Logo Guide - Relay For Life Bermuda

Relay For Life of Bermuda
Branding Guidelines
Proper usage of Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.®
Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.®
Purple PMS #2607
Blue PMS #286
Red PMS #200
Always use the Calibri typeface for the Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back. (CRFB) text.
Always capitalize the first letter in each word and include the periods after each phrase.
Relay For Life logo guidelines
Relay For Life watermark guidelines
Approved RFL Bermuda logo
Can be used as watermark on collateral matieral such as
brochures and handouts.
Logo and Branding
Relay For Life of Bermuda Colour Palette
Official event name: Relay For Life of Bermuda
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s name and logo can be
provided for your use, on the condition that all promotional
materials are provided to their Relay For Life Manager for
approval prior to use.
ACS red - PMS 200
C=0, M=100, Y=65, K=15
R=196, G=30, B=58
This step will help ensure our logo is always represented in a
way that is consistent, as well as ensuring that we have full
awareness of the many ways in which our Relay For Life
participants are fundraising for Bermuda Cancer and Health
Current standards for logo use are as follows:
 Logos are not to be adjusted in anyway (size, colour or
black and white)
 Logos should appear at the top of your artwork
 Include Relay For Life Bermuda logo on all material
 If you use other logos on material for publication i.e. a
sponsor, it must appear smaller than Relay For Life
Bermuda logo.
All written correspondence should also include the full names
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre and Relay For Life
Bermuda and these should not be abbreviated (e.g. BCHC or
ACS blue - PMS 286
C=100, M=60, Y=0, K=0
R=0, G=56, B=168
ACS RFL purple - PMS 2607
C=87, M=100, Y=0, K=9
R=43, G=0, B=113
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre - purple PMS #2567
C=29, M=36, Y=0, K=0
R=181, G=163, B=255
Brand type face is Calibri – should be used as the default font
for all documentation.
To be listed as: www.bermudaRELAY.com
For help & guidance please email dnarraway@chc.bm
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is a registered Charity #070, and an International Charitable Fund 501c (3) designated organization.
T 441-236-1001
E eventchair@relayforlife-bermuda.org