Richmond Community Schools 35276 Division * Richmond, Michigan 48062 * (586) 727-3565 * Richmond Early Childhood Learning Center & Will L. Lee Elementary School 68399 Forest Richmond, Michigan 48062 Paula Dowker, Principal Richmond Middle School 35250 Division Richmond, Michigan 48062 Keith Bartels, Principal Margaret Teltow, President Dan Hill, Vice President Bridget Smith, Secretary Jeffrey Theut, Treasurer Traci Bartell, Trustee Kristine Furtaw, Trustee Andrew Oderkirk, Trustee Brian J. Walmsley, Ed.S. Superintendent Richmond High School 35320 Division Richmond, Michigan 48062 Deborah Michon, Principal April 14, 2015 Dear Parents of Graduating Seniors: Your child’s graduation time is fast approaching! Your Senior is in the midst of completing his or her last weeks of high school. There is some important information in this letter, so please note all that applies to your situation. Attached you will find a calendar of events, senior activities, and graduation information. On May 21st, after exams, Seniors will be participating in graduation practice. Practice will begin promptly at 9:50 and should take roughly an hour. At the conclusion, Seniors are released for the day and are expected to remain off campus for the duration of the school day. Any disruptions to the school day, including senior pranks, will result in disciplinary action and students will be prohibited from participating in the commencement ceremony. Parent support is appreciated. Any seniors enrolled in coursework outside of the normal school day (Online, Correspondence, Credit Recovery etc.) are STRONGLY encouraged to have ALL course work for these classes completed by May 21st. Richmond High School will not be responsible for 3rd party reporting of grade/course status for graduation. Your students’ graduation status will be affected if this deadline is not met. Commencement will be conducted at McMorran Place in Port Huron on Friday, May 29th, beginning promptly at 7:00 p.m. Please make sure your graduate arrives no later than 6:30 p.m. for line up and final instructions. No tickets are required. Seating capacity is not a concern. Seating for those with disabilities is available but limited. In order to accommodate everyone with disabilities, it may be necessary for families to split up between the general seating area and the disabled seating area. If you need any other information, please contact the high school office at 586-727-3225. Sincerely, Deborah Michon Principal Class of 2015 – Calendar of Events May 8 Junior/Senior Prom Prom is at Solitude Links Golf Course and Banquet Center (FKA Fore Lakes). Tickets are $45 each and will be sold during student lunches 4/22 – 4-24. Guest forms are available in the office and need to be turned in by 4/30. May 13 Cap and Gown Distribution During all lunches in the RHS cafeteria. May 14 Senior Awards 7:00 p.m. – RHS Auditorium Participants should arrive by 6:30 p.m. Recipients will be notified by letter. May 19 5th & 6th Hour Final Exams Normal hourly schedule: Seniors will attend 1st-4th hour regular classes. Final exams will be given in 5th & 6th hours in the afternoon. May 20 3rd & 4th Hour Final Exams Normal hourly schedule: Seniors will attend 1st-2nd hour regular classes. Final exams will be given in 3rd & 4th hours followed by senior dismissal. May 21 1st & 2nd Hour Final Exams Normal hourly schedule: Final exams will be given in 1st & 2nd hours. Senior students will be dismissed to Graduation Practice at 9:50 a.m. Graduation Practice - Please report directly to the gym immediately following 2nd hour exams. All seniors who plan on participating in our graduation ceremony must report to the gym for practice. This is mandatory and should last roughly an hour. At the conclusion, seniors are released for the day and are expected to remain off campus for the duration of the school day. May 29 Graduation Ceremony At McMorran Place in Port Huron at 7:00 p.m. Graduates should arrive no later than 6:30 p.m. for line up and final instructions. No tickets are required and seating capacity is not a concern. Seating for those with disabilities is available but limited. In order to accommodate everyone with disabilities, it may be necessary for families to split up between the general seating area and the disabled seating area. May 30 Senior All Night Party Doors will be open at 8:30 p.m. at the High School. No tickets will be sold at the door. The bus will be leaving promptly at 9:15 p.m. Dismissal from Warren is 3:45 a.m. All students will be riding the bus back to the High School, with return time being approximately 4:45 a.m. Senior Activities Caps and Gowns Caps and gowns will be distributed to seniors on May 13 during all lunches in the cafeteria. Before receiving his/her cap & gown each senior must clear all school obligations and pay all student debts in the office. Receiving a Cap and Gown does not mean that you will graduate. All requirements and obligations must be met. Senior Exams/Last day of classes for Seniors Senior exams will begin on May 19, which is a full day of school for seniors; exams will be given in 5th & 6th hours. On May 20 seniors will attend regular 1st & 2nd hour classes, take their 3rd & 4th hour exams during the appropriate hours and then be released for the day. On May 21 seniors will take their 1st & 2nd hour exams during the appropriate hours and then be released to report for graduation practice. Graduation Practice Practice will be held in the RHS gym on May 21 at 9:50 a.m. Attendance is mandatory for all seniors planning to attend the graduation ceremony. Senior Awards Night Senior Awards Night will be held on May 14 at 7:00 p.m. Seniors receiving departmental or individual staff awards of academic excellence will be honored. Seniors awarded college scholarships will also be recognized. The program will take place in the RHS Auditorium. Students participating in the ceremony should arrive by 6:30 p.m. Seniors to be honored will be notified prior to Awards Night. If a student thinks he/she should be receiving an award and has not been notified, he/she should contact the office. Junior/Senior Prom The prom will be held at Solitude Links Golf Course and Banquet Center (FKA Fore Lakes), 5810 Flinchbaugh