RESEARCH PRIMARY SCHOOL 1570 Main Road Research 3095 Tel 9437 1917 Fax 9437 1058 SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Tuesday 17th March 2015 Weds 25 – Fri 27 March Friday 27 March Friday 27 March Monday 13 April Monday 13 April Tuesday 14 April Saturday 18 April Monday 20 April Monday 27 April Saturday 2 May Newsletter No. 8 Grade 5 & 6 Camp – Waratah Bay Easter Raffle drawn School Term finishes 2.30pm Term 2 starts 9.10am Parents Group Meeting, Staffroom 7.30pm Fete Meeting, School Staffroom Working Bee – Eldest child in Prep B, 1S & 2K RPS Cross Country @ RPS 6.30pm Finance Commitee, 7.30pm School Council Meeting School Fete SCHOOL COUNCIL School Council conducted their AGM last night, followed by the first meeting of the new School Council. Welcome and thank you to our continuing and new school councillors. The School Year 2014 Annual Report to the School Community was presented to the meeting. The Annual Report includes the School Council President’s report on the year, the Treasurer’s report, the Principal’s report in “What Our School is Doing”, and the compilation of Government Schools data and where RPS sits in areas such as Student Learning, Opinion Surveys, Teacher Assessments and Student Engagement and Well Being. The School’s ‘Financial Performance and Position’ is also included. The Annual Report will be available shortly on the school website, but in the meantime there are hard copies of the Annual Report available for parents via the office in the information box on the counter. The report is currently a ‘draft’, prior to official Education Department endorsement in May / June. Congratulations and thank you to our new School Council: President: Sally Western Vice President: Michelle Walker-Fox Treasurer: Carolyn Sternberg Executive Officer: Geoff Whyte Education: Julie Minarelli Parent Members: Mandy Gray, Marnie Roth, Liz Shewan, Meagan Stammers, John Melocco Staff Members: Andrea Sutterby, Jocelyn Watts, Brooke Ampfea Parents Group Community Member: Emma Cunningham Topics discussed included: A successful year of learning in 2014 Well done to the many staff and parents involved in the children’s education Review of finances for the year Endorsement of the very fine work of the Parents Group both financially and socially The success of the 125th celebrations Committees were formed and all Councillors joined at least one committee Copies of the School Council minutes are available from the office later in the week of the meetings and copies can be emailed or picked up as a hard copy at the office. NATIONAL YOUNG LEADERS DAY Geoff Whyte, Principal NATIONAL YOUNG LEADERS DAY Last Friday the Grade 6’s arrived at the Eltham Train Station at 7:45am, nice and early where we meet Mrs Minarelli, Mrs Sutterby & Mr Whyte. From there we took a train into the city and walked to the Melbourne Convention Centre. Along with many other schools, we took part in the NYLD program to learn about being a leader. There were many speakers, some that you may have heard of. The host of the program was called Angela. The first speaker we had up was a man called Mike Martin. He spoke about how leaders have evolved and how he became one. The second speaker was Bindi Irwin. She was amazing and showed videos of her dad wrestling crocs and her as a little girl growing up, and also doing work with crocodiles. There was an eruption of excitement when Andy Griffiths came out onto the stage. He explained how he started writing books and how he likes performing his stories using toys. Up next was an outstanding lady named Dr Jessica Gallagher who had a rare disease that made her lose her sight as she got older. She had to stop playing basketball and netball for Victoria because of this situation. She now skis using a ski guide to help her. Then there was a 17 year old boy called Coen Ashton who had cystic fibrosis when he was 13 years old. He had to have a double lung transplant and waited 18 months for this procedure. After this happened he decided to jet ski 2000km up the Murray River in a week to raise money and awareness for lung transplants. There was also a surprise performer named John Lingard. He started his career on The Voice last season and made it to the final 4 on Kylie Minogue’s team. He sang Riptide by Vance Joy. Have I mentioned that 4300 students singing the same song sounds amazing? Well it does. He sang it magnificently and we really enjoyed it. We also did a whole lot of other activities, and one we enjoyed was when we got to throw a whole lot of beach balls into the air. We all had a wonderful day. Pippa B & Hayden G VALUES AWARDS Congratulations to our Values Awards winners, our new awards which reflect our RPS Values of Respect, Excellence, Sense of Fun, Equality, Achievement, Responsibility, Co-operation and Honesty. Joel L 5A Zeke MS PB Kaan H 5A Lilly H 45S Owen G PB Dylan W 6M Veronica W 2K Matilda C 23K Angus R 2K Zak D 1S Logan D 34W Alysia D 