Document 16587

114 Cemetery Rd, Smeaton 3364, Victoria, Australia.
P: 0466 919 279, 03 5345 6117
ABN: 62 078 744 798
Stallion Booking Form
Widden Valley (Anabaa [USA]-Rose Archway [AUS])
Service Fee $2,200 Inc. GST.
Live Foal Guarantee - Free Return
Your Name
Your Address
Your email Address
Your Landline Telephone Number (
Your Mobile Number
Your Accounts Contact
Your Mare’s Name
Your Mare’s –Sire & Dam
Status of Mare (maiden mare/in
Will the mare be Agisted or Walk-in (please detail)
All terms and conditions of this booking are outlined in the attached – Live Foal Agreement
No Bookings are accepted unless this form and the – Live Foal Agreement are fully completed, signed,
dated and returned to Rod Ryan, Administration and Customer Service Manager Moorookyle Park
Thoroughbreds. Email
You will be contacted to acknowledge receipt of your booking and then contacted by our stud master
Nioka Wozny to clarify and confirm your mare’s arrival details and any requirements.
Moorookyle Park Thoroughbreds-Booking Form 2014 Season
All horses on the property are fed twice daily plus pasture
Daily Agistment rate- Dry mares- $17 per day plus GST
Daily Agistment rate- Wet mares- (in foal-last trimester or with foal at foot)- $18 per day plus
Daily Agistment rate- Weanlings- $15 per day plus GST
Daily Agistment rate- Yearlings- $17 per day plus GST
Boxing of Mares or Foals or Both if sick- $30 per day plus GST
Foaling down fee- $350 plus GST
Weaning of foals fee - $350 plus GST
Vaccinations/Drenching- all mares will be vaccinated (2 in 1) and drenched upon arrival at
Moorookyle. Mares and foals will then be routinely drenched and their hooves will be
trimmed and teeth attended to as required. This bears an additional cost.
Insurance. It is the mare owners responsibility to ensure that the mare and or foal are
insured against all risk whilst the horse is in transit (to and from) and at Moorookyle Park.
Veterinary Care. Moorookyle Park uses the veterinary services of Ballarat Equine Clinic. Any
vet accounts will be forwarded directly to the owners at the end of each month by Ballarat
Equine Clinic. Routine and emergency vet care services may be requested at the discretion of
the stud with the costs charged directly to the owner by Ballarat Equine Clinic. In the case of
an emergency the owner will be contacted, however the stud reserves the right to undertake
any action necessary to maintain the health and welfare of the mare and/or foal in question.
Whilst all care is taken, the stud accepts no responsibility for any accident, death, disease or
injury to any horse whilst on the stud property.
Documentation. No mare will be covered until all her documentation arrives on stud.
Timing of coverings will be at the stud’s discretion, but will not take place before the 1 of
September in any season. The stud reserves the right to continue covering up until the 20
December at its discretion.
Should the mare depart the stud after covering but prior to any veterinary examinations
being performed, proper pregnancy testing must be sought by the owner and carried out at
15, 30 and 45 days to ensure the mare is in foal.
For the purpose of pregnancy testing, pregnancy includes a twin pregnancy. Should the mare
have twins, selective reduction from a multiple pregnancy to a singleton pregnancy will be
undertaken without consultation, unless otherwise stated by the mare owner at the start of
the breeding season. The vet will do this to the best of their abilities.
Walk-in mares will be served at the discretion of the stud master. Mares will not be covered
unless accompanied by a vet certificate stating that they are ready to be covered.
Inspections. Stud season is a very busy time. We appreciate your interest in your mare. To
inspect your mare an appointment must be made at least 48 hours prior due to the amount
of stud work being performed.
Invoicing. All agistment and associated costs must be fully paid before your mare leaves the
stud. All services fees for successful coverings will be invoiced on 1 February 2014 on 30 day
terms. Fees may be paid by credit card.
Moorookyle Park Thoroughbreds-Booking Form 2014 Season