College Chapter Guide to Success 2 AAF college chapter guide to success Table of Contents Getting Involved with AAF: What’s in It for You . . . . 4 Gaining Industry Experience National Student Advertising Competition . . . . . . . . . . 16 Starting Your AAF College Chapter Student ADDY® Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 AAF Student Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Chapter Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter Renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Winning Awards & Recognition Chapter Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Alpha Delta Sigma Honor Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Academic Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Advertising Hall of Fame Legacy Fund Scholarship . . . 19 Chapter Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Most Promising Minority Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Chapter Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Membership Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Maintaining a Successful AAF College Chapter Exploring Job Opportunities & Internships AAF Job Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mosaic Career Fairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Chapter Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AAF/Adweek W. Pendleton Tudor Media Internship . . 20 Chapter Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Vance and Betty Lee Stickell Student Internship . . . . . . . 20 Membership Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Motivating Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chapter Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Social Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Planning AAF College Chapter Events & Activities Speaker Engagements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Film and Video Showings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Social Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Seminars and Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Field Trips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Industry Immersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Public Service Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Create a Chapter Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Chapter Ad Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Recognizing Others James S. Fish Aid to Advertising Education Award . . . 23 Distinguished Advertising Educator Award . . . . . . . . . 23 Remaining Active: AAF Beyond Graduation Ad 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 AAF Club Achievement Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ADDY® Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 AAF Silver Medal Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Appendix A Model Constitution for AAF College Chapters . . . . . . 24 Induction Ceremony for Alpha Delta Sigma . . . . . . . . . 26 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Contact Information Education Services, American Advertising Federation, 1101 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005, P: (800) 999-2231, F: (202) 898-0159, Photo Information Photos courtesy of 11318734/11384106/Christopher Futcher, 12755118/Robert Churchill, 6016331/René Mansi, 10751165/Leontura,12787465/ Robert Churchill, 10566266/Leontura Photos courtesy of Getty Images: sb10069643c-003/John-Francis Bourke, 77005452/Stockbyte, sb10066016a-009/Thomas Barwick, stk161277rke/Stockbyte, 200255530-004/Erik Dreyer, 200279406-001/Art Vandalay, sb10065231cb-001/Thomas Barwick, 200446082-009/Commercial Eye AAF college chapter guide to success 3 Getting Involved with AAF: What’s in It for You What is the AAF? The American Advertising Federation (AAF), headquartered in Washington, D.C., acts as the “Unifying Voice for Advertising.” The AAF is the oldest national advertising trade association, representing 40,000 professionals in the advertising industry. It has a national network of 200 ad clubs located in communities across the country, and has nearly 100 blue-chip corporate members who are advertisers, agencies and media companies, that comprise of the nation’s leading brands and corporations. Through its 200-plus college chapters, the AAF provides 7,000 advertising students with real-world case studies and recruitment connections to corporate America. Why an AAF College Chapter? While you probably know the AAF as the sponsor of the National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC), the AAF’s college chapter program gives you the chance to belong to a professional organization of students who have a curiosity about the world of advertising and a passionate desire to join the industry. An AAF college chapter provides you with the opportunity to: Have Fun Gain Recognition • Meet new people, both on and off campus. • Be recognized for your talent and leadership skills, within your chapter, across your district and even nationally. • Share ideas with other students and professionals. • Develop and exercise your talent. • Build and demonstrate your leadership skills. • Enjoy your extracurricular college experience. • Have access to national recognition through AAF programs and internships. • Participate in AAF-sponsored competitions and awards programs, including the Student ADDY® Awards. • Pursue activities that build a portfolio and résumé hits. Network • Visit advertising-related businesses and the professionals who work in this exciting industry. Build Experience and Receive Professional Advice • Attend meetings of you local advertising federation to get a “feel” for the business. • Connect to advertising professionals. • Attend the annual AAF Student Conference. • Receive professional advice on formatting your resumé, preparing for an interview and conducting yourself at work. • Attend your district NSAC. • Find internships. • Attend the NSAC finals at the AAF National Conference. • Build credibility for the time when you begin your job search. • Participate in Mosaic Career Fairs. Access to Tools and Resources • Apply to win academic scholarships and grants. • Receive discounts to services and products that help you stay current and successful in the industry. 4 AAF college chapter guide to success Starting Your AAF College Chapter Eligibility A college chapter of the American Advertising Federation may be formed on the campus of any institution of higher education offering a sequence of at least two courses in advertising or in subjects closely related, such as marketing, promotion or advertising design. The institution of higher education must be accredited by a recognized accrediting association. Community, junior colleges, portfolio schools or other two-year college level schools are eligible. An AAF chapter must have at least 10 student members who are currently registered for at least one course for credit within the institution. Each student member must be in good academic standing, as defined by the school, college or university. •A ll members of the partnership must be listed in all materials. For example, if three institutions come together to form one National Student Advertising Competition, team, all three names of the institutions must be listed. Chapter Initiation To officially become an AAF college chapter, your school must recruit a minimum of 10 students. Each chapter must submit the following materials, available at • Chapter Membership Application (online) • List of chapter members (template online) Additionally, two or more institutions of higher education in the same district may form a membership partnership. Guidelines for group membership: • One form of payment covering all