AM02 Wedged shoes, A comfortable alternative Submitted by Tan Wei Xiong Jude Alphonsus U0706616E Department of Mechanical Engineering In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering National University of Singapore Session 2010/2011 Summary In this study, the relationship between uncomfortable shoes and plantar pressure is investigated. Also, the hypothesis of wedged shoes being more comfortable than normal stiletto styled shoes is presented. It has revelance in the development of new shoe design as high heeled shoes are popular in today’s society. While most studies delve into the numerous changes in gait and posture, this study will focus on the possible discomfort on the plantar surface that is directly derived from higher pressure loading. It is first necessary to establish the relationship between the sensations of discomfort on the plantar surface of the foot and quantifiable plantar pressure. Unbiased opinion that was obtained through a series of blindfolded trials yielded a positive, in favour of wedged shoes. 18 out of 25 subjects chose wedged shoes as the more comfortable option. Plantar pressure measurements explained the higher comfort rating given to wedges shoes. It was attributed to the ability of the rigid sole to distribute pressure and hence lowering the peak pressure experienced at the 1st metatarsal heads. Although the blindfolded test yielded positive results with a 90% confidence interval, further population studies and finite element analysis might be needed to reinforce the conclusions made in this report. Acknowledgement The author would like to express his sincere gratitude to the following individuals and groups. Associate Professor, Lee Heow Pueh Dr Lee Shu Jin, Assistant Proffesor, Department of Surgery MBBS Mr. Cheong Chee Hoong and his staff of the Defence Medical & Environmental Research Institute, DSO National Laboratories (Kent Ridge) Ms. Ng Zi Qi and Ms. Ye Huiping Mr. Cheng Kok Sheng and the staff of the Applied Mechanics lab in the National University of Singapore. List of Figures Figure 4.1 Comfort preferences of the different foot shapes ....................................... 21 Figure 4.2 Distribution of comfort rating scores ........................................................... 21 Figure 5.1 Subject 1 Barefoot ........................................................................................ 27 Figure 5.2 Subject 2 Heels ............................................................................................. 28 Figure 5.3 Subject 3 Wedges ......................................................................................... 28 Figure 5.4 Subject 2 Barefoot ........................................................................................ 29 Figure 5.5 Subject 2 Heels ............................................................................................. 29 Figure 5.6 Subject 2 Wedges ......................................................................................... 30 Figure 5.7 Video captures for subject 1 on first contact (a,b) Ascending (c,d) Descending .................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 5.8 Video captures for subject 1 on first contact followed by toe off of the same foot. Ascending (a,b),Descending (c,d) ................................................................ 31 Figure 5.9 Video captures for subject 1 on first contact followed by toe off of the same foot Ascending (a,b),Descending (c,d) ............................................................... 31 Figure 5.10 Video captures for subject 2 on first contact followed by toe off of the same foot Ascending (a,b),Descending (c,d) ................................................................. 31 Figure 5.11 Video captures for subject 1 on first contact followed by toe off of the same foot Ascending (a,b),Descending (c,d) ............................................................... 32 Figure 5.12 Video captures for subject 2 on first contact followed by toe off of the same foot Ascending (a,b),Descending (c,d) ............................................................... 32 Figure 5.13 Subject 1 Wedge......................................................................................... 36 Figure 5.14 Subject 1 Heel............................................................................................. 36 Figure 7.1 Free body diagram upon impact .................................................................. 41 Figure 11.1 A Pair of Wedged Shoes ............................................................................. 46 Figure 11.2 Side profile of the right wedge ................................................................... 46 Figure 11.3 A pair of Heels ............................................................................................ 47 Figure 11.4 Side profile of Heels ................................................................................... 47 Figure 11.5 Tekscan 3000 pressure sensors .................................................................. 48 Figure 11.6 Experimental Setup .................................................................................... 48 Figure 11.7 Graph of Pressure vs. time for different footwear for subject 1 ............. 49 Figure 11.8 Graphs for subject 2 .................................................................................. 55 Figure 11.9 Heel Left Trial 1 .......................................................................................... 60 Figure 11.10 Heel Left Trial 2 ........................................................................................ 60 Figure 11.11 Heel Right Trial 1 ...................................................................................... 60 Figure 11.12 Heel Right Trial 2 ...................................................................................... 61 Figure 11.13 Wedge Left Trial 1 .................................................................................... 61 Figure 11.14 Wedge Left Trial 2 ................................................................................... 61 Figure 11.15 Wedge Right Trial 1 ................................................................................. 62 Figure 11.16 Wedge Right Trial 2 ................................................................................. 62 List of Tables Table 6.1 Weight of Wedge and Heel ........................................................................... 15 Table 7.1 Results of Blindfold Trial ................................................................................ 20 Table 8.1 Peak pressures of the left foot for both subjects .......................................... 33 Table 8.2 Peak Pressure Recorded ................................................................................ 