Habitat Stewardship Program – Prevention Stream

Habitat Stewardship Program –
Prevention Stream
Application Guidelines and Form
Environment Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Parks Canada Agency
1. HSP Prevention Stream Background
The Prevention Stream of the Habitat Stewardship Program has been established to foster stewardship projects
aimed at preventing priority species, other than species at risk, from becoming a conservation concern.
Activities under this funding stream will need to take place on private land, provincial Crown land, Aboriginal
land and in aquatic environments across Canada.
This document supports the HSP Prevention Stream and provides general program information and requirements for making an application during the current funding cycle. A separate application guide and template
have been developed for the HSP Prevention Stream. In addition, there are regional program funding priorities.
Please contact the HSP Regional Coordinator (see program contacts in Appendix 1) to learn more about specific
regional program information and priorities.
Each region may have specific regional priorities as well.
2. HSP Prevention Stream Objectives and Expected Results
The underlying objectives of the HSP Prevention Stream are to:
• Support habitat projects that benefit target species beyond species at risk listed under the Species at
Risk Act
• Enable Canadians to become actively involved in stewardship projects that will result in tangible and
measurable conservation benefits
Expected Results
Proposed projects must contribute to one or more of the expected results of the HSP Prevention Stream, which are:
• Important habitat for the target species is secured or otherwise protected;
• Important habitat for the target species is improved (restored/enhanced) and/or managed to meet their
• Potential threats to individual target species, and/or their habitat, caused by human activities are
stopped, removed and/or mitigated; and
• Project benefits are sustained over time by engaging Canadians (landowners, resource users, volunteers) to participate directly in activities that prevent species from becoming a conservation concern.
3. Recipient Eligibility:
Non-governmental organizations, Aboriginal organizations and communities, individuals, private corporations, as
well as provincial, territorial and municipal governments and provincial Crown corporations are eligible for funding1.
If your project is expected to take place on Aboriginal land, either entirely or partially, and you are a non-Aboriginal
organization, individual, and/or you have no rights to the land (i.e. through a permit, lease and/or as a Certificate of
Possession holder), you must provide signed letter(s) of support from the affected community, Band, or First Nation.
Federal departments, agencies, and federal Crown corporations are not eligible to receive HSP Prevention
Stream Funds.
4. Eligible Species
Projects must target species that are not listed under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act.
5. Eligible Activities:
• Scientific research activities, captive breeding, captive rearing, fish hatcheries, aquaculture
activities, wildlife rehabilitation and extirpated species reintroductions are not eligible for
HSP Prevention Stream funding.
Activity Categories and Examples
• Habitat Protection: Through acquisition (purchase or donation) or other securement means; protecting
the species habitat by assisting recipients in acquiring properties or establishing conservation easements,
leases or other types of agreements with property owners.
Non-legally binding measures
• Protection of land through a written conservation agreement
Legally-binding measures
• Securing land by acquiring title (fee simple)
• Securing land by an easement, covenant or servitude
• Securing land through a lease
If your organization is a not-for-profit organization that is currently incorporated under Part II of the Canada Corporations Act make
sure that it has applied for continuance under the new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act before October 17, 2014 otherwise
EC may not be able to enter into an agreement with your organization should your proposal be approved.
• Habitat Improvement: Enhancing or restoring habitat of the species; changing land/water management
or land/water use practices to benefit species and improve habitat quality.
• Restoration, enhancement, and/or management of the species habitat
• Vegetation planting or removal of exotics/invasives in the habitat of, in the immediate area of,
and for the direct benefit of a species
• Habitat creation (e.g., hibernacula, bird boxes, turtle nests, etc.)
• Implementation of best management practices or land/water use guidelines
• Human Impact Mitigation: Proactive/preventative activities against threats from human activity.
• Prevention of damage to species’ habitats (riparian or terrestrial) (e.g., educational signage)
• Prevention of harm to species (e.g., disentanglement, nest relocation, enabling species migration
around roadways, fences for the exclusion of habitat disturbances, etc)
• Application of modified or new technology to prevent accidental harm (e.g., using modified
harvesting methods to reduce incidental take)
• Program Planning and Development: Developing conservation strategies, land use guidelines/best
practices, and planning the implementation of stewardship programs, including target audience
engagement strategies.
