33.OJ.0 PYROLYSIS OF SUNNYSIDE (UTAH) TAR SAND: CHARACTERIZATION OF VOLATILE COMPOUND EVOLUTION John G. Reynolds and Richard W. Crawford University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, California 94550 ABSTRACT Sunnyside (Utah) tar sand was subjected to programmed temperature pyrolysis and the volatile products were detected by tandem on-line mass spectrometry (MS/MS) in real time analyses. A heating rate of 4°C/min from room temperature to 900°C was employed. Evolution of hydrogen, light hydrocarbons, nitrogen-, sulfur- and oxygen-containing compounds was monitored by MS or MS/MS detection. Evolution of volatile organic compounds occurred in two regimes: 1) low_temperature (maximum evolution at 150 to 175°C) f corresponding to entrained organics, and 2) high temperature (maximum evolution at 440 to 460°C), corresponding to cracking of large organic components. The pyrolysis yields were dominated by the evolution of light hydrocarbons. Alkanes and alkenes of two carbons and higher had temperatures of maximum evolution at approximately 440°C, and methane at approximately 474°C. Aromatic hydrocarbons had temperatures of maximum evolution slightly higher, at approximately 450°C. Comparing the Sunnyside pyrolysis to the pyrolysis of other domestic tar sands indicated the following for hydrocarbon evolution: 1) the evolution of entrained organics relative to the total evolution was much less for Sunnyside tar sand, 2) the temperatures of maximum evolution of hydrocarbons due to cracking reactions were at slightly lower, and 3) the temperatures of maximum evolution for benzene and toluene are slightly higher than observed for other tar sands. In general, the noncondensible gases, H2, CO, and CO2, exhibited evolution associated with hydrocarbon cracking reactions, and high temperature evolution associated with mineral decomposition, the water-gas shift reaction, and gasification reactions. Compared to other domestic tar sands, the gas evolution reflected more mineral decomposition character for Sunnyside tar sand. INTRODUCTION Tar sand is defined as any sand or rock which is impregnated with heavy oil or bitumen. (This excludes coal, oil shale,, and Gilsonite.) In the United-States alone, there are "an estimated 60 billion barrels of bitumen in tar sand, some of which is recoverable.(1) The Sunnyside deposit in Utah accounts for approximately 4.4 billion barrels of recoverable bitumen,(2) making it an attractive deposit for recovery processing. Several commercial concerns have had financial interest in the development of recovery processing, including in situ thermal (Shell Oil),(2) steam flooding (Signal Oil and Gas), (2) and solvent extraction (AMOCO). (3) Laboratory pyrolysis of a given tar sand is useful in pyrolysis type recovery research, both in situ and surface. Several laboratory studies have been performed on Sunnyside tar sand, to elucidate its performance — fluidized-bed(4) and fixed-bed(5) pyrolysis, hydropyrolysis, (6) hot water(7) and solvent extraction.(3,7) 3 This paper summarizes our initial efforts in the laboratory pyrolysis of Sunnyside tar sand, and compares the results to the pyrolysis of other domestic tar sands (Asphalt Ridge from Utah and Big Clifty from Kentucky) studied under the same conditions. EXPERIMENTAL The techniques and equipment utilized have been described in detail elsewhere, as applied to oil shale pyrolysis,(8) and tar sand pyrolysis.(9) Briefly: the tar sands were" pyrolyzed under argon carrier gas from room temperature to 900°C at a heating rate of 4°C/min, in a quartz reactor. The argon flow was approximately 200 cc/min. The 150°C volatile material was examined by on-line, real time mass spectrometry (MS) and MS/MS detection. Gas evolution profiles were monitored as a function of temperature. When possible, quantitation was performed by calibrating the instrument with the appropriate standard diluted in the carrier gas. The Sunnyside tar sand was a gift from Tom 0'Grady of AMOCO, Naperville, IL, and was ground to a 3/8 inch minus I.D. It contains 6.2 wt% toluene extractable bitumen. RESULTS Two pyrolysis experiments were performed on Sunnyside tar sand. The results generally agreed, but the temperatures of maximum evolution of species evolving at higher temperatures differed by 3°C to 4°C. This was due to the temperature controlling thermocouple. -The position was as close to the center of the reactor as possible, but this placement is not perfectly reproducible. For these results, however, this is not a critical parameter. In addition there is a temperature gradient across the diameter of the reactor, which is approximately 12°C from wall to center. Hydrocarbon Evolution. Figure 1 shows the evolution of hexanes as a function of pyrolysis temperature for Sunnyside tar sand. This profile is typical of the hydrocarbon evolution profiles for Sunnyside, Asphalt Ridge, and Big Clifty tar sands.