members’ dues (check or credit card) • All institutions must be in the same district. • Copy of your chapter’s constitution (example provided at the end of this guide) • An average of 10 students per institution in the partnership must join. For example, if three institutions form a partnership, at least 30 students must pay their dues, but each institution does not have to provide 10 members each to the total count. • Copy of school’s communication/advertising course catalog The AAF Board of Directors reviews all materials and once approved, the chapter will receive an official welcome letter and membership cards. After initiation, however, chapter authorization will automatically lapse if the chapter does not submit required dues and adhere to deadlines. Annual membership ends August 31. continued >> AAF college chapter guide to success 5 >> Starting Your AAF College Chapter (continued) Chapter Renewal Chapter Name All existing AAF chapters must submit renewal materials online in order to remain active. Each chapter must submit the following materials, available at Each AAF chapter selects a name that gets your chapter recognized as a professional organization, not a social club, and incorporates the “American Advertising Federation” into its name. AAF recommends not using “advertising club” to avoid confusion with local professional ad clubs. After selecting a name, list your chapter’s name under professional societies and organizations. All printed materials and your chapter’s Web site should include the AAF logo which can be downloaded at • Chapter Membership Application (online, select “College Chapter Renewal” from drop down menu) • Updated roster of chapter members (template online) • One form of payment covering all members’ dues for both new and returning members (check or credit card) •U pdated copy of school’s communication/advertising course catalog • Updated copy of your chapter’s constitution (if revised) Membership Dues AAF college chapter membership dues are only $55 per student for the school year, September 1–August 31. They are submitted annually, online by the end of October. If your chapter does not form until the second semester, membership dues must be received by midFebruary. Advisors do not pay dues and student dues cannot be transferred. Each chapter can collect local dues for activities and may limit participation to those paying dues. Chapters often collect an additional $5 to $30 per year for these local activities. The chapter should collect both national and local chapter dues together, deposit them in the appropriate account and then send one lump sum payment for just national dues to: Education Services American Advertising Federation 1101 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 500 Washington DC 20005 Do not send cash or individual student checks. Failure to pay membership dues will be cause to review the charter, with possible revocation. Academic Advisor Each AAF chapter appoints an academic advisor from the institution’s faculty. This individual will be your chapter’s point of contact with the national office and will receive all AAF mailings. The academic advisor has no voting rights in chapter affairs but will assist in planning the chapter’s activities. Also, the advisor may represent the chapter at any national academic committee meeting and AAF district or national conference. As an option, a professional advisor can also be selected to serve as a liaison between your campus and the professional advertising community and can help locate and contact speakers, organize workshops, support industry immersion and help provide funding for scholarships and NSAC campaign production costs. Local businesses and professional AAF ad clubs are usually eager to assist student chapters, but you must exercise some initiative in establishing and maintaining a productive relationship. Keep in mind, however, you may not solicit NSAC creative or strategic assistance from this professional. Chapter Officers Each chapter must elect officers and appoint committees to conduct local business. Usually, you will need a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and public relations officer. Chapter Meetings Each chapter will hold at least one official meeting each year and it must be designated the annual meeting for the purpose of electing officers and approving an academic advisor. Additional meetings will be determined by the chapter’s objectives and planned activities. 6 AAF college chapter guide to success “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Steve Jobs Co-Founder & Ceo, Apple AAF college chapter guide to success 7 “The pursuit of excellence is less profitable than the pursuit of bigness, but it can be more satisfying.” David Ogilvy Founder & Ceo, Ogilvy & Mather worldwide Aaf Advertising Hall of Fame® Member 8 AAF college chapter guide to success Maintaining a Successful AAF College Chapter Chapter Leadership Elect officers during your annual meeting as mentioned previously. This way elected officers will serve a one-year term, starting in the middle of one school year and ending in the middle of the next to ensure your chapter’s stability and longevity. The chapter president is responsible for maintaining an active program locally. Other officer positions to be elected are vice president, treasurer, secretary and public relations officer. However, additional positions can also be created to fit the needs of the chapter. Chapter officers should also keep records of chapter activities to pass down to the next officer class. Chapter committees may also be formed to lead chapter activities based on the size of your chapter. Some common committees include finance/fundraising, social, programs, seminars, membership, newsletter and Web site. The chapter president should identify each committee chair unless an officer has been designated. Chapter Objectives Envision your chapter 1–2 years from now and develop both short- and long-term goals that will bring that vision to life. A successful chapter is a goal-oriented one. Goals should address how your chapter will build membership, raise money and develop special programs, activities and education opportunities that deliver the benefits of AAF membership. Review the section “AAF Chapter: What’s in It for You” as you create your chapter’s goals. Membership Drives Determine a target market to boost memberships effectively—just as if you were planning an advertising campaign. The best prospects are students in related disciplines such as advertising, journalism, public relations, commercial art or design, business, broadcasting and mass communications. After you have determined your prospects, develop a plan for reaching them. Consider these ideas: • Ads in the campus newspaper • Commercials on campus radio/TV • Social networking (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn) • Flyers and posters • Class announcements • E-mail broadcasts • Chapter Web site • Exhibits at career fairs and other such events • AAF branded items such as cups, caps and sweatshirts • Personal contact Expand your AAF chapter and get rewarded for your efforts! The AAF National office runs two student chapter membership contests—largest chapter and greatest membership growth. Each winning chapter will designate a member to receive a complimentary trip to the AAF National Conference. Motivating Members Maintain the excitement and enthusiasm of your chapter members using the following motivation factors: • Create ownership. Host a chapter meeting whereby members work with the officers to create chapter objectives and develop strategies to reach those objectives. Emphasize to them that the success of the chapter depends upon their