Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 2733–2741 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers journal homepage: Development of efficient chemi-sensor and photo-catalyst based on wet-chemically prepared ZnO nanorods for environmental remediation M. Faisal a, Sher Bahadar Khan b,c, Mohammed M. Rahman b,c,*, Adel A. Ismail a, Abdullah M. Asiri b,c, S.A. Al-Sayari a a Promising Centre for Sensors and Electronic Devices (PCSED), Advanced Materials and Nano-Research Centre, Najran University, P.O. Box 1988, Najran 11001, Saudi Arabia b Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials Research (CEAMR), King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia c Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Article history: Received 21 November 2013 Received in revised form 5 May 2014 Accepted 11 May 2014 Available online 29 May 2014 Highly sensitive ammonia chemical sensor has been fabricated by using efficient ZnO nanorods (NRs) synthesized by low temperature wet-chemical process. The fabricated ammonia sensor showed excellent sensitivity 5.538 mA/cm2/mM, lower-detection limit (0.11 mM), and large-linear dynamic range (LDR, 0.5 mM to 0.5 mM) with good linearity (R = 0.7102) in short response time (10.0 s). Additionally, ZnO NRs displayed excellent performance in degrading acridine orange (AO), methylene blue (MB), and amido black (AB). The structural and morphological characterizations of the synthesized ZnO was carried out by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (FT-IR), and UV–vis spectrophotometer, which confirmed that the synthesized product is wurtzite type well-crystalline rod-shape structure with an average diameter of 58.61 5.0 nm. ß 2014 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Zinc oxide nanorods Structural properties Optical properties Photo-degradation Ammonia chemical sensing 1. Introduction Nanoscience and technology have attracted significant attention due to their potential application in various fields [1]. ZnO a versatile material, emerges as a challenging prospect in the field of nanotechnology. Nanosized ZnO has been widely used as a catalyst [2,3], gas sensor [4,5], active filler for rubber and plastic, UV absorber in cosmetics and antivirus agent in coating [6–8] and have more potential application in building functional electronic devices with special architecture and distinctive optoelectronic properties. With the development of industry and economy environmental problem become more and more serious day by day. Due to certain man made activities numerous hazardous compounds are introduced into the environment which is a concerning matter for monitoring agencies and regulation authorities. Photocatalysis has been regarded as the most viable * Corresponding author. Tel.: +966 59 642 1830; fax: +966 12 6952292. E-mail addresses:, (M.M. Rahman). technology to solve this problem [9]. Various photocatalysts, especially metal oxide photocatalyst such as TiO2, tin oxide and Zinc oxide has attracted extensive attention for the degradation of organic pollutants in water and air under UV irradiation [10–14]. Although TiO2 is the favorite photocatalyst for the degradation of majority of organic contaminants but ZnO has recently receiving much attention because of its simple synthesis procedure, lower cost and band gap energy around 3.2 eV [15]. Photocatalyst play an important role in the environmental safety by photocatalytic degradation of pollutants. Environmental pollutants such as dyes, phenols, pesticides, etc. which discharged by industries or by certain man made activities have adverse effect and causes water pollution, environmental contamination and big threat to human health and aquatic ecosystem due to their toxicity, carcinogenicity and hazardous effect [16,17]. In the last years, much research efforts have been focused on finding an active catalyst suitable for detoxification of these pollutants. Numerous reports has been well documented in literature regarding the utilization of ZnO and ZnO based nanocomposites for the effective treatment of harmful and toxic moieties present in the waste water. Wang and coworkers successfully synthesized 1876-1070/ß 2014 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 2734 M. Faisal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 2733–2741 ZnO–SnO2 hollow spheres and hierarchical nanosheets using an aqueous solution containing ZnO