Research Journal of Biology, 2: 60 - 65 (2014) RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME): A Sustainable Resource for Rural Dwellers in Imo State, Nigeria Leonard Mgbeahuruike Udochi1,2*, Henry Nwakamma1, Joseph Nwachukwu Ikechukwu1, Martins Dike Uzoma1 and Uzochukwu Enwereuzoh1 1 Department of Environmental Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri PMB 1526 Imo State, 2 Nigeria; Department of Chemistry & Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom (UK). Abstract This study investigated the influence of physicochemical parameters of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) on soil properties of Umorgu environs using grid sampling technique. Four (4) composite samples, each made of two (2) replicate cores (0-15) & (15-30) cm samples in the direction of natural drainage were collected from the impacted area as against a control point established on an area not impacted with POME. The parameters; Organic 2 Carbon(OC), Total nitrogen(N), Sulphate (SO4 ), Calcium(Ca), Magnesium(Mg), Potassium(K),Sodium(Na), Phosphorus(P), %Sand,% Silt,% Clay, Phosphate(P), Moisture Content(MC) and Electrical Conductivity(EC) were analyzed for impacted soil while Oil & Grease, Total Dissolved Solid(TDS), Total Suspended Solid(TSS),Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD),Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) and Dissolved Oxygen(DO) were analysed for effluent using standard methods of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and Flame Photometry (Jackson & Black 1965). The results of the regression equation showed that SP1 (3.30+1.556CP) was most and SP4 (2.13+1.007CP) was least influenced by POME due to the cation exchange capacity (CEC) and sulfate (SO 4) concentrations of their soil. POME is a resource of economic value when properly harnessed. Key Words: Agroecology, bioresource, cation exchange capacity, POME. (Received: 10/05/2014; Accepted: 09/06/2014; Published: 30/06/2014) palm oil produced, 5-7.5 tonnes of water end up as palm oil mill effluent (POME) (Okwute and Isu, 2009). Despite the environmental degradation occasioned by improper discharge and poor utilization of effluent, the cultivation and processing of oil palm is a source of livelihood for many rural dwellers in Nigeria (Ohimain, 2012). Oil palms are of multiple values and are crops of high economic importance that are often underscored (PIND, 2011). In order to overcome medium and long term hardship occasioned by poverty, food insecurity and environmental damage, there is need by rural dwellers to explore the diverse valuable resources contained in POME effluent. Studies have shown the application of POME as fertilizer, Agamuthu (1995), animal feed substitute Devendra (2004), production of various metabolites wu et al. (2007) and as a food source by aquatic organism Habib et al. (1997). The objective of this study is to investigate; I) the physicochemical parameters of the soil and the mill effluent (II) to evaluate POME as a resource index. Introduction Palm oil is edible oil which is derived from the fleshly mesocarp of the fruit of oil palm. It has become a major global agricultural commodity, used for food and non-food applications and mostly recently touted as a promising feedstock for bio fuel production. Currently, Nigeria is the fifth world’s leading producer of palm oil (Nnorom, 2012). One hectare of oil palm produces 10-35 tons of fresh fruit brunches (FFB) per year. The waste products associated with oil palm processing consist of oil palm trunks (OPT), palm oil fronds(OPF), empty fruit brunches (EFB) palm press fiber (PPF) and palm kernel shells, less fibrous material such as palm kernel cake and liquid discharged palm oil mill effluent (POME) (Aziz et al., 2007). While the oil palm industry has featured prominently in its contribution towards economic growth and development, it has also in no small measure contributed to ecological deterioration due to the production of appreciable quantities of by-products from the oil extraction process. In major oil palm producing nations like Indonesia and Malaysia, production of crude oil results in an annual production of up to 3 billion pounds of palm oil effluent. These effluents generally contain materials which at concentrations above threshold values are injurious to the environment (Wu et al., 2009). Palm oil processing is carried out using large quantities of water in mills where oil is extracted from the palm fruits. During the extraction process, about 50% of the water results in palm oil mill effluent. It is estimated that for every 1 tonne of crude Materials and methods Study area Adapalm Umuorgu mill is a subsidiary of Adapalm Nigeria Ltd Ohaji, A palm oil mill industry owned by Imo State Government, is located in Amuzu Aboh Mbaise L.G.A situated in Imo State which lies within latitudes 4°45'N and 7°15'N, and longitude 6°50'E and 7°25'E with an area 60 *Corresponding author: Copyright © 2014 RJB Res. J. Biol., 2014 [2:60-65] E-ISSN: 2322-0066 of around 5,100 sq km. It is bordered by Abia State on the East, by the River Niger and Delta State on the west, by Anambra State to the north and Rivers State to the south. Besides Owerri, Imo State's major towns are Isu, Okigwe, Oguta, Orlu, Mbaise, Mbano, Mbieri, Orodo and Orsu. Generally, the climate of Imo State is typically humid (Ijeoma and Arunsi, 1990). The rainy season begins in April and lasts until October with annual rainfall varying from 1,500mm to 2,200mm (60 to 80 inches). An average annual temperature above 20 °C (68.0 °F) creates an annual relative humidity of 75%, with humidity reaching 90% in the rainy season. The dry season experiences two months of harmattan from late December to late February. The hottest months are between January and March. The geology is underlain by the Benin formation of coastal plain sands characterized with impermeable layers of clay near the surface while in some areas, the soil consists of lateritic materials under a superficial layer of fine grained sand. Its location within the tropical rainforest creates room for wide range of tropical agricultural crops and trees like obeche, bamboo, iroko, palm tree etc. Soil analysis Soil pH was determined immediately after the soil was sampled and also, air-dried soil pH was determined I water at the soil to solution ratio of 1:1 with a Win Lab pH meter and calibration was checked and/or verified by measuring standard buffer solutions. Calibration was repeated if reading was more than +/-5% of expected reading. EC and TDS were determined according to APHA2540-C i.e. instrumental method using the Win Lab TDS meter (Conductivity/TDS meter model MC 126). TDS is reported in mg/l. While the total suspended solid (TSS) was determined by filtering a well-mixed aliquot (100ml) of the sample through a dried and pre-weighed Millipore filter paper using vacuum filtration apparatus. The filter o paper was then dried at 105 C to constant weight. The difference in weight of the filter paper represents the total suspended solids. This was reported in mg/l after calculation (APHA, 1992). COD was determined using the open reflux method (APHA 1992), where a sample is refluxed and digested in a strongly acidic solution with a known amount of excess of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7). After digestion, the excess un-reacted potassium dichromate was read with a spectrophotometer at 600-nm and results were reported in mg/l. Results were also verified by titrating with a standard solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate. BOD, which depends on oxygen uptake by bacteria, was determined using the dilution method according to APHA 5210B (APHA 1992). The amount of oxygen consumed during a fixed period (usually 5 days) is related to the amount of organic natter present in the original sample. Dissolved oxygen of the samples was first determined using the Win Lab Dissolved Oxygen meter o and then incubated for five (5) days at 20 C. DO was again measured after a period of five days and BOD in mg/l was determined from the following calculation and reported accordingly. Figure 1. Location of the study area BOD = [DOb – DOa] – [DOSb – DOSa] Soil sampling Reconnaissance field trip was established and routine materials and methods to be used in the field study were noted. Four sampling points where spatially established. Four (4) composite samples, each made of two (2) replicate core samples were collected from the impacted site. Samples were taken from (0-15) and (15-30)cm in depth at all locations of the whole plough layer at regular intervals nine (9m) on a sampling grid (8 row & 8 column 2 grid of 1x1m cell) with a total area of 64m in the direction of natural drainage. The same procedure was established for the control point on a non-impacted background. Mill effluent sample was also collected at collection pit with the aid of a 500ml plastic bottles and BOD was also collected with a BOD bottle of 250 ml. Where D = dilution factor usually 0.5, DOb =DO of sample before incubation, DOA =DO of sample after incubation, DOSb =DO of sample blank before incubation and DOSa= DO of sample blank after incubation. Oil and Grease was determined according to APHA 5520B using a partition- Gravimetric Method. The sample was extracted twice with 1.10 ratio of xylene to sample using a separator funnel. The combined extract after centrifuging was distilled to dryness and cool in desiccators until a constant weight is obtained. The concentration of Oil and Grease is calculated as thus: Oil and Grease (mg/l) =Wr/Vs Where: Wr =Total weight of residue Vs = Initial volume of sample. Total C, N & S were analyzed by a CHNS analyzer. Phosphate was determined by the stannous chloride method (APHA, 1985). Phosphate in water reacts with ammonium molybdenum blue complex in the presence of stannous chloride. The intensity of colour was measured at 690nm using