contributions. • Build two-way communication. Ensure that all members of the chapter are heard. Develop different ways (i.e. newsletter, Web site, Facebook) in which officers can update members about ongoing chapter activities, news and industry trends. Also, develop communication tools where chapter members can speak to officers other than at meetings; for example, e-mailing, blogging, or Twittering. • Keep them involved. Gauge the interests of your chapter members and organize chapter activities around them. Schedule activities based upon members’ availability and other major school functions. • Offer rewards and recognition. Emphasize the professional recognition AAF members receive from participating in the National Student Advertising Competition. Also, reward members for demonstrating good stewardship with AAF branded products or certificates. Another opportunity for recognition is nominating senior members for induction into Alpha Delta Sigma (ADS), the national honor society sponsored by AAF (see criteria on page 18). • Public service announcements continued >> AAF college chapter guide to success 9 >> Maintaining a Successful AAF College Chapter (continued) Chapter Meetings Publicity All chapter meetings should adhere to the following rules: Broadcast your AAF chapter through other media channels (i.e. campus newspaper, local radio or TV stations, email blasts). Also, interact with professional AAF clubs and federations in your city and develop opportunities where students can connect with advertising professionals. • Be Consistent. Hold meetings at the same time and on the same day as often as possible. • Stay Focused. Create an agenda where old and new business precedes any scheduled programming. • Be Efficient. Try not to exceed an hour and a half as individuals’ attention spans wane after that timeframe. Social Media Hold an officers and academic adviser meeting in late summer prior to the start of the school year. This early meeting allows you to get the chapter organized and ready to welcome members. Create accounts with social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Each tool targets a different audience, so tailor how you utilize each on to maximize its benefits. Each AAF chapter holds at least one official meeting during the school year. The main objectives of this annual meeting are to elect officers and to approve chapter adviser(s). Schedule it at mid-point of your institution’s academic year (between December and March). This way elected officers will serve a one-year term, starting in the middle of one school year and ending in the middle of the next to ensure your chapter’s stability and longevity. Fundraising Chapters located within one of fifteen districts may choose to hold a joint meeting when necessary but preferably at their AAF district’s meeting. Visit the AAF Web site to see which district your chapter resides. 10 AAF college chapter guide to success Networking with influential guest speakers, throwing regular club socials, printing four-color NSAC plans books and distributing a campus-wide newsletter are all exciting prospects for AAF college chapters, but they can also be expensive. With the following fundraising ideas, and perhaps a few of your own, your team can gain the resources necessary to take full advantage of the opportunities the AAF provides to its college chapters. University-Based Funding Petition Student Government. Solicit donations from the university by petitioning student government or other donating bodies at your school. The student government’s purpose is to fund proposals from student groups that request additional money for purposes that expand and enhance the university’s mission, goals and image. Be sure to research how to write a proper bill for submission, the procedure it must go through and how much money your club can realistically expect to receive. Volunteering Time for a Donation. Build a relationship with your college and its departments. Many student unions rent space to outside vendors who need student group sponsors. The fees paid to the sponsoring group are often very profitable. Some colleges pursue alumni contributions through telephone solicitation programs; chapters can exchange their time soliciting donations for a flat-rate cash donation from the program. Request for Proposals. Periodically, universities send out requests for proposals (RFPs) for funding, often related to replacing old equipment such as computers, printers and projection equipment as these items relate to student needs (e.g., computer labs, etc.). A typical grant can be as much as $30,000. Grants. Most universities have a research/grant office that has access to many public and private grant opportunities that can be made available to faculty who may wish to write a grant proposal. Your chapter may find that it meets the requirements of certain in-state and out-of-state grants. Researching these grants and writing a grant proposal takes time, but it is well worth the effort. See your faculty adviser for advice before pursuing grants. External Funding Start a Service. Establish a part-time, flyer-posting service to serve your campus and neighboring commercial areas; this is both easy and profitable. A semester of planning can produce a more organized service with consistent profitability from year to year. Sponsorship. A sponsorship is potentially the most lucrative means of funding your chapter and can work in several ways. It involves approaching a business organization and asking them to underwrite the activities of your club upon whatever terms both parties agree. Consider forming a relationship with local corporations, local “sister” ad agencies, your local AAF professional club and private individuals. Relationship Building. Start a relationship with your local professional AAF ad club to determine if anyone has connections to a printer or establish a good relationship with your local printing company, for instance. You may come across someone who will print your NSAC plans books pro bono. Be creative. Try not to rely on old standards like bake sales and car washes to raise money. But if you do, try new ideas to make them unique. For example, if you are planning a bake sale, do not let the members bake the goods. Visit local bakeries and ask them to donate a specialty with all the advertising they want around the display. Rotation Work. Rotation work is an alternative to the labor-for-wages approach. Make an arrangement with an organization, which makes the club the employee. Each member of the club works on a rotating basis. For example, your club might work at athletic events on pre and postproduction work such as chair arrangement and cleanup. Advertising research companies need people to staff their phones and conduct street intercept surveys. Interdisciplinary Cooperation Having students with varied majors can lead to additional sources of funding. Chapter members may be able to ask multiple departments to support club activities. In addition, this provides cross-promotional advantages and access to AAF college chapter guide to success 11 Planning AAF College Chapter Events & Activities wider audiences and potential supporters. Speaker Engagements Professional speakers can be a great educational asset to your chapter. The AAF Speakers Directory (www.aaf. org/speakers) provides an up-to-date listing of available professional speakers. Also talk to faculty and friends for recommendations. However, research speakers before committing to an engagement as not everyone is a great public speaker. Here are some helpful hints in setting up a speaker’s engagement: • State who you are and what you are asking of the speaker • Give the speaker an idea of the