rods, SnCl4, and NaOH by using a simple hydrothermal method. Both hollow spheres and hierarchical nanosheets show higher photocatalytic activities in the degradation of methyl orange than that of ZnO rods or SnO2 [18]. Similarly in this series Zhang et al. reported the fabrication of Onedimensional ZnO–SnO2 nanofibers by a combination method of sol–gel process and electrospinning technique. The photocatalytic activity of the ZnO–SnO2 nanofibers has been carried out for the degradation of rhodamine B (RB) and ZnO–SnO2 nanofibers showed higher photocatalytic activity than that of electrospun ZnO and SnO2 nanofibers [19]. Uddin et al. prepared nanoporous SnO(2)–ZnO heterojunction nanocatalyst and found that heterostructure SnO(2)–ZnO photocatalyst showed much higher photocatalytic activities for the degradation of methylene blue than those of individual SnO(2) and ZnO nanomaterials [20]. Taking into account the potential applications of ZnO and its nanocomposites we successfully synthesized the low dimension ZnO nanostructured. The main aim of the present study is to explore the multi remediation effect of these nanostructures for environmental application. Our results indicates that synthesized ZnO utilized as redox mediator and photocatalyst for the fabrication of efficient chemi-sensor and for the degradation of various dyes molecules. Rapid industrialization and urbanization also increases the number of reports of accidental leakage of harmful gases and liquids which is also a matter of great concern for scientific society. Recently considerable attention has been focused to develop semiconducting metal oxide based chemical sensors for safety of environment by environmentalist and scientific community [21,22]. Ammonia gas in liquid form i.e. ammonium hydroxide is one of the important industrial gas as it is toxic and has polluting nature. Because of its broad range of applications like in fertilizers, nitrogen containing chemicals, industrial refrigerant, etc. its world wide production excess to 100 million tons per annum. Concentrated form is highly fatal and can cause severe burn to skin, throat, eyes and have bad impact on lungs also. Ammonium hydroxide aerosols are also corrosive, sun blocking function and their fumes reduces the temperature also. Thus it is very important to develop sensors and devices for early detection and quantification of ammonium hydroxide in a wide range of industrial application. Significant attention has been focused on solution phase ammonia sensors based on electrical, optical and chemical detection because it can be operated at room temperature, low level concentration can be detected with fast response time and its useful application in order to quantify trace level ammonia solution in ecosystem. Lots of efforts have been made to develop chemical sensor for the detection of NH4OH such electrochemical sensor and chemiresistive sensor [23], SAW sensors [24] and optical sensors [25,26]. In general, metal oxide due to their unique surface activities imparted by huge surface areas, are supposed to be the ideal sensing elements as chemi-sensors. Chemical sensing technique using thin film of metal oxide mainly utilizes the properties of that thin film formed by physi-sorption and chemisorption technique. Detection of chemical is based on change in current value of fabricated thin film caused by the chemical components of the systems reacting in aqueous medium [27,28].Here, the main target is to detect the minimum ammonium hydroxide concentration required for electrochemical detection. Taking into account their potential applications an attempt have been made to develop a photocatalyst and chemi-sensor and for this purpose zinc oxide nanostructures were synthesized. These nanostructures were applied for catalytic and sensing application and demonstrated good degradation and sensing properties. To best of our knowledge, this is the first report for detection of ammonium hydroxide (in liquid phase) with ZnO nanorods using simple and reliable I–V technique in short response time. These chemical sensing and photocatalytic properties of ZnO nanorods are of great importance for the utilization of ZnO as a chemical sensor and photocatalyst [26–35]. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials and methods Analytical grade zinc chloride, urea, ammonium hydroxide, butyl carbitol acetate, ethyl acetate, monosodium phosphate, disodium phosphate, acridine orange (AO), methylene blue (MB), amido black (AB) and all other chemicals used were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich and used as received. The solution was made in double distilled water before performing any reaction. ZnO nanorods were synthesized by wet-chemical method in which ZnCl2 (1.36 g) and urea (2.4 g) were dissolved in distilled water (100.0 ml) with a constant stirring for about 30 min at room temperature and were then pH was adjusted at 10.2 by drop wise addition of NH4OH solution. The resultant solutions were then stirred at 80.0 8C for 15 h. After terminating the reaction, white precipitates were obtained which were washed with water and ethanol several times and dried at room-temperature. The resulting white powders were calcined at 400.0 8C for 5 h. Structural characterizations of the nano-materials were investigated using field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM; JSM-7600F, Japan), X-ray diffraction (XRD; X’Pert Explorer, PANalytical diffractometer) data was executed with Cu-Ka radiation. Fourier transforms infrared spectrometer (FT-IR; Perkin Elmer) spectrum was recorded in KBr dispersion in the range of 400–4000 cm1. UV/visible spectrum were recorded in the range of 300–800 nm (Perkin Elmer-Lambda 950-UV–visible spectrometer). The morphologies, sizes, and structures of calcined ZnO NRs were executed by HR-TEM (TEM; JEM-2100F, Japan). HR-TEM sample was prepared as follows: the synthesized calcined ZnO NRs were dispersed into ethanol under ultrasonic vibration for 2 min, and then the HR-TEM film is dipped in the solution and dried for investigation. Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) measurements were investigated on nitrogen gas sorption system (Autosorb, Quantachrome Instruments) using nitrogen as the adsorbate. ZnO nanorods were degassed for 12.0 h at 400.0 8C prior to measurement. The nitrogen sorption curve was taken as 60/60 pts adsorption/desorption (equal timeout: 240/240 ads/ des), with the BET surface-area calculated using a multi-point BET analysis. 2.2. Photo-catalytic experimental set-up The photocatalytic reaction were carried out in a 250.0 ml beaker, which contain 150.0 ml of each dye solution (0.03 mM) and 150.0 mg of ZnO nanomaterial. Prior to irradiation, the solution was stirred and bubbled with oxygen for at least 15 min in the dark to allow equilibrium of the system so that loss of compound due to the adsorption can be taken into account. The suspension was continuously purged with oxygen bubbling throughout the experiment. Irradiation was carried out using 250 W high pressure Mercury lamps. Samples (5.0 ml) were collected before and at regular intervals during the irradiation and dye solution were separated from the photocatalyst by centrifugation before analysis. The degradation of the dye derivatives was followed by measuring the change in absorption intensity at their lmax 491 nm (Acridine orange), 663 nm (Methylene blue), and 618 nm (Amido black) as a function of irradiation time using UV–vis spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer Lambda 950 model). M. Faisal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 2733–2741 2.3. Gold electrode fabrication and ammonium hydroxide detection by ZnO NRs Glassy carbon electrode (surface area, 0.0316 cm2) is coated with prepared ZnO using butyl carbitol acetate (BCA) and ethyl acetate (EA) as a coating agent. Then it is kept in the oven at 60 8C for 3 h until the film is completely dried. 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.0 is made by mixing 0.2 M Na2HPO4 and 0.2 M NaH2PO4 solution in 100.0 mL de-ionize water. A cell is constructed consisting of nanomaterial coated glassy carbon electrode as a working electrode and Pd wire is used as counter electrode. Ammonium hydroxide solution is diluted at different concentrations in DI water and used as a target chemical. Amount of 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution was kept constant as 20.0 mL for all measurement. Solution was prepared with various concentrations of ammonium hydroxide in DI water. The ratio of voltage and current (slope of calibration curve) is used as a measure of ammonium hydroxide sensitivity. Electrometer is used as a voltage sources for I–V measurement in simple two electrode system. 