BASIC Stamp 2 Serial Port RS-232 (Serial Out) Sout 1 24 Vin (+5.5 to +15 volts) (Serial In) Sin 2 23 Vss (Ground) (Attention) ATN (Ground) Vss 3 22 4 21 RESET Vdd (+5v regulated) P0 5 20 P15 P1 6 19 P14 P2 7 18 P13 P3 8 17 P12 P4 9 16 P11 P5 10 15 P10 P6 11 14 P9 P7 12 13 P8 Input / Output Execution Speed: RAM Storage: EEPROM (Program) Storage: Voltage: Input / Output approx. 4,000 instructions/sec 32 Bytes (6 Bytes for I/O, 26 Bytes for variables) 2K Bytes (approx. 500 instructions) 5 to15 Vdc Source/Sink Current per pin: 20 mA Source/Sink Current per unit: 40 ma PC Interface Serial: Power RS-232 (9600 baud) Basic Connections for the BASIC Stamp Rx Tx DTR 0.1 µF 1 S OUT V IN 24 +6 to +15 volts 2 S IN V SS 23 Ground 3 ATN RESET 22 4 V SS V DD 21 0.1 µF +5v +5v Ground 1 5 6 BS2 Basic Stamp DB-9 Female (back view) 9 +5v Pushbutton 12 P7 10 K P11 16 P10 15 P9 14 P8 13 Reset 10 K LEDs all 470 Ω Introduction to the BASIC Stamp Stamp 2 OEM is available in either an assembled form or a kit form. These three packages are functionally equivalent. In addition to the dual-inline and OEM packages, there are prototyping boards available that feature a surface mounted BS2. Please check → Products → Development Boards for product descriptions. Pin Name 1 SOUT 2 SIN 3 ATN 4 VSS 5-20 P0-P15 21 VDD 22 RES 23 VSS 24 VIN Description Serial Out: connects to PC serial port RX pin (DB9 pin 2 / DB25 pin 3) for programming. Serial In: connects to PC serial port TX pin (DB9 pin 3 / DB25 pin 2) for programming. Attention: connects to PC serial port DTR pin (DB9 pin 4 / DB25 pin 20) for programming. System ground: (same as pin 23) connects to PC serial port GND pin (DB9 pin 5 / DB25 pin 7) for programming. General-purpose I/O pins: each can sink 25 mA and source 20 mA. However, the total of all pins should not exceed 50 mA (sink) and 40 mA (source) if using the internal 5-volt regulator. The total per 8-pin groups (P0 – P7 or P8 – 15) should not exceed 50 mA (sink) and 40 mA (source) if using an external 5-volt regulator. 5-volt DC input/output: if an unregulated voltage is applied to the VIN pin, then this pin will output 5 volts. If no voltage is applied to the VIN pin, then a regulated voltage between 4.5V and 5.5V should be applied to this pin. Reset input/output: goes low when power supply is less than approximately 4.2 volts, causing the BASIC Stamp to reset. Can be driven low to force a reset. This pin is internally pulled high and may be left disconnected if not needed. Do not drive high. System ground: (same as pin 4) connects to power supply’s ground (GND) terminal. Unregulated power in: accepts 5.5 - 15 VDC (6-40 VDC on BS2IC Rev. e, f, and g), which is then internally regulated to 5 volts. Must be left unconnected if 5 volts is applied to the VDD (+5V) pin. See the "BASIC Stamp Programming Connections" section on page 27 for more information on the required programming connections between the PC and the BASIC Stamp. Page 14 • BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual 2.2 • Table 1.2: BASIC Stamp 2 Pin Descriptions. MEMORY ORGANIZATION – Basic Stamp 2 word The Basic Stamp 2 has 32 bytes of working memory. This is not much when compared to the megabyte memories of desktop computers – but used carefully it’s good enough for our purposes. byte nibble bit INS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 OUTS 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 DIRS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 W2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 W4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 W6 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 W7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 W9 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 It is Random Access Memory (RAM) which means that it is fast for reading and writing. (There another much larger but slower memory available on the Stamp besides RAM.) The memory is organized in 16-bit words. A word is broken down into progressively