expected attendance and the audience profile • Suggest what you think the chapter would find interesting and helpful • Provide a number of possible speaking dates • Exchange contact information, including mailing address, phone number and email • Send directions to the meeting and parking information • Ask for a copy of the speaker’s biography to distribute to chapter members • Send a thank you note and AAF branded items to the speaker afterwards • Prepare speaker evaluations for members to complete and keep a copy of the feedback for future reference Film and Video Showings Film and video nights are excellent alternatives to speaking engagements. Possible resources include adviser, faculty, school or professional libraries. DVDs and videotapes of NSAC-winning presentations are available through AAF’s Education Services department. Order these through our Web site To find other films, contact the Advertising Educational Foundation at (212) 986-8060, and remember to check your library’s video collection. You may be surprised to find several interesting advertising-related selections. Social Events Social events are fun and essential to building chapter unity. A minimum of two social events per semester is recommended. The first is motivational for the upcoming term, and the second is a show of gratitude for the hard work provided during the previous three months. 12 AAF college chapter guide to success Seminars and Workshops Conduct workshops or seminars that help members sharpen professional skills or update them on the advertising industry. Gauge the interests of your members and consult with your faculty adviser to determine relevant topics. Some topic suggestions include: • Integrated Marketing Communications • Social Media • Branding Yourself • Diversity in Advertising • Advertising Ethics • Résumé, Interviewing and Job Search Strategies • Graduate Opportunities in Advertising and Related Fields Field Trips Organize field trips to provide another educational opportunity for your members. Some suggestions for trips include agency tours, media tours (newspaper, outdoor or broadcast), tours of radio or TV production facilities, retail advertising departments or professional ad club meetings. When making arrangements, suggest what you would like to gain from a tour. For example, you may want to point out that you have just reviewed a television commercial production and you would like to see the character generator in action. Industry Immersion A more concentrated form of touring can be arranged through industry immersion. Through industry immersion, chapter members spend the working day with advertising professionals, observing the professionals’ activities and getting a taste of “the real world.” Students should try to connect with professionals in their particular areas of interest. Public Service Projects Many agencies and organizations in the nonprofit sector need marketing, advertising and other promotional aids. Preparing a campaign or performing some other service enhances the professional image of your chapter. It shows the local community the expertise of your members, gives your members opportunities to build portfolios and provides needed practical experience you can’t always get in the classroom. Create a Chapter eNewsletter Circulating an electronic newsletter provides a valuable communication link among members, your university and the AAF. It can also be a great public relations tool if distributed to administrators and officers of professional AAF clubs and school alumni. Be sure to include the AAF logo. When developing your newsletter’s content, consider editorial style, regular features, columns, announcements of upcoming meetings and photography. Some popular subjects include: • Chapter News • Career Advice • Market Trends • Profiles of Successful AAF Alums • Local Advertising Events • Highlights About Recent AAF Activities When developing your newsletter’s budget and distribution, consider 1) how often you should publish; 2) deadlines for copy, photos, etc.; 3) whether you will need to sell advertising to defray costs or if your department or school will absorb the cost; 4) whether to set subscription rates or make it a free publication; and 5) how you will distribute the publication. Chapter Ad Agency Include the advertising agency director in your slate of officers for the coming year. The agency director should recruit staff through announcements, posters, leads or phone calls. Junior- and senior-level advertising majors who have had advertising classes and perhaps related work experience are best, but remember that key people (even agency heads) can be from marketing, business, journalism or other majors as long as they are student chapter members. Recruit photographers, designers, illustrators, models and researchers. Use job folders with tracking sheets for hours worked on the job, billing and invoicing forms, a bank or student account to promptly handle student wages and payables and an organized file of records. Be sure to review state and university regulations, especially on taxes. Research agency billing procedures. Paying students for their efforts should be a first priority out of earnings, unless members decide to work toward other priorities such as equipment and supplies. Campus and small-business clients are usually willing to hire a student advertising agency due to lower marketing budgets. For example, the university bookstore, student government, or the local campus coffee shop. However, they do not want poor quality for lower rates. Develop a professional atmosphere, analyze, revise, improve and always have your work critiqued by an experienced professional. Be prepared to listen, learn and make changes. Establish your own ad agency. The hands-on involvement with real advertising could be the key to getting your first advertising job. AAF college chapter guide to success 13 “Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.” Leo Burnett Founder, Leo Burnett Company Aaf Advertising Hall of Fame® Member 14 AAF college chapter guide to success AAF college chapter guide to success 15 Gaining Industry Experience National Student Advertising Competition Are you already headed toward a career in advertising? Planning a career in a business that uses advertising in its marketing mix? Interested in sampling a realistic ad-world experience? Or are you simply curious about advertising and are willing to work hard on a project while finding out if it’s what you’d like to do? Then the National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) is for you! The NSAC is the premier student advertising competition and the core activity of many AAF student chapters. Since 1973, the NSAC has provided students with an intense, hands-on advertising experience. More than 150,000 AAF student members have competed in the NSAC. Sponsors have included industry leaders such as Coca-Cola, Burger King, Levi Strauss, Kellogg Corporation, American Airlines, Visa/USA, DaimlerChrysler, Bank of America, Toyota, VISIT FLORIDA, Yahoo!, AOL, The Century Council, State Farm and JCPenney. How It Works. Each fall, the AAF publishes a case study that outlines the history of the client’s product and its current marketing situation. The case studies reflect a real market situation. Your student team then forms your own advertising agency to research the product and its competition. Your team must identify potential problem areas, devise an advertising/ marketing communication campaign and produce written plans books that address media, budget, creative, promotion and evaluation issues. After the plans books are scored by the judges, each team is given a chance to “pitch” the client through a 20-minute oral