2015 Sponsorship Packet Here!

Sponsor logos will appear on all materials and our website,
which provides the brand recognition paramount to growth
and sales. Sponsor-provided banners are displayed in the
vendor area, an air-conditioned environment frequented by
virtually every match participant during the event.
We include sponsor logos on match booklets, display match
and stage sponsor banners on the range and/or at our
indoor vendor area and awards ceremony building, post
sponsors names and logos on our website and include a
web-link to your company website. In addition, we recognize
all sponsors at the shooters meeting, stage briefings and
awards ceremony.
The 11th Annual High Desert Classic will be hosted by the
Rio Grande Practical Shooting Club at the City Park Range
in Albuquerque, New Mexico on October 8-11, 2015.
This two-day shooting event provides sponsors a great
opportunity to effectively market your brand to hundreds
of potential consumers. We are currently are seeking
sponsorship commitments to support this year’s event.
High Desert Classic draws 175+ shooters and staff from
across the United States and abroad. The USPSA Level II
match will include 10 stages of competition with dedicated
Range Officers at each stage to assure consistency and a
smooth running match.
Sponsorship provides tremendous exposure to a very niche
market, USPSA competitors, who spend on average five
times more per year on shooting supplies than the average
firearms customer. In addition, the shooting community is a
very brand loyal group who are emotionally tied to their gear.
They frequently recommend companies who have helped
them personally and supported matches. Word-of-mouth
is critical as this group looks to experienced shooters for
product advice.
As our reputation for running a challenging and fun match
has grown, we continue to spotlight our shooting industry
sponsors. All competitors are afforded an opportunity to win
a valuable prize through our random draw prize table, which
provides sponsors with ongoing visibility and invaluable
word-of-mouth advertising.
Please consider joining us as a sponsor of this exciting
annual shooting event in the Great Southwest! For more
information, please visit rgpsc.com and cabq.gov/openspace/shootingrange. Slot sponsorship is limited so contact
us soon to get the advertising that will fit your needs.
Please complete and return the enclosed sponsorship form
or contact us with any questions.
Chris Taylor, High Desert Classic Match Director
9808 Cody Ct
Albuquerque, NM 87114
2015 High Desert Classic Sponsorship Levels
All donations will go to the shooter - nothing will be sold or raffled.
Major Match Sponsor: $3000 retail value merchandise
Sponsor will receive three slots to the match, name on all match promotion (High Desert Classic Sponsored by your company),
advertising on the top of the page on the website (only one available), full page ad in the match booklet (back cover is
available), logo on the match shirt (if agreed to before August 31, 2015), display of provided banner at the awards area,
top listing on advertising material, two table space in the vendor area, full recognition during shooters meeting, stage briefings
and awards ceremony. Additionally, Major Match Sponsor will be featured on a digital photo given to all match competitors of
them shooting in the match.
mock-up match booklet: logo on cover and full page ad
mock-up match t-shirt: large logo above other sponsor logos
mock-up digital photo
mock-up score board banner
banner displayed at awards
logo featured on website
2015 High Desert Classic Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsor: $1500 retail value merchandise
Sponsor will receive: two slots to the match, next down from match sponsor advertising on the web page, half page ad in the
match booklet, sticker with logo on select no shoots, display of provided banner at awards area, and one table space in the
vendor area, second on the list of sponsors in advertising material.
mock-up match booklet: half page ad
mock-up match t-shirt: logo on t-shirt
mock-up score board banner
mock-up no shoot sticker
2015 High Desert Classic Sponsorship Levels
Stage Sponsor: $1000 retail value merchandise. Only 10 available.
Sponsor will receive: display of provided banner on one stage and next down from banner sponsor advertising on web page,
quarter page ad and logo on one stage page in the match booklet.
mock-up match booklet: quarter page ad
banner displayed on one stage
Contributing Sponsor: Minimum $200 retail value merchandise. Unlimited available.
Sponsors will receive: eighth page ad in the match booklet and name on website.
mock-up match booklet: eighth page ad
2015 High Desert Classic Sponsorship Levels
If you would like your banner returned please provide shipping address.
Form may be filled out online at rgpsc.com/sponsorship
Sponsorship Level requested:
Please add your company contact information here:
Ship all products to:
Chris Taylor, High Desert Classic Match Director
9808 Cody Ct
Albuquerque, NM 87114
Please contact me if you have any questions!