(9) In general, the generation of volatile hydrocarbons occurs in two distinct temperature ranges: 1) a low temperature range which is close to the distillation temperatures of various lower molecular weight alkane, alkene, and aromatic species, and 2) a higher temperature range which is close to the cracking temperatures of high molecular weight hydrocarbons, heteroatomic species, and salts of organic compounds. " Table 1 shows the hydrocarbon evolution data for Sunnyside tar sand. Included are the temperatures of maximum evolution of each species, and the relative percentage of the total evolution is given in parentheses. A bimodal distribution is seen for all hydrocarbons other than propane. These results are similar to those of Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty tar sands. The only differences are : 1) the temperatures of maximum evolution in the cracking evolution range are slightly lower, and 2) the relative distribution of release of hydrocarbon is weighted to the cracking regime for the Sunnyside tar sand. In addition, no low temperature release of methane and ethene is observed for Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty tar sands. 5 Methane exhibits the highest temperature for maximum evolution in the cracking regime (474°C). This behavior has been seen before in tar sand (9) and oil shale pyrolysis.(10) The other alkyl hydrocarbons appear to have cracking evolution maxima which slightly decrease in temperature as the length of the carbon chain increases. Hexanes have an evolution maximum due to cracking 13°C lower in temperature than ethane. The same appears to be true for the alkenes. This has been observed in Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty tar sands, (9) and Devonian oil shale pyrolysis.(11) Small amounts of methane and longer hydrocarbons evolve in the low temperature region. This behavior has been observed for Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty tar sands.(9) This evolution temperature is much higher than the distillation temperature of low molecular weight hydrocarbons, and has been attributed to a weak interaction between the sand matrix and the bitumen breaking down, allowing entrained or adsorbed methane (as well as other hydrocarbons) to evolve. This evolution at low temperature is much more obvious for Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty tar sands, and has been attributed to: 1) the boiling point distribution of the bitumen, and/or 2) sample handling, mining conditions, or diagenetic maturation or migration. Boiling point distribution of the extracted bitumens shows Sunnyside tar sand has the highest temperature distillation range, and has the lowest percentages of hydrocarbons evolving in the low temperature range.(12,13) The second point is more difficult to analyze for, because, except for laboratory handling, the other variables are difficult to measure. As of this time, however, it is thought that the differences are due to both boiling point distribution and different diagenetic conditions, because a l l samples were carefully r e t r i e v e d , s t o r e d in closed c o n t a i n e r s , and handled under n i t r o g e n in t h e laboratory. Table 1 a l s o shows an i n c r e a s e in t h e r e l a t i v e proportion of entrained hydrocarbons evolving at the low temperature with i n c r e a s i n g carbon chain l e n g t h . This is c o n s i s t e n t with t h e l a r g e r hydrocarbons being l e s s v o l a t i l e than the l i g h t e r hydrocarbons, and t h e r e f o r e d i s s i p a t e l e s s rapidly with time. It is also c o n s i s t e n t with t h e behavior of Asphalt Ridge and Big C l i f t y t a r sands. Methane. Figure 2 shows the methane evolution p r o f i l e of Sunnyside