presentation. The Competition Structure. The AAF is divided into 15 districts, each containing one to five states. Each district holds its own competition in the spring, and the winning team advances to the national finals that are held in June at the annual AAF National Conference. Each district appoints its own coordinator, a local business professional, to handle all details of the local competition. Judging is conducted by professionals in the communications industry. Judges at the national level are also selected from the client and its advertising agencies and partners. The competition is governed by the Education Services department and the AAF National Education Executive Committee, a group of advertising educators and practitioners from across the country who oversee the policies and procedures 16 AAF college chapter guide to success of the competitions. These members ensure that there is a level playing field and that the competition demonstrates the highest academic and professional standards. The Track Record. Throughout the years, students, faculty and professionals alike have called the NSAC a tremendous success. Numerous students attribute getting that critical first job to their NSAC experience. Time and time again, sponsors are overwhelmed by the impressive student work and talent. Industry insiders know that the NSAC is the ideal place to recruit new employees, and they traditionally send human resources representatives to both district and national competitions. Practical Experience. In the end, only one team is named the NSAC champion, but students who participate sharpen their talents and gain real-world experience that will give them an edge in the hiring process. You will walk away with materials for your portfolio, substance for your résumé, credibility for job interviews and new friends. Most of all, you will have an exciting experience that will launch you into a bright future in the advertising business. Complete and regularly updated information is available on our Web site: NSAC Resources. Order the NSAC-winning team’s video and plans book for a look of what it takes to win. We have past competition plans books and videos for sale at Student ADDY® Awards The ADDY Awards are the advertising industry’s largest and most representative competition, recognizing creative excellence and the very best advertising worldwide. Sponsored by the AAF in conjunction with Ad 2, Young Professionals in Advertising, the ADDY Awards represent the true creative spirit of advertising by recognizing all forms of advertising. This is a chance for you to show your creative chops. Eligibility. An applicant will be considered for an award if he or she meets the following criteria: • Applicants must be enrolled full- or part-time at an accredited U.S. educational institution. • Work may be developed specifically for this competition or submitted from previous projects or competitions. • Work developed for paying clients will not be accepted with the exception of work created by clubs as fundraisers or work created for student publications. •W ork must be created while entrant is a student not employed in the advertising industry. Student interns are eligible. Student Autoforwarding. Work that wins a gold ADDY will progress from local to district and finally to national competition with no additional fees to clubs or students. Silver ADDY winners may choose to forward work at their cost with a suggested fee of $20 per tier. See the Student ADDYs section of the AAF Web site at for a full list of awards categories. On day one, the welcome reception enables conference participants to meet and network with one another, conference panelists and speakers, as well as members of the AAF National Academic Committee. On day two of the conference, participants will have multiple opportunities to interact with some of the ad industry’s foremost leaders during various panel discussions and workshops, in addition to learning about what it takes to build a successful career in advertising. Previous panelists and speakers have addressed the following topics: Panels cover a wide range of topics, including: • Where Are They Now—Past NSACers Insight/Interaction: AAF Student Conference on Advertising Insight/Interaction is a two-day conference where students can learn about the field of advertising, discover what trends are developing in the industry and get a jumpstart on their career by networking with knowledgeable advertising professionals. • How to Organize a Successful AAF College Chapter • Innovative Classroom and Chapter Projects • Diversity in Advertising Education • Managing Professional Relationships • Today’s Advertising Industry: Client, Agency and Media Perspectives AAF college chapter guide to success 17 Winning Awards & Recognition Alpha Delta Sigma Honor Society Alpha Delta Sigma (ADS) is the national honor society sponsored by the AAF that recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement in advertising studies. The history of the organization dates back to 1913, when the fraternity was founded on the campus of the University of Missouri. In 1969 ADS merged with Gamma Alpha Chi, which was a similar organization for women. ADS merged with the American Advertising Federation in 1973. It is the only national, professional advertising honor society in American higher education. Each year, hundreds of students from AAF college chapters are nominated for induction into Alpha Delta Sigma. Nominations are based only on consideration of scholarship and merit and are made once a year by AAF college chapter advisors. If you have the grades, you are a senior and you are a member of the AAF, then you’ve got the membership! 18 AAF college chapter guide to success Eligibility. A nominee will be considered for the society if he or she meets the following criteria: •N ominees must be a dues-paid member of an AAF college chapter. •N ominees must have achieved senior status on or before the nomination due date and have completed at least two senior- or junior-level advertising courses. •N ominees must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 (on 4.0 scale) overall AND in all advertising or related studies. • Juniors can apply as long as they have achieved senior status by second semester Graduate students must also be members of an AAF chapter and have completed at least two-thirds of their graduatelevel coursework with a minimum GPA of 3.6 (on 4.0 scale). All December graduates should be nominated in the spring semester before graduation. Nominations are submitted online by advisors, no later than the end of February. Things You Should Know About ADS • Has made significant contributions to his or her community. • The AAF board of directors is the authority of the society. The chair of the national academic committee of the AAF will be the chief officer and the AAF National Education Executive Committee will be the governing body of the society. • Maintains a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 on a 4.0 scale. • The governing body of the society will meet once annually at the discretion of the chair of the national academic committee of the AAF. • The national office of the Alpha Delta Sigma Honor Society shall be permanently located at the headquarters of the AAF. • A majority vote of the AAF National Education Executive Committee is necessary to pass an amendment or bylaw, and all such actions are subject to review by the AAF board of directors. • ADS was adopted by the AAF National Education Executive Committee in July 1982 and amended in August 1984, August 1985, August 1988 and July 1997. Advertising Hall of Fame Legacy Fund Scholarship The Advertising Hall of Fame, the highest award bestowed