smaller parts: a byte (8-bits), a nibble (4-bits) and the single bit. In order to make the most of limited RAM, the Stamp allows memory to be addressed at the level of bits, nibbles, bytes or words. Low-order bits, nibbles and bytes are on the right hand-side and high-order on the left. (This corresponds to the numbers we are already familiar with – decimal numbers. For example, in the number ‘2005’, ‘2’ is the high-order digit and ‘5’ is the low-order digit. W10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Input/Output Memory-Mapping W11 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The first three words, INS, OUTS and DIRS have a special behaviour. They are memory-mapped to the input/output pins P0-P15. W12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 11 7 3 0 high-order low-order The first word, INS, will always contain the current state of the pins P0-P15. Reading the bit values in this word will whether a given pin is voltage HIGH or voltage LOW. This word is read-only. input P15 P0 INS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 OUTS 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 P15 output P0 The second word, OUTS, contains the output values destined for the pins P0-P15. To bring an output pin HIGH it is necessary to write a ‘1’ to the corresponding bit in OUTS. This word is read-write. The third and final memory mapped word is DIRS and it controls the direction of data flow on the I/O pins. The pins P0-P15 can be used for either input or output at any given moment of time, and this word specifies the direction of each pin. When a bit is set to ‘0’ the corresponding pin acts as an input. Setting the bit to ‘1’ will make the pin an output. A pin can be changed from an input to output and back on-the-fly, under program control. W0–W12: Working Memory DIRS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 direction 0 = input 1 = output The remaining 13 words, W0 to W12 are available to the programmer for storing variables. It is best to let the compiler determine the actual storage location by using the VAR command. (e.g: “fooBar VAR Byte”). IN0 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN5 IN6 IN7 IN8 IN9 OUT0 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 OUT5 OUT6 OUT7 OUT8 OUT9 OUT10 OUT11 OUT12 OUT13 OUT14 OUT15 DIR0 DIR1 DIR2 DIR3 DIR4 DIR5 DIR6 DIR7 DIR8 DIR9 DIR10 INA INB INC IND OUTA OUTB OUTC OUTD DIRA DIRB DIRC DIRD IN10 IN11 DIR11 IN12 DIR12 IN13 DIR13 IN14 DIR14 IN15 DIR15 4: BASIC Stamp Architecture – Memory Organization the variable RAM for these models, only the BS2p40 module has the extra 16 I/O pins for which this feature is intended. THE INPUT/OUTPUT VARIABLES. The word variable INS is unique in that it is read-only. The 16 bits of INS reflect the state of I/O pins P0 through P15. It may only be read, not written. OUTS contains the states of the 16 output latches. DIRS controls the direction (input or output) of each of the 16 I/O pins. A 0 in a particular DIRS bit makes the corresponding pin an input and a 1 makes the corresponding pin an output. So if bit 5 of DIRS is 0 and bit 6 of DIRS is 1, then I/O pin 5 (P5) is an input and I/O pin 6 (P6) is an output. A pin that is an input is at the mercy of circuitry outside the BASIC Stamp; the BASIC Stamp cannot change its state. A pin that is an output is set to the state indicated by the corresponding bit of the OUTS register. When the BASIC Stamp is powered up, or reset, all memory locations are cleared to 0, so all pins are inputs (DIRS = %0000000000000000). Also, if the PBASIC program sets all the I/O pins to outputs (DIRS = %1111111111111111), then they will initially output low, since the output latch (OUTS) is cleared to all zeros upon power-up or reset, as well. Table 4.2: RAM Organization for all BS2 models. NOTE: There are 16 words, of two bytes each for a total of 32 bytes*. All bits are individually addressable through variable modifiers; the bits within the upper three words are also individually