• Development of conservation strategies to improve habitat and address potential threats to species
• Planning of stewardship programs, including target audience engagement strategies
• Compilation and dissemination of resource/land use guidelines and best management practices
• Surveys, Inventories and Monitoring: Activities such as identifying potential sites for habitat
restoration; or assessing the presence of a species and its habitat in order to target design and carry
out a current (or future) stewardship project.
• Identifying potential sites for habitat restoration; includes mapping and analysis
(needed to support species stewardship activities)
• Assessing the presence of the species through surveying and/or monitoring
• Creation and/or maintenance of inventories or databases for habitat and species data
• Collection of Traditional Ecological Knowledge
• Project and Program Evaluation: Assess the social and biological results and effectiveness
of stewardship activities
• Conduct project or program results assessment(s)
• Outreach: Providing information to appropriate target audiences on specific actions to be taken to
achieve species and habitat conservation; raising awareness about species conservation needs;
educating resource users about alternative methods that minimize impacts on the species and their
habitat; promoting stewardship at the community level to improve attitudes and change behaviour.
The activity should lead to direct benefit for the species; general outreach or non-targeted
activities are not eligible.
• Development of targeted outreach materials emphasizing the importance of the species and the
benefits of the action to be undertaken
• Training of individuals/community members in stewardship practices related to the species
• Informing and engaging community members/target audiences (e.g. land managers, fishers,
resources users) about their role in the maintenance of the species
• Engage landowners directly in future habitat protection activities
*NOTE: There is a section in the Application Form that enables you to demonstrate how your outreach activity
will lead to on-the-ground recovery action. See Section 4.2 of the template for instructions.
6. Matching Contributions
You must obtain contributions of non-federal funds (cash and/or in-kind) to obtain HSP Prevention Stream
• Provincial agencies, non-government organizations, private landowners, the private sector, and the
recipient are all eligible sources for matching funds. Examples of in-kind resources are: equipment
loans, donations of building materials, and volunteer labor.
• A minimum of 1:1 matching contributions (from non-federal sources) is required ($1 match for
$1 HSP Prevention Stream funding). However, preference will be given to projects with matching
contributions in excess of 1:1 and to projects with higher cash matching contributions in relation to
in-kind contributions.
• Federal funds (e.g., EcoAction, HSP SAR Stream, AFSAR, and federal funds administered by third-party
non-government organizations) are not eligible as match for HSP Prevention Stream funding.
• All proposed contributions must be listed in your proposal. If your HSP Prevention Stream application
is successful, all confirmed contributions must be identified in the Contribution Agreement you will
sign with Environment Canada (EC). If the recipient is not sure where the funding will come from
precisely he/she can specify “Anticipated funding from other project funders”
7. Eligible Costs:
For all eligible expenses, only those deemed to be a reasonable share for completing the Project shall be
considered eligible.
Eligible expenses may include reasonable and properly itemized costs for:
• Salaries and wages
• salaries and benefits (directly associated with the project activities)
• Management and professional service costs
• Accounting, appraisal, Elders/knowledge holders fees, insurance (related to the project),
translation, land surveys, legal (other than litigation) costs, and other professional fees
• Contractors
• Consultants and contractors fees associated with the project (subject to regional limits)
• Travel
• travel expenses (to a maximum of current Treasury Board Secretariat rates), including mileage
and accommodation
• Materials and Supplies costs
• Includes equipment purchase costs under $10,000
• Communication and printing, production, and distribution costs
• Equipment rentals
• Lease, rental and/or repair (subject to regional limits)
• Vehicle rental and operation costs
• Lease, rental and/or repair (subject to regional limits)
• Purchase of capital assets
• Equipment purchase costs over $10,000
• Land acquisition, leases, easements, covenants, servitudes
• funding towards conservation agreements
• May include appraisal fees and legal costs
• Costs of preparing an independent financial accounting (where the report is required)
• Projects over $100,000 may be required to submit an independently verified financial report
at the end of the project
• Overhead
• Administrative costs (e.g., salaries and benefits of support staff, office utilities and rent etc.)
