25 May 2015 Relocating Hospital Services Information for THO-South Staff Introduction A number of areas are relocating so that B-Block can be decanted and demolished and K-Block constructed. The RHH Redevelopment project team will work with each unit that is moving so that the move goes smoothly. Staff will be kept informed during the planning including having their move date and information on the move at least two weeks beforehand. This fact sheet provides some information about what to expect. The action plan includes: Construction handover Planning the actual move Infection control assessment and planning Communication with staff, patients and other stakeholders Staff orientation Planning the Move To prepare for the relocation of a service (or office space), the RHH Redevelopment project team will prepare an action plan with representatives from the area affected. As refurbishment works progress and we get close to new areas being commissioned, the following will occur: A decanting meeting with user group. Establish a contact for the unit - 'the lead'. Complete a relocation checklist - 'the lead'. Organising removalists ICT requirements Emergency management planning Security issues Booking medical orderlies Equipment audit Supply department, pharmacy and PIMS assistance Advising the mail room And more Develop an action plan - RHH Redevelopment team and 'the lead'. Who Does What? Responsibilities will be allocated in the action plan. But there are a few things that are standard for each service when it’s relocating. Medical orderlies are organised for patient relocation. Removalists will be booked to move furniture and equipment. Representatives from the Supply Department will move sterile stock. Staples will move photocopiers. Facilities and Engineering will organise keys and/or swipe cards. IT Services will assist with the location and set –up of all IT hardware like PCs and printers. A move date will be agreed between the RHH Redevelopment team and the unit. The New Location While refurbishments are underway, the new service location will be a construction site. Construction sites are under the control of the contractor. Access can be arranged at the appropriate time. Filing cabinets can be moved with contents intact but the drawers will need to be locked or the drawers taped securely closed. The contents of bookcases are to be packed in boxes. All personal and breakable items to be removed prior to moving. Pictures/whiteboards/notice boards will be moved by a carpenter and installed in the new area. Computers are not packed in boxes but are labelled with floor, room number and staff member’s name on each item. Printers are not packed and are labelled with floor, room number, or staff member’s name. Definitions Some of the words that might be used during redevelopment works include: decanting – the relocation of services including people, furnishings and clinical equipment from one location to another building commissioning – when the builder makes the constructed area operational to the standard agreed in their contract. It can include induction on specific equipment eg use of air conditioning units operational commissioning – preparing a generally refurbished area for operations and staff, patients and visitors to relocate to a new area decommissioning – preparing an area for demolition or new occupancy. Staff will get an opportunity to see the new area before moving day however. This will be organised by the RHH Redevelopment project team. A seating plan will be developed with ‘the lead’ from each unit beforehand so staff will know the layout of their new area beforehand. Relocating Items Questions? There are a few things to know about the move. If you have a question about your service moving please email redevelopmentrhh@dhhs.tas.gov.au or call the RHH Redevelopment project team on 6166 6782. Packing boxes and tape will be provided before the move. The following information needs to be written on each item that will be moved the specific location eg floor and room number, the staff member’s name and an overview of the contents.
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