872.
Graham, J.E., Ostir, G.V., Fisher, S.R., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2008). Assessing walking speed in clinical research: A
systematic review. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 14, 552-562.
Ostir, G.V. Berges, I.M., Ottenbacher, M.E., Clow, A., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2008). Associations between positive emotion
and recovery of functional status following stroke. Psychosomatic Medicine, 70, 404-409.
Graham, J.E., Chang, P.J., Berges, I.M., Granger, C.V., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2008). Race/ethnicity and outcomes following
inpatient rehabilitation for hip fracture. Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 63A, 860866.
Samper-Ternent, R., Al Snih, S., Raji, M.A., Markides, K.S., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2008). Relationship between frailty and
cognitive decline in older Mexican Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 56, 1845-1852.
Nguyen-Oghalai TU, Wu H, McNearney TA, Granger CV, Ottenbacher KJ. (2008). Functional outcome after stroke in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis and Rheumatism 59(7), 984-988.
Nguyen-Oghalai, T.U, Ottenbacher, K.J., Kuo, Y-F., Wu, H., Grecula, M., Eschbach, K., Goodwin, J.S. (2009). Minorities
and Outpatient Rehabilitative Care after Hip Fracture Hospitalization. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 90(4), 560-563.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Graham, J.E., Al Snih, S., Raji, M.A., Mukaila, R., Samper-Ternent, R., Ostir, G.V., Markides, K.S.
(2009). Mexican Americans and frailty: findings from the Hispanic Established Populations Epidemiologic Study of
the Elderly. American Journal of Public Health, 99(4), 673-678.
Weaver, G.D., Kuo, Y.F., Raji, M.A., Al Snih, S., Ray, L., Torres, E., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2009). Pain and disability in
Mexican American older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57(6), 992-999.
Graham, J.E., Ripsin, C.M., Deutsch, A., Kuo, Y.F., Markello, S., Granger, C.V., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2009). Relationship
between diabetes codes that affect Medicare reimbursement (tier comorbidities) and outcomes in stroke
rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90(7), 1110-1116.
Granger, C.V., Markello, S., Graham, J.E., Deutsch, A., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2009). The Uniform Data System for Medical
Rehabilitation report of patients with stroke discharged from comprehensive medical programs in 2000 through 2007.
American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88(12), 961-972.
Graham J.E., Al Snih S., Ray L.A., Markides K.S., Ottenbacher K.J. (2009). Frailty and 10-year mortality risk in older
Mexican Americans. Gerontology, 55(6), 644-651.
Fisher, S.R., Ottenbacher, K.J., Goodwin, J.S., Ostir, G.V. (2009). Chair rise ability and length of stay in hospitalized older
adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57(10), 1938-1940.
Al Snih, S., Graham, J.E., Kuo, Y.F., Goodwin, J.S., Markides, K.S., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2010). Obesity and Disability:
Relationship among older adults living in Latin America, the Caribbean. American Journal of Epidemiology, 171(12):
Fisher S, Kuo YF, Graham JE, Ottenbacher KJ, Ostir GV. (2010). Early ambulation and length of stay in older adults
hospitalized for acute illness. Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(22), 1942-1943.
Granger, C.V., Markello, S.J., Graham, J.E., Deutsch, A., Reistetter, T.A., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2010). The Uniform Data
System for Medical Rehabilitation: Report of patients with lower limb joint replacement discharged from rehabilitation
programs in 2000-2007. American Journal of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation, 89, 781-794.
Masel, M.C., Ostir, G.V., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2010). Frailty, mortality, and health related quality of life in older Mexican
Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58(11), 2149-2153.
Raji, M.A., Al Snih, S., Ostir, G.V., Markides, K.S., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2010). Cognitive status and future risk of frailty in
older Mexican Americans, Journals of Gerontology: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences, 65(11), 1228-1234.
Fisher, S.R, Ottenbacher, K.J., Goodwin, J.S., Graham, J.E., Ostir, G.V. (2011). Ambulatory activity of older adults
hospitalized with acute medical illness. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 59, 91-95.
Granger, C.V., Reistetter, T.A., Graham, J.E., Deutsch, A., Markello, S.J., Niewczykj, P., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2011). The
Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation: Report of patients with hip fracture discharged from rehabilitation
K. Ottenbacher - CV
programs in 2000-2007. American Journal of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation, 90(3), 177-189.
Ostir, G.V., Berges, I-M., Ottenbacher, A., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2011). Patterns of change in depression post-stroke. Journal
of the American Geriatrics Society, 59(2), 314-320.
Reistetter, T.A., Graham, J.E., Deutsch, A., Markello, S., Granger, C.V., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2011). Diabetes comorbidity
and age influence length of stay and outcomes after hip fracture. Diabetes Care, 34(6), 1375-1377.
Fisher, S.R., Kuo, Y.F., Graham, J.E., Galloway, R., Ottenbacher, K.J., Ostir, G.V., Brown, C.J. (2012). Factors that
differentiate level of ambulation in hospitalized older adults. Age & Ageing, 41, 107-111.
Snih, S.A., Peek, K.M., Sawyer, P., Markides, K.S., Allman, R.M., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2012). Life-Space Mobility in
Mexican Americans aged 75 and older. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 60(3), 532-537.
Samper-Ternent, R., Al Snih, S., Kuo, Y.F., Ray, L.A., Ottenbacher, K.J., Markides, K.S. (2012). Prevalence of health
conditions and predictors of mortality in oldest old Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites. Journal of the
American Medical Directors Association, 13(3), 254-259.
