Event Information/ What to bring

Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.®
The Event and What to Bring to Relay
Requirements to operate a bake sale / sell food
There is a restricted food license at North Field therefore
there are some limitations to what can be sold. The following
notes are given as guidelines to good practice:
The Event
Check-In and Registration
TEAMS - Teams will be able to check-in at either the Frog
Lane or Roberts Ave entrances beginning at 11:00 am on
Friday, May 29th. If you have not received them already, at
check-in each team member will be provided with an Event
Programme and relay bracelet once they have checked in.
Please encourage your team to arrive at North Field well
before 6:30pm pm so we will all be ready to experience the
opening ceremony.
UNLOADING – please note that while vehicles are allowed to
come onto the track to unload team items, they NOT
permitted to drive on the grass.
SURVIVORS - Survivors are asked to check-in at the Survivor
table which will be located at our Information Centre. You will
receive your Survivor and Caregiver sash here.
Entertainment – A showcase of local talent keeps
everyone entertained during the day and motivates teams
well into the night.
Food and Beverage – You are welcome to bring your own
food and drinks (no glass) or partake of purchased on-site
meals. A menu is available on our website for your perusal.
Dinner - May 29th starting 5:30pm - A catered dinner with a
variety of foods will be available in the MAIN TENT.
Breakfast – May 30th starting at 6:00am a variety of hot and
cold breakfast foods will be available in the MAIN TENT.
Lunch – May 30st from 11:30am - A catered lunch will be
available in the MAIN TENT.
Also remember – Many teams will have baked goods for sale
and various food items will be available from our sponsors.
We also recommend that you have various food and drink
items in your cooler!
Drinks – Available from our sponsors at various times during
the event and for purchase at the food tent for $2.
1. Alcohol cannot be sold at the event
2. The sale of certain prepared foods, such as cream cakes,
custards, meat, fish, poultry, salads, and pies, is not
3. All foodstuffs on display are to be protected against
contamination by customers, dust, dirt or insects.
4. This will require all goods to be displayed under glass, in a
closed showcase, or be suitably wrapped and protected.
5. Food contact surfaces – the tables or counter shall be
either painted with a hard gloss washable paint, covered
with a plastic laminate e.g. Formica or washable contact
paper or a clean table cloth.
6. Do not store undisplayed goods on the ground or floor
(Keep goods at least 2’ 6” high).
7. All food stalls or sales areas must be separated from other
stalls selling second-hand cloths and similar non-food items.
8. Placing hot loaves or cakes in plastic bags or leaving plastic
wrapped goods in the sun will cause moisture formation in
the bag with consequent spoiling of the item and is to be
9. Do not use aerosol insecticides around food on display.
10. Please keep hands clean at all times.
BBQ’s - unfortunately, we have determined that we will not
be able to accommodate bar-b-que’s at our inaugural event!
Remember – teams may bring in their own items of food and
drink for their personal team’s use and the above restrictions
will not apply.
Lap Counting – Although Relay For Life is not a race, many
teams like to challenge themselves and record the number of
laps completed by a team or individual.
For those that will be keeping track – once around the North
Field track is 1/3 mile and will take about 15 – 20 minutes to
walk at an average pace.
Lighting – will be “ON” at North Field throughout the
evening (apart for a brief period when the lamps are dimmed
for the Luminaria Ceremony). Camp sites will not require
individual lighting.
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is a registered Charity #070, and an International Charitable Fund 501c (3) designated organization.
T 441-236-1001
E relayforlife@chc.bm
46 Point Finger Rd., Paget DV 04
Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.®
Luminaria Tributes – For a $20 min. donation, you can
inscribe your own personal message on a candle tribute bag
to honour and support someone living with cancer or in
memory of loved ones lost. Located at the PWC Luminaria
tent will be where individuals may dedicate and decorate a
Luminaria for this special remembrance ceremony which will
begin just after dusk. Luminaria can be bought AND
decorated here.
Parking – There’s limited parking at North Field (Roberts
Avenue Car Park) which will be reserved for registered
survivors, volunteers and committee members. Alternative
parking will be available at the Arboretum and parking may
also be available at Police Headquarters (TBD). There will be a
drop-off / drive-through at the Frog Lane Entrance and also
the North Field Roberts Avenue entrance. Teams are
encouraged to car pool and drop team members at the drivethrough before parking their vehicle at an alternative
location. The number 9 Bus Service can also be used to access
the North Field.
There will be some assistance in transporting people from the
Arboretum to North Field during specific hours and special
lighting will be provided at the Arboretum.
There will be a few parking spaces reserved for disabled
participants at the Robert’s Avenue Car Park. Cars must have
the official “Disabled Driver” card to access this area.
Participants are advised not to leave any valuables
unattended. Please bank all money prior to the event. There
will be security personnel throughout the Relay event and
team fundraising money will be collected by the Relay
accounting team at specified times during the 24 hrs.
Set-Up – Each TEAM is provided with a 15’ track facing
front site around the track at North Field. Teams should come
a few hours early to get their camp site set up in advance of
the Opening Ceremony. We all want to be ready at 6:30pm
for the Opening Ceremony and the celebration of Survivors
and Caregivers!
