LDS MERIT BADGE DAY Saturday, March 21, 2015 - open to Registered BOY Scouts in any District or Council. Location: LDS Whittier Stake Center, 15265 Mulberry Dr, Whittier CA 90604. ...just before where Slauson/Mulberry deadends at Parnell Park. ...between Lambert Rd & Mulberry; & between Cole Rd(ENTRANCE) & Scott Av. ■ Registration: 8:45am-9:10 - $5.00 - in large hall. ■ Flag Ceremony & Announcements: 9:15am in chapel. ■ Session 1: 9:30a to 12:00n (Classes close at 9:35am) (10 minute break 10:40 to 10:50am) ■ Lunch: 12:00n to 1:00pm ■ Session 2: 1:00p to 3:30p (Classes close at 1:05pm) (10 minute break 2:10 to 2:20pm) SCOUTMASTERS: Please READ! + TS OU C S SE RV ICE = SKILLS SKILLS LEARNED TODAY, BUILD CAREERS TOMORROW! © 1. Copy this flyer and give it to each of your scouts and your adult committee. 2. Have a “Discussion” with the Scout & help choose badges appropriate for him. Make sure the Scout is Registered, & the Counselor is registered & approved for each badge (counselors on this packet are o.k.). 3. Give the scout a BLUE CARD, signed by you (on the front only, under Scout’s name/address). 4. Tell scouts they MUST read the requirements in the latest merit badge book of their choice first, & then call the counselor for further requirements. Counselors have the right to refuse admission to any scout who has not called, prepared properly, or does NOT have a BLUE CARD--we’re trying to teach scouts “responsiblity”- to have a signed Blue Card in order to take a class! 5. Please encourage your scouts to wear their FULL “CLASS A” UNIFORM on Merit Badge Day. SCOUTS: In order to have a smooth running, successful day for you, we need your help! Boy Scout Motto: BE PREPARED! 1. Choose 1 merit badge in the morning & 1 badge in the afternoon. If you choose an All-Day class, you will earn only 1 badge. (A Scout can earn merit badges if schedule & prior preparation permit. Extra merit badges can be finished if you are prepared ahead.) 2. You MUST have a “Discussion” with your SM & get a BLUE CARD; you fill it out legibly, & get SM to Sign it on front only. To the SCOUT: YOU need to KNOW HOW TO SPELL & PRINT your Name, Address, Troop#, District&Council name, Badge Names, & Scoutmaster’s name--SO WE CAN READ IT! (Practice!) (ours is RioHondoDistrict;LAAC(LosAngelesAreaCouncil) 3. Read the MOST RECENT pamphlet/merit badge book for the merit badge(s) you choose. 4. You, the SCOUT (not Mom or Dad), CALL THE COUNSELOR IMMEDIATELY to get permission/reserve a space in class! Ask counselor questions about prerequisites & any pens/pencils, paperwork, projects, equipment, etc. you need to bring. 5. Prepare: Read! Re-read! Re-read again. Do the badge Prerequisites. Fill out any Worksheets you want to download. You must complete prerequisites listed in this packet (plus any other things counselor tells you about) before MB Day. 6. Find/Wear a FULL Class A SCOUT UNIFORM. CAMOUFLAGE, SWEATS, AND T-SHIRTS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AND YOU WILL BE SENT HOME. COMPLETE UNIFORMS ONLY (not Sash; that’s for formal Boards of Review & Courts of Honor.) 7. Bring: BLUE CARDS, Merit Badge books, $$, Counselor requirements, any Worksheets, be in Uniform, & Jacket w/Name in ! 8. Remember: Classes close after the first 5 minutes. Please be on time, or better yet, BE EARLY! 9. All cell phones/devices must be off & put away during class; no texting--attention must be on counselor, not device! 10. CHECK-IN/PAY at Registration Table inside large recreation hall when you arrive (or in Kitchen IF..; like if coming in PM only) FEE $5.00 includes lunch. Fee is the same, whether eating lunch or not, or coming half day. Menu: Hot dogs/chips/drink/dessert. *TO PRE-REGISTER: CALL INDIVIDUAL MERIT BADGE COUNSELORS in this packet, by March 19. Classes close fast (space for approx. 