NEWS April 2015 edition hello spring! Inside this issue: RHEA’s 20th birthday MEET CHANTELLE A brand new look to RHEA SPECIAL EVENT FOR THE FELLA’S New Tuesday lunch club A TON OF DATES FOR YOUR DIARY! ‘S 20TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS! Thursday 9th July, the Irish Centre, York Road, 11am to 3pm, tickets £5 With entertainment from the brilliant Thomas Henry, food, refreshments, games, bingo, raffle and dancing this is an event not to miss! Your ticket is also entry into a special raffle to win a grand prize. We would like to see as many people there as possible so transport is available for those who otherwise couldn’t get to the venue. Please join us to celebrate 20 years of success and to look back at everything we’ve achieved together. BOOKING OPENS MONDAY 25TH MAY 20 15 Being a registered charity, RHEA hosts an Annual General Meeting every year. At the meeting you can hear about what has been achieved over the year and future plans. If you’ve ever thought about being a member of the Management Committee to help govern RHEA, the AGM is the perfect time to join us. Richmond Hill Community Centre Monday 10th August 11am to 1pm With refreshments Plus, we are making a very special announcement at this year’s AGM; a brand new look and name for RHEA. You really don’t want to miss the big unveiling! Tickets for the AGM are free but please book so we know how many people to expect. Booking opens Monday 6th July. Spring & Summer Jewels Days out to the jewels of Leeds and Yorkshire Full details are to be announced but we wanted to share the following dates with you in advance. Dates when booking opens, timings and cost will be displayed in the community centre or you can give a call nearer the dates. Monday 11th May: Temple Newsam for tea with one of the curators Monday 8th June: The beautiful Harlow Carr Gardens in Harrogate Friday 14th August: Canal barge trip Friday 28th August: Picnic at Lotherton Hall Friday 25th September: Barnsley Market for a good old shopping day Friday 9th October: The only date available for a return to Ryecroft Hall in Blackpool for their brilliant dinner and dance day. Please join us in welcoming Chantelle to the RHEA team. Chantelle is our new Finance Officer and comes with a wealth of experience having previously worked in finance for two other Leeds charities. Chantelle says “I am looking forward to keeping RHEA’s finances up to date as well as putting new procedures and guidelines in place. This will hopefully help RHEA run smoothly and assist with future funding applications.” Chantelle will be working Monday to Wednesday so call in and say hello. Remembering Mr Leslie Jesney, a good friend and supporter of RHEA who passed away on the 10th January. Though he had no surviving family and was very ill, his continuous smile and positivity touched everyone. With thanks also for choosing to remember RHEA in his will. Sadly missed. Lock up the Rover’s! The RHEA lot might be coming!!!! Fancy walking the cobbles of Coronation Street? We’re hoping to organise a trip there later in the year so would like to know if you would be interested in joining us. Tickets will be approximately £25 which includes £17 entry to the Coronation Street Tour and return travel. Full details are to be confirmed but if you would like to go, please let us know. Roy’s Rolls will never be the same again! Can we turn the air conditioning off? It’s a bit breezy! ! Thursday 3rd September £12 per person You asked if we could do this very popular trip again, so we are! Spend the morning in scenic Scarborough and the afternoon in wonderful Whitby. Stopping for fish and chips in the afternoon (optional) at an extra cost which will be confirmed. Carers are more than welcome to come at the same price. Booking opens Monday 6th July SATURDAY 25TH JULY 2015 EAST END PARK THE FUN STARTS AT 11AM A fun filled day for all the family with music, workshops, food, refreshments, games, sports, dance, mini Breeze kids activities, stalls and much more. The RHEA team will be there so come and see us for food and refreshments, bingo and a special exhibition showing old photos from various decades about the East End Park area. Cross your fingers for sunshine and bring the grand children for a HUGE day out! Your weekly RHEA activity timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday The Then & Now Group. Looking at how things were then and are now. Sharing stories, memories, creating items, guest speakers and more. 1:30 to 3:00. £1. Light Lunch Club Group activity, chat, laughter and a light lunch at St Philip’s church hall on Osmondthorpe Lane. Just £2.50 (small additional charge if transport is required) 11am to 1:30pm. Knit & Natter Social group creating items through knitting, needle work and other techniques. 1:30 to 3:00. £1. Friends of Richmond Hill Social group with games, quizzes, events and local outings. 1:30 to 3:00. £2 plus small (optional) bingo cost. Eyes Down! A bingo group supported by RHEA, open to all over 55. Please call for full details. 1:45 to 3:15. All activities, unless otherwise stated, are held at Richmond Hill Community Centre and you are more than welcome to come to any of them, simply give us a call. All prices include refreshments. Pull me out and pin me up! Thursday Friday Sunday Lunch Club Fun group activity followed by a delicious, homemade two course hot lunch. £4 for lunch or £6 for lunch and return transport. 11:00 to 1:30. Gentle Walking Group Walks of between 3 and 4 miles to local places of interest and beauty. See page 12 of this newsletter for the next walks. Currently free to take part! Lunch Club Another chance for a homemade two course hot lunch in good company. Free transport with the Access Bus (0113 348 1900.) 11:00, to 1:00, £4. Fun & Fitness Exercise, laughter and fun at St Philip’s church hall on Osmondthorpe Lane. 1:00 to 2:00. £3. Get Crafty! Craft group using a huge array of techniques and materials. £3 which includes all materials. 1:30 to 3:00. Zumba Gold An hour of Zumba (Latin inspired dance workout) for the over 50’s with professional tutor Donna. 10:30 to 11:30. £3. Meet Kevin! Kevin helps RHEA every Thursday with the lunch club and is also one of our befrienders, visiting RHEA members in the area. Thanks Kevin! JOAN’S JAUNTS Joan may have retired from RHEA but she is keeping the walking group going! Hurrah! Guided group walks to places of interest in West Yorkshire. Everyone meets Joan at 10:15am in Leeds bus station outside the Metro Information Office unless otherwise stated below. From the bus station the group uses public transport to get to the walk starting point but you can meet at the starting point if you prefer. Friday 10th April - Allerton Bywater - Castleford Linear walk 3.5 miles via St Aiden’s and the waterways. Number 168 bus at 10:21am from outside the bus station. Walk starts at Edward VII working men’s club at 11am. Friday 24th April - East Ilkley Riverside (includes 3 styles) Circular walk of around 3.5 to 4 miles. Number X84 bus at 10:30am. Friday 8th May - Barge Trip and Canal Walk Meet at Leeds train station outside WH Smith’s at 10:15am. Will need to get a return ticket to Mirfield, train leaves at 10:26am. Take a packed lunch, drinks available on the barge for a small donation. Barge trip is £5 per person. Friday 22nd May - To be announced Friday 5th June - This walk will be part of the Leeds Walking Festival, full details available nearer the time. Coming? Great! Remember to wear sturdy footwear and to bring a waterproof coat, packed lunch and your travel pass. For more info, contact the RHEA team on 248 5200. Health Spotlight: Loneliness Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter who you are or how old you are, we have all been lonely at some point in our lives. Research proves that being lonely has a harmful effect on your health and is likened to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Getting out and having contact with other people is vital to tackling any loneliness you might be feeling and that’s where RHEA can help. You will see on the middle pages of this newsletter that there are a range of social opportunities you are more than welcome to come to. If you’ve never been to RHEA before don’t worry, we can be there the first time you come to welcome you and introduce you to other people. If you just want to talk to someone we can make an appointment to see you at home to talk about how we can help and more importantly what you want. We also have volunteer befrienders available who visit people in the area at home on a social basis. There are also a whole range of other opportunities and services across Leeds that we can put you in touch with. Nobody should be lonely so it’s time to end it. If you would like to talk just give us a call. Wednesday 17th June 1:30pm - 3:00pm Richmond Hill Community Centre RHEA and Zest Health for Life are teaming up to host a day for men of all ages in conjunction with Men’s Health Week. Join us for a range of activities and games, health information and advice, refreshments and an afternoon that’s all about the men. To book onto this completely free event, give RHEA or Zest a call. RHEA: 248 5200 Zest: 240 6677 LOCAL BUS SERVICE UPDATE From 26th April, Yorkshire Tiger will be replacing the 62/62A service with new services 59, 60 and 60A. Service 59 will run every 30 minutes during the day from the Corn Exchange to the Saxton Gardens estate, Cross Green and Richmond Hill whilst services 60 and 60A will run every 30 minutes during the day from City Square to York Road, East End Park and the industrial estate. Buses will be timed to provide a 15 minute service from the Corn Exchange. For more information see or call 0113 245 8004. “he’s a very nice man. a very, very nice man!” As the weather starts to pick up we wanted to remind you that Julian, RHEA’s volunteer handyman, is available for gardening, decorating and maintenance work COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE. We can only provide this service thanks to Julian who gives his time every Tuesday to do the jobs you might not be able to. Whilst the service is free, you can make a small donation to help cover expenses if you wish. For more information or to make an appointment give the RHEA team a call at the office. UPDATE RHEA’s Street Links project continues to expand in the area, connecting people in local streets to form a friendlier and more supportive community for us all. Volunteer Street Agents, who all live locally, are in contact with people in their own street or housing complex who might need a little support from time to time or just some social contact. Street Agents currently support RHEA members where they live with things like being a point of contact if something is needed, putting bins out on collection day, helping during the harsher winter months, looking after pets and just being that friendly, local face to say hello to. If you would like to be put in touch with your local Street Agent, or if you would like to volunteer as a Street Agent, simply give Liz a call at the RHEA office. The Street Links project is completely unobtrusive, the Agent’s are there if you need them and they are happy to help. They are an extension of RHEA, helping to reach more people in the area. The support available to you can be as much or as little as you would like to receive. Together we can help each other and connect our community where it is needed. Did you know East End Park could soon be home to a brand new, state of the art community centre? Leeds Mencap intends to transfer from its current home on East Park Parade, to a new centre on the former Mount St Mary’s Primary School site on Raincliffe Road/Vinery Terrace. Mencap are leading the process to create a community facility called the East End Park Centre that would be open to all local people and groups to use. RHEA will certainly be hosting activities and services from there to reach out to more people. Plans have been submitted to the Council, a legal document is in place to reserve the land, and funds continue to be raised and if all goes well work could start by the end of the year. This single level, accessible venue will be a huge bonus for us all and will benefit the area greatly so please lend your support if you can. BANDS IN THE PARK Sunday 14th June 2:30pm East End Park Enjoy a FREE brass band concert in East End Park with music from the Horsforth Leeds City Band courtesy of Leeds City Council. For more information contact the Leeds Concert Season team on 0113 247 8336. The RHEA newsletter is kindly supported by: It’s good to know that ‘S near! We’re here Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 3:30pm. You can drop in to the office from 12pm until 2pm or call us anytime during opening hours. The Hope Inn Newbourne Church Richmond Hill Elderly Action, Richmond Hill Community Centre, Long Close Lane, Leeds, LS9 8NP. Registered charity number 1114792. Tel: 0113 248 5200 Email: Web: WITH THANKS TO RHEA’S FUNDERS AND SUPPORTERS:
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