First Port Update - Tuesday 19th May 2015 Road & Drains Update Further to last months update, Matthew Snelling, Development Manager, and Helen Goldstone, Senior Property Manager meet with Price & Myers. Price & Myers have been instructed to review the drainage report in conjunction with the roads project. Areas of the road which are deemed in need of urgent works were reviewed and agreed. Price & Myers are currently working on ascertaining if there are any drainage issues below ground in the areas of road highlighted. The 3 initial target areas of road are in the photos below which are Regents Drive, The Boulevard and Clarence Gate. We aim to have these repaired within the current service charge period should no serious drainage issues be evident below ground. If possible way may even be able to instigate additional works on top of these target areas should sufficient funds be available. Our objective for the current service charge period is to spend the money in the budget on the areas of road which have been highlighted and deemed priority. This will coincide with the section 20 consultation. Moving forward we will be looking to phase the remainder of the project, combining both road and drainage works over the next 3-5 years. What this does mean is that for the new service charge period 1st August 2015 – 31st July 2016 a new and revised section 20 consultation and specification will need to be issued which will combine both road and drainage work. This will then be approached using the guidance given to First Port by Price & Myers who have been appointed to oversee/manage this project. Grounds Review Tree Works – Large Turkey Oak A few months ago we reported concerns with a large Turkey oak Tree which is located on the cricket field near the nursery. The base of the tree had a large fungus growing on it and bottom sections of the trunk were hollow. Since being aware of these two issues the tree has is being checked on a regular basis. The Development Manager has requested that MBS contest the council’s latest decision not to fell the tree, especially as the council’s initial diagnosis was incorrect. The Development has concerns as if the tree was to fall; due to its sheer size and location, the immediate risk areas are the nursery and Clarence Gate. Summer Bedding & Planters The summer bedding is being planted thrughout the grounds in May as hoped. Also further to the improvment of the planters by introdcuing new centre pieces as per the picture to the right, summer bedding will also be planted around the outside of the planter. The idea is to turn the planters into a focal point and another prodcutive way of introducing a varirty of colours through the grounds. It especially brightens up the areas where there is a lot of greenery. We are also hoping by making these chnages that it will improve our chances of being succesful in this years Redbridge in Bloom gardening competition. Wild Flower Garden The area of land along Clarence Gate, opposite the turning into Regents Drive where we intordcued a wild flower garden is being refeshed for the summer season. You can see from the photos that the area has been reculivated and any weeds and debris removed A fresh batch of wild seed has been planted and we are hoping in a couple of months the area will be in full bloom, adding colour and a variety of flowers. We are always looking at ways to possibly improve the grounds and add colour, so if anyone has any suggestions then please contact the Development Manager. Spring bulbs – life cycle & explanation So everyone fully understands the process in relation to managing spring bulbs, this being dafoldils, crocus, tulips, blue bells and snow drops, all of which we have on Repton Park, there is a specific life cycle the bulb must go through after completing its flowering process. In April – June it is no uncommon for some of the spring bulbs to naturally die after being in flower. The reason the flowers are not strimmed down straight away is because for around 6 weeks it is important that the nutirents from the flower when decaying goes back into the ground. If the bulbs are cut down too soon after flowering then they may not grow back the following season. Although some areas may look tatty for a short period of time, it does not mean they are being neglected. If anything they are actually being monitored and managed correctly in our efforts to prolong the life expecancy of the bulb in the ground. As I am sure you will agree, the spring bulbs have looked fantastic this year, especially all the new additions as in the photos. The photo to the immediate right is an example of some dafodils which have just completed their flowering cycle. The dafodils will remain like this for appoximatley 6 weeks for the reasons explained above.The gardeners will then strim them off and the cycle of the spring bulb will begin all over again ready for next year. Doing this correctly really contributes towards the wow factor of the grounds we associate with Repton Park. Rear of Bartholomew / Repton Park Boundary Further to works back in February where we tided up the boundary around the rear of Bartholomew House, removing old builders rubble and original metal work and fencing from the days of the development being a mental aslyum, it has let in lots of natural light. This has encourged new growth and the area is now covered with wild garlic which has spread and currently in bloom with a white flower. This coincided with somespring bulbs which were also added to the area looks stunning and blends perfectly with the woodland surrounding. Bike Storage Investigation @ Repton Park At last months meeting concerns were raised by the Development Manager as to how the