Research Journal of Biology, 2: 53 - 59 (2014) RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Allocation to Sexual Reproduction by the Common Reed (Phragmites australis) is Highly Variable in Different Phases of Estuarine Succession Kai Aulio* Department of Biology, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turun yliopisto, Finland; Present address: Lankakatu 3 D 16, FI-20660 Littoinen, Finland. Abstract The common reed, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin ex Steudel (= P. communis Trin.) showed appropriate strategies in resource allocation to inflorescence formation in the varying phases of wetland succession in the rapidly changing estuarine environment of the Kokemäenjoki River delta, western Finland. In the monocultural stands of the common reed, three distinctive successional phases were separated. The biometric characteristics of P. australis vary significantly according to the successional phases and also within each of the stand types classified. In general, the height and weight of individual aboveground shoots (ramets) decreased in the order: Pioneer stage > Mature stage > Regressing stage. The resource allocation to generative (sexual) reproduction showed different patterns. The frequency of fertile (flowering) shoots was markedly higher in the pioneer and the regressing stages than in the widest and longest-lasting communities of the mature stage. In determining the flowering frequency, the vegetative growth dimensions must, however, be accurately considered. The frequency of fertile shoots is more than twenty percent points higher in the dominant height class (“canopy layer”) than the average values calculated for the whole community. Even more important is the detailed characterization of the sampling conditions in the measurements of the actual investments that the plant individual or clone allocates to the sexual reproduction. The average allocation of the current years’ production to flower and seed formation was high (up to 8.4 %) in the pioneer stage, much less in the mature stage (4.3%), and the most importantly, the share of biomass allocated to sexual reproduction peaked in the regressing phase of succession (8.8%). In the Kokemäenjoki River delta, Phragmites australis showed biologically appropriate reproduction strategies by investing heavily to asexual distribution in the young successional phases, whereas the proportion of investments to sexual, long-distance reproduction and distribution were enhanced in the regressive, die-off phases of the plant’s successional history. Key Words: Phragmites australis, common reed, resource allocation, sexual reproduction, reproduction strategies. (Received: 12/05/2014; Accepted: 01/06/2014; Published: 22/06/2014) efficient distribution through belowground rhizomes. On the other hand, the common reed has a well-developed sexual distribution ability by producing numerous and easily dispersive seeds (Grime, 2001; Haslam, 2010). According to the widely accepted assumption, plants can choose the most efficient strategy in utilizing the available environmental resources. Hence, the sexual (generative) propagation is a means to escape insufficient nutrient resources or space in situations, where intra- or interspecific competition is severe. On the other hand, asexual (vegetative) reproduction and distribution is the most appropriate strategy for a plant individual or a clone to maintain present position or to conquer new habitat (Gardner and Mangel, 1999). Complex dispersion patters can prevail in heterogeneous or changing habitats, and thus various strategies are needed in any respective growth conditions (Grime, 2001). This applies exactly in the river deltas, where water depth, water currents and wind strengths, as well as availability of nutrients can change remarkably between years or even within a growing season (Dobson and Frid, 2009; van der Valk, 2012). Introduction The detailed characteristics in the forms and functions in reproduction of Phragmites australis are surprisingly little studied, although the common reed is a cosmopolitan species – and in fact the most widely distributed of all flowering plant species on the earth (Stott, 1981). Successional trends – adaptations to changing environments – are a characteristic feature in Phragmites australis. Typically the common reed can invade and colonize non-vegetated areas near the average water level (in shallow water or a few centimetres above the mean water level), and spread effectively through vegetative underground rhizomes (Amsberry et al., 2000). In the functional CSR theory of the plant strategies presented by Grime (2001), Phragmites australis is Cstrategist, i.e. a species occupying habitats with high productivity and long habitat duration. These characterizations