35 Table 9.1 Weight of shoe .............................................................................................. 39 Table 9.2 Impact forces involved when shoes are dropped ......................................... 40 Table 10.1 Reaction forces acting on the shoe upon impact ........................................ 42 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................. 8 1.1 Hypothesis Statement ..................................................................................... 8 1.2 History and Context......................................................................................... 8 1.3 Long and short term effects ............................................................................ 8 1.4 Purpose............................................................................................................ 9 1.5 Problem ........................................................................................................... 9 1.6 Scope ............................................................................................................. 10 Chapter 2: Literature Review .................................................................................. 11 2.1 Changes in Lumbar Flexion Angle ................................................................. 11 2.2 Increase in Forefoot Pressure ....................................................................... 11 2.3 Intractable Plantar Keratosis ......................................................................... 12 2.4 Stair climbing gait changes ............................................................................ 12 Chapter 3: 3.1 Methodology ......................................................................................... 14 The Shoes ...................................................................................................... 14 3.1.1 High heel................................................................................................ 15 3.1.2 Wedge ................................................................................................... 15 Chapter 4: Blindfolded Comfort Test ...................................................................... 16 4.1 Aim ................................................................................................................ 16 4.2 Limits ............................................................................................................. 16 4.3 Calculation of sample size ............................................................................. 16 4.4 Calculation of required positives................................................................... 17 4.5 Purpose.......................................................................................................... 17 4.6 Conduct ......................................................................................................... 18 4.6.1 Selection ................................................................................................ 18 4.6.2 Brief and Consent .................................................................................. 18 4.6.3 Personal Particulars ............................................................................... 19 4.7 Results ........................................................................................................... 19 4.8 Graphs ........................................................................................................... 21 4.9 Discussion of results ...................................................................................... 22 4.10 Further Investigation ..................................................................................... 23 Chapter 5: In-Shoe Pressure Analysis...................................................................... 24 5.1 Aim ................................................................................................................ 24 5.2 Background.................................................................................................... 24 5.3 Conduct ......................................................................................................... 24 5.4 Selection Criteria ........................................................................................... 26 5.5 Data Collection Method ................................................................................ 26 5.6 Results and Discussions ................................................................................. 27 5.6.1 Video Capture Analysis .......................................................................... 30 5.7 Graph Analysis ............................................................................................... 32 5.8 Peak Pressures............................................................................................... 33 5.9 Differences in design and possible explanations .......................................... 35 Chapter 6: Impact Test ............................................................................................ 39 6.1 Aim ................................................................................................................ 39 6.2 Conduct ......................................................................................................... 39 6.3 Results ........................................................................................................... 39 6.3.1 Impact Graphs. ...................................................................................... 40 Chapter 7: Analysis .................................................................................................. 41 Chapter 8: Limitations ............................................................................................. 43 8.1 Limited study done with pressure sensors.................................................... 43 8.2 Gait and foot profile variation ....................................................................... 43 8.3 Minute differences with the shoes ............................................................... 43 Chapter 9: Conclusion ............................................................................................. 44 Chapter 10: Recommendations for further work ..................................................... 45 Chapter 11: Appendices ............................................................................................ 46 Chapter 12: References ............................................................................................. 63 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Hypothesis Statement Wedged shoes are supported more uniformly than normal stilleto high heeled shoes, so they distribute the plantar pressure more uniformly and hence have a higher comfort rating. 