NEW: Australian Academy of Science

All applications from UNSW staff & students must be submitted via the Grants Management Office (GMO). The
internal deadline for submission of grant applications to the GMO is 2 weeks prior to the external deadline. This
timeframe allows the GMO to ensure applications comply with UNSW policies and sponsor requirements.
New grant opportunities are also posted on the Current Funding Opportunities Page as they become available.
NEW: Australian Academy of Science | The Margaret Middleton Fund for endangered
Australian native vertebrate animals
For field and conservation-based research of Australian ecosystems (including off-shore
islands and the continental shelf) that ultimately will lead to tangible outcomes for
management. The scope of the research is open to terrestrial, marine and freshwater
research on vertebrate animals …more
External Deadline: 15 June 2015
NEW: Australian Academy of Science | Graeme Caughley Travelling Fellowship
To enable ecologists in Australia or New Zealand to share their expertise by visiting scientific
centres in countries outside of the Fellow's own country to deliver lectures …more
External Deadline: 15 June 2015
NEW: Australian Academy of Science | Research Conferences - 2016-2017 funding
To advance fundamental understanding and introduce Australian researchers to new
aspects or directions, and to encourage participation of overseas scientists.
 Boden Research Conferences- specialist conferences in the biological sciences to enable
active researchers in rapidly advancing fields to discuss current advances and problems.
 Elizabeth and Frederick White Research Conferences- a series of conferences in the
physical and mathematical sciences related to the solid Earth, the terrestrial oceans, the
Earth’s atmosphere, solar-terrestrial science, space sciences and astronomy.
 Fenner Conferences on the Environment- bringing together those with relevant
scientific, administrative and policy expertise to consider current environmental and
conservation problems in Australia, thereby contributing to the formation of policies
that can alleviate some of these problems.
External Deadline: 15 June 2015 (all) …more
NEW: WorkCover NSW | Grants
WorkCover NSW provides advice and information to help improve work health and safety
and injury management in New South Wales, and manages the workers compensation
system on behalf of the Nominal Insurer. WorkCover provides funding for research which
would have a positive impact on WorkCover areas of responsibility, including:
 Options for the provision of allied health and community support services for injured
workers in regional NSW (External Deadline: 15 June)
 Options for better medical care (External Deadline: 15 June)
 Workers Compensation Psychological Injury Comparison (External Deadline: 15 June)
 Benchmarking Value (External Deadline: 22 June) …more
NEW: JDRF | Diabetes Research Innovation Awards
Encouraging the establishment of new connections between international research groups
to build a global network of researchers focused on developing innovative therapies for
people with type 1 diabetes …more
External Deadline: 21 June 2015
NEW: Brain Foundation | Research Gifts Program
For research in the categories of Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s & Other Neuro Degenerative
Diseases, Dystonia, Cerebrovascular and other Cerebral Diseases, Brain Tumours, Epilepsy,
Neuromuscular Diseases, Paediatric Neurology, Neuro-trauma, Headache and Migraine,
Neural Infections …more
External Deadline: 26 June 2015
NEW: National Breast Cancer Foundation | Grants and Fellowships
 Innovator Grants (External Deadline: 26 June)
 Pilot Study Grants (External Deadline: 26 June)
 Practitioner Fellowships (External Deadline: 31 July)
 NBCF Breast Cancer Research Leadership Fellowship (External Deadline: 31 July)
NEW: Australian Association of Gerontology | R M Gibson Scientific Research Fund
To encourage high quality research, particularly from newer researchers in the fields of
ageing across all disciplines of gerontology …more
External Deadline: 30 June 2015
NEW: Gardiner Foundation | Funding Program
Leaders of the dairy industry have articulated the need to profitably increase milk
production volumes, while maintaining responsible environmental stewardship. An
important contribution to this will be made through improving home grown forage
utilisation through the use of novel and innovative practice change models …more
External Deadline: 3 July 2015
Please note, external dates from International sponsors are listed using Sponsor local time
NEW: The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund | Grants (UAE)
Targeted grants for individual species conservation initiatives, recognising leaders in the field
and elevating the importance of species in the broader conservation debate. Grants will
extend to all plant, animal and fungi species conservation efforts, without discrimination on
the basis of region or selected species …more
External Deadline: 30 June 2015 and 31 October 2015
NEW: Pfizer | Global Research Awards for Nicotine Dependence (US)
Funding for research that could directly advance the use of pharmacotherapy for treating
users of any nicotine or tobacco product in clinical practice …more
External Deadline: 1 July 2015
Nominations for appointment to the ARC College of Experts in 2016 are now open
The CoE nomination form and information kit are available on the ARC website.
Researchers wishing to nominate for the ARC College of Experts should contact Ms Nalisa
Mam, Executive Assistant, PVC Research ( as soon as possible and
be prepared to submit a complete draft nomination by Monday 15 June 2015.
Closing Soon:
Australian Federation of Graduate Women Inc. | Barbara Hale/Georgina Sweet
Fellowships …more
External Deadline: 31 May 2015
Australian Society for Fish Biology | Research Support Awards … Early Career
International Travel Scholarship | ASFB Early Career Excellence Award
External Deadline: 31 May 2015
Wenner-Gren Foundation | Conference and Workshop Grants 2015 …more
External Deadline: 1 June 2015
Australian Academy of Science | Visit to the National Institutes of Health in the USA by
a Junior Scientist in 2016 …more
External Deadline: 1 June 2015
Macular Disease Foundation Australia | Research Grant Program …more
External Deadline: 1 June 2015
Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program| Funding
Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2015 …Career Development Award | Idea Award with
Special Focus …more
External Deadline: 1 June 2015
Wellcome Trust Seeding Drug Discovery …more
External Deadline: 5 June 2015
Durham University | Institute of Advanced Study Fellowship Opportunities …more
External Deadline: 5 June 2015
Data to Decisions CRC | The Apostle Program …more
External Deadline: 9 June 2015
Related Links
Current Funding Opportunities
Finding Fellowships
Conference and Travel Grants
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