introduction of a bike storage facility in East & West Car Park would affect the service charge, which is paid solely by residents who benefit from these car parks and pay towards its general up keep and maintenance. These car parks come under schedule 5 of the Repton Park budget. After reviewing the possibilities with our Senior Finance Analyst we could use the calculation/cost of a parking space on an annual basis to make sure the service charge is fairly apportioned. For example: If a parking space costs residents £100 a year in service charge, and each bike storage facility is approximately 2 parking spaces in size, then £200 would be charged to schedule 1 of the Repton Park budget. This addresses the fact that we are utilizing space paid by others to introduce bike storage but reducing the overall space of the car park. The bike storage is then deemed as a permanent fixture and an available option/additional service to anyone who lives on Repton Park. Realistically once the bike storage area has been created there will only be room for around 20/30 bikes. The actual amount is still to be calculated, but it’s an area designated to storing bikes which residents can benefit from. Further things which need to be considered are: 1. 2. 3. 4. How much would it cost to rent an individual bike storage space? Will spaces be rented out on a monthly, quarterly, six monthly or annual bases? Who will charge and collect the money? Do rental agreements need to be drawn up, if so, who does this? Once First Port are in receipt of the proposed plans/drawings of the bike store from the RPRA, we can start looking into getting quotes for bike storage unit. Redecoration Review @ Repton Park Major Works – Repton Park apartments only Topcoat have now returned to Repton Park and working on the remainder of the external redecoration works. They have appointed a new contracts manager. His name is Jay Ryan and he will be visiting Repton Park 3 times a week to makes sure everything is running smoothly. Topcoat have also started to make contact with residents who continue to have issues with the windows or in some cases, not yet been redecorated. The onsite Management Team have given the new team a couple of days to settle in and familiarise themselves with what needs doing. As of the week commencing Monday 18 th May, daily checks will be undertaken by Management to ensure everything is being done correctly. Pest Control @ Repton Park There have been a couple of new pest control related issues this month. Some dead mice were retrieved and we received reports of a large swarm of bees on the wall at Devonshire House. Thankfully the bees moved on off their own accord so no action was necessary. Swarming wasps, honey bees and even hornets is not uncommon this time of the year at Repton Park, so if any residents witness this then please report it the gatehouse. Please do not approach a swarm or disturb any nests, as it could be extremely dangerous if not approached in a professional way. Swarms can become aggressive very quickly if disturbed. The annual Maintenance Contract with Pro Kill remains in place and as you can see from the graph below there is a large area where bait boxes are currently located. Pro Kill has kindly introduced 2 new controls at no cost to the development also in their efforts to keep the development under control. There has been a slight increase with the activity recorded but this is natural for the time of the year and nothing to be worried about. Activity 200 100 0 Activity Activity First Port can instigate works on communal grounds but anything within a resident’s home is their responsibility. Should residents experience pest control problems, or simply require guidance, then please contact the Development Manager. Alternatively if you wish to contact Pro Kill direct for private issues then you can speak to Matt Garwood of Pro Kill. Matt has vast knowledge of the development and will be able to give you the correct guidance and support should you require his services. Matt Garwood – Pro Kill Tel: 01708 441 615 Mobile: 07808 706 170 First Port Bespoke Update PRIDE Awards In April the Development Manager nominated both Jeff Wallis and Ken Day for PRIDE Awards due to their involvement in assisting a resident and going above and beyond what is expected of them in the workplace. Jeff and Ken were going about their normal duties when a resident was seen sloped behind the wheel of his car; with the vehicle still moving forward as it was on an incline into the car park. Immediately Jeff and Ken realised something was wrong, managed to bring the car to a halt and due to their quick reaction, with one of them alerting the emergencies services whilst the other ran off to get the gentleman’s wife, they potentially saved his life. A HUGE well done to both of them!!! Communal high level light cleaning Our onsite cleaners have been going through the apartment blocks communal areas, cleaning all the light fittings on Repton Park. This is a time consuming exercise and requires two people due to Health & Safety but an essential one. When working at such a height it is always important that a ‘safety first’ attitude is adopted, and necessary for the light fittings on the ceilings as demonstrated in the photo. The cleaners carry out the cleaning of the light fittings twice a year to ensure that the fittings do not become dirty, fill with dust and are free from dead insects. Also by taking extra care of the light fittings it prolongs the life expectancy of the equipment and contributes towards keeping the communal areas illuminated. Basic Road & Path Repairs Where possible the onsite team have been repairing areas of road and paths which are in need of