Teams will be able to drop off their team supplies (tents,
coolers, decorations) at either the East entrance (Frog Lane)
or West entrance (Roberts Avenue) beginning at 11:00am on
Friday, May 29th. Don’t Forget – there is a prize for best Team
Tent decorations and best Team Costumes – so don’t forget
your decorations!
Site Management – Please note that PETS are not
allowed at North Field. Should any team member have a
service dog please let us know so we may make
arrangements for you.
No Glass is allowed on the site – please bring your beverages
in plastic containers or purchase cans instead of bottles.
Washrooms and port-a-potties will be available on both sides
of the track.
There will be a MAIN TENT on the eastern side of the field
where the catered food and drink will be available.
Prizes – A number of prizes are awarded for outstanding
fundraising efforts and for getting into the spirit of Relay For
Life. Some events have spot prizes where anybody in
attendance might win a prize.
Team Packages – Team Captains are asked to pick up
The Purple Couch – A tradition at many Relay events is
1. A t-shirt for each team member who has raised a minimum
of $100 by May 15th, 2015
2. Survivor kit – if you have registered a survivor on your
team we will include your parking voucher and wrist band –
you will receive your sash at the field on the day of.
3. Relay event information with the event programme.
the Purple Couch – so we will have one too! During various
times throughout the event individuals, survivors and teams
may come, sit on the couch and tell us their story about why
they Relay, who they are relaying for and, perhaps tell us
what the Relay experience has meant for them.
Security – Whilst most Relay For Life events have
personnel or volunteers looking after security, participants
are responsible for the safety of their own belongings.
their team kits at Bank Night on May 20th at 6:00pm at BHS.
The team package will include:
T-shirts will still be available after May 15th and arrangements
for pickup can be made once the Team Members’ fundraising
goals are achieved.
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is a registered Charity #070, and an International Charitable Fund 501c (3) designated organization.
T 441-236-1001
E relayforlife@chc.bm
46 Point Finger Rd., Paget DV 04
Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.®
Relay is for young and old – Relay For Life is open to all
Team Themes – Teams are encouraged to develop a
team theme, team banner and to decorate their campsite.
We recommend appointing a ‘Theme Master’ for each team.
This team member is in charge of choosing a theme, ensuring
all team members are in costume and the general theme of
the campsite.
Tents – Both Pop-up (i.e. for fundraising and team
activities) and traditional sleeping tents are permitted. Your
pop-up tent can be set-up around the inner perimeter of the
track, close to the walkers, and sleeping tents can be set up
closer to center of the field. Please note that tent stakes
cannot be longer than 8 inches otherwise we may damage
the fabric layer and irrigation pipes on the field – so please be
Trash – We are asking each team to be responsible for
their trash. Please bring garbage and recycle bags as part of
your supplies and keep your areas trash free. There will be
plenty of garbage and recycle drop off areas throughout the
Please crush plastic bottles before you throw them away to
reduce the amount of waste. If you do see any Trash on the
field – please help us, by disposing of it in the nearest Trash
Weather Plan – In the event of a major weather issue,
such as a hurricane, the Relay event will be cancelled. If we
experience rain, thunder and lightning we may all need to
take temporary cover in the main tent until the storm passes.
If it’s just rain we will continue our Relay around the track –
so don’t forget to bring some wet weather gear if the
weather forecast looks a bit wet!
Other Information
Activities & Entertainment – there is a full schedule of
24 hours of fun, entertainment and activities. An event
schedule will be included in the Event Programme.
ages. Strollers can be pushed around the track, and
wheelchairs are welcome. All youth teams (teams made up of
people under the age of 18 years) must have parent/
guardian approval to register. Anyone under the age of 18
years must be supervised by an adult at all times during the
Take Care – Make sure you are healthy enough to walk or
run in the Relay and please don’t overdo it. Bermuda Cancer
and Health Centre strongly recommends against participants
running or walking for the entire Relay period.
Please see your doctor if you have any health concerns
regarding your participation. It is recommended that you
take regular breaks and be aware of early warning signs of
dehydration such as tiredness, muscle weakness, dizziness or
First Aid is available at RELAY so please seek assistance if you
experience pain or discomfort at any time during the event.
What to Bring
Walking shoes or runners
Relay For Life shirt/other Relay apparel
Tent(s) for your campsite
Folding chairs/tables
Pillow and sleeping bag(s) if you’re going to try to
Supplies for your team’s on-site fundraiser
Campsite decorations and costumes…have fun! You
could win best Camp Site or Best Dressed!
Team Track Schedule
Money for on-site fundraisers
Extra clothing in preparation for weather
(poncho/rain coat, extra shoes & socks, t-shirt,
shorts, flip –flops)
Hat, sunglasses and sunscreen
Sun protective clothing
Wet weather gear (just in case)
Esky, cutlery, cups, food and drink (no glass)
Games, cards, a battery powered radio
Wagon or dolly (helpful for hauling supplies to and
from campsite)
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is a registered Charity #070, and an International Charitable Fund 501c (3) designated organization.
T 441-236-1001
E relayforlife@chc.bm
46 Point Finger Rd., Paget DV 04