1.2 History and Context At first sight, wedged shoes (Appendix Fig. 11.1) seem to provide more support and hence comfort, compared to high heeled shoes (Appendix Fig. 11.2). Wedged shoes seem more comfortable, but are they? The modern woman wears high heeled shoes not merely to increase her height. Some don it because it is a requirement of the office wear; some do it to make their legs look longer and sexier, yet others wear them because of the posture it forces the body to adopt, making the body tilt forward, emphasizing the body shape and contour. High heeled shoes have been around since the middle ages. Ever since it was popularized by King Louis XIV of France [1], it has been an integral part of women’s fashion. Although high heeled shoes promotes good posture to a certain extent, but it has its drawbacks. 1.3 Long and short term effects Much work has been done on the physiological effects, both short and long term, on wearing high heeled shoes on flat ground [2]. However, few studies have analysed the effects of wearing high heeled shoes in ascending and descending a flight of steps. There are numerous studies on stair ascent and decent, but these studies are usually done barefooted [3]. There is also a study that investigates the different muscle used when ascending stairs [4]. This study concentrates on the muscle groups used during climbing, but not the plantar pressure exerted on the foot. 1.4 Purpose It is not merely enough to simply investigate the short and long term effects of wearing high heeled shoes. The modern society dictates that high heels are a requirement for women, and there is a need to investigate the comfort of shoes that serves the function to raise the height of the modern female. 1.5 Problem There has been much hype about wedged shoes, shoes that purportedly boasts better comfort for its users. These shoes (Appendix Fig. 11.1) have a supported midsole, supporting the high heeled shoe from the forefeet to the heel. Unlike a normal high heel shoe (Appendix Fig. 11.4), the wedge shoe does not make a point heel contact with the floor. On first inspection, the wedge shoes look more supported since they have a rigid support from the balls of the feet (metatarsals heads) all the way to the heel. Au and Goonetilleke [5] have qualitatively related the effects of plantar pressure and the feeling of discomfort and pain. However, there is no comprenhensive research relating the general comfort of the wedge shoes compared to the high heeled shoes of the same height and sole last. 1.6 Scope This study will first ascerain whether if there is a significant difference in the perceived comfort level, between high heel shoes and wedges shoes. It will then use actual quantifiable pressure data gathered from an in-shoe pressure measurement system to try and explain and account for any significant difference, if there are any. Chapter 2: Literature Review To further understand the biomechanical interaction between the foot and a high heeled shoe, some background knowledge is required. 2.1 Changes in Lumbar Flexion Angle This is the angle that is measured along 3 points of reference on the sagittal plane of the back. This gives an indication of how arched the back is when standing in an upright posture and walking. The paper Biomedical effects of wearing high heel shoes[6] concludes that the angle decreases with an increase in heel height, making the back more arched and increses compressive forces on the lower lumbar spine, causing back pain and discomfort. There is a big change of 1 degree in the lumbar flexion angle for each 1 cm increase in heel height. The wearing of high heeled shoes not only causes discomort the the foot directly contact with the shoes, but also changes other anlges in the body that also contribute to the discomfort of the shoes. 2.2 Increase in Forefoot Pressure The wearing of high heeled shoes redistributes the pressure that the foot experiences when it its standing barefoot on the ground. As the heel is lifted and the foot is tilted downwards, more pressure is concentrated onto the metatarsal heads and the hallux. Pressure is shifted from the heels to the forefoot; and as heel height increases, the peak pressure is shifted to the 1st metartasal head and the hallux [7]. This shift in peak pressure causes discomfort for first time wearers since they are not accustomed to having their 1st metartasal heads of the foot bearing most of the body weight. 2.3 Intractable Plantar Keratosis Prolonged exposure of the foot to high pressure will cause corns or bunions, also known as calluses to form. These are formed as a body’s defense to cope with a higher localised pressure loading. These hard growth are an accumulation of dead epidermal cells that grows, and these growth causes pain to the foot [8]. These calluses often appear under the metatarsophalangeal joint [8], a common problem faced by high heeled users. High heels also aggrevates the calluses and bunions, exerting pressure and causing them to grow. By looking at the peak pressure spots in an in-shoe pressure-management system these areas which are prone to callus formation can be identified and discomfort levels can be measured. 2.4 Stair climbing gait changes The characteristics of the gait patterm changes when a subject walks up a flight of steps. Firstly, it is noted that there is always initial forefoot contact in both ascending and desending directions, independent of inclination [3]. Walking on a flat ground would certainly show a typical initial heel strike. This information is important in determining the comfort of wearing high heel or wedge shoes while ascending or descending a flight of steps. However, this data is only for subjects wearing normal shoes, not high heeled ones. There is a need to investigate the high heeled stair climbing gait, to further explain the differences in comfort, if any, between the high heeled shoes and the wedged shoes. Chapter 3: Methodology To first understand the pervieved differences in levels of comfort between the high heeled and wedged shoes, a blindfolded fitting trial was conducted with 25 healthy young females with the 2 different pairs of shoes. Next, another experiment was conducted with 2 other female subjects, having them ascend and descend a flight of 4 steps. An in-shoe pressure-management system was then used to gather the pressure data from the stair climbing motion . 