3. Results and discussions 3.1. Morphological, structural and optical characterization FESEM was used for the general structural characterization of the calcined products and demonstrated in Fig. 1. It is clear from the images that the synthesized products are grown in very highdensity and possess rods shape structure (Fig. 1(a)–(c)). The average diameter of the grown nanorods were in the range of 58.61 5 nm. To check the crystallinity of the synthesized ZnO nanorods, Xray diffraction technique was used and results are shown in Fig. 2(a). A series of characteristic peaks were obtained which are well-matched with that of bulk wurtzite hexagonal well-crystalline ZnO. No other impure diffraction peaks were detected within 2735 the detection limit of the X-ray diffraction which confirms that the obtained nanomaterial are pure ZnO with wurtzite hexagonal phase [36,37]. Fig. 2(b) shows the typical FTIR spectra of the ZnO nanomaterial measured in the range of 420–4000 cm1. The appearance of a sharp band at 495.18 cm1 in the FTIR spectra confirms the synthesis of ZnO because it is the characteristic absorption band for the Zn–O stretching vibration [37]. Additionally broad absorption peaks centered at around 3477 cm1 and 1612 cm1 are caused by the O–H stretching of the absorbed water molecules and carbon dioxide because the nanocrystalline materials exhibit a high surface-to-volume ratio. A very small band at 904 cm1 may be due to the carbonate moieties which generally appears when FTIR samples are measured in air [38]. Optical property is one of the most important properties of any material for evaluation of its photocatalytic activity. The wavelength (lmax) of ZnO nanorods was measured by using UV/visible spectrophotometer and presented in Fig. 2(c). It displays a welldefined and strong absorption peak at 377.1 nm, a characteristic and corresponding peak to the wurtzite hexagonal phase bulk ZnO [39]. No other peak related with impurities and structural defects were found in the spectrum which confirms that the prepared material contain only crystalline ZnO. By using UV/visible spectrum, the optical band gap of nanomaterials was calculated by Tauc’s formula, which shows the relationship among absorption coefficient and the incident photon energy of ZnO nanostructures. The Tauc’s equation is presented in below as, ahn ¼ Aðhn Eg Þn where a is the absorption coefficient, A is constant, and n is equal to 1/2 for a indirect transition semiconductor and 2 for direct transition semiconductors. Accordingly, to calculate the optical Fig. 1. Typical (a) low-magnification, (b) and (c) high-resolution FESEM images of the synthesized ZnO nanorods synthesized via simple thermal stirring process. 2736 M. Faisal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 2733–2741 Fig. 2. Typical (a) XRD pattern, (b) FTIR spectrum, (c) UV–vis spectrum (d) tauc plot (band-gap energy calculation) of the synthesized ZnO nanorods synthesized via simple thermal stirring process. band gap (Ebg) for the calcined ZnO, a plot of (ahn)2 against incident photon energy (hn) has been displayed in Fig. 2(d). The direct band gap energy was estimated by extrapolating the straight-line segment of the plot ‘‘(ahn)2’’ vs ‘‘(hn)’’ to zero absorption coefficient value. From the Fig. 2(d), the value of Ebg was found to be 3.00 eV [40]. 3.2. HR-TEM analysis Further structural characterization of the calcined hexagonalshaped ZnO nanostructures grown in rod-shaped structures was investigated by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and presented in Fig. 3(a and b). The low-magnification TEM observation shows the exact morphology of the rod-shaped ZnO nanostructures assembled in rod-like structures as was seen in FESEM and reveals the full consistency in terms of shape and dimension (Fig. 3 (a and b)). The typical diameter of the observed nanorod is consistence with the FESEM investigation, which possessing a very clean and smooth surfaces with the uniform diameter pass throughout their lengths. Fig. 3 shows the TEM image which confirm that the calcined structure is single crystalline with the lattice d-spacing of [0 0 0 1] crystal planes of the wurtzite hexagonal ZnO and preferentially grown along [0 0 0 1] direction. 