fit precisely to the present study area, Pihlavanlahti Bay, in the Kokemäenjoki River delta, western Finland, where Phragmites australis is the dominant macrophytic plant species (Aulio, 1979, 2014). Phragmites australis is one of the most successful competitors in established plant communities, due to 53 *Corresponding author: Copyright © 2014 RJB Aulio, 2014 Variations in the inflorescence frequency and the timing of flowering are typical features in Phragmites australis. Important environmental characteristics to determine the inflorescence frequency and the start of the flowering season are air temperature, water depth of the site, exposition to sun, and the temperature of the soil/sediment (Björk, 1967; Haslam, 2010). Factors enhancing the panicle formation and the frequency of inflorescences in the community are high temperature and low water level. With respect to the panicle frequency, the prevailing environmental conditions affect immediately, during each growing season (Björk, 1967). In the course of the life cycle, plants are capable of changing the reproduction strategies to maximize the utilization of available environmental resources. Hence, a plant can transport essential nutrients from vegetative to generative reproductive organs, or vice versa (Harper, 1977). The choice between the reproduction strategies is important both for a plant individual and the plant species. The strategy adopted often depends on competition, i.e. whether the plant is growing free of struggle for resources, or in a situation, where other plants are competing for the limited resources (van Kleunen et al., 2002). Phragmites australis is morphologically well-equipped for sexual reproduction. The open habitats, dense monospecific communities, and the structure of flowers and inflorescences are all typical features for successful anemochory (Glover, 2007). In addition, the seeds of the common reed survive in aquatic environments, and thus the species can distribute also through water currents (Haslam, 2010). northern reach of the Baltic Sea is brackish water with a salt concentration of only 0.1–0.5 %. Figure 1. Location of the study area On the basis of water quality, the Pihlavanlahti Bay is eutrophic. Biologically the estuary is very rich, and from 2004 the site has been part of the Natura 2000 conservation network of the European Union. The estuary is also part of the international Ramsar Convention on Wetlands network of valuable bird sanctuaries. The biota of the study area is exceptionally rich as compared to typical natural habitats in Northern Europe. The number of plant taxa growing at the Pihlavanlahti Bay is about 440. The flora includes several endangered species included in the specially protected taxa by the European Union (Suominen, 2013). The delta is characterized as a birdlife paradise, and for reason. There are about 110 bird species permanently living at the Pihlavanlahti Bay area, and the estuary is one of the most important resting and molting areas during migrations. The number of bird species met annually at the Pihlavanlahti Bay area reaches about 220 species. In addition, the estuary is one of the most popular venues for leisure fisheries in Finland, and the waters also support some professional fisheries. The development of communities dominated by Phragmites australis usually involves phases of directed and predictable succession. Typically, after the establishment of the pioneer phase, reed communities typically spread through the growth of belowground rhizomes. In most coastal habitats, the succession of dense and biologically competitive monoculture is usually proceeding from a shallow water microhabitats towards deeper water microhabitats (Amsberry et al. 2000; Dobson and Frid, 2009; van der Valk, 2012). But in estuaries, especially when the sedimentation processes of the delta are strong and change the environmental conditions rapidly, the succession often proceeds in the opposite direction, i.e. from the deep water towards dry microhabitats. This is the case in the Phragmites australis reedswamps in the Kokemäenjoki river delta (Aulio, 1979, 2014). Materials and methods Study area The succession of the macrophytic vegetation was studied in the Kokemäenjoki River estuary, in western Finland o o (Northern Europe; 61 34’N, 21 40’E) in 1990’s and again in 2013 (Figure 1). The estuary, discharging into the Baltic Sea, is a shallow sedimentation basin, which is nearly thoroughly covered with rich and exceptionally productive macrophytic vegetation (Aulio, 1979, 2014). The delta in the estuary is proceeding very quickly due to the deposition of sediments carried by the River Kokemäenjoki, the accumulation of autochthonous organic (plant) matter, and due to land uplift, typical to the shores of the Baltic