Rd, Kimball Twp. (Just south of I-69 at exit 196), on Friday, May 8 from 6:30 to 11:00 p.m. with dinner being served at 7:30 p.m. All students and guests must be checked in by 7:15 p.m. Students must abide by the “Zero Tolerance” policy in the student handbook. There is NO smoking inside or outside the Banquet Center by any student, guest or chaperone. All school rules apply at Prom. Students suspected of drinking may be given a breathalyzer, and the police/parents may be called. Senior All Night Party The Senior All Night Party is scheduled for Saturday, May 30. If your son or daughter has not yet registered for the All Night Party, please do so as soon as possible. Registration is $50. Please mail your payment to RCS - Project Graduation; 35320 Division, Richmond, MI 48062 or send in to the school office. Make checks payable to RCS Project Graduation. No tickets will be sold at the door. Every effort has been made to contact all seniors’ parents to participate in and help make the Senior All Night Party a success. The party is completely planned and fundraising is done, we just need parents for the night of the party to sign up for work detail. Please contact for information about how you can help. GRADUATION INFORMATION Seating and Parking The commencement ceremony will be held at the McMorran Place in Port Huron on Friday, May 29, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Seniors need to arrive by 6:30. There is a charge for parking at McMorran. Seating is on a first come first filled basis. Attire Boys are required to wear dress shirts, ties, slacks, dress shoes and socks. Girls are required to wear dresses, skirts, or dress pants and tops. Shorts are not permitted for either gender, neither are flip-flop sandals or tennis shoes. Students will keep their caps and gowns after graduation. One tassel is enclosed with each cap and gown package. Lightly iron your gown. Graduates are warned NOT to add anything to their cap and gown (no corsages, taped signs, etc.) Only RHS cords and other school distributed medals and honor cords are allowed. Please leave all purses, handbags, cameras, sunglasses, cell phones, etc. with your parents. No gum chewing. Also, no cell phone use (texting, posting, etc.) during the ceremony. Behavior Every effort is being made to ensure that our commencement is a dignified, memorable occasion that the Class of 2015, parents, and friends will be able to remember with pride. Remember, the graduation ceremony is a privilege-not a right. Between now and the event, if you make poor choices, you risk not walking the stage at the ceremony. This includes participating in senior pranks. They will not be allowed. Guests and graduates are expected to conduct themselves in a dignified and courteous manner. Anyone in the audience with air horns or other noise makers will be asked to leave. Seniors whose conduct distracts from the ceremony will be excluded from the graduation ceremony. Tassels You may wear only the blue and white tassel issued with your gown on your cap. Your tassel should hang on the right side of your cap until you receive your diploma. The senior class will be instructed for the turning of the tassels. Processional The procession into the arena will be led by those to be seated on the platform, followed by the members of the graduating class. Once you are in your rows, you will remain standing. Males are to take caps off during the National Anthem. The principal will instruct you regarding when to be seated. Awarding Diplomas Teachers will signal one row at a time to come toward the platform. Students will line up (holding their name cards) and wait to cross the platform. When you reach the announcer, give the index card to the announcer. Keep walking, as your name is read, and proceed across the stage. Shake hands with your right hand and accept the diploma cover with your left hand. You will exit down the far ramp and have your picture taken. Recessional At the conclusion of the ceremony, you will be dismissed row by row to pick up your diplomas. Graduate Photographs Portrait and handshake photographs of each graduate will be taken during and after s/he crosses the stage at commencement by Lifetouch. Images will be posted online within ten days after commencement and a proof will be mailed to each students’ home. A large selection of products can be viewed and ordered online for 90 days following the event. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and check payments are accepted. Orders will be shipped with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. There is no obligation to purchase. The school is not responsible for any photography issues, questions, or concerns. Video Tape of Graduation The City of Richmond will be videotaping the graduation ceremony. Copies may be purchased by contacting City Hall at 596-727-7571 or going to and click on the email link below the contact information for Jason Robbins. Ordering and Sending Transcripts to Colleges Richmond High School utilizes Parchment by Docufide ( or select the Electronic Transcript link from the RHS website) to send transcripts directly to the colleges you choose. It’s easy, it’s secure and it’s available 24/7. McMorran Place 701 McMorran Blvd. Port Huron, MI 48060 810-985-6166 Fax: 810-985-3358 Driving Instructions: From I-94 Eastbound: East on I-94 (near Port Huron follow I-94 East/Canada - Bluewater Bridge) to where expressway ends (follow sign to Pine Grove Ave./Rt-25). Go to first light and turn right on Hancock and go 1/8 mile to Pine Grove Ave. South (right) on Pine Grove (towards downtown), to McMorran Blvd. West (right) on McMorran Blvd. to McMorran Place arena. Arena is on North (right) side of road. Park across the street or go around the block and park in back. From I-69 Eastbound: I-69 to I-94 East (towards Bluewater Bridge). East on I-94 to where expressway ends. Go to first light and turn right on Hancock. Then right again at Pine Grove/Rt-25. South (right) on Pine Grove (towards downtown), to McMorran Blvd. West (right) on McMorran Blvd. to McMorran Place arena. Arena is on North (right) side of road. Park across the street or go around the block and park in back.
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