directly attributable to the carrying out of the project up to a maximum of 10% of the HSP
Prevention Stream contribution—Note that Overhead costs are not included as part of the
other eligible expenditures
• Other costs
• Meeting and training fees (e.g., materials and hall rental), and registration fees for courses,
conferences, workshops or seminars
• hospitality, with limits as per federal government standards (i.e. no meals, etc)
• Further disbursement of EC funding to final recipients
• to be used when funds will be further disbursed to a final recipient (via a contribution agreement
and not a contract)
Note that:
• GST / HST is an eligible G&C project expenditure, therefore EC may reimburse Recipients for the taxes
they paid while undertaking the activities of the agreement. The amount of EC’s contribution includes
the reimbursement for GST/HST. For example, if EC’s contribution is $25,000, this $25,000 includes
EC’s reimbursement for all eligible expenditures including GST/HST. EC will not reimburse the Recipient
$25,000 plus GST/HST; the $25,000 is all-inclusive.
• The use of universal day rates is not accepted. Costs must be broken down by expense category
in order for the Contribution Agreement to be considered legally binding after signing. When costs
are broken down into their respective categories, various clauses are triggered in your Contribution
• Costs, other than those identified herein, are ineligible unless specifically approved in writing by
the Minister or his/her delegate at the time of project approval and are necessary for the successful
completion of the project. Requests for additional funds for a project already approved, or Expenses
for services normally provided or paid for by another government entity, will not be considered.
8. Other Requirements
Non-federal Lands
Funds cannot be used for activities on federal lands (i.e., National Parks, National Wildlife Areas); however,
Aboriginal lands and Crown lands in the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut are considered eligible
lands under the HSP Prevention Stream.
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012
The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012 (CEAA 2012) requires departments to determine whether the
carrying out of a project on federal lands (i.e., First Nation lands in the case of HSP) is likely to cause significant
adverse environmental effects.
9. For Accepted Applications
Once you have received confirmation of approval of your project, you will be required to submit additional
information, including, but not limited to the following:
Cash-Flow Statement
You will be required to develop a detailed cash flow statement of all sources of revenue (including all in-kind
contributions) and expenditures that are part of the approved project.
Reporting Obligations
The Contribution Agreement, between your organization and EC, will specify project report deadlines and will
include the required forms. You will need to provide a final report at the end of the project. This report will
describe your project revenue, expenses, accomplishments and outcomes. Both outcomes and accomplishments
must be reported using the performance indicators identified in the Contribution Agreement. It is important
to note that different projects may have different reporting requirements.
You will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate permits associated with your project from relevant federal
and/or provincial authorities wherever your project triggers the need for a permit (e.g., it could impact the
species). Funding decisions are not guaranteed to be made in time for the beginning of the field season,
and as permits take time to arrange, you should address this need several months before the project start
date to reduce delays once a funding announcement is made.
Overlap with Other Federal Conservation Funding Programs
You can only receive funding from one federal funding program for each proposed activity. Any proposals
submitted to the other federal funding programs, (e.g. Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk, National Wetland
Conservation Fund, EcoAction, etc.) must be for different activities than those listed in your HSP proposal.
Public Acknowledgement
All projects funded will be required to recognize the Government of Canada contribution on all communications
and products related to the funded project.
Official Languages
You may be responsible for serving and communicating with the public in the English and French languages,
where applicable. Any cost related to translation is an eligible cost under the program.
10. How Projects are Reviewed
Regional review of project proposals based on a range of considerations:
Program objectives
• Eligibility requirements for i) recipients, ii) activities, iii) expenses, iv) matching funds, etc.;
• Alignment with the regional priorities; and
• Alignment with national priorities.
Technical criteria
• Proponent’s ability to plan, manage and complete projects successfully (i.e., description of the issues
and solutions to be implemented);
• Appropriateness of budget and schedules. These must be realistic given the time frame and objectives
of the project;
• Clarity, conciseness and quality of the application;
• Other funding sources (matching contributions) and the respective amounts or demonstration
of the proponent’s ability to raise funds from non-federal sources; and
• Implementation of evaluation and performance measures.
Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Eligible applications will be evaluated and prioritized using the following criteria:
• 60% for alignment with program objectives, including national and regional priorities; and
• 40% for criteria related to the technical and administrative aspects of the project proposal.