t a r sand. The y-axis has been c a l i b r a t e d with a methane s t a n d a r d , and is the volume of gas evolved per minute per gram of whole t a r sand. Obvious is the maximum at cracking evolution, accounting for 68% of t h e methane evolved. Obvious also is a shoulder on t h e high temperature side of the prominent maximum. This shoulder has a defined maximum at approximately 538°C, and accounts for 29% of the methane evolved. In Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty t a r sands(9) and o i l shale p y r o l y s i s , t h i s s h o u l d e r has been a t t r i b u t e d t o secondary reactions of l a r g e h y d r o c a r b o n s and h e t e r o a t o m i c compounds producing char or coke and l i b e r a t i n g methane. (14) Also seen in the p r o f i l e is the low temperature evolving methane. Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Table 2 shows the temperatures of maximum e v o l u t i o n for benzene and t o l u e n e for Sunnyside, Asphalt Ridge, and Big Clifty t a r sands. The evolution behavior is similar to the alkanes and alkenes — a low temperature maximum of evolution around 150°C, and a high temperature maximum of evolution at cracking temperatures. 7 Both benzene and toluene have pyrolysis evolution profiles which are similar to but have temperatures of maximum evolution slightly above those for the other tar sands. The benzene maximum for cracking evolution occurring approximately 8 degrees lower in temperature than the toluene. This latter observation has been attributed to benzene being formed by different mechanisms than toluene. The principal difference among the three sands is the relative distribution of aromatic compounds which shows the Sunnyside tar sand has much less material evolved at low temperature. This suggests a difference in the handling or diagenetic conditions. Hydrogen. Figure 3 shows the hydrogen evolution profile as a function of pyrolysis temperature for Sunnyside tar sand. The profile shows no hydrogen evolution before approximately 350°C. Five (or six) evolution maxima are seen above this temperature. The best defined maximum occurs at 438°C, and accounts for approximately 35% of the total hydrogen evolved. This maximum occurs in the same temperature range as the maximum for hydrocarbon evolution (see above), and is attributed to aromatization, cracking, and dehydrogenation reactions of nonvolatile organic compounds. These types of reactions have been observed when heavy oils are subjected to high temperature conversion processes. (15) This maximum has been also observed in the pyrolysis of Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty tar sands, (9) and oil shale. (14) A sharp, well defined maximum is also seen at 500°C, accounting for 8% of the hydrogen evolved. This maximum has not been observed before in the pyrolysis profiles of the other tar sands. The reasons are not clear, but could be due to: 1) the low intensity 8 of hydrogen evolution at cracking temperatures in the Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty tar sands not allowing resolution of this peak, or 2) mineral dehydration or compound decomposition, unique to Sunnyside. This produces water which is then gasified into hydrogen by the char on the sand surface (see Discussion section). A much less defined maximum is observed about 645°C. The nature of this peak is not certain, but possibly can be attributed to secondary charring reactions, also. The evolution maxima at high temperature, approximately 717°C and 798°C, decomposition component of are in and mineral Sunnyside the region transformation. is primarily SiC>2 of mineral The sand in various hydration forms,(16) and has batch dependent impurities which could be decomposing to liberate water promoting gasification reactions. In addition, the hydrogen at these temperatures could be controlled by the water-gas shift reaction These maxima (-see occur Discussion at section below) . (17) approximately the temperatures as observed in oil shale pyrolysis, same and have been attributed to the same types of reactions. The principal difference of Sunnyside compared to Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty tar sands is the relative amount of hydrogen evolving during hydrocarbon cracking. For Asphalt Ridge, Big Clifty, and Sunnyside tar sands, the bitumen