DR 2000 spectrophotometer. Experimental 2kg of soil samples were placed in plastic bags and were subsequently incubated for four (4) weeks. De-ionized water was added into the soil to maintain reasonable moisture content level. The plastic bags were tapered at the end to prevent the loss of moisture during the incubation period 61 Copyright © 2014 RJB Leonard et al., 2014 The concentrations in mg/l of calcium, potassium and magnesium in the collected samples were determined (after nitric acid digestion) by means of an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Specific metal standards in the linear range of the metal were used to calibrate the equipment. The concentrated and digested samples were then aspirated and the actual concentrations were obtained by referring to the graph and necessary calculations The exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) were extracted with neutral normal ammonium acetate buffered at pH 7.0 (Thomas, 1982). Exchangeable calcium and magnesium were determined by ETDA complex metric titration while exchangeable potassium and sodium were determined by flame photometry (Jackson and Black 1965). Influence of POME on impacted soil PS2 = 3.173 + 1.124 CP S R-Sq R-Sq(adj) 100 13.8685 84.2% 83.1% 80 PS2 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 CP 50 60 70 80 Figure 3. Showing regression graph of SP2 against CP Influence of POME on impacted soil PS3 = 2.557 + 1.140 CP Data analysis 100 Regression analysis was performed using statistical program in Minitab 16 version. Histogram graphs were used for concentration of analyte in sample media PS3 60 Fourteen variables(parameters): Organic Carbon(OC), 2 Total nitrogen(N), Sulphate (SO4 ), Calcium(Ca), Magnesium(Mg), Potassium(K), Sodium(Na), Phosphorus(P), %Sand,% Silt,% Clay, Phosphate(P), Moisture Content(MC) and Cation Exchange Capacity(CEC) were analyzed for impacted soil. In table 1 above, the mean, standard error mean (SE Mean) and standard deviation of the parameters under investigation varied significantly across the sample locations of CP(13.95,5.91&22.90),SP1(27.8,15.1&58.6), SP2(19.92,8.18&31.96), SP3(19.27,7.86&30.46) & SP4(16.30,6.17&23.89) with highest deviation recorded at SP1. In figures 2-5 of the regression plots, the influence of POME on PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 as against CP varied in the reducing order of; SP1 (3.30+1.556CP), SP2 (3.173+1.124CP), SP3 (2.557+1.140CP) and SP4 (2.133+1.007CP) respectively. 1.556, 1.124, 1.140 and 1.007 are significant changes observed across the sampling locations. 0 0 PS1 80 S R-Sq R-Sq(adj) 4.73049 97.4% 97.2% 60 PS4 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 40.9787 54.0% 50.7% 10 20 30 40 CP 50 60 70 80 In the above table 2, the mill effluent contained high amount of organic load in concentration obvious to impact considerable ecological menace as a result of its high BOD (10560mg/l), COD (53,630 mg/l), oil & grease (8370mg/l), TSS (20977mgl) and TDS (142.5mg/l). Table 2. Physicochemical characteristics of PS, CP & ME Parameter PSav CP ME Nitrate-N 0.04 0.04 34.9 Sulfate 51.9 32.5 12.2 Calcium 5.42 0.85 10.9 Sodium 0.08 0.02 8.0 Potasium 0.05 0.03 13.6 Magnesium 1.06 0.27 8.0 pH 6.68 6.55 4.7 EC 118.16 49.8 246.3 PSav=average polluted site, ME=mill effluent 80 Figure 2. Showing regression graph of PS1 against CP. In figures 6-8 of the histogram plots, the average concentration of parameters showed significant variations in mean and standard deviations of CP (11.26 & 19.15), PS (22.92 & 42.50) and ME (42.33 & 82.94) in their order of increasing frequency. 62 Copyright © 2014 RJB 70 70 0 70 60 80 50 60 50 PS4 = 2.133 + 1.007 CP 100 50 40 CP 90 150 40 CP 30 Influence of POME on impacted soil 200 30 20 Figure 5. Showing regression of SP4 against CP S R-Sq R-Sq(adj) 20 10 Figure 4. Showing regression of SP3 against CP PS1 = 3.30 + 1.556 CP 10 40 20 Influence of POME on impacted soil 0 11.2543 89.3% 88.5% 80 Results 250 S R-Sq R-Sq(adj) Res. J. Biol., 2014 [2:60-65] E-ISSN: 2322-0066 sampling locations. The presence of these mineral elements in the soil could improve the fertility and condition its structure. According to Odu and Mba (1991), inorganic fertilizer supply nutrients alone whilst organic fertilizer not only supply nutrient element through microbial assistance but also help in the improvement of physical properties of the soil location when compared with CP. This is also in line with Oviasogie and Aglumina (2003) confirmed that a proper use and safe disposal of POME in the land environment would lead to improved soil fertility and contribute to environmental sustainability. Appreciable increase in the average concentration of Ca, Mg and P were also recorded when compared to CP across the sampling locations. This is substantiated by (Araugo, 2002). The average concentration of nitrogen was observed to be relatively low (0.03-0.05) %. This low concentration is attributed to loss of N to