34W LIBRARY NEWS PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE The website for the Premiers Reading Challenge has finally opened. The logon and password details for all students has been sent home via the youngest/only child in the family. Please check with your children if you have not yet received the note. To complete the Challenge grade Prep~2 students need to experience (read themselves or have read to them) 30 books; 20 from the PRC list and Grade 3~6 students need to read 15 book; 10 from the PRC list. Thank you. Joy Pagon PARENTS GROUP NEWS PARENTS GROUP MEETINGS 2015 Our next Parents Group meeting is on Monday 13 April at 9.10am, in the school staffroom. All welcome. Our future dates are: 4 May, 1 June, 13 July, 3 August, 7 September, 5 October and 9 November with the 7 December being our break up lunch. Many thanks Rachel Brown, Parents Group President EASTER RAFFLE Bring on the chocolate it’s Easter raffle time, woohoo!! Parents group needs your support; we need chocolate and lots of it. We are asking for families to donate chocolate, any form will do from a box to a block to an egg or a bunny and don’t forget those bilbies; we just need chocolate, lots and lots of it to make our Famous Easter hampers. More chocolate = more hampers = more chances to win!!!! Please bring your delicious chocolate Easter donations to the school office. Thank you. HANDY HINTS FOR HOUSEHOLD HAPPINESS #7 Here's a "Quick as a flash before-school lunchbox treat" hint for those (of us) caught short mid-shoppingweek: You will need to have in the pantry a bottle of instant pancake mix (get a couple for emergencies). Method: Add water but only 2/3 quantity of what is suggested on the pack. Shake as usual and pour small rounds of mixture into a hot frypan - Voila! - instant pikelets. They cool quickly on a rack and ready for the lunchboxes. Add butter/jam etc/ face 2 together and place in lunchbox for a yummy fresh treat. Eat the rest after school. Household hint - In the laundry use white vinegar instead of fabric softener - it reduces suds and soap stiffening without the extra chemicals. It also deodorises and helps prevent mould. ‘How to add Vinegar to Laundry" website has more handy tips too. Thank you wikihow Mary-Lynn Griffith RESEARCH PRIMARY SCHOOL FETE - 2ND MAY 2015 ITEM NEEDED We are building a pedal run smoothie maker to operate at the fete and require only one more piece, an old blender. Can you help? Do you have an old blender tucked away in the back of a cupboard? If you can help or know someone who can help please contact Mary-Lynn 0423 812 305 or Penny 0421 088 672 PLANT STALL The plant stall is looking for tea cups to plant succulents in and succulent potting mix to pot said items, if you are able to supply anything suitable please leave at the White Elephant drop off. Mary-Lynn Griffith WHITE ELEPHANT DROP OFF FOR 2015 We will be accepting donations for the White Elephant stall from 8.45-9.30am on Monday mornings and 3.00-3.45pm on Wednesday afternoons. If you would like to organise a drop off at a different time, or have a question, please call or text Jacqui K on 0402 522 860 or Josie M on 0438 372 748 Josie M & Jacqui K MYSTERY JARS Please start collecting goods for the ‘Mystery Jar Stall’. Take a clean jar (preferably clear) and fill with new goods to the value of a least $2.00. Great fillers from previous fetes have been lollies, balls, pens and stationery, little water pistols, loom bands etc. Only child friendly goods please. Mel Jensen FETE BOOK STALL Book donations can be left in the library corridor Tuesday-Friday or on the step if library not open. Please no old text books, magazines, Readers Digest or encyclopaedias. Joy Pagon CANTEEN ROSTER & NEWS CANTEEN ROSTER Monday 23 March 9am-11.30am Rebecca McDermott Helen Jackson 11.30-1.50pm Susan Masalski ******************* Tuesday 17 March Afterschool Sales 3.30pm – 4pm Rachel Dwyer Thursday 19 March Afterschool Sales 3.30pm – 4pm Melanie Jensen Tuesday 24 March Afterschool Sales 3.30pm – 4pm Rachel Brown Thursday 26 March Afterschool Sales 3.30pm-4pm Sharon Northey Friday 20 March 9am - 11.30am Leah Donato Pauline Middelveld 11.30am -1.50pm Nicole Ellis Carmie Isaacs Friday 27 March CANTEEN CLOSED LAST DAY OF TERM CAN YOU HELP? Are you able to help out at the canteen on Monday 23 March, 11.30am? If so please contact the office as soon as possible. Thank you Jacqui Robinson SCHOOL BANKING NEWS Our school banking day is Thursday. Justine 0417 844 493 All yellow wallets need to be placed into your child’s classroom bank bag first thing in the morning to ensure their deposit is processed. All money should be secured in the Velcro pocket. If your child would like to join the program and open their very own bank account please go online to: OSHClub BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE AT RPS Hello to all our OSHC families, Last week we focussed on sport and games. The children had fun