Sea. At present, the extent of the land uplift in the area is 5.5 millimeters a year. The deltaic deposits (formation of new sandbanks and islands), as well as the distribution of the vegetation zones are today moving towards the sea at an average speed of 30 meters a year. The delta of the Kokemäenjoki River at Pihlavanlahti Bay shows the most rapid change in any landscape in the Northern Europe. The water of the estuary is essentially fresh water carried by the River Kokemäenjoki. The water of the river and of the estuary were highly polluted and eutrophicated during past decades, but due to effective water purification and conservation efforts, the aquatic environment of the area is now considered clean and healthy (Aulio, 2010). The penetration of sea water into the estuary is restricted by road embankments, and also naturally by many small islands. The water of the adjacent, Collection and analyses of the plant materials The plant samples of Phragmites australis were collected by the time of the maximum biomass of reeds (late August, during several successive years in 1990’s and again 54 Copyright © 2014 RJB Res. J. Biol., 2014 [2:53-59] E-ISSN: 2322-0066 Table 1. The average shoot height (cm) in Phragmites australis at the three successional stages in the Kokemäenjoki River delta, western Finland. in 2013). The sampling was made randomly in the middle of the uniform, monocultural stands at three successional phases (Aulio, 1979, 2014). In this study, the height of the individual shoots (or ramets, as an individual member of plant clone is defined) was determined from the water/sediment interface up to the tip of the uppermost leaf axil (Haslam, 1973, 2010). The biometric measurements as well as the frequency of the flowering ramets were taken for 200–250 randomly sampled individuals at each of the successional stages. The water depth of the sites was determined by 10 measurements in each site. Such sampling methods and the number of replicates are considered reliable in describing the growth and production characteristics of tall helophytic plants like Phragmites australis (Gouraud et al. 2008). The sampling and measurement policy of the present study followed the international standards used in hydrobiological studies (Vollenweider, 1969). Total, all shoots Fertile (flowering) shoots Sterile (nonflowering) shoots Mature 218.48± 49.87a 262.94 ±27.17a Regressing 165.38 ± 25.80b 188.34 ± 10.42b 177.21 ± 24.14a 174.03 ±16.83a 142.43 ± 16.67b Mean ± standard deviation (S.D.). N = 200–250 ramets in each successional stage. Statistical significance of the differences: In ANOVA, the different superscript letters in the horizontal rows indicate highly significant difference (P < 0.01). Table 2. The average weight of shoots (grams, dry weight/ramet) of Phragmites australis at the three successional stages in the Kokemäenjoki River delta, western Finland. Statistical analyses and terminology The statistical analyses used follow Sokal and Rohlf (2012). The parametric (mean ± standard deviation of the mean, one-way analysis of variance; ANOVA), and nonparametric (Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance) statistical analyses of the numerical data were performed by using the Analyse-it for Microsoft Exel (version 2.12) program package (2008). The terminology of biological concepts and principles follows the latest edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Plant Sciences (Allaby, 2012). Fertile (flowering) shoots Sterile (nonflowering) shoots Pioneer 15.49± 1.22a Mature 10.35± 1.11b Regressing 5.71 ± 0.60c 9.62± 2.01a 6.51± 1.86b 4.32 ± 1.67c Mean ± standard deviation (S.D.). N = 50–75 ramets in each successional stage. Statistical significance of the differences: In ANOVA, the different superscript letters in the horizontal rows indicate highly significant difference (P < 0.01). Besides the variations in the habitat characteristics, wide variation was seen in the shoot parameters between the fertile (flowering) and sterile (non-flowering) ramets in each of the successional stages. In all the habitats studied, the fertile ramets were significantly taller and more robust than the sterile shoots. The differences in the individual ramets’ weight between the flowering and non-flowering shoots were statistically highly significant (P < 0.001) in all the three successional stages (Table 2). The shoot dimensions of Phragmites were further analyzed by comparing the differences within each of the three successional phases. Remarkable intra-clonal variations – difference between the flowering and nonflowering ramets (the vertical columns in the Tables 1 and 2) – in the shoot heights and weights were seen in all the three successional stages. The differences were analyzed by the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the