IANUA AD LINGUAS HOMINESQUE RESERATA V La porte des langues s’ouvre aux hommes V Brána jazykov k ľuďom otvorená V Actes des publications scientifiques internationales Medzinárodný nekonferenčný zborník vedeckých príspevkov Paris/Paríž 2014 IANUA AD LINGUAS HOMINESQUE RESERATA V La porte des langues s’ouvre aux hommes V Brána jazykov k ľuďom otvorená V Actes des publications scientifiques internationales Medzinárodný nekonferenčný zborník vedeckých príspevkov Relecteur scientifique/Vedecká redaktorka Prof. PhDr. Dagmar Institorisová, PhD. Relecteurs / Recenzenti: Doc. Diana Jamborová – Lemay, PhD. Doc. PhDr. Stanislav Benčič, PhD. Rédacteurs / zostavovatelia: PhDr. Roman Kvapil, PhD. PhDr. Elena Melušová, CSc. Tirage/náklad: Édition/vydanie: Editeur/nakladateľ: Presse/tlač: 100 première/prvé Association Amitié Franco-Slovaque 7 place de l'Hôtel deVille, 60430 NOAILLES – FRANCE Slovaquie ISBN 978-2-9536153-4-0 Paris 2014 Les contributeurs sont responsables du contenu des abstraits et des contributions. Za obsah abstraktov a príspevkov nesú zodpovednosť prispievatelia. Obsah Predslov..................................................................................................................................................8 Préface....................................................................................................................................................9 Úvod.....................................................................................................................................................10 Г. Н. АКБАЕВА, Н. Р. РАМАШОВ, О. Н. РАМАШОВ: СПЕЦИФИКА ПРЕПОДАВАНИЯ БАЗОВЫХ И ПРОФИЛИРУЮЩИХ ДИСЦИПЛИН НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ НА НЕЯЗЫКОВЫХ СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТЯХ ВУЗА.................................................................................12 Peculiarities of Teaching Basic and Major Disciplines in English on Non-linguistic Faculties of Higher Educational Institutions............................................................................................................12 И. В. АЛЬБЕРТИ, Г. К. ТЛЕУЖАНОВА: ЯВЛЕНИЕ ИНТЕРФЕРЕНЦИИ ПРИ ИЗУЧЕНИИ ЭТНИЧЕСКИМИ КАЗАХАМИ НЕМЕЦКОГОЯЗЫКА................................................................18 Phenomenon of Ethnic Kazakhs´ Interference in German Language Learning....................................18 Galina AMANBAEVA, Alma AKYNZHANOVA: TO THE PROBLEM OF LANGUAGE TRAINING IN MICROSOCIAL GROUPS.........................................................................................23 Galina AMANBAEVA, Nursulu KASSENOVA:ABOUT THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH TO LEARNING RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.................................................................................................27 N. V. DENIVAROVA, T. I. ZHAKSYLYKOVA: SOME PECULIARITIES OF MODERN LINGUADIDACTICS.........................................................................................................................31 Irina DULEBOVÁ: VÝZNAMNÉ RUSKÉ ANTROPONYMÁ V ASPEKTE LINGVODIDAKTIKY CUDZÍCH JAZYKOV NA POKROČILEJ ÚROVNI..........................................................................35 Significant Russian Anthroponyms in the Linguodidactics at Advanced Level....................................35 Татьяна ФУРСАНОВА: ИМЯ ГАЗЕТЫ В АСПЕКТЕ ДИСКУРСИВНОГО АНАЛИЗА...............40 The Name of Newspaper is in the Aspect of Discursive Analysis........................................................40 Галина ГОРБУНОВА: ЯЗЫК „МИЛИОННОЙ ПЕРВОБЫТНОСТИ“ В „УЕЗДНОМ“ Е.И.ЗАМЯТИНА................................................................................................................................45 Language "Million Primitive" in "County" by E. I. Zamyatin.............................................................45 Dagmar INŠTITORISOVÁ: DIVADELNÁ HRA „VÝMENA“ PAULA CLAUDELA NA SLOVENSKU......................................................................................................................................57 La pièce de théâtre „L´échange“ de Paul Claudel en Slovaquie...........................................................57 Ľubomír JANČOK: SUR LES TRACES DE BALZAC EN TCHÉCO –SLOVAQUIE......................62 Zh. KAGAZBAYEV, A. SAKHAROVA: AN ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER AS ONE OF THE MODERN TECHNIQUES IN INFORMATION SOCIETY.............................................................................................................................................68 A. A. KARMANOVA: TEACHER'S SPEECH CULTURE AS AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF PEDAGOGICAL SKILL..............................................................................................................71 U. KOPZHASSAROVA, V. OSPANOVA, Z. SADYKOVA: USE OF AUTHENTIC TEXTS AT THE LESSONS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES........................................................................................76 5 Galina AMANBAEVA, Nursulu KASSENOVA: ABOUT THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH TO LEARNING RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Abstract The article refers to the communicative approach in teaching Russian language that promotes effective learning communicative skills by students. According to the authors, this process depends on the style of the teacher, from his education and culture, the individual characteristics of students, their point of contact. Only under the condition of using communicative teaching methods the teacher can generate communicative competence of the future specialist. Keywords: communicative approach, language training, communicative competence, traditional and innovative teaching methods Introduction Changes in present society impacts system of education at university level. The goal of higher education is to form multilingual communicative individual, who have high standard of culture, developed mentality and capable to multilingual conversation. That is why one of the main priorities of education is communicative tendency of education process, which determines active and reasonable learning of communicative skills. Text Nowadays, in circumstances of global integration, knowledge of languages became very important implement, so process of languages education is necessity of present days. It is should be mentioned that languages studying impossible without communication, information exchange, all that belongs to modern life. All scientific activities based on experience of communication: studying of folk culture, knowledge of languages, experience of individuals communication. It is reasonable to say that development of lingual personality should be within process of communication with other personalities, who know languages and have certain level of communicative competence. According to scientists, communication is the process of establishing and maintaining a targeted direct or indirect contact between people using speech and writing. Of course, communication depends on several criteria: the conditions of communication, number of participants, the goals of communication, the nature of the situation. But the most important thing - the result - its presence, because communication is multifaceted and has different functions. [1] . 27
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