3.1 The Shoes Both shoes are bought off the shelves from a local shoe boutique. They are chosen with the help of 2 female subjects having almost similar foot profile and size. Both subjects are of size 36 (UK) and have a relatively normal arch with no under or over pronation issues. They were asked to try on both types of shoes simultaneously, for example, a high heel shoe on the left foot and a wedge shoe on the right. This fitting is repeated at numerous shops until 2 pairs of shoes with the same heel height and similar internal last are found. They also have the same insole shape and size so that it will be easier to carry out the pressure analysis. The shoes are chosen such that they have a similar topline (Appendix Fig 11.1 to 11.4). They are both black in color and were found to be of almost the same weight (Table 6.1). The 2 shoes essentially feel the same, except for the different sole support, namely the single stiletto heel and the wedged support. For the purpose of this report, these two types of shoes shall be termed elevated shoes. Table 6.1 Weight of Wedge and Heel Wedge Heel Left Right 0.171kg 0.172kg 0.174kg 0.179kg Weighed using a digital weighing scale, Teraoka Seiko Co. Ltd Japan, model DS-673 3.1.1 High heel The stiletto styled high heel shoes (Appendix Fig. 11.3) sports a single inverted pyramidal heel support and it is molded together in the same piece of hard plastic it has also some form of metal strip that supports the heel internally. The heels only experience impact loading in the vertical direction but do not experience any shear force in the horizontal direction. It is black and has a heel-to-floor height of 6cm. There is minimal cushioning on the insole. The shoe uppers are made of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). For the purpose of this report, the stiletto styled high heel shoes shall be referred to as “high heels”. 3.1.2 Wedge These shoes differ from normal high heels in its out sole support. Instead of a single pointed support at the heel, it has a wedge support that extends from the front of the shoe all the way to the back. This support is usually made of hollow plastic, also joined to the outsole of the shoe via means of n adhesive. This makes the midsole more rigid since there is a wedge that supports the entire sole. The base of the wedge is in total contact with the ground. Some other wedge shoes have an arched base, leaving a point contact only at the heel. This shoe has also a PVC upper, and a minimally cushioned sole. For the purpose of this report, these shoes will be referred to as “wedges”. Chapter 4: Blindfolded Comfort Test 4.1 Aim To test the hypothesis that wedged shoes are more comfortable than high heeled shoes. 4.2 Limits Population group: Female University students Weight between 40 to 60kg Wears heels not more than 8 times a month 4.3 Calculation of sample size Let H0 be the statement: There is no difference in perceived comfort between wedged shoes and high heeled shoes. p=0.5 Let H1 be the statement: Wedged shoes are more comfortable than high heeled shoes. p>0.5 Confidence interval = 10% Confidence level = 90%; z score = 1.64 Proportion = 0.90 Then n, sample size; z 2 ∗ P(1 − P) 1.642 ∗ 0.90(1 − 0.90) n= = = 24.2 I2 0.12 Therefore, a minimum of 25 subjects would be required. 4.4 Calculation of required positives Using the Pearson’s chi-square test, 2 n χ =� i=1 (Oi − Ei )2 Ei Chi squared equals 4.840 with 1 degree of freedom. The two-tailed P value equals 0.0278. By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be statistically significant. The minimum positive result out of 25 is 18, for the null hypothesis to be rejected. 4.5 Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to get an unbiased opinion of comfort on the plantar pressure distribution. It is then used to find out which shoes, high heeled or wedged, are more comfortable in comparison to the other. As pointed out by Au and Goondtilleke [5], there are many facets to a comfortable pair of high heel shoe. Some of the possible factors that an individual considers to differentiate a comfortable shoe from an uncomfortable one include; internal humidity, styling, colour, sound of the shoes hitting on the floor, temperature and lastly pain. Pain in the Metatarsophalangeal region scored the most negative factor when it comes to rating shoe discomfort. In another paper, the correlation between plantar pressure and comfort [9] of sports shoes has been shown. This explains the purpose of studying plantar pressure to access comfort of high heel shoes. To make sure that other factors will not interfere with the perception of pain and hence discomfort, a blindfolded fitting would be needed. 4.6 Conduct 4.6.1 Selection 25 female subjects would be randomly chosen, in a non-specific race manner, from the student pool of the National University of Singapore. They would have to have a foot size of UK 36 and have no history of ankle or leg injury. They should also be infrequent wearers of high heel shoes. This is to ensure that the feet of the test subjects will be more sensitive to discomfort due to plantar pressure. It is noted that frequent wearers of high heeled shoes have been desensitized to the sensations of increased pressure to the metatarsals. 4.6.2 Brief and Consent Subjects will be first informed of the purpose of the experiment and the conduct. They will be told that they will be testing out the comfort of two shoes while being blindfolded. They will wear the shoes, one at a time, and stand up for a total of 2 minutes. In order to eliminate experimenter bias, the shoes will be placed in a bag, and randomly picked for the first pair of shoes that will be tried on. Subjects will be allowed to walk on the spot and arch and flex the feet with the shoes on. The subjects will be prompted to concentrate on the sensations of pain the plantar surface of the foot. They will then sit down and give a comfort rating on a scale of 1 to 10. The ends of the spectrum were; 10 being the “most comfortable condition imaginable” and 1 being the “least comfortable condition imaginable”. They will be also be given the full freedom of choice to choose whether to participate or refuse participation in the study. All subjects will make an informed voluntary decision to take part in this study. 4.6.3 Personal Particulars Details pertinent to this study will be noted down before the experiment is carried out. The details are shown in the table below (Table 7.1). Only 4 details will be written down by the subject; name, age, average frequency of wearing high heels in a month and mass. They would not be told of the differences in the shoes that will be fitted. 