contents are: 15%, 5%, and 6.2%, respectively; the hydrogen evolutions are: 0.82, 0.38, and 1.73 cc of hydrogen/min-gram, respectively. The much higher absolute amount of hydrogen evolving for Sunnyside is unexpected when considering the extractable bitumen contents. This suggests the Sunnyside tar sand contains some pyrobitumen or even kerogen in the sand formation, which is not solvent extractable. In addition, the profile looks more like oil shale hydrogen 9 evolution profiles(14) than Asphalt Ridge or Big Clifty tar sand profiles. Carbon Monoxide. Figure 4 shows the CO evolution profile as a function of pyrolysis temperature for Sunnyside tar sand. No evolution of CO is seen below 300°C, after which evolution begins. A small maximum is evident at 438°C and falls in the range of hydrocarbon evolution due to cracking reactions. This maximum accounts for approximately 2% of the CO formed. The chemical species responsible for this evolution are not certain, but may be the decarbonylation of carboxylic acids and salts (see Discussion section) or perhaps ketones.(18) The evolution at high temperature shows two defined maxima at 74 9°C and 815°C, corresponding to 98% of the CO evolved. This is similar ,to the behavior of Big Clifty tar sand and indicates CO production'chemistry, not related directly to hydrocarbon generation, is more prominent for both of these tar sands than for Asphalt Ridge tar sand. This higher temperature CO could have a variety of origins,(19) including the water-gas shift reaction, the Boudouard reaction, carbonate mineral decomposition, and char gasification. The difference among the Sunnyside, Asphalt Ridge, and Big Clifty tar sands is in the relative percentage of total CO evolved at cracking temperatures. For Big Clifty and Asphalt Ridge tar sands, the maximum associated with hydrocarbon evolution accounts for 10% and 29% of the CO evolved, relatively. This peak is much smaller for Sunnyside tar sand. However, when considering the quantitative yields, the Big Clifty tar sand (0.15 cc of CO evolved/g tar sand) produces approximately one third the amount of CO during hydrocarbon generation produced by Asphalt Ridge tar sand (0.38 cc of CO evolved/g tar sand), and Sunnyside falls into the middle (0.23 cc of CO evolved/g of tar sand). This is consistent with the bitumen yields for the three tar sands (see above). This relationship, of course, would only have significance if the reactions and species producing CO in this temperature regime are the same in all three tar sands. Model compound studies suggest some of the carbon oxide formation could be due to decomposition of carboxylic acids and salts (see below). Carbon Dioxide. Figure 5 shows the CO2 evolution profile as a function of temperature for Sunnyside tar sand. Unlike the hydrogen and CO profiles, evolution is evident at the onset of heating, below 300°C. This has been seen for other tar sands.(9) This is probably due to desorption_ ofCO2 on the quartz filler used in the reactor, and the Si02 of the sand matrix. This type of desorption has been shown to be important in the water evolution profiles discussed below. Above 300°C, the evolution of CO2 increases, with a small, but defined, evolution maximum at 4 64°C. This is in the temperature range of hydrocarbon evolution due to cracking reactions. This maximum accounts for approximately 6% of the CO2 evolved, and may be associated with organic decarboxylation reactions (see Discussion section). The prominent maximum is at 751°C, and accounts, for 94% of the CO2 evolved. This peak accounts for" approximately one third the CO2 which should be evolved due to carbonate decomposition as measured by acid carbonate determinations. This indicates CO2 is consumed by other reactions. In this evolution range for Big Clifty tar sand, carbonate mineral decomposition appears to dominate, while for 11 Asphalt Ridge tar sand, the water-gas shift reaction appears important. Water. Figure 6 shows the water evolution profile for Sunnyside tar sand. Quantitatively, the profile corresponds to a total evolution which is in the range of the other tar sands, and has a profile shape which is similar to Big Clifty tar sand. However, the fine structure of the profile is unique. Evident is a sharp peak at 115°C, which accounts for 17% of the evolved water. This corresponds to