in the advertising industry, celebrates the extraordinary men and women who have made significant contributions to advertising and society. These legends raised the standards and level of professionalism in the industry, while inspiring and mentoring future generations. The Advertising Hall of Fame Legacy Fund Scholarship was established to reflect the high ideals of the Hall of Fame and encourage future advertising leaders. Candidates will be evaluated on their academic achievements and their significant volunteer efforts within the community. The scholarship provides financial assistance to an undergraduate student in their junior year who demonstrates a strong desire to pursue a career in the advertising industry. Scholarship amount is $2,000 paid in one installment. The scholarship must be used for undergraduate studies to include tuition, books and fees. The number of scholarships awarded annually will vary based on corporate participation. Eligibility. An applicant will be considered for a scholarship if he or she meets the following criteria: • Is an undergraduate student in their junior year pursuing a career in the field of advertising. • Is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States. To learn more about the Advertising Hall of Fame and its members, please visit For questions regarding the Advertising Hall of Fame Legacy Fund Scholarship, please contact the AAF at (800) 999-2231. Most Promising Minority Students This is the premier national advertising industry awards program, which recognizes and promotes hiring outstanding minority AAF student members. Minority students who show desire and promise in the advertising industry have unique access to leading executives and former MPMS program graduates who are paving the way for a new generation of stars. How It Works. Finalists and honor roll members are selected from eligible candidates based on academic standing, demonstrated interest in advertising and leadership qualities. Finalists are awarded an all-expense paid trip to New York City for a three-day event that includes networking with advertising professionals, industry immersion and opportunities to meet with industry recruiters. AAF college chapter advisors can submit a maximum of three nominations, which are due to AAF headquarters in mid-October. The nomination form can be downloaded from Eligibility. An applicant will be considered for an award if he or she meets the following criteria: • Nominees must be U.S. citizens of African, Hispanic, Native American, Asian or Pacific Island descent. • Nominees must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.20 AND a minimum GPA of 3.20 in their major (based on a 4.0 scale). • Nominees must be undergraduates who will graduate in this calendar year. • Nominees must be nominated through an AAF-affiliated college chapter by an AAF appointed adviser, AAF local ad club, invited college/university or senior-level advertising professional who is an AAF corporate member. • Nominees must be fully committed to attend all facets of the Most Promising Minority Students Program. • Demonstrates outstanding leadership skills. AAF college chapter guide to success 19 Exploring Job Opportunities & Internships AAF Job Bank Are you looking for your first advertising job or internship? The AAF Job Bank has hundreds of active advertising and communications jobs and internships from over 800 registered employers. With the AAF Job Bank you can post your résumé for free and make it available to hundreds of employers searching for the right candidate. Set up your free account by going to and clicking on the Job Seeker link. Mosaic Career Fairs AAF was asked to develop a program that would assist corporate members with hiring minority students in their geographical regions—and so the first Mosaic Career Fair was held in April 2004. While minority students are the central target of this program, all college students, recent college graduates and graduate students are welcome to participate. Mosaic Career Fairs are held each spring. Each career fair features a Recruiters Expo as well as professional development workshops and panel discussions. Depending on the sponsor, some participants are also given the option of having their resumé and/or portfolio critiqued by industry professionals. Past sponsors of the Mosaic Career Fairs include USA TODAY, the Walt Disney Company, Leo Burnett USA, and Draftfcb. Fairs have been held in Washington, D.C., Anaheim, Calif., Chicago, Ill., New York, NY and Atlanta, Ga. For more details on upcoming career fairs, please visit the AAF Web site at AAF/Adweek W. Pendleton Tudor Media Internship Program This internship was established to honor the contributions of W. Pendleton Tudor, the retired Adweek chairman. Pen Tudor is a magazine innovator with a lifelong commitment to advertising and to student growth. How It Works. Each year, one AAF student member who shows promise and a desire to gain media experience is selected for a 10-week summer internship at Adweek headquarters in New York. The intern is provided with a $4,500 stipend to cover transportation costs, food, lodging and living expenses. AAF college chapter advisors can submit two nominations each. Nominees must complete the required sections of the nomination form, which includes submission of an essay 20 AAF college chapter guide to success or rewrite of an ad as described in the nomination form. Nominations are due in the spring semester. Eligibility. An applicant will be considered for the program if he or she meets the following criteria: •N ominees must be dues-paid members of an AAF college chapter and in good standing. •N ominees must be undergraduates with at least junior standing before the internship begins. • Nominees must be returning to college for the fall term. Vance and Betty Lee Stickell Student Internship Program Established in 1989, these internships honor the late executive vice president of marketing for the Los Angeles Times and his wife. His contributions led the paper to national prominence while creating innovations that had a lasting impact in the advertising community. Mrs. Stickell played an instrumental role in expanding this program since its establishment in 1989. The program is intended to raise awareness and understanding of advertising processes and business ethics among future advertising professionals. How It Works. Faculty advisors of college chapters are encouraged to nominate their most outstanding student who will be returning to school in the fall to be selected as an AAF Stickell intern. Host companies include top-tier media companies, advertisers, ad agencies and service providers. Eligibility. An applicant will be considered for the program if he or she meets the following criteria: • Student must be nominated by his/her AAF chapter adviser. • Nominees must be dues-paid members of an AAF college chapter and in good standing. • Nominees must be undergraduates with at least junior standing before the internship begins. • Nominees must be returning to college for the fall term. For more information contact: John H. Murphy Department of Advertising The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712-1092 P: (512) 471-1101 “Brilliant ideas are one thing. Making them real is another.” Tara Comonte Cfo & Coo, Worldwide Mediabrands Aaf Advertising Hall Of Achievement® Member AAF college chapter guide to success 21 “To succeed, one must be creative and persistent.” John H. Johnson Founder & Publisher, Ebony and Jet Magazines Aaf Advertising Hall of Fame® Member 22 AAF college chapter guide to success Recognizing Others Distinguished Advertising Educator Award James S. Fish Aid to Advertising Education Award The Distinguished