A high quality project is one that:
• Clearly addresses regional priorities: geographic areas and/or potential human-induced threats,
as well as national priorities;
• Will achieve or lead to on-the-ground conservation action for wildlife species and habitats;
• Benefits multiple eligible species;
• Has secured over 50% of total project funding from non-federal sources;
• Has secured over 50% of total matched funding from non-federal sources in cash;
• Has a proposal presented in a clear and logical manner;
• Has a well-developed workplan;
• Has a plan to measure project results;
• Demonstrates a high degree of local and regional support from a variety of partners;
• Involves individuals and communities with local experience/knowledge; and
• Has a high likelihood of success based on recipient experience and realistic deliverables.
11. To apply:
Expression of Interest
Prior to submitting a complete proposal to the HSP Prevention Stream, proponents are encouraged to submit
an Expression of Interest (EOI) (Appendix 2). See the regional Call for Proposals for further details. The EOI gives
you the opportunity to receive feedback on your proposal to ensure it is aligned with national/regional priorities
and program expected results. HSP Regional Coordinators will also be able to assess eligibility, and help guide
the project proposal. This process ensures that all requirements are met, but does not result in a guarantee
that the project will be recommended for funding. All EOIs must be submitted prior to the application deadline
to allow HSP Regional Coordinators enough time to provide feedback. See regional Call Letter for timelines.
Application Form
To apply to the HSP Prevention Stream funding, you must fill in an application form (Appendix 3) on-line
at www.recovery.gc.ca/HSP-PIH . Request login information from your HSP Regional Coordinator. If you
lack Internet access, please contact your HSP Regional Coordinator (see program contacts, Appendix 1)
to discuss other options for submission of your application.
Due to Government of Canada policy, communication with proponents regarding proposal status during the
project review and selection phase is prohibited until the final administrative approvals have been granted.
All proponents will be notified as soon as funding decisions have been made and negotiation of the Contribution
Agreement will follow. The program is unable to reimburse proponents for any expenses incurred prior to the
official notification.
Appendix 1 – HSP Regional Coordinators
Atlantic Region
Quebec Region
Ontario Region
Sheri Faulkner Jackson
Environment Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
P.O. Box 6227
17 Waterfowl Lane
Sackville, NB
E4L 1G6
Josée DeGuise
Environment Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
801-1550, d’Estimauville Avenue
Quebec, QC
G1J 0C3
Kim Laird
Environment Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service,
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, ON
M3H 5T4
(418) 649-6313
josee.deguise @ec.gc.ca
(416) 739-4986
Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Northwest Territories
Ron Bazin
Environment Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
123 Main Street, Suite 150
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 4W2
Carmen Callihoo
Environment Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
9250 – 49th Street
Edmonton, AB
T6B 1K5
(204) 984-0863
(780) 951-8672
Donna Bigelow
Environment Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
5019 - 52nd Street (4th Floor)
P.O. Box 2310
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 2P7
(506) 364-5198
Prairie and Northern Region
Lisa Pirie
Environment Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
P.O. Box 1714
Qimugjuk Building 969
Iqaluit (Nunavut)
X0A 0H0
(867) 975-4638
Pacific and Yukon Region
Pacific and Yukon Region
Randal Lake
Environment Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
5421 Robertson Rd, RR 1
Delta, BC
V4K 3Y3
(604) 350-1946
(867) 669-4783
Appendix 2 – Habitat Stewardship Program—Prevention Stream
Expression of Interest 2015-2016
Project Title
Proponent Information (The information must correspond to the name and address to be used on any
cheques if application is approved)
Name of Proponent:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Other Communities/Organizations involved in the project (if partnering)
Regional Priorities Addressed (Prevention Stream)
Regional Priority addressed:
Target Species:
--COSEWIC designation, if relevant:
Proposed Activities*: Briefly describe the project - goals, objectives, activities, methods, budget estimates,
partnerships and timeframe (max: 25 lines).
E-mail completed form to your HSP Regional Coordinator by October 10th, 2014. Early submissions are
strongly encouraged
HSP ID: _______
Appendix 3 – Habitat Stewardship Program—Prevention Stream
2015-2016 Application Form
** Please prepare the proposal so that reviewers who are unfamiliar with the species, area, past or ongoing projects will gain
a full understanding of your project’s purpose.
Project Title
This title will be used in all communications related to the proposal. Therefore, it must describe the work undertaken and/or the
project purpose, the project location if possible, and be easily understood by an external audience (15 words max.) Example:
Encouraging landowners’ participation in conserving habitat for species X in southern Alberta.