4.7 Results A total of 25 female subjects participated in the survey. The subjects’ age ranged from 19 to 24 years old, mean of 21.4 years old with standard deviation (SD) of 1.44 years; their mass ranged from 42 to 48kg, with a mean of 49.4kg and SD of 5.1kg. All of the subjects wore high heels 8 or less times in a month. There were 19 subjects giving a higher score of comfort for wedges shoes, and only 6 subjects giving a higher rating for high heeled shoes. The mean rating for high heel shoe and wedges were 5.6 and 6.6 respectively. This exceeds the minimum positive result of 18 to prove the null hypothesis “There is no difference in perceived comfort between wedged shoes and high heeled shoes” false. The results show that there is a significant difference in the comfort of wedges shoes, based on sensations of the foot alone. Table 7.1 Results of Blindfold Trial Comfort Rating / 10 Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Min Max Age 22 24 23 22 22 21 22 23 20 20 20 24 20 21 22 20 19 20 23 23 20 20 22 21 20 19.0 24.0 Freq Weight High / Mass (kg) (N) Heels mth 4 52 510 1 47 461 1 58 569 0 42 412 2 50 491 6 44 432 2 48 471 2 43 422 3 58 569 4 58 569 2 49 481 0 49 481 3 45 441 4 50 491 0 50 491 8 43 422 1 52 510 0 44 432 2 55 540 1 45 441 0 50 491 8 42 412 0 53 520 3 56 549 2 52 510 0.0 8.0 42.0 58.0 412.0 569.0 Wedges 5 6 7 3 3 7 3 5 4 6 8 6 10 6 7 7 3 7 5 8 4 8 5 5 3 7 8 5 7 5 6 5 6 6 7 9 7 9 8 8 6 5 8 6 6 6 9 4 6 6 3.0 10.0 4.0 9.0 Mean Std Dev 4.8 21.4 1.4 2.4 2.3 49.4 5.1 484.6 50.2 5.6 1.9 6.6 1.4 Graphs Preference Distribution Foot Type High Arch Normal Arch Wedges High Heels Flat Foot 0 5 10 15 20 Number of subjects Figure 4.1 Comfort preferences of the different foot shapes Frequency of Comfort Ratings Comfort Rating 10 8 6 4 Wedges 2 High Heels 0 0 2 4 6 Number of subjects Figure 4.2 Distribution of comfort rating scores 8 10 4.9 Discussion of results Several observations were made from the results as well as individual interviews with the subjects. 1. Subjects having flat foot commented on the support the wedge shoes gave in comparison to the high heeled one. Subjects with normal or high arched foot could not tell the difference between the ‘mid sole support’. They could not distinguish the wedges from the high heels. This point might be valid since subjects who have normal to high arched feet might not have contact with the shoe in the mid sole plantar area. 2. Only 2 subjects claim that high heels are “naturally” more comfortable, citing that the high heeled shoe provides for more balance. This pair of high heeled shoes is more flexible in torsion since there is no rigid support throughout the base of the shoe. 3. Subjects claim that wedge shoes are more comfortable, but their claims did not meet the blindfolded test result. This test was well rigged and carried out, not allowing preconceived misjudgments to interfere with the experiment conduct. 4. 4 subjects felt that the pressure on the 1st metatarsal head was lower in the wedges compared to the high heeled shoe. They also say that the toes experience higher pressure when wearing high heels. This re-iterates the point that discomfort is governed by the pain generated when the metatarsal heads or toes undergo higher than normal pressure. 5. 3 subjects claim that heels were more stable and 3 subjects claim that wedges are more stable. This could possibly show that stability cannot be judged and differentiated just by a 2 minute standing test. 4.10 Further Investigation Several points brought up in the above discussion needs to be looked into. The sensations of “lower” or “more evenly distributed” pressure needs to be quantified and explained. Also, the contact area of the mid sole needs to be qualitatively identified and measured to support or refute claims made by subjects regarding the ability to feel the midsole support. An in-shoe pressure-management system would be a suitable system to look into the plantar pressure in the shoe. Chapter 5: In-Shoe Pressure Analysis 5.1 Aim To explain the higher comfort rating given to wedged shoes in comparison to high heeled shoes. 5.2 Background Many studies have already been conducted to study the effects of wearing high heel shoes and walking on flat ground. They have found that there is a shorter stride length, higher forefoot pressure [7] amongst other observations. However, there is only one paper that discusses the use of high heel shoes on ascending and descending stairs. It only focuses on the differences in the activity of the muscles in the lower limb, with and without heel contact, proposing that heel contact is better. There is no paper that discusses the differences in plantar pressure observed when using a high heeled and a wedged shoe. 5.3 Conduct Using plantar pressure as a basis to quantify the sensations of discomfort, an experiment was designed to investigate the relationship between localized pressure and discomfort. The contact pressures at specific areas of interest of the foot were collected and analyzed. The subjects were asked to walk up and down a flight of 4 steps with an inclination of 36.5°, each step measuring 0.20m in rise and 0.27m in run (Appendix Fig 11.6). The F-Scan ® System by Tekscan was used together with the Tekscan 3000 sensor (Appendix Fig 11.5) to collect data of the pressures that the foot exerts on the shoe during stair ascent and descent. The sampling rate was set to 100Hz since the subjects walked up the stairs, taking on average 1s per step, making 100Hz in the range for capturing the required changes in pressure Three trials were done with each subject. The first was with a sock to hold the sensors in place to simulate bare feet walking. The second was done with a high heeled shoe that has a heel height of 6cm. The height of the heel was measured via the perpendicular distance from point at the end of the shoe to the ground. The third was a wedge shoe with exactly the same last as the normal high heeled shoes, with exactly the same heel height of 6cm. the subjects were told to walk normally at a pace they were comfortable with. Both subjects ascended and descended with their whole foot on the steps, for all 3 tests. After each trial, the subjects were asked to identify which area(s) of the foot experienced the most discomfort. They were asked to highlight the area(s) of discomfort separately for ascending and descending. They were then asked to rate the overall level of comfort of walking barefooted, with normal heels and wedged shoes. A video recording was also taken to correlate the actual gait to the pressure readings. 5.4 Selection Criteria 2 healthy females with no prior musculoskeletal injuries were selected to perform this experiment. Both of them have normal arch. Both of them wore high heeled shoes for 1 day in a month or less. Subjects that are infrequently exposed to high heels have been selected for this trial so that there are no changes to the normal biomechanical structure of their feet and their gait. Also, they would be more sensitive to high pressure areas that the feet experiences, as opposed to frequent high heeled shoe wearers, who have become desensitized to the pain that the high heeled shoes cause. This is due to possible adaptation of their foot, forming calluses to adapt to the higher pressure loading [8]. 