Advertising Educator Award is given annually to one full-time professor who has made a significant contribution to advertising education. Nominations are accepted from individuals only, not organizations. Download nominations forms at by late March. The James S. Fish Aid to Advertising Education Award is given to a professional or to an education administrator for outstanding support of your college chapter. This is your chance to thank the speakers, professional volunteers and mentors who help your chapter during the year. Nominations must be made by a dues-paid AAF chapter and should include a brief statement indicating why the nominee deserves the award. The etched-glass award can be ordered for $50 plus $5 for shipping. To place an order, send an e-mail request to Orders should be placed at least 30 days before the intended presentation date. Eligibility. An educator will be considered for the award if he or she meets the following criteria: • Teaching excellence and student advisement: 10 or more years experience of outstanding teaching and counseling or advising of students. Role model. • Scholarly research, publications and/or professional experience. • Participation in advertising organizations, the industry, academia and community. Remaining Active: AAF Beyond Graduation Ad 2 AAF Silver Medal Awards Continue your involvement as a member of one of our hundreds of AAF professional advertising clubs or federations, or as a member of Ad 2, a local advertising federation whose members are 32 and younger. The AAF’s Silver Medal Award Program was established in 1959 to recognize men and women who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and who have been active in furthering the industry’s standards, creative excellence and responsibility in areas of social concern. Annually, AAF member clubs bestow this honor upon outstanding members of the local advertising community. Ad 2 clubs give young professionals a chance to interact with their peers, and they help to bridge the gap between college graduation and entry into the professional world by providing professional development and public service programs. Ad 2 has over 1,000 members and boasts 25 clubs nationwide. Ad 2 is especially committed to public service, and each year, local chapters select a client, research the client’s needs and create a complete marketing plan. Then, these campaigns compete in a PSA competition at the AAF National Conference. Visit for more information. ADDY® Awards Sponsored by the AAF, the ADDY Awards honor excellence in advertising and cultivate the highest creative standards in the industry. The competition begins at the local level with the 210 AAF member clubs nationwide from which local winners proceed to 14 regional competitions, and those winners proceed to the national finals. AAF Club Achievement Awards The AAF Club Achievement Awards honor top clubs in eight categories: advertising education, communications, diversity, government relations, club management, membership, programs and public service. Additionally, a “club of the year” is chosen in each division. AAF college chapter guide to success 23 AAF College Chapter Model Constitution Article I–Name Section 1: T his organization shall be known as ______________________________ and shall be affiliated with the Academic Division of the AMERICAN ADVERTISING FEDERATION (AAF) and District [number] of the AAF. Article II–Purposes Section 1: The purposes of this AAF college chapter shall be (l) to provide and promote a better understanding of the functions of advertising and of its values; (2) to stimulate and encourage advertising professionalism through advertising education; (3) to apply the skills, creativity and energy of advertising to help solve social problems; (4) to develop the individual abilities of its members; and (5) to promote fellowship and free exchange of ideas. Article III–Membership Section 1: M embership shall be open to students currently registered for at least one course for credit, within the institution, exclusive of any “incomplete” or “makeup” course. The student shall be in good academic standing as defined by the school, college or university. Section 2: Application for membership must be in writing and accompanied by a check for the annual dues. Section 3: After approval, each applicant shall be notified of acceptance for membership by a letter, signed by the chapter president and the chapter’s academic adviser. Article IV–Finances Section 1: M embership dues shall be $ ______________ a year, payable in advance, which shall include the affiliation fee of $ _______________ per year in the AMERICAN ADVERTISING FEDERATION. Section 2: Any member of the chapter whose dues have been in arrears for one quarter shall be so notified by the treasurer, citing the provision of this section. If such arrears are not paid within 30 days after such notification, the delinquent member shall be notified again and granted 30 days grace. At the end of this period, if dues remain unpaid, his or her membership shall be forfeited. Only members whose dues are paid shall be entitled to vote at chapter elections. Article V–Board of Directors Section 1: The management of the affairs of this chapter shall be vested in the board of directors. Section 2: The board of directors shall include the following elected officers: president, first vice president, second vice president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary and treasurer. Section 3: A schedule of regular meetings of the board of directors shall be set up by the board within 30 days after the beginning of the academic year. Special meetings may be called by the president. Notice must be given five days in advance of the meeting. Section 4: All actions of the board of directors shall be subject to reversal by the chapter by a two-thirds vote of those present, if a quorum. Section 5: In the case of the death or resignation of any officer or director, the board of directors shall elect a successor, who shall take office immediately and serve until the next annual election. Article VI–Duties of Officers and Directors Section 1: T he president shall be the chief executive officer of the chapter and of the board of directors and shall preside over all meetings of the chapter and the board of directors. The president shall appoint all committee chairpersons, and such appointments are subject to the approval of the board of directors. The president and the treasurer shall sign all written contracts and obligations of the chapter, which must have prior approval of the board of directors to be legal and binding. Section 2: The first vice president shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the president in the absence of the latter. Section 3: The second vice president shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the first vice president in the absence or disability of the latter. Section 4: The recording secretary shall keep a true and accurate record of all proceedings of the chapter and send out all notices. Under the direction of the president, the corresponding secretary shall have charge of the clerical work of the chapter. 