1. Proponent Information
1.1 Project Management Team and Contact Information
a) Full Legal Name of Proponent (this is the applicant organization or identity that would sign a contribution agreement with
Environment Canada (EC). The name must correspond to the name to be used on any cheques if the application is approved.
Must be a legal entity or individual)
b) Please provide a brief description of your organization, including its mandate (10 lines max. e.g., “Not for profit
organization registered in 1998 and dedicated to the conservation of rare and endangered plants, etc.”)
c) Principal Proponent’s Name (The person filling out this application; must be a representative of the organization that would
sign a contribution agreement with EC (if approved)):
d) Project Manager’s Name (The person who will be the main contact for the project; must be a representative of the
organization that would sign a contribution agreement with EC (if approved)):
e) Address for all correspondence (including payments if the project is accepted)
City :
Postal Code:
f) Please provide your organization’s web site address (if applicable)
g) Please provide identification numbers for your organization (if applicable)
Dropdown box to choose at least one Text field to enter the number (~30 characters long)
of the following options.
*Business Number
*GST Number
*Charitable Number
*First Nations Band Number
1.2 Proponent Type (select one)
Please identify which category you best fit under and provide a brief explanation if you identify “other”.
Aboriginal Organization
Education/Research Institution (university, museum, zoo/aquarium)
Government Agency or Crown Corporation (provincial/territorial/municipal)
Environmental Non-Governmental Organization (ENGO)
Private Sector Organization (corporation/association/utilities)
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) or Non-Profit Organization
Individual Citizen/Landowner
Other – please specify: __________________________________________________________
1.3 Stewardship Program/Project Delivery Experience
Briefly provide a description of your organization’s experience in delivering stewardship programs,
including any that have focussed on the species2. (25 lines maximum)
What relevant experience does the project leader have?
2. Proposal Background
2.1a) Project Locations
Specific Habitat and Geographic Location (specific latitude and longitude are mandatory)
Name of the
Habitat/local area
where the project
will take place
Habitat or ecosystem
Description (forest, grassland,
wetland, freshwater, etc.)
MANDATORY: Latitude and
Longitude (degrees, minutes,
town or city
Please also address (10 Lines max.):
i) Importance of site for the species (e.g., foraging area).
ii) Will the project take place on private lands, Provincial Crown Lands or other?
2.1 b) Primary Province/Territory in which the Project will be undertaken
“Stewardship refers to the wide range of voluntary actions that Canadians undertake to care for the environment, ranging from
conserving wild species and their habitats directly, to improving the quality of habitat by mitigating human impact.”
(Your project may include activities in other provinces or territories; you must specify one lead province/
2.2 Species
List the species that are directly targeted by this stewardship project.
Projects must target species that are NOT listed under the Schedule 1 of Species at Risk Act.
a) Species Name (common and
b) Population, if relevant
d) COSEWIC Assessed
3. Overview
a) Executive Summary NOTE: This summary may be published or made available to the public.
The Executive Summary is a brief synopsis of the project including work proposed to be accomplished with both
HSP Prevention Stream funding and Matching Funds. It is best to complete this section last, since it is a synopsis
of information provided in the rest of the proposal – it should not contain new information. It must also contain
sufficient information to “stand alone” during review and approval phases. In other words, be sure to spell
out acronyms, and do not assume that the reader is familiar with or has read the full proposal. In the Executive
Summary you must clearly demonstrate how your proposal addresses each one of the following items:
• Overall project purpose: Clearly articulate the project purpose and project goals [and please use
anticipated quantifiable results relative to the project purpose and goal(s)]
• Location of Project: Identify the province, region, and main geographic area where the work is taking
place. Include whether it is in a regional priority area. If more than one location, please specify all.
• Target Species and habitat types: Name them (Can include more than one, or groups).
• Threats: What is/are the main potential threat(s) faced by the species that the project will address?
• Main activities: List the activities to address the stewardship need/potential threat. Do not repeat
the detailed activities provided in the proposal work plan, but rather provide an explanation of how
the activities will result in achieving the listed quantifiable results relative to the project purpose
and goal(s). Be very clear about what will be achieved—e.g., number of hectares to be acquired, or
restored, and how. Explain all activities for the layperson and make the link to the project objective.