free water. Evident at 370°C is a broad peak due to the quartz filler. This accounts for approximately 25% of the evolved water. Differences in Sunnyside, Asphalt Ridge, and Big Clifty tar sands water evolution profiles are seen in regions above 400°C. For Sunnyside and Big Clifty tar sands, evolution is occurring at temperatures of hydrocarbon evolution *due to cracking reactions, but there is no maximum. The closest maximum is at 513°C for both tar sands, which is well above the temperature range for hydrocarbon evolution, except for methane. A broad maximum is also seen at approximately 64 0°C. This is coincident with the maximum in the carbon dioxide profile, which, along with the acid carbonate determination, indicates at least some of this water is due to carbonate mineral decomposition. The balance could have different sources, for example, some dehydration of hydrated forms of SiC-2. The behavior of water during pyrolysis of tar sands is more clearly defined when comparing water evolution profiles at several different conditions. There are roughly six evolution ranges: 1) free water (at approximately 100°C) , 2) entrained water (150 to 250°C) , 3) quartz desorbed water (temperature of maximum at 12 approximately (temperature to beta 6) 340°C), 4) hydrocarbon o f maximum a r o u n d 475°C), t r a n s i t i o n water cracking 5) quartz ( s h a r p maximum a t m i n e r a l decomposition water water alpha 560°C), and (600 to 680°C) . DISCUSSION Hydrocarbon figures, evolution. As seen in the t a b l e s and t h e hydrocarbon evolution i s e s s e n t i a l l y bimodal distribution, evolution at with a low approximately temperature 150°C t o maximum 175°C, and in of a high t e m p e r a t u r e maximum o f e v o l u t i o n a t a p p r o x i m a t e l y 450°C. The high pyrolysis are to or char. cracking light evolution reactions.(20) known coke for temperature crack to reactions are due the light data hydrocarbons listed are:primarily above, responsible process performance and these for h y d r o c a r b o n y i e l d i n p y r o l y s i s and s u g g e s t possible to L a r g e h e t e r o a t o m compounds produce From maxima the areas enhancement. An o b v i o u s e x a m p l e i s p y r o l y s i s u n d e r H 2 which h a s shown t o enhance l i q u i d y i e l d s in t h e h y d r o p y r o l y s i s of Sunnyside b i t u m e n . (6) primarily The incremental through the hydrogen a v a i l a b i l i t y . also important gain reduction liquid yield of coking by is the The m e a s u r e o f c r a c k i n g y i e l d s i s because several refinery dependent on cracking type r e a c t i o n s example catalytic cracking,(21) in cracking, practices are for upgrading, for fluidized catalytic and residuum h y d r o c o n v e r s i o n . ( 1 5 , 2 2 ) CC>2r CO. H2O. a n d H2 • S e v e r a l r e a c t i o n s m u s t be c o n s i d e r e d when a c c o u n t i n g f o r t h e e v o l u t i o n of CO2, CO, H2O, and H2 in t h e Sunnyside t a r sand p y r o l y s i s . have been s t u d i e d i n more d e t a i l elsewhere,(9) These and w i l l 13 only be mentioned briefly here because the mechanism(s) have not been unequivocally discerned. The cause of the CO and CO2 evolution in the temperature range of hydrocarbon evolution has been examined by model compound studies. The obvious candidate is the decomposition of carboxylic acids and salts which are known in tar sand bitumen.(23) Ketones, which have been observed in tar sands, (12) have also been considered to produce CO in oil shale pyrolysis.(18) Depending upon the carboxylic acid, the decomposition pathway is through reactions (1) and/or (2) . (24) Even though the reaction chemistry appears applicable, the evolution temperatures for CO and CO2 from the model compound are almost 100°C below that of the evolution temperatures for those compounds for the tar sands. The cause of this is not clear, but makes the model suspect. However, carboxylic acid compounds have been found to have varying decomposition temperatures depending on carbon structure.