addressable though the pre-defined names shown. All registers are word, byte, nibble and bit addressable. *The BS2p, BS2pe, and BS2px have an additional set of INS, OUTS, and DIRS registers that are switched in and out of the memory map in place of the main INS, OUTS, and DIRS registers by using AUXIO, MAINIO, and IOTERM. Only the BS2p40 has the required extra I/O pins this feature is intended for. Word Name INS* OUTS* DIRS* W0 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 Byte Names INL, INH OUTL, OUTH DIRL, DIRH Nibble Names INA, INB INC, IND OUTA, OUTB OUTC, OUTD DIRA, DIRB DIRC, DIRD Bit Names IN0 – IN7 IN8 – IN15 OUT0 – OUT7 OUT8 – OUT15 DIR0 – DIR7 DIR8 – DIR15 Special Notes Input pins Output pins I/O pin direction control B0, B1 B2, B3 B4, B5 B6, B7 B8, B9 B10, B11 B12, B13 B14, B15 B16, B17 B18, B19 B20, B21 B22, B23 B24, B25 BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual 2.2 • • Page 83 PROGRAM FLOW – STRUCTURES 1. Simple Block statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 2. Conditional (IF) False A? True IF (condition A) THEN statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 ENDIF statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 3. Looping (FOR...NEXT) A? False True statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 DO WHILE (condition A) statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 LOOP FOR counter = n to m statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 NEXT PROGRAM FLOW – STRUCTURES – page 2 3. Branching (IF...ELSE) False A? IF (condition A) THEN statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 ELSE statement 4 statement 5 statement 6 ENDIF True statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 statement 4 statement 5 statement 6 4. Nested Branching (IF...ELSE...IF...ELSE) False A? True B? False True statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 statement 4 statement 5 statement 6 statement 7 statement 8 statement 9 IF (condition A) THEN statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 ELSE IF (condition B) THEN statement 4 statement 5 statement 6 ELSE statement 7 statement 8 statement 9 ENDIF ENDIF 5. Nested Branching – Simplified (IF...ELSEIF...ELSE) A? False True B? False True C? False True statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 statement 4 statement 5 statement 6 statement 7 statement 8 statement 9 statement 10 statement 11 statement 12 IF (condition A) THEN statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 ELSEIF (condition B) THEN statement 4 statement 5 statement 6 ELSEIF (condition C) THEN statement 7 statement 8 statement 9 ELSE statement 10 statement 11 statement 12 ENDIF Programming Essentials Programming Essentials Contents of a Working Program In Section 1 of the BASIC Stamp II manual you were introduced to the BASIC Stamp, its architecture and the concepts of variables and constants. In this section, we’ll introduce the various elements of a program: linear code, branching, loops and subroutines. The examples in this discussion use pseudo-code to demonstrate and describe program structure. Italics are used to indicate the sections of pseudo-code that require replacement with valid programming statements in order to allow the example to compile and run correctly. You need not enter any of the examples here as all of these concepts will be used in the experiments that follow. People often think of computers and microcontrollers as “smart” devices and yet, they will do nothing without a specific set of instructions. This set of instructions is called a program. It is our job to write the program. Stamp programs are written in a programming language called PBASIC, a Parallaxspecific version of the BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) programming language. BASIC is very popular because of its simplicity and English-like syntax. A working program can be as simple as a list of statements. Like this: statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 