10 per class in smaller rooms). ♦Official BSA National website: Worksheets may be found on volunteer sites:,, etc. Take Completed blue card(s) to Scoutmaster for a 2nd Visit & Signature, then to Advancement Chair to record & purchase badges! “Partials” will be given if you have not done the requirements; save card, to finish badge later. Don’t leave class without Blue Card! (IF A SCOUT DID NOT PRE-REGISTER, HE MAY STILL ATTEND ANY SESSION WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE MERIT BADGE COUNSELOR...) For other questions, contact: Unit Commissioner/Stake Young Men 2nd Counselor-Boy Scouts, Bryan Ellis,, 562-244-2287. Unit Commissioner/Stake Specialist, Cliff Noland, h562-945-5499, c562-587-4689. Rio Hondo District Dean of Merit Badge Counselors, Dona Comire, (562) 696-8222; Please Note: No smoking in the bldg, outside the bldg, or in and around the area of merit badge sessions. IMPORTANT: Scouts may not call counselors after 9:00pm or before 9:00am. A Scout is always COURTEOUS & KIND. If voicemail, speak SLOWLY: Say & spell your Name, Troop#, your PHONE#(&area code) twice, & email address. (PARENT: Help your Scout write down what to say on the phone - & help him PRACTICE. They speed up after they start...) When you talk too fast the counselor can’t understand you, so he/she can’t call you back. For Class CHANGES, ..., OR, District Sites/Areas, Rio Hondo District (home page). LEADERS/Parents: Adult Computer Help forTraining & Merit Badge Counselor Orientation classes - see end of AM&PM. 1 LDS MERIT BADGE DAY Badge names in ALL CAPS are REQUIRED. - The Year is “Requirements Revision Date” from ALL-DAY Session - March 21, 2015 9:30am - 12:00n (break 10:40-10:50am) - & 1:00pm - 3:30pm or earlier (break 2:10-2:20pm) Electronics 2004 Bill Diener h562-697-7657 Read Merit Badge BOOK! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Check with counselor for prerequisites. (AGE 13 & UP!) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 2013 Cesar Aragon, Sr. c562-665-2332 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. You must contact counselor to make a reservation in the class, and for any other prerequisites. Do #1, #5, and #8, and bring proof. Game Design 2013 Mel Biado c562-652-3639 Read & BRING Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD is required. Contact the Counselor for a reservation & prerequisites. Moviemaking 2014 Alberto Perez c323-821-7925 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Please call the Counselor to reserve a space in class & ask about any prerequisites. Automotive Maintenance MORNING, Session 1 - March 21, 2015 9:30am to 12:00n - (Break 10:40 to 10:50am) 2013 Cesar Ramirez c562-944-2230 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Ask about any prerequisites. Citizenship in the COMMUNITY 2013 Chon Cervantes c626-926-4655 Read the Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call the Counselor to reserve a space in the class. Do these requirements before coming to Merit Badge Day: #3, 4, 5, 7, and 8. Citizenship in the NATION 2005 Bob Mosqueda c562-533-4739 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Please contact the counselor for a reservation & prerequisites. Do #2 and #6. Write the required letter to your congressman and bring a copy to show your counselor. You do not have to mail it to the congressman. 2 LDS MERIT BADGE DAY Maria Deocariza - 562-261-5949 Citizenship in the WORLD 2006 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. You must contact the counselor to make a reservation, and to ask for any other prerequisites. Do #7a & print the home page of the U. S. State Department. Do #7b & print the home page of an international news organization. Coin Collecting 2010 Darryl Sohm h562-690-2405 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Be prepared to discuss #1 through #5 in class. Complete & bring to class #6, #7. Explain in class #8. Complete & bring to class ONE of #9a, b, c, or d (recommend 9d). Do ONE of #10a, b, c, or d (recommend sketches for 10d). COMMUNICATION 2014 Kirk Hansen h562-943-5837 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Ask about prerequisites. ?