5.5 Data Collection Method The data that was logged from the pressure sensors was then segmented into 4 portions; the Hallux, the 1st metatarsal head, the 2nd to the 5th metatarsal heads and the heel. The 2nd to the 5th metatarsal heads were not segmented separately as they were difficult to distinguish from each other, and the sensations of discomfort in the 2nd to the 5th metatarsal heads were always group together. The midsole was also not studied in detail as they were found to have very little contact with the sole of the shoe, and hence insignificant readings (Fig 5.2, 5.3,5.5, 5.6). Each area of interest was selected in the Tekscan F-scan system via a 4X4 pixel box, the pixel size corresponding to the density of the pressure sensors on the pressure pads. 5.6 Results and Discussions Subject 1 was found to be weighing 51.92kg and subject 2 weighed 42.96kg when loaded with the pressure sensing apparatus. In general, they found wedges to be more comfortable compared to heels. Preliminary findings indicate that the perception of discomfort is directly linked with the area of highest pressure reflected in the data measured by the pressure sensors. When the 2 subjects were asked to mark down the area of discomfort on the sole on a footprint diagram, it mapped out quite accurately the area of highest pressure. The pressure mappings are taken from the Tekscan system. It shows the peak pressure recorded during the entire phase of the stair climb. Figure 5.1 Subject 1 Barefoot Figure 5.2 Subject 1 Heels Figure 5.3 Subject 1 Wedges Figure 5.4 Subject 2 Barefoot Figure 5.5 Subject 2 Heels Figure 5.6 Subject 2 Wedges 5.6.1 Video Capture Analysis From the analysis of the video capture, it is observed that for the barefoot trial, both subjects land on their metatarsals first, followed by the heel. The toe off is also similar in both subjects. 5.6.1a) Barefoot (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 5.7 Video captures for subject 1 on first contact (a,b) Ascending (c,d) Descending (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 5.8 Video captures for subject 1 on first contact followed by toe off of the same foot. Ascending (a,b),Descending (c,d) This would form the basis of analysis for the high heeled shoe and wedged shoe. On preliminary analysis, the readings from the pressure sensors show that the hallux and the metatarsal heads experience a peak in plantar pressure when the foot is in the toe off position. 5.6.1b) High heeled shoes (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 5.9 Video captures for subject 1 on first contact followed by toe off of the same foot Ascending (a,b),Descending (c,d) (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 5.10 Video captures for subject 2 on first contact followed by toe off of the same foot Ascending (a,b),Descending (c,d) The high heeled stair climbing gait is somewhat different from the barefoot gait as the heel strikes the ground first followed by the forefoot. However, looking at the pressure analysis, the forefoot still experiences more pressure than the heel, contrary to intuitive inspection. 5.6.1c) Wedged shoes Figure 5.11 Video captures for subject 1 on first contact followed by toe off of the same foot Ascending (a,b),Descending (c,d) Figure 5.12 Video captures for subject 2 on first contact followed by toe off of the same foot Ascending (a,b),Descending (c,d) The wedge shoes gait is also similar to the high heeled gait in that the heel strikes the ground first before the forefoot. 5.7 Graph Analysis To further analyze the pressure values measured, graphs were plotted using the data collected from the in-shoe pressure pads. The summation of the total pressure at any point in time was also plotted together with the individual pressure values at the 4 specified areas; namely the hallux, the first metatarsal head, the 2nd to the 5th metatarsal heads and the heel. 5.8 Peak Pressures The plantar pressure distribution on the barefoot takes a different profile when it is compared with the heels. Several observations are made. 1. The sums of all the pressures have 2 separate peaks in both cases. The first peak is always lower that the second peak in both the barefoot and the heel profile on the ascending phase in both subjects. This illustrates that more pressure is exerted on the forefoot when the foot pushes off. 2. However, the difference in the peak varies. Typically, the difference in peak pressure is greater for the high heels than for the barefoot. Analysing the data from the left foot of the subjects, the differences are as follows. Table 8.1 Peak pressures of the left foot for both subjects Subject 1 Ascending Descending Barefoot 1st 2nd Peak Peak (kPa) (kPa) 227 241 305 341 Subject 2 Ascending Descending 192 348 264 281 14 36 Heels 1st 2nd Peak Peak (kPa) (kPa) 266 394 324 408 72 67 268 328 ∆ (kPa) 405 225 128 84 Wedges 1st 2nd Peak Peak (kPa) (kPa) 266 392 312 321 137 103 252 339 ∆ (kPa) 372 310 ∆ (kPa) 126 9 120 29 It is observed that the highest difference in peak pressures comes from the heels. This could explain the initial hypothesis of wedges being more comfortable than high heels as lesser pressure is exerted on the hallux and the metatarsal heads when the foot leaves the steps. It is even more evident on the descending phase. The differences are 84 kPa on the heels and 9 kPa on the wedges. A greater difference in pressure means that there is unequal distribution of weight on the plantar surface, hence a more uncomfortable walking phase. Taking a look at the pressure graphs for the wedge shoes (Appendix 11.5 to 11.6), it is evident that ∆, the difference in pressures are lower compared to the barefoot trial. It would support the feedback gathered from the blindfolded fitting experiment, that wedge shoes in fact distribute pressure more evenly over the gait cycle. 3. The 2nd peak value, which is mainly due to forefoot contact, is generally higher in the heels than compared to the wedges. In subject 1 for the descending phase, a reading of 408 kPa compared to 321 kPa for the wedges. As discussed earlier, higher plantar pressure directly translates to perceiving the heels as uncomfortable, in addition to higher chances of callus formation. 4. When analyzing the individual peak pressures of the 4 specified areas, the first metatarsal head experiences the most pressure when wearing elevated shoes. This is consistent with findings illustrated in a journal [7] where the peak pressure exerted on the foot moves towards the 1st metartasal head with increasing heel height. The minor differences in area where the highest pressures was recorded could be attributed to the different gait kinetics that the individual subject posses. It is also noted that the peak pressures exerted is generally lowest compared to heels and barefoot. It further emphasises the hypothesis that wedges distributes weight more evenly throughout the stair climbing gait cycle, making wedges more comfortable. This quantifies the observation made from the blindfold test where test subjects said that they felt lesser pressure on the 1st metartasal head when wearing wedges. Table 8.2 Peak Pressure Recorded Subject 1 Barefoot Max Heels Max Wedges Max Subject 2 Barefoot Max Heels Max Wedges Max 5.9 Region Left Pressure (kPa) Right Region Pressure (kPa) 2-5M 1M 170 178 Toe 2-5M 210 202 1M 162 1M 193 Toe 1M 161 194 Toe 1M 268 197 Toe 150 1M 322 Differences in design and possible explanations The differences in design could provide possible explanations as to why wedges seem to be better at spreading out pressure as compared to heels. 