AMERICAN RESEARCH THOUGHTS Volume 1 │ Issue 6 │ April 2015 ISSN: 2392 – 876X Available online at: Impact Factor: 2.0178 (UIF) UNDER GRADUATE STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP - AN EARNEST NEED TO STUDY Pramod Kumar Rajput1, R. K. Srivastava2 and Usha Dhulia3 Research Scholar (Education), SRT Campus Badshahithaul, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. 1 Dean School (Education), SRT Campus Badshahithaul, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. 2 HOD (Education), SRT Campus Badshahithaul, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. 3 Abstract: Entrepreneurship and Innovation are considered as the important domain for the economic development of country. Entrepreneurship is a typical global phenomenon attaching millions of economist, politicians and social workers. In general, entrepreneurs face problems in searching the skilled and non-skilled employees. Conversely, this also means that modernization and improved quality of vocational training could be of increasing value and may lead to increased mobility of the group. As there may be varied degree of attitude towards entrepreneurship among under graduates, the present study will be useful to the District Industry Centre and other entrepreneurship expansion Agencies, expected job seeker and their guardians. The Study be also be beneficial to various private sector and business group. The study may also motivate the graduate and other class-students towards the arena of entrepreneurship. Key Words: Entrepreneurship, Under graduate Students, District Industry Centre, Vocational Training THE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The role of Education is the most important factor in the development of a nation. No country can progress unless it focuses its attention on Education. This education needs to be of high quality, because only quality Education can bring the desirable changes among the people. Even though India is a big country, it has many problems and one of the major problem is unemployment. There are more than six crore well educated 1717 Pramod Kumar Rajput, R. K. Srivastava and Usha Dhulia- UNDER GRADUATE STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP - AN EARNEST NEED TO STUDY youth in India who are unemployed. There has been a drastic increase in the literacy rate in India over the past few decades. Unfortunately, this has failed to curb the unemployment rate. Employment growth in the organized sector, both Public and Private combined has been registering a steady decline. With the continuing economic recession, the number of unemployed is only increasing exponentially. It is widely feared that unless entrepreneurship activity is encouraged and developed, there will be social chaos. Entrepreneurship and Innovation are considered as the important determinates of the economic development of a country. Entrepreneurship is a typical global phenomenon attaching millions of economist, politicians and social workers. In developed countries, entrepreneurship has gained attention in the last few years. The entrepreneurship is very an old concept according to which anyone who undertakes commercial venture is called an entrepreneur. The more precise meaning of entrepreneur is one who perceives a need and then bring together manpower, material and capital required to meet that need. The degree of one’s involvement in this respect is toward is his/her degree of awareness as well attitude to entrepreneurship. PRESENT SCENARIO In the current scenario companies tackling the global economy face unprecedented challenges and threats as well as remarkable opportunities, so the Entrepreneurship and Innovation are seen as the engine driving the economy and this results in a growing interest in the development of education programs encouraging to entrepreneurship. Today entrepreneurship wants to be intellectually challenged and some how to be different in society. Generating a critical mass of entrepreneurship oriented to high levels of growth depends on the quality of education (especially, quality, vocational training and skill development) with Innovation (generating commercial value through new and improved ideas) leading to Entrepreneurship. An entrepreneurship culture drives creation of wealth form knowledge and generates impetus for further innovation. Entrepreneurship, in turn, helps to generate new jobs in the economy and to create a culture of independence, risk, 1718 AMERICAN RESEARCH THOUGHTS- Volume 1 │ Issue 6 │2015 Pramod Kumar Rajput, R. K. Srivastava and Usha Dhulia- UNDER GRADUATE STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP - AN EARNEST NEED TO STUDY taking and confidence more amongst the emerging educated groups. A dynamic entrepreneur at environment is supported by a vibrant academic culture with innovation linking. As such, education status provides impetus and momentum to the degree of Entrepreneurship. McClelland (1965) had found that formal or informal training is necessary for proper development of Entrepreneur capacities. Therefore a number of programmers were being planned for developing entrepreneurship among the younger generation. Rao (1983) made the observation on engineering college students regarding entrepreneurial development and suggested that a four able social climate need to be created to promote entrepreneurship among the technical qualified persons. Entrepreneurship has never been more important than it is today in this time of financial crisis. At the same time, society focuses massive global challenges that extend well beyond the economy. Innovation and entrepreneurship provide away forward for solving the global challenges of the 21st century in, building sustainable