-Be prepared to demonstrate #1, #2, & #4. Bring #5 & #7. COOKING Crime Prevention 2014 David Schacher c562-682-9415 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Please ask about prerequisites. 2006 Carlos Ramirez c562-762-8081 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Please contact the counselor for a reservation, and for prerequisites. Engineering FAMILY LIFE Fingerprinting 2009 Beth Gibson h562-943-0348, after 6pm Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Prerequisites: Concentrate on Systems Engineering section. Complete #2 & #9 before class. Come prepared to run a couple of experiments. 2015 Ann Sera c562-619-3245 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required! You should enroll with counselor BEFORE starting badge. #1 bring outline; #2 bring list; #3 bring 3-mo. chore chart; #4-Your Project, parent & counselor sign before; #5-Family Project, bring plan approved by parent before starting; #6 plan & do Family Mtg; #7 effective father. Complete prerequisites prior to attending in order to get signed off; otherwise, it’s a partial. 2004 Paul Craig h562-943-6346 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. You must contact the counselor for a reservation, and for the prerequisites. LIMIT 10 BOYS PER CLASS. 3 LDS MERIT BADGE DAY Genealogy 2006 Jim Thomas h562-941-7438 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call counselor to pre-register. Prior to class, do ONE of #2a or #2b. Complete #3, #4, #6, & #7; and do ONE of #5a, b, c, d, or e. PERSONAL FITNESS 2015 Mark Holmes c562-665-5194 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Ask counselor for any prerequisites. Space Exploration 2014 Gregg Halligan h562-696-2816, after 6pm Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Prerequisites: #1, #2, #5 (do 2 of those 3); #6 (either one); #7 & #8 (#8 cannot be an astronaut). Sports 2011 Scott Frees h562-698-8939 9:00a-1:30p or wkends Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. You must contact counselor for a reservation in the class, and for any other prerequisites. #4 - Bring proof of taking part in two (2) BSA-approved sports. SUSTAINABILITY 2015 Jolene Guerrero c562-688-1116 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register & ask about prerequisites. MORNING ADULT CLASSES Merit Badge Counselor Orientation- NO COST Dona Comire 562-696-8222 This class is for adults interested in becoming a merit badge counselor, or for counselors who haven’t taken the class. You should have TIME; be experienced in Boy Scouting/Troop; QUALIFIED (skilled/educated/an authority in your subject); BSA-Registered & background checked; trained & Approved as a Merit Badge Counselor--in order to meet with scouts, counsel, & sign off on a blue card. Prerequisites: BEFORE MBDay, READ & fill out “Rio Hondo District” White MBCouns App (not web one); fill out another Adult App+Discl/Auth; take Online & show on ‘Training Validation’ using BSA ID#: “Youth Protection,” “This Is Scouting,” & “Fast Start-Boy Scouting.” You (not SM) please Contact AHEAD & ask for MBC White, give ID#, tell desired badges. All online training/paperwork can be completed before Class. TRAINING - “to set up a MyScouting NO COST Computer Help...for any adults Paula Torres Account &/or do any ONLINE Training”: who need assistance with the computer. Youth Protection, any of the Fast Starts, (held in Family History Center, “Every Boy deserves This Is Scouting, & any position-Specific; off East Patio, a Trained Leader” +extras Safety Afloat, Safe Swim Defense, Parnell Park side of bldg.) Climb On Safely, Trek Safely, Hazardous Weather, etc. Since Registered Adults/Parents need Training, drop by while waiting for Scouts in a Merit Badge class. Do some training on your own, or ask questions. Walk-ins welcome! 