(25) RCH2CH2COOH RCH2CH2COOH = CO2 CO + + H20 RCH2CH3 + (1) RCH=CH2 (2) All tar sands show temperatures of maximum evolution for water which are above the maximum assigned to hydrocarbon evolution. This water and CO evolution may be accounted for by the water-gas shift reaction shown in reaction (3). CO + H20 = C0 2 + H2 (3) Enough CO2 can be generated by the carbonate mineral decomposition to make r e a c t i o n s l i k e (3) p o s s i b l y relevant. Pyrolysis experiments on o i l shales(14,17) under c e r t a i n conditions have shown gas s h i f t r e a c t i o n s are in effect above 550 C, and the rapid decrease in detected water may be a result of reaction (3) . Comparison of calculated and theoretical log Keq values for reaction (3) for Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty tar sands show similar behavior, close to water-gas shift values, but not matching exactly. CO2 + CHX = 2CO + X/2H2 (4) The Boudouard reaction, reaction (4), depends upon the deposition of organic char or coke on the sand during hydrocarbon generation. Some char formation is evident based upon the secondary evolution behavior of methane. Independent studies on the pyrolysis of Asphalt Ridge tar sand show very low coke formation, (5,26) but much higher for Sunnyside tar sand. In the pyrolysis of Colorado oil shale, however, this has been shown not to be important.(14) H20- + C = CO + H2 (5) Char gasification^ reaction (5), also depends upon char formation, and the evolution of water by some secondary reactions, primarily through mineral dehydration. (Several silica based minerals are highly hydrated, and could liberate water upon heating.) As stated above, char formation is low for Asphalt Ridge tar sand, but much higher for Sunnyside tar sand. In addition, pyrolysis of the extracted Asphalt Ridge tar sand also shows no water evolution above approximately 500°C, indicating this reaction may have little consequence here. However, other sources of water can not: be ruled out, such as pyrolysis of the coke itself. MCO3 = MO + C0 2 (6) 15 Carbonate mineral decomposition, reaction (6), is important for all three tar sands, as evidenced by the independent acid carbonate determinations, shown in Table 3, and appears to dominate the high temperature gas evolution behavior, particularly for Big Clifty and Sunnyside tar sands. CONCLUSIONS Several conclusions can be made about the comparison of Sunnyside, Asphalt Ridge, and Big Clifty tar sands: 1) Hydrocarbon evolution occurs at approximately the same cracking temperatures for Asphalt Ridge and Big Clifty, but is slightly lower for Sunnyside tar sands. In addition, methane evolves at a higher temperature than the longer chained hydrocarbons .2) Hydrocarbon evolution due to entrainment occurs approximately at the same temperature in all three tar r sands. However, Big Clifty has, relatively, a much higher percentage of total hydrocarbons evolving in this range. 3) CO evolution appears similar for all three tar sands, with a maximum associated with hydrocarbon evolution, and a high temperature maximum associated with mineral decomposition or water-gas shift chemistry. This latter maximum is relatively larger in Sunnyside and Big Clifty tar sands. 4) CO2 evolution profiles are substantially different, with Asphalt Ridge tar sand exhibiting, clearly, CO2 evolution associated with hydrocarbon evolution, but the Sunnyside and Big Clifty tar sands dominated by higher temperature evolution which is due, in part, to mineral decomposition. 1 5) Water evolution profiles are also substantially different, with, after subtracting all exogenous sources of water, the Asphalt Ridge exhibiting a sharp maximum associated with hydrocarbon evolution, but Big Clifty and Sunnyside tar probably due to mineral sands showing evolution decomposition overwhelming this peak. Other gases have been examined, including hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, volatile organo-sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen compounds, publications. and will be presented in subsequent In addition, other tar sands and heavy oils have been examined and will be reported elsewhere. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Rosalind determinations, assistance, Swansiger Armando and Art for the Alcarez Lewis for acid carbonate for experimental funding. Work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number W-7405-ENG-48. REFERENCES (1) Westhoff, J. D., Eastern Oil Shale Symposium, KECL86-158, 65 (1986). (2) Kuuskra, V. A., Hammershaimb, E. C, and Paque, M., DOE/METC DE85 001994, 35 (1985). (3) Graham, R. J., Eastern Oil shale Symposium. KECL87-XXX (1987). (4) Venkatesan, V. N., Hanson, F. V., and Oblad, A. G., AIChE Symp. Ser., 2&(216), 42 (1982) (5) Barbour, R. V., Dorrence, S. M., Vollmer, T. L., and Harris, J. D., ACS Div. Fuel Chem., Preprints, 2JL(6), 278 (1976). 