• Outreach activities: briefly indicate how these activities will lead to achieving the project objectives
and on-the-ground stewardship actions and conservation outcomes.
• Project Timing: When do the activities need to be carried out to achieve the project objective(s)?
• Anticipated project benefits/outcome: How will the project contribute to the conservation of the
species? How will the project address the HSP Prevention Stream regional and national priorities?
• Program Expected Results: Which of the four HSP Prevention Stream Expected Results will be addressed
by the project (more than one can be included) and explain specifically how it/they will be achieved.
Each expected results should be listed with a brief explanation of how the results are being met.
b) Program Objectives
Describe how your proposed project specifically addresses the overall program objectives of the HSP Prevention
Stream? (35 lines max)
c) Program Expected Results
Choose from the list which program Expected Results will be addressed by your project (can be more than one)
Important habitat for the species is secured or otherwise protected;
Important habitat for the species is improved (restored/enhanced) and/or managed to meet their needs;
Potential threats to individual species, and/or their habitat, caused by human activities are stopped,
removed and/or mitigated; and
Project benefits are sustained over time by engaging Canadians (landowners, resource users, volunteers)
to participate directly in activities that prevent species from becoming a conservation concern.
d) National Priorities
Describe how your proposed project addresses the national priorities of the HSP Prevention Stream? (35 lines max)
e) Regional Priorities
Describe how your proposed project addresses the regional priorities (areas and/or potential threats) of the HSP
Prevention Stream? (35 lines max)
f) Links with other projects
Describe how your proposed project will be linked with other stewardship and conservation programs,
projects, and activities in the target area? How will these linkages be maintained or enhanced? Provide
evidence to support your project’s integration with current initiatives (e.g., letters of support). (50 lines)
4. Work Plan
4.1 Activities
Note: - Please pay particular attention to columns (b) and (c) as they will be scrutinized by reviewers and, if your
project is approved, will form the basis of your contribution agreement and associated reporting templates.
In column “a)” for each proposed Project Activity choose one eligible activity type from the following
list of eligible activities (1) Habitat Protection (including land securement); (2) Habitat Improvement;
(3) Human Impact Mitigation (both immediate and preventative and implementing technology to reduce
harm); (4) Program Planning and Development; (5) Surveys, Inventories and Monitoring; (6) Project
and Program Evaluation; or (7) Outreach.
In column (b), describe each project activity. Concisely indicate which potential threat is addressed by each
activity (you can repeat threats if they are the same as the previous activity’s) and provide details that support
“what, why, where, by who, and how” for each activity, but not specific results, as these will go in column c).
In column (c), please describe the results you plan to achieve by the end of the year for which you are requesting
funding and select which of the three result types your activity addresses (Habitat Protection, Habitat
Improvement, or Threat Mitigation). Be sure to provide specific and easy to measure quantitative results
(because, if funded, you will have to report on results and performance indicators for each activity type at the
end of the project.
Note: Only describe activity types relevant to your project
Please delete the examples listed below in the Table prior to submitting those specific activities related to you project
a) Activity Type
(one per activity)
c) What will the result of the
activity be by the end of the
project? Include RESULT TYPE
e) Start date
b) Describe each
activity that you
plan to undertake
d) What is the anticipated
long-term outcome of the
f) End date
Human Impact
Human Impact Mitigation:
May 1, 2015
7000m of fencing will be
August 1,
Construct exclusion
fences to protect
sensitive shorelines
for [name of
shoreline nesting
bird species]
g) Estimated
% of total
project budget
(HSP Prevention
Stream plus
matching $)
h) Estimated
% of HSP
10 %
20 %
15 %
30 %
------------------------------Sensitive nesting habitat for the
target species will be protected from
human and animal disturbance
Human Impact Mitigation:
July 1, 2015
Provide consistent
on-the-water public
education about whale
watching guidelines
(Be Whale Wise) by
operating daily boat
patrols in the Salish
Sea area during
whale-watching season
Contact 50 vessels (2 per day
for 25 days) to share information
and materials re: Be Whale
Wise. How to watch for signs
of and identify the species.
Sept. 30,
Greater awareness of guidelines
and overall reduction in guideline
violations as well as reduced
collisions and contact with the species.
