2nd ReSyLAB, 14-16 May 2015, Belgrade - Serbia Satellite multi-temporal interferometry for landslide hazard detection in the peri-Adriatic area Janusz WASOWSKI1 F Bovenga2, R Nutricato3, DO Nitti3, MT Chiaradia4 (1) CNR-IRPI (National Research Council), Bari, Italy (2) CNR-ISSIA (National Research Council), Bari, Italy (3) GAP srl c/o Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy (4) Dept. Physics, c/o Politecnico di Bari, Italy j.wasowski@ba.irpi.cnr.it Key message Big Data from radar satellites, high spatial (1-3 m) and temporal resolution (days-weeks) sensors e.g., COSMO-SkyMed & TerraSAR-X, and better image processing techniques Multi-temporal interferometry (MTI) now more effective for both regional & local scale slope hazard detection & landslide monitoring Expect greater use of MTI for regular (weekly-monthly), long-term (years), wide-area (>1000 km2) monitoring of landslide hazards Content I. Background information on MTI, available satellite radar data and new generation sensors II. Regional & local scale MTI applications for slope hazard detection a) Hilltop town instability in the S. Apennines (Apulia Region) b) Landslide activity in the Dinarides Mts of Central Albania III. High resolution CSK data for MTI in SERBIA: a possible landslide case application IV. Early detection of slope hazards where? possible via high res. MTI but temporal predictions when? difficult Satellite MTI methods using good (persistent) radar targets (persistent scatterers - PS) e.g. PSInSAR (PSI), SBAS Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR): ra>dar sensors that work using microwaves = [1, 100] cm: • Active sensors • Negligible atmospheric absorption Day & Night / All weather observations > background information Wasowski & Bovenga, 2014, Eng. Geology, 174, 103-138 Good radar targets - PS = those that remain measurable through time mainly buildings and other human-made structures from >1000 to 10,000 PS/km2 Good radar targets: also rock outcrops, ≈bare ground GOOD GOOD NO NO ~OK ~OK ≈10-100 PS/km2 MAYBE Differential interferometry / MTI: 2 / >15-20 radar acquisitions during successive satellite passes over the same area What is measured? distance (R) changes in time (t) between satellite sensor and targets on the ground MTI products: example of Rome SLC InSAR Processing Rome - Tiber River MTI products: color coded PS map & PS displacement trend PS displacement trend SLC InSAR Processing PS map = {PSi} Moving away from the SAT No moving Rome - Tiber River settlement of alluvials Moving toward the SAT Advantages and products of MTI • Systematic, precise (mm-cm) measurements of ground surface deformations over large areas ( >1000 km2) by exploiting locally dense ( >100 - >1000 points/km2 ) ”natural” radar targets • Ground surface deformation maps and temporal deformation trends (time series) for each radar target (Lat, Long, Height position) • Retrospective studies, exploiting archives of space agencies (since 1992- ) Data: “historic” & new radar satellite missions 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 … ERS-1 ERS-2 retired in 2001 RADARSAT-1 RADARSAT-2 † 2011 ENVISAT JERS 2013 2014 ALOS † 2011 COSMO-SkyMed TerraSAR-X KOMPSAT-5 C band ( = 5.6 cm) L band ( = 23.6 cm) X band ( = 3.1 cm) SENTINEL-1 ALOS-2 New generation X-band sensors & SENTINEL-1 higher temporal / spatial resolution Sensor Band Wavelength λ Spatial Resolution az x range (m) Repeat Cycle dt Max Velocity vmax=λ/(4∙dt) ERS/ENVISAT † C - 5.6 cm ≈ 6 x 24 35 days 14.6 cm/y RADARSAT-2 C - 5.5 cm ≈3x3 ≈8x8 24 days 20.4 cm/y SENTINEL-1 C - 5.6 cm ≈ 5 x 20 12 days 6 days 21.3 cm/y 42.6 cm/y ALOS † L - 23.6 cm ≈ 5 x 8.6 46 days 46.8 cm/y COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) X - 3.1 cm ≈ 1.0 x 1.0 ≈ 2.5 x 2.5 16 days 8 days 4 days 17.7 cm/y 35.4 cm/y 70.7 cm/y TerraSAR-X X - 3.1 cm ≈ 1.0 X 1.0 ≈ 3.3 x 2.8 11 days 25.7 cm/y KOMPSAT-5 X - 3.1 cm ≈ 1.0 X 1.0 ≈ 3.0 x 3.0 28 days 10.4 cm/y