1. Wedges have a very rigid mid-sole support, that transfered the load to the feet evenly. At first impact, the impulse is translated to all the other parts at the same time, as shown in the 2 figures below. These are taken from the left foot of subject 1 on the ascending phase. Wedge Left Ascending 200 P, KPa 150 Toe 100 1M 50 2-5M 0 Heel -50 4.7 5.2 5.7 6.2 6.7 t Figure 5.13 Subject 1 Wedge Heel Left Ascending 150 P, KPa 100 toe 1M 50 2-5M 0 4.3 4.8 -50 5.3 5.8 heel t Figure 5.14 Subject 1 Heel It is clear that the curve of all the individual pressures in the wedge follows a similar patern, reaching their individual first peak pressure at approximately the same time. It is evident from the initial increase in pressure to around t=5.2s, where the gradient of the curves are very similar. While for the heel, the lines tend to diverge at the start, proving that the heel is indeed not so adapt at distributing the pressure evenly. The wedge shoe distributes more pressure to the heel, where lower pressure is experienced. This in turn reduces pressure on the other areas of the foot. 2. This also illustrates the qualitative feedback that is gathered from the blindfolded trial where subjects claim that heels are more stable because the front and the heel of the heels can flex and bend independently. This is largely due to the less ridgid midsole of the heels which accounts for the lower torsional stiffness of the shoe. This lower torsional stiffness allows more torsional force to be exerted by the foot when balencing, for example when only the heel stub misses a footing. On the other hand, wedges having a more ridgid midsole and thus a higher torsional stiffness, will impede any effort made by the foot to right a footing once the heel area of the wedge starts to tilt, causing an inversion ankle sprain. The stability of the shoes is another possible factor that might affect the comfort rating of the shoes. 3. As mentioned earlier, the 2 types of elevated shoes alters the normal gait kinetics of the stair ascending and descending motion. Both the shoes prevent the heel from lowering down to the same level as the forefoot (Fig. 5.1 (c) & 5.2 (b) ). This reduces the need for the lowering of the heel at first contact and subsequent raising before the toe off. The shoes keep the foot in the ‘midway position’ instead of letting the heel come in contact with the stairs. 4. The human foot, when elevated by the heel, forms an arch under the midsole. This explains the lack of contact at the midsole, between the plantar surface and the shoe. This refutes claims made by the subjects in the previous trial, claiming that they can feel the mid sole support of the wedges. Chapter 6: Impact Test 6.1 Aim To find out if there were significant impact forces affecting the pressure readings of the pressure sensors 6.2 Conduct Each shoe was weighed, using the digital weighing scale (Model DS-673, Teraoka Seiko Co. Ltd Japan). The individual shoes were then attached with a transducer (Type 4371, Brüel & Kjær, Nærum Denmark) to measure its acceleration upon impact with the floor. This transducer was then wired up to an oscilloscope that logged the voltage output from the transducer. The sensitivity at the data logger was set at 0.316mV per 1m/s2 and the upper and lower sensitivity limit of the oscilloscope was set at 2Hz and 3kHz respectively. These limits were tuned during the experiment to eliminate the noise that was generated from the accelerometer. The data points from the oscilloscope were saved and recorded in an excel file. 6.3 Results Table 9.1 Weight of shoe Item Tekscan 3000 Pressure Sensor (Left) Tekscan 3000 Pressure Sensor (Right) Wedge shoes (Left) Wedge shoes (Right) High heel shoes (Left) High heel shoes (Right) 6.3.1 Weight (kg) 0.014 0.017 0.171 0.172 0.179 0.174 6.3.2 Impact Graphs. The Acceleration vs Time graphs of the impact was plotted (Appendix Fig. 11.9 -11.16). The downward direction is taken to be negative.The shoes were originally at a height of 0.3m and released midway in the recording period of the oscilloscope. It is observed that the acceleration increased when released and then took a sudden spike upon contact. The spike is in the negative direction as the shoe experiences a sudden acceleration in the upward direction to bring the shoe to a halt. These are the data for the highest acceleration values and forces with the respective shoes. The acceleration measured is the record of the negative acceleration from the graphs. This acceleration is the amount of acceleration the shoes experiences to stop it from going through the ground. Table 9.2 Impact forces involved when shoes are dropped Trial Heels Left Trial 1 Heels Left Trial 2 Heels Right Trial 1 Heels Right Trial 2 Wedge Left Trial 1 Wedge Left Trial 2 Wedge Right Trial 1 Wedge Right Trial 2 Weight (kg) 0.179 0.174 0.171 0.172 Amplitude of Max Acceleration (m/s2) 5.585 2.748 2.385 0.246 2.030 3.322 3.735 3.735 Force (N) 1.000 0.492 0.415 0.043 0.347 0.568 0.642 0.642 Chapter 7: Analysis From the results obtained above, a simple model could be used to study the forces that might play a part in affecting the results of the pressure readings taken by the Tekscan pressure sensor. Rground ma mg Figure 7.1 Free body diagram upon impact Drawing a free body diagram of the shoe upon impact, there are 2 evident forces acting on the shoes. With the equation Rground – mg = ma Rground = ma - mg Substituting the relevant data from table 2, the following Rground were obtained. Table 10.1 Reaction forces acting on the shoe upon impact Trial Heels Left Trial 1 Heels Left Trial 2 Heels Right Trial 1 Heels Right Trial 2 Wedge Left Trial 1 Wedge Left Trial 2 Wedge Right Trial 1 Wedge Right Trial 2 Weight (kg) 0.179 Amplitude of Max Acceleration (m/s2) 5.585 Force (N) Rground (N) 1.000 1.577 2.748 0.492 1.668 0.174 2.385 0.415 0.246 0.043 2.030 0.347 3.322 0.568 3.735 0.642 1.635 1.699 0.171 1.618 1.580 0.172 1.577 3.735 0.642 1.577 Chapter 8: Limitations 8.1 Limited study done with pressure sensors As the experiment with the in-sole pressure sensors were done with the goodwill of the DSO lab, a full scale test could not be carried out due to the lack of funds to purchase or loan the entire system. Hence the experiment was only limited to 2 female subjects who were of normal arched foot profile. However, the 6 trials made it possible to qualify some of the feedback raised about the plantar pressure during the blindfold fitting trial. 