Staying Healthy - Teacher’s Guide (Human Biology) The Program in Human Biology, Stanford Uni- versity, (HumBio) CK12 Editor Say Thanks to the Authors Click (No sign in required) To access a customizable version of this book, as well as other interactive content, visit CK-12 Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce the cost of textbook materials for the K-12 market both in the U.S. and worldwide. Using an open-content, web-based collaborative model termed the FlexBook®, CK-12 intends to pioneer the generation and distribution of high-quality educational content that will serve both as core text as well as provide an adaptive environment for learning, powered through the FlexBook Platform®. 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Staying Healthy - Teacher’s Guide (Human Biology) C HAPTER 1 Staying Healthy - Teacher’s Guide (Human Biology) C HAPTER O UTLINE 1.1 Planning 1.2 Using Staying Healthy [Pleaseinsertintopreamble] Student Edition (Human Biology) 1.3 Activities and Answer Keys 1 1.1. Planning 1.1 Planning Key Ideas • Diet and nutrition play important roles in maintaining good health. • Staying healthy requires regular exercise and adequate rest. Overview The focus of this last section is staying healthy. In addition to good nutrition and a balanced diet, students learn that staying healthy requires regular exercise and adequate rest. Objective Students: X identify lifestyle factors that influence good health. Vocabulary stress Student Materials Activity 6-1: You Are the Food Expert • Activity Report • Food Nutrient Chart, p. 60 of the Student Edition (Or use Resource 2: Food Nutrient Chart in Activity 1-1: Are You What You Eat?) • Resource: Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) • Fast food nutrition information • Fast food menus 2 Chapter 1. Staying Healthy - Teacher’s Guide (Human Biology) Teacher Materials Activity 6-1: You Are the Food Expert • Activity Report Answer Key • Food Nutrient Chart, p. 60 of the Student Edition (Or use Resource 2: Food Nutrient Chart in Activity 1-1 : Are You What You Eat?) • Fast food nutrition information • Fast food menus Advance Preparation See Activity 6-1 in the Student Edition Activity 6-1: You Are the Food Expert • Collect fast food menus and nutritional information from various fast food restaurants. Interdisciplinary Connections Math Review computational skills needed in this section. 3 1.2. Using Staying Healthy – Student Edition (Human Biology) 1.2 Using Staying Healthy – Student Edition (Human Biology) Assign Mini Activity: Your Target Heart-Rate Zone. Discuss results of Mini Activity: How Much Sleep Do You Need? Assign Mini Activity: Sources of Stress. Assign Activity 6-1: You Are the Food Expert. Draw students’ attention to the key ideas using means such as posters and overhead transparencies. Select appropriate Projects to complete if time permits. Use the Apply Your Knowledge and Review Questions in reviewing the section. Is a taste for particular foods something you are born with or something you acquire from your family and culture? What Do You Think? Your Target Heart-Rate Zone Students calculate their target heart-rate zone. How Much Sleep Do You Need? For two weeks students keep track of how much sleep they get and note their physical and energy levels for each day. They then check to see if there is a correlation between amount of sleep and energy level. Sources of Stress Students make a list of things that cause them stress and how they handle stress. They analyze their lists to suggest ways to reduce their stress. Using your knowledge of the digestive system, think of a slogan that promotes keeping your digestive system healthy. 4 Chapter 1. Staying Healthy - Teacher’s Guide (Human Biology) 1.3 Activities and Answer Keys Activity 6-1: You Are the Food Expert PLAN Summary Students examine the nutrients in fast food and create a healthy meal. Objectives Students: X determine the nutrient levels of fast foods. X determine whether fast foods meet the RDA guidelines. Student Materials • Activity Report • Food Nutrient Chart, p. 60 of the Student Edition (Or use Resource 2: Food Nutrient Chart in Activity 1-1: Are You What You Eat?) • Resource: Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) • Fast food nutrition information • Fast food menus Teacher Materials • Activity Report Answer Key • Food Nutrient Chart, p. 60 of the Student Edition (Or use Resource 2: Food Nutrient Chart in Activity 1-1: Are You What You Eat?) • Resource: Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) • Fast food nutrition information • Fast food menus Advance Preparation Collect fast food menus and nutritional information from various fast food restaurants. Estimated Time One 45- 50 minute class period Interdisciplinary Connections Health This activity could be done in health education. Math Review computational skills needed in this activity. Prerequisites and Background Information No special knowledge is required. IMPLEMENT Introduce Activity 6-1 by discussing the Resource. 