Prospect Point Elementary School Principal’s Corner May, 2015 The month of May will be very busy as we administer and complete numerous assessments with students in grades K-5. The data from these assessments indicate the comprehensive learning that has taken place for each child since the beginning of the school year. It also provides us with a baseline from which curriculum development and instruction can begin in the fall. To follow what school events are occurring during the month of May, please visit our school website at: prospectpoint. OPEN ENROLLMENT & KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION ENDS: The two-week window for Kindergarten Registration and Open Enrollment for the 2015-16 school year officially ends on Friday, May 1st. Although the official period has drawn to a close, we will continue to accept applications and registrations as new families move to the area, or existing families change residences between now and the start of the next school year. BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE (BOGO) BOOK FAIR: The last day to take advantage of the specials during our 3-day Spring Scholastic Book Fair will be on Friday, May 1st from 8:00-2:00 pm in the library. Students have enjoyed “shopping” during their regularly scheduled library times. All proceeds from the Book Fair support our school library. Thank you for your support of reading! ACCELERATED READER: During the month of April, AR (Accelerated Reader) students read a total of 1,156 books, totaling 12,810,798 words! Students will have one more chance to “spend” the points they have earned at the last AR Store of the year on June 2nd. WEAR BLUE FOR JUVENILE ARTHRITIS AWARENESS: Juvenile arthritis is the focus of “Wear Blue Day” on May 1st. Former Prospect Point student and current 8th grader, Allison Wanichek, is continuing her mission to bring awareness to the public about Juvenile Arthritis. Afflicted with this condition four years ago, Allison wants to share her message with other young people who may be experiencing similar symptoms of joint pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of motion. This disease which affects over 300,000 children in the United States is a difficult disease to diagnose in kids, and has no cure. Please join us in wearing BLUE on Friday, May 1st to help increase awareness of this condition and help to support research for a cure. BIKE/WALK TO SCHOOL DAY: Join us in supporting National Bike or Walk to School Day on Wednesday, May 6th! Bicycling or walking to school are great ways to incorporate physical activity into your child’s day. Attached to this newsletter are Parent and Student Safety Guides of things you can do to ensure your child’s bike ride or walk to and from school is a safe one. OPEN HOUSE FOR FALL 2015 KINDERGARTNERS: Parents and students who are enrolled for Kindergarten entry in the Fall of 2015 are invited to attend the Kindergarten Open House scheduled from 3:00-4:00 pm on Wednesday, May 6th in the kindergarten classrooms. This is an opportunity for parents and prospective kindergartners to visit the classroom areas, meet the teachers, and be introduced to other staff members who your child Page 2 Principal’s Corner may have contact with next year. Mr. Gardea and others will be available to answer any questions families might have regarding kindergarten schedules and curriculum. Students will take home a bag of activities they can work on over the summer in anticipation of their new school year. SNOW MAKEUP DAY: School will be in regular session on Friday, May 8th to make up for the snow day when school was cancelled in December. THANK-YOU TO MOMS: Where would all of us be today if we didn’t have mothers?! Although we officially celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 10th, our thanks go out to Prospect Point moms and mothers everywhere for all the big and little things they do EVERY single day! PTA GENERAL MEETING: Please join us for the PTA General meeting on Tuesday, May 12th at 7:00 pm in the school library. SPRING PICTURE LAB: During the third and last Carnegie Picture Lab art project of the school year, students will be learning about Diego Rivera, a Mexican muralist known for his large scale frescos that depicted the history of his native people. The hands-on classroom project will allow students to create an image using watercolors on a surface of plaster on fiberboard. Their image will express something from their life history that has importance to them. Earlier in the year, students learned about the artists Georgia O’Keefe and Vincent Van Gogh. Many thanks to our Picture Lab Advocate Tiffany Jenes and our dedicated parent volunteers who work together to bring art history into the classroom for our students. Diego Rivera grade level presentations are listed below: Monday, May 11 10:00-11:00 am 2nd Grades Wednesday, May 13 12:15-1:15 pm 1st Grades Thursday, May 14 1:45-2:45 pm Kindergarten Monday, May 18 1:15-2:15 pm 3rd Grades Tuesday, May 19 1:45-2:45 pm 5th Grades Wednesday, May 20 11:00-12:00 noon 4th Grades Thursday, TBD 12:45-1:45 pm Multiage EXTENDED DAY (HOMEWORK CLUB) ENDS: Our Extended Day program designed to provide additional homework help for students in grades 3-5 after school will come to an end on Thursday, May 21st. Thanks to ParaEducators Vicki Johnson and Juanita Butler, as well as student helpers from Wa-Hi, who have assisted our students in this after-school program. MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY: There will be no school on Monday, May 25th in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday. SAFETY PATROL PICNIC: The 5th grade Safety Patrol Picnic sponsored by the Elks Lodge will be held on Tuesday, May 26 at Fort Walla Walla. Barbecued hamburgers are on the menu for our students who have worked Page 3 Principal’s Corner hard all year keeping the school crosswalk areas safe for bicycle and pedestrian traffic. Students will depart from school at 9:30 am, and return to school at 2:00 pm. LEARNING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LAP) ICE CREAM PARTY: A LAP Ice Cream Party is planned to celebrate the learning and progress that K-3 LAP students have made this year in reading and math. The party for 1st-3rd grade LAP students will begin at 1:30 pm in the cafeteria on Tuesday, May 26th, followed by the LAP Kindergarten ice cream party that will be held outside of the kindergarten classrooms. We are proud of the progress students have made at school and appreciate your support of LAP work at home. FIELD TRIP TO TAMASTSLIKT CULTURAL INSTITUTE: Fifth grade students will be making a visit to the Tamastslikt Cultural Institute on Wednesday, May 27th from 8:30 am—1:00 pm. Students are completing their history unit on Native American history, and this trip will complete and enrich the learning that has already occurred. Students will need to bring sack lunches from home or school on this field trip. SPRING MILES CLUB ENDS: The official last day of Spring Miles Club will be on Thursday, May 28th. Special thanks to Kara Schulke and our faithful parent volunteers for supervising this healthy and fun noon recess activity for students. “MAKE A SPLASH”: Mr. Parodi’s fifth grade students will be traveling to the Walla Walla Community College’s Water & Environmental Center for this year’s “Make a Splash” event on Thursday, May 28th. Buses will depart from school at 9:15 am, and return to school at 1:45 pm. Students will need to bring sack lunches from home or from school. This program is designed to allow 5th grade students to spend the day rotating through stations where they will learn from experts about macroinvertebrates, salmon life cycles, native plants, tribal first foods, weather, and more. HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT: Fifth grade teachers will present the Human Growth and Development (HIV/AIDS) curriculum to students during the afternoons of May 28th through June 4th. Instruction on each day will be from 1:45-2:45 pm, with the exception of Wednesday, June 3rd when it will occur one hour earlier from 12:45-1:45 pm. If you wish to have your child opt out of this curriculum, please contact the school office to sign a waiver form. SQORD PROJECT: Fifth grade students, with parent permission, will be participating in the Sqord Program at school. This program, funded by Providence St. Mary Foundation, is designed to promote greater health at an age when research indicates activity levels tend to decline. Students will receive a Booster device to wear (similar to a plastic watch), that will award Activity Points based on the intensity and duration of their physical activity. Through this device, students can see their recorded points, participate in competitions with their friends/classmates, earn medals and rewards. To learn more about this program, go to:
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