8.2 Gait and foot profile variation It was difficult to quantitatively compare the results obtained as each step the subjects took on the steps varied from each other. The first and last steps were always different from the ones in the middle. A very long flight of steps might have more consistent results. 8.3 Minute differences with the shoes Although the selection of the shoes was as stringent as possible, it was difficult to find actual off the rack shoes which only differed from each other by the variation of the heel type. Moreover, the shoes were reasonably similar as blindfolded subjects could not tell the difference between the shoes whilst blindfolded. Chapter 9: Conclusion This study investigates the relationship between perceived comfort and actual plantar measurements. It has made the following conclusions based on results obtained from the 3 conducted experiments. An unbiased preference of wedges over heels in 25 university going female individuals. A normal healthy individual can feel pain as a result of higher pressure loading on specific areas of the plantar surface of the foot. The peak pressure experienced by the 1st metatarsal head is lower in wedges than in heels. Wedges are more comfortable due to the ability of the rigid sole to distribute pressure and hence lowering the peak pressure experienced at the 1st metatarsal heads. It is contary to popular belief that the wedges support the midsole. Chapter 10: Recommendations for further work Due to the time and facilities constraint, the authour was unable to complete the following to further substantiate the results obtained. These include: A full population study of the plantar pressures involved in the stair ascending and descending motion. Finite Element Analysis on the shoe foot interaction to verify that the heels does indeed deform under pressure and is unable to provide a ridgid support to the foot. A custom made pair of wedges and high heeled shoes that is exactly the same except fot the sole support. Chapter 11: Appendices Figure 11.1 A Pair of Wedged Shoes Figure 11.2 Side profile of the right wedge Figure 11.3 A pair of Heels Figure 11.4 Side profile of Heels Figure 11.5 Tekscan 3000 pressure sensors Figure 11.6 Experimental Setup Heels 500 Pressure kPa 400 300 LEFT 200 RIGHT 100 0 -100 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time Wedge 600 Pressure kPa 500 400 300 Left 200 Right 100 0 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 -100 0 1002003004005006007008009001000 Time Barefoot 600 Pressire kPa 500 400 300 LEFT 200 RIGHT 100 0 -100 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time Figure 11.7 Graph of Summed Pressure vs. time for different footwear for subject 1 2500 Pressure kPa Heel Left Ascending 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 2 TOE 1M 2-5M HEEL SUM 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time Pressure kPa Wedge Left Ascending 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 3 TOE 1M 2-5M HEEL SUM 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time Barefoot Left Ascending 500 Pressire kPa 400 Toe 300 1M 200 2-5M 100 Heel 0 SUM -100 2 3 4 5 Time 6 7 8 Heels Right Ascending 500 Pressure kPa 400 TOE 300 1M 200 2-5M HEEL 100 SUM 0 -100 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time Wedge Right Ascending 600 Pressure kPa 500 400 TOE 300 1M 200 2-5M 100 HEEL 0 -100 4 5 6 7 8 9 SUM Time Right Barefoot Ascending 600 Pressire kPa 500 400 Toe 300 1M 200 2-5M Heel 100 Sum 0 -100 3.5 4 4.5 5 Time 5.5 6 6.5 Heel Left Descending 500 Pressure kPa 400 TOE 300 1M 200 2-5M 100 HEEL 0 SUM -100 13 15 17 19 21 Time Pressure kPa Wedge Left Descending 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 16 TOE 1M 2-5M HEEL SUM 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time Barefoot Left Descending 500 Pressire kPa 400 Toe 300 1M 200 2-5M 100 Heel 0 SUM -100 15 16 17 Time 18 19 Pressure kPa Heel Right Descending 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 15 TOE 1M 2-5M HEEL SUM 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time Wedge Right Descending 600 Pressure kPa 500 400 TOE 300 1M 200 2-5M 100 HEEL 0 -100 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SUM Time Right Barefoot Descending 600 Pressire kPa 500 400 Toe 300 1M 200 2-5M 100 Heel 0 -100 14 15 16 17 Time 18 19 SUM Heels 500 Pressure kPa 400 300 Left 200 Right 100 0 -100 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time Wedge 700 Pressure kPa 600 500 400 300 LEFT 200 RIGHT 100 0 0 500 1000 Time 1500 2000 Barefoot 700 600 Pressure kPa 500 400 300 LEFT 200 RIGHT 100 0 -100 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time Figure 11.8 Graphs for subject 2 Heels Left Ascending 500 Pressure kPa 400 TOE 300 1M 200 2-5M 100 HEEL 0 SUM -100 1 2 3 4 5 Time Heels Right Ascending 500 Pressure kPa 400 TOE 300 1M 200 2-5M 100 HEEL 0 SUM -100 2 2.5 3 3.5 Time 4 4.5 5 Wedge Left Ascending 500 Pressure kPa 400 TOE 300 1M 200 2-5M 100 HEEL 0 SUM -100 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Time Wedge Right Ascending 700 600 Pressure kPa 500 TOE 400 1M 300 2-5M 200 100 HEEL 0 SUM -100 1 2 3 Time 4 5 Barefoot Left Ascending 300 Pressure kPa 250 200 TOE 150 1M 100 2-5M 50 HEEL SUM 0 -50 2.2 3.2 4.2 5.2 Time Barefoot Right Ascending 700 600 Pressure kPa 500 TOE 400 1M 300 2-5M 200 HEEL 100 SUM 0 -100 2.2 3.2 4.2 Time 5.2 Pressure kPa Heels Left Descending 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 13 TOE 1M 2-5M HEEL SUM 14 15 16 17 Time Pressure kPa Heels Right Descending 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 13 TOE 1M 2-5M HEEL SUM 14 15 16 17 Time Pressure kPa Wedge Left Descending 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 13 TOE 1M 2-5M HEEL SUM 14 15 Time 16 17 Wedge Right Descending 500 Pressure kPa 400 TOE 300 1M 200 2-5M 100 HEEL SUM 0 -100 13 14 15 16 17 Time Barefoot Left Descending 400 350 Pressure kPa 300 250 TOE 200 1M 150 2-5M 100 HEEL 50 SUM 0 -50 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 Time Barefoot Right Descending 700 600 Pressure kPa 500 TOE 400 1M 300 2-5M 200 HEEL 100 SUM 0 -100 12.5 13.5 14.5 Time 15.5 2 0 -2 0 1000 2000 3000 -4 -6 Figure 11.9 Heel Left Trial 1 1 0 -1 0 1000 2000 3000 -2 -3 Figure 11.10 Heel Left Trial 2 1.000 0.000 -1.000 0 1000 2000 -2.000 -3.000 Figure 11.11 Heel Right Trial 1 3000 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 0 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 1000 2000 3000 Figure 11.12 Heel Right Trial 2 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 1000 2000 3000 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 Figure 11.13 Wedge Left Trial 1 2 1 0 -1 0 1000 2000 -2 -3 -4 Figure 11.14 Wedge Left Trial 2 3000 2 1 0 -1 0 1000 2000 3000 -2 -3 -4 -5 Figure 11.15 Wedge Right Trial 1 2 1 0 -1 0 1000 2000 -2 -3 -4 -5 Figure 11.16 Wedge Right Trial 2 3000 Chapter 12: References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 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