3.3. BET analysis Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) theory aims to explain the physical adsorption of gas molecules (especially nitrogen gas) on a solid surface (undoped metal oxides) and serves as the basis for an important analysis technique for the measurement of the specific surface area of prepared undoped ZnO nanomaterials. The average pore diameter and specific surface area (BET: surface and pore volume) were measured for ZnO nanorods using a Quantochrome NOVA 1000 (Boynton Beach, FL, USA). In order to estimate if any Fig. 3. Typical (a) low-magnification and (b) high-resolution of the calcined highaspect-ratio ZnO rod-like structures composed of perfectly hexagonal-shaped ZnO nanorods. M. Faisal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 2733–2741 change of the physical structure occurs of undoped ZnO nanorods, the pore size distribution and the specific surface area were investigated using multipoint BET analysis by considering the adsorption/desorption of N2. As shown in Fig. 4, it is calculated the pore size (pore width), pore volume specific, and surface area of 4.8 nm (Fig. 4a), 0.016 cc/g, and 11.4 m2/g (Fig. 4b) respectively for the ZnO nanorods by considering the adsorption/desorption of N2 (0.100/0.100:ads/des). Therefore, the observed surface area results from a formation of nanopores accessible for the nitrogengas, resulting in an increase of the capacitance of the semiconductor metal oxides (ZnO nanorods). The experimental data exhibited that varying the synthetic conditions, extensively affected the pore size distribution and specific surface area of obtained ZnO nanorods as presented in Fig. 4. 2737 4. Potential applications 4.1. Photocatalytic degradation of dyes by ZnO NRs Fig. 5(a–c) exhibits the change in absorption spectra for the photo catalytic degradation of acridine orange (AO), methylene blue (MB) and amido black (AB) with exposure time. It can be seen that irradiation of aqueous suspension of dyes under consideration in the presence of ZnO nanorods leads to decrease in absorption intensity. Maximum absorbance at 491.0 nm for AO, 663 nm for MB and 618 nm for AB gradually decreases with increase in irradiation time. Fig. 5(d and e) shows the plots of change in absorption intensity and % degradation vs irradiation time (min) for the oxygen saturated aqueous suspension of all the three dye derivatives in the presence and absence the synthesized metal oxide nanostructures. It could be seen from the Fig. 5(e) that 87.5% of AO,79.5% of MB and 37.22% of AB dye derivatives degraded after 170.0 min of irradiation time(in the presence of synthesized ZnO nanostructures) whereas in the absence of photo catalyst no observable loss of dye could be seen. The degradation rate for each dye derivatives was also calculated. Degradation rate constant for each experiment was calculated from the initial slope obtained by linear regression from a plot of the natural logarithm (ln) of absorbance of the AO, MB and AB as a function of exposure time, i.e., first-order degradation kinetics. This rate constant is used to calculate the degradation rates for the decomposition of AO, MB and AB using the formula appended Eq. (1) below: d½A ¼ kcn dt (1) where k is the rate constant, c the concentration of the dye and n the order of reaction. The degradation rates for the decomposition of AO, MB and AB in the presence of ZnO nanomaterial is shown in Fig. 5(f). It is interesting to note that synthesized nanomaterial shows highest efficiency for the degradation of AO while for MB proved to be a good photocatalyst whereas in case of AB showing pronounced effect for the degradation. 4.2. Reaction kinetics of photo-degradation In order to realize the degradation behaviors we studied the degradation pattern of dyes by Langmuir–Hinshelwood (L–H) model. L–H model well defines the relationship among the rate of degradation and the initial concentration of dyes in photo-catalytic reaction [41]. The rate of photo-degradation is calculated by using Eq. (2): r¼ dC ¼ K r KC ¼ Ka p pC dt (2) where r represents degradation rate of dye, Kr reflects reaction rate constant, K represents equilibrium constant, C represents reactants concentration. When C is very low, then KC is negligible; so that Eq. (2) become first order kinetic. Setting Eq. (2) under initial conditions of photo-catalytic procedure, (t = 0, C = C0), it become Eq. (3). Fig. 4. BET for (a) plotting of pore width and pore volume (pore size distribution), and (b) plotting and calculation of multi-point BET analysis regarding surface area of ZnO nanorods for different nitrogen gas loadings. Parameters: sample weight: 0.1993 g; out-gas time: 12.0 h; analysis gas: N2; pressure tolerance: 0.100/0.100 (ads/des); analysis time: 776.5 min; sample volume: 0.06643 cc; outgas temp: 400.0 8C; bath temp: 77.3 K; equal time:60/60 (ads/des); sample density: 3.0 g/cc, equal timeout: 240/240 s (ads/des). DFT: N2 at 77.0 K on carbon (slit pore, NLDFT equilibrium model); Rel. press. range: 0.0000–1.0000. Adsorbate: gas: nitrogen: cross section: 16.200; liquid density: 0.806 g/cc. ln C ¼ kt C0 (3) Half-life, t1/2 (in min) is t 1=2 ¼ 0:693 k (4) Fig. 4(c) showed that the degradation of AO, MB and AB followed first-order kinetics (plots of ln (C/C0) vs time showed 2738 M. Faisal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 2733–2741 Fig. 5. Photocatalytic degradation of AO, MB and AB using ZnO nanorods. (a) Spectrum of AO, (b) spectrum of MB, (c) spectrum of AB at different time interval, (d) comparison of absorbance and (e) % degradation in different time intervals of AO, MB and AB in presence and absence of ZnO nanorods. (f) Comparision of degradation rate for decomposition of AO, MB and AB in the presence of ZnO nanorods synthesized via simple thermal stirring process. linear relationship). First-order rate constants, evaluated from the slopes of the ln (C/C0) vs time plots and the half-life of the degraded AO, MB and AB can then be easily calculated by Eq. (4) [41]. The rate constant for AO, MB and AB in the presence of ZnO nanorods were found to be 0.01243 min1 (t1/2 = 55.75 min), 0.00889 min1 (t1/2 = 77.95 min), and 0.00248 min1 (t1/2 = 279.43 min). Thus the kinetic study revealed that ZnO nanorods is a proficient photocatalyst for degradation of organic pollutants. The degradation rate for each dye was also calculated by using rate constant for the decomposition of AO, MB and AB. The degradation rates for the decomposition of AO, MB and AB in the presence of ZnO nanomaterial is shown in Fig. 5(d). It is interesting to note that synthesized nanomaterial shows highest efficiency for the degradation of AO while for MB proved to be a good photocatalyst whereas in case of AB showing pronounced effect for the degradation. On comparing the photo activity of prepared ZnO nanomaterial with commercially available Degussa P25 (TiO2), the commercially available material was found to be more effective. The rate constant for AO, MB, and AB in the presence of Degussa P25 (TiO2) were found to be 0.0201 min1 (t1/ 1 (t1/2 = 39.92 min), and 0.0072 min1 2 = 34.47 min), 0.0174 min 1 (t1/2 = 96.25 min) respectively. One important feature of prepared ZnO nanomaterial is the reusability, it can give almost same performance after 2–3 times of recycling. A very important parameter in the photocatalytic reactions taking place on the particulate surfaces is the pH of the solution, since it dictates the surface charge properties of the photocatalyst and size of aggregates it forms. Earlier studies have shown that in M. Faisal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 2733–2741 case of AO the reaction rate increases as the reaction pH increases from 3 to 7 and becomes almost doubled at pH 7. The maximum degradation achieved at this pH and with further increase in pH, rate of photodegradation decreases [42]. In case of MB, the extent of photocatalysis increases with increase in pH value with maximum destruction of dye in alkaline pH [43]. For AB degradation was found to increase with increase in pH from acidic to basic range and maximum degradation was observed at pH 9.5 [44]. 4.3. Mechanism of heterogeneous photocatalysis Mechanism of heterogeneous photocatalysis for the degradation of various pollutants has been discussed extensively in literature. Formation of electron and hole pair will take place on absorbing photon of energy equal to or greater than its band gap by a semiconductor or metal oxide (MOx). Generated electron and hole migrate to the surface of semiconductor or metal oxide if charge separation is maintained where they participate in redox reaction with organic substrate dissolved in water in presence of oxygen. Hydroxyl radicals (OH) and superoxide radical anions (O2) are supposed to be the main oxidizing species and these oxidative reaction results in the oxidation of the pollutants, often upto complete mineralization. The whole mechanism of photoactivity of synthesized ZnO nanomaterial is depicted in Fig. 6. Above results clearly indicate that prepared nano-material showing good photo catalytic activity, has very simple synthesis procedure and low cost, so it can be a beneficial photo catalyst for wastewater treatment beside other metal oxide. 