volatilization of ammonia as a result of strong increase in pH (Siegrist et al., 2002; Onyia et al., 2001). But for better utilization to the soil, Onyia, etal. (2001) suggested that nitrification of POME was necessary since nitrified POME would be more easily absorbed by plant in the soil. The mill effluent in table 4 was also observed to contain significant amount of organic load which when properly managed and enhanced could increase the organic matter in the soil which may turn into humus after decomposition and become active component. Although raw POME could actually cause clogging and water logging of the soil. But this anomaly could be overcome by controlled application of small quantities of POME at a time. The mean variation of SP (22.92), ME (42.33) and CS (11.26) are graphically depicted in figure 6-8 respectively. Histogram of PS Normal Mean StDev N 6 22.92 42.30 8 Frequency 5 4 3 2 1 0 -40 0 40 80 120 PS Figure 6. Showing graph of average concentration of parameters across PSav. Histogram of ME Normal Mean StDev N 6 42.33 82.94 8 Frequency 5 4 3 2 1 0 -100 0 100 200 ME Figure 7. Showing graph of average concentration of parameters in the mill effluent (ME) Histogram of CS Normal Mean StDev N 5 11.26 19.15 8 Table 4. Shows characteristics of Organic load in POME. Characteristics (mg/l) Characteristics (mg/l) value value Frequency 4 3 2 Oil & Grease 9160 1 BOD 10560 COD DO TSS 13775 7.56 20977 0 -20 0 20 40 CS Figure 8. Showing graph of concentration of parameters across the CP Conclusion Discussion The results of this research have shown that POME is a bioresource with diverse applications especially in the area of agroecology. With the vast mineral requirement and organic matter contained in POME, it is expected that the rural dwellers optimize the advantages accrued from this valuable resource to improve amongst other uses, dietary substitute for pigs and poultry, improve and reclaim soil fertility within and around the rural areas for increased productivity. Also potential prospect exist for apparent establishment of short term crops such as grass, grain or vegetable in rotation with intermittent periods of effluent application. The results obtained from the analysis conducted show that the soil of Umuorgu mill is influenced with organic substance and mineral nutrients. Regression graphs of figure 2-5 depict the degree of significant variations associated with SP1, SP2, and SP3 & SP4 as against background concentrations of CP. The change was more influenced at SP1 (1.556) and least influenced at SP4 (1.007). The high concentration of mineral elements at SP1 could be attributed to high cation exchange capacity (CEC) -1 of the soil (219.6) cMolkg . The CEC of a soil is a measure of the quantity of cation available to a soil. The CEC increase could be as a result of the negative surface charge of SO4 at pH around 5.85. The same was observed in SP2, SP3 and SP4 in their reducing order of CECs (101.7), -1 (94.25) & (57.1) cMolkg respectively. The regression equation in the graphs above indicated the influence of POME on soil across the References Aziz H and Abudul BT. 2007. Reactive extraction of sugar from oil Palm empty fruit bunch hydrolysate using 63 Copyright © 2014 RJB Leonard et al., 2014 naphthalene-2-boronic acid, University Sains Malaysia, Thesis (Masters of Sciences) Agamuthu P. 1995. Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment and Utilization. In: Sastry CA, Hashim MA, Agamuthu P (eds) Waste treatment plant. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp: 338-360. Devendra C.2004. 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Physicochemical parameters of soil across sampling points % Paramet er CP PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 µg/l % OC OM N SO4 Ca Mg K Na P 1.5 6 2.2 0 2.6 5 2.3 8 2.0 8 2.6 8 3.7 8 4.5 8 4.1 1 3.6 8 0.0 4 0.0 5 0.0 5 0.0 4 0.0 3 32.5 0.85 1.75 0.0 3 0.0 4 0.0 5 0.0 6 0.6 0 0.0 2 0.0 3 0.0 4 0.0 4 0.0 4 8.39 62.5 0 56.5 0 50.0 0 38.5 0 0.2 7 0.6 0 2.6 3 0.5 0 0.5 0 2.28 6.75 10.9 0 11.1 7 13.7 5 15.1 5 15.3 San d 79.5 2 84.5 2 76.5 2 81.0 2 80.5 2 cmol/kg Silt Clay MC pH CEC 6.56 13.9 2 5.92 6.52 6.5 5 5.8 5 6.9 9 6.7 2 7.1 5 49.8 9.56 9.06 9.74 14.5 6 14.4 2 9.24 4.92 10.0 4 7.59 9.56 9.58 219. 6 101. 7 94.2 5 57.1 CP=control point, PS1-PS4=polluted site 1-4 Table 3. Descriptive Statistics: CP, PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4 Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev CP 15 0 13.95 5.91 22.90 PS1 15 0 27.8 15.1 58.6 PS2 15 0 19.92 8.18 31.69 PS3 15 0 19.27 7.86 30.46 PS4 15 0 16.30 6.17 23.89 Minimum 0.02 0.0 0.04 0.04 0.03 N= number of parameters, N*= number of missing values, SE= standard error 65 Copyright © 2014 RJB Q1 0.27 0.6 2.28 0.06 0.06 Median 6.52 5.8 6.99 6.75 7.15 Q3 13.92 11.2 14.42 15.15 15.30 Maximum 79.52 219.6 101.70 94.25 80.52 Textur e Loamy sandy Sandy loamy Loamy sandy Sand loamy Sand loamy
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