17 (6) Bunger, J. W., ACS Div. Petrol. Chem., Preprints, ^ ( 4 ) , 658 (1985) . (7) Oblad, A. G., Bunger, J. W., Hanson, F. V., Miller, J. D., and Seader, J. D., DOE METC85-6026, DE85013717, 73 (1985). (8) Wong, C. 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(19) Campbell, J. H., and Burnham, A. K., Proceedings of the 11th Shale Oil Symposium, Colorado School of Mines, 242 (1978). (20) Satterfield, C. N., Heterogeneous Catalysis. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York (1980). (21) Gary, J. H., and Handwerk, G. E., Petroleum Refining. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (1984). (22) Reynolds, J. G., and Beret, S., AIChE Annual Meeting, New York, paper 9072 (1987). (23) Barbour, F. A., Guffey, F. D., and Dorrence, S. M., Oil Sands, 743 (1977). (24) March, J., J. Chem. Ed., A£(4), 212 (1963). (25) Bigley, D. B., and May, R. W., J. Chem. S o c , B, 557 (1967). (26) Lechner, C. A., Liapis, A. I., and Findley, M. E., Proc. AIChE 1984 Spring National Meet., V 57A. paper 9383 (1984). Figure 1. Evolution of Hexanes as a Function of Pyrolysis Temperature for Sunnyside Tar Sand. Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate. Figure 2. Evolution of Methane as a Function of Pyrolysis Temperature for Sunnyside Tar Sand. Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate. Figure 3. Evolution of Hydrogen as a Function of Pyrolysis Temperature for Sunnyside Tar Sand. Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate. Figure 4. Evolution of Carbon Monoxide as a Function of Pyrolysis Temperature for Sunnyside Tar Sand., Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate. Figure 5. Evolution of Carbon Dioxide as a Function of Pyrolysis Temperature for Sunnyside Tar Sand. Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate." Figure 6. Evolution of Water as a Function of Pyrolysis Temperature for Sunnyside Tar Sand. Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate. Table 1. Hydrocarbon Evolution Data for Sunnyside Tar Sands, 4°C/min Heating Rate, Quartz Reactor Species Peak 1 °C (%) Peak 2 °C (%> CH4 C2H4 C2H6 C3H6 C3H8 C4H8 C4H10 C5H10 C5H12 C6H12 C6H14 C7H10 110 (3) tr 171 (4) 193 (5) 474 445 451 443 440 441 437 441 438 434 438 446 - 167 190 163 181 180 177 177 (6) (9) (8) (11) (11) (17) (25) (96) (100) (96) (95) (100) (94) (91) (92) (89) (89) (95) (75) Table 2. Aromatic Hydrocarbon Evolution Data for Asphalt Ridge, Big Clifty, and Sunnyside Tar Sands, 4°C/min Heating Rate, Quartz Reactors Tar Sand Peak 1 °C (%) Peak 2 °C (%) Benzene Asphalt Ridge Big Clifty Sunnyside 163 (26) 147 (39) 173 (8) 438 (74) 440 (61) 447 (92) Asphalt Ridge Big Clifty Sunny side 167 (27) 153 (41) 173 (4) 441 (73> 448 (59) 454 (96) Table 3. Acid Carbonate Determinations of Sunnyside, Big Clifty, and Asphalt Ridge Tar Sands Tar Sand Sunnyside Big Clifty Asphalt Ridge Acid Carbonate, wt% Figure 1. Evolution of Hexanes as a Function of Pyrolysis Temperature for Sunnyside Tar Sand. Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate. 5000 4000 3000- 2000- 1000- TEMPERATURE, °C Figure 2. Evolution of Methane aa a Function of Pyrolysis Temperature for Sunnyside Tar Sand. Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate. < cc o I z io o o.oo TEMPERATURE, °C Figure 3. Evolution of Hydrogen as a Function of Pyrolysis Temperature for Sunnyside Tar Sand., Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate. 0.12 0.10- 0.08" 0.06- 0.04- 0.02- 0.00 I 50 ' ' 250 •* — '« 450 ' ' 650 TEMPERATURE, °C ' <— 850 Figure 4. Evolution of Carbon Monoxide as a F u n c t i o n of Pyrolysls Temperature for Sunnyslde Tar S a n d . Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating R a t e . 0.3" TEMPERATURE, °C Figure 5. Evolution of Carbon Dioxide as a Function of Pyrolysis Temperature for Sunnyside Tar Sand. Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate. < DC O s o o TEMPERATURE, °C Figure 6. Evolution of Water as a Function of P y r o l y s i s Temperature f o r Sunnyside Tar Sand. Quartz Reactor at a 4°C/min Heating Rate. TEMPERATURE, °C
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