REGISTRATION AND LIABILITY WAIVER FOR PARTICIPATION IN WEEKEND RFK CLASSES Name of Child: ___________________________________________ Age _______ DOB: ________________ Sibling: _________________________________________________ Age _______ DOB: ________________ Sibling: _________________________________________________ Age _______ DOB: ________________ Member: ____ Non-Member: ____ (Non-members are required to pay a one-time $50 Registration Fee per 10 week session and MUST register in person) Please check off each individual class you are registering for below: (1) TEN Week Session: $250 SATURDAY ___ 10:30am – 11:00am Sprouts 18-24mos ___ 11:00am – 11:30am Sprouts 24-36mos ___ 10:00am – 10:45am Beg. Gymnastics 5&6 ___ 10:45am – 11:30am Beg. Gymnastics 3&4 ___ 11:30am – 12:15pm Beg. Gymnastics 5&6 ___ 12:15pm – 1:00pm Int. Gymnastics 7 and up ___ 1:00pm – 1:45pm OPEN Gymnastics 5 and up NUMBER OF SESSIONS PURCHASED: _______________ SESSIONS TOTAL: $____________________ >>>>>> Please see other side>>>>>>> Name of Parent/ Guardian: _______________________________________ Member: ____ Non-Member: ____ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ If you are a member, would you like us to use your card on file? YES ____ Card Type __________ NO _____ Email Address: ____________________________________________Phone #: _________________________ Is your child currently on any medication or under a physician’s care, or does your child have any allergies or limitations that may require attention? If so, please explain. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: ______________________________________ Phone #: ___________________________ Liability Waiver: I hereby agree that as a participant of Results for Kids at Results Gym that my son/daughter is in good health and has my permission to participate in the Results Gym, Results for Kids. I shall not hold Results Gym, Results for Kids the events sponsors, its directors, employees and facilities responsible for any loss, theft, claim, injury, damage or liability incurred during the entirety of this program. I am waiving any rights I have to bring a legal action to assert a claim against Results Gym, Results for Kids and/ or event sponsors, agents, and employees for negligence of Results Gym, Results for Kids and/or event sponsors, agents and employees. I assume no responsibility and Results Gym, Results for Kids will not be held liable for any injuries, illness or accident during class resulting in medical, dental or other expenses. Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________________ This registration and liability waiver must be filled out completely and submitted to Courtney Connors prior to the start of any Results for Kids class. For questions or more information contact Courtney Connors at 202-234-5678 x218
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