attention. Although we are not in a position to carry out major repairs, we can patch up pot holes, tidy up cracks and make sure any hazardous areas are being given attention. The work we are undertaking may not be a permanent solution however it will certainly make areas safer and prolong the life expectancy of the damage area of road or path. Over the last couple of months Jeff, our Maintenance Operative has been working hard on improving the standards out on site, and as the photo highlights. It is the small changes and efforts we can implement at a site level which we hope will make a positive difference and show value for money. Railing Refurbishment In recent weeks the caretaker has been focusing some of his attention on the railings around the car parks in accordance with our spring/summer program of works. The railings have been rubbed down and will be given coats of black hammerite paint. This approach will protect the metal work and once the works are complete, should not need doing for the next few years; however we will monitor the railings on an annual basis. It is our goal to have the railings painted and works complete this year so everything is kept consistent and the standards remain high throughout the development. If all this can be achieved without the support of an outside contractor then it is a job well done! Keith Lemon visits Repton Park In recent weeks the Development Manager had been in discussion with a production company about filming at Repton Park. After all the relevant consents were obtained, Lee Francis, AKA Keith Lemon visited Repton Park. After meeting the production team and explaining site regulations the filming went ahead with no issues what so ever. Although we are not in a position to state where the filming took the place, the clue is in the photo as to why they were at Repton Park. Staff Announcement After celebrating his 64th Birthday with the team, Ken Day decided to take the opportunity to officially announce his retirement date to all the onsite staff. Ken will remain working at Repton Park for the foreseeable future; however his last working day will be Friday 13th May 2016, leaving plenty of time for Management to plan for the future where any recruitment will also involve Ken due to his vast knowledge of the development. Security / Health & Safety Police attendance in March The police visited Repton Park on 7 occasions throughout the month of March. 5 of the visits were general patrols by the police as noted below. There was however 1 occasion where Consort called the police to site. General Patrol x 9 04/04/2015 @ 11.10 10/04/2015 @ 08.48 11/04/2015 @ 09.30 13/04/2015 @15.25 14/04/2015 @11.30 14/04/2015 @ 20.57 15/04/2015 @ 19.05 18/04/2015 @ 08.50 Just another quick update from Fairlop SNT Crimes of note between 07/04/2015 - 08/04/2015 2 x Attempted Burglaries 4 x Theft from Motor Vehicles - These have been theft of number plates. Again I can’t stress enough how important it is to change your number plate screws to anti-theft ones. These can be cheaply bought from DIY or car shops. 2 x Thefts - Barkingside High Street - The shops have been given crime prevention and security advice and local SNT posters to put up at the location. PCSO Johal has patrolled the high street everyday this week to reassure shop keepers. What have we been up to? - Trelawney - Selecta DNA - The team have looked at the crime figures over the last year and identified roads that have suffered from burglaries within the ward. This week we have leafleted every house on Trelawney Road offering local residents FREE SelectaDNA property marking kits. We will be visiting other streets within the ward soon. - Street Talks - The team has implemented "Street Talks" on the ward. Each week we visit a street, knock on doors and leaflet the street with local SNT contact details and speak to residents on their street about any local issues they may have either police or other agencies. Which will be forwarded on to council, housing etc on behalf of the residents. - Aztec House - We attended a coffee afternoon day at Aztec house. Aztec house is for the Jewish, blind and disabled community. Officers gave crime prevention advice to residents and staff and had a lovely cup of tea! If you know of any community groups that would appreciate a crime prevention visit from the team, let us know. - Speed Gun - This week we used the speed gun on Tomswood Hill as this is one of our ward promises. Three drivers were spoken to and 100 cars were surveyed. The average speed was 26mph. Until next time! PC 409 Charlotte Herring Fairlop Safer Neighbourhood Team Email - Tel - 020 8721 2569 Repton Park Entrance – Security Upgrades & Review As discussed with the Repton Park Residents Association a lot of time has been spent focusing on the main entrance into Repton Park. The idea was to implement a 3 phase project. Phase 1 – to introduce a yellow cross hatched box, stop sign and speed bump in our efforts to slow people down at the barrier. This has been a success and this phase of the project is now complete. Phase 2 – this is part of the project which has just been completed. As agreed a large area was created opposite the gatehouse to allow drivers who were refused access on Repton Park, to turn around. This is a vast improvement as previously the barrier had to be opened and drivers had to be let in, to let them out. A hedge and fence has also been introduced to make the area before the gatehouse a lot more secure – preventing people from being able to walk in unnoticed along the boundary. Although the works have been completed we are just waiting for everything to settle and aim to have it operational very soon. The Development Manager and