Parisa Vatanka, PharmD Pharmacy Strategic Alliances Manager

Parisa Vatanka, PharmD Pharmacy Strategic Alliances Manager Assistant Clinical Professor, UCSF Stan Leung, PharmD Clinical Division Lead April 13, 2015 !  PrevenFve Care –  Immuniza(ons (aligned with ACIP and Healthy People 2020 Target) –  Smoking cessaFon services !  PaFent EducaFon and Monitoring –  Chronic medical condi(ons (diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia) –  Self-­‐care triage and consulta(on !  MedicaFon Therapy Management (MTM) –  Comprehensive Medica(on Review (CMR) –  Targeted Interven(on Program 2
!  Tobacco smokers: 18% of U.S. popula(on (12.5% in California) Source: Centers for Disease Control and Preven(on; American Lung Associa(on !  Cardiovascular disease claims more lives of smokers 35 years of
age and older every year compared with lung cancer !  Exposure to secondhand smoke causes significantly more deaths
due to cardiovascular disease than due to lung cancer !  Exposure to secondhand smoke is a cause of stroke (increased
risk by an es(mated 20–30%) Source: The Health Consequences of Smoking – 50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General Execu(ve Summary. US
Department of Health and Human Services 3
!  Study Design –  Randomized, controlled trial, n=20 –  Dura(on: 12-­‐weeks –  Ask-­‐Advise-­‐Refer care model implemented –  Service provided by pharmacists and pharmacy /clerks technicians
!  PaFent Care Service Results –  15,000 pa(ents were asked about tobacco use –  1,300 tobacco smokers were iden(fied –  1,200 pa(ents received smoking cessa(on counseling –  Hundreds of pa(ents were referred to the CSH 4
Safeway Smoking CessaFon Service !  First community pharmacy chain to incorporate an organizaFon-­‐wide iniFaFve to include brief smoking cessaFon intervenFons as a rouFne component of paFent care !  All Safeway pharmacists and pharmacy technicians engage in the
Ask-­‐Advise-­‐Refer model to idenFfy and assist individuals who
want to stop smoking on their journey to becoming tobacco-­‐free;
pharmacists engage in 5A’s model when appropriate 5
Ask-­‐Advise-­‐Refer Model [Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians/Clerks] •  Ask about tobacco use • 
Document tobacco status in prescrip(on database to screen for drug-­‐tobacco
smoke interac(ons •  Advise to quit • 
Technicians encourage pa(ents to think about qui_ng and to get assistance • 
Pharmacists provide a clear, strong and personalized message •  Refer to other resources • 
Assess readiness to quit and refer to other resources for behavioral modifica(on counseling and support, e.g. state tobacco quitlines [Pharmacists engage in 5A’s model with tobacco smokers interested in qui:ng: Ask-­‐Advise-­‐Assess-­‐Assist-­‐Arrange] 6
MedicaFon Counseling and Follow-­‐Up •  Assist in selecFon of medicaFon therapy based on past quit a`empts and
current tobacco use –  Recommend appropriate over-­‐the-­‐counter nico(ne replacement therapy (or) –  Contact primary care provider for prescrip(on smoking cessa(on medica(on •  Conduct benefits invesFgaFon for insurance coverage •  Provide medicaFon counseling on proper use and precau(ons •  Conduct follow-­‐up call with pa(ent –  Assess medica(on efficacy, side effects, ongoing insurance coverage –  Answer pa(ent ques(ons –  Verify pa(ent enrollment with tobacco quitline 7
Ending the devastaFon of tobacco-­‐related illness and death is not in the jurisdicFon of any one enFty. We must all share in this most worthwhile effort to end the tobacco epidemic. -­‐Kathleen Sebelius Former Secretary of Health and Human Services 8
“Drugs don’t work in paFents
who don’t take them.” C. EvereY Koop 10
!  MedicaFon prescripFons never filled: 20% to 30% Sources: h`p://­‐content/themes/cons/m/release.pdf ; Osterberg 2005, NEJM; Ho 2009, Circula(on !  Rates of medicaFon adherence drop a]er first six months !  Only 51% of Americans treated for hypertension are adherent
to their long-­‐term therapy !  About 25% to 50% of paFents disconFnue staFns within one
year of treatment iniFaFon Source: Choudhry 2011, N Engl J Med; Yeaw 2009, J Manag Care Pharm; Script Your Future press release, November 2, 2011; accessed
here: h`p://­‐content/themes/cons/m/release.pdf. CVS Caremark Report: Medication Non-Adherence in U.S. Costs
Up to $290 Billion Annually
!  Non-­‐adherence causes ~30% to 50% of treatment failures and
125,000 deaths annually !  Non-­‐adherence to staFns increased relaFve risk for mortality
(~12% to 25%) !  Non-­‐adherence to cardioprotecFve medicaFons increased risk
of cardiovascular hospitalizaFons (10% to 40%) and mortality
(50% to 80%) !  Poor adherence to heart failure medicaFons increased number
of cardiovascular-­‐related emergency department (ED) visits Sources: Ho 2009, Circula(on; Edmondson 2013, Br J of Health Psychology; George & Shalansky 2006, Br J Clin Phar 12
November 2012 1%
Increase in
Rx fills
One-fifth of 1%
decrease in medical
service spending
!  Interprofessional; team-­‐based care !  PaFent-­‐centered focus to address barriers (behavior, clinical,
health literacy, cultural, cost, etc.) !  EffecFve exchange of health informaFon between all members
of the healthcare team !  MedicaFon Therapy Management –  Comprehensive Medica(on Review –  Targeted Interven(on Program 14
appointment at
the pharmacy
CMR Opportunities
Targeted Medication
Intervention (TIP)
Clinical MTM
Lead RPh
Telephonic CMR
appointment and
appointment at
the pharmacy
appointment at
the pharmacy
appointment at
the pharmacy
Adherence, Medication discrepancies, DDIs, HRM
!  What if pharmacists collaborated with community providers to
offer and transmit blood pressure readings with each
prescripFon refill? !  What if HIE allowed for true collaboraFon among community
providers? !  What would this care model look like? 16
Parisa Vatanka, PharmD Pharmacy Strategic Alliances Manager Albertsons Safeway Pharmacies Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California San Francisco Email: Cell: 925-­‐997-­‐1594 Stan Leung, PharmD Clinical Division Lead Albertsons Safeway Pharmacies – NorCal Division Email: Cell: 925-­‐605-­‐8112 17