Review article on landslide investigation using MTI 2014 Vol. 174, 103-138 Overview of remote sensing techniques for landslide motion measurement with emphasis on MTI Wasowski & Bovenga, 2014 Remote Sensing of Landslide Motion with Emphasis on Satellite Multitemporal Interferometry Applications: An Overview http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12396452-6.00011-2 MTI-based landslide investigations in the world versus non-seismic fatal landslides in 2004-2010 (Petley, 2012) S. Apennines – Cascini et al. Slovenian Alps – Komac et al. Examples of MTI applications in the peri-Adriatic region: 1 - SE Apennine Mts, Italy; 2 - Dinarides Mts, Central Albania 12 Petley, 2012 Example from the SE Apennines Mts - many hilltop towns & roads affected by slope instability problems Adriatic Sea From regional to local scale investigation – SE Apennines overview of hilltop towns stability using 20 m ENVISAT data Local scale MTI investigation using 20 m ENVISAT desc & asc data detecting extremely slow landslide in a small hilltop town Comparison of MTI results from 3 m TSX & 20 m ENVISAT data for a small town in a landslide-prone area high resolution (3 m) --> 18100 radar targets medium resolution (20 m) --> 1140 radar targets Regional scale investigation – SE Apennines overview of hilltop towns stability using high res. 3 m TSX data Adriatic Sea From regional local scale investigation – SE Apennines hilltop towns stability using high res. 3 m TSX data Adriatic Sea SE Apennines: local scale investigation using 3 m TSX data ground / road instabilities around a hilltop town SE Apennines: local scale investigation using 3 m TSX data ground / road instabilities around a hilltop town A B A B MTI results for Central Albania – high res. 3 m CSK data Tirana MTI results for Central Albania: from regional local scale Tirana Detecting activity of very slow landslides in the Dinarides, Central Albania Activity of very slow landslides in the Dinarides, Central Albania example of displacement trend Activity of very slow landslides in the Dinarides, Central Albania example of displacement trend Monitoring engineering structure (roads, buildings) instability in landslide-prone areas: examples from Southern Italy MTI velocity map showing unstable & stable parts of road network around a town in the SE Apennines High resolution (3 m) MTI velocity map showing instability of a viaduct (A3 Highway) crossing a landslide, Calabria, Italy Wasowski & Bovenga, 2014 Engineering Geology, 174 MTI velocity map and displacement time series showing instability of a viaduct crossing a landsliide, Calabria, Italy Wasowski & Bovenga, 2014 Engineering Geology, 174 A B (A) (B) Conclusion MTI now more effective for regional and local scale landslide hazard monitoring thanks to improved spatial (1-3m) and temporal (~weekly) resolutions of new radar satellites, as well as better data processing techniques SERBIA + around: coverage by high res. COSMO-SkyMed data SERBIA + around: coverage by high res. COSMO-SkyMed data Belgrade – Umka area: coverage by CSK data The Umka landslide Early detection of slope hazards? January 2014 slope failure & train accident near the town of Marina di Andora, NW Italy Jan 2014 slope failure & train accident near the town of Marina di Andora, NW Italy MTI velocity map along the railway near Marina di Andora CSK 3 m data MTI velocity map for the failed slope area Displacement time series of radar target from a building just above the failed slope: 2008-2014 avg. velocity 9 mm/yr Failure 17.01.14 Warning signal in displacement time series? failure Lessons from the Andora slope failure & train accident Small landslide, but big problem need good spatial resolution Deformation trends from long-term, high res. MTI monitoring of slopes unique opportunity for early detection & warning of hazard where Temporal predictions when? remains very difficult
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