Wireless Printing on campus Wireless printing on campus has changed and gotten easier for you. Simply email your document to the printer from the list below, easy as that. There are a couple rules though: You have to send it from your campus email address (@students.uwc.edu or @uwc.edu) Only Microsoft Office documents (i.e. .doc, .xls, .ppt) or PDF files can be wirelessly printed If you have questions, contact a member of the IT staff: rlnit@uwc.edu . Queue RLN-Science RLN-Science Color RLN-Classroom RLN-Classroom Color RLN-Classroom RLN-Library300 RLN-Library313 RLN-Library313Color RLN-Melvill449 RLN-Melvill449Color RLN-Student Center RLN-Gym RLN-East Hall RLN-East Hall Color Location Room Number 100 100 211 211 214 300 300 300 449 449 508 614 714 715 E-mail adddress RLN-PrinterRoom100@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom100Color@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom211@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom211Color@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom214@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom300@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom313@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom313Color@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom449@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom449Color@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom508@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom614@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom714@uwc.edu RLN-PrinterRoom715Color@uwc.edu Additional wireless printing information: This is not an open network; a username and password are needed to gain access. Students who are not registered through UW-Richland PRISM must contact the IT staff to arrange for permission. Make sure that you keep your anti-virus software current on your laptop. The Wireless Network Connection dialog box lists all the nearby wireless networks that have strong enough signals for a connection. For each network, it shows the SSID, encryption, connection status, and signal strength. Like any radio signal, the signal strength of Wi-Fi networks varies depending on how close you are to the wireless access point (WAP), what type of computer you are using and the obstacles that are between you and the WAP. Like the bars on your mobile phone, the Wireless Network Connection dialog box shows more bars when the signal is stronger. You can connect even if you only see one bar, but you might lose your network connection if you move a few feet or if you turn your computer in a different direction.
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