results were as follows: Pioneer stage, F = 34.86**, Mature stage, F = 47.71**, Regressing stage, F = 82.57** (** = statistical significance, P < 0.01). The main biometric parameters of Phragmites australis, i.e. the height and the weight of individual ramets, are highly significantly correlated in the reedswamps in each of the successional phases at the Kokemäenjoki River estuary (Table 3). As a strong competitor, Phragmites australis is capable of forming and maintaining permanent monocultures, unless the environmental conditions do not change markedly (Dobson and Frid, 2009). In river deltas, where new grounds are created by flood-borne sediments, the habitat variability is often unpredictable, and thus flexibility in growth strategies is essential for the success and existence of the vegetation. Phragmites australis can adapt to such extreme conditions, and the species can Results and discussion Variation in shoot size in the three successional phases The common reed Phragmites australis (Figure 2) shows remarkable variability in all the biometric measures according to the successional phases in the Kokemäenjoki River estuary (Aulio, 2014). The height and weight of the ramets of P. australis in the present study are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The height of the Phragmites shoot was measured from the sediment interface up to the uppermost leaf axil (thus, the length of the inflorescence was not included in this analysis to ensure a straight comparison). Figure 2. Dense monocultures of Phragmites australis at a pioneer successional stage in the Kokemäenjoki River delta, western Finland. 55 Copyright © 2014 RJB Pioneer 229.54 ± 49.34a 266.93 ± 20.06a Aulio, 2014 even modify the habitat to be even more competitive in the continuously changing estuarine succession (Aulio, 2014; Dobson and Frid, 2009). dominant (“canopy”) layer than in the whole community combined. The within-class differences (the vertical columns in Table 4) were statistically highly significant (P < 0.01). Table 3. Height vs. weight -ratio in the shoots of Phragmites australis at the three successional stages in the Kokemäenjoki River delta, western Finland. Equations and statistical significance in the linear regression analysis. Successional stage Pioneer Mature N Regressing 71 62 59 Regression equation 154.5 + 4.34x -20.81+ 0.1297x -12.12+ 0.1189x R2 Significance 0.73 0.71 P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001 0.84 P < 0.0001 The development in the height and weight of the individual ramets in Phragmites australis is rather regular and linear from the start of the growing season towards the end of the summer. Within-site variations occur naturally in all biological communities. In the growth dynamics of the common reed, the variations – as analyzed by the coefficient of variation – are significant only during the start, i.e. the first two months or so. In the mid-summer and early autumn, the time of the most intensive growth and the prevalence of the maximum shoot biomass – the variation is minor (Hara et al. 1993). Figure 3. Typical form of panicle-inflorescence of Phragmites australis in the Kokemäenjoki River delta, western Finland. In the comparison between the successional phases, the flowering frequencies were markedly higher in the pioneer and the regressing stages of the succession than in the established, mature stands (Table 4). The frequency of fertile ramets was statistically significantly (P < 0.05) lower in the established stands than in the other two successional classes. Frequency of fertile (flowering) shoots The patterns in flowering frequency in Phragmites australis are versatile, and both the sampling and interpretation of the results must be described carefully and in absolute detail. The number of the flowering shoots (Figure 3) as related to the total number of shoots per unit area differs markedly when different size classes of individuals are analyzed. This is logical and natural per se, but there are two distinctively different approaches: (i) In the wind-pollinated (anemochorous) species like Phragmites australis, only the inflorescences developed at the tops of the dominant height are of any biological significance. The modal height in wide monocultures is usually uniform, and the frequency of panicles is highest in the tall ramets. (ii) But the shorter shoots (ramets) bear also panicles – although usually small and weakly developed ones. Such flowers can hardly be windpollinated, and thus they are of marginal significance for the propagation of the species. In the present study, the frequencies of the fertile shoots were determined separately for the dominant height, consisting of the ramets reaching the uppermost one meter of the rather uniform canopy