development, creating jobs, generating revenue economic growth and advancing human welfare. In general Entrepreneurs face problems in searching the skilled and nonskilled employees. This implies that there is a need for an increase in supply of both categories of employees. There fore, vocational education appears to be of a needful venture. It is often observed that low-skilled employees do not enjoy necessary higher market value and mobility wit work experience compared to their highly skilled counterparts. In other word lack of skills reduces options for individuals. For entrepreneurs, retaining low-skilled employees may not be as significant a problems perhaps because wages for low-skilled workers are more or less the same across many sectors and companies. Conversely this also means that modernization and improved quality of vocational training could be of increasing value and may lead to increased mobility of this group. Periodic upgrading of skills may also increase growth opportunities for employees. 1719 AMERICAN RESEARCH THOUGHTS- Volume 1 │ Issue 6 │2015 Pramod Kumar Rajput, R. K. Srivastava and Usha Dhulia- UNDER GRADUATE STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP - AN EARNEST NEED TO STUDY THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY In present scenario the investigation finds that the aspirants seeking secured jobs are increasing rapidly among higher education students who appear more worried about their future employment. It is very much true that the jobs in management sector are reducing day by day. Even in private sector most students do not get job. On the other hand in this situation students are truing towards the business sector which is now named as enterprises. The word, ‚entrepreneurship‛ has been emerged out from ‘enterprise’ that is a business set up. District Industries Center and other Agencies are also motivating and helping the person in set-up of enterprise. Even in this university itself, an Extension Education Department works for encouraging and providing training to the educated persons for the development of entrepreneurship. By these programmers currently, Students are also being along with other persons benefitted. But the question arises to what extent the university students are being attracted worth to entrepreneurship and are framing their attitude on it. To get an appropriate answer in this concern there needs an empirical research study and thinking on these lines the present research study has been proposed. The above description shows that the field of entrepreneurship has attracted the various research scholars. But in none of the study, the Attitude of under graduate students has been explored, where as there may be varied degree of attitude towards entrepreneurship among under graduates. Keeping in view the, present study has been designed for exploring the attitude of under graduate students towards entrepreneurship. The abilities and capabilities of one’s dealing with certain elements of money capital, infrastructure, human beings and risk taking, related to any commercial venture are being termed as one’s degree entrepreneurship. One’s experiences of favoring/disfavoring to these aspects of entrepreneurship determine one’s degree of attitude towards entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the first and arguable the most important step for embedding an innovative culture and preparing the new wave of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial individuals and organizations. So we need to learn and create models around the us and focus on integrating the most relevant and of high quality practices. 1720 AMERICAN RESEARCH THOUGHTS- Volume 1 │ Issue 6 │2015 Pramod Kumar Rajput, R. K. Srivastava and Usha Dhulia- UNDER GRADUATE STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP - AN EARNEST NEED TO STUDY Entrepreneurship requires ample number of productive human resource with multiple skills for a sustained period of the time that can transform opportunities, provided by the economy at the local, national and global levels. These interconnected areas provide possibilities for mutually beneficial synergies through the flow of ideas and wealth, which could generate high level of dynamism. These are Education (including quality vocational training – skill development), Innovation (generating commercial value through new and improved ideas) and Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs generally agree on the utility of education in this regard. CONCLUSION The present study will be innovative in unfolding the Entrepreneurial Attitude of university students. The finding of study will be useful to the Commerce and Business department particularly of university. The data of the present study will be useful to the district industry centre and other entrepreneurship expansion agencies, expected job seeker and their guardians. The finding of the study may also be useful to government agencies like Employment exchange, ITI and other agencies. However the study may be also be beneficial to various private sector and business groups, the result of study may also be useful for the research sectors of the various other departments in university; Such as education, psychology, sociology, economic etc. The results of the study may also be useful to the placement cell of the University. This study may also motivate the graduate and other class-students towards the area of entrepreneurship. REFERENCES 1. Adjimah and perry (2014) ‚Attentiveness of entrepreneurship development programmers in Ghanaian polytechnic‛ 2. International review of management and marketing, vol.4. No.1 (2014). Pp.78-79. 3. 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