END This is a very simple, yet valid program structure. What you’ll find, however, is that most programs do not run in a straight, linear fashion like the listing above. Program flow is often redirected with branching, looping and subroutines, with short linear sections in between. The requirements for program flow are determined by the goal of the program and the conditions under which the program is running. StampWorks Manual Version 1.2 • Page 13 Programming Essentials Branching – Redirecting the Flow of a Program A branching command is one that causes the flow of the program to change from its linear path. In other words, when the program encounters a branching command, it will, in almost all cases, not be running the next [linear] line of code. The program will usually go somewhere else. There are two categories of branching commands: unconditional and conditional. PBASIC has two commands, GOTO and GOSUB that cause unconditional branching. Here’s an example of an unconditional branch using GOTO: Label: statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 GOTO Label We call this an unconditional branch because it always happens. GOTO redirects the program to another location. The location is specified as part of the GOTO command and is called an address. Remember that addresses start a line of code and are followed by a colon (:). You’ll frequently see GOTO at the end of the main body of code, forcing the program statements to run again. Conditional branching will cause the program flow to change under a specific set of circumstances. The simplest conditional branching is done with IF-THEN construct. The PBASIC IF-THEN construct is different from other flavors of BASIC. In PBASIC, THEN is always followed by a valid program address (other BASICs allow a variety of programming statements to follow THEN). If the condition statement evaluates as TRUE, the program will branch to the address specified. Otherwise, it will continue with the next line of code. Take a look at this listing: Start: statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 IF (condition) THEN Start The statements will be run and then the condition is tested. If it evaluates as TRUE, the program will branch back to the line called Start. If the condition evaluates as FALSE, the program will continue at the line that follows the IF-THEN construct. Page 14 • StampWorks Manual Version 1.2 Programming Essentials As your requirements become more sophisticated, you’ll find that you’ll want your program to branch to any number of locations based on a condition. One approach is to use multiple IF-THEN constructs. IF (condition_0) THEN Label_0 IF (condition_1) THEN Label_1 IF (condition_2) THEN Label_2 This approach is valid and does get used. Thankfully, PBASIC has a special command, BRANCH, that allows a program to jump to any number of addresses based on the value of a variable. This is very handy because the conditions we’ve referred to in the text are often checking the value of a control variable. BRANCH is a little more complicated in its setup, but very powerful in that it can replace multiple IF-THEN statements. BRANCH requires a control variable and a list of addresses In the case of a single control variable, the previous listing can be replaced with one line of code: BRANCH controlVar, [Label_0, Label_1, Label_2] When controlVar is zero, the program will branch to Label_0, when controlVar is one the program will branch to Label_1 and so on. Looping – Running Code Again and Again Looping causes sections of the program to be repeated. Looping often uses unconditional and conditional branching to create the various looping structures. Here’s an example of unconditional looping: Label: statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 GOTO Label By using GOTO the statements are unconditionally repeated, or looped. By using IF-THEN, we can add a conditional statement to the loop. The next few examples are called conditional looping. The loops will run under specific conditions. Conditional programming is what gives microcontrollers their “smarts.” StampWorks Manual Version 1.2 • Page 15 Programming Essentials Label: statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 IF (condition) THEN Label With this loop structure, statements will be run so long as the condition evaluates as TRUE. When the condition is evaluated as FALSE, the program will continue at the line following the IF-THEN statement. It’s important to note that in the previous listing the statements will always run at least once, even if the condition is FALSE. To prevent this from taking place, you need to test the condition before running the statements. The code can be written as follows so that the statements (1 – 3) will only run when the condition is TRUE. When the condition evaluates as FALSE, the program continues at Label_2. Label_1: IF NOT (condition) THEN Label_2 statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 GOTO Label_1 Label_2: statement 4 The final example of conditional looping is the programmed loop using the FOR-NEXT construct. FOR controlVar = startVal TO endVal STEP stepSize statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 NEXT The FOR-NEXT construct is used to cause a section of code to execute (loop) a specific number of times. FOR-NEXT uses a control variable to determine the number of loops. The size of the variable will determine the upper limit of loop iterations. For example, the upper limit when using a byte-sized control variable would be 255. The STEP option of FOR-NEXT is used when the loop needs to count increments other than one. If, for example, the loop needed to count even numbers, the code would look something like this: Page 16 • StampWorks Manual Version 1.2 Programming Essentials FOR controlVar = 2 TO 20 STEP 2 statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 NEXT Subroutines – Reusable Code that Saves Program Space The final programming concept we’ll discuss is the subroutine. A subroutine is a section of code that can be called (run) from anywhere in the program. GOSUB is used to redirect the program to the subroutine code. The subroutine is terminated with the RETURN command. RETURN causes the program to jump back to the line of code that follows the calling GOSUB command. Start: GOSUB MySub PAUSE 1000 GOTO Start MySub: statement 1 statement 2 statement 3 RETURN In this example, the code in the MySub is executed and then the program jumps back to the line PAUSE 1000. StampWorks Manual Version 1.2 • Page 17 Programming Essentials The Elements of PBASIC Style Like most versions of the BASIC programming language, PBASIC is very forgiving and the compiler enforces no particular formatting style. So long as the source code is syntactically correct, it will compile and download to the Stamp without trouble. Why, then, would one suggest a specific style for PBASIC? Consider this: Over two million BASIC Stamps have been sold and there are nearly 2500 members of the BASIC Stamp mailing list (on Yahoo! Groups). This makes it highly likely that you'll be sharing your PBASIC code with someone, if not co-developing a BASIC Stamp-oriented project. Writing code in an organized, predictable manner will save you – and your potential colleagues – time; in analysis, in troubleshooting and especially when you return to a project after a long break. The style guidelines presented here are just that: guidelines. They have been developed from style guidelines used by professional programmers using other high-level languages such as Java™, C/C++ and Visual Basic®. Use these guidelines as is, or modify them to suit your needs. The key is selecting a style the works well for you or your organization and sticking to it. 1. Do It Right The First Time Many programmers, especially new ones, fall into the "I'll slug it out now and fix it later." trap. Invariably, the "fix it later" part never seems to happen and sloppy code makes its way into production projects. If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it again? Start clean and you'll be less likely to introduce errors in your code. And if errors do pop up, clean formatting will make them easier to find and fix. 2. Be Organized and Consistent Using a blank program template will help you organize your programs and establish a consistent presentation. 3. Use Meaningful Names Be verbose when naming constants, variables and program labels. The compiler will allow names up to 32 characters long. Using meaningful names will reduce the number of comments and make your programs easier to read, debug and maintain. Page 18 • StampWorks Manual Version 1.2 Programming Essentials 4. Naming Constants Begin constant names with an uppercase letter and use mixed case, using uppercase letters at the beginning of new words within the name: AlarmCode CON 25 5. Naming Variables Begin variable names with a lowercase letter and use mixed case, using uppercase letters at the beginning of new words within the name. Avoid the use of internal variable names (such as B0 or W1): waterLevel VAR Word 6. Naming Program Labels Begin program labels with an uppercase letter, used mixed case, separate words within the label with an underscore character and begin new words with an uppercase letter. Labels should be preceded by at least one blank line, begin in column 1 and be terminated with a colon (except after GOTO and THEN where they appear at the end of the line and without a colon): Print_String: READ eeAddr, char IF (char = 0) THEN Print_String_Exit DEBUG char eeAddr = eeAddr + 1 GOTO Print_String Print_String_Exit: RETURN StampWorks Manual Version 1.2 • Page 19 Programming Essentials 7. PBASIC Keywords All PBASIC language keywords, including VAR, CON and serial/debugging format modifiers (DEC, HEX, BIN) should be uppercase: Main: DEBUG "BASIC Stamp", CR END 8. Variable Types Variable types should be be in mixed case and start with an uppercase letter: status counter ovenTemp rcValue VAR VAR VAR VAR Bit Nib Byte Word 9. Indent Nested Code Nesting blocks of code improves readability and helps reduce the introduction of errors. Indenting each level with two spaces is recommended to make the code readable without taking up too much space: Main: ..FOR outerLoop = 1 TO 10 ....FOR innerLoop = 1 TO 10 ......DEBUG DEC outerLoop, TAB, DEC innerLoop, TAB ......DEBUG DEC (outerLoop * innerLoop) ......PAUSE 100 ....NEXT ..NEXT Note: The dots are used to illustrate the level of nesting and are not a part of the code. Page 20 • StampWorks Manual Version 1.2 Programming Essentials 10. Be Generous With Whitespace Whitespace (spaces and blank lines) has no effect compiler or BASIC Stamp performance, so be generous with it to make listings easier to read. As suggested in #6 above, allow at lease one blank line before program labels (two blanks lines before a subroutine label is recommended). Separate items in a parameter list with a space: Main: BRANCH task, [Update_Motors, Scan_IR, Close_Gripper] GOTO Main Update_Motors: PULSOUT leftMotor, leftSpeed PULSOUT rightMotor, rightSpeed PAUSE 20 Task = (task + 1) // NumTasks GOTO Main An exception to this guideline is with the bits parameter used with SHIFTIN and SHIFTOUT. In this case, format without spaces: SHIFTIN A2Ddata, A2Dclock, MSBPost, [result\9] 11. IF-THEN Conditions Enclose IF-THEN condition statements in parenthesis: Check_Temp: IF (indoorTemp >= setPoint) THEN AC_On The StampWorks files (available for download include a blank programming tempalate (Blank.BS2) that will help you get started writing organized code. It's up to you to follow the rest of the guidelines above – or develop and use guidelines of your own. StampWorks Manual Version 1.2 • Page 21 '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} DEBUG "hello world" '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' Filename: blinkenlight.bs2 ' Author: ' For: ' Date: Gordon Hicks <> Interaccess Microcontroller Workshop 2005 Nov 18 ' Description: ' - An LED is connected to P8 ' - The LED blinks: one second on, one second off ' --- Mainline --Main: HIGH 8 PAUSE 1000 LOW 8 PAUSE 1000 GOTO Main ' ' ' ' make pin 0 go high; LED turns on pause for 1000 ms make pin 0 go low; LED turns off pause for 1000 ms ' repeat ' --- End of Listing --- '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Filename: chase_lights.bs2 Author: For: Date: Gordon Hicks <> Interaccess Microcontroller Workshop 2005 Nov 18 Description: - Four LEDs are connected each to P7, P8, P9, P10 - LEDs blink on and off in order (chaser lights) ' --- Mainline --Main: 'first LED HIGH 8 PAUSE 100 LOW 8 ' make pin 0 go high (+5v) ' pause for 100 ms (100 ms = 1/10 second) ' make pin 0 go low (0v or ground) 'second LED HIGH 9 PAUSE 100 LOW 9 'third LED HIGH 10 PAUSE 100 LOW 10 'fourth LED HIGH 11 PAUSE 100 LOW 11 GOTO Main ' do it again ' --- End of Listing --- '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Filename: pattern_chase.bs2 Author: For: Date: Gordon Hicks <> Interaccess Microcontroller Workshop 2005 Nov 18 Description: - Four LEDs are connected each to P7, P8, P9, P10 - LEDs blink on and off in order (chaser lights) - Same behaviour as chase_lights.bs2, but using memory-mapped I/0 technique ' --- Constants --period CON 100 ' milliseconds - sets speed of pattern ' --- Input/Output Assignments --LEDs VAR OUTC DIRC = %1111 ' --- Mainline --- ' 4 LEDs assigned to the output pins P8, P9, P10 and P11 ' P8, P9, P10 and P11 are outputs Main: LEDs = %0001 PAUSE period LEDs = %0010 PAUSE period LEDs = %0100 PAUSE period LEDs = %1000 PAUSE period GOTO Main ' --- End of Listing --- '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Filename: pattern_blink.bs2 Author: For: Date: Gordon Hicks <> Interaccess Microcontroller Workshop 2005 Nov 18 Description: - Four LEDs are connected each to P7, P8, P9, P10 - All four LEDs blink on and off in unison - The off-time is 3 times longer than the on-time ' --- Constants --period CON 200 ' milliseconds - sets speed of pattern ' --- Input/Output Assignments --LEDs VAR OUTC DIRC = %1111 ' 4 LEDs assigned to the output pins P8, P9, P10 and P11 ' P8, P9, P10 and P11 are outputs ' --- Mainline --Main: LEDs = %1111 PAUSE period LEDs = %0000 PAUSE period*3 GOTO Main ' off time is 3 times the on time ' --- End of Listing --- '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Filename: pattern_crawl.bs2 Author: For: Date: Gordon Hicks <> Interaccess Microcontroller Workshop 2005 Nov 18 Description: - Four LEDs are connected each to P7, P8, P9, P10 - Illuminated in a 'crawl' pattern ' --- Constants --period CON 50 ' milliseconds - sets speed of pattern ' --- Input/Output Assignments --LEDs VAR OUTC DIRC = %1111 ' --- Mainline --- ' 4 LEDs assigned to the output pins P8, P9, P10 and P11 ' P8, P9, P10 and P11 are outputs Main: LEDs = %0000 PAUSE period LEDs = %1000 PAUSE period LEDs = %1100 PAUSE period LEDs = %1110 PAUSE period LEDs = %1111 PAUSE period LEDs = %0111 PAUSE period LEDs = %0011 PAUSE period LEDs = %0001 PAUSE period GOTO Main ' --- End of Listing --- '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Filename: button_detect.bs2 Author: For: Date: Gordon Hicks <> Interaccess Microcontroller Workshop 2005 Nov 18 Description: - A pushbutton input is attached to P7 - LED at P8 lights when button is pressed - Debug echos button state ' --- Constants --period CON 200 ' milliseconds; time between button checks ' --- Input/Output Assignments --Pushbutton DIR7 = 0 VAR IN7 ' pushbutton is attached to P7 ' 0 --> input LED DIR8 = 1 VAR OUT8 ' LED is attached to P8 ' 1 --> output ' --- Mainline --Main: LED = Pushbutton ' LED is given the same value as Pushbutton 'show button state in debug window: IF (Pushbutton = 1) THEN DEBUG "*** Pressed ***", CR ELSE DEBUG "---", CR ENDIF PAUSE period GOTO Main ' --- End of Listing --- '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Filename: button_toggle.bs2 Author: For: Date: Gordon Hicks <> Interaccess Microcontroller Workshop 2005 Nov 18 Description: - Pushing a button toggles the state of an LED ' --- Constants --period CON 50 ' milliseconds between button checks ' --- Input/Output Assignments --Pushbutton VAR IN7 DIR7 = 0 ' Current state of button ' 0 --> input LED DIR8 = 1 ' 1 --> output VAR OUT8 ' --- Variable Assignments --Pushbutton_Prev VAR BIT ' Previous state of button ' --- Initialize --LED = 0 Pushbutton_Prev = 0 ' --- Mainline --Main: 'is the pushbutton down? has it also just changed? IF ((Pushbutton = 1) AND (Pushbutton <> Pushbutton_Prev)) THEN ' yes, so flip the LED state ( '~' means 'invert' ) LED = ~LED ENDIF ' record current state as previous Pushbutton_Prev = Pushbutton PAUSE period GOTO Main ' --- End of Listing --- '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Filename: pattern_toggle.bs2 Author: For: Date: Gordon Hicks <> Interaccess Microcontroller Workshop 2005 Nov 18 Description: - A pushbutton input is attached to P7 - Pushing the button toggles between two different LED patterns ' --- Constants --period CON 50 ' milliseconds - sets speed of pattern ' --- Input/Output Assignments --Pushbutton VAR IN7 DIR7 = 0 ' Current state of pushbutton at P7 ' P7 is an input LEDs VAR OUTC DIRC = %1111 ' 4 LEDs assigned to the output pins P8, P9, P10 and P11 ' P8, P9, P10 and P11 are outputs ' --- Variable Assignments --Pattern VAR BIT ' Current pattern number (0 or 1) Pushbutton_Prev VAR BIT ' Previous pushbutton state ' --- Initialize --Pattern = 0 Pushbutton_Prev = 0 ' --- Mainline --Main: GOSUB Check_Button IF (Pattern = 0 ) THEN GOSUB Pattern_Blink ELSE GOSUB Pattern_Crawl ENDIF GOTO Main ' --- Subroutines --Check_Button: 'If the button has been pressed, increment Pattern IF ((Pushbutton = 1) AND (Pushbutton <> Pushbutton_Prev)) THEN Pattern = Pattern + 1 ENDIF Pushbutton_Prev = Pushbutton RETURN Pattern_Blink: LEDs = %1111 PAUSE period LEDs = %0000 PAUSE period*3 RETURN Pattern_Crawl: LEDs = %0000 PAUSE period LEDs = %1000 PAUSE period LEDs = %1100 PAUSE period LEDs = %1110 PAUSE period LEDs = %1111 PAUSE period LEDs = %0111 PAUSE period LEDs = %0011 PAUSE period LEDs = %0001 PAUSE period RETURN ' --- End of Listing --- '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Filename: pattern_select.bs2 Author: For: Date: Gordon Hicks <> Interaccess Microcontroller Workshop 2005 Nov 18 Description: Pushbutton steps through 5 different states: 3 patterns, all on, and all off ' --- Constants --period CON 50 ' milliseconds - sets speed of pattern ' --- Input/Output Assignments --Pushbutton VAR IN7 DIR7 = 0 ' Current state of pushbutton at P7 ' P7 is an input LEDs VAR OUTC DIRC = %1111 ' 4 LEDs assigned to the output pins P8, P9, P10 and P11 ' P8, P9, P10 and P11 are outputs ' --- Variable Assignments --Pattern VAR NIB ' Pattern selector Pushbutton_Prev VAR BIT ' Previous pushbutton state ' --- Initialize --Pattern = 0 Pushbutton_Prev = 0 ' --- Mainline --Main: GOSUB Check_Button IF (Pattern = 1 ) THEN GOSUB Pattern_On ELSEIF (pattern = 2) THEN GOSUB Pattern_Chase ELSEIF (pattern = 3) THEN GOSUB Pattern_Blink ELSEIF (pattern = 4) THEN GOSUB Pattern_Crawl ELSE GOSUB Pattern_Off ENDIF GOTO Main ' --- Subroutines --Check_Button: 'If the button has been pressed then increment Pattern IF ((Pushbutton = 1) AND (Pushbutton <> Pushbutton_Prev)) THEN ' yes, so go to the next pattern Pattern = Pattern + 1 IF (pattern >= 5) THEN pattern = 0 ENDIF ENDIF Pushbutton_Prev = Pushbutton RETURN Pattern_Off: LEDs = %0000 PAUSE period RETURN Pattern_On: LEDs = %1111 PAUSE period RETURN Pattern_Chase: LEDs = %0001 PAUSE period LEDs = %0010 PAUSE period LEDs = %0100 PAUSE period LEDs = %1000 PAUSE period RETURN Pattern_Blink: LEDs = %1111 PAUSE period LEDs = %0000 PAUSE period*3 RETURN Pattern_Crawl: LEDs = %0000 PAUSE period LEDs = %1000 PAUSE period LEDs = %1100 PAUSE period LEDs = %1110 PAUSE period LEDs = %1111 PAUSE period LEDs = %0111 PAUSE period LEDs = %0011 PAUSE period LEDs = %0001 ' ' ' PAUSE period RETURN ' --- End of Listing ---
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