layer. On the other hand, the flowering frequency was determined also for all the ramets in the sampling areas. The results showed two distinctive patterns: (i) The flowering frequency differed significantly between the dominant height class and the whole set of shots, and (ii) the frequency of the fertile shoots showed marked and appropriate variations according to the three phases in the succession of Phragmites australis (Table 4). The investments for sexual propagation in Phragmites australis showed two different trends. Hence, the frequency of the fertile (flowering) ramets was, on the average, more than twenty percent points higher in the Table 4. The frequency (%) of the fertile (flowering) shoots in Phragmites australis at varying successional phases in the Kokemäenjoki River delta, western Finland. All aboveground shoots in the sampling areas Shoots reaching the dominant height (“the canopy layer”) Mature 63.39 ± 5.87bA 91.58 ± 2.73aB 86.33 ± 5.65bB Regressing 66.74 ± 3.88bA 93.57 ± 2.02aB Mean ± standard deviation (S.D). N = 150–200 in each successional stage. Statistical significance of the differences: In ANOVA, the different superscript letters in the horizontal rows indicate significant difference (P < 0.05), and the DIFFERENT SUPERSCRIPT CAPITAL LETTERS in the vertical columns indicate highly significant difference (P < 0.01). The present results were consistent with the patterns recognized in other studies. In the wide reedswamp monocultures – such as the communities in the Kokemäenjoki River estuary – several shoots are shorter than the modal height, and these ones often remain sterile (non-flowering). The frequency of panicle formation is typically highest in the tallest shoots (Haslam, 2010). In poor habitat conditions the flowering frequency remains low, and sometimes there are no panicles at all. Low temperature and poor nutrient status of the habitat are obvious reasons for Phragmites australis for not to flower during some growing seasons (Björk, 1967). The same habitat can, however, have very high flowering 56 Copyright © 2014 RJB Pioneer 72.04 ± 1.64aA Res. J. Biol., 2014 [2:53-59] E-ISSN: 2322-0066 Table 5. The average weight of flowers and seeds (grams dry weight/ramet) and the proportion of inflorescences of the total ramet weight (%) in fertile shoots of Phragmites australis in the three successional stages in the Kokemäenjoki River delta, western Finland. frequency in the following summer. Flowering in Phragmites is mainly determined at the beginning of the annual life cycle, by the bud characteristics and size. The wider the bud, the taller the shoot, and the more likely the shoot is to bear a panicle at the end of the growing season. But the flowering can be disturbed also in the late phase of the year’s life cycle. Bad weather conditions just before or during the flowering period can prevent or decrease the panicle formation (Haslam, 2010). The flowering frequency in Phragmites australis varies widely due to differences in physical growth conditions, e.g. temperature, and also due to genetic variability. In theory, every fully developed shoot can develop a panicle. Hence, if a ramet does not flower, it can be considered to be hindered by some reason, e.g. habitat conditions or developmental characteristics. The flowering frequency in a reed stand can be anything between 0% to 100% (Haslam, 2010). In the present study this was shown by the lower flowering frequency in the shorter ramets at each of the successional stages compared. The shoot height is a significant determinant in the flowering process of Phragmites. But in natural stands, panicles can be formed in short as well as in tall stands. Flowering is usually most equal in stands, where the modal height of the shoots is uniform. Thus, even in a stand, where the modal height is less than half a meter, the flowering frequency can be high (Haslam, 2010). The remarkably high flowering frequency in the regressing successional phase of the common reed in the present study area indicates an appropriate reproduction strategy to ensure the existence of the plant species, even though the individuals or clone at the present habitat are vulnerable or threatened. These observations are consistent with the results from Italy, where the production of seeds was enhanced in the unfavorable, dieback stands of Phragmites australis (Reale et al. 2011). Pioneer Mass of inflorescences/ ramet (g dry weight) Share of inflorescences of the ramet weight (%) Regressing 0.45 ± 0.06b 0.50 ± 0.06b 8.39 4.35 8.76 Mean ± standard deviation (S.D). N = 50–75 in each successional stage. Statistical significance of the differences: In ANOVA, the different superscript letters in the horizontal rows indicate highly significant difference (P < 0.01). In the pioneer phase – when the stand is young and limited in the area – the ramets of Phragmites australis were taller, thicker, and heavier than in the other two stages. And accordingly, in this stage the proportion of flowers and fruits of the total aboveground biomass was much higher than in the established, mature stands. But the vitality of an individual or the clone is not the only guide to investments in sexual reproduction. In the present study, the common reed allocated the highest proportion (up to 8.8 %) of the aboveground biomass into flowers/seeds in the regressing stage – i.e. in the final phase of the successional history of the species. In the life cycle of a plant, reproduction requires remarkable investments. Thus, the share of resources allocated to produce flowers and seeds are largely determined by the condition of the plant species or the clone (Grime, 2001). This was shown also in the present study. The weight of flowers and seeds was overwhelmingly highest in the pioneer stage of succession, where the shoots (ramets) of P. australis were tallest and most robust (Tables 1, 2 and 5). As in the case of flowering frequency, the regressing stands showed marked enhancement in the flower/seed production as compared to the mature stage. The present results of the enhanced resource allocation to sexual reproduction in the regressing stage of succession support the results from dying reed stands, widely recognized in Europe. In the die-back communities in Italy, the frequency of viable seeds was remarkably high in the declining stands of Phragmites australis (Reale et al. 2011). Sexual propagation and dispersal of Phragmites australis are – at least theoretically – very effective because the seed production is high. One flowering ramet of the common reed can produce hundreds (up to 1000) viable seeds during every growing season (Maheu-Giroux and de Blois, 2007; Haslam, 2010). And the dispersal ability of the light seeds (0.12 grams per seed, on average) is well-developed. On the basis of sexual propagation abilities, Grime (2001) includes Phragmites australis among the W-strategists, i.e. plants, in which the reproduction involves numerous wind-dispersed seeds. The habitat conditions prevailing in the present study area are difficult for any helophytic macrophyte to occupy new territories sexually through seed germination, in spite of the huge seed production of the area’s own vegetation. Allocation of biomass to reproductive organs Whether a plant is flowering or not is only one option in determining the reproductive capacity. The number of flowers and seeds, and the real vitality of the generative organs finally determine the success of the plant. In this regard, the weight and the proportion of the biomass are more important factors than the average flowering frequencies. Such a varying – and biologically appropriate – trend was seen in the flower and seed production of Phragmites australis in the Kokemäenjoki River delta. The proportion of the total aboveground production allocated to the sexual reproductive organs, i.e. flowers and fruits, varied markedly between the successional phases of Phragmites australis. The allocation of biomass into the reproductive organs was highest in the pioneer stage, and accordingly, lowest in the established, mature and most widely distributed stands. But in the regressing stands the common reed begins to invest in sexual reproduction, again. The trend was apparently the same, whether the share of investments was calculated per total aboveground biomass of the whole community or as the percentage of individual flowering shoots (Table 5). 57 Copyright © 2014 RJB Mature 1.30 ± 0.27a Aulio, 2014 In exceptionally dense monocultures in the Kokemäenjoki River delta, there is only very limited space for new individuals to establish from seeds. The best germination conditions for the seeds of P. australis are moist, fertile littoral soils above the average water level (Szczepaoski, 1978). The availability of nutrients in the substratum is often limited because the small seeds can support growth only during the short initial period after germination. Thus, the generative distribution on sandy, nutrient-poor sediments – typical for littoral shore habitats – is rather rare in P. australis (Szczepaoski, 1978). The seeds of Phragmites australis are capable of germinating in permanently inundated (underwater) substrata. But in natural environments, such a generative establishment of new reed stands is, nevertheless, relatively uncommon (Weisner et al., 1993). Suitable conditions supporting sexual propagation of Phragmites australis prevail in the Kokemäenjoki River delta only after exceptionally high spring flood periods, after which the huge amounts of river-borne sediments are deposited establishing new, barren sandbanks. So, the sexual propagation in the common reed here serves principally long-distance distribution of the species. Amsberry L, Baker MA, Ewanchuck PJ and Bertness, MD. 2000. Clonal integration and the expansion of Phragmites australis. Ecological Applications, 10(4): 1110–1118. Analyse-it Software, Ltd. 2008. Analyse-it for Microsoft Exel (version 2.12). Aulio K. 1979. Effects of decrease in water depth on the aquatic and littoral vegetation in the Kokemäenjoki River delta. [In Finnish, with Summary in English]. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Turkuensis, 90: 1–30. 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Grime JP. 2001. Plant strategies, vegetation processes, and ecosystem properties, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. p. 417. Hara T, van der Toorn J and Mook JH. 1993. Growth dynamics and size structure of shoots of Phragmites australis, a clonal plant. Journal of Ecology, 81(1): 47– 60. Harper JL. 1977. The population biology of plants. Academic Press, New York. p. 892. Haslam S. 1973. Some aspects of the life history and outeclogy of Phragmites communis Trin. A review. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii, 20: 79–100. Haslam SM. 2010. A book of reed. Forrest Text, Swn y Nant. p. 261. Maheu-Giroux M and de Blois S. 2007. Landscape ecology of Phragmites australis invasion networks of linear wetlands. Landscape Ecology, 22(2): 285–301. Reale L, Gigante D, Landucci F, Venanzoni R and Ferranti F. Correlation between sexual reproduction in Phragmites australis and die-back syndrome. The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology, 2011; 3(2): 133–140. Sokal RR and Rohlf FJ. 2012. Biometry. Fourth Edition. W.H.Freeman and Company, New York. p. 937. Stott P. 1981. Historical plant geography. George Allen & Unwin, London. p. 151. Suominen J. 2013. Flora of Satakunta, province in western Finland. [In Finnish, with Summary in English]. Norrlinia, 26: 1–783. Summary and Conclusions The trends in the allocation to sexual reproduction in Phragmites australis were appropriate as far as the plants’ distribution potential and the future survival in the Kokemäenjoki River estuary are concerned. (i) In the most vital pioneering phase of succession, the plant can utilize the maximal resources of space and nutrients, and in this stage the common reed colonizes habitats mainly vegetatively through fragments of rhizomes carried by the river. In this phase, the plants are vital, and the flowering frequency is high – providing propagules for long-distance distribution of the species. (ii) In the mature phase of the succession, the communities of Phragmites australis are very wide and very dense, and thus the possibilities for establishing new plants through seed germination are minimal. And in those habitat conditions, the common reed “seems to know the investment for seed production would be wasted, anyway”, and the proportion of resources allocated to sexual propagation are less than in other two stages. (iii) Hence, it is appropriate that the plant starts maximizing the investments into sexual propagation again in the final, regressing phase of successional development of the reedswamps. Through long-distance dispersal, the common reed can at least hope to transfer the genes and thus maintain the survival of the plant as a species. (iv) The height of the ramets is a significant determinant for the flowering. Thus, panicles are formed mostly at the top of the dominant (“canopy”) layer of the monocultures. (v) Biologically, in determining the appropriate investments to sexual reproduction, the proportion of biomass allocated into panicle formation is more important than the flowering frequency of the ramets within a monoculture. References Allaby M (Ed.). 2012. Oxford dictionary of plant sciences. Third Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford. p. 565. 58 Copyright © 2014 RJB Res. J. Biol., 2014 [2:53-59] E-ISSN: 2322-0066 Szczepaoski AJ. 1978. Ecology of macrophytes in wetlands. Polish Ecological Studies, 4(4): 45–94. van der Valk AG. 2012. The biology of fresh water wetlands, Second Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York. p. 280. van Kleunen M, Fischer M and Schmid B. 2002. Experimental life-history evolution: Selection on the allocation to sexual reproduction and its plasticity in a clonal plant. Evolution, 56(11): 2168–2177. Vollenweider RA (Ed.). 1969. A manual on methods for measuring primary production in aquatic environments. IBP Handbook 12. London, p. 213. Weisner SEB, Granéli W and Ekstam B. 1993. Influence of submergence on growth of seedlings of Scirpus lacustris and Phragmites australis. Freshwater Biology, 29(3): 371–375. 59 Copyright © 2014 RJB
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