4.4. Detection of ammonia using NRs by I–V technique The thin film of synthesized nanomaterial (rod shape ZnO) was made using conducting binder and embedded on the glassy carbon electrode. Fabricated electrode was kept in oven at low temperature (60.0 8C) for 3 h until the film is completely dried and uniform the film completely. Ammonium hydroxide was used as a target molecule for the measurement in liquid phase. The electrical 2739 response of target molecule has been measured using I–V electroanalytical technique. The sensing properties of I–V sensors (two electrodes system) having ZnO thin film has been studied. I– V responses sensor having ZnO thin film as a function of time for the ammonia is shown in Fig. 7(a and b). A significant increase in the current value with applied potential is clearly demonstrated. The gray-solid and dark-solid dotted curves indicate the response of the film before and after injecting 100.0 mL chemicals in bulk solution. Significant increase in the sample current is measured after injection of target component. 0.5 mM concentration of ammonia was initially taken in the cell and added the higher concentration (every step, 10 time) is in each injection from the stock concentration of ammonia, which was added to the 20.0 mL bulk buffer solution. Each I–V response to varying concentration of chemicals from 0.5 mM to 5.0 mM on thin rod shape ZnO coatings for 10 s (delay of time) was presented in Fig. 7(c). It shows current of ZnO as a function of target concentration at room temperature. It is observed that at lower to higher concentration of target compound, the current increases gradually. The calibration curve was plotted from the variation of ammonia concentration, which is shown in Fig. 7(d). The sensitivity is calculated from the calibration curve, which is closed to 5.538 mA/ cm2/mM. The linear dynamic range of this sensor exhibits from 0.5 mM to 0.5 mM and the detection limit was found 0.11 mM (3 N/S). The response time was around 10.0 s for the nanomaterial coated electrode to acquire saturated steady state current. The reason for high sensitivity of film may be due to the good absorption ability (porous surfaces fabricated with coating) and adsorption property, good biocompatibility and high catalytic activity and of the zinc oxide nanomaterial. The sensitivity obtained for the fabricated sensor is relatively higher than previously reported cases of ammonium hydroxide sensors based on other composite or materials modified electrodes [32,41,45– 50]. Due to large surface area, the nanorods of zinc oxide provide a favorable nano-atmosphere for the detection of chemical with good quantity. The high sensitivity of NRs provide high electron communication features which improve the direct transfer of electron between the active sites of NRs and GCE [51–56]. The fabricated thin film had a good stability. Fig. 6. Mechanism of ZnO nanorods under UV light photo-excitation of colored AO dye. 2740 M. Faisal et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 2733–2741 Fig. 7. I–V curves of (a) with and without coating of ZnO (b) with and without ammonium hydroxide (c) concentration variation of ammonium hydroxide; and (d) calibration curve of ammonium hydroxide sensors. 5. Conclusions The rod-shaped ZnO has been successfully synthesized by wetchemical technique in the alkaline medium. The composition and detail structural characterization have been studied by UV, FT-IR, XRD and FESEM which revealed that the synthesized nanostructures are well-crystalline, possessing wurtzite hexagonal shape. The potential applications on catalytic behavior and chemical sensing were carried out with synthesized nanomaterial. The photo-catalytic performance of ZnO nanorods were evaluated by degradation of acridine orange, methylene blue and amido black which efficiently degraded the dyes. By applying to the detection and quantification of ammonium hydroxide, the performance of the developed ammonium hydroxide sensor is excellent in terms of sensitivity, detection limit, linear dynamic ranges and response time. Acknowledgement This work was funded by King Abdulaziz University, under Grant no. (D-001/431). The authors, therefore, acknowledge technical and financial support of KAU. References [1] Xi G, Peng Yi Zhu Y, Xu L, Zhang W, Yu W, Qian Y. 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