4 LDS MERIT BADGE DAY AFTERNOON, Session 2 - March 21, 2015 1:00pm to 3:30pm - (break 2:10-2:20pm) Citizenship in the COMMUNITY 2013 Chon Cervantes c626-926-4655 Read the Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call the Counselor to reserve a space in the class. Do these requirements before coming to Merit Badge Day: #3, 4, 5, 7, and 8. Bob Mosqueda c562-533-4739 Citizenship in the NATION 2005 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Please contact the counselor for a reservation & prerequisites. Do #2 and #6. Write the required letter to your congressman and bring a copy to show your counselor. You do not have to mail it to the congressman. Mark Holmes c562-665-5194 Citizenship in the WORLD 2006 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. You must contact the counselor to make a reservation, and to ask for any other prerequisites. Do #7a & print the home page of the U. S. State Department. Do #7b & print the home page of an international news organization. COOKING 2014 David Schacher c562-682-9415 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Ask counselor for prerequisites. Engineering 2009 Beth Gibson h562-943-0348, after 6pm Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Prerequisites: Concentrate on Systems Engineering section. Complete #2 & #9 before class. Come prepared to run a couple of experiments. FAMILY LIFE 2015 Bram Keshishian c626-318-9331 Read Merit Badge Book! Call Counselor to pre-register. Bring “Blue Card,” signed by SM. Do #2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 in their entirety. Bring 3-month duty chart, & you should print and fill in worksheet. Incomplete work will be a partial; all prerequisites must be completed prior to attending in order to get signed off. Fingerprinting 2004 Paul Craig h562-943-6346 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. You must contact counselor for a reservation, and for the prerequisites. LIMIT 10 BOYS PER CLASS. Genealogy 2006 Jim Thomas h562-941-7438 Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. Call Counselor to pre-register. Prior to class, do ONE of #2a or #2b. Complete #3, #4, #6, & #7; and do ONE of #5a, b, c, d, or e. 5 LDS MERIT BADGE DAY Sports 2011 Scott Frees h562-698-8939 9:00a-1:30p or wkends Read Merit Badge Book! Filled-out/Signed BLUE CARD required. You must contact counselor for a reservation in the class, and for any other prerequisites. #4 - Bring proof of taking part in two (2) BSA-approved sports. AFTERNOON ADULT CLASSES Merit Badge Counselor Orientation Dona Comire 562-696-8222 This class is for adults interested in becoming a merit badge counselor, or for counselors who haven’t taken the class. You should have TIME; be experienced in Boy Scouting/Troop; QUALIFIED (skilled/educated/an authority in your subject); BSA-Registered & background checked; trained & Approved as a Merit Badge Counselor--in order to meet with scouts, counsel, & sign off on a blue card. Prerequisites: BEFORE MBDay, READ & fill out “Rio Hondo District” White MBCouns App (not web one); fill out another Adult App+Discl/Auth; take Online & show on ‘Training Validation,’ using BSA ID#: “Youth Protection,” “This Is Scouting,” & “Fast Start-Boy Scouting.” You (not SM) please Contact AHEAD & ask for MBC White, give ID#, tell desired badges. All online training/paperwork should/can be completed before Class. NO COST. TRAINING - to Set Up a MyScouting Account &/or do any ONLINE Training”: Youth Protection, any of the Fast Starts, This Is Scouting, & any position-Specific; +extras Safety Afloat, Safe Swim Defense, Climb On Safely, Trek Safely, Hazardous Weather, etc. Paula Torres “Every boy deserves a Trained Leader” NO COST Computer Help...for any adults who need assistance with the computer. (held in Family History Center, off East Patio, Parnell Park side of bldg.) Since Everyone who is Registered & Parents need to be Trained, you may drop by while waiting for Scouts in a merit badge class, & learn how, OR do an additional online training yourself, for your position ...or for fun. No need to pre-register; walk-ins welcome! Next Merit Badge Day - November 21, 2015 - by Rio Hondo DISTRICT 6
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