Ostir, G.V., Goodwin, J.S., Berges, I.M., Ottenbacher, K.J., Guralnik, J.M. (2012). Assessing gait speed in acutely ill older
patients admitted to an Acute Care for Elders hospital unit. Archives of Internal Medicine, 172, 335-339.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Graham, J.E., Ottenbacher, A.J., Lee, J., Al Snih, S., Karmarkar, A., Reistetter, T.A., Ostir, G.V. (2012).
Hospital readmission in persons with stroke following post-acute rehabilitation. Journals of Gerontology: Biomedical
Sciences and Medical Sciences 67, 875-881.
Ottenbacher, A.J., A l Snih, MD, S., Karmarkar, A., Lee, J., Samper-Ternent, R., Kumar, A., Bindawas, S., Markides, K.,
Ottenbacher, K.J. (2012). Routine physical activity and mortality among Mexican Americans aged 75 years and
older. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60, 1085-1091.
Graham, J.E., Deutsch, A., O'Connell, A.A., Karmarkar, A.M., Granger, C.V., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2013). Inpatient
rehabilitation volume and functional outcomes in stroke, lower extremity fracture, and lower extremity joint
replacement. Medical Care, 51(5), 404-412.
Fisher, S.R. Kuo, Y.F., Sharma, G., Raji, M., Kumar, A., Goodwin, J.S., Ostir, G.V., Ottenbacher, K.J. (2013). Mobility
after hospital discharge as a marker for 30-day readmission. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences
and Medical Sciences, 68 (7):805-810.
Ottenbacher, A.J., Al Snih, S., Bindawas, S., Markides, K.S., Graham, J.E., Samper-Ternent, R., Raji, M.A., Ottenbacher,
K.J. (2014) The role of physical activity in reducing cognitive decline in Mexican American older adults. Journal of the
American Geriatrics Society, 62:1786-91.
Ottenbacher, K.J., Karmarkar, A., Graham, J.E., Kuo, Y.F., Deutsch A., Reistetter, T., Granger, C.V. (2014). Thirty-day
hospital readmission following discharge from post-acute rehabilitation in fee-for-service Medicare patients. JAMA,
311(6), 604-614.
Program Development
I have participated in the development of three graduate programs over the past 30 years. I led the formation of a
Masters of Science (M.S.) in Therapeutic Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the mid-1980s. The degree
received final approval in 1987. I worked with Dr. William Mann at the State University of New York at Buffalo in the early
1990’s to develop a PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences. I left the University at Buffalo in 1995 and Dr. Mann led the final
approval of the program and was the inaugural director. In collaboration with faculty in departments and schools at UTMB,
I led the development of an interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Sciences PhD Program. I have served as the director of the
program since 2001. Planning and establishing these programs involved creating curriculum, building the research
infrastructure, recruiting faculty, and guiding the programs through the approval process at several levels.
The interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Sciences PhD program at UTMB has enrolled 37 students since 2001 and graduated
24. Information regarding the faculty, students and curriculum is available at:
The PhD program was ranked 8th in the nation in faculty productivity among 376 exercise science, kinesiology and
rehabilitation science graduate programs in 2007 by Academic Analytics, Inc., see Chronicle of Higher Education.
Supervision and Mentoring
 Supervisor for 39 masters degree (M.S.) thesis students and 3 masters of public health (MPH) capstone students.
The majority (>90%) of these students graduated before 2000.
K. Ottenbacher - CV
 Major advisor for 11 PhD students. Served as a member of the dissertation committee (including external reader) for
17 students.
 Mentor for 12 postdoctoral fellows. All postdoctoral fellows supported by external funding (research or training grants)
for which I was the PI.
 Primary or co-mentor for 8 K-award Scholars since 2000. Six K-award scholars have obtained federal external funding
as PI.
Section Editor, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2008-present)
Statistical Consultant, American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (1994-present)
Associate Editor, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (2007-2012)
Research Series Editor, American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Co-editor: J. Whyte (2000)
Editor, The Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (1987-1991)
Assistant Editor, Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics (1984-1986)
Editorial Review Boards
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (2005-2012)
American Journal of Occupational Therapy (1998-2001; 1982-1985)
Journal of Early Intervention (1994-1999)
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal (1992-1999)
American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (1991-present)
Clinical Kinesiology (1990-2000)
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (1987-1999)
Cognitive Rehabilitation (1986-1989)
The Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (1983-1985)
Manuscript Reviewer (Selected last 5 years):
Age and Aging
BMC Public Health
American Journal of Epidemiology
Clinical Nutrition
American Journal of Occupational
Clinical Rehabilitation
Health Affairs
American Journal of Physical Medicine
Journal of Aging and Health
& Rehabilitation
Journal of the American Geriatrics
Annals of Epidemiology
Archives of Internal Medicine
Journal of the American Medical
Archives of Physical Medicine &
Association (JAMA)
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Journal of Gerontology: Medical &
Social Sciences
Journal of Neurology
Journal of Nutrition, Health and
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
The Lancet
Medical Care
New England Journal of Medicine
Google Scholar profile:
Total publications
Citations per year
From: Google Scholar (accessed 3-26-15)
NOTE: Google Scholar includes all types of publications
Web of Science: Subscriber service scientific database (accessed March 26, 2015)
Total articles
K. Ottenbacher - CV
Published Items per Year (last 10
Citations per Year (last 10 yrs)
SciVal Profile:
Total publications
From: UTMB SciVal profile (accessed 3-26-15)
NOTE: SciVal includes refereed journal publications from SCOPUS.
ResearchGATE Profile:
Total publications
Publication Views
RG Score
45.71 (score is higher than 97.5% of ResearchGate members' – click 45.71 on link)
From: ResearchGATE (accessed 3-27-15)
NOTE: Full CV Available upon request