5 1.3. Activities and Answer Keys Steps 1-2 After students have filled out Tables A and B, ask the question “Why does Table B reflect healthier choices than Table A?” Give Table A to a group to fill in using a particular fast food chain’s information with instructions to choose the worst combinations of food. Then trade Activity Reports with another group along with the fast food information and the challenge to make the choices the healthiest possible. Helpful Hints • This activity works best when students are able to choose from various fast food chain menus. • Encourage students to choose the “worst” food combinations for Table A. ASSESS Use the completion of the chart and written responses on the Activity Report to assess if students can X determine the percentages of calories (Cal) from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in fast foods. X determine whether fast foods meet the RDA guidelines. Activity 6-1: You Are the Food Expert – Table A Answer Key Student Food Table A: Favorite Food Fast Food Restaurant TABLE 1.1: Nutrients Food Total Calories 1. 941 Double Deluxe Burger w/Cheese 2. 395 Jumbo Fries 3. Milk 327 Shake 4. Answers will 5. Answers will vary. 6 grams Protein Calories Percent grams C (g × 4) TC × 100 Carbohydrates Calories Percent grams C (g × 4) TC × 100 Fat Calories Percent C (g × 9) TC × 100 47 188 19.98 33 132 14.03 69 621 65.99 5 20 5.06 51 204 51.65 19 171 43.29 11 44 13.46 55 220 67.28 7 63 19.27 Chapter 1. Staying Healthy - Teacher’s Guide (Human Biology) TABLE 1.1: (continued) Nutrients Totals Answers will vary. Protein Carbohydrates Fat Key C = Calories TC = Total Calories For RDA Guidelines Information: Table A: Answers will vary, but these foods probably will not be within RDA Guidelines. Table B: Answers will vary, but these foods probably will be within RDA Guidelines. Activity 6-1 Report: You Are the Food Expert – Table B Answer Key Student Food Table B: Food Modified Fast Food Restaurant TABLE 1.2: Nutrients Food Total Calories 1. 326 Cheeseburger 2. Reg- 263 ular Fries 3. Soft 200 Drink 4. Side 39 Salad 5. 34 LowCal Dressing Totals 862 grams Protein Calories Percent grams C (g × 4) TC × 100 Carbohydrates Calories Percent grams C (g × 4) TC × 100 Fat Calories Percent C (g × 9) TC × 100 15 60 18.40 35 140 42.94 14 126 38.65 11 44 16.73 30 120 45.63 11 99 37.64 0 0 0 50 200 100.00 0 0 0 3 12 30.77 0 0 0 3 27 69.23 2 8 23.53 2 8 23.53 2 18 52.94 31 124 14.39 117 468 54.29 30 270 31.32 7 1.3. Activities and Answer Keys Key C = Calories TC = Total Calories Review Questions/Answers • Sample answers to these questions will be provided upon request. Please send an email to to request sample answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. What factors can you control that will help you stay healthy? What are some of the benefits of regular exercise? Why is exercise important? In what way does vigorous exercise shortly after eating affect digestion? Describe some ways in which the body responds to stress. In what ways does stress affect digestion? Activity 6-1 Resource: You Are the Food Expert (Student Reproducible) TABLE 1.3: Recommended Allowances Energy Carbohydrate Protein Fat Vitamin A Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin D Vitamin E Niacin Riboflavin Thiamin Vitamin B-6 Vitamin B-12 Vitamin K Calcium Phosphorus Iodine Iron Magnesium Selenium Zinc Folate 8 Dietary Boys 11-14 2,500 Calories 134 g 45 g 84 g 1, 000 mcg 50 mg 10 mcg 10 mg 17 mg 1.5 mg 1.3 mg 1.7 mg 2 mcg 45 mcg 1, 200 mg 1, 200 mg 150 mcg 12 mg 270 mg 40 mcg 15 mg 150 mcg Girls 11-14 2,200 Calories 138 g 46 g 75 g 800 mcg 50 mg 10 mcg 8 mg 15 mg 1.3 mg 1.1 mg 1.4 mg 2 mcg 45 mcg 1, 200 mg 1, 200 mg 150 mcg 15 mg 280 mg 45 mcg 12 mg 150 mcg Chapter 1. Staying Healthy - Teacher’s Guide (Human Biology) g = gram 1 g = 1, 000 mg = 1, 000, 000 mcg 1 mg = milligram, of a gram 1, 000 1 mcg = microgram, of a gram 1, 000, 000 Activity 6-1 Report: You Are the Food Expert (Student Reproducible) Student Food Table A: Favorite Food Fast Food Restaurant TABLE 1.4: Nutrients Food Total Calories 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Totals grams Protein Calories Percent grams C (g × 4) TC × 100 Carbohydrates Calories Percent grams C (g × 4) TC × 100 Fat Calories Percent C (g × 9) TC × 100 Key C = calories TC = Total calories TABLE 1.5: RDA Guidelines Are the nutrients in this meal within recommended RDA Guidelines? Protein (Yes/No) Carbohydrates (Yes/No) Fat (Yes/No) Student Food Table B: Favorite Food Modified Fast Food Restaurant TABLE 1.6: Nutrients Food Total Calories 1. 2. grams Protein Calories Percent grams C (g × 4) TC × 100 Carbohydrates Calories Percent grams C (g × 4) TC × 100 Fat Calories Percent C (g × 9) TC × 100 9 1.3. Activities and Answer Keys TABLE 1.6: (continued) Nutrients 3. 4. 5. Totals Protein Carbohydrates Fat Key C = calories TC = Total calories TABLE 1.7: RDA Guidelines Are the nutrients in this meal within recommended RDA Guidelines? 10 Protein (Yes/No) Carbohydrates (Yes/No) Fat (Yes/No)
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