2nd ReSyLAB, 14-16 May, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia Typification of landslides for the purpose of substantiation of systems designed for engineering protection of folded mountain areas PhD student Maria Minina Russian Federation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geological faculty Study area Krasnaia Poliana The Mzymta River Valley North-West Caucasus, Russian Federation Adler The Black Sea The Caspian sea The Mzymta river valley Geological conditions of the Mzymta river valley Folded mountain territory Significant volumes of atmospheric precipitation dQIV mQIII pQIII dQIV dQIV alQcIV alQIV Various lithological composition with different properties Intensive erosion network alQII alQIII Pg1-2 Presence of genetically diverse Quaternary formations Seismic activity, 9-11 MSK Dangerous geological processes in the Mzymta river valley LANDFALLS KARST AVALANCHES MUDFLOWS EROSION LANDSLIDES Significant landslide protection system in the Mzymta river valley Difficulties of organisation of landslide protection, lack of effectiveness of engineering activities and very high cost are often associated with such factors as: • • Lack of comprehensive assessment of landslide hazard; Methodically incorrect engineering-geological investigations. During preparing infrastructure for Olympic Games one of the main mistakes was lack of interoperable technical solutions of various organizations due to virtue of departmental dissociation or different sources of financing, when construction of an object led to additional measures of engineering protection of another object located down the slope. So, the main our idea is: Effectiveness of engineering protection can be achieved by developing typical protection schemes against corresponding typical landslides that can significantly reduce the cost of protective activities. Qualitive and quantitave characteristics, which determine the engineering protection: • • • • • • • • Mechanism of landslide’s movement; Hydrogeological conditions. Landslide’s width; Landslide’s length; Landslide’s depth; Average landslide’s slope; Lithology; Landslide’s factors; Principal structure of landslide Landslide susceptibility map TYPES OF LANDSLIDES IN THE MZYMTA RIVER VALLEY № Types of landslides Geometric characteristics of landslides Width, m I II The number of pixels III Length, m Depth, m Slope, degree Lithology ROTATIONAL SLIDES TRANSLATIONAL SLIDES 80-400 130-500 4-25 1) Mudstones with interlayer of siltstones and 15-28 sandstones; 2) Marls; 3) Limestones. FLOWS 75-230 90-450 3-12 1) Clays; 2) Mudstones 10-26 with interlayer of siltstones; 3) Clay marls. IV SHALLOW 5-25 10-40 less than 3 V COMPLEX 200-500 350-800 8-30 1) Clays and loams with 10-30 inclusions of gravel and boulders. 1)Siltstones and calcareous clays, 10-28 2) Mudstones, 3) Marls, 4) Limestones. In logistic regression, the nonlinear relationship between a dependent Values on histograms, variable and several independent variables is constructed based on athe which are between Classifications of mechanism: and upper multiple regression. The dependent variable (presencelower or absence of 1) Varnes; quartiles were landslide) is dichotomous, and the independent variables (causative factors) Zolotarev as abetween typical may be a nominal, ordinal,2) interval, or ratioG.S.; scale. Thedetermined relationship values. 3) Rzaev M.K. a dependent variable and independent variables is established using the maximum likelihood. SLOPE, degree Logistic regression S = 1/(1+e-ψ), 0≥S≥1 (1) Где: 1) S – it's likelihood that landslide processes are within the unit of territory (G1) or not (G0); 2) Ψ = β1 a1 + β2 a2 + βm am + ε (2) β1, β2, βm - the unknown parameters of a regression model (regression coefficients), a1, a2, am – independent variables (factors of landslides) within each unit (r), ε – error, associated with a curvilinear approximation model. S Ψ Topographic wetness index Stream power index Slope Lithology of bedrock Lithology of Quaternary formations Land use SIGNIFICANCE OF LANDSLIDES’ FACTORS № I Types of landslides Rotational slides II Translational slides III Flows IV Shallow V Complex (combination two principal types movement) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) of 1) of 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Factors of landslides Error of analysis Stream power index, Lithology, Landform classification, Aspect, Solar radiation, Land use, Density of tectonic faults, Topographic wetness index, Slope, Curvature classification. Lithology, Topographic wetness index, Land use, Curvature classification, Landform classification, Aspect, Solar radiation, Slope. Land use, Lithology, Landform classification, Aspect, Curvature classification. Landform classification, Lithology, Stream power index, Slope, Topographic wetness index, Land use, Density of tectonic faults, Aspect, Solar radiation, Curvature classification. 24% 21% 35% 23% I. ROTATIONAL SLIDES Typical rotational landslide Schematic typical structure: 1-landslide body, 2-bedrock Susceptibility map of the Mzymta river valley for rotational landslides II. TRANSLATIONAL SLIDES Typical translational landslide Schematic typical structure: 1landslide body, 2-bedrock Susceptibility map of the Mzymta river valley for translational landslides III. FLOW LANDSLIDES Typical flow landslide Schematic typical structure of flow landslides: 1-landslide body, 2-bedrock Susceptibility map of the Mzymta river valley for flow landslides IV. SHALLOW LANDSLIDES Typical shallow landslide Schematic typical structure of shallow landslides: 1-shallow landslide body, 2-any typical landslide, 3-bedrock Predictive model had a big mistake, because of small database, so creation of susceptibility for shallow landslides was senselessly. V. COMPLEX LANDSLIDES Typical complex landslide Schematic typical structure of complex landslides: 1-flow landslide, 2-rotational or translational landslide, 3bedrock Susceptibility map of the Mzymta river valley for complex landslides Conclusion 1) Complex geological conditions created favourable conditions for the development of exogenous geological processes. Among which the landslide process requires the most careful and detailed study. 2) The effectiveness of systems engineering landslide protection can be achieved through the development of standard protection schemes. 3) On the base of selected parameters, which determine characteristics of engineering protection, were carried out 5 types of landslides in order for further developing of engineering schemes of landslide protection. 4) Thus, considering, first of all, the structure of the 5 landslide’s types and, secondly, the selected landslides’ parameters, may be substantiated 5 standard schemes of comprehensive landslide engineering protection with the exact technical parameters, that is the subject of further research. Thank you for attention! 2nd ReSyLAB, 14-16 May, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia Typification of landslides for the purpose of substantiation of systems designed for engineering protection of folded mountain areas PhD student Maria Minina Russian Federation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geological faculty
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