Martyn Bass will be reviewing the works one final time this month. Phase 3 – the final part of the project is to look at the possibility of having a pedestrian gate introduced on the footpath opposite the gatehouse. The idea is to have the gate work via a digital code and linked directly to the concierge office. The concierge will then be able to open the gate remotely so any people on foot can not openly walk onto Repton Park without having to communicate with the concierge. Residents will have access to the code and if all goes ahead the Development Manager will be looking at instigating the works in the new service charge period. The Development Manager would like to thank members of the Repton Park Residents Association who gave up their time and expertise in relation to the security improvements opposite the gatehouse. Not forgetting MBS and their team for a job very well done. The photo to the right shows Martyn Bass and some of his MBS staff who worked on the project throughout April. On the next page you will find photos taken throughout the duration of the works, keeping an accurate record of what has been carried out. Bad Parking Notices & First Ports role in issuing them It has been another productive month when it comes to issuing bad parking notices to vehicles which are parked in the wrong bay or dangerously around Repton Park. There were 19 bad parking notices issued in April. A detailed spreadsheet of the parking notices issued is kept at the gatehouse. It is to be noted that First Port are happy to offer this service but none of the onsite staff are qualified parking attendants, nor do we have any parking control enforcement powers. It is done to be helpful and offer support. New Parking Restrictions Over the last couple of months a resident has been in correspondence with First Port over parking around the gym. It had been brought to our attention gym members were parking alongside the gym and not in the designated parking bays, creating a potential Health & Safety issue as per the photo on the right which was taken over the Bank Holiday. Although First Port issue bad parking stickers, they are not legally enforceable and ignored a lot of the time. Because of this the Development Manager has tried on numerous occasions to have a meeting with the Virgin Active gym manager about this without success. As a meeting never materialised the Development Manager visited Virgin Active and spoke with their Maintenance Operative. The Development Manager explained the need to do something and made him aware that parking bollards were going to be installed. The reason the Development Manager wanted to speak to the Gym Manager was simply down to common courtesy however this problem could no longer be ignored. The new parking bollards will be concrete and painted black, matching others in the surrounding area as per the below photo. The Development Manager calculated with Virgins Maintenance Operative that 6 should be sufficient and the bollards will run from the edge of the building back, leaving sufficient room for Virgins deliveries. Unfortunately the planters get moved so having a permanent fixture is necessary. Vehicles refused access or asked to leave Repton Park Further to discussions with the Repton Park Residents Association and in an attempt to tighten up security, please note the table below which highlights vehicles either refused access or asked to leave Repton Park. This is the result of taking a more vigilant approach at the barriers and Management will continue to work with, support and monitor staff performance in this area. It is important to remember that the staffs working at the gatehouse that are responsible for the entrance barriers are not security. They are concierge who monitors the traffic on top of their other daily duties. Although the concierge position is to be security conscious, they do not have the training or skill set to deal with what may be potentially dangerous situations. Residents are kindly reminded of this and asked not to put pressure on the concierge, or any of the onsite staff, to deal with problems they are not qualified, or have the experience to deal with. Date Of Visit Time Of Visit Purpose Of Entry To Repton Park Drivers Vehicle Registration Reason for vehicle being refused access onto Repton Park Staff Name 6/4/15 22.10 3 boys wanted to visit a friends xxxxxxxx Refused entry - look suspicious Tariq 12/4/15 20.30 xxxxxx Refused entry - Gym was closed Tariq 12/4/15 20.40 xxxxxxxxx Refused entry - Gym was closed Tariq 12/4/15 23.20 xxxxxxxx Refused entry - Gym was closed Tariq 14/4/15 1.00 2 boy & 2 girls wanted to go to the gym 2 young guys wanted to go to the gym 4 young guys wanted to go to the gym 3 boys wanted to visit a friends xxxxxxxxxx Refused entry - look suspicious Tariq 23/4/15 1.10 3 young guys Provided wrong address Junaid 24/5/29 2.10 3 boys wanted to visit a friends xxxxxxxxx Refused entry - look suspicious Charles 29/5/15 1.05 2 young guys wanted to go to the gym xxxxxxxxxxx Refused entry - Gym was closed Thilak xxxxxxx Service Charge Review The service charge continues to be in good health. First Ports Customer Collections Team remains on top of this and monthly updates are provided to the Development Manager. At the moment there are service charge arrears of approximately 7% Annual Budget = £1,000,404.00 Arrears = £86,253.97 The below pie chart illustrates how the current service charge arrears is made up across Repton Park. Rosebury Square - £5691.27 Osbourne House - £3882.34 Kensington House - £4256.34 Goldsmith House - £3957.09 Cheltenham House - £4535.56 Waterlily Nursery - £2215.48 Virgin Active £59,243.31
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