24 AAF college chapter guide to success Section 5: The treasurer shall receive and deposit in the name of the chapter, in a bank or trust company, all money; issue receipts; make all authorized disbursement; and at each annual meeting render an itemized statement, certified by an auditing committee. Section 6: T he board of directors shall have charge of the general management of the chapter; hear all grievances; authorize and audit all expenditures and approve all appointments. Section 7: T he president or a student alternate shall represent the organization at the annual conference of the AMERICAN ADVERTISING FEDERATION, District [number]. In the event of the president’s inability to attend, the alternate shall be selected by the board of directors. Article VII–Committees Section 1: The president may appoint such committees as necessary to conduct chapter business. No committee shall have the authority to commit the chapter on matters of policy or to create financial obligations. All committee plans and actions shall be subject to the approval of the board of directors. Article VIII–Meetings Section 1: The annual meeting of the chapter, for the purpose of election and installation of officers and other general business, shall be held in the fall of each year. Written notice of same shall be sent to each member at least two weeks prior. The date, hour and place of meeting, as determined by the board of directors, must be included in the notice. Section 2: Regular meetings may be held at such times and places as the board of directors may determine. Section 3: Special meetings may be called by the president, by the board of directors or by written request by any five (5) members in good standing, provided all members are notified in writing of time, place and purpose of meeting. Article IX–Quorum Section 1: Twenty-five percent of the active members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the chapter. Section 2: One-third of the board of directors shall constitute its quorum for the transaction of business. Section 3: A simple majority of any committee shall constitute its quorum. Article X–Elections Section 1: Elections shall be held at the annual meeting and shall be by secret ballot. Only members in good standing (dues paid) shall be nominated for office or be allowed to vote. Section 2: A majority vote is required to elect officers. A plurality vote is required to elect directors. In the case of a tie vote for the board of directors, the election shall be decided by lot. Article XI–Adoption of Bylaws Section 1: T his constitution and bylaws shall become the constitution and bylaws of the AAF college chapter of _______________________ ____________________________________________ by a two-thirds vote of the members present, if a quorum, at any regular or special meeting, providing members have been given written notice at least one week in advance. Article XII–Parliamentary Authority Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority of this chapter in all matters not covered by these bylaws. Article XIII–Amendments Section 1: The constitution and bylaws of the chapter may be amended at any regular meeting of the chapter by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the meeting. A quorum must be present. AAF college chapter guide to success 25 Induction Ceremony for Alpha Delta Sigma Honor Society (For optional use by AAF college chapters) The students to be inducted shall be called to stand before the assembly. The president of ADS, or the faculty adviser shall read the following before awarding the membership certificates: ALPHA DELTA SIGMA is the world’s first advertising fraternity. It was organized by nine students at the University of Missouri on November 14, 1913. Although advertising education has come a long way since that time, the three precepts set down at the meeting have not changed: (1) To combine in one fraternal body students and practitioners in the advertising business. (2) To accord advertising education greater recognition by the universities and advertising professionals. (3) To bring greater prestige to advertising and its practitioners. Your induction into Alpha Delta Sigma signifies to you, to your colleagues and to your university that the American Advertising Federation and its advertising professionals across this nation recognize your outstanding academic achievement and leadership in your chosen field. The words ALPHA DELTA SIGMA serve as the foundation of our profession. ALPHA symbolizes the Greek word that stands for Truth. Without Truth, you will lack public confidence and will lose the respect of your peers. What advertising says must be borne out by the people responsible for it. Do you promise to uphold Truth in Advertising? (Answer: I do.) DELTA symbolizes the Greek word for Persistence. Your advertising must first of all be truthful, but to win the greatest success, it must also be regular, steady and persistent. The person who would succeed in advertising must make it a regular and definite part of his/her business policy. Will you always remember that persistence is the second guiding principle of our profession? (Answer: I will.) SIGMA symbolizes the Greek word for Cooperation. It is the spirit of teamwork that unites us in the fraternity of ALPHA DELTA SIGMA. Here you will find the ideals of mutual service, helpfulness, affection and solidarity for a cause we believe to be worthy. Do you agree to share with your colleagues your knowledge and experience, and to cooperate with them in their endeavors to advance the prestige and ideals of our profession? (Answer: I do.) ALPHA DELTA SIGMA—Truth…Persistence…Cooperation. These guiding principles we offer you as the foundation for an honorable career in whatever field of advertising you may choose. As we present each of you with your certificate of membership, may you be ever mindful of the duties and the privileges symbolized herewith. (Candidates are then presented the certificates and congratulated by the presiding officer.) 26 AAF college chapter guide to success Education Services General Information Important Dates February • August • College Chapter Membership Expires • September • SAC, Student Conference, N Most Promising Minority Students and other Education Services materials disseminated October • af Student Conference A Registration Deadline • pplication Deadline for A Most Promising Minority Students Program • AAF Student Conference • Fall Dues Deadline November • • Entry Deadlines for Student Addy® Awards Begin (Check with Your Local District) ost Promising Minority Students M Announcement Fall Membership Mailing January • NSAC Intent to Participate Deadline February pplication Deadline for A Aaf/Adweek W. Pen Tudor Media Internship Spring Dues Deadline • osaic Career Fair—Leo Burnett M Chicago, Ill. • osaic Career Fair—Walt Disney M Anaheim, CA • lpha Delta Sigma A Nomination Deadline • osaic Career Fair—USA TODAY M McLean, VA • NSAC Team Roster Deadline • Home Depot Scholarship Application Deadline • Distinguished Advertising Educator Award Nomination Deadline • sac Team Members N (including presenters) Deadline Nsac District Competitions April Nsac Wild Card Team Announced uestion Deadline for Q Nsac Clarification Memo • • SAC Clarification Memo N Disseminated to Faculty Advisors June • ost Promising Minority Students M Program Events • sac National Competition N Preparation • NSAC Finals • AAF National Conference Mosaic Career Fairs Most Promising Minority Students AAF Student Conference Student ADDY® Awards • NSAC Plans Book Deadline May Education Services National Student Advertising Competition March • Quick Links Job Bank • December • osaic Career Fair—Draftfcb M New York, NY AAF SmartBrief Free daily e-mails for advertising and marketing professionals. Advertising Educational Foundation Classroom resources as well as career guides and advice. JobBound Individual job prep to job seekers. Building Wealth: A Beginners Guide to Securing Your Future A helpful guide to managing your finances. AAF college chapter guide to success 27 Education Services American Advertising Federation 1101 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 P: (202) 898-0089 F: (202) 898-0159
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