4.2 Surveys, Monitoring or Inventories
If you have included surveys, monitoring or inventories, how will the results directly contribute to the
conservation of the species and/or its habitat in the next two years? (25 lines max)
4.3 Project Evaluation
Please address:
(i) How will you evaluate the outcome of your project’s activities (e.g., immediate and long term outcomes)?
(ii) How will you measure the difference that your project has made in the conservation of the species
and/or its habitat?
5. Project Support
Evidence of other source of funding must be provided. A minimum of 1:1 matching contributions
(from non-federal sources) is required ($1 match for $1 HSP Prevention Stream).
Instructions for columns:
a. List organizations or individuals that will be making contributions to this project including all federal, provincial,
municipal, private sector, foundation, non-government, and Aboriginal groups; (for all federal contributions,
please specify the program and or source of funding [cash and/or in-kind]. Federal contributions must be listed;
however, federal contributions cannot be used as match for HSP Prevention Stream funds.
b. Describe what and how much support will be provided (e.g., loan of vehicle, services of a graphic
designer, cash etc.) and how the value of each supporting contribution is calculated
(e.g., if an equivalent graphic designer would charge $35/hr enter: 10hrs at $35/hr);
c. and d. Indicate the contribution is cash and/or in-kind. Proof of contribution will be requested at a later
stage. As a general rule, your project should be receiving at least 50% support from other funding
that is not federal funding. All proposed contributions must be listed in your proposal;
e. Enter the total of c) and d) for each line;
f. Indicate whether or not the support (e.g., applications to various foundations) has been confirmed
at the time of application; and
g. Indicate the period (months) during which this support will be provided.
a) Organization /
b) Description
and valuation of
support offered
$ Value
e) Total
$ Value
Save the Great
Horned Owl
Frank Simpson
Graphic design
f) Confirmed?
g) Date to
be received?
July 01, 2015
May 15, 2015
6. Project Budget
Use this table to develop a detailed budget for the project and specify the amount requested from the HSP Prevention
Stream. Provide detailed descriptions of each expenditure, including how the value was calculated (e.g., assistant
coordinator, 3 months at $2,000/month), and how much of the expenditure will come from HSP Prevention Stream
funding or from non-HSP funds and in-kind support.
a) Expense
(in order)
b) Detailed description
and valuation based
on personnel or
equipment rates
c) Amount
from HSP
Matching Funds
f) Total Amount
d) Cash
(HSP Prevention
Stream + Match)
1 Salaries
and wages
Project coordinator, Jane
Doe, $100/day for 22 days
2 Management
and professional service costs
Legal work - donation of
Green Island, includes
deed and title search, flat
fee $3,500
3 […]
Add lines as required
*HSP Prevention Stream- only considers these categories: (1) Salaries and wages; (2) Management and professional service costs,
accounting, appraisal, Elders/knowledge holders fees, insurance (related to activities related to the project, land surveys, legal
(other than litigation) costs, and other professional fees; (3) Contractors, consultants and contractors fees associated with the project
(subject to regional limits); (4) Travel; (5) Materials and Supplies costs; (6) Communication and printing, production, and distribution
costs; (7) Equipment rentals, (subject to regional limits); (8) Vehicle rental and operation costs, (subject to regional limits);
(9) Purchase of capital assets; (10) Land acquisition, leases, easements, covenants, servitudes; (11) Costs of preparing an independent
financial accounting; (12) Overhead; (13) Other costs; (14) Further disbursement of EC funding to final recipients
• GST or HST paid that is not eligible for reimbursement or exemption is an eligible expense.
• Costs, other than those herein allowed, are ineligible unless specifically approved in writing by the
Minister or his/her delegate at the time of project approval. For all cost categories, only expenses
related to the proposed project activities, and therefore essential to completing the project, shall
be considered eligible.
• Please note that the use of universal day rates will not be accepted. Costs have to be broken down
by expense category in order for the Contribution Agreements to be legally binding. When costs are
broken down in their respective categories, different clauses are triggered in the Contribution Agreement.
7. Signatures
I hereby certify that I am familiar with all the conditions, including those regarding eligibility, official languages,
reporting, financial accounting, and acknowledgement of Government of Canada support, as outlined in the
current HSP Prevention Stream 2015-16 guidelines.
a) Principal Proponent:
Title / Position
b) Authorizing Signature
Title / Position in the Organization: