Probable PhD topics for PhD admissions-July 2015 Sl No. 1. 2. 3. Discipline (Supervisor/ CoSupervisor) Chemistry (Dr. A. K. Choubey, CoSupervisor: Dr. Amit Ranjan) Chemistry (Dr. Debashis Panda) Research title Research Problem Nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur containing heterocyclic compounds are key building blocks used to develop compounds of biological or medicinal interests to chemists. It is proposed to synthesize some new compounds and to evaluate their biological activities after elucidating the structure by involving different analytical tools. Catalysts of nanometer dimensions are among the most important & industrial catalysts, with applications ranging from chemical of manufacturing to energy conversion and storage. The ultimate limit of analytical sensitivity is the detection of the dynamics of an individual catalyst. At the individual particle level, the catalytic activity is not understood in depth. Revealing such behavior requires single-molecule imaging & spectroscopic measurements. By analyzing the behavior of individual molecule/catalysts, single molecule imaging methods provide access to details of a population’s characteristics that are obscured by ensemble averaging. It is certainly an enormous challenge to acquire real-time, simultaneous information on the structure, chemical bonding, and activity of a single nanocatalyst. Pre-requisite for research Synthesis of Novel Heterocyclic Compounds of Biological Interest M. Sc. Chemistry Single-Molecule Imaging Spectroscopy Nanocatalysts M. Sc. in Physical Chemistry/Physics Chemistry Development & (Dr. Debashis Characterization of Panda) Nanobiocatalysts for efficient degradation of cellulose In To minimize the dependence on imported petroleum products, M.Sc. in biofuels are currently used as transport fuel. Cellulosic ethanol, a Bioscience biofuel is generally produced from the depolymerization of polysaccharides. The effectiveness of depolymerization methods is still debatable. To minimize the production cost and enhance the catalytic efficiency requires innovative design and development of Organic Chemistry/ 1|P age 4. Chemistry (PI: Dr. Debashis Panda Co-PI: Dr. Atul Sharma) Development of Nanocatalysts towards Cellulose Degradation using single-particle approach 5. Petroleum Development of Engineering Gels for Improving (Dr. A. K. Sweep Efficiency and Choubey, Co- Water Shut off Supervisor: Dr. Jobs in Oil & Gas Amit Ranjan) Reservoirs 6. Chemical Engineering (Dr. M. S. Bala) Hydrogen & Natural Gas storage by Adsorption for Vehicular Application. catalysts. Assembling of engineered/wild Enzymes on Nanosurface may offer an excellent Nanobiocatalyst for effective degradation of cellulose. This exciting area of research lies in the domain of Nanobiotechnology. Necessity of Alternative Energy becomes unavoidable due to limited resource of fossil fuels. Ever increasing the energy gap between Supply & demand results greater energy crisis. However, the effective use of solar energy can help greatly to reduce this gap even without causing any pollution to the environment. Solar energy is generally stored in the thermal energy storage (TES) systems. However, the limited thermal conductivity poses a serious threat to such systems. The enhancement of thermal conductivity of the phase change materials (PCMs) is generally tuned with addition additives. The nanosized materials (nanoparticles/nanoclusters/nanomaterials) having excellent thermal conductivity are ideal choices for PCMnanocomposites. Synthesis, Characterizization & Application of PCM-Nanocomposites still remaining one of the highly demanding research areas. Gel systems of polymers such as polyacrylamide or partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide and non-polymer chemicals using cross linking agents are highly effective in permeability modification in hydrocarbon bearing reservoir rocks to enhance the oil recovery during waterflooding. They have the potential to improve sweep efficiency and reduce water production. Gels also increase the effectiveness of waterflooding and other displacement type enhanced oil recovery processes. This study is to achieve the Department of Energy targets for Natural Gas (180 V/V) & Hydrogen (5.5 wt %) gas storage. M.Sc. in Nanoscience/ Energyscience Chemistry/ B. Tech. in Chemical/ Petroleum Engg. B. Tech (Chemical) & M. Tech (Chemical) 2|P age 7. 8. 9. Adsorptive Desulfurization of Diesel/ Gasoline. Chemical Medium/high 1. Design molecular structure of membranes with suitable dopes Basic chemistry, Molecular Engineering/ temperatures fuel cell for higher temperatures applications dynamics simulation, Chemistry membranes 2. Study proton transport in these membranes Quantum chemistry (Dr. Milan Kumar) calculations Chemical Modeling of losses in Study various losses and modeling of those losses in Vanadium redox Basic chemical engineering courses, such as transport Engineering/ Vanadium redox flow battery phenomena and chemical Chemistry/ flow batteries reaction kinetics, Mathematics electrochemistry, and basic (Dr. Milan Kumar) mathematics for engineers Chemical CO2 capture using Carbon dioxide (CO2) is known as the main greenhouse gas that Engineering ionic liquids: causes global warming. To mitigate greenhouse gas effects, carbon (Dr. Rakesh experiments and dioxide capture has turned into an extensively investigated topic Kumar) molecular modeling nowadays. Current technologies in CO2 capture mainly consist of absorption by amine based solvents such as monoethanolamine, diethanolamine and methyldiethanolamine through carbamate/carbonate formation. Several drawbacks are associated with these systems like; insufficient carbon dioxide capture capacity, degradation of reagents and thermal stability, equipment corrosion and high energy consumption during regeneration. Ionic liquids (ILs) have shown tremendous scope for CO2 capture. In general Ionic liquids are organic salts with melting point (m.p.) <100°C, and have been explored as nonvolatile and reversible CO2 absorbents because of their high CO2 solubility. The CO2 solubility and selectivity can be tuned by choice of cation, anion, and substituents of the ionic liquids. A key feature of ILs is that their physical properties can be tailored by judicious selection of cation, anion, and substituents. To gain insight into the nature of CO2 3|P age interaction with ionic liquids with different anion in the gas phase and its solubility for various cation/anion combinations can be evaluated by molecular modeling based on Density functional theories (DFT). 10. Materials Science Nanoscience and Nanomaterials for oil and gas applications and Engineering nanotechnology (Dr. Amit Ranjan) 11. Renewable Energy (Dr. Atul Sharma, Co-Supervisor- Dr. A. Shukla) Utilisation and development of the phase change materials for building applications 12. Physics/Renewabl e energy (Dr. A. Shukla, Co-Supervisor- Dr. Atul Sharma,) Modeling and development of thermal regulation of Photovoltaic cells using Phase change Materials Materials Science or Chemical Engineering or Metallurgical Engnieering or Mechanical Egineering or Physics or Chemistry or Polymer Science and Engineering M. Sc. (Physics/Electronics) or B.Tech/M.Tech. (Mechanical/Chemical/Elec trical engineering) The aim of this Ph.D. research study is to develop new knowledge with integrated technological solutions that will enable us to reduce energy consumption in buildings. At the same time we expect to satisfy the whole range of end user needs such as comfort, aesthetics, costs, operability, reliability and functionality. This study also considers the modern state of art in investigations and developments of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) perspective for thermal energy storage (heating/cooling) in the range of temperatures from 10oC to 40oC. The problems associate with the application of PCMs with regard to the selection of materials and the methods to contain them will be focused. Thermo-physical properties of potential PCMs as well as the developed materials will be summarized and data on long-term characteristics in the course of repeated cycles of fusion and solidification will also be analyzed. To regulate the increase in Photo Voltaic (PV) panel temperature, the M. Sc. (Physics) proposed research will explore the possibility of using Phase Change Materials (PCM). We will model heat transfer equations to compute the optimum amount of PCM required to absorb excess heat during the operational time, considering the energy balance for PV module using different PCMs taking into account of possible varying weather 4|P age 13. Physics (Dr. A. Shukla) Muon capture rates for double beta decay 14. Applied Mathematics (Dr. M. Rajpoot) 15. Geophysics Reservoir (Dr. Satish Kumar characterization Sinha) using seismic and well data Dispersion Relation Preserving Schemes K. for Dispersive and Non-Dispersive Systems conditions such as wind speed and temperature variation, particularly in the context of Indian climatic conditions for selecting the appropriate PCM. To extract the mass of neutrino, it is necessary to have good nuclear structure models for calculating the nuclear transition matrix elements (NTME) involved reliably. Large number of theoretical studies for various candidate nuclei, for double beta decay, using Shell model, Quasi particle Random Phase approximation (QRPA) and other models have been carried out so that the calculated NTME can be established to be reliable. Study of Muon capture rates for double beta decay nuclei may be quite relevant for fixing the reliability of the double beta decay matrix element calculations and precise measurements of neutrino mass as both involve the same set of nuclei and weak interaction. The main emphasis will be to include the non-linear and viscous effects to shallow/deep water wave equations with considering varying depth instead of constant depth. Furthermore, in this case we have to consider f-plane approximation of linearized rotating shallow water equations (LRSWE), to study inertia-gravity waves, in which one takes Coriolis parameter (f) as a constant. This can be extended for the case of linear as well as nonlinear shallow water equations (e.g. to study the Rossby waves) with β-plane model, where Coriolis parameter vary with latitude (θ). In present work we will use some high accuracy compact finite difference schemes for the solution of wave and flow problems which should be extended for other numerical methodologies such as finite element and spectral element methods. Focus of this research is on petroleum exploration using seismic technologies. Results from seismic data processing and interpretation will be integrated with wireline log data for basin modeling. Various types of seismic pre-stack and post-stack attributes including inversion will be utilized for reservoir characterization. M. Sc. (Physics) Familiarity with one programming language/ MATLAB M.Sc. Geology) (Geophysics/ 5|P age 16. 17. 18. Geology (Dr. A. K. Singh) Organic petrology and geochemical characterization of Permian coal deposits of Godavari Valley Coalfields, India: Implications to depositional environment and hydrocarbon source potential Geoinformatics High resolution (Dr. Susham outdoor scanning of Biswas) corridor and critical installations for urban planning and emergency response systems Geoinformatics Geospatial data for (Dr. Susham Soundscaping Biswas) Area: Sound modeling, web programming, Laser/LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), Image processing The emphasis of the proposal is to evaluate the Godavari Valley coals M.Sc./ M.Tech. in Geology on the basis of its petrographical and geochemical behavior and attempt will be made to reconstruct the depositional condition of the basin based on the petrographic framework. Based on the petrochemistry of the coals, hydrocarbon, the potential of Godavari coals will also be appraised. Since this particular area is still unexplored in India, the proposed work carries huge importance in finding the possible source of hydrocarbons in various coal seams of Godavari coalfields, India. Detailed terrain information is required for urban planning, Knowledge of remoste management and disaster mitigation operations. Laser data, sensing, scanning, GIS with photographs, images are important source for deriving such data. programming skills. Integration, processing, and intelligent system development using above data is a challenge. The research will focus in eveloving such system. There is interest to develop technology to provide a layer of audio Good programming information over the image/map servers, e.g., Google Earth, using computational skill available audio files, so a user while viewing image/map information can also hear the sound specific to any location. The proposed technology is important as current image/map servers only provide visual information with few audio files which can be heard on playing these (which are already uploaded to web). Unlike visual information the audio information is discrete, depends on the place where an audio file is uploaded. People are uploading large number of audio files, however continuous uninterrupted stream of audio specific to locations could not be heard. The research will work on computation of sounds reaching at any and every location of terrain on map/image 6|P age and server using the sound files uploaded in the surrounding. It will use geospatial data as available on map servers and sound propagation modeling. Thus, like visual images, it will provide continuous audio experience of the terrain as user moves over the image/map server. 19. Geoinformatics Route planning using (Dr. Susham modern surveying Biswas) technique Area: Use of Satellite image/GPS(Global Positioning System)/GIS (Geographic Information System) for laying out of pipeline 20. English Literature Diasporic Literature (Dr. Saurabh Mishra) Establishing connectivity between two places over terrain is a challenge. Different pipeline projects over the grounds need to handle this challenge. In existing practices engineers primarily use the available maps to decide manually the possible route for laying out the pipelines. This practice often leads to suboptimal decision and loss of resources. Recent developments in geospatial data procurement and its processing can give a better alternative to it. High resolution data such as LiDAR/ Laser scanned data can provide dense 3D point cloud of very high density and accuracy. Photograph or RGB information additionally available with laser scanned data help in giving raster information for the survey area. The data can be integrated with GPS/DGPS (Differential GPS) position information to register it globally. Comprehensive, accurate, registered geospatial information can be processed to extract different terrain features. Once the terrain features are determined possible corridors for laying out of pipeline can be worked upon with necessary algorithms. Indian-English fiction in the past few decades has left to us a contribution of writers which includes legendary figures such as V.S. Naipaul, Mulk Raj Anand, R.K.Narayan, Raja Rao, Khushwant Singh, Ruskin Bond etc. We have also witnessed sound literary statements of authority and popularity in the works of female writers like Anita Desai, Kamala Markandaya, Ruth Jhabvala, Nayantara Sahgal, Shashi Deshpande, Uma Parmeswaram, Bharati Mukherjee etc. Being a viable part of the exodus to west, the migrant writers have Background in remote sensing/GIS. Ability to develop algorithm M.A. (English) 7|P age 21. English Literature( Indian Dr. Saurabh Drama Mishra) expressed the loyalty to their experiences, sentiments and growth by giving a true reflection of all these in their script. Their achievement can further be analyzed on the basis of appropriate characters that are generated by them. These characters have in them all what concerns and describes a migrant’s status in reference to either being an 'Expatriate' or 'Immigrant'. English Drama in India stands as the tallest and richest in tradition. In fact the M.A. (English) very spirit of the Indianness coins by the virtue of traditions, beliefs and values which the drama propagates. Tracing its roots in the revered Vedic era, drama has been celebrated throughout the ages. The peregrination of Indian English Drama has been the canvas portrayal of diffidence until the literary wizard like- Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo and Harindranath Chatopadhyay occupied the stage in the pre- independence era. Their plays were largely inspired in soul from the deep rooted beliefs and values of the Indian soil-the ‘Indian Sensibility’. The prime flag bearers of the genre were great playwrights like Girish Karnad, Mohan Rakesh, Badal Sircar, Mahesh Dattani, Uma Parmeswaran and Vijay Tendulkar. 8|P age 22. English Literature (Dr. Saurabh Mapping Bollywood Mishra) Indian Cinema-the Bollywood has grown many folds over the past 100 M.A. (English) years of its presence around us. Its pot-pourri of ingredients and the melodrama has won hearts not only in India but worldwide too. Invested heavily with the wide variety of cultural and semantic variations, over the period of time, the popular Hindi cinema has been seen as an appropriate vehicle of expression by the directors & the playwrights. It is indeed literature in motion-mapping society, its events and the various cycles of changes that the elements of society have undergone in all these years. It is in this regard that Cinema becomes appropriate mirror to the societal issues, hence appropriately deemed as kin to the elaborate literary family. Indian Cinema has a wide variety of issues to be explored and researched like: man-woman relationships of various eras, adaptations, feminism, communication patterns, and lyrical patterns being just few in the long list of possibilities available. 23. English Literature Feminism and Film In the year 1975 Laura Mulvey in her famous and erstwhile work- M.A. (English) (Dr. Saurabh Theory “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”, linked the process of Mishra) spectator identification to sexual difference. It was through the work of Laura Mulvey that the feminist theory of spectatorship was highlighted and put forth. Mulvey drew heavily from the Lacanian and Freudian theories and coupled these with the erstwhile apparatus theory, with the desired pinch of gender, to punch out the feminist idea of spectatorship. The oppressive ideology and the stereotyping of women in films became a prime concern. From there on the larger aspect of the feminist movement had been to achieve the transformation of the image of women in cinema and society as a whole. 9|P age 24. 25. Petroleum Engineering (Dr. U. D. Dwivedi, Co-Supervisors: Prof. C. K. Jain and Dr. Amit Ranjan) Early Detection and Avoidance of Drill Pipe Sticking using Signal Processing & Machine Learning Electrical Development and Engineering Testing of Wavelet (Dr. U D Dwivedi) Modulated Inverters in Renewable Energy based Grid-tied Distributed Generations (DGs) Pipe sticking is one of the most important and challenging issue in drilling operations. There are numerous causes that can be attributed to pipe sticking, and it is broadly classified into two groups: mechanical pipe sticking (MPS) and differential pipe sticking (DPS). Mechanical sticking normally occurs because of solid pack off while differential sticking results due to differential pressure between drilling fluid hydrostatic head and formation pressure. Drilling operations are often affected by differential pipe sticking which results in significant increase in total well cost and downtime. These problems become more prevalent and severe while drilling highly inclined, horizontal, multilaterals, re-entry, and extended reach wells where cost on remedial actions can contribute up to 40% of total well cost. In the past, standard techniques have been developed to solve a specific type of pipe sticking upon its occurrence, but early detection, diagnosis, and avoidance is more useful and economical than solving it. The focus of the proposed work is to develop automatic detection and classification methods for pipe sticking by processing drilling data using advanced digital signal processing and machine learning. Wavelet based techniques have been extensively used in various power engineering applications. Recently, wavelet has also been proposed to generate switching signal for single-phase pulse-width-modulated (PWM) dc-ac inverter. The main advantage of the wavelet modulated (WM) scheme is that a single synthesis function, derived using wavelet theory, can be used to generate the switching signal as well as to model the inverter output which is not possible with other modulation techniques. But, unlike other popular PWM schemes e.g. sinusoidal PWM, which offers independent control to both magnitude and frequency of fundamental inverter output voltage, the existing WM scheme can only control the frequency of the fundamental. The main emphasis of the research work to be carried out is to find feasible M. Tech in Petroleum / Computer Science/ Instrumentaion Control / Mechanical /Electrical, Electroncis/System Enginering or M.Sc. in Physical & specialisation in electronics OR B. Tech in Petroleum/Chemical Engg. from RGIPT (CPI 7.5 and above) Desairable: Good Programming Skill M. Tech in Electrical Engineering from an IIT/NIT or similar institute only Excellent Programming Skill/ Good Knowledge of power electronics related hardware and/or a real-time digital simulator (RTDS) 10 | P a g e solutions to the magnitude control problem and to apply it in grid-tied inverter based distributed generations. 26. Petroleum Engineering (Dr. Tushar Sharma) Characterization and performance evaluation of polyacrylamide enabling “Nanofluids” to improve sweep efficiency of Chemical-EOR processes 27. Petroleum Engineering (Dr. Tushar Sharma) Use of clay nanoparticles to develop Pickering foams for HPHT applications such as Foam-EOR processes 28. Petroleum Engineering (Dr.Shivanjali Sharma) This research work will focus on the developemt of new knowledge B. Tech in on the synthesis of nanofluids using oilfield polymers of different Chemical/Petroleum molecular weight and compared to investigate the effects of molecular Engineering weight, nanoparticle, and other parameters on conventional polymer based EOR processes. Physicochemical and rheological studies will also be performed on synthesized nanofluids to get more insights on its reservoir stability and behavior improving the rate of oil recovery. This research work will deal with the sythesis of stable clay based B. Tech Pickering foams for reservoir equivalent high pressure high Chemical/Petroleum temperature (HPHT) applications such as enhanced oil recovery. The Engineering work will use small size clay nanoparticles to stabilize the deformation of classical foams at HPHT conditions. The clay nanoparticles are the part of reservoir as a result of their natural origin hence, expected to develop a promising technique by reducing the extent of reservoir contamination as compared to other nanoparticles. Development of As the depth of exploratory and development wells in the major B.Tech water based drilling sedimentary basins have increased, oil operators have been faced with Chemical/Petroleum fluid and study of alternative of starting with larger and more costly wellbores. Deep drilling Engineering their thermal stability of shale requires strict adherence to prescribed mud properties. Main problems of wellbore stability are associated with shale bodies which undergo spontaneous self-dispersion upon contact with water or 11 | P a g e in in conventional drilling muds. Any solution to the problems of well bore stability must deal primarily with preventing self-dispersion of shales exposed in the well-bore.Oil based drilling fluid are costly and hazardous for environment. This problem could be solved by using water based drilling fluid if the wellbore stability issue could be solved.Another problem with shales is that of thermal stability. The earlier conventional mud systems are not stable at high temperatures. In order to improve their performance certain polymer systems are to be added and a new drilling mud system is to be developed.The research will work on synthesizing new water based drilling fluid which are inhibitive in nature and also thermally stable to be used in deep reservoirs. 12 | P a g e
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