playing Octopus, Giant’s Treasure, Ball Tiggy, Monster Under the Bridge, Tennis and Cricket. Caleb and Alyssa also initiated a bounce ball competition which the children were eager to join in and had fun playing. Harry and Alyssa made some delicious cornflake cookies and some children have started making colourful little houses from cardboard boxes to create their very own city. Up on display now is our OSHC Pets poster and the children love seeing their pets in our program. Our daily journal is now stationed at the front counter, please have a browse through it and see what the children do at OSHC. We welcome any feedback so please feel free to leave a comment in the journal. Kind regards, Jenni Next Week’s Activities Monday Before Care Eye Ball Relay Activities After Care Activities Act It Out Tuesday Role Play Babies Wednesday Role Play Shopkeeper Avenger Bookmarks 2 On 2 Basketball Thursday Friday Create Our “Dog Tired” Nature Table Goofy Doorknob Sign Rocket Shuttle Our Rules Landing Cricket All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program. OSHC program phone: 0427 793 936 Coordinator: Jenni Tzivakis OSHClub Head Office: 03 8564 9000 Assistant: Carly Mills BULLY BULL RING SHOW Yesterday morning was very funny, entertaining and educational. Tony Bones’s Entertainment came to our school to do a show about anti-bullying and to teach us how to prevent it from happening. The show started off with a bison named Bellemy who always got picked on by her older brother. She goes looking all around the zoo to get some advice from all the other animals. The first animal she meets was a lion who tells her to “stay back with the pack” and keep your friends close. The next animal was a crocodile, he told her to not make “snap decisions” and to plan what you’re going to say. Another animal she met was a giraffe and he gave her some good advice to “rise above it” and ignore the problem. Bellemy met an elephant that told her to “forget” the nasty comments and remember the good thing about herself. Bellemy’s brothers eventually gave up on bullying and left her alone. It was a great show and we all really enjoyed it. Alice M & Levi G COMMUNITY NEWS ELTHAM WOODS PRE SCHOOL We have limited places in our 4Yr Old Program for 2015. For further information please contact Nillumbik Shire Council on 9433 3161 or email Eltham Wood Pre School, 50A Frank Street, Eltham VIC 3095 Eltham Woods Pre School FAMILY TWILIGHT PICNIC AT EDENDALE Edendale Farm will be staying open for a few extra hours this Sunday, 22 March, giving families the opportunity to enjoy a fun evening of upbeat and energetic music in natural rural surroundings, right in the heart of Eltham. A local band 'The Tea Set' ("The Tea Set" is Mary-Lynn Griffith & Sue Arnold) will be playing in the new amphitheatre, there will be activities for the children and plenty of space to spread out a picnic rug on the lawn. Bring your own picnic or pre-order hampers from Cafe Eden. The cafe will also be open for coffee, cakes and ice creams on the night. EC WAVES SWIM CLUB EC Waves is a community based competitive swim club, affiliated with Eltham College, that also takes members from outside the college community. A structured training programs, focused on technique and endurance, dedicated to supporting our swimmers achieve their personal best at Novice, District, State and National levels. Training is conducted at the Eltham College swimming pool under the guidance of our experienced & qualified coaching team. Most of our training is done in the evening; only a few of our sessions are early morning. For further information and to arrange a free assessment, please contact Scott Nutt via email at or by phone on 0466 327 790. EC Waves Swim Club ELTHAM REDBACKS FOOTBALL (SOCCER) CLUB Eltham Redbacks Football Club is offering a School Holiday Program, Monday 6th April – Wednesday 8th April, 8.30am – 4pm. Everybody is welcome from 6yrs and up. The programme is designed to provide the kids with fun-based training which will be tailored to suit the differing abilities and ages of each group. After lunch. The afternoon is dedicated to simply letting the kids play the game they! Morning tea and lunch provided at no extra cost! For information and booking simply visit: or call Nicholas Lyell on 0402 606 827 Eltham Redbacks NET SET GO Diamond Creek Netball Club offer a modified skills program for 5-9 year olds to learn the basic skills of netball with a choice of two courses - Monday after school or Saturday morning. Sessions: Monday 13th April (4-5pm Term 2) & Saturday 18th April (9-10am Term 2) respectively at Diamond Creek Netball Complex Diamond Creek. $85 includes ball, T shirt, Netball Victoria membership program and presentation. Register online now at or at your first session. For further information or enquiries call Kaye Ralph 9718 2393/ 0428 898 393 Diamond Creek Netball Club
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