19th Belgian Congress on Rheumatology Organised by the Belgian Royal Society for Rheumatology 23 – 25 September 2015 C-Mine, Genk Scientific Organiser Béatrice André Local Organising Committee Piet Geusens Pascale Volders Second Announcement & Call for Abstracts www.rheumacongress.be www.rheumacongress.be 1 Scientific Organiser Call for Abstracts Béatrice André C.H.U. Sart Tilman 4000 Liège Email: bandre@chu.ulg.ac.be Dear colleagues, Local Organising Committee Piet Geusens Maastricht UMC UHasselt ReumaClinic Genk Bretheistraat 149 3600 Genk Email: piet.geusens@scarlet.be The Royal Belgian Society for Rheumatology invites you to present your work and submit your abstract to the 19th Belgian Congress on Rheumatology. All topics in the area of rheumatologic research are welcomed. We would be pleased to receive proposals representing every field of participants’ interest. Your abstract should be submitted as a word document (max 3/4 page A4, font: Calibri 11) only by email to: bandre@chu.ulg.ac.be. Pascale Volders ReumaClinic Genk Jaarbeurslaan 21-23 3600 Genk The deadline for abstract submission is May 20, 2015. Venue The scientific committee will further select a limited number of abstracts for oral presentation. C-Mine Evence Coppéelaan 91 3600 Genk Web: www.c-mine.be All abstracts will be displayed as posters with reviewers tours hosted during the congress. Accordingly, we remind that the presence of the author is required for their kind contribution to discussions during these tours. For the first time, we are delighted to announce the organisation of a ‘thieves’ market’, dedicated to assistants and young rheumatologists: feel free to send your most remarkable clinical cases! Best cases will be the core of a special session during the meeting. Congress Secretariat Medicongress Services Noorwegenstraat 49 B-9940 Evergem, Belgium Phone: +32 (0)9 218 85 81 Fax: +32 (0)9 344 40 10 Email: reumato@medicongress.com Web: www.medicongress.com 2 www.rheumacongress.be Yours sincerely, Béatrice André Scientific Organiser bandre@chu.ulg.ac.be www.rheumacongress.be 3 Wednesday, September 23 Wednesday, September 23 09.30 Pre-Congress Meetings SESSION 3 - Ethics & Economy (Part I) 10.00 18.00 The future of health care in Belgium Minister Jo Vandeurzen Flemish Minister of Welfare, Public Health and Family 19.00 Walking Dinner SESSION 3 - Ethics & Economy (Part II) 20.00 Reimbursement of medications: Issues and solutions Prof.Dr. Katelijne De Nys Head Clinical Trial Center UZ Leuven & Chair of the Commissie Tegemoetkoming Geneesmiddelen (CTG) van het RIZIV / Commission de Remboursement des Médicaments (CRM) de l’INAMI Young Investigator Meeting Chairs: Dominique De Seny, ULG, Julie Ducreux, UCL and Ellen De Langhe, KUL 12.00 Welcome Lunch 12.30 Opening Ceremony and Award Presentation 13.00 SESSION 1 Introduction to the Vesalius lecture Piet Geusens, Maastricht UMC, UHasselt and ReumaClinic Genk 13.15 Vesalius lecture From anti resorptive to osteo-anabolic therapy in preventing fractures Socrates Papapoulos, Leiden, The Netherlands 14.00 Abstract Presentations 14.30 Quiz Quizmasters: Laurent Méric de Bellefon, UCL and Isabelle Peene, AZ Sint-Jan 15.00 Coffee Break SESSION 2 15.30 Epigenetics in RA Steffen Gay, Zurich, Switzerland 16.10 Belgian Rheumatology in Review / Basic and Translational Science Philip Remans, Reumacentrum Genk 16.30 Update in Therapeutics – Pfizer 17.00 Update in Therapeutics – Roche 17.30 Coffee Break 4 www.rheumacongress.be www.rheumacongress.be 5 Thursday, September 24 Thursday, September 24 WORKSHOPS 07.30 Workshop 1: Sicca Syndrome Muhammad Sooyfo, ULB 07.30 Workshop 2: Communication of diagnosis and therapy Kristien Van der Elst, KUL and Nele Caeyers, ReumaNet SESSION 6 14.00 General Assembly (Part I) 14.30 Update in Therapeutics - MSD 15.00 Surgery of the knee for rheumatologists Jan Victor, UZ Gent 15.30 Coffee Break SESSION 4 08.30 Microbiome Dirk Elewaut, UZ Gent 09.00 Abstract Presentations 09.30 Traveller arthritis: Chikungunya Fabrice Simon, Marseille, France 16.30 Abstract Presentations 10.00 Coffee Break 17.00 SESSION 5 SESSION 7 16.00 Therapeutic strategies in RA Patrick Verschueren, KUL Update in Therapeutics - UCB 17.30 General Assembly (Part II) 10.40 Belgian Rheumatology in Review (clinical) Anne Durnez, UCL, CHIREC, AZ Jan Portaels and Marie Vanthuyne, UCL 11.00 Update in Therapeutics – Abbvie 11.30 Update in Therapeutics – Amgen 12.00 Lunch 13.00 Poster Tour 6 www.rheumacongress.be www.rheumacongress.be 7 Friday, September 25 Major Sponsors WORKSHOPS 07.30 Workshop 3: Imaging Bruno Vande Berg, UCL 07.30 Workshop 4: Functional evaluation of the spine Bernard Poortmans, ULB and Stephanie Grodent, Ulg SESSION 8 08.30 Dermatology for the rheumatologists Petra De Haes, KUL 09.00 Abstract Presentations 09.30 Bone and Joint lecture Fibrosis Jean Baptiste Demoulin, UCL 10.00 Coffee Break SESSION 9 10.30 Thieves Market Béatrice André, Ulg 11.00 Update in Therapeutics – Janssen-Cilag 11.30 Update in Therapeutics 12.00 Closure of the Congress 12.30 Lunch 8 www.rheumacongress.be www.rheumacongress.be 9
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