25 March 2015 IMWE-RLY-MWR MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, 1st Infantry Division & Fort Riley Commander, Garrison & Fort Riley Commander, 1BCT Commander, 2 BCT Commander, 3IBCT Commander, 4 IBCT Commander, Combat Aviation Brigade Commander, 1st Sustainment Brigade Chief, Directorate of Family, Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Subject: 2015 Fort Riley Community Life Women’s Softball Program Memorandums Understanding (MOU). 1. Purpose: To provide policies and procedures to assist commanders, unit sports personnel and DOD cardholders with the implementation of the 2015 Fort Riley Community Life Women’s Softball Program. 2. Scope: This memorandum applies to all female active military and female DOD cardholders located at Fort Riley. 3. General: a. Dates for League/Tournament Play: (1) Community Life Women’s Softball League play, 6 May – 15 July 15. (2) For the purpose of this MOU, the start of the season will be rules clinic, 16 & 23 Apr 2015. IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Community Life Women’s Softball Program b. Player eligibility: (1) A total of 14 team members can be on the official team roster. (2) Player signatures are mandatory. (3) Once a player starts with a team, he/she must remain with that team during all softball competition. Should a team fold, players may not join another team. (4) If protest results from the alleged use of an illegal player and the protest is upheld, the penalty will be forfeiture of the game. The Intramural Sports Coordinator will appoint a protest committee. c. Complex Rules: (1) The following items will not be brought into the complex: coolers, glass containers and cans, alcoholic beverages, pets, skateboards, bikes, rollerblades, scooters and motorized vehicles (except delivery maint.) (2) Children are parents’ responsibility. 4. Responsibilities: a. Community Recreation Division, Sports Office will: (1) Supervise the Community Life Women’s Softball League and Championship Tournament. (2) Provide technical assistance to the Community Life Program. (3) Provide the following equipment for league and tournament play: Bases, home plate, pitcher’s plate, field marking equipment, scorebooks for all play, and softballs for the Regular Intramural League, and the Championship Tournament. (4) Provide awards and officials for the Community Life Women’s Softball League and Championship Tournament. (5) Establish and enforce rules, policies, and guidelines. (6) Publish the Community Life Women’s Softball League and Championship Tournament game schedule. (7) Conduct a Rules Clinic for the coaches and Team members. 2 IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Community Life Women’s Softball Program b.Team coaches will: (1) Submit their softball team rosters to the Sports Coordinator NLT 1 May 2015 and if, applicable, the tournament schedule one day prior to the first game. (2) Attend meetings called by the Sports Coordinator. Information missed in these meetings is the responsibility of the team coach. (3) Maintain liaison between the Sports Coordinator and their team members. (4) Keep team members informed about the Community Life Softball Program. (5) Inform team members of game schedules. (6) Ensure the tournament team player roster is submitted to the Sports Office by the requested date. (7) Assist sports personnel in attend the Rules Clinic. (8) Ensure team members are on the court and begin play at designated time. (9) Supervise all team members on and off the field. (10) Ensure players, during participation in the game, do not consume alcoholic beverages or drugs. (11) Promote sportsmanship and fair play among players and coaches. 5. Rules Clinic: The Rules Clinic held 16 & 23 Apr 2015, located at King Field House at 1700. 6. Rules: The 2014-15 ASA (Amateur Softball Association) will apply with the following additions. a. League play: (1) A total of 14 team members can be on the official team roster. (2) Teams will be allowed to start and finish with nine players. When a team starts with nine players, the tenth batting spot is an automatic out. Should a team start a game with nine players, they will be allowed to add the tenth to the batting order upon his/her arrival. 3 IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Community Life Women’s Softball Program (3) Teams are allowed to play with an Extra Player (EP), this is optional but if used, it must be known prior to the start of the game. If the team starts with an EP then they must complete the entire game, unless he/she is injured during the game. The EP must remain in the same position in the batting order. Defensive changes may be made at any time. (4) One-hour time limit Time begins with the first warm-up pitch. The score keeper and the official will keep the official time. A new inning will not begin with less than 2 minutes remaining in the game. (5) Run ahead rule will be enforced; 20 runs after 3, 15 runs after 4 and 10 runs after 5 innings of play. (6) The ball used for all intramural play at Fort Riley will be 11” and will have a core rating of MSP-44. (7) All bats must be ASA approved. Women will be allowed to use approved Fast Pitch bats. (8) Only players and coaches will be in the dugouts. (9) Team coaches will present line-up 10 minutes prior to game time. (10) Teams will start with a 1 and 1 count. (11) No Jewelry, with the exception of plain wedding bands and necklaces that maybe religious in nature. If the official feels jewelry is a safety issue, player may be asked to remove. (12) No metal or metal screw on cleats is allowed. If player is caught wearing metal cleats they will be ejected from that game. (13) If cap and/or sunglasses are worn, they will be worn properly. (14) Leg/arm braces and casts must be padded. Any of this equipment is the judgment of the official. (15) No limits on amount of home runs. (16) In the event of a homerun, the batter, and any runners, will not run the bases. This eliminates any appeal play. (17) No base stealing is allowed. (18) Bases have been moved from 65’ to 70’. 4 IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Community Life Women’s Softball Program (19) The official can call the game at any time because of lightening, fire, panic, darkness, rain or any other causes that might place patrons and players in peril. A game called by the official shall be regulation if four or more complete innings have been played, or if the team second at bat has scored more runs in three or more innings than the other team scored in four or more innings. Games that are not considered regulation will be rescheduled and replayed. (20) The captain/coach is the representative of the team. He/she is the only one that may address an official/referee on matters of interpretation or to obtain essential information. This must be done in a courteous manner. (21) Profanity is strictly prohibited. (22) Fighting will not be tolerated. Players involved will be barred for the sports season and team(s) will forfeit game. (23) Any player/coach ejected from the game will leave the playing area, bench or sidelines immediately. Refusal or violations of this rule will cause team to forfeit the game. Any player/coach ejected will serve an additional one game suspension. (24) Players ejected from a game for violations other than fighting will be suspended for one additional game. Players ejected for fighting will be suspended for three games (or until ruled upon by the Sports Director and an appointed committee.) 7. Officials are assigned by the supplying contractor with oversight and direction from the Fort Riley Sports Office. 8. League winner will be decided by standings, if tied in standings, then by points for and points scored against. 9. Point of contact is Renee Satterlee, Intramural Sports Coordinator @ 239-2813. Schedules and standings will be posted on the